林硯農(Yen-Nung, Lin) 教授

現   職
傷害防治學研究所 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學傷害防治學研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2021/04/01 ~
2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31







1. 2024 Development of a Dyad-Focused Intervention for Stroke Survivors and Their Family Caregivers: A Feasibility Study . Am J Occup Ther .2024

2. 2024 Prediction of Changes in Functional Outcomes During the First Year After Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation: A Longitudinal Study . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2024 ;(105):487-497

3. 2024 Implementing strategy training in Taiwan: perspectives of individuals with Acquired brain injury . Disabil Rehabil .2024 ;(46):1121-1129

4. 2024 The Additional Effect of Interfascial Hydrodissection with Dextrose on Shoulder and Neck Function in Patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Control Trial . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2024

5. 2022 Hsu TH,Tsai CL,Chi JY,Hsu CY,Lin YN. Effects of Wearable Exoskeleton on Poststroke Gait: A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. . Ann Phys Rehabil Med .2022

6. 2022 Li Wei, Ju-Yang Chi, Jane C-J Chao,Yen-Nung Lin. An Intelligent Cardiopulmonary Training System and Adherence to Training Intensity: A Feasibility Study . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2022 ;(19):8335-8335

7. 2022 Yen-Nung Lin,Shih-Wei Huang,Yi-Chun Kuan,Hung-Chou Chen,Wen-Shan Jian,Li-Fong Lin. Hybrid robot-assisted gait training for motor function in subacute stroke: a single-blind randomized controlled trial . J Neuroeng Rehabil .2022 ;(19):99-99

8. 2022 Chang FH,Lin YN,Liou TH,Ni PS. Predicting trends of community participation after hospital discharge for younger adults after stroke . Ann Phys Rehabil Med .2022

9. 2022 Yi-Wen Chen,Yen-Nung Lin,Hung-Chou Chen,Tsan-Hon Liou,Chun-De Liao,Shih-Wei Huang. Effectiveness, Compliance, and Safety of Dextrose Prolotherapy for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-Analysis and Metaregression of Randomized Controlled Trials . Clin Rehabil .2022 ;(36):740-752

10. 2022 Shih-Ching Chen,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Chih-Wei Peng,Chih-Chao Hsu,Yen-Nung Lin,Chien-Hung Lai. Adjustable Parameters and the Effectiveness of Adjunct Robot-Assisted Gait Training in Individuals with Chronic Stroke . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2022

11. 2022 I-Hsien Lin,Chien-Yung Wang,Yen-Nung Lin ,Hung-Chou Chen,Li-Fong Lin. Simulation-based holistic education in physiotherapy interns to increase empathy toward older adults and individuals with disabilities . BMC Geriatr .2022 ;(22):795-795

12. 2022 Pei-Chun Chen ,Li Wei ,Chung-Yu Huang,Feng-Hang Chang,Yen-Nung Lin. The Effect of Massage Force on Relieving Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Int J Environ Res Public Health. .2022

13. 2021 Yu-Ju Chang,Feng-Hang Chang,Peng-Hsuan Hou,Kai-Hsiang Tseng,Yen-Nung Lin. Effects of Hyperosmolar Dextrose Injection in Patients With Rotator Cuff Disease and Bursitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2021 ;(102):245-250

14. 2021 Lin YN,Tseng TT,Knuiman P,Chan WP,Wu SH,Tsai CL, Hsu CY. Protein supplementation increases adaptations to endurance training: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Clinical Nutrition .2021 ;(40):3123-3132

15. 2021 Liu YT,Tsai HT,Hsu CY,Lin YN. Effects of orthopedic insoles on postural balance in patients with chronic stroke: A randomized crossover study. . Gait Posture .2021 ;(87):75-80

16. 2021 Teo MMJ,Chang FH,Lin YN. Sports injuries and risk factors for table tennis among nonprofessional collegiate athletes: A cross-sectional study. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2021 ;(100)

17. 2021 Lin YC, ,Tseng IJ, ,Lu YC, ,Yang SW, ,Wu CC, ,Lin YN, Chan WP.. Muscle Mass and Gait Characteristics in Older Women Fallers vs. Non-Fallers. . J Clin Med .2021 ;(10)

18. 2021 Lee HC, ,Kuo FL, ,Lin YN, ,Liou TH, ,Lin JC, ,Huang SW. Effects of Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation on Hand Function of People With Stroke: A Randomized, Crossover-Controlled, Assessor-Blinded Study. . Am J Occup Ther .2021 ;(75)

19. 2020 ,Lin YN. Recovery after stroke: perspectives of young stroke survivors in Taiwan. . Disabil Rehabil .2020

20. 2020 Chang FH,Lin YN,Liou TH,Lin JC,Yang CH,Cheng HL. Predicting admission to post-acute inpatient rehabilitation in patients with acute stroke. . J Rehabil Med . .2020 ;(52)

21. 2020 Yuan RY,Chen SC,Peng CW,Lin YN,Chang YT,Lai CH. Effects of interactive video-game-based exercise on balance in older adults with mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease. . J Neuroeng Rehabil .2020 ;(17)

22. 2020 Chung MW,Hsu CY,Chung WK,Lin YN. Effects of dextrose prolotherapy on tendinopathy, fasciopathy, and ligament injuries, fact or myth? A systematic review and meta-analysis . Medicine (Baltimore) . .2020 ;(99):e23201.

23. 2020 Cheng YH,Hsu CY,Lin YN. The effect of mechanical traction on low back pain in patients with herniated intervertebral disks: a systemic review and meta-analysis. . Clin Rehabil .2020 ;(34):13-22

24. 2020 Hsu CY,Cheng YH,Lai CH,Lin YN. Clinical non-superiority of technology-assisted gait training with body weight support in patients with subacute stroke: A meta-analysis. . Ann Phys Rehabil Med .2020 ;(63):535-542

25. 2020 Cheng YH,Wei L,Chan WP,Hsu CY,Huang SW,Wang H, Lin YN . Effects of protein supplementation on aerobic training-induced gains in cardiopulmonary fitness, muscle mass, and functional performance in chronic stroke: A randomized controlled pilot study . Clinical Nutrition .2020 ;(39):2743-2750

26. 2020 Lin YN,Wu CY,Yeh PC,Wu YH,Lin WC,Skidmore ER, Chang FH. Adapting strategy training for adults with acquired brain injury: a feasibility study in a Chinese population. . Am J Occup Ther .2020 ;(74):1-10

27. 2020 Chi-LinTsai,Chih-Yang Hsu,Wei-Wen Chang ,Yen-Nung Lin. Effects of weight reduction on the breast cancer-related lymphedema: A systematic review and meta-analysis . The Breast .2020 ;(52):116-121

28. 2019 Lin LF,Chang KH,Huang YZ,Lai CH,Liou TH,Lin YN. Simultaneous stimulation in bilateral leg motor areas with intermittent theta burst stimulation to improve functional performance after stroke: a feasibility pilot study. . European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2019 ;(55):162-168

29. 2019 Hsu CY,Lin YN. Meta-analyzability concerns in meta-analyses. . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2019 ;(100):1574-1577

30. 2019 Wu CH,Huang SW,Lin YN,Wang CY,Liou TH,Chang KH. Adults with polio are at risk of hip fracture from middle age: A nationwide population-based cohort study. . Injury .2019 ;(50):738-743

31. 2019 Chen SY,Hsu WY,Lin YN,Wang CY,Wu CH,Chang KH. Incidence and risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in middle-aged patients with chronic kidney disease: a population-based cohort study. . nt Urol Nephrol .2019 ;(51):1219-1227

32. 2018 Cho YT,Hsu WY,Lin LF,Lin YN. Kinesio taping reduces elbow pain during resisted wrist extension in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis: a randomized, double-blinded, cross-over study. . BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders .2018 ;(19):193

33. 2018 Lin IH,Tsai HT,Wang CY,Hsu CY,Liou TH,Lin YN. Effectiveness and Superiority of Rehabilitative Treatments in Enhancing Motor Recovery Within 6 Months After Stroke: A Systemic Review . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2018 ;(100):366-378

34. 2018 Ouyang JH,Chang KH,Hsu WY,Cho YT,Liou TH,Lin YN. Non-elastic taping, but not elastic taping, provides benefits for patients with knee osteoarthritis: systemic review and meta-analysis. . Clin Rehabil .2018 ;(32):3-17

35. 2018 Huang YZ,Lin LF,Chang KH,Hu CJ,Liou TH,Lin YN. Priming with 1-Hz rTMS over contralesional leg motor cortex does not increase the rate of regaining ambulation within 3 months of stroke: A randomized controlled trial. . Am J Phys Med Rehabil .2018 ;(97):339-345

36. 2017 Lin YN,Chiu CC,Huang SW,Hsu WY,Chen YW,Chang KH. Association between manual loading and newly developed carpal tunnel syndrome in subjects with physical disabilities: a follow-up study . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(98):2002-2008

37. 2017 Lin LF,Huang SW,Chuang KH,Ouyang JH,Liou TH,Lin YN. A novel Robotic Gait Training System (RGTS) may facilitate functional recovery after stroke: a feasibility and safety study . Neurorehabilitation .2017 ;(41):453-461

38. 2016 Lin YN,Hwang HF,Chen YJ,Cheng CH,Liang WM,Lin MR. Suitability of the Quality of Life after Brain Injury Instrument for Older People with Traumatic Brain Injury . J Neurotrauma .2016 ;(33):1363-70

39. 2016 Chen YW,Chang KH,Chen HC,Liang WM,Wang YH,Lin YN. The effects of surface neuromuscular electrical stimulation on post-stroke dysphagia: A systemic review and meta-analysis . Clin Rehabil. .2016 ;(30):24-35

40. 2015 Lin YN,Hu CJ,Chi JY,Lin LF,Yen TH,Lin YK, Liou TH. Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the unaffected hemisphere leg motor area in patients with subacute stroke and substantial leg impairment: A pilot study . J Rehabil Med .2015 ;(47):305-10

41. 2015 Lin LF,Huang YZ,Hu CJ,Liou TH,Chang KH,Lin YN.. Using surface electromyography to guide the activation during motor-evoked potential measurement: An activation control method for follow-up studies. . Brain Inj. .2015 ;(29):1661-6

42. 2015 Hsiao P,Hsu WY,Liou TH,Lin YN,Lin Y,Chang KH.. Association between Body Composition and Median Neuropathy in Patients with Physical Disabilities . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2015 ;(51):5-13

43. 2015 Chen HC,Yen TH,Chang KH,Lin YN,Wang YH,Liou TH; Taiwan ICF Team.. Developing an ICF core set for sub-acute stages of spinal cord injury in Taiwan: a preliminary study. . Disabil Rehabil .2015 ;(37):51-5

44. 2014 Chang KH,Lin YN,Liao HF,Yen CF,Escorpizo R,Yen TH, Liou TH.. Environmental effects on WHODAS 2.0 among patients with stroke with a focus on ICF category e120 . Qual Life Res .2014 ;(23):1823-31

45. 2014 Lin YN,Chu SF,Liang WM,Chiu WT,Lin MR. Validation of the Quality of Life After Brain Injury in Chinese Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury in Taiwan . J Head Trauma Rehabil. .2014 ;(29):E37-47

46. 2014 Lin YN,Chang KH,Lin CY,Hsu MI,Chen HC,Chen HH, Liou TH. Developing comprehensive and Brief ICF core sets for morbid obesity for disability assessment in Taiwan: a preliminary study. . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2014 ;(50):133-41

47. 2012 Chang KH,Chen HC,Lin YN,Chen SC,Chiou HY,Liou TH; Taiwan ICF Team.. Developing an ICF core set for post-stroke disability assessment and verification in Taiwan: a preliminary study. . Disabil Rehabil .2012 ;(34):1254-61


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