張文蓓(Chang, Wen-Pei) 副教授

現   職
護理學系 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 碩士
長庚大學護理學系 學士











1. 2024 Weng PW,Chang WP . Influence of body mass index on severity of rotator cuff tears . Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery .2024 ;(33):648-656

2. 2023 Chung MH,Chang WP. Correlation between hemoglobin levels and depression in late-stage cancer patients with irritability as mediating variable. . European Journal of Oncology Nursing .2023 ;(67)

3. 2023 Chang WP,Peng YX. Differences between patients with diabetes mellitus and obese patients in occurrence of peri-prosthetic joint infection: A systemic review and meta-analysis. . Surgical Infections .2023 ;(24):671-683

4. 2023 Chang WP. Influence of severity of illnesses on risk of death in intensive care unit patients with severity of pressure injuries as mediating variable . International Wound Journal .2023

5. 2023 Weng PW ,Chang WP. Extrinsic factors of pressure injuries in patients during surgery: A frequency matched retrospective study . International Wound Journal .2023 ;(20):1934-1942

6. 2023 Wang YC ,Chen HC ,Wong CC ,Chang WP ,Lin CH ,Liaw CK, Chen CH, Weng PW. Comparison of Locking-Loop Suture Bridge Repair and Single-Row Suture Anchor Repair in Small to Medium Rotator Cuff Tears: A Prospective Cohort Study With Clinical and Ultrasound Evaluations . Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine .2023 ;(11)

7. 2023 Tsai CL ,Chang WP,Lin YK ,Ho SC ,Lin YH . Physical frailty related to cognitive impairment and COPD exacerbation: A cross-sectional study . Respiratory Medicine .2023 ;(208)

8. 2023 Chung MH ,Ho WT ,Ryuno H,Hening P,Chang PC,Chang WP . Relationship between traits and sleep quality of hospitalized elderly patients and sleep quality of family caregivers . Nursing Open .2023 ;(10):4384-4394

9. 2023 Chang WP ,Wang CH. Factors Related to Nurse Satisfaction with Supervisor Leadership . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2023 ;(20)

10. 2023 Relationships between stroke prevalence, health literacy, and oral health‑related quality of life in middle‑aged and older adults: a national survey study . BMC Geriatrics .2023 ;(23):233

11. 2023 Lin YH,Chang WP. Characteristics and risk factors of facial pressure injuries in acute inpatients using noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: A retrospective case control study . Intensive & Critical Care Nursing .2023 ;(78)

12. 2023 Chang WP,Jen HJ. Comparison of risk factors of falling for psychiatric inpatients and general ward inpatients who had fallen . Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association .2023 ;(29):328-337

13. 2023 Chang WP,Chen HM,Wu JR,Tsai HT,Ho CF,Lin YH. Adverse effects of non-intubated airway suctioning: A clinical data-based study. . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2023 ;(32):726-735

14. 2023 Chang WP,Lin YK. Influence of basic attributes and attitudes of nurses towards death on nurse turnover: A prospective study . International Nursing Review .2023 ;(70):476-484

15. 2023 Lee CC,Kuo SF,Chang WP,Guo SL,Huang TW . Effectiveness of cryotherapy on cancer therapy–Induced oral mucositis . Cancer Nursing .2023 ;(46):E288-E296

16. 2023 Chang WP,Weng PW. Retrospective study on the factors influencing the severity of pressure injuries among intensive care unit patients . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2023 ;(32):243-252

17. 2023 Zhang AY,Tang L,Ganocy S,Chung MH,Chang WP. Psychometric Evaluation of The Irritability Scale-Initial Version in Chinese Cancer Patients . Nursing Research .2023 ;(72):49-57

18. 2022 Lin YH,Jen HJ,Lin YK ,Seo JD ,Chang WP. Cortisol Awakening Response and stress in female nurses on monthly shift rotations: A Longitudinal Study . BioMed Research International .2022 ;(2022):1-8

19. 2022 Weng PW,Lin YK,Seo JD,Chang WP. Relationship between predisposing and facilitating factors: does it influence the risk of developing peri-operative pressure injuries? . International Wound Journal .2022 ;(19):2082-2091

20. 2022 Huang HP,Chen KH,Tsai CL,Chang WP,Chiu SYH,Lin SR, Lin YH . Effects of high-frequency chest wall oscillation on acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. .2022 ;(2022):2857-2869

21. 2022 Cheung DST,Naomi T,Lui HYF,Chang WP ,Chiang CL,Mui WH, Ng AYM, Chau PH, Lee AWM, Lin CC . A Cross-sectional Study on the Unmet Supportive Care Needs of Cancer Patients Under the COVID-19 Pandemic . Cancer Care Research Online .2022 ;(2):e208

22. 2022 Chang WP,Chang YP. Correlation between Component Factors of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Metabolic Syndrome in Nurses: An Observational and Cross-Sectional Study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):16294

23. 2022 Lai PJ,Wong CC,Chang WP,Liaw CK,Chen CH,Weng PW. Comparison of two different types of hybrid Tibial fixations for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction a prospective comparative cohort study . BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders .2022 ;(23):1096

24. 2022 Wang CH,Chang WP,Chen SR,Cheng WJ,Chou KR,Pien LC. Health literacy and exercise to treat frailty in community-dwelling older adults: A national survey study. . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):8711

25. 2022 Tsai JC ,Chang WP . Mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between workplace bullying and organizational citizenship behavior in nurses . WorK .2022 ;(72):1099-1108

26. 2022 Chang WP,Lin YK. Relationship between rotating shift work and white blood cell count, white blood cell differential count, obesity, and metabolic syndrome of nurses . Chronobiology International .2022 ;(39):159-168

27. 2022 Chang WP,Li HB. Influence of shift work on rest-activity rhythms, sleep quality, and fatigue of female nurses . Chronobiology International .2022 ;(39):557-568

28. 2022 Chang WP,Jen HJ. A retrospective, matched case-control study on the risk factors of falls and varying severities of fall-related injures in inpatients . Journal of Patient Safety .2022 ;(18):9-15

29. 2022 Chang WP,Jen HJ,Huang TW. A retrospective cross-sectional study on the risk factors of recurrent falls among inpatients . Journal of Nursing Care Quality .2022 ;(37):E31-E37

30. 2022 Chang WP,Wang CH. Influence of sleep fragmentation and fatigue on turnover of female nurses working rotating shifts . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2022 ;(31):3573-3583

31. 2021 Chang WP,Chang YP. Meta-analysis comparing menstrual regularity and dysmenorrhea of women working rotating shifts and fixed day shifts . Journal of Women's Health .2021 ;(30):722-730

32. 2021 Chang WP,Peng YX. Differences between fixed day shift workers and rotating shift workers in gastrointestinal problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Industrial Health .2021 ;(59):66-77

33. 2021 Chang WP,Peng YX. Differences between fixed day shift nurses and rotating and irregular shift nurses in work- related musculoskeletal disorders: a literature review and meta-analysis . Journal of Occupational Health .2021 ;(63):1-10

34. 2021 Chang WP ,Peng YX. Influence of rotating shifts and fixed night shifts on sleep quality of nurses of different ages: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis . Chronobiology International .2021 ;(38):1384-1396

35. 2021 Chang WP,Wang CH,Lin YK. Influence of obesity on heart rate variability in nurses with age and shift type as moderators . BioMed Research International .2021 ;(2021):8119929

36. 2021 Chang WP,Peng YX. Meta-analysis of differences in sleep quality based on actigraphs between day and night shift workers and the moderating effect of age. . Journal of Occupational Health .2021 ;(63):e12262

37. 2021 Chang WP,Cheung DST,Xu X,Lin CC. Time-dependent patient-reported outcomes as predictors of the survival of patients with lung cancer: A prospective study . Cancer Care Research Online .2021 ;(1):e002

38. 2020 Wu CY,Lin HC,Chen SF,Chang WP,Wang CH,Tsai JC, Lin YC, Kao Y, Tam KW. Efficacy of pulsed radiofrequency in herpetic neuralgia: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clinical Journal of Pain .2020 ;(36):887-895

39. 2020 Chang WP,Yang CM. Influence of sleep-wake cycle on body mass index in female shift-working nurses with sleep quality as mediating variable . Industrial Health .2020 ;(58):161-169

40. 2020 Chang WP,Jen HJ. Changes in fatigue in rectal cancer patients before and after therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Supportive Care in Cancer .2020 ;(28):2513-2522

41. 2020 Chang WP,Jen HJ. BMI differences between different genders working fixed day shifts and rotating shifts: a literature review and meta-analysis . Chronobiology International .2020 ;(37):1754-1765

42. 2020 Kuo LC,Chang WP,Huang HC,Lin CC. Association of time-varying rest–activity rhythm with survival in older adults with lung cancer . Cancer Nursing .2020 ;(43):45-51

43. 2020 Chang WP,Chang YP. Meta-analysis of changes in sleep quality of women with breast cancer before and after therapy . Breast Care .2020 ;(15):227-235

44. 2019 Chang WP,Li HB. Differences in workday sleep fragmentation, rest-activity cycle, sleep quality, and activity level among nurses working different shifts. . Chronobiology International .2019 ;(36):1761-1771

45. 2019 Chang WP,Lin YK,Lin CC. Psychometric evaluation of the Taiwanese version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy: a questionnaire for patients with lung cancer . International Journal for Quality in Health Care .2019 ;(31):513-518

46. 2019 Chang WP,Chang YP. Relationship between job satisfaction and sleep quality of female shift-working nurses: using shift type as moderator variable . Industrial Health .2019 ;(57):732-740

47. 2019 Chang WP,Peng YX. Does the oral administration of ginger reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting?: A meta-analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials . Cancer Nursing .2019 ;(42):E14-E23

48. 2018 Chang WP. How social support affects the ability of clinical nursing personnel to cope with death . Applied Nursing Research .2018 ;(44):25-32

49. 2018 Chang WP. Influence of shift type on sleep quality of female nurses working monthly rotating shifts with cortisol awakening response as mediating variable . Chronobiology International .2018 ;(35):1503-1512

50. 2018 Chang WP,Peng YX. Occurrence of phlebitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Nursing Research .2018 ;(67):252-260

51. 2018 Chang WP,Robert Smith,Lin CC. Age and rest-activity rhythm as predictors of survival in patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer . Chronobiology International .2018 ;(35):188-197

52. 2017 Chang WP,Lin CC. Relationships of salivary cortisol and melatonin rhythms to sleep quality, emotion, and fatigue levels in patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer . European Journal of Oncology Nursing .2017 ;(29):79-84

53. 2017 Chang WP,Lin CC. Changes in the sleep–wake rhythm, sleep quality, mood, and quality of life of patients receiving treatment for lung cancer: a longitudinal study . Chronobiology International .2017 ;(34):451-461

54. 2017 Chang WP,Chen SF. Ginger and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting: a systematic review and meta-analysis . The Journal of Oncology Nursing .2017 ;(17):11-20

55. 2015 Chang WP,Lin CC. Use of opioid analgesics or sleeping medication and survival of cancer patients . European Journal of Oncology Nursing .2015 ;(19):199-206

56. 2014 Chang WP,Lin CC. Correlation between rest-activity rhythm and survival in cancer patients experiencing pain . Chronobiology International .2014 ;(31):926-934

57. 2014 Ma CL,Chang WP,Lin CC. Rest/activity rhythm is related to the coexistence of pain and sleep disturbance among advanced cancer patients with pain . Supportive Care in Cancer .2014 ;(22):87-94


113 沉浸式互聯控制窗戶模組對於加護病房病人譫妄、睡醒節律、睡眠品質、感染及存活率之成效

110 月輪班女性護理人員的皮質醇覺醒反應與工作壓力之相關性探討

108 運動訓練方案改善末期慢性阻塞性肺病病人肺功能、運動耐力、疲憊、睡醒節律及生活品質之成效

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