李維駿(Lee, Wei-Jiunn) 副教授

現   職
泌尿學科 副教授


學 歷

中山醫學大學生化暨生物科技研究所 博士
中山醫學大學生物化學研究所 碩士




2021/08/01 ~ 2022/07/31
2021/04/16 ~




Xenograft tumor model
Orthotopic tumor model
Experimental metastasis model: tail vein injection
In vivo cancer cell self-seedind assay: intracardiac injection
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
Real-time PCR
lentivirus-mediated knockdown system
flow cytometry
primary cell culture
Western blot



1. 2024 Chien MH,Yang YC,Ho KH,Ding YF,Chen LH,Chiu WK, Chen JQ, Tung MC, Hsiao M, Lee WJ*. Cyclic increase in the ADAMTS1-L1CAM-EGFR axis promotes the EMT and cervical lymph node metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma. . Cell Death Dis. .2024 ;(15):82

2. 2023 Yang YC,Lin YW, Lee WJ,Lai FR,Ho KH,Chu CY, Hua KT, Chen JQ, Tung MC, Hsiao M, Wen YC, Chien MH. The RNA-binding protein KSRP aggravates malignant progression of clear cell renal cell carcinoma through transcriptional inhibition and post-transcriptional destabilization of the NEDD4L ubiquitin ligase. . J Biomed Sci. .2023

3. 2023 Lee KL,Lai TC,Lee WJ,Chen YC,Ho KH,Hung WY, Yang YC, Chan MH, Hsieh FK, Chung CL, Chang JH, Chien MH. Sustaining the Activation of EGFR Signal by Inflammatory Cytokine IL17A Prompts Cell Proliferation and EGFR-TKI Resistance in Lung Cancer. . Cancers (Basel). .2023 ;(15):3288

4. 2023 Lin YW,Wen YC,Hsiao CH,Lai FR,Yang SF,Yang YC, Ho KH, Hsiao M, Lee WJ*, Chien MH*.. Proteoglycan SPOCK1 as a Poor Prognostic Marker Promotes Malignant Progression of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma via Triggering the Snail/Slug-MMP-2 Axis-Mediated Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition. . Cells .2023 ;(12)

5. 2022 Lai TC,Lee YL,Lee WJ,Hung WY,Cheng GZ,Chen JQ, Hsiao M, Chien MH, Chang JH.. Synergistic Tumor Inhibition via Energy Elimination by Repurposing Penfluridol and 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose in Lung Cancer. . Cancers (Basel) .2022 ;(14)

6. 2022 Wang JL,Lee WJ,Fang CL,Hsu HL,Chen BJ,Liu HE. Human Papillomavirus Oncoproteins Confer Sensitivity to Cisplatin by Interfering with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Nuclear Trafficking Related to More Favorable Clinical Survival Outcomes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. . Cancers (Basel). .2022 ;(14)

7. 2022 Pan KF,Yang YC,Lee WJ,Hua KT,Chien MH. Proteoglycan Endocan: A multifaceted therapeutic target in Cancer. . Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer. .2022 ;(1877)

8. 2022 Tung MC,Lin YW,Lee WJ,Wen YC,Liu YC,Chen JQ, Hsiao M, Yang YC, Chien MH. Targeting DRD2 by the antipsychotic drug, penfluridol, retards growth of renal cell carcinoma via inducing stemness inhibition and autophagy-mediated apoptosis . Cell Death Dis. .2022 ;(13)

9. 2021 Pan KF, Lee WJ,Chou CC,Yang YC,Chang YC,Chien MH, Hsiao M, Hua KT. Direct interaction of β-catenin with nuclear ESM1 supports stemness of metastatic prostate cancer . EMBO J. .2021 ;(40):e105450-e105455

10. 2021 Yuan LT,Lee WJ,Yang YC,Chen BR,Yang CY,Chen MW, Chen JQ, Hsiao M, Chien MH, Hua KT. Histone Methyltransferase G9a-Promoted Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Is Targeted by Liver-Specific Hsa-miR-122. . Cancers (Basel) .2021 ;(13):2376-2395

11. 2021 Hsu MY,Hsieh CH,Huang YT,Chu SY,Chen CM,Lee WJ, Liu SJ. Enhanced paclitaxel efficacy to suppress triple-negative breast cancer progression using metronomic chemotherapy with a controlled release system of electrospun poly-D-L-lactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) nanofibers . Cancers (Basel) .2021 ;(0):1-20

12. 2021 Hung WY,Lee WJ,Cheng GZ,Tsai CH,Yang YC,Lai TC, Chen JQ, Chung CL, Chang JH, Chien MH. Blocking MMP-12-modulated epithelialmesenchymal transition by repurposing penfluridol restrains lung adenocarcinoma metastasis via uPA/uPAR/TGF-β/Akt pathway. . Cell Oncol (Dordr) .2021 ;(44):1087-1103

13. 2020 Lin CH,Hsieh MJ,Lee HL,Yang SF,Su SC,Lee WJ, Chou YE. Effects of MACC1 polymorphisms on hepatocellular carcinoma development and clinical characteristics . Journal of Cancer .2020 ;(11):1641-1647

14. 2020 Yu-Ching Wen,Yung-Wei Lin,Chih-Ying Chu,Yi-Chieh Yang,Shun-Fa Yang,Yu-Fan Liu, Michael Hsiao, Wei-Jiunn Lee,*, Ming-Hsien Chien. Melatonin-triggered post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications of ADAMTS1 coordinately retard tumorigenesis and metastasis of renal cell carcinoma . Journal of Pineal Research .2020 ;(69):12668-12686

15. 2020 Chien MH, Yang WE,Yang YC,Ku CC,Lee WJ,Tsai MY, Lin CW, Yang SF. Dual Targeting of the p38 MAPK-HO-1 Axis and cIAP1/XIAP by Demethoxycurcumin Triggers Caspase-Mediated Apoptotic Cell Death in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells. . Cancers .2020 ;(12):703-721

16. 2020 Yang YC,Pan KF,Lee WJ,Chang JH,Tan P,Gu CC, Chang WM, Yang SF, Hsiao M, Hua KT, Chien MH. Circulating proteoglycan endocan mediates EGFR-driven progression of non-small cell lung cancer. . Cancer Res. .2020 ;(80):3292-3304

17. 2020 Lin YW,Wen YC,Chu CY,Tung MC,Yang YC,Hua KT, Pan KF, Hsiao M, Lee WJ*, Chien MH*. Stabilization of ADAM9 by N-α-acetyltransferase 10 protein contributes to promoting progression of androgen-independent prostate cancer. . Cell Death Dis. .2020 ;(11):591-606

18. 2020 Kuei CH,Lin HY,Lin MH,Lee HH,Lin CH,Lee WJ, Chen YL, Lu LS, Zheng JQ, Hung RC, Chiu HW, Chen KC, Lin YF. DNA polymerase theta repression enhances the docetaxel responsiveness in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. . BBA-Mol Basis Dis .2020

19. 2020 Hsiao PC,Chang JH,Lee WJ,Ku CC,Tsai MY,Yang SF, Chien MH. The Curcumin Analogue, EF-24, Triggers p38 MAPK-Mediated Apoptotic Cell Death via Inducing PP2A-Modulated ERK Deactivation in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells. . Cancers (Basel) .2020 ;(12):2163-2178

20. 2019 Chien MH,Lin YW,Wen YC,Yang YC,Hsiao M,Chang JL, Huang HC, Lee WJ*. Targeting the SPOCK1-Snail/Slug axis-mediated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by apigenin contributes to repression of prostate cancer metastasis. . J Exp Clin Cancer Res. .2019 ;(38):246-262

21. 2019 Hung WY,Chang JH,Cheng Y,Cheng GZ,Huang HC,Hsiao M, Chung CL, Lee WJ*, Chien MH*. Autophagosome accumulation-mediated ATP energy deprivation induced by penfluridol triggers non-apoptotic cell death of lung cancer via activating unfolded protein response. . Cell Death & Disease. .2019 ;(10):538-554

22. 2019 Wu SY,Wen YC,Ku CC,Yang YC,Chow JM,Yang SF, Lee WJ*, Chien MH*. Penfluridol triggers cytoprotective autophagy and cellular apoptosis through ROS induction and activation of the PP2A-modulated MAPK pathway in acute myeloid leukemia with different FLT3 statuses . J Biomed Sci. .2019 ;(26):63-75

23. 2018 Hung WY,Chang JH,Cheng Y,Chen CK,Chen JQ,Hua KT, Cheng CW, Hsiao M, Chung CL, Lee WJ*, Chien MH*. Leukocyte Cell-Derived Chemotaxin 2 Retards Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Progression Through Antagonizing MET and EGFR Activities. . Cell Physiol Biochem. .2018 ;(51):337-355

24. 2018 Chang JH,Cheng CW,Yang YC,Chen WS,Hung WY,Chow JM, Chen PS, Hsiao M, Lee WJ*, Chien MH*. Downregulating CD26/DPPIV by apigenin modulates the interplay between Akt and Snail/Slug signaling to restrain metastasis of lung cancer with multiple EGFR statuses. . J Exp Clin Cancer Res. .2018 ;(37):199-214

25. 2018 Chien MH,Lee WJ,Yang YC,Tan P,Pan KF, Liu YC, Tsai HC, Hsu CH, Wen YC, Hsiao M, Hua KT*. N-α-acetyltransferase 10 protein promotes metastasis by stabilizing matrix metalloproteinase-2 protein in human osteosarcomas. . Cancer Lett. .2018 ;(433):86-98

26. 2018 Wang SW, Chen YR, Chow JM, Chien MH,Yang SF,,Wen YC, Lee WJ, Tseng TH. Stimulation of Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis by luteolin through enhancement of histone H3 acetylation and c-Jun activation in HL-60 leukemia cells . Molecular Carcinogenesis .2018 ;(57):866-877

27. 2018 Nuclear translocation of PKM2/AMPK complex sustains cancer stem cell populations under glucose restriction stress. . Cancer Lett. .2018 ;(421):28-40

28. 2017 Chang JH,Lai SL,Chen WS,Hung WY,Chow JM,Hsiao M, Lee WJ, Chien MH. Quercetin suppresses the metastatic ability of lung cancer through inhibiting Snail-dependent Akt activation and Snail-independent ADAM9 expression pathways. . Biochim Biophys Acta. .2017 ;(1864):1746-1758

29. 2017 Tseng TH,Chien MH,Lin WL,Wen YC,Chow JM,Chen CK, Kuo TC, Lee WJ. Inhibition of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth by apigenin through induction of G2/M arrest and histone H3 acetylation-mediated p21WAF1/CIP1 expression. . Environ Toxicol. .2017 ;(32):434-444

30. 2017 Chang JL,Chow JM,Chang JH,Wen YC,Lin YW,Yang SF, Lee WJ, Chien MH. Quercetin simultaneously induces G0/G1-phase arrest and caspase-mediated crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy in human leukemia HL-60 cells . Environ Toxicol. .2017

31. 2017 Chien MH,Lee TH,Lee WJ,Yeh YH, Li TK,Wang PC, Chen JJ, Chow JM, Lin YW, Hsiao M, Wang SW, Hua KT. Trichodermin induces c-Jun N-terminal kinase-dependent apoptosis caused by mitotic arrest and DNA damage in human p53-mutated pancreatic cancer cells and xenografts. . Cancer Lett. .2017 ;(388):249-261

32. 2017 Kao SJ,Lee WJ,Chang JH,Chow JM, Chung CL,Hung WY, Chien MH. Suppression of reactive oxygen species-mediated ERK and JNK activation sensitizes dihydromyricetin-induced mitochondrial apoptosis in human non-small cell lung cancer. . Environ Toxicol. .2017 ;(32):1426-1438

33. 2017 Chien MH,Chang WM,Lee WJ,Chang YC,Lai TC,Chan DV, Sharma R, Lin YF, Hsiao M. A Fas Ligand (FasL)-Fused Humanized Antibody Against Tumor-Associated Glycoprotein 72 Selectively Exhibits the Cytotoxic Effect Against Oral Cancer Cells with a Low FasL/Fas Ratio. . Mol Cancer Ther. .2017 ;(16):1102-1113

34. 2017 Huang SP,Liu PY,Kuo CJ,Chen CL,Lee WJ,Tsai YH, Lin YF. The Gαh-PLCδ1 signaling axis drives metastatic progression in triple-negative breast cancer. . J Hematol Oncol. .2017 ;(10):114

35. 2017 Hua KT,Liu YF,Hsu CL,Cheng TY,Yang CY,Chang JS, Lee WJ, Hsiao M, Juan HF, Chien MH, Yang SF. 3'UTR polymorphisms of carbonic anhydrase IX determine the miR-34a targeting efficiency and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. . Sci Rep. .2017 ;(7):4466

36. 2017 Chien MH,Chow JM,Lee WJ,Chen HY,Tan P,Yu-Ching Wen YC, Yung-Wei Lin YW, Hsiao PC, Shun-Fa Yang SF. Tricetin Induces Apoptosis of Human Leukemic HL-60 Cells through a Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Activation Pathway. . Int J Mol Sci. .2017 ;(18):E1667

37. 2017 Chien MH,Lee WJ,Yang YC,Li YL,Chen BR,Cheng TY, Yang PW, Wang MY, Jan YH, Lin YK, Lee JM, Hsiao M, Chen JS, Hua KT. KSRP suppresses cell invasion and metastasis through miR-23a-mediated EGR3 mRNA degradation in non-small cell lung cancer. . Biochim Biophys Acta. .2017 ;(1860):1013-1024

38. 2016 Kao SJ,Lee WJ,Chang JH,Chow JM,Chung CL,Hung WY, Chien MH. Suppression of reactive oxygen species-mediated ERK and JNK activation sensitizes dihydromyricetin-induced mitochondrial apoptosis in human non-small cell lung cancer. . Environ Toxicol. .2016 ;(32):1426-1438

39. 2016 Chen WY,Hua KT,Lee WJ,Lin YW,Liu YN,Chen CL, Wen YC, Chien MH. Akt Activation Correlates with Snail Expression and Potentially Determines the Recurrence of Prostate Cancer in Patients at Stage T2 after a Radical Prostatectomy. . Int J Mol Sci. .2016 ;(17):E1194

40. 2016 Lin CW,Yang WE,Lee WJ,Hua KT,Hsieh FK,Hsiao M, Chen CC, Chow JM, Chen MK, Yang SF, Chien MH. Lipocalin 2 prevents oral cancer metastasis through carbonic anhydrase IX inhibition and is associated with favourable prognosis. . Carcinogenesis .2016 ;(37):712-722

41. 2016 Kuo TC,Chen CK,Hua KT,Yu P,Lee WJ,Chen MW, Jeng YM, Chien MH, Kuo KT, Hsiao M, Kuo ML. Glutaminase 2 stabilizes Dicer to repress Snail and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. . Cancer Lett. .2016 ;(383):282-294

42. 2016 Chien MH,Lee TH,Lee WJ,Yeh YH,Li TK,Wang PC, Chen JJ, Chow JM, Lin YW, Hsiao M, Wang SW, Hua KT. Trichodermin induces c-Jun N-terminal kinase-dependent apoptosis caused by mitotic arrest and DNA damage in human p53-mutated pancreatic cancer cells and xenografts. . Cancer Lett. .2016 ;(388):249-261

43. 2016 Lin YW,Lee LM,Lee WJ,Chu CY,Tan P,Yang YC, Chen WY, Yang SF, Hsiao M, Chien MH. Melatonin inhibits MMP-9 transactivation and renal cell carcinoma metastasis by suppressing Akt-MAPKs pathway and NF-κB-DNA-binding activity. . J Pineal Res. .2016 ;(60):277-290

44. 2015 Wen YC,Lee WJ,Tan P,Yang SF,Hsiao M,Lee LM, Chien MH. By inhibiting snail signaling and miR-23a-3p, osthole suppresses the EMT-mediated metastatic ability in prostate cancer. . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):21120-21136

45. 2015 Lee WJ,Hsiao M,Chang JL,Yang SF,Tseng TH,Cheng CW, Chow JM, Lin KH, Lin YW, Liu CC, Lee LM, Chien MH. Quercetin induces mitochondrial-derived apoptosis via reactive oxygen species-mediated ERK activation in HL-60 leukemia cells and xenograft. . Arch Toxicol. .2015 ;(89):1103-1117

46. 2015 Yang SF,Lee WJ,Tan P,Tang CH,Hsiao M,Hsieh FK, Chien MH. MiR-328 upregulation and CREB-DNA-binding activity inhibition are critical for resveratrol-mediated suppression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and subsequent metastatic ability in human osteosarcomas. . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):2736-2753

47. 2015 Lin FY,Lin CW,Yang SF,Lee WJ,Lin YW,Lee LM, Chang JL, Weng WC, Lin CH, Chien MH. Interactions between environmental factors and melatonin receptor type 1A polymorphism in relation to oral cancer susceptibility and clinicopathologic development. . PLoS One. .2015 ;(10):e01216

48. 2015 Lee WJ,Chien MH,Chow JM,Chang JL,Wen YC,Lin YW, Hsiao M, Lee LM. Nonautophagic cytoplasmic vacuolation death induction in human PC-3M prostate cancer by curcumin through reactive oxygen species -mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress. . Sci Rep. .2015 ;(5):10420-10433

49. 2015 Chao R,Chow JM,Hsieh YH,Chen CK,Lee WJ,Hsieh FK, Yu NY, Chou MC, Cheng CW, Yang SF, Chien MH. Tricetin suppresses the migration/invasion of human glioblastoma multiforme cells by inhibiting matrix metalloproteinase-2 through modulation of the expression and transcriptional activity of specificity protein 1. . Expert Opin Ther Targets. .2015 ;(19):1293-1306

50. 2015 Chien MH,Lee WJ,Hsieh FK,Li CF,Cheng TY,Wang MY, Chen JS, Chow JM, Jan YH, Hsiao M, Hua KT, Kuo ML. Keap1-Nrf2 interaction suppresses cell motility in lung adenocarcinomas by targeting the S100P protein. . Clinical Cancer Research .2015 ;(21):4719-4732

51. 2015 Wu MH,Lee WJ,Hua KT,Kuo ML,Lin MT. Macrophage Infiltration Induces Gastric Cancer Invasiveness by Activating the β-Catenin Pathway. . PLoS One. .2015 ;(10):e01341

52. 2015 Chang JS,Su CY,Yu WH,Lee WJ,Liu YP,Lai TC, Jan YH, Yang YF, Shen CN, Shew JY, Lu J, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Lu PJ, Lin YF, Kuo ML, Hua KT, H. GIT1 promotes lung cancer cell metastasis through modulating Rac1/Cdc42 activity and is associated with poor prognosis. . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):36278-36291

53. 2014 Chen CK,Yang CY,Hua KT,Ho MC,Johansson G,Jeng YM, Chen CN, Chen MW, Lee WJ, Su JL, Lai TC, Chou CC, Ho BC, Chang CF, Lee PH, Chang KJ, Hsiao. Leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin 2 antagonizes MET receptor activation to suppress hepatocellular carcinoma vascular invasion by protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B recruitment. . Hepatology .2014 ;(59):974-985

54. 2014 Hua KT,Lee WJ,Yang SF,Chen CK,Hsiao M,Ku CC, Wei LH, Kuo ML, Chien MH. Vascular endothelial growth factor-C modulates proliferation and chemoresistance in acute myeloid leukemic cells through an endothelin-1-dependent induction of cyclooxygenase-2. . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research .2014 ;(1843):387-397

55. 2014 Shen KH,Liao AC,Hung JH,Lee WJ,Hu KC,Lin PT, Liao RF, Chen PS. α-Solanine inhibits invasion of human prostate cancer cell by suppressing epithelial-mesenchymal transition and MMPs expression. . Molecules. .2014 ;(19):11896-11914

56. 2014 Wen YC,Chen WY,Lee WJ,Yang SF,Lee LM,Chien MH. Snail as a potential marker for predicting the recurrence of prostate cancer in patients at stage T2 after radical prostatectomy. . Clin Chim Acta. .2014 ;(431):169-173

57. 2014 Tung MC,Hsieh MJ,Wang SS,Yang SF,Chen SS,Wang SW, Lee LM, Lee WJ, Chien MH. Associations of VEGF-C Genetic Polymorphisms with Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Susceptibility Differ between Smokers and Non-Smokers in Taiwan. . PLoS One. .2014 ;(9):e91147

58. 2014 Hsiao PC,Chou YE,Tan P,Lee WJ,Yang SF,Chow JM, Chen HY, Lin CH, Lee LM. Pterostilbene simultaneously induced G0/G1-phase arrest and MAPK-mediated mitochondrial-derived apoptosis in human acute myeloid leukemia cell lines. . PLoS One. .2014 ;(9):e10534

59. 2014 Hsiao PC,Lee WJ,Yang SF,Tan P,Chen HY,Lee LM, Chang JL, Lai GM, Chow JM, Chien MH. Nobiletin suppresses the proliferation and induces apoptosis involving MAPKs and caspase-8/-9/-3 signals in human acute myeloid leukemia cells. . Tumour Biol. .2014 ;(35):11903-11911

60. 2013 Kuo TC,Tan CT,Chang YW,Hong CC,Lee WJ,Chen MW, Jeng YM, Chiou J, Yu P, Chen PS, Wang MY, Hsiao M, Su JL, Kuo ML. Angiopoietin-like protein 1 suppresses SLUG to inhibit cancer cell motility. . J Clin Invest. .2013 ;(123):1082-1095

61. 2013 Lin CW,Chuang CY,Tang CH,Chang JL,Lee LM,Lee WJ, Chow JM, Yang SF, Chien MH. Combined effects of icam-1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and environmental carcinogens on oral cancer susceptibility and clinicopathologic development. . PLoS One. .2013 ;(8):e72940

62. 2012 Liao AH,Li YK,Lee WJ,Wu MF,Liu HL,Kuo ML. Estimating the delivery efficiency in cancer cells of drug-loaded microbubbles with US and BLI . Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology .2012 ;(38):1938-1948

63. 2011 Lee WJ,Chen YR,Tseng TH. Quercetin induces FasL-related apoptosis, in part, through promotion of histone H3 acetylation in human leukemia HL-60 cells. . Oncol Rep .2011 ;(25):583-591

64. 2011 Hua KT,Tan CT,Johansson G,Lee JM,Yang PW,Lu HY, Su JL, Chen PB, Wu YL, Chi CC, Kao HJ, Shih HJ, Chen MW, Chien MH, Chen PS, Lee WJ, Cheng TY,. Naa10p suppresses cancer cell metastasis by binding to PIX/Cool proteins and inhibiting Cdc42/Rac1 activity. . Cancer Cell. .2011 ;(19):218-231

65. 2009 Lee WJ,Lu FJ,Wang SF,Chen YR,Tseng TH. In vitro enhancement effect of humic acid on the progression of lung cancer cells. . Chem Biol Interact. .2009 ;(181):463-471

66. 2008 Lee WJ,Chen WK,Wang CJ,Lin WL,Tseng TH. Apigenin inhibits HGF-promoted invasive growth and metastasis involving blocking PI3K/Akt pathway and beta 4 integrin function in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. .2008 ;(226):178-191

67. 2006 Lee WJ,Wu LF,Chen WK,Wang CJ,Tseng TH. Inhibitory effect of luteolin on hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor-induced HepG2 cellinvasion involving both MAPK/ERKs and PI3K-Akt pathways. . Chem Biol Interact. .2006 ;(160):123-133

68. 2006 Lu FJ,Tseng TH,Lee WJ,Yen CC,Yin YF,Liao CW, Liu KM. Promoting neoplastic transformation of humic acid in mouse epidermal JB6 Cl41 cells. . Chem Biol Interact. .2006 ;(162):249-258


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