陳抱寰(Chen, Pao-Huan) 副教授

現   職
精神學科 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士











1. 2024 Chen YL,Pan CH,Chen PH,Su SS,Tsai SY,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Prevalence and 3-year incidence of physical illnesses after schizophrenia diagnosis: Comparison with general population . Schizophrenia Research .2024 ;(264):272-279

2. 2024 Chen PH,Lee TW,Liu SH,Huynh TV,Chung CC,Yeh YH, Kao YH, Chen YJ. Lithium downregulates phosphorylated acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 and attenuates mitochondrial fatty acid utilization and oxidative stress in cardiomyocytes . Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine .2024 ;(27):126

3. 2024 Chen PH,Hsiao CY,Chiang SJ,Chung KH,Tsai SY. Association of lipids and inflammatory markers with left ventricular wall thickness in patients with bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2024 ;(358):12-18

4. 2024 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Chen PY,Pan CH,Su SS,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Lipid-modifying agents and risk of all-cause, natural and suicide mortality in schizophrenia: nationwide cohort study . British Journal of Psychiatry .2024

5. 2023 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chen YL,Chang HM,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Sex-specific risk profiles for suicide mortality in bipolar disorder: incidence, healthcare utilization and comorbidity . Psychological Medicine .2023 ;(53):1500-1509

6. 2023 Chen PH,Hsiao CY,Chiang SJ,Tsai SY. Association of Lithium Treatment With Reduced Left Ventricular Concentricity in Patients With Bipolar Disorder . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences .2023 ;(77):59-61

7. 2023 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Chen PY,Pan CH,Su SS,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Mood Stabilizers and Risk of All-Cause, Natural, and Suicide Mortality in Bipolar Disorder: A Nationwide Cohort Study . Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica .2023 ;(147):234-247

8. 2023 Chen PH,Shih CM,Chang CK,Lin CP,Chang YH,Lee HC, Loh EW. Prediction of the duration to next admission for an acute affective episode in patients with bipolar I disorder . Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience .2023 ;(21):262-270

9. 2023 Chen WY,Chen PH,Pan CH,Su SS,Tsai SY,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Clozapine and its protective effect on all-cause, natural, and suicide mortality in patients with schizophrenia: A nationwide cohort study in Taiwan . Schizophrenia Research .2023

10. 2023 Tsai SY,Chen PH,Hsiao CY,Sajatovic M,Huang YJ,Chung KH. Inflammation associated with left ventricular hypertrophy in bipolar disorder: A cross-sectional study . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2023 ;(173):111465

11. 2023 Tsai SY,Sajatovic M,Chen PH,Huang YJ,Chung KH. Increased proportions of circulating pro-inflammatory monocytes and macrophages expressing toll-like receptor 4 in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder receiving medication . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences .2023 ;(77):672-673

12. 2022 Chen PH,Chung CC,Liu SH,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Lithium Treatment Improves Cardiac Dysfunction in Rats Deprived of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022

13. 2022 Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Sajatovic M,Huang YJ,Chen PH,Chung KH. Lithium exposure and chronic inflammation with activated macrophages and monocytes associated with atherosclerosis in bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2022

14. 2022 Chen PH,Ku HL,Wang JK,Kang JH,Hsu TY. Electroencephalographic Microstates are Correlated with Global Functioning in Schizophrenia But Not in Bipolar Disorder . Clinical EEG and Neuroscience .2022

15. 2022 Chang HM,Pan CH,Chen PH,Chen YL,Su SS,Tsai SY, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Premature death and causes of death among patients with panic disorder and comorbid psychiatric disorders: A nationwide cohort study . Journal of Psychiatry Research .2022

16. 2022 Chen PH,Chiang SJ,Hsiao CY,Shen RS, Lin YK,Chung KH, Tsai SY. Echocardiographic study of cardiac structure and function in people with bipolar disorder after midlife . Journal of Affective Disorders .2022

17. 2021 Tsai SY,Sajatovic M,Hsu JL,Chung KH,Chen PH,Huang YJ. Peripheral inflammatory markers associated with brain-volume reduction in patients with bipolar I disorder . Acta Neuropsychiatrica .2021

18. 2021 Chen PH,Chung CC,Lin YF,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Lithium Reduces Migration and Collagen Synthesis Activity in Human Cardiac Fibroblasts by Inhibiting Store-Operated Ca 2+ Entry . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021 ;(22):842

19. 2021 Lee CY,Chen PH,Lin YK. An Exploratory Study of the Association between Housing Price Trends and Antidepressant Use in Taiwan: A 10-Year Population-Based Study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021

20. 2021 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chen YL,Su SS,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Prevalence and 5-year trend of incidence for medical illnesses after the diagnosis of bipolar disorder: A nationwide cohort study . The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry .2021

21. 2021 Chen PH,Hsiao CY,Chiang SJ,Shen RS,Lin YK,Chung KH, Tsai SY. Cardioprotective potential of lithium and role of fractalkine in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder . The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry .2021

22. 2021 Chen PH,Hsu JL,Chung KH,Huang SH,Huang YJ,Tsai SY. Higher body mass index associated with smaller frontal cortical volumes in older adult patients with bipolar disorder . European Journal of Psychiatry .2021

23. 2021 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chang HM,Chen YL,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Incidence and risk factors of sudden cardiac death in bipolar disorder across the lifespan . Journal of Affective Disorders .2021 ;(281):99-108

24. 2020 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chang CK,Su SS,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Age effect of antipsychotic medications on the risk of sudden cardiac death in patients with schizophrenia: A nationwide case-crossover study . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences .2020

25. 2020 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chen YL,Chang HM,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. High risk and trajectories of physical illnesses before the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2020

26. 2020 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chang HM,Chen YL,Su SS, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Age effect on incidence, physical, and psychiatric comorbidity for sudden cardiac death in schizophrenia. . Canadian Journal of Psychiatry .2020

27. 2020 Pan CH,Chen PH,Chang HM,Wang IS,,Chen YL,Su SS, Tsai SY, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Incidence and method of suicide mortality in patients with schizophrenia: a Nationwide Cohort Study. . Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology .2020

28. 2020 The association between carotid atherosclerosis and treatment with lithium and antipsychotics in patients with bipolar disorder. . Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry .2020 ;(54):1125-1134

29. 2020 Chen PH,Kao YH ,Chang CK, Lin YK,Lin YF,Chen YJ. Clinical Risk Factors for Therapeutic Lithium-Associated Electrocardiographic Changes in Patients With Bipolar Disorder . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2020

30. 2020 Sex differences in incidence and psychiatric comorbidity for alcohol dependence in patients with panic disorder . Drug and Alcohol Dependence .2020

31. 2020 Liao PC,Chung KH,Chen PH,Kuo CJ,Huang YJ,Tsai SY. Differences in outcomes between older community-dwelling patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia with illness onset at young age . Psychogeriatrics .2020

32. 2020 Chen YL,Pan CH,Chang CK,Chen PH,Chang HM,Tai MH, Su SS, Tsai SY, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Physical Illnesses Before Diagnosed as Schizophrenia: A Nationwide Case-Control Study . Schizophrenia Bulletin .2020

33. 2020 Tsai SY,Sajatovic M,Hsu JL,Chung KH,Chen PH,Huang YJ. Body mass index, residual psychotic symptoms, and inflammation associated with brain volume reduction in older patients with schizophrenia . International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2020

34. 2020 Chang HM ,Pan CH,Chen PH,Chen YL,Su SS,Tsai SY, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Nationwide Analysis of Changes in Medical Utilization Before and After a New Panic Disorder Diagnosis . Psychosomatic Medicine .2020

35. 2020 Goldstein BI,Baune BT,Bond DJ,Chen PH,Eyler L,Fagiolini A, Gomes F, Hajek T, Hatch J, McElroy SL, McIntyre RS, Prieto M, Sylvia LG, Tsai SY, Kcomt A, Fiedorowicz JG. Call to action regarding the vascular-bipolar link: A report from the Vascular Task Force of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders . Bipolar Disorders .2020

36. 2020 Chang CK ,Chen PH,Pan CH,Su SS,Tsai SY,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Antipsychotic medications and the progression of upper respiratory infection to pneumonia in patients with schizophrenia . Schizophrenia Research .2020

37. 2019 Kuo CJ,Chen WY,Tsai SY,Chen PH,Ko KT,Chen CC. Excessive mortality and causes of death among patients with personality disorder with comorbid psychiatric disorders . Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology .2019 ;(54):121-130

38. 2019 Chen PH,Chao TF,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Lithium interacts with cardiac remodeling: the fundamental value in the pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2019 ;(88):208-214

39. 2019 Tsai SY,Gildengers AG,Hsu JL,Chung KH,Chen PH,Huang YJ. Inflammation associated with volume reduction in the gray matter and hippocampus of older patients with bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2019 ;(244):60-66

40. 2019 Chen PH,Kao YW,Shia BC,Lin HC,Kang JH. Adverse stroke outcomes among patients with bipolar disorder . PLoS One .2019 ;(14):e0213072

41. 2019 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Pan CH,Chang CK,Su SS,Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Mood stabilisers and risk of stroke in bipolar disorder . British Journal of Psychiatry .2019 ;(251):409-414

42. 2019 Kuo CJ,Chen PH. Author's reply . British Journal of Psychiatry .2019 ;(214):305-306

43. 2019 Chen HL,Chung KH,Chen PH. Rapid onset of first manic episode after bariatric surgery . Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry .2019 ;(53):701-702

44. 2019 Lee HC,Hsu JL,Chen PH,Chung KH,Huang YJ,Tsai SY. High risk of silent stroke in older bipolar patients with typical-onset age . Psychogeriatrics .2019 ;(19):355-362

45. 2019 Chen PH,Liu HC,Lu ML,Chen CH,Chang CJ,Chiu WC, Sun IW, Liu SI, Tsai SY, Chiu CC, Stewart R. Homocysteine, rather than age of onset, is a better predictor for cognitive function in older adults with bipolar disorder . International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2019 ;(34):1473-1480

46. 2019 Chang HM ,Pan CH,Chen PH,Chen YJ,Su SS,Tsai SY, Chen CC, Kuo CJ. Identification and medical utilization of newly diagnosed panic disorder: A Nationwide case-control study . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2019

47. 2018 Huang YJ,Tsai SY,Chung KH,Chen PH,Huang SH,Kuo CJ. State-dependent alterations of lipid profiles in patients with bipolar disorder . International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine .2018 ;(53):273-281

48. 2018 Liao PC,Wei CJ,Chen PH. Onset of psychosis following strokes to the cerebellum and thalamus . Psychosomatics .2018 ;(59):413-414

49. 2018 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Chen ML,Chung KH,Huang SH. Differences in electrocardiographic findings between older adult patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .2018 ;(32):234-238

50. 2018 Chung KH,Chen PH,Kuo CJ,Tsai SY,Huang SH,Wu WC. Risk factors for early circulatory mortality in patients with schizophrenia . Psychiatry Research .2018 ;(267):7-11

51. 2017 Chen PH,Chang CK,Chiang SJ,Lin YK,Tsai SY,Huang SH. Diabetes mellitus and first episode mania associated with cardiovascular diseases in patients with older-age bipolar disorder . Psychiatry Research .2017 ;(249):65-69

52. 2017 Chen PH,Sheu JJ. Clock drawing test for cognitive assessment in an older adult with long-term benzodiazepine use . Geriatrics & Gerontology International .2017 ;(17):1135-1137

53. 2017 Tsai SY,Lee CH,Chen PH,Chung KH,Huang SH, Kuo CJ, Wu WC. Risk factors for early cardiovascular mortality in patients with bipolar disorder . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences .2017 ;(71):716-724

54. 2017 Chen PH,Chung KH. Bupropion-induced dyskinesia in a young adult patient with bipolar disorder . The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders .2017 ;(19):pii: 17l02128

55. 2017 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Chen PH. Levels of interleukin-6 and high sensitivity-C reactive protein reflecting mania severity in bipolar disorder . Bipolar Disorders .2017 ;(19):708-709

56. 2017 Chen PH,Lin YK,Chang CK,Chiang SJ,Tsai SY. Dysregulation of glucose metabolism since young adulthood increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases in patients with bipolar disorder . Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences .2017 ;(33):630-636

57. 2016 Chen PH,Tsai SY,Kuo CJ,Chung KH,Huang SH,Chen CC. Physiological characteristics of patients with schizophrenia prematurely dying from circulatory diseases . Asia Pacific Psychiatry .2016 ;(8):199-205

58. 2016 Chen PH. Restless leg syndrome induced by escitalopram and lithium combined with quetiapine treatment in bipolar II disorder: a case report . Clinical Neuropharmacology .2016 ;(39):118-119

59. 2016 Kuo YC,Lin YC,Chen PH. Emerging hyperkalemia following valproic acid use in an elderly patient with late-onset mania . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2016 ;(36):394-395

60. 2015 Chen PH,Gildengers AG,Lee CH,Chen ML,Kuo CJ,Tsai SY. High serum sodium level in affective episode associated with coronary heart disease in old adults with bipolar disorder . International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine .2015 ;(50):422-433

61. 2015 Chen PC,Syu GD,Chung KH,Ho YH,Chung FH, Chen PH, Lin JM, Chen YW, Tsai SY, Chen CS. Antibody profiling of bipolar disorder using Escherichia coli proteome microarrays . Molecular and Cellular Proteomics .2015 ;(14):510-518

62. 2015 Chen PH,Huang YJ. Remission of classic rapid cycling bipolar disorder with levothyroxine augmentation therapy in a male patient having clinical hypothyroidism . Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment .2015 ;(11):339-342


113 以轉錄組分析之整合性生物資訊研究標記雙相情緒障礙症及思覺失調症病人冠狀微血管功能異常的生物分子路徑(1/3)

112 以快速動眼期睡眠剝奪躁症大鼠模型揭示鋰鹽於心肌代謝路徑以及心臟再塑型之保護機轉

111 以快速動眼期睡眠剝奪躁症大鼠模型揭示鋰鹽於心肌代謝路徑以及心臟再塑型之保護機轉

110 以快速動眼期睡眠剝奪大鼠模型研究鋰鹽心臟保護作用、生理恆定負荷調節、及粒線體生物能量調控之分子機轉

109 以社會壓力模型大鼠研究鋰鹽心臟保護作用之分子機轉(2/2)

108 以社會壓力模型大鼠研究鋰鹽心臟保護作用之分子機轉(1/2)

107 思覺失調症患者早期心臟功能異常之生理指標研究

106 思覺失調症患者併發心臟血管疾病之生理預測因子(2/2)

105 思覺失調症患者併發心臟血管疾病之生理預測因子(1/2)

105 思覺失調症患者併發心臟血管疾病之生理預測因子(1/2)

104 雙極症患者併發心臟血管疾病之生理預測因子