黃俊仁(Huang, Chun-Jen) 教授

現   職
人體研究處 人研長
聯合臨床試驗中心 主任
臨床醫學研究所 教授


學 歷

國立陽明大學藥理學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2024/08/01 ~
2023/12/01 ~
2020/08/01 ~ 2024/03/31
2019/05/01 ~







1. 2024 Jen ck,Lu kc,Chen KW,Lu YR,Huang IT,Huang YC, Huang CJ. Oral Dexmedetomidine Achieves Superior Effects in Mitigating Emergence Agitation and Demonstrates Comparable Sedative Effects to Oral Midazolam for Pediatric Premedication: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2024 ;(13):1174-1189

2. 2022 High fructose/high fat diet downregulates the hepatic mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation pathway in mice compared to high fat diet alone . Cells .2022 ;(11):3425-3442

3. 2022 Exosomes from human placenta choriodecidual membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells mitigate endoplasmic reticulum stress, inflammation and lung injury in lipopolysaccharide-treated obese mice . Antioxidants .2022 ;(11):615-633

4. 2022 Tumor necrosis factor-α mediates lung injury in the early phase of endotoxemia. . Pharmaceuticals .2022 ;(15):287-307

5. 2022 Let-7i-5p mediates the therapeutic effects of exosomes from human placenta–derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells on mitigating endotoxin-induced mortality and liver injury in high-fat diet–induced obese mice. . Pharmaceuticals .2022 ;(15):36-54

6. 2022 Activation of Nrf2 by Esculetin Mitigates Inflammatory Responses through Suppression of NF-κB Signaling Cascade in RAW 264.7 Cells. . Molecules .2022

7. 2021 Shih HJ,Chang CY,Huang IT,Tsai PS,Han CL,Huang CJ. Testicular torsion–detorsion causes dysfunction of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation . Andrology .2021

8. 2021 Shih HJ,Chang CY,Chiang M,Le VL,Hsu HJ,Huang CJ. Simultaneous inhibition of three major cytokines and its therapeutic effects: A peptide-based novel therapy against sepsis in mice . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2021 ;(11):436

9. 2021 Shih HJ,Chang CY,Lai CH,Huang CJ. Therapeutic effect of modulating the NLRP3-regulated transforming growth factor-β signaling pathway on interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2021 ;(138):111522

10. 2021 Huang PJ,Kang YN,Tsai PS,Tai YT,Huang CS,Huang CJ.. Noninferior of desflurane to sevoflurane in the occurrence of adverse respiratory events during laryngeal mask airway anesthesia in pediatrics: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies . Minerva Anestesiologica .2021 ;(87):241-242

11. 2021 Huang CJ,Huang WC,Lin WT,Shu LH,Sheu JR,,Tran OT, Hsia CW, Jayakumar T, Bhavan PS, Hsieh CY, Chang CC. Rutaecarpine, an Alkaloid from Evodia rutaecarpa, Can Prevent Platelet Activation in Humans and Reduce Microvascular Thrombosis in Mice: Crucial Role of the PI3K/Akt/GSK3 Signal Axis through a Cyclic Nucleotides/VASP—Independent Mechanism . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021 ;(22):11109-11125

12. 2021 Huang PJ,Kang YN,Tsai PS,Tai YT,Huang CS,Huang CJ.. Noninferior of desflurane to sevoflurane in the occurrence of adverse respiratory events during laryngeal mask airway anesthesia in pediatrics: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. . Minerva Anestesiologica .2021 ;(87):241-242

13. 2021 Shih HJ,Lin KH,Wen YC,Fan YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Increased risk of bladder cancer in young adult men with hyperlipidemia . Medicine .2021 ;(2021):1-8

14. 2021 Lai WY,Chiu YC,Lu KC,Huang IT,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Beneficial effects of preoperative oral nutrition supplements on postoperative outcomes in geriatric hip fracture patients A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies . Medicine .2021 ;(2021):1-8

15. 2020 Chen CT,Chang LY,Chuang CW,Wang SC,Kao MC,Tzeng IS, Kuo KL, Wu CC, Tsai PS, Huang CJ.. Optimal measuring timing of cystatin C for early detection of contrast-induced acute kidney injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Toxicoloy Letters .2020 ;(318):65-73

16. 2020 Tseng CW,Lu KC,Huang CJ. Therapeutic potentials of oral health instructions in periodontitis patients with diabetes mellitus: Glycemic control and beyond . Journal of Dental Sciences .2020 ;(15):118-119

17. 2020 Wang CN,Foo J,Huang IT,Fan YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Identifying more risk factors for surgical site infection following cesarean section . European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology .2020 ;(251):282-284

18. 2020 Chang CY,Hsu HJ,Foo J,Shih HJ,Huang CJ. Peptide-based tumor necrosis factor-α binding decoy therapy mitigates lipopolysaccharide-induced liver injury in mice . Pharmaceuticals .2020 ;(13):280-298

19. 2020 Wang SY,Lu KC,Liang SJ,Huang CJ. A meta-analysis of the predictive values of intraoperative cough test for postoperative outcomes in women undergoing sling procedures . Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics .2020 ;(302):779-784

20. 2020 Lee HL,Lu KC,Foo J,Huang IT,Fan YC,Tsai PS, Huang CJ. Different impacts of various tocolytic agents on increased risk of postoperative hemorrhage in preterm labor women undergoing Cesarean delivery: A population-based case-control study. . Medicine .2020 ;(99):e23561

21. 2020 Shih HJ,Tsai PS,Wen YC,Kao MC,Fan YC,Huang CJ. Hyperlipidemia patients with long term statin treatment associate with a reduced risk of progression of benign prostatic enlargement. . Aging Male .2020 ;(23):354-361

22. 2019 Chang CY,Huang IT,Shih HJ,Chang YY,Kao MC,Shih PC, Huang CJ. Cluster of differentiation 14 and Toll-like receptor 4 are involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of tyrosol . Journal of Functional Foods .2019 ;(53):93-104

23. 2019 Chuang CW,Tsai PS,Lin JA,Meganathan N, Fan YC,Yuan HB, Kao MC, Huang CJ. Increased Subsequent Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Primary Cesarean Delivery Women: A Population-Based Cohort Study . Journal of Women's Health .2019 ;(28):323-330

24. 2019 Chang YY,Lin TY,Kao MC,Chen TY,Cheng CF,Wong CS, Huang CJ. Magnesium sulfate inhibits binding of lipopolysaccharide to THP-1 cells by reducing expression of cluster of differentiation 14 . Inflammopharmacology .2019

25. 2019 Chang CY,Shih HJ,Huang IT,Tsai PS,Chen KY,Huang CJ. Magnesium sulfate mitigates progression of monocrotaline pulmonary hypertension in rats. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):4622

26. 2019 Wu SM, Lu KC,Lin EK,Chen CH,Huang CJ.. Appendix, an evolutionary vestigial linked to colorectal cancer. . Scnadinavian Journal of Gastroenterology .2019 ;(54):478-479

27. 2019 Huang CJ,Huang CL,Fan YC,Chen TY,Tsai PS. Insomnia Increases Symptom Severity and Health Care Utilization in Patients With Fibromyalgia: A Population-based Study. . Clinical Journal of Pain .2019 ;(35):780-785

28. 2018 Pan PT,Tzeng IS,Huang CJ. Route of administration affects outcomes of dexamethasone as an adjuvant for peripheral nerve blocks . Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine .2018 ;(43):104-105

29. 2018 Pan PT,Tzeng IS,Huang CJ. Route of administration affects outcomes of dexamethasone as an adjuvant for peripheral nerve blocks . Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine .2018 ;(43):104-105

30. 2018 Route of administration affects outcomes of dexamethasone as an adjuvant for peripheral nerve blocks . Regional anesthesia and pain medicine .2018 ;(43):104-105

31. 2018 Pan PT,Tzeng IS,Huang CJ. Route of administration affects outcomes of dexamethasone as an adjuvant for peripheral nerve blocks . Regional anesthesia and pain medicine .2018 ;(43):104-105

32. 2018 Wu YL,Huang CJ,Fang SC,Ko LH,Tsai PS. Cognitive impairment in fibromyalgia: A meta-analysis of case–control studies . Psychosomatic medicine .2018 ;(80):432-438

33. 2018 Chiu HY,Huang CJ,Fan YC,Tsai PS. Insomnia but not hypnotics use associates with the risk of breast cancer: a population-based matched cohort study . Journal of womens health .2018 ;(27):1250-1256

34. 2018 Pan PT,Tzeng IS,Huang CJ. Route of administration affects outcomes of dexamethasone as an adjuvant for peripheral nerve blocks . Regional anesthesia and pain medicine .2018 ;(43):104-105

35. 2018 Chang YY,Kao MC,Lin JA,Chen TY,Cheng CF,Wong CS, Tzeng IS, Huang CJ. Effects of MgSO4 on inhibiting Nod-like receptor protein 3 inflammasome involve decreasing intracellular calcium . Journal of Surgical Research .2018 ;(221):257-265

36. 2018 Peng TC,Chang CY,Huang IT,Kao MC,Chang YY,Huang CJ. Platonin mitigates vascular hyporeactivity of thoracic aorta in septic rats . Journal of Surgical Research .2018 ;(221):190-195

37. 2018 Shih HJ,Huang CJ,Lin JA,Kao MC,Fan YC,Tsai PS. Hyperlipidemia is associated with an increased risk of clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia . Prostate .2018 ;(78):113-120

38. 2017 Lin HY,Chang YY,Kao MC,Huang CJ. Naloxone inhibits nod-like receptor protein 3 inflammasome . Journal of Surgical Research .2017 ;(219):72-77

39. 2017 Wang SC,Pan PT,Chiu HY,Huang CJ. Neuraxial magnesium sulfate improves postoperative analgesia in Cesarean section delivery women: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Asian Journal of Anesthesiology .2017

40. 2017 Wang HC,Tsai PS,Li KY,Fan YC,Huang CJ. Perioperative risk factors for postpartum pulmonary embolism in Taiwanese Cesarean section women . Asian Journal of Anesthesiology .2017 ;(55):35-40

41. 2017 Chung CY,Chang YW,Huang CJ,Wang PK,Wan HC,Lin YY, Kao MC. Vasculitic peripheral neuropathy induced by ischemia-reperfusion in the rat femoral artery involves activation of proinflammatory signaling pathway in the sciatic nerve . Neuroscience Letters .2017 ;(656):77-82

42. 2017 Hsu HT ,Chang SJ,Huang KF,Tai PA,Li TC,Huang CJ. Correlation between lumbar lordosis and the treatment of chronic low back pain with pulsed radiofrequency applied to the L2 dorsal root ganglion . Formosan Journal of Surgery .2017 ;(50):125-130

43. 2017 Tsung YC,Chung CY,Wan HC,Chang YY,Shih PC,Hsu HS, Kao MC, Huang CJ. Dimethyl Sulfoxide Attenuates Acute Lung Injury Induced by Hemorrhagic Shock/Resuscitation in Rats . Inflammation .2017 ;(40):555-565

44. 2017 Jan WC,Kao MC,Yang CH,Chang YY,Huang CJ. Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Is Involved in Mediating the Anti-inflammation Effects of Vasopressin . Inflammation .2017 ;(40):435-441

45. 2017 Pan PT,Tzeng IS,Huang CJ. Route of administration affects outcomes of dexamethasone as an adjuvant for peripheral nerve blocks . Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (Accepted) .2017

46. 2017 Shih HJ,Kao MC,Tsai PS,Fan YC,Huang CJ. Long-term allopurinol use decreases the risk of prostate cancer in patients with gout: a population-based study . Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases .2017 ;(20):328-333

47. 2016 Tsai PS,Liu IC,Chiu CH,Huang CJ,Wang MY. Effect of valproic acid on dementia onset in patients with bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2016 ;(201):131-136

48. 2016 Chang YK,Huang SC,Kao MC,Huang CJ. Cepharanthine alleviates liver injury in a rodent model of limb ischemia-reperfusion . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2016 ;(54):11-15

49. 2016 Shih HJ,Yen JC,Chiu AW,Chow YC,Pan WHT,Wang TY, Huang CJ. FTY720 inhibits germ cells apoptosis in testicular torsion/detorsion . Journal of Surgical Research .2016 ;(202):155-164

50. 2015 Lee YH,Meganathan N,Kao MC,Huang SC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Risk Factors of Post-Surgical Neuropathic Pain in Cesarean Section Patients: A Population-based Study . 疼痛醫學雜誌 .2015 ;(25):61-69

51. 2015 Yuan HB,Kao MC,Yang CH,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Trigeminal Neuralgia Patients Are Not Associated with an Increased Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: A Population-Based Cohort Study . 疼痛醫學雜誌 .2015 ;(25):1-10

52. 2015 Chou WC,Kao MC,Yue CT,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Caffeine Mitigates Lung Inflammation Induced by Ischemia-Reperfusion of Lower Limbs in Rats . Mediators of Inflammation .2015 ;(2015):361638

53. 2015 Kao MC,Chung CY,Chang YY,Lin CK,Sheu JR,Huang CJ. Salutary effects of cepharanthine against skeletal muscle and kidney injuries following limb ischemia/reperfusion . Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2015 ;(2015):504061

54. 2015 Kao MC,Yang CH,Sheu JR,Huang CJ. Cepharanthine mitigates pro-inflammatory cytokine response in lung injury induced by hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation in rats . Cytokine .2015 ;(76):442-448

55. 2015 Chen YL,Chang YY,Kao MC,Huang CJ. Vasopressin inhibits mitogen-activated protein kinases and activated protein-1 in macrophages . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2015 ;(53):81-84

56. 2015 Kao MC,Yang CH,Chou WC,Sheu JR,Huang CJ. Cepharanthine mitigates lung injury in lower limb ischemia-reperfusion . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(199):647-656

57. 2015 Lee PY,Yang CH,Kao MC,Su NY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase β, phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ mediate the anti-inflammatory effects of magnesium sulfate . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(197):390-397

58. 2015 Chang YY,Yang CH,Wang SC,Kao MC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Vasopressin inhibits endotoxin binding in activated macrophages . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(197):412-418

59. 2015 Shih HJ,Yen JC,Chiu AW,Chow YC,Pan WHT,Wang TY, Huang CJ. FTY720 mitigates torsion/detorsion-induced testicular injury in rats . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(196):328-331

60. 2015 Yeh CT,Kao MC,Chen CH,Huang CJ. Platonin preserves blood-brain barrier integrity in septic rats . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2015 ;(53):12-15

61. 2015 Yang CH,Kao MC,Shih PC,Li KY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Simvastatin attenuates sepsis-induced blood-brain barrier integrity loss . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(194):591-598

62. 2015 Huang YH,Yen JC,Lee JJ,Liao JF,Liaw WJ,Huang CJ. P2X7 is involved in the anti-inflammation effects of levobupivacaine . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(193):407-414

63. 2015 Tsai PS,Fan YC,Huang CJ. Fibromyalgia is associated with coronary heart disease: A population-based cohort study . Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine .2015 ;(40):37-42

64. 2014 Wang TY,Su NY,Shih PC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Anti-inflammation effects of naloxone involve phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta and gamma . Journal of Surgical Research .2014 ;(192):599-606

65. 2014 Tsai PS,Chang HC,Huang CJ. Postherpetic neuralgia is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease: A population-based cohort study . International Journal of Cardiology .2014 ;(177):1052-1053

66. 2014 Lai HY,Tsai PS,Fan YC,Huang CJ. Anesthetic practice for Caesarean section and factors influencing anesthesiologists' choice of anesthesia: A population-based study . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2014 ;(58):843-850

67. 2013 Huang CJ,Hsieh MH,Hou WH,Liu JC,Jeng C,Tsai PS. Depression, antidepressants, and the risk of coronary heart disease: A population-based cohort study . International Journal of Cardiology .2013 ;(168):4711-4716

68. 2013 Hsu CS,Huang CJ,Kao JH,Lin HH,Chao YC,Fang YC, Tsai PS. Interferon-Based Therapy Decreases Risks of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Complications of Cirrhosis in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e70458

69. 2013 Hsu CS,Kao JH,Chao YC,Lin HH,Fan YC,Huang CJ, Tsai PS. Interferon-based therapy reduces risk of stroke in chronic hepatitis C patients: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan . Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics .2013 ;(38):415-423

70. 2013 Su NY,Peng TC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway is involved in mediating the anti-inflammation effects of magnesium sulfate . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(185):726-732

71. 2013 Peng TC,Huang CJ. Vasopressin inhibits endotoxin-induced upregulation of inflammatory mediators in activated macrophages . Tzu Chi Medical Journal .2013 ;(25):150-154

72. 2013 Wu BG,Peng TC,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Jeng MJ,Huang CJ. High-lipid enteral nutrition could partially mitigate inflammation but not lung injury in hemorrhagic shock rats . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(184):997-1005

73. 2013 Huang YH,Yen JC,Lee JJ,Liao JF,Liaw WJ,Huang CJ. Suppressive effects of levobupivacaine on endotoxin-induced microglial activation . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(184):989-996

74. 2013 Shih PC,Hung YC,Chen YL,Tsai HJ,Chen CY,Huang CJ. Agreement of cardiac output measurement between pulse contour analysis and thermodilution in various body positions: A porcine study . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(181):315-322

75. 2013 Chen CH,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Minocycline ameliorates lung and liver dysfunction in a rodent model of hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation plus abdominal compartment syndrome . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(180):301-309

76. 2013 Lao HC,Tsai PS,Su JY,Kwok TG,Huang CJ. Dexmedetomidine attenuates tourniquet-induced hyperdynamic response in patients undergoing lower limb surgeries: A randomized controlled study . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(179):e99-e106

77. 2012 Kao MC,Lan CH,Huang CJ. Anesthesia for awake video-assisted thoracic surgery . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2012 ;(50):126-130

78. 2012 Chen CP,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Antiinflammation effect of human placental multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells is mediated by prostaglandin E2 via a myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88-dependent pathway . Anesthesiology .2012 ;(117):568-579

79. 2012 Hsu KY,Chen CH,Shih PC,Huang CJ. Adverse effects of bilateral lower limb ischemia-reperfusion on inducing kidney injuries in rats could be ameliorated by platonin . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2012 ;(50):63-68

80. 2012 Chen KB,Lee CY,Lee JJ,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Platonin mitigates lung injury in a two-hit model of hemorrhage/ resuscitation and endotoxemia in rats . Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery .2012 ;(72):660-670

81. 2010 Lin CY,Tsai PS,Hung YC,Huang CJ. L-type calcium channels are involved in mediating the anti-inflammatory effects of magnesium sulphate . British Journal of Anaesthesia .2010 ;(104):44-51

82. 2010 Yang S,Shih HJ,Chow YC,Wang TY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Simvastatin attenuates testicular injury induced by torsion-detorsion . Journal of Urology .2010 ;(184):750-756

83. 2010 Lee JJ,Liu CL,Tsai PS,Yang CL,Lao HC,Huang CJ. Platonin Inhibits Endotoxin-Induced MAPK and AP-1 Up-Regulation (in press) . Journal of Surgical Research .2010

84. 2010 Jan WC,Chen CH,Hsu K,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. L-Type Calcium Channels and m-Opioid Receptors are Involved in Mediating the Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Naloxone (in press) . Journal of Surgical Research .2010

85. 2009 Yang CH,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Huang CJ. Dexmedetomidine–ketamine combination mitigates acute lung injury in haemorrhagic shock rats . Resuscitation .2009 ;(80):1204-1210

86. 2009 Lin CY,Tsai PS,Hung YC,Huang CJ. Dexmedetomidine–ketamine combination mitigates acute lung injury in haemorrhagic shock rats anti-inflammatory effects of magnesium sulphate . British Journal of Anaesthesia .2009

87. 2009 Lai YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Regulating Endotoxin-Induced Up-Regulation of Inflammatory Molecules in Murine Macrophages . Journal of Surgical Research .2009 ;(154):212-219

88. 2008 Lai YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Clonidine Enhances Type-2 Cationic Amino Acid Transporter Transcription in Endotoxin-activated Murine Macrophages . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2008 ;(46):118-123

89. 2008 Huang TY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. HO-1 overexpression attenuates endotoxin effects on CAT-2 isozymes expression . Journal of Surgical Research .2008 ;(148):172-180

90. 2008 Yang S,Shih HJ,Chow YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Hemin induced heme oxygenase-1 over expression involves nuclear factor-E2 related factor-2, nuclear factor-kappaB and extracellular regulated kinase: an experimental study in a testicular torsion-detorsion rodent model . Journal of Urology .2008 ;(179):2456-2463

91. 2008 Huang YH,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Bupivacaine inhibits COX-2 expression, PGE2, and cytokine production in endotoxin-activated macrophages . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2008 ;(52):530-535

92. 2008 Lee PY,Tsai PS,Huang YH,Huang CJ. Inhibition of toll-like receptor-4, nuclear factor-κB and mitogen-activated protein kinase by lignocaine may involve voltage-sensitive sodium channels . Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology .2008 ;(35):1052-1058

93. 2008 Su NY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Clonidine-induced enhancement of iNOS expression involves NF-kappaB . Journal of Surgical Research .2008 ;(149):131-137

94. 2008 Tsai PS,Hsu YW,Lin CS,Ko YP,Huang CJ. Ketamine but not propofol provides additional effects on attenuating sevoflurane-induced emergence agitation in midazolam premedicated pediatric patients . Pediatric Anesthesia .2008 ;(18):1114-1115

95. 2007 Wang MY,Huang CJ,Chang NC,Tsai PS. Reproducibility of morning blood pressure surge and its relation to blood pressure reactivity . Clinical and Experimental Hypertension .2007 ;(29):357-368

96. 2007 Yang S,Shih HJ,Chow YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. The protective role of heme oxygenase-1 induction on testicular tissues after testicular torsion and detorsion . Journal of Urology .2007 ;(177):1928-1933

97. 2007 Huang CL,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Yan LP,Xu HZ,Huang CJ. Acupuncture stimulation of ST36 (Zusanli) attenuates acute renal but not hepatic injury in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated rats . Anesthesia and Analgesia .2007 ;(104):646-654

98. 2007 Ko YP,Hsu YW,Hsu K,Tsai HJ,Huang CJ,Chen CC. Simulation analysis of the performance of target-controlled infusion of propofol in Chinese patients . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2007 ;(45):141-147

99. 2006 Chang KY,Tsai PS,Huang TY,Wang TY,Yang S,Huang CJ. HO-1 mediates the effects of HBO pretreatment against sepsis . Journal of Surgical Research .2006 ;(13):143-153

100. 2006 Tsai PS,Ke TL,Huang CJ,Hsaio FH,Wang MY,Cheng YH. Demographic characteristics and perceived health status of users of folk therapies in Taiwan . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine .2006 ;(12):549-554

101. 2006 Liu MC,Tsai PS,Yang CH,Liu CH,Chen CC,Huang CJ. Propofol significantly attenuates iNOS, CAT-2, and CAT-2B transcription in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine macrophages . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2006 ;(44):73-81

102. 2006 Huang YH,Tsai PS,Kai YF,Yang CH,Huang CJ. Lidocaine inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cationic amino acid transporter-2 transcription in activated murine macrophages may involve voltage-sensitive Na+ channel . Anesthesia and Analgesia .2006 ;(102):1739-1744

103. 2006 Huang CJ,Kuok CH,Kuo TBJ,Hsu YW,Tsai PS. Pre-operative measurement of heart rate variability predicts hypotension during general anesthesia . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2006 ;(50):542-548

104. 2006 Chen CC,Lee JJ,Tsai PS,Lu YT,Huang CL,Huang CJ. Platonin attenuates LPS-induced CAT-2 and CAT-2B induction in stimulated murine macrophages . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2006 ;(50):604-612

105. 2006 Tsai PS,Chen CC,Tsai PS,Yang LC,Huang WY,Huang CJ. Heme oxygenase 1, nuclear factor E2-related factor 2, and nuclear factor κB are involved in hemin inhibition of type 2 cationic amino acid transporter expression and L-arginine transport in stimulated macrophages . Anesthesiology .2006 ;(105):1201-1210

106. 2005 Tsai PS,Wang SY,Wang MY,Su CT,Yang TT,Huang CJ, Fang SC. Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (CPSQI) in primary insomnia and control subjects . Quality of Life Research .2005 ;(14):1943-1952

107. 2005 Tsai PS,Ke TL,Huang CJ,Tsai JC,Chen PL,Wang SY, Shyu YK. Prevalence and determinants of prehypertension status in the Taiwanese general population . Journal of Hypertension .2005 ;(23):1355-1360

108. 2005 Huang TY,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Huang CL,Huang CJ. Hyperbaric oxygen attenuation of lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury involves heme oxygenase-1 . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2005 ;(49):1293-1301

109. 2005 Yang CH,Tsai PS,Lee JJ,Huang CH,Huang CJ. NF-kappaB inhibitors stabilize the mRNA of high-affinity type-2 cationic amino acid transporter in LPS-stimulated rat liver . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2005 ;(49):468-476

110. 2005 Lin WC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Catecholamines' enhancement of inducible nitric oxide synthase-induced nitric oxide biosynthesis involves CAT-1 and CAT-2A . Anesthesia and Analgesia .2005 ;(101):226-232


113 開發以外泌體為基礎之急性呼吸窘迫症候群創新診斷與治療平台-急性呼吸窘迫症候群所致肺損傷及肺纖維化: 以外泌體為診斷基礎暨以工程化外泌體為治療基礎之創新開發(2/3)

113 整合性粒線體功能失調治療策略以減緩小鼠敗血症所致肌肉衰弱並探討既有肌少症對療效之影響

112 開發以外泌體為基礎之急性呼吸窘迫症候群創新診斷與治療平台-急性呼吸窘迫症候群所致肺損傷及肺纖維化: 以外泌體為診斷基礎暨以工程化外泌體為治療基礎之創新開發(1/3)

112 「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案 ( 研究生:博士班 Vo Nguyen Hong Phuc 君 )

111 奈米控釋介導間質幹細胞外泌體合併細胞激素結合誘餌胜肽與微囊蛋白-1支架領域胜肽之三功能協同創新療法於治療肥胖併發敗血症所致器官傷害與死亡之療效: 聚焦細胞死亡相關機轉(2/2)

110 奈米控釋介導間質幹細胞外泌體合併細胞激素結合誘餌胜?與微囊蛋白-1支架領域胜?之三功能協同創新療法於治療肥胖併發敗血症所致器官傷害與死亡之療效: 聚焦細胞死亡相關機轉(1/2)

109 間質幹細胞之外泌體於減緩肥胖及肥胖併發敗血症於小鼠所致心臟病變之療效與其調控氧化、發炎、粒線體異常及胰島素抵抗之效應探討(3/3)

109 「間質幹細胞之外泌體於減緩肥胖及肥胖併發敗血症於小鼠所致心臟病變之療效與其調控氧化、發炎、粒線體異常及胰島素抵抗之效應探討」

108 附屬醫院黃俊仁主治醫師申請補助張肇源君參與「間質幹細胞之外泌體於減緩肥胖及肥胖併發敗血症於小鼠所致心臟病變之療效與其調控氧化、發炎、粒線體異常及胰島素抵抗之效應探討」研究計畫案,業經核定以「博士後研究」資格補助(MOST 108-2811-B-038-517)

108 間質幹細胞之外泌體於減緩肥胖及肥胖併發敗血症於小鼠所致心臟病變之療效與其調控氧化、發炎、粒線體異常及胰島素抵抗之效應探討(2/3)

107 貴校附屬醫院黃俊仁主治醫師申請補助延攬科技人才張肇源先生參與「以胜?為基礎之細胞激素結合誘餌療法於治療敗血症之療效及其調控發炎、氧化、凋亡、自嗜與發炎小體之作用探討」研究計畫案,業經核定以「博士後研究」資格補助(MOST 108-2811-B-038-500)

107 以胜肽為基礎之細胞激素結合誘餌療法於治療敗血症之療效及其調控發炎、氧化、凋亡、自嗜與發炎小體之作用探討(3/3)

107 間質幹細胞之外泌體於減緩肥胖及肥胖併發敗血症於小鼠所致心臟病變之療效與其調控氧化、發炎、粒線體異常及胰島素抵抗之效應探討(1/3)

106 新聘教師研究補助

106 以胜肽為基礎之細胞激素結合誘餌療法於治療敗血症之療效及其調控發炎、氧化、凋亡、自嗜與發炎小體之作用探討(2/3)

105 以胜肽為基礎之細胞激素結合誘餌療法於治療敗血症之療效及其調控發炎、氧化、凋亡、自嗜與發炎小體之作用探討(1/3)