何昭德(Ho, Jau-Der) 教授

現   職
眼科學科 教授


學 歷

長庚大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學醫學系 學士




2013/08/01 ~ 2020/07/31
2007/08/01 ~
2004/08/01 ~ 2008/07/31
2004/04/01 ~ 2004/07/31







1. 2023 Lin FL,Cheng YW,Chen LH,Ho JD,Yen JL, Wang MH, Lee TH, Hsiao G. Retinal protection by fungal product theissenolactone B in a sodium iodate-induced AMD model through targeting retinal pigment epithelial matrix metalloproteinase-9 and microglia activity . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2023 ;(158)

2. 2023 Hsueh CM,Yeh JS,Ho JD.. Effect of myopia on the progression of normal tension glaucoma . PLoS One .2023 ;(18):e0287661-e0287661

3. 2023 Chen YT,Liu YL,Yeh TH,Ho JD,Chang CJ,Hsieh KL. Adult PHACE Syndrome Presenting With Visual Field Loss: A Case Report and Review of the Literature . J Neuroophthalmol. .2023

4. 2022 Kuang TM,Xirasagar S,Kao YW,Ho JD,Lin HC. Association of neovascular age‑related macular degeneration with migraine . Scientific Reports .2022 ;(12)

5. 2021 Chan YJ,Liao PL,Tsai CH,Chen YW,Lin FL,Ho JD, Chen CY, Li CH. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles impair the inner blood-retinal barrier and retinal electrophysiology through rapid ADAM17 activation and claudin-5 degradation . Particle and Fibre Toxicology .2021 ;(18)

6. 2020 Ho JD,Kao LT,Shia BC,Lin HC. Associations between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and ocular abnormalities in children: a population-based study . Ophthalmic Epidemiology .2020 ;(27):194-199

7. 2019 Ho JD,Cheng YW,Yu M,Ho JD,Kuo YC, Chiou GCY, Chang HM, Lee TH, Hsiao G. The fungus-derived retinoprotectant theissenolactone C improves glaucoma-like injury mediated by MMP-9 inhibition . Phytomedicine .2019 ;(56):207-214

8. 2019 Ho JD,Lin HC,Kao LT.. Increased risk of neovascular age-related macular degeneration in patients with herpes zoster ophthalmicus: a retrospective cohort study. . Acta Ophthalmologica .2019

9. 2018 Lin FL,Ho JD,Cheng YW,Chiou GCY,Yen JL,Chang HM, Lee TH, Hsiao G.. Theissenolactone C Exhibited Ocular Protection of Endotoxin-Induced Uveitis by Attenuating Ocular Inflammatory Responses and Glial Activation . Front Pharmacol .2018 ;(9):326-326

10. 2018 Ho Jau Der ,Xirasagar Sudha ,Kao Li Ting ,Lin Herng Ching . Neovascular age-related macular degeneration is associated with cataract surgery . Acta Ophthalmologica .2018 ;(96):e213-e217

11. 2017 Lin Cheng Hui ,Wu Man Ru ,Li Ching Hao ,Cheng Hui Wen ,Huang Shih Hsuan ,Tsai CH, Lin FL, Ho JD, Kang JJ, Hsiao G, Cheng YW. Periodic exposure to smartphone-mimic low-luminance blue light induces retina damage through Bcl-2/BAX-dependent apoptosis . Toxicological Sciences .2017 ;(157):196-210

12. 2017 Lin Fan Li ,Lin Cheng Hui ,Ho Jau Der ,Yen Jing Lun ,Chang Hung Ming ,Chiou GC, Cheng YW, Hsiao G.. The natural retinoprotectant chrysophanol attenuated photoreceptor cell apoptosis in an N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mouse model of retinal degenaration . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):41086-41086

13. 2017 Liao Po Lin ,Lin Cheng Hui ,Li Ching Hao ,Tsai Chi Hao ,Ho Jau Der ,Chiou GC, Kang JJ, Cheng YW. Anti-inflammatory properties of shikonin contribute to improved early-stage diabetic retinopathy . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):44985-44985

14. 2017 Hu CC,Ho JD,Lin HC,Kao LT. Association between open-angle glaucoma and neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a case-control study. . Eye (Lond) .2017 ;(00):00-00

15. 2015 Chung SD,Ho JD,Lin HC,Kao LT,Tsai MC. Incremental Healthcare Service Utilization for Open-angle Glaucoma: A Population-Based Study . J Glaucoma .2015 ;(24):e116-e120

16. 2015 Lin CH,Liao PL,Hsiao G,Li CH,Huang SH,Tsai CH, Wu MR, Lin FL, Ho JD, Cheng HW, Cheng YW. Long-term Fluorometholone Topical Use Induces Ganglion Cell Damage in Rats Analyzed With Optical Coherence Tomography . Toxicol Sci .2015 ;(147):317-325

17. 2015 Chung SD,Ho JD,Chen CH,Lin HC,Tsai MC,Sheu JJ. Dementia is associated with open-angle glaucoma: a population-based study . Eye .2015 ;(29):1340-1346

18. 2015 Chung SD,Ho JD,Hwa P,Lee HC,Lin HC. Increased risk of depressive disorder following a diagnosis of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. . Acta Ophthalmol. .2015 ;(93):e176-e177

19. 2015 Chen SN,Lian I,Chen YC,Ho JD. Increased incidence of peptic ulcer disease in cebtral serous chorioretinopathy patients: a population-based retrospective cohort study. . Retina .2015 ;(35):231-237

20. 2014 Hung SH,Ho JD,Lin HC,Chung SD. Association of cataract with chronic rhinosinusitis: a population-based case-control study . Ophthalmic epidemiology .2014 ;(21):391-396

21. 2014 Chung SD,Lin CC,Ho JD,Ting J,Lin HC,Hu CC. Increased risk of open-angle glaucoma following chronic rhinosinusitis: a population-based matched-cohort study . Eye .2014 ;(28):225-230

22. 2014 Chung SD,Ho JD,Hu CC,Lin HC,Sheu JJ. Increased risk of Parkinson disease following a diagnosis of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a retrospective cohort study . American Journal of Ophthalmology .2014 ;(157):464-469

23. 2013 Lin CC,Hu CC,Ho JD,Chiu HW,Lin HC. Obstructive sleep apnea and increased risk of glaucoma: a population-based matched-cohort study . Ophthalmology .2013 ;(120):1559-1564

24. 2013 Wang TJ,Ho JD,Lee PY,Lin HC. Association between retinal vein occlusion and conjunctival haemorrhage . Acta Ophthalmologica .2013 ;(91):e579-e580

25. 2013 Ho JD,Keller JJ,Tsai CY,Liou SW,Chang CJ,Lin HC. Topiramate use and the risk of glaucoma development; a population-based follow-up study . American Journal of Ophthalmology .2013 ;(155):336-341

26. 2012 Hu CC,Ho JD,Lou HY,Keller JJ,Lin HC. A one-year follow-up study on the incidence and risk of endophthalmitis after pyogenic liver abscess. . Ophthalmology .2012 ;(119):2358-2363

27. 2012 Chung SD,Hu CC,Ho JD,Keller JJ,Wang TJ,Lin HC. Open-angle glaucoma and the risk of erectile dysfunction: a population-based case-control study . Ophthalmology .2012 ;(119):289-293

28. 2011 Lin HC,Chen CS,Keller JJ,Ho JD,Lin CC,Hu CC. Seasonality of retinal detachment incidence and its associations with climate: an 11-year nationwide population-based study . Chronolbiology International .2011 ;(28):942-948

29. 2011 Cheng LS,Tsai CY,Tsai RJ,Liou SW,Ho JD. Estimation accuracy of surgically induced astigmatism on the cornea when neglecting the posterior corneal surface measurement . Acta Ophthalmologica .2011 ;(89):417-422

30. 2011 Ho JD,Xirasagar S,Lin HC. Increased Risk of a Cancer Diagnosis after Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus: A Nationwide Population-Based Study . Ophthalmology .2011 ;(118):1076-1081

31. 2010 Ho JD,Liou SW,Tsai RJF,Tsai CY. Effects of Aging on Anterior and Posterior Corneal Astigmatisms . Cornea .2010 ;(29):632-637

32. 2010 Lin HC,Chien CW,Ho JD. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus and the Risk of Stroke: A Population-Based Follow-Up Study . Neurology .2010 ;(00):00-00

33. 2010 Herng-Ching Lin,Ching-Wen Chien,Chao-Chien Hu,Jau-Der Ho. Comparison of Comorbid Conditions between Open-Angle Glaucoma Patients and a Control Cohort: A Case-Control Study . Ophthalmology .2010 ;(117):2088-2095

34. 2010 Herng-Ching Lin,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Yi-Der Jiang,Jau-Der Ho. Hypothyroidism and the Risk of Developing Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Five-Year Population-Based Follow-Up Study . Ophthalmology .2010 ;(117):1960-1966

35. 2010 Chao-Chien Hu,Jau-Der Ho,Herng-Ching Lin. Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration and the Risk of Stroke. A 5-Year Population-Based Follow-Up Study . Stroke .2010 ;(00):00-00

36. 2009 Ho JD,Liou SW,Lin HC. Retinal vein occlusion and the risk of stroke development: a five-year follow-up study . American Journal of Ophthalmology .2009 ;(147):283-290

37. 2009 Ho JD,Liou SW,Tsai CY,Tsai RJ,Lin HC. Trends and Outcomes of Treatment for Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: A 9-year Nationwide Population-based Study . Eye .2009 ;(23):669-675

38. 2009 Ho JD,Tsai CY,Liou SW. Accuracy of Corneal Astigmatism Estimation by Neglecting the Posterior Corneal Surface . American Journal of Ophthalmology .2009 ;(147):788-795

39. 2009 Hu CC,Ho JD,Lin HC. Retinal Vein Occlusion and the Risk of Acute Myocardial Infraction: A 3-Year Follow-up Study . British Journal of Ophthalmology .2009 ;(93):717-720

40. 2009 Ho JD,Hu CC,Lin HC. Open-angle glaucoma and the risk of stroke development: A five-year population-based follow-up study . Stroke .2009 ;(40):2685-2690

41. 2009 Ho JD,Hu CC,Lin HC. Antiglaucoma medications during pregnancy and the risk of low birthweight: A population-based study . Br J Ophthalmol .2009 ;(93):1283-1286

42. 2009 Ho JD,Kuo NW,Tsai CY,Liou SW,Lin HC. Surgeon age and operative outcomes for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: a 3-year nationwide population-based study . Eye .2009 ;(00):00-00

43. 2008 Ho JD,Tasi CY,Tsai RJ,Kuo LL,Tsai IL,Liou SW. Validity of the keratomoetric index:evaluation by the Pentacam rotating Scheimpflug camera . J cataract Refract Surgery .2008 ;(34):137-145

44. 2008 Ho JD,Tsai CY,Liou SW,Tsai RJF,Lin HC. Seasonal Variations in the Occurence of Retinal Vein Occluseino:AFive year Natonwide population base study from Taiwan . American Journal of Ophthalmology .2008 ;(145):722-728

45. 2008 Lee SH,Tsai CY,Liou SW,Tsai RJ,Ho JD. Intraocular lens power calculation after automated lamellar keratoplasty for high myopia . Cornea .2008 ;(27):1086-1089

46. 2008 Ho JD,Liou SW,Tsai RJ,Tsai CY. Estimation of the Effective Lens Position Using the Pentacam Rotating Scheimpflug Camera . Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery .2008 ;(34):2119-2127

47. 2005 Yeh TS,HO JD,Yang VWC,Tzeng CR,Hsien RH. Calcium stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in human granulose cells . Ann NY Acad .2005 ;(1042):157-162

48. 2005 Cheng SN,Yang TC,Ho JD,Hwang JF,Cheng CK. Ocular toxicity of intravitreal indocyanine green . J Ocul Pharmacol Ther .2005 ;(21):85-93

49. 2004 Ho JD,Chen Hc,Chen SN,Tsai RJF. Reduction of indocyanine green-associated photosensitizing toxicity in retinal pigment epithelium . Arch Ophthalmol .2004 ;(122):871-878

50. 2004 Ho JD,Tsai RJF,Chen SN. Removal of Sodium from the Solvent Reduces CRetinal Pigment Epithelium Toxicity aused by Indocyanine Green: Implications for Macular Hole Surgery . Br J Ophthalmol .2004 ;(88):556-559

51. 2003 Ho JD,Tsai RJF,Chen SN,Chen HC. Cytotoxicity of Indocyanine Green on Retinal Pigment Epithelium: Implications for Macular Hole Surgery . Arch Ophthalmol .2003 ;(121):1423-1429

52. 2003 Ho JD,Tsai RJF,Chen Hc. Toxic effect of indocyanine green on retinal pigment epithelium related to osmotic effects of the solvent . Am J Ophthalmol .2003 ;(135):135-258

53. 2003 Chen HC,Ho JD,Chen SN. Perfluorocarbon liquid-assisted external drainage in the management of central serous chorioretinopathy with bullous serous retinal detachment . Chang Gung Med J .2003 ;(26):777-781

54. 2003 Hou CH,Chen SN,Ho JD,Ho CL. Surgical treatment of retinal detachment following acute retinal necrosis syndrome:surgical results in four patients . Chang Gung Med J .2003 ;(26):835-842

55. 2003 Ho JD,Lee JS,Chen SN,Ho CL,Chen SN. Early postoperative capsular block syndrome . Chang Gung Med J .2003 ;(26):745-753

56. 2003 Chen HC,Chang SL,Chen SN,Ho JD. Ciliary effusion complicates blunt ocular trauma . Eye .2003 ;(17):835-836

57. 2003 Chen SN,Lin KK,Chao AN,Kuo YH,Ho JD. Nuclear sclerotic cataract in young patients in Taiwan . J Cataract Refract Surg .2003 ;(29):983-988

58. 2002 Wu SY,Ho JD,Ho CL,Chen SN,Tsai RJ. High-density vitreous substitute in the management of advanced Coats' disease . Chang Gung Med J .2002 ;(25):128-132

59. 2002 Lai LJ,Chen SN,Kuo YH,Ho JD. Presumed choroidal atypical tuberculosis superinfected with cytomegalovirus retinitis in an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patient . Jpn J Ophthalmo .2002 ;(46):463-468

60. 2001 Chen YC,Li CY,,Kuo YH,Ho JD,Chen SN. Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation in a woman with uterine leiomyoma . Chang Gung Med J .2001 ;(24):274-279

61. 2001 Li CY,Chen YC,Ho CL,Ho JD,Chen SN. Idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: case report . Chang Gung Med J .2001 ;(24):263-268

62. 2001 Wei LC,Chen SN,Ho CL,Kuo YH,Ho JD. Preogression of hydroxychloroquine retinopathy after discontinuation of therapy . Chang Gung Med J .2001 ;(24):329-334

63. 2001 Chen SN,Ho CL,Kuo YH,Ho JD. Intravitreous tissue plasminogen activator injection and pneumatic displacement in the manegement of submacular hemorrhage complicating scleral buckling procedures . Retina .2001 ;(21):460-463

64. 2001 Chen SN,Ho CL,Ho JD,Kuo YH,Chen TL,Chen PF. Acute angle-closure glaucoma resulting from hemorrhagic retinal detachment in age-related macular degeneration . Jpn J Ophthalmol .2001 ;(45):270-275

65. 2000 Wu WC,Ho JD,Ho CL,Chen TL,Chen SN. Perfluorodecalin condensation on posterior surface of lens capsule and corneal endothelium during vitrectomy. . Chang Gang Med J .2000 ;(23):768-775

66. 1998 Ho JD,Yang CH,Huan JK,Shih YF,Chen MS,Hu PT. Effects of transscleral cryotherapy and diathermy on the ocular growth in the rabbits . Trans Ophthalmol Soc R.O.C .1998 ;(37):9-16


100 隅角開放性青光眼與勃起障礙風險之相關性:以人口為基礎之個案對照研究

99 網膜色素上皮細胞之氧化傷害:粒腺體之角色及以粒腺體為標的之蛋白質類抗氧化物之保護作用

98 網膜色素上皮細胞之氧化傷害:粒腺體之角色及以粒腺體為標的之蛋白質類抗氧化物之保護作用

96 類黃鹼素對人類網膜色素上皮細胞之光激發毒性的保護作用:與葉黃素之比較及作用機制之探討

96 網膜色素上皮細胞之氧化傷害:粒腺體之角色及以粒腺體為標的之蛋白質類抗氧化物之保護作用

94 循血綠導致網膜色素上皮細胞毒性之機制:細胞凋亡vs.壞死,以及粒腺體之角色

93 循血綠對網膜色素上皮細胞之光動力毒性及其防治之道:對黃斑部裂孔手術之意義

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92 鈉離子在循血綠引發之網膜色素上皮細胞毒性中所扮演之角色

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