粟發滿(Suk, Fat-Moon) 教授

現   職
內科學科 主任
內科學科 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學醫學系 學士




2021/08/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~ 2018/07/31
2015/08/16 ~ 2024/01/31
2010/11/01 ~ 2013/07/31




內科 (Internal Medicine)
消化內科 (Gastroenterology)
肝臟疾病 (Hepatology)



1. 2024 Suk FM ,Hsu FY,, Hsu MH,Chiu WC ,Fang CC,Chen TL , Liao YJ. Treatment with a new barbituric acid derivative suppresses diet-induced metabolic dysfunction and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. . Life Sci. .2024

2. 2024 Hsu FY, Yang SC,Suk FM,Shirakawa H,Chiu WC,Liao YJ. Dietary rice bran attenuates hepatic stellate cell activation and liver fibrosis in mice through enhancing antioxidant ability. . J Nutr Biochem. .2024

3. 2024 Shih MS,Suk FM,Chiu WC,Lee CY,Hsu FY,Liao YJ. Long-term di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure reduces sorafenib treatment efficacy by enhancing mesenchymal transition in hepatocellular carcinoma. . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. .2024 ;(273)

4. 2023 Suk FM,Hsu FY,Lee YC,Chen TL,Chiu WC,Liao YJ. Dietary oxidized frying oil activates hepatic stellate cells and accelerates the severity of carbon tetrachloride- and thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in mice. . J Nutr Biochem. .2023

5. 2023 Liao YJ, Lee CY, Twu YC,Suk FM,Lai TC,Yuan JW, Jhuang HM, Jian HR, Huang LC, Chen KP, Hsu MH.. Isolation and Biological Evaluation of Alfa-Mangostin as Potential Therapeutic Agents against Liver Fibrosis. . Bioengineering .2023

6. 2023 Suk FM,Wu CY,Fang CC,Chen TL,Liao YJ. β-HB treatment reverses sorafenib resistance by shifting glycolysis–lactate metabolism in HCC. . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2023

7. 2022 Suk FM,Wu CY,Chiu WC,Chien CY,Chen TL,, Liao YJ.. Mediation of Ketone Levels Affects Sorafenib Treatment Efficacy in Liver Cancer Cells. . Molecules. .2022

8. 2022 Cheng CL, ,Tang KP, ,Cheng SW,, Fang HC, ,Shiue SJ, ,Suk FM, Lien G.S. and Wu MS. Comparison of endoscopic papillary large-balloon dilatation with endoscopic sphincterotomy in clearing large common bile duct stones: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Adv Dig Med .2022

9. 2022 Chen WT, ,Kang YN,, Wang TC, ,Lin CW,, Cheng CY, ,Suk FM, Hsu CW, Huang SK, Huang WC. Does ultrasound education improve anatomy learning? Effects of the Parallel Ultrasound Hands-on (PUSH) undergraduate medicine course. . BMC Med Educ .2022

10. 2021 Yen SY,Huang HE,Lien GS,Liu CW, Chu CF,Huang WM, Suk FM. Automatic lumen detection and magnetic alignment control for magnetic-assisted capsule colonoscope system optimization. . Sci Rep .2021

11. 2021 Suk FM, Chang CC,Sun PC, Ke WT, Chung CC, Lee KL, Chan TS, Liang YC. MCPIP1 Enhances TNF-α-Mediated Apoptosis through Downregulation of the NF-κB/cFLIP Axis. . Biology .2021 ;(10)

12. 2021 Suk FM,Wang YH,Chiu WC,Liu CF,Wu CY,Chen TL, Liao YJ. Secretory NPC2 Protein-Mediated Free Cholesterol Levels Were Correlated with the Sorafenib Response in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. . Int J Mol Sci .2021

13. 2021 Huang HE,Yen SY, Chu CF,Suk FM,Lien GS,Liu CW. Autonomous navigation of a magnetic colonoscope using force sensing and a heuristic search algorithm . Sci Rep .2021

14. 2021 Wang TC,Chen WT,Kang YN,Lin CW,Cheng CY,Suk FM, Chen HY, Hsu CW, Fong TH, Huang WC. Why do pre-clinical medical students learn ultrasound? Exploring learning motivation through ERG theory. . BMC Med Edu .2021

15. 2021 Huang WC,Hsu SC,Yang CH,Lin CW,Suk FM,Hu KC, Wu YY, Chen HY, Hsu CW. . A novel approach: Simulating multiple simultaneous encounters to assess multitasking ability in emergency medicine . Plos One .2021

16. 2021 Suk FM,Wang YH,Chiu WC,Liu CF,Wu CY,Chen TL, Liao YJ. . Secretory NPC2 Protein-Mediated Free Cholesterol Levels Were Correlated with the Sorafenib Response in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. . Int J Mol Sci .2021

17. 2020 LiaoYJ,Wang YH,Liu CL,Fang CC,Hsu MH,Suk FM. 4-Methoxy Sulfonyl Paeonol Inhibits Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation and Liver Fibrosis by Blocking the TGF-β1/Smad, PDGF-BB/MAPK and Akt Signaling Pathways. . Appl Sci .2020

18. 2020 Liang YC,Chang CC,Sheu MT,Lin SY,Chung CC,Teng CT, Suk FM. The Antihistamine Deptropine Induces Hepatoma Cell Death through Blocking Autophagosome-Lysosome Fusion. . Cancers .2020

19. 2020 Liao YJ,Hsu SM,Chien CY,Wang YH, Hsu MH,Suk FM. Treatment with a New Barbituric Acid Derivative Exerts Antiproliferative and Antimigratory Effects against Sorafenib Resistance in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. . Molecules .2020

20. 2020 Lee CY,Suk FM,Twu YC,LiaoYJ. Long-Term Exposure to Low-Dose Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate Impairs Cholesterol Metabolism in Hepatic Stellate Cells and Exacerbates Liver Fibrosis. . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2020

21. 2020 Wang YH,Suk FM,Liu CL,Chen TL,Twu YC,Hsu MH , Liao YJ. Anti fibrotic Effects of a Barbituric Acid Derivative on Liver Fibrosis by Blocking the NF- k B Signaling Pathway in Hepatic Stellate Cells . Front. Pharmaco .2020

22. 2020 Wang Yh, Suk FM,Liao YJ. Loss of HMGCS2 Enhances Lipogenesis and Attenuates the Protective Effect of the Ketogenic Diet in Liver Cancer. . Cancers .2020

23. 2020 Hu KC.,Salcedo D, Kang YN,Lin CW,Hsu CW,Cheng CY, Suk FM, Huang WC. Impact of virtual reality anatomy training on ultrasound competency development: A randomized controlled trial . PLoS ONE .2020 ;(15)

24. 2020 Lee PL,Suk FM,Kang YN. Letter: does tranexamic acid reduce the need for surgery in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding? . Aliment Pharmacol Ther .2020 ;(52):1088-1089

25. 2020 Salcedo D,HuangWC,Suk FM,Lin CW. Enhanced telepresence for clinical training in high-risk environments. . Med Educ .2020 ;(54):1063-1064

26. 2020 Yen SY , Huang HE ,Chen HC , Huang FW, Suk FM ,Lien GS , Liu CW.. A Novel Method for Locating a Magnetic Assisted Capsule Endoscope System . IEEE Transactions on Magnetic .2020

27. 2019 Low-molecular-weight fucoidan and high-stability fucoxanthin decrease serum alanine transaminase in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease — A double-blind, randomized controlled trial . Adv Dig Med .2019 ;(6):116-122

28. 2019 ‘Medical Knowledge Forum’: competitive, educational, game-based learning . Med Educ .2019 ;(53):1151-1152

29. 2019 Suk FM,Liu CL, Hsu MH,Chuang YT,Wang JP ,Liao YJ. Treatment with a new benzimidazole derivative bearing a pyrrolidine side chain overcomes sorafenib resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma. . Sci Rep. .2019

30. 2019 A historical review of classic Helicobacter pylori publications in science citation index expanded, . COLLNET J Scientometrics Information Management .2019 ;(13):313-330

31. 2018 Polypoid lesions from the oesophagus to colon. Gut 2017 . Gut .2018

32. 2018 Lien GS,Wu MS,Chen CN,Liu CW,Suk FM. Feasibility and safety of a novel magnetic-assisted capsule endoscope system in a preliminary examination for upper gastrointestinal tract . Surg Endosc .2018

33. 2018 Suk FM,Chang CC,Lin RJ,Lin SY,Liu SC,Liang YC. ZFP36L1 and ZFP36L2 inhibit cell proliferation in a cyclin D-dependent and p53-independent manner. . Sci Report .2018 ;(9)

34. 2018 Suk FM,Chang CC,Lin RJ,Lin SY,Chen YT,Liao YJ. MCPIP3 as a Potential Metastasis Suppressor Gene in Human Colorectal Cancer. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2018 ;(19):1-12

35. 2017 Development from gallstone to gallstone ileus . J Gastroenterol Hepatol .2017 ;(32):1539-1539

36. 2017 Huang WC,Lee CH,Suk FM. Esophagogastroduodenal pneumatosis with subsequent pneumoporta and intramural duodenal hematoma after endoscopic hemostasis: a case report. Esophagogastroduodenal pneumatosis with subsequent pneumoporta and intramural duodenal hematoma after endoscopic he . BMC Gastroenterol .2017

37. 2016 Su TH,Hu TH,Chen CY,Huang YH,Chuang WL,Suk FM, Hu CT, Bair MJ, Liang CC, Lei YC, Tseng TC, Chen CL, Kao JH. C-TEAM study group and the Taiwan Liver Diseases Consortium. Four-year entecavir therapy reduces hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhotic events and mortality in chronic hepatitis B patients. . Liver Int. .2016

38. 2016 Sepsis is a More Important Risk Factor for Cytomegalovirus Colitis in Human-immunodeficiency Virus-Negative Adults with Chronic Kidney Disease . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2016 ;(49):307-308

39. 2016 Influence of replacing percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy for nasogastric tube feeding on gastroesophageal reflux disease with erosive esophagitis. . Advances Digest Med .2016 ;(3):49-55

40. 2015 Suk FM,Lin SY,Lin RJ,Hsine YH,Liao YJ,Fang SU, Liang YC. Bortezomib inhibits Burkitt's lymphoma cell proliferation by downregulating sumoylated hnRNP K and c-Myc expression. . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):25988-6001

41. 2014 Ling-Yu Liu,Wei-Jan Huang,Feng-Ming Ho,Ren-Jye Lin,Shyr-Yi Lin,Fat-Moon Suk, and Yu-Chih Liang. N-hydroxycinnamide derivatives of osthole inhibit cell migration and invasion by . Chemico-Biological Interactions .2014 ;(217):1-8

42. 2014 Yang CS,Suk FM,Chen CN,Chuang CL,Jiang JA,Liu CW, Lien GS. Colonoscopy with magnetic control system to navigate the forepart of colonoscope shortens the cecal intubation time. . Surg Endosc .2014 ;(28):2480-2483

43. 2014 Lin YW,Shih YL,Lien GS,Suk FM,Hsieh CB,Yan MD. Methylation of SFRP3 Is Frequent in Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Dis Markers .2014 ;(2014):1-10

44. 2013 Suk FM,Jou WJ,Lin RJ,Lin SY,Tzeng FY,Liang YC. 15,16-Dihydrotanshinone I-induced apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells: involvement of ATF3. . Anticancer Res .2013 ;(33):3225-3231

45. 2013 Chen CN,Lien GS,Suk FM. Retrograde jejunogastric intussusceptions: report of a case. . Gastroenterol J Taiwan .2013 ;(30):25-28

46. 2013 Suk FM,Lein GS,Haung WJ,Chen CN,Lu SY,Yang YC, Yan MD,Liang YC. A Taiwanese Propolis Derivative Induces Apoptosis through Inducing Endoplasmic Reticular Stress and Activating Transcription Factor-3 in Human Hepatoma Cells. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2013

47. 2012 hen WT,Suk FM. Abdominal pain after consuming a chestnus. Diagnosis: Chestnut bezoar in the jejunum. . Gastroenterology 2011;140:e9-10 .2012 ;(140):e9-e10

48. 2012 Chan TS,Wu MS,Suk FM,Chen CN,Chen YF. Enterococcus hirae-related acute pyelonephritis and cholangitis with bacteremia: An unusual infection in humans . Kaohsiung J Med Sci. .2012 ;(28):111-114

49. 2012 Chan TS,Wu MS,Suk,Chen CN,Chen CN,Hou YH, Lien GS.. Enterococcus hirae-related acute pylonephritis and cholangitis with bacteremia: an unusual infection in humans. . Kaohsiung J Med Sc .2012 ;(28):111-114

50. 2011 Suk FM,Lien GS,Yu TC,Ho YS. Global trends in Helicobacter pylori research from 1991 to 2008 analyzed with the Science Citation Index Expanded . Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol .2011

51. 2011 Chen WT,Suk FM. Abdominal pain after consuming a chestnut. Diagnosis: Chestnut bezoar in the jejunum. . Gastroenterology .2011

52. 2011 Chuang MT,Ho FM,Wu CC,Zhuang SY,Lin SY,Suk FM, Liang YC. 15, 16-Dihydrotanshinone I, a compound of salvia mitiorrhiza bunge, induces apoptosis through inducing endoplasmic reticular stress in human prostate carcinoma cells. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2011 ;(10.115):1-9

53. 2009 Liang HJ,Suk FM,Wang CK,Hung LF,Liu DZ. Osthole, a potential antidiabetic agent, alleviates hyperglycemia in db/db mice. . Chem Biol Interact .2009 ;(181):309-315

54. 2009 Suk FM,Chen CH,Lin SY,Cheng CJ,Yen SJ,Hung LF, Liu DZ, Liang YC. 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J(2) inhibits fibrogenic response in human hepatoma cells. . Toxicol Lett .2009 ;(187):22-27

55. 2009 Liang HJ,Suk FM,Wang CK,Hung LF,,Liu DZ,Chen NQ, Chen YC, Chang CC, Liang YC. Osthole, a potential antidiabetic agent, alleviates hyperglycemia in db/db mice. . Chem Biol Interact. 2009 ;181:309-15 .2009 ;(181):309-315

56. 2008 Suk FM,Lin YH,Hsieh MC. Clinical challenges and images in GI. Duodenal gangliocytic paraganglioma. . Gastroenterology .2008 ;(135):361-361

57. 2008 Suk FM,Lin SY,Chen CH,Yen SJ,Su CH,Liu DZ, Hou WC, Hung LF, Lin PJ, Liang YC. Taiwanofungus camphoratus activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and induces hypotriglyceride in hypercholesterolemic rats. . Biosci Biotechnol Biochem .2008 ;(72):1704-1713

58. 2008 Tsai TC,Chiu WT,Wang HJ,Lien GS,Suk FM,Kuo YT, Shu MI. The use of internship clinical education portfolios: preliminary experience. . J Med Edu 2008;12:8-19 .2008 ;(12):8-19

59. 2008 Chen MY,Cheng,YS,Lien GS,Chen JN,Suk FM,Wu MS. Ten year’s experience of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. . Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2008;25:373-81 .2008 ;(25):373-381

60. 2008 Chen CN,Lien GS,,Suk FM. Metastatic hepatoceullular carcinoma presenting as gastric submucosal tumor with ulceration: report of a case. . Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2008;25:395-99 .2008 ;(25):395-399

61. 2007 Tiong C,Tai CJ,Chenb WY,Chang CC,Suk FM. Multiple sessile polypoid lesions in the stomach. . Gut .2007 ;(56):1754-1754

62. 2007 Tsai SL,Suk FM,Wang CI,Liu DZ,Hou WC,Lin PC, Hung LF, Liang YC. Anti-tumor potential of 15,16-dihydrotanshinone I against breast adenocarcinoma through inducing G1 arrest and apoptosis. . Biochem Pharmacol .2007 ;(74):1575-1586

63. 2007 Chang CC,Chen SH,Lin CP,Hsien CR,Lou HY,Suk FM, Pan S, Wu MS, Chen JN, Chen YF. Premedication with pronase or N-acetylcysteine improves visibility during gastroendoscopy: an endoscopist-blinded, prospective, randomized study. . World J gastroenterol .2007 ;(13):444-447

64. 2005 Chua PK,Wang RY,Lin MH,Masuda T,Suk FM,Shih C. Reduced secretion of virions and hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen of a naturally occurring HBV variant correlates with the accumulation of the small S envelope protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. . J virol .2005 ;(79):13483-13496

65. 2003 Suk FM,Lien GS,Huang WJ,Chen CN,Lu SY,Yang YC, Yan MD, Liang YC. A Taiwanese Propolis Derivative Induces Apoptosis through Inducing Endoplasmic Reticular Stress and Activating Transcription Factor-3 in Human Hepatoma Cells. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. .2003


112 113年度「臨床醫事人員培訓計畫精進研析案」

110 110年度「臨床醫事人員培訓計畫之訓練品質與成效檢討及未來改革方向探討」

105 內科粟發滿主治醫師擬邀請University of Toronto Robert Stephen Kerbel 教授,於106年03月11日至106年03月14日來台訪問

104 鋅指蛋白質MCPIP3抑制結腸直腸癌細胞轉移之分子機制研究

98 PARP抑制劑協同蛋白酶体抑制劑之抗癌活性分析

93 B型肝炎病毒之自然preS2蛋白突變種在肝癌發生過程中之重要性

92 B型肝炎病毒核心蛋白之自然突變種的臨床意義及其發生與慢性帶原之關係