吳瑞裕(Wu, Jui-Yu ) 副教授

現   職
生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科 副教授


學 歷

美國偉恩州立大學化學(生物化學) 博士
美國西密西根大學化學(生物化學) 碩士
國立高雄師範大學附屬高級中學化學系 學士




2013/08/01 ~ 2023/04/30
2007/08/01 ~




核酸化學 (nucleic acid chemistry)
分子基因體學 (molecular genomics)
生物運算 (bio-computing)
生物分子檢測 (biomolecular diagnosis)
核酸分子演化及修飾核?酸之合成 (DNA/RNA in vitro selection)
基因微陣列 (DNA microarray)
生物感測器 (biosensor)
螢光檢測技術 (fluororescence detection)



1. 2017 Lin YH,Lu KY,Tseng CL,Wu JY,Chen CH,Mi FL. Development of genipin-crosslinked fucoidan/chitosan-N-arginine nanogels for preventing Helicobacter infection . Nanomedicine (Lond.) .2017 ;(12):1491-1510

2. 2017 Don TM,Lu KY,Lin LJ,Hsu CH,Wu JY,Mi FL. Temperature/pH/Enzyme Triple-Responsive Cationic Protein/PAA‑b‑PNIPAAm Nanogels for Controlled Anticancer Drug and Photosensitizer Delivery against Multidrug Resistant Breast Cancer Cells . Molecular Pharmaceutics .2017 ;(14):4648-4660

3. 2016 Su YR,Yu SH,Chao AC,Wu JY,Lin YF,「Lu KY, Mi FL」. Preparation and properties of pH-responsive, self-assembled colloidal nanoparticles from guanidine-containing polypeptide and chitosan for antibiotic delivery . Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects .2016 ;(494):9-20

4. 2015 Yu SH,Wu SJ,Wu JY,Wen DY,Mi FL. Preparation of fucoidan-shelled and genipin-crosslinked chitosanbeads for antibacterial application . Carbohydrate Polymers .2015 ;(126):97-107

5. 2015 Chang IW,Lin CH,Hung CH,Wang HP,Lin YY,「Wu WJ, Huang CN, Li CC, Li, WM, Wu JY, Li CF」. GPX2 underexpression indicates poor prognosis in patients with urothelial carcinomas of the upper urinary tract and urinary bladder . World Journal of Urology .2015 ;(33):1777-1789

6. 2013 Lin HC,Lai LA,Wu JY,Su YM,Chang SP,Hsueh YM. Risk factors for acquiring extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in geriatric patients with multiple comorbidities in respiratory care wards . Geriatrics & Gerontology International .2013 ;(13):663-671

7. 2013 Wu JY,Chang MC,Chen CS,Lin HC,Tsai HP,Yang CC 「Yang CH, Lin CM」. Topoisomerase I inhibitor evodiamine acts as an anti-bacterial agent against drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae . Planta Medica .2013 ;(79):27-29

8. 2012 Chu YY,Watada J,Huang ST,Wu JY. Boolean logic gate operation integrated with multiple enzymes for bio-molecular information processing . International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control .2012

9. 2012 Wu JY,Ho HO,Chen YC,Chen CC,Sheu MT. Thermal analysis and dissolution characteristics of nifedipine solid dispersions . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2012 ;(20):27-33

10. 2012 Wu JY,Sheu MT,Lin JW,Liou YB,Chiu WT,Ho HO. Characterization of Glycerophospholipids and a sphingolipid in the Cerebrospinal fluid of patients with different illnesses by LC-ESI-MS . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2012 ;(20):12-21

11. 2012 Huang SH,Chung KH,Hsu JL,Wu JY,Huang YL,Tsai SY. The risk factors for elderly patients with bipolar disorder having cerebral infarction . Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology .2012 ;(25):15-19

12. 2012 Kim I,Watada J,Pedrycz W,Wu JY. Pattern Clustering With Statistical Methods Using a DNA-Based Algorithm . IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience .2012 ;(11):100-110

13. 2012 Tsai MC,Wu JY,Lin HC,Chen TH,Hsieh YH,「Shih CM, Chen WY, Huang RN, Kuo TC」. Use of a kinesin-cro Fusion Protein as the Nanoshuttle to Transport Specific DNA . Current Nanoscience .2012 ;(8):669-675

14. 2012 Wu JY,Lin SY,Tzeng CR. Does Interviewing Make a Difference in Medical Student Recruitment? . Medical Education .2012 ;(46):1-19

15. 2012 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Wu JY,Kuo CJ,Lee HC,Huang SH. Inflammatory markers and their relationships with leptin and insulin from acute mania to full remission in bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2012 ;(136):110-116

16. 2011 Lee CM,Huang ST,Huang SH,Lin HW,Tsai HP,Wu JY, Lin CM, Chen CT. C60 Fullerene-Pentoxifylline Dyad Nanoparticles Enhance Autophagy to Avoid Cytotoxic Effects Caused by the beta-Amyloid Peptide . Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine .2011 ;(7):107-114

17. 2011 Tsai HP,Lin LW,Lai ZY,Wu JY,Chen CE,Huang JL, Lin CM. Immobilizing topoisomerase I on a surface plasmon resonance biosensor chip to screen for inhibitors . Journal of Biomedical Sciences .2011 ;(17):49-57

18. 2011 Yu SH,Kao YT,Wu JY,Huang SH,Huang ST,Lee CM, Chang KD, Lin CM.. Inhibition of AMPK-Associated Autophagy Enhances Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester-Induced Cell Death in C6 Glioma Cells . Planta Medica .2011 ;(77):907-914

19. 2011 Kim I,Chu YY,Watada J,Wu JY,Pedrycz WA. DNA-Based Algorithm for Minimizing Decision Rules: A Rough Sets Approach . IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience .2011 ;(10):139-151

20. 2011 Lin YM,Wu JY,Chen YC,Su YD,Ke WT,「Ho HO, Sheu MT」. In situ formation of nanocrystals from a self-microemulsifying drug delivery system to enhance oral bioavailability of fenofibrate . International Journal of Nanomedicine .2011 ;(6):2445-2557

21. 2011 Tsai SY,Chung KH,Wu JY,Kuo CJ,Lee HC,Huang SH. Inflammatory markers and their relationships with leptin and insulin from acute mania to full remission in bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2011 ;(136):110-116

22. 2010 Huang ST,Teng CJ,Lee YH,Wu JY,Wang KL,Lin CM. Design and Synthesis of a Long-Wavelength Latent Fluorogenic Substrate for Salicylate Hydroxylase: A Useful Fluorimetric Indicator for Analyte Determination by Dehydrogenase-Coupled Biosensors . Analytical Chemistry .2010 ;(81):7329-7334

23. 2009 Ikno Kim,Don Jyh-Fu Jeng,Junzo Watada,Jui-Yu Wu. Building a Bio-Inspired Reinforcement Medical Network System for Optimal Relationship in Medical Communication . International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences .2009 ;(4):121-128

24. 2008 吳瑞裕. 人類基因跳動式剪接 . 生物醫學 .2008 ;(1):261-263

25. 2007 Cheng CJ,Wu YC,Shu JA,Ling TY,Kuo HC,Wu JY, Chang EE, Chang, SC, Huang YH. Aberrant expression and distribution of the OCT-4 transcription factor in seminomas . Journal of Biomedical Science .2007 ;(14):797-807

26. 2006 Chang YC,Huang YH,Shih CM,Wu JY,Liu CL,Lin CM. Down-regulation of Fatty Acid Synthase Is Associated with Decreased Akt Activation in Lovastatin Induced Apoptosis Cells . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2006 ;(14):340-345

27. 2006 Jeng D,Watada J,Wu B,Wu JY. Fuzzy forcasting with DNA computing . Lecture Notes in Computer Science .2006 ;(4287):324-336

28. 2005 吳瑞裕. 生物資訊與人工智慧的發展現況與展望 . 智慧科技與應用統計學報 .2005 ;(3):1-15

29. 1999 Wu JY,Taila RR,Lamsem L,Chow CS. Investigation of guanidinium group involved in RNA recognition by paralleled in vitro selection of streptomycin- and arginine-binding RNAs . Nucleic Acids Research Symposium Series .1999 ;(41):192-195

30. 1995 Berg EA, Wu JY, Campbell L, Kagey M and Stapleton SR. Insulin-like effects of vanadate and selenate on lipogenic enzymes in diabetic rats . Biochimie .1995 ;(77):919-924

31. 1993 Stapleton SR, Stevens GJ, Teel JF, Rank KB, Wu JY, Berg EA, Ginsberg LC and Kletzien RF. Effects of acetaldehyde on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and mRNA levels in primary rat hepatocytes in cultures . Biochimie .1993 ;(75):971-976

1. 2012 Wu JY,Lin SY,Tzeng CR. Dose interview making difference in medical student recruitment? . 9th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) .2012

2. 2012 Wu JY,Lin SY,Tzeng CR. Effectiveness of two-stage intensive interview for recruiting suitable medical students in Taiwan: A prospective study . 2012 AMEE Conference (Association for Medical Education in Europe) .2012

3. 2011 Chu YY,Watada J,Kim I,Wu JY. Design of Initial Biosensor for Measurement of Glucose in Human Blood by Using Biocomputing Technology . 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems .2011

4. 2010 Chu YY,Wu JY,Watada J,Kim I. Construct Logic Operation Gates of OR and AND with Multiple Enzymes . 2010 Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC) .2010

5. 2009 Kim I,Watada J,Wu JY,Chu YY. A Novel Biological Computation Method for Deriving and Resolving Discernibility Relations . Proceedinds of The 9th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE2009) .2009

6. 2008 Jeng, JF,Wu, JY. Recent Development of DNA Computing . Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems .2008

7. 2007 Wu JY,Wu B. Kernel Classification Techniques in the Bacterial Genotyping and Antibiotic Resistance . International Symposium on Management Engineering 2006 .2007

8. 2006 Jeng JF,Watada J,Wu B,Wu JY. Fuzzy Forecasting with DNA Computing . .2006

9. 2006 Jeng JF,Wu JY,Kim I,Watada J. Resent Development of DNA Computing . .2006

10. 2005 Jui-Yu Wu. DNA and molecular computing: from bites to bases . Proceedings of Taiwan-Japan Symposium 2005 .2005

11. 2004 Wu JY,Wu B. Applications of fuzzy pattern identification in cDNA microarray profiles . Taiwan-Japan Symposium 2004 - on Fuzzy Systems & Innovational Computing .2004

12. 2003 Wu JY and Wu B. Fuzzy pattern identification with applications to the microarray data . The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies(InTech'03) .2003

13. 1998 Wu JY and Chow CS. Determination of binding affinity, structural characterization and in vitro selection of aminoglycoside antibiotics-binding RNAs . The 3rd Annual Michigan RNA Meeting .1998

14. 1997 Wu JY and Chow CS. In vitro selection and characterization of streptomycin-binding RNAs . Parke Davis Poster Conference .1997


98 專一性生物磁珠製備委託案

94 台灣地區Acinetobacter baumannii感染及其抗藥性分子機轉之研究

94 利用化學演化技術產生對碳奈米球具特異性之RNA/DNA aptamers及其在生物感應器上之應用

92 利用DNA微陣列平台技術篩選臺灣地區常見病菌之抗藥性基因及探討其分子機制  

92 利用DNA微陣列鑑識大腸桿菌中抗生素抗藥性基因之表現及整體分子機轉之研究