張棋楨(Chang, Chi-Ching) 副教授

現   職
內科學科 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學保健營養所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士











1. 2023 ,Chang CC. Identification of tophi in ultrasound imaging based on transfer learning and clinical practice . scientific reports .2023

2. 2022 Shen YC,Hsu HC,Lin TM,Chang YS,Hu LF,Chen LF, Lin SH, Kuo PI, Chen WS, Lin YC, Chen JH, Liang YC, Chang CC. H1-Antihistamines Reduce the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, or Dual Hepatitis B Virus-Hepatitis C Virus Infection . Journal of clinical oncology .2022

3. 2022 Chang CC,Lee KL,Chan TS,Chung CC,Liang YC. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Downregulate Calcium Pyrophosphate Crystal Formation in Human Articular Chondrocytes . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022

4. 2022 Hunter DJ,Chang CC,Wei JC,Lin HY,Brown C,Tai TT, Wu CF, Chuang WC, Shih SF. TLC599 in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a phase IIa, randomized, placebocontrolled, dose-fnding study . Arthritis Research & Therapy .2022

5. 2022 Reply to C.-H. Chiang et al and R. Chang et al . Journal of clinical oncology .2022

6. 2021 Office-based salivary gland ductal irrigation in patients with chronic sialoadenitis: A preliminary study . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2021

7. 2021 Primary Sjogren syndrome increases the risk of bisphosphonate‑related osteonecrosis of the jaw . Scientific Reports | .2021

8. 2021 Lin SH,Chang YS,Lin TM,Hu LF,Hou TY,Hsu HC,Shen YC,Kuo PI,Chen WS,Lin YC,Chen JH,Chang CC. Proton Pump Inhibitors Increase the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases: A Nationwide Cohort Study . frontier in immunology .2021

9. 2021 Chang YS,Chen JH,Lin TM,Hsu HC,Chen WS,Lin SH,Kuo PI,Lin YC,Chang CC. Effects of biologics on reducing the risks of total knee replacement and total hip replacement in rheumatoid arthritis . rheumatology .2021

10. 2021 ,Chang Chi Ching. Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a nationwide population-based study . clinical rheumatology .2021

11. 2020 Tsai-Chu Yeh,Wei-Sheng Chen,Yu-Sheng Chang ,Yi-Chun Lin,Yi-Hsiang Huang,Chang-Youh Tsai [Jin-Hua Chen] [Chi-Ching Chang]. Risk of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with Sjögren syndrome . Sleep and Breathing .2020

12. 2020 Higher risk of Parkinson disease in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome . clinical rheumatology .2020

13. 2020 Liang YC,Chang CC,Sheu MT,Lin SY,Chung CC,Teng CT, Suk FM. The Antihistamine Deptropine Induces Hepatoma Cell Death through Blocking Autophagosome-Lysosome Fusion . cancers .2020

14. 2020 Lin TM,Chang YS,Hou TY,Hsu HC,Lin SH,Chen WS,Kuo PI,Lin YC,Chen JH,Chang CC. Risk of incident autoimmune diseases in patients with thymectomy . Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology .2020

15. 2020 Chang CC, ,Yen YC, ,Lee CY, ,Lin CF, ,Huang CC, ,Tsai CW, Chuang TW, Bai CH. Lower risk of primary Sjogren’s syndrome in patients with dengue virus infection: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan . clinical rheumatology .2020

16. 2019 Hou TY,Hsu HC,Lin TM,Chang YS,Chen WS,Kuo PI, Lin YC, Chang CC, Chen JH. Higher risk of dementia in primary Sjogren’s syndrome . Clinical and Translational Neurology .2019 ;(6(4): 633–64):633-641

17. 2019 Tzu-Min Lin,Jia-En Chi,Chi-Ching Chang,Yi-No Kang . Do etoricoxib and indometacin have similar effects and safety for gouty arthritis? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Journal of Pain Research 2019:12 .2019 ;(12):83-91

18. 2018 Yih-Ru Chen ,Fang-I Hsieh,Chi-Ching Chang,Nai-Fang Chi,Hsin-Chiao Wu ,Hung-Yi Chiou. Effect on Risk of Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction of Nonselective Nonsteroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drugs in PatientsWith Rheumatoid Arthritis . Am J Cardiol .2018 ;(121):1271-1277

19. 2018 Lin TM,Chen Wei-Sheng,Sheu JJ,Chen YH,Chen JH,Chang CC. Autoimmune rheumatic diseases increase dementia risk in middle-aged patients A nationwide cohort study . PLOS ONE .2018 ;(13)

20. 2018 Suk FM,Chang CC,Lin RJ,Lin SY,Chen YT,,Liang YC. MCPIP3 as a Potential Metastasis Suppressor Gene in Human Colorectal Cancer . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2018 ;(19):1350

21. 2018 ,Chang Chi Ching . ZFP36L1 and ZFP36L2 inhibit cell proliferation in a cyclin D-dependent and p53-independent manner . SCIenTIFIC ReportS .2018 ;(8):2742

22. 2018 Chang CC,Lin TM,Chang YS,Chen WS,Sheu JJ,Chen YH,Chen JH. Thymectomy in patients with Myasthenia gravis increases the risk of autoimmune rheumatic diseases: A nationwide cohort study . rheumatology .2018

23. 2017 Chang CC,Chang YS,Wang SH,Lin SY,Chen YH,Chen JH. Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome and the risk of acute pancreatitis : a nationwide cohort study . BMJ Open .2017

24. 2017 Chang CC,Lin TM,Chen WS,Sheu JJ,Chen YH,Chen JH. Autoimmune rheumatic diseases and the risk of Parkinson disease: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan . Annals of Medicine .2017

25. 2017 Chang YS,Chang CC,Chen YH,Chen WS,Chen JH. Risk of infective endocarditis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study. . Lupus .2017

26. 2016 Chang CC,Chang YS,Chen WS,Chen YH,Chen JH. Effects of annual influenza vaccination on morbidity and mortality in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Nationwide Cohort Study. . SCIENTIFIC REPORTS .2016 ;(6)

27. 2016 Song IW,Chen HC,Lin YF,Yang JH,Chang CC,Chou CT, Lee MT Michael, Chou YC, Chen CH, Chen YT, Chen CH, Wu JY. Identification of susceptibility gene associated with female primary Sjögren's syndrome in Han Chinese by genome-wide association study. . Human Genetics .2016 ;(135):1287-1294

28. 2015 Chi-Ching Chang,Liang-Yih Che,Kuang-Hsuan Yang,Qing-Ye Chen,Yu-Chih Liang,Shyr-Yi Lin, Yu-Chuan Liu. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering on a silver film-modified Au nanoparticle-decorated SiO2 mask array . RSC Advances .2015 ;(5):66096-66103

29. 2015 Chi-Ching Chang,Yu-Hui Tsai,Yu Liu,Shyr-Yi Lin,Yu-Chih Liang. Calcium-containing crystals enhance receptor activator of nuclear factor iB ligand/macrophage colonystimulating factormediated osteoclastogenesis via extracellular-signal-regulated kinase and p38 pathways . RHEUMATOLOGY .2015 ;(54):1913-1922

30. 2015 Chen-Hung Chen,Hsiang-Cheng Chen,Chi-Ching Chang,Yi-Jen Peng,Chien-Hsing Lee,Yi-Shing Shieh, Yi-Jen Hung, Yuh-Feng Lin. Growth Arrest-Specific 6 Protein in Patients with Sjögren Syndrome: Determination of the Plasma Level and Expression in the Labial Salivary Gland . PLOS ONE .2015 ;(10):1-12

31. 2015 Chi Ching Chang,Chi Sheng Chiou,Hsiu Li Lin,Li Hsuan Wang,Yu Sheng Chang,Hsiu-Chen Lin. Increased Risk of Acute Pancreatitis in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Population-Based Cohort Study . PLOS ONE .2015 ;(10):1-12

32. 2014 Yu-Sheng Chang,Chia-Jen Liu,Shou-Ming Ou,Yu-Wen Hu,Tzeng-Ji Chen,Hui-Ting Lee, Chi-Ching Chang, Chung-Tei Chou. Tuberculosis infection in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: a nationwide population-based study . Clinical Rheumatology .2014 ;(33):377-383

33. 2014 Pei-I Kuo,Kai-Len Tsai,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Tzu-Min Lin,Yun-Sheng Chang,Shu-Hung Wang, Chi-Ching Chang. The Association between Ultrasound Results and the Hyaluronic Acid Treatment Response in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis 骨骼肌肉超音波與退化性膝關節炎病患接受玻尿酸治療後的療效之相關性 . Formosan Journal of Rheumatology .2014 ;(28):27-33

34. 2014 Min-chung shen,Tsung-Yun Hou,Feng-Cheng Liu,Hsiang-Cheng Chen,Shi-Jye Chu,San-Yuan Kuo, Chen-Hung Chen, and Chi-Ching Chang. Clinical Utility of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in Crystal-induced Arthritis 骨骼肌肉超音波在晶體性關節炎的臨床應用 . Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan .2014 ;(25):115-121

35. 2014 Shun-Ban Tai,Chun-Chi Lu,Chen-Hung Chen,Yu-Ching Chou,Chi-Ching Chang. Baker’s Cysts in Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Deposition Disease:A Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Study 貝克氏囊腫在雙氫氧化焦磷酸鈣沈積疾病之臨床表現:骨骼肌肉超音波研究 . Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan .2014 ;(25):281-287

36. 2013 Min-Chung Shen,Deh-Ming Chang,Tsung-Yun Hou,Feng-Cheng Liu,Hsiang-Cheng Cen,Shi-Jye Chu, San-Yuan Kuo, Chen-Hung Chen, Chi-Ching Chang. A Retrospective Investigation of Ultrasound Findings in Patients with Shoulder Pain from One Center in Northern Taiwan骨骼肌肉超音波於病人肩關節疼痛的診斷-北台灣一家醫學中心的病歷回溯性調查 . Formosan Journal of Rheumatology .2013 ;(27):37-43

37. 2012 Cheng-Hui Lin,Jeng-Chuan Shiang,Ming-Kai Tsai,Chi-Ching Chang,Deh-Ming Chang. Sonographic Evaluation of Lower-limbs Entheses in Subclinical Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis 關節超音波於無關節症狀血液透析病人之下肢接骨點評估 . Formosan Journal of Rheumatology .2012 ;(26):41-48

38. 2012 Kai-Len Tsai,Chi-Ching Chang,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Hsian-Cheng Chen,Chen-Hung Chen,Tsung-Yun Hou, Yu-Sheng Chang. The Prevalence of Baker's Cysts in Patients with Gouty Arthritis: An Ultrasonographic Study 貝克氏囊腫在痛風性關節炎中的盛行率:一超音波研究 . Formosan Journal of Rheumatology .2012 ;(26):70-77

39. 2012 Kai-Len Tsai,Chi-Ching Chang,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Yu-Sheng Chang. Clinical utility of musculoskeletal ultrasound in rheumatic diseases 骨骼肌肉超音波在風濕性疾病診療上的應用 . Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan .2012 ;(23):318-323

40. 2012 Chi-Ching Chang,Ming-Shium Hsieh,Say-Tsung Liao,Yi-Hsuan Chen,Chao-Wen Cheng,Pai-Tsang Huang, Yung-Feng Lind, Chien-Ho Chend. Hyaluronan regulates PPAR and inflammatory responses in IL-1-stimulated human chondrosarcoma cells, a model for osteoarthritis . Carbohydrate Polymers .2012 ;(90):1168-1175

41. 2012 C. W. Tsao,C. H. Lin,Y. C. Cheng,C. C. Chien,C. C. Chang,W. Y. Chen. Nanostructured silicon surface modifications for as a selective matrix-free laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry . Analyst .2012 ;(137):2643-2650

42. 2011 Teng-Le Huang,Chi-Ching Chang,Chian-Her Lee,Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Ching-Lin Tsai. Intra-articular injections of sodium hyaluronate (Hyalgan®) in osteoarthritis of the knee. a randomized, controlled, double-blind, multicenter trial in the asian population . BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders .2011 ;(12):221-228

43. 2010 Say-Tsung Liao,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Chi-Ching Chang. Pathology associated to the Baker's cysts: a musculoskeletal ultrasound study . Clin Rheumatol .2010 ;(29):1043-1047

44. 2010 Chi-Sheng Chiou,Chi-Ching Chang,Say-Tsung Liao. 骨骼肌肉超音波—風濕科醫師擴展理學檢查能力之手 . 內科學誌 .2010 ;(21):6-11

45. 2009 Lin KM,Lai JH,Chang DM,Kuo SY,Chen CH,Hou TY, Liu FC Chang CC. Evaluation of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrdeposition disease by ultrasound . 中華民國風濕病雜誌 .2009 ;(23):25-32

46. 2008 Chiou CS,Liao ST,Liu HY,Chang CC,Hou TY,Liu FC, Lai JH, Chang DM. Prevalence of Baker's cysts in painful primary osteoarthritis of the knee: a musculoskeletal ultasound study . 中華民國風濕病雜誌 .2008 ;(22):43-48

47. 2008 Tien CH,Huang GS,Chang CC,Chang DM,Lai JH. Acupuncture-associated Listeria monocytogenes arthritis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis . Joint Bone Spine. .2008 ;(4):502-503

48. 2008 Lin KM,Lai JH,Chang CC,Lin CK,Chang DM,Chen CH. Formation of numerous rice bodies: an unusual finding of adult-onset Still's disease . Clin Rheumatol .2008 ;(27):S55-S57

49. 2008 Hou TY,Chang DM,Lai JH,Chen CH,Chen HC,Liu FC, Chang CC. Sonographic findings in rheumatic dieases . 內科學誌 .2008 ;(18):332-341

50. 2007 Lo YJ,Sheu MT,Tsai WC,Lin YH,Li JL,Liang YC, Chang CC, Hsieh MS, Chen CH. Intra-articular injection of hyaluronate and indomethacin in rabbits with antigen-induced arthritis . Rheumatol Int. 2007 Apr 14 .2007 ;(27):1099-1111

51. 2005 Chi-Ching Chang. 關節內注射玻尿酸Sodium Hyaluronatw(Artz)治療退化性關節炎---三年的臨床經驗 . 風濕性雜誌 .2005 ;(19):8-17

1. 2018 Chang chi ching . Thymectomy in patients with myasthenia gravis and the risk autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a nationwide chohort study . annal European congress of rheumatology .2018

2. 2016 Chang CC,Lin TM,Chiou CS,Tsai KL,Kuo PI,Chang YS. Autoimmune rheumatic diseases and the risk of Parkinson disease: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Taiwan自體免疫風濕疾病與罹患巴金森疾病之風險性 . 中活民國風濕病醫學會2016年會海報 .2016

3. 2009 Chi-Ching Chang,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Say-Tsung Liao. Differential effect of high and low molecular weight hyaluronan oninflammation-related genes expression in IL-1β-challenged chondrosarcoma cell . 2009 內科年會 .2009

4. 2009 Chi Ching Chang,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Say-Tsung Liao. 骨骼肌肉超音波診斷破裂的貝克氏囊腫 . 2009 內科年會 .2009

5. 2009 Chi-Ching Chang,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Say-Tsung Liao. 貝克氏囊腫在痛風性關節炎的發生率: 骨骼肌肉超音波之研究 . 2009 內科年會 .2009

6. 2009 Chi-Ching Chang,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Say-Tsung Liao,Tsung-Yun Hou,San-Yuan Kuo,Jenn-Haung Lai, Deh-Ming Chang. Musculoskeletal ultrasound in the study and monitoring of osteoarthritis骨骼肌肉超音波對退化性關節炎的研究及監測 . 2009 中華民國風濕病 及免疫學會聯合年會論文集 .2009

7. 2009 Chi-Ching Chang,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Say-Tsung Liao,Tsung-Yun Hou,San-Yuan Kuo,Jenn-Haung Lai, Deh-Ming Chang. Musculoskeletal ultrasound in seronegative spondylarthropathies: practical clinical aspects骨骼肌肉超音波在血清陰性脊椎關節炎的臨床應用 . 2009 中華民國風濕病 及免疫學會聯合年會論文集. .2009

8. 2009 Chi-Ching Chang,Chi-Sheng Chiou,Say-Tsung Liao,Tsung-Yun Hou,San-Yuan Kuo,Jenn-Haung Lai, Deh-Ming Chang. Musculoskeletal ultrasound in Rheumatoid arthritis: practical clinical aspects骨骼肌肉超音波在類風濕性關節炎的臨床應用 . 2009 中華民國風濕病 及免疫學會聯合年會論文集 .2009


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107 含鈣晶體對骨頭重塑的機制探討(2/2)

106 新聘教師研究補助

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