陳志榮(Chen, Chi-Long) 教授

現   職
國際醫學研究碩士學位學程 教授


學 歷

台灣大學病理學研究所 博士
台灣大學病理研究所 碩士
中國醫藥學院醫學系 學士




2020/08/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~
2019/05/01 ~ 2019/07/31
2017/08/01 ~
2017/08/01 ~
2016/08/01 ~ 2016/10/31
2014/02/01 ~ 2018/07/31
2014/02/01 ~
2013/09/26 ~ 2020/07/31
2010/11/01 ~
2007/08/01 ~




病理學 (Pathology)
分子生物技術 (Techniques in molecular biology)
免疫組織染色 (Immunohistochemistry)
核酸原位雜交 (In situ hybridization)
組織微陣列製作 (Tissue microarray)



1. 2024 Wang Y,Douville C,Chien YW,Wang BG,Chen CL,Pinto A, Smith SA, Drapkin R, Chui MH, Numan T, Vang R, Papadopoulos N, Wang TL, Shih IM. Aneuploidy Landscape in Precursors of Ovarian Cancer . Clin Cancer Res .2024 ;(23):0932-0932

2. 2024 Chien YW,Wang Y,Huang P,Lawson BC,Kolin DL,Chui MH, Vang R, Numan TA, Soong TR, Wang BG, Smith SA, Chen CL, Stone R, Douville C, Wang TL, Shih IM. Morphologic and Molecular Heterogeneity of High-grade Serous Carcinoma Precursor Lesions . Am J Surg Pathol .2024

3. 2024 Liu CH,Leu SJ,Lee CH,Lin CY,Wang WC,Tsai BY, Lee YC, Chen CL, Yang YY, Lin LT. Production and characterization of single-chain variable fragment antibodies targeting the breast cancer tumor marker nectin-4 . Front Immunol .2024 ;(14):1292019-1292019

4. 2024 Hung HC,Mao TL,Fan MH,Huang GZ,Minhalina AP,Chen CL, Liu CL. Enhancement of Tumorigenicity, Spheroid Niche, and Drug Resistance of Pancreatic Cancer Cells in Three-Dimensional Culture System . J Cancer .2024 ;(15):2292-2305

5. 2024 Chang YCiao M,Chan MH,Li CH,Chen CL,Tsai WC,Hsiao M. ALDOC-NR2F1 axis to enhance sensitivity to temozolomide and suppress glioblastoma progression . Cell Commun Signal .2024 ;(22):266-266

6. 2023 Li CH,Fang CY,Chan MH,Lu PJ,Ger LP,Chu JS, Chang YC*, Chen CL*, Hsiao Michael. The activation of EP300 by F11R leads to EMT and acts as a prognostic factor in triple-negative breast cancers . J Pathol Clin Res .2023 ;(9):165-181

7. 2023 Chang YC,Li CH,Chan MH,Fang CY,Zhang ZX,Chen CL, Hsiao Michael. Overexpression of synaptic vesicle protein Rab GTPase 3C promotes vesicular exocytosis and drug resistance in colorectal cancer cells . Mol Oncol .2023 ;(3):422-444

8. 2023 Li CH,Fang CY,Chan MH,Chen CL,Chang YC,Hsiao M. The cytoplasmic expression of FSTL3 correlates with colorectal cancer progression, metastasis status and prognosis . J Cell Mol Med .2023 ;(5):672-686

9. 2023 Kuo CY,Lin YK,Wei PL,Chi-Yong Ngu J,Lee KD,Chen CL, Huang Y, Chen CC, Kuo LJ. Clinical assessment for non-reversal stoma and stoma re-creation after reversal surgery for patients with rectal cancer having undergoing sphincter-saving operation . Asian J Surg .2023 ;(46):1944-1950

10. 2023 Kuo LJ,Fang CY,Su RY,Lin YK,Wei PL,Kung CH, Chen CL. Tn as a potential predictor for regional lymph node metastasis in T1 colorectal cancer . Asian J Surg .2023 ;(S1015-9584(23)00634-6)

11. 2023 Wu HC,Hsieh YR,Wang W,Chang CW,Chang IW,Chen CL, Chang CC, Chang CH, Kao WY*, Huang SY. Potential Hepatic Lipid Markers Associated with Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis and Fibrosis in Morbid Obesity Patients. . J Clin Med .2023 ;(12):3730-3730

12. 2022 Li LJ,Chang Peter MH,Li CH,Chang YC,Lai TC,Su CY, Chen CL, Chang WM, Hsiao M*, Feng SW*. FAS receptor regulates NOTCH activity through ERK-JAG1 axis activation and controls oral cancer stemness ability and pulmonary metastasis . Cell Death Discov .2022 ;(8):101-101

13. 2022 Chang WT,Shih JY,Lin YW,Huang TL,Chen ZC,Chen CL, Chu JS, Liu PY. miR-21 upregulation exacerbates pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in aged hearts . Aging-US .2022 ;(14):5925-5945

14. 2022 Kuo CY,Lin YK,Wei PL,Chi-Yong Ngu J,Lee KD,Chen CL, Huang Y, Chen CC, Kuo LJ. Clinical assessment for non-reversal stoma and stoma re-creation after reversal surgery for rectal cancer patients after sphincter-saving operation . Asian J Surg .2022 ;(S1015-9584):1365-1365

15. 2021 Kao WY,Lin YF,Chang IW,Chen CL,Tang JH,Chang CC, Chang YJ, Wang W. Interleukin-2 receptor alpha as a biomarker for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease diagnosis . J Chin Med Assoc .2021 ;(84):261-266

16. 2021 Chen CL,Chen CC,Yu WH,Chen SH,Chang YC,Hsu TI, Hsiao Michael, Yeh CY, Chen CY. An Annotation-Free Whole-Slide Training Approach to Pathological Classification of Lung Cancer Types Using Deep Learning . Nat Commu .2021 ;(12):1193-1193

17. 2021 Shen YA,Chen CL,Huang YH,Evans EE,Cheng CC,Chung Y, Zhang C, Le A. Inhibition of Glutaminolysis in Combination with Other Therapies to Improve Cancer Treatment . Curr Opio Chem Biol .2021 ;(62):64-81

18. 2021 Tsai CC,Su YC,Bamodu* OA, ,Chen BJ,Tsai WC,Cheng WH, Lee CH, Hsieh SM, Liu ML, Fang CL, Lin HT, Chen CL, Yeh CT, Lee WH, Ho CL, Lai SW, Tzeng HE, Hsieh YY, Chang CL, Zheng YM, Liu HW, Yen Y, Whang-Peng J, Chao TY. High-Grade B-Cell Lymphoma (HGBL) with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements is predominantly BCL6-rearranged and BCL6-expressing in Taiwan . Cancers (Basel) .2021 ;(13):1620-1620

19. 2021 Chang YC,Chan MH, Li CH,Fang CY,Hsiao M,Chen CL. Exosomal Components and Modulators in Colorectal Cancer: Novel Diagnosis and Prognosis Biomarkers . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):931-931

20. 2021 Chang YC,Chan MH,Li CH,Fang CY,Hsiao M,Chen CL. Exosomal Components and Modulators in Colorectal Cancer: Novel Diagnosis and Prognosis Biomarkers . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):931-931

21. 2021 Chan MH,Lu CN,Chung YL,Chang YC,Li CH,Chen CL*, Wei DH*, Hsiao M*. Magnetically guided theranostics: montmorillonite-based iron/platinum nanoparticles for enhancing in situ MRI contrast and hepatocellular carcinoma treatment . J Nanobiotechnol .2021 ;(19):308-308

22. 2021 Tsai HF,Chang YC,Li CH,Chan MH,Chen CL,Tsai WC*, Hsiao M*. Type V collagen alpha 1 chain promotes the malignancy of glioblastoma through PPRC1-ESM1 axis activation and extracellular matrix remodeling . Cell Death Discov .2021 ;(7):313-313

23. 2020 Chang YX,Lin YF,Chen CL,Huang MS,Hsiao M,Liang PH. Chaperonin-containing TCP-1 promotes cancer chemoresistance and metastasis through the AKT-GSK3--catenin and XIAP-Survivin pathways . Cancers (Basel) .2020 ;(12):3865-3865

24. 2020 Kao WY,Chang IW,Chen CL,Su CW,Fang SU,Tang JH, Chang CC, Chang YJ, Wang W. Fibroscan-Based Score to Predict Significant Liver Fibrosis in Morbidly Obese Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease . Obes Surg .2020

25. 2020 Huang DY,Chen WY,Chen CL,Wu NL,Lin WW. Synergistic Anti-Tumour Effect of Syk Inhibitor and Olaparib in Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Roles of Syk in EGFR Signalling and PARP1 Activation . Cancers .2020 ;(12):489-489

26. 2020 Chang YC,Yang YF,Chiou J,Tsai HF,Fang CY,Yang CJ, Chen CL, Hsiao M. Nonenzymatic Function of Aldolase A Downregulates miR-145 to Promote the Oct4/DUSP4/TRAF4 Axis and the Acquisition of Lung Cancer Stemness . Cell Death Dis .2020 ;(11):195-195

27. 2020 Yang YC,Chien MH,Lai TC,Su CY,Jan YH,Hsiao M, Chen CL. Monoamine Oxidase B Expression Correlates with a Poor Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer Patients and Is Significantly Associated with Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition-related Gene Signatures . Int J Mol Sci .2020 ;(21):E2813-E2813

28. 2020 Lin HY,Kuei CH,Lee HH,Lin CH,Zheng JQ,Chiu HW, Chen CL, Lin YF. The Gh/phospholipase C-1 interaction promotes autophagosome degradation by activating the Akt/mTORC1 pathway in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. . Aging .2020 ;(12):13023-13037

29. 2020 Lin HY,Kuei CH,Lee HH,Lin CH,Chen YL,Chen CL, Lin YF. TNFSF13 upregulation confers chemotherapeutic resistance via triggering autophagy initiation in triple-negative breast cancer . J Mol Med .2020

30. 2020 Lin CH,Hsu TI,Chiou PY,Hsiao M,Wang WC,Chen YC, Lin JT, Wang JY, Lin PC, Lin FC, Tseng YK, Cheng HC, Chen CL*, Lu PJ*. Downregulation of STK4 promote colon cancer invasion/migration through blocking -catenin degradation . Mol Oncol .2020 ;(14):2574-2588

31. 2020 Peng SJ,Wong TT,Huang CC,Chang H,Hsieh KL,Tsai ML*, Yang YS, Chen CL. Quantitative analysis of intraoperative electrocorticography mirrors histopathology and seizure outcome after epileptic surgery in children . J Formos Med Assoc .2020 ;(S0929-6646):305350-305350

32. 2019 Chuang PK,Hsiao M,Hsu TL,Chang CF,Wu CY,Chen BR, Huang HW, Liao KS, Chen CC, Chen CL, Yang SM, Kuo CW, Chen P, Chiu PT, Chen IJ, Lai JS, Yu CT, Wong CH. Signaling pathway of globo-series glycosphingolipids and β1,3-galactosyltransferase V (β3GalT5) in breast cancer. . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA .2019 ;(116):3518-3523

33. 2019 Chin YT,He ZR,Chen CL,Chu HC,Ho Y,Su PY, Yang YSH, Wang K, Shih YJ, Chen YR, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Nana AW, Tang HY, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J.. Tetrac and NDAT Induce Anti-proliferation via Integrin αvβ3 in Colorectal Cancers With Different K-RAS Status. . Front Endocrinol .2019 ;(10):241-241

34. 2019 Fang CY,Lin YH,Chen CL. Overexpression of AKR1B10 predicts tumor recurrence and short survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. . J Oral Pathol Med .2019 ;(48):712-719

35. 2019 Huang YJ,Jan YH,Chang YC,Tsai HF,Wu AT,Chen CL, Hsiao M. ATP Synthase Subunit Epsilon Overexpression Promotes Metastasis by Modulating AMPK Signaling to Induce Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Is a Poor Prognostic Marker in Colorectal Cancer Patients. . J Clin Med .2019 ;(8):E1070-E1070

36. 2019 Chen CL,Chen CK,Ho CL,Chi WM,Yeh CH,Hu SP, Friebe P, Palmer S, Huang CS. Clinical Evaluation of IntelliPlex™ KRAS G12/13 Mutation Kit for Detection of KRAS Mutations in Codon 12 and 13: A Novel Multiplex Approach. . Mol Diagn Ther .2019 ;(23):645-656

37. 2019 Chang YC,Tsai HF,Huang SP,Chen CL,Hsiao M,Tsai WC. Enrichment of Aldolase C Correlates with Low Non-Mutated IDH1 Expression and Predicts a Favorable Prognosis in Glioblastomas. . Cancers .2019 ;(11):E1238-E1238

38. 2018 Ngu JC,Kuo LJ,Kung CH,Chen CL,Kuo CC,Chang SW, Chen CC. Robotic transanal minimally invasive surgery for rectal cancer after clinical complete response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation . Int J Med Robotics Comput Assist Surg .2018 ;(14):1948-1948

39. 2018 Tsai ML,Chen CL,Hsieh KL,Miser JS,Chang H,Liu YL, Wong TT. Seizure characteristics are related to tumor pathology in children with brain tumors . Epilepsy Res .2018 ;(147):15-21

40. 2017 Chi LH,Chang WM,Chang YC,Chan YC,Tai CC,Leung KW, Chen CL, Wu Alexander TH, Lai TC, Li YC (Jack), Hsiao M. Global proteomics-based identification and validation of thymosin Beta-4 X-linked as a prognostic marker for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):9031-9031

41. 2017 Chen WY,Tsai YC,Siu MK,Yeh HL,Chen CL,Yin JJ, Huang J, Liu YN. Inhibition of the androgen receptor induces a novel tumor promoter, ZBTB46, for prostate cancer metastasis . Oncogene .2017 ;(36):6213-6224

42. 2017 Huang SP,Chang YC,Low QH,Wu A,Chen CL,Lin YF, Hsiao M. BICD1 expression, as a potential biomarker for prognosis and predicting response to therapy in patients with glioblastomas . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):113766-113791

43. 2017 Lee YC,Su CY,Lin YF,Lin CM,Fang CY,Lin YK, Hsiao M, Chen CL. Lysosomal acid phosphatase 2 is an unfavorable prognostic factor but is associated with better survival in stage II colorectal cancer patients receiving chemotherapy . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):12120-12132

44. 2017 Chang WM,Lin YF,Su CY,Peng HY,Chang YC,Hsiao JR, Chen CL, Chang JY, Shieh YS, Hsiao M, Shiah SG. Parathyroid Hormone-Like Hormone is a Poor Prognosis Marker of Head and Neck Cancer and Promotes Cell Growth via RUNX2 Regulation . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):41131-41131

45. 2017 Chang YC,Chi LH,Chang WM,Su CY,Lin YF,Chen CL, Chen MH, Chang Peter MH, Wu Alex TH, Hsiao Michael. Glucose Transporter 4 Promotes Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Metastasis through the TRIM24-DDX58 Axis . J Hematol Oncol .2017 ;(10):11-11

46. 2017 Huang CK,Chang PH,Kuo WH,Chen CL,Jeng YM,Chang KJ, Shew JY, Hu CM, Lee WH. Adipocytes promote malignant growth of breast tumours with monocarboxylate transporter 2 expression via β-hydroxybutyrate . Nat Commun .2017 ;(8):14706-14706

47. 2017 Fang CY,Liew PL,Chen CL,Lin YH,Fang CL,Chen WY. High HMGA2 expression correlates with reduced recurrence-free survival and poor overall survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Anticancer Res .2017 ;(37):1891-1899

48. 2017 Huang SP,Liu PY,Kuo CJ,Chen CL,Lee WJ,Tsai YH, Lin YF. The Gαh-PLCδ1 signaling axis drives metastatic progression in triple-negative breast cancer . J Hematol Oncol .2017 ;(10):114-114

49. 2017 Fang CY,Wu CC,Fang CL,Chen WY,Chen CL. Long-term growth comparison studies of FBS and FBS alternatives in six head and neck cell lines . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e01789-e01789

50. 2017 Lee KH,Chen CL,Lee YC,Kao TJ,Chen KY,Fang CY, Chang WC, Chiang YH, Huang CC. Znf179 induces differentiation and growth arrest of human primary glioblastoma multiforme in a p53-dependent cell cycle pathway . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):4787-4787

51. 2017 Chang YC,Su CY,Chen MH,Chen WS,Chen CL,Hsiao M. Secretory RAB GTPase 3C modulates IL6-STAT3 pathway to promote colon cancer metastasis and is associated with poor prognosis . Mol Cancer .2017 ;(16):135-135

52. 2016 Juang YL,Jeng YM,Chen CL,Lien HC. PRRX2 as a novel TGF-β-induced factor enhances invasion and migration in mammary epithelial cell and correlates with poor prognosis in breast cancer . Molecular Carcinogenesis .2016 ;(55):2247-2259

53. 2016 Yang JH,Chang JS,Chen CL,Yeh CL,Chien YW. Effects of different amounts and types of dietary fatty acids on the body weight, fat accumulation, and lipid metabolism in hamsters . Nutrition .2016 ;(32):601-608

54. 2016 Chang TS,Chen CL,Wu YC,Liu JJ,Kuo YC,Lee KF, Lin SY, Lin SE, Tung SY, Kuo LM, Tsai YH, Huang YH. Inflammation Promotes Expression of Stemness-Related Properties in HBV-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):149897-149897

55. 2016 Lin TC,Su CY,Wu PY,Lai TC,Pan WA,Jan YH, Chang YC, Yeh CT, Chen CL, Ger LP, Chang HT, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Liu YP, Lin YF, Shvy J, Tsai. NIFK promotes cancer progression via CK1/-catenin in metastasis and Ki-67-dependent cell proliferation. . eLIFE .2016 ;(17):e11288-e11288

56. 2016 Tu SH,Chen MY,Chen LC,Mao YT,Ho CH,Lee WJ, Lin YK, Pan MH, Lo CY, Chen CL, Yen Y, Whang-Peng J, Ho CT, Wu CH, Ho YS. Pu-erh tea extract attenuates nicotine-induced foam cell formation in primary cultured monocytes: an in-vitro mechanistic study . J Agr Food Chem .2016 ;(64):3186-3195

57. 2016 Huang YC,Lin SJ,Lin KM,Chou YC,Lin CW,Yu SC, Chen CL, Shen TL, Chen CK, Lu J, Chen MR, Tsai CH. Regulation of EBV LMP1-triggered EphA4 downregulation in EBV-associated B lymphoma and its impact on patients' survival . Blood .2016 ;(128):1578-89

58. 2016 Chen WY,Hua KT,Lee WJ,Lin YW,Liu YN,Chen CL, Wen YC, Chien MH. Akt Activation Correlates with Snail Expression and Potentially Determines the Recurrence of Prostate Cancer in Patients at Stage T2 after a Radical Prostatectomy . Int J Mol Sci .2016 ;(17):1194-1194

59. 2016 Liew PL,Fang CY,Lee YC,Lee YC,Chen CL,Chu JS. DEF6 expression in ovarian carcinoma correlates with poor patient survival . Diagn Pathol .2016 ;(11):68-68

60. 2016 Chang WM,Lin YF,Su CY,Peng HY,Chang YC,Lai TC, Wu GH, Hsu YM, Chi LH, Hsiao JR, Chen CL, Chang JY, Shieh YS, Hsiao M, Shiah SG. Dysregulation of Runx2/Activin A axis upon miR376c downregulation promotes lymph node metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma . Cancer Res .2016 ;(76):7140-7150

61. 2015 Fang CY,Wu CC,Hsu HY,Chuang HY,Huang SY,Tsai CH, Chang Y, Tsao GSW, Chen CL, Chen JY. EGCG inhibits proliferation, invasiveness and tumor growth by up-regulation of adhesion molecules, suppression of gelatinases activity, and induction of apoptosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells . Int J Mol Sci .2015 ;(16):2530-2558

62. 2015 Su CY,Lin TC,Lin YF,Chen MH,Lee CH,Wang HY, Lee YC, Liu YP, Chen CL, Hsiao Michael. DDX3 as a strongest prognosis marker and its downregulation promotes metastasis in colorectal cancer . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):18602-18612

63. 2015 Liew PL,Hsu CS,Liu WM,Lee YC,Lee YC,Chen CL. Prognostic and predictive values of Nrf2, Keap1, p16 and E-cadherin expression in ovarian epithelial carcinoma . Int J Clin Exp Pathol .2015 ;(8):5642-5649

64. 2015 Chen WY,Huang CY,Cheng WL,Hung CS,Huang MT,Tai CJ, Liu YN, Chen CL, Chang YJ. Alpha 7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mediates the sensitivity of gastric cancer cells to 5-fluorouracil . Tumour Biol .2015 ;(36):9537-9544

65. 2015 Chen CY,Lin YS,Chen CL,Chao PZ,Chiou JF,Kuo CC, Lee FP, Lin YF, Sung YH, Lin YT, Li CF, Chen YJ, Chen CH. Targeting annexin A2 reduces tumorigenesis and therapeutic resistance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):26946-26959

66. 2015 Lee YC,Lee CH,Tsai HP,An HW,Lee CM,Wu JC, Chen CS, Huang SH, Hwang J, Cheng KT, Liew PL, Chen CL, Lin CM. Targeting of Topoisomerase I for Prognoses and Therapeutics of Camptothecin-Resistant Ovarian Cancer . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01325

67. 2014 Huang Y,Liu X,Wang YH,Yeh SD,Chen CL,Nelson RA, Chu P, Wilson T, Yen Y. The prognostic value of ribonucleotide reductase small subunit M2 in predicting recurrence of prostate cancers . Urol Oncol-Semin Ori .2014 ;(32):9-51

68. 2014 Masuda M,Chen WY,Miyanaga A,Nakamura Y,Kawasaki K,Sakuma T, Ono M, Chen CL, Honda K, Yamada T. Alternative mTOR signal activation in sorafenib-resistant hepatocellular carcinoma cells revealed by array-based pathway profiling . Mol Cell Proteomics .2014 ;(13):1429-1438

69. 2014 Su YW,Lin YH,Pai MH,Lo AC,Lee YC,Fang IC, Lin J, Hsieh RK, Chang YF, Chen CL. Association between Phosphorylated AMP-Activated Protein Kinase and Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Expression and Outcome in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):e96183-e96183

70. 2014 Lee KH,Lin FC,Hsu TI,Lin JT,Guo JH,Tsai CH, Lee YC, Lee YC, Chen CL, Hsiao M, Lu PJ. MicroRNA-296-5p (miR-296-5p) functions as a tumor suppressor in prostate cancer by directly targeting Pin1 . Biochim Biophys Acta-Mol Cell Res .2014 ;(1843):2055-2066

71. 2014 Chien JC,Chen CL,Chan WP. Primary ovarian lymphoma . Radiology .2014 ;(273):306-309

72. 2013 Lee PY,Chen CL,Lin ZZ,Cheng AL,Chen IT,Whang-Peng Jacqueline, Huang CY. The Aurora Kinases Inhibitor VE-465 is a Novel Treatment for Glioblastoma Multiforme . Oncology .2013 ;(84):326-335

73. 2013 Tzeng ST,Tsai MH,Chen CL,Lee JX,Jao TM,Yu SL, Yen SJ, Yang YC. NDST4 is a novel candidate tumor suppressor gene at chromosome 4q26 and its genetic loss predicts adverse prognosis in colorectal cancer . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(8):e67040

74. 2013 Lin YF,Lai TC,Chang CK,Chen CL,Huang MS,Yang CJ, Liu HG, Dong JJ, Chou YA, Hsiao M, Liang PH. Targeting the XIAP/caspase-7 complex selectively kills caspase-3 deficient malignancies . J Clin Invest .2013 ;(123):3861-3875

75. 2013 Yu PH,Chou SF,Chen CL,Hung H,Lai CY,Yang PM, Jeng YM, Liaw SF, Kuo HH, Hsu HC, Chen JY, Wang WB. Upregulation of Endocan by Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein 1 and Its Clinical Significance in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(8):e82254-e82254

76. 2013 Tay SY,Lao WT,Chen CL,Chan WP. Contrast-enhanced CT and angiographic findings in hepatic perivascular epithelioid cell tumor . JBR-BTR .2013 ;(96):308-310

77. 2012 Chien JCW,Chen CL,Chan WP. Colon lymphoma causing intussusception . Intern Med .2012 ;(51):665-666

78. 2012 Chu IL,Chen CL,Hsu CS. Adenofibroma of the uterine cervix coexistent with endometriosis . Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol .2012 ;(51):285-288

79. 2012 Chou YC,Chen CL,Yeh TH,Lin SJ,Chen MR,Doong SL, Lu J, Tsai CH. Involvement of Recepteur d'Origine Nantais Receptor Tyrosine Kinase in Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and its Metastasis . Am J Pathol .2012 ;(181):1773-1781

80. 2012 Liew PL,Chen CL,Leed YC,Huang MT,Wang W,Lee WJ. Hepatic tumor necrosis factor-, leptin and adiponectin expression in morbid obese patients: Clinicopathological correlations . Obes Res Clin Pract .2012 ;(6):55-62

81. 2012 Shao YY,Chen CL,Ho MC,Huang CC,Tu HC,Hsu CH, Cheng AL. Dissimilar Immunohistochemical Expression of ERK and AKT between Paired Biopsy and Hepatectomy Tissues of Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Anticancer Res .2012 ;(32):4865-4870

82. 2012 Chen CJ,Lin SE,Lin YM,Lin SH,Chen DR,Chen CL. Association of expression of Kruppel-like factor 4 and Kruppel-like factor 5 with the clinical manifestations of breast cancer . Pathol Oncol Res .2012 ;(16):161-168

83. 2012 Chien MH,Bien MY,Ku CC,Chang YC,Pao HY,Yang YL, Hsiao M, Chen CL, Ho H. Systemic human orbital fat-derived stem/stromal cell transplantation ameliorates acute inflammation in lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury . Crit Care Med .2012 ;(40):1245-1253

84. 2011 Kao YC,Chow JM,Wang KM,Fang CL,Chu JS,Chen CL. Primary pleural angiosarcoma as a mimicker of mesothelioma: A case report . Diag Pathol .2011 ;(6):130-134

85. 2011 Lao WT,Yang SH,Chen CL,Chan WP. Mesentery Neurilemmoma: CT, MRI and Angiographic Findings . Intern Med .2011 ;(50):2579-2581

86. 2011 Liew PL,Liu TJ,Hsieh MC,Lin HP,Lu CF,Yao MS, Chen CL. Rapid staining and immediate interpretation of fine-needle aspiration cytology for palpable breast lesions: Diagnostic accuracy, mammographic, ultrasonographic and histopathologic correlations . Acta Cytol .2011 ;(55):30-37

87. 2011 Chou YC,Lin SJ,Lu J,Yeh TH,Chen CL,Weng PL, Lin JH, Yao M, Tsai CH. Requirement for LMP1-induced RON receptor tyrosine kinase in Epstein-Barr virus-mediated B cell proliferation . Blood .2011 ;(118):1340-1349

88. 2010 Kao SP,Huang CC,Wang MC,Tsai YL,Chen CL. Using the OSCE as Part of the License Examination in the Korean National Licensing Examination Board---Visitor Report on the use of Standardized Patients . J Med Edu .2010 ;(14):137-142

89. 2010 Lam MY,Chen CL,Lin KT,Lee SA,Yang WL,Hsu CN, Wu JC, Ho CY, Lin JC, Huang CY. From NPC therapeutic target identification to potential treatment strategy . Mol Cancer Ther .2010 ;(9):2511-2523

90. 2010 Yang YW,Chen CL,Ho WC,Wang KH. Cutaneous reactive angiomatosis associated with cholesterol embolism . J Cutan Pathol .2010 ;(37):692-696

91. 2010 Chen CL,Chu JS,Su WC,Huang SC,Lee WY. Hypoxia and metabolic phenotypes during breast carcinogenesis: expression of HIF-1α, GLUT1, and CAIX . Virchows Arch .2010 ;(457):53-61

92. 2009 She JC,Lee CH,Ko JY,Tsao SW,Wu CC,Fan CY, Tsai FJ, Hua CH, Chen CL*, Chen JY*. Chromosome 3p12.3-p14.2 and 3q26.2-q26.32 are Genomic Markers for Prognosis of Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma . Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev .2009 ;(18):2709-2716

93. 2009 Wang LM,Wang PH,Chen CL,Au HK,Yen YK,Liu WM. Uterine preservation in a woman with spontaneous uterine rupture secondary to placenta percreta on the posterior wall: A case report. . J Obstet Gynaecol Re .2009 ;(35):379-384

94. 2009 Cheng CJ,Lin YC,Tsai MT,Chen CS,Hsieh MC,Chen CL, Yang RB. SCUBE2 suppresses breast tumor cell proliferation and confers a favorable prognosis in invasive breast cancer. . Cancer Res .2009 ;(69):3634-3641

95. 2009 Fang CY,Lee CH,Wu CC,Chang YT,Yu SL,Chou SP, Huang PT, Chen CL, Hou JW, Chang Y, Tsai CH, Takad. Recurrent chemical reactivations of EBV promotes genome instability and enhances tumor progression of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. . Int J Cancer .2009 ;(124):2016-2025

96. 2009 Ho CH,Chen CL,Lee WY,Chen CJ. Decoy receptor 3, upregulated by Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 1, enhances nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell migration and invasion. . Carcinogenesis .2009 ;(30):1443-1451

97. 2008 Hsieh YC,Tsao PN,Chen CL,Lin TL,Lee WS,Shao PL, Lee CY, Hsueh PR, Huang LM, Wang JT. Establishment of a young mouse model and identification of an allelic variation of zmpB in complicated pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae . Critical Care Medicine .2008 ;(36):1248-55

98. 2008 Ou DL,Chien HF,Chen CL,Lin TC,Lin LI. Role of Twist in head and neck carcinoma with lymph node metastasis . Anticancer Research .2008 ;(28):1355-1359

99. 2007 Yao MS,Chen CY,Chen CW,Chen CL,Chen WP. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Gluteal Intramuscular Myxoma . Clinical Imaging .2007 ;(31):214-216

100. 2006 Lu J,Lin SY,Chen SY,Longnecker R,Tsai SC,Chen CL, Tsai CH. Syk tyrosine kinase mediates Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 2A-induced cell migration in epithelial cells . J Biol Chem .2006 ;(281):8806-8814

101. 2006 Lee CH,Lin SE,Chen CL. Adventitial cystic disease . J Formos Med Assoc .2006 ;(105):1017-1021

102. 2006 Chen CL,Ou DL. Expression of syndecan-1 (CD138) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is correlated with advanced stage and poor prognosis . Hum Pathol .2006 ;(37):1279-1285

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113 探討RAB31在上皮-間質轉化過程中引發胞吐作用對大腸直腸癌化療耐藥性及臨床意義之重要性(2/3)

112 探討RAB31在上皮-間質轉化過程中引發胞吐作用對大腸直腸癌化療耐藥性及臨床意義之重要性(1/3)

111 RAB3C對大腸直腸癌之抗藥性與腫瘤免疫反應影響之探討(3/3)

110 RAB3C對大腸直腸癌之抗藥性與腫瘤免疫反應影響之探討(2/3)

109 探討代謝抑制劑和化療藥物對肝癌幹細胞的治療協同作用

109 RAB3C對大腸直腸癌之抗藥性與腫瘤免疫反應影響之探討(1/3)

108 人工智慧深度學習輔助肺腺癌與大腸直腸癌病理切片影像檢查

108 RAB3C在大腸直腸癌轉移之分子機制探討(3/3)

107 RAB3C在大腸直腸癌轉移之分子機制探討(2/3)

106 RAB3C在大腸直腸癌轉移之分子機制探討(1/3)

105 105年12月09日至105年12月11日舉辦「第11屆亞太分子免疫組織學會年會暨第三屆亞澳肺病理學會大會」

105 尋找並且鑑定DDX3於大腸直腸癌轉移中調控的上皮間質轉化(EMT)下游標的

105 第11屆亞太分子免疫組織學會年會暨第三屆亞澳肺臟病理學會大會

105 第11屆亞太分子免疫組織學會年會暨第三屆亞澳肺臟病理學會大會

105 第11屆亞太分子免疫組織學會年會暨第三屆亞澳肺臟病理學會大會

104 乳癌HER2分子診斷試劑臨床驗證計畫

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97 化學激素受體CXCR4和CXCR6在以分子標靶治療鼻咽癌的角色-分子研究及臨床應用(3-3)

95 化學激素受體CXCR4和CXCR6在以分子標靶治療鼻咽癌的角色-分子研究及臨床應用(1-3)

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94 評估實習醫院教學計畫與醫學生實習成效

94 鼻咽癌的抗藥機轉研究:抗藥基因、EB病毒基因、化學激素、化學激素受體再腫瘤細胞的表現漢相關性(3/3)