陳世銘(Chen, Shih-Ming) 教授

現   職
臨床藥學學科 教授


學 歷

日本國立千葉大學藥學研究院臨床藥學 博士
中國醫藥學院藥研所 碩士








醫療藥學(clinical pharmacy)
漢方藥物治療學 (Kampo therapeuty)
實驗動物腎炎(NTS model)
植物組織培養(plant tissue culture)



1. 2024 Jian-Ying Wang,Jyun-Wei Kang,Chih-Yuan Wu,Tzu-Rong Peng,Ling-Mei Liao,Ming-Chia Lee, Jen-Ai Lee, Shih-Ming Chen. The effects of incretin-based therapies on weight reduction and metabolic parameters in children with obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Obesity Reviews. .2024

2. 2024 Tzu-Rong Peng,Shih-Ming Chen,Ming-Chia Lee. Effectiveness of probiotic/prebiotic/synbiotic treatments on anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Journal of Affective Disorders .2024 ;(15):36-37

3. 2024 Tzu-Rong Peng,Hung-Hong Lin ,Ming-Chia Lee,Shih-Ming Chen. Statins as an adjuvant therapy for patients with schizophrenia: An up-to-date systematic review and meta-analysis . General Hospital Psychiatry .2024 ;(89):75-83

4. 2023 Wei-Ting Hsu,Chih-Pin Hsing,Shih-Ming Chen. 建構大學生親密關係冷暴力風險評量表 . 教育與心理研究 .2023

5. 2021 Chih-Pin Hsing,Jia-Haur Lian,Jen-Ai Lee,Hsueh-Chun Fan,Shih-Ming Chen,Cheng-Pin Lai,Yi-Hua Tsai. 長期照顧機構中中風住民潛在不適當的藥物使用:使用Beers標準觀察的個案 . 台灣公共衛生雜誌 .2021 ;( 40卷4期 ):429-440

6. 2021 Evaluation of the nephrotoxicity and safety of low-dose aristolochic acid, extending to the use of Xixin (Asurum), by determination of methylglyoxal and D-lactate . Journal of Ethnopharmacology .2021 ;(272)

7. 2021 Chou CK,Huang YS ,Lin PY,Imai K,Chen SM,Lee JA*. The Ginsenoside Rg1 Rescues Mitochondrial Disorders in Aristolochic Acid-Induced Nephropathic Mice . Life .2021 ;(11)

8. 2021 Chen HS , Chen SM ,Jiang CY,Zhang YC , Lin CY , Lin CE, Lee JA. Computational tongue color simulation in tongue diagnosis . Color Research & Application .2021

9. 2021 Lee MC ,Peng TR,Chen BL ,Lee CH ,Wang JY , Lai CP, Lee JA, Chen SM, Shiang JH. Effects of various statins on depressive symptoms: A network meta-analysis . Journal of Affective Disorders .2021 ;(293):205-213

10. 2020 Statin use and depression risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Journal of Affective Disorders .2020 ;(282):308-315

11. 2020 Utilizing methylglyoxal and D-lactate in urine to evaluate saikosaponin C treatment in mice with accelerated nephrotoxic serum nephritis . PLOS ONE .2020 ;(15):e0241053-e0241053

12. 2020 Shih-Ming Chen,Chia-En Lin,Hung-Hsiang Chen,Yu-Fan Cheng ,Hui- Wen Cheng,Kazuhiro Imai. Effect of prednisolone on glyoxalase 1 in an inbred mouse model of aristolochic acid nephropathy using a proteomics method with fluorogenic derivatization-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry . PLOS ONE .2020 ;(15):e0227838-e0227838

13. 2020 Methylglyoxal and D-lactate in cisplatin- induced acute kidney injury: Investigation of the potential mechanism via fluorogenic derivatization liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (FD-LC-MS/MS) proteomic analysis . PLOS ONE .2020 ;( 15(7))

14. 2020 Determination of temporal changes in serum and urinary lactate and 3-hydroxybutyrate enantiomers in mice with nephrotoxic serum nephritis by multi-dimensional HPLC . Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis .2020 ;(188)

15. 2019 Chen CH,Chen CB,Chang CJ,Lin YJ,Wang CW,Chi CC, Lu CW, Chen WT, Pan RY, Su SC, Hsu LA, Chang YC, Yu KH, Wu YJ, Lin KM, Hung SL, Chen SM, Chung WH. Hypersensitivity and cardiovascular risks related to allopurinol and febuxostat therapy in Asians: A population-based cohort study and meta-analysis . Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics .2019

16. 2019 Ming-Chia Lee,Chih-Hsin Lee,Lih-Yu Chang,Chia-Hao Chang,Jun-Fu Zhang,「Meng-Rui Lee, Jann-YuanWang, Shih-Ming Chen」. Association of Metformin Use With End-Stage Renal Disease in PatientsWith Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:A Nationwide Cohort Study Under the Pay-for-Performance Program . The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology .2019

17. 2019 Lee MC, Cheng KJ,Chen SM,Li YC,Imai K,Lee CM,Lee JA . A novel preventive mechanism of gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity by atorvastatin . Biomedical Chromatography .2019

18. 2019 李銘嘉,李枝新,李孟叡,王振源,陳世銘. Impact of metformin use among tuberculosis close contacts with diabetes mellitus in a nationwide cohort study . BMC Infectious Diseases .2019 ;(19):936-936

19. 2018 Huang YS,Wang SH,Chen SH,Lee JA . Metabolic profiling of metformin treatment for low-level Pb-induced nephrotoxicity in rat urine. . SCientifiC Reports .2018 ;(8):14587-14587

20. 2018 Lee MC ,Chiang CY,Lee CH,Ho CM,Chang CH,Wang YJ, Chen SM. Metformin use is associated with a low risk of tuberculosis among newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus patients with normal renal function: A nationwide cohort study with validated diagnostic criteria . PLOS ONE .2018 ;(13):e0205807-e0205807

21. 2017 Lin, C.E.,Chang, W.S.,Lee, J.A., Chang, T.Y.,Huang, Y.S.,Hirasaki Y, Chen HS, Imai K, Chen SM. Proteomics analysis of altered proteins in kidney of mice with aristolochic acid nephropathy using the fluorogenic derivatization–liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method . Biomedical Chromatography .2017 ;(2014):1-9

22. 2016 Huang YS,Li YC,Tsai PY,Lin CE,Chen CM,Chen SM , Lee JA. Accumulation of methylglyoxal and D‐lactate in Pb‐induced nephrotoxicity in rats . Biomedical Chromatography .2016 ;(2016):1-10

23. 2015 Chen CM; Chen SM,Chien PJ,Yu HY. Development of an enzymatic assay system of d-lactate using d-lactate dehydrogenase and a UV-LED fluorescent spectrometer . Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis .2015 ;(116):150-155

24. 2015 Chou CK,Li YC,Chen SM,Shih YM,Lee JA. Chitosan Prevents Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity via a Carbonyl Stress-Dependent Pathway . BioMed Research International .2015

25. 2015 Chou CK,Chen SM,Li YC,Huang TC,Lee JA. Low-molecular-weight chitosan scavenges methylglyoxal and N (ε)-(carboxyethyl)lysine, the major factors contributing to the pathogenesis of nephropathy . SpringerPlus .2015 ;(4):1-7

26. 2015 Chou CK,Lee YT,Chen SM,Hsieh CW,Huang TC,Li YC,Lee JA. Elevated urinary d-lactate levels in patients with diabetes and microalbuminuria . J Pharm Biomed Anal .2015 ;(116):65-70

27. 2014 Huang TC,Chen SM,Li YC,Lee JA. Increased renal semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase activity and methylglyoxal levels in aristolochic acid-induced nephrotoxicity . Life Sciences .2014 ;(144):4-11

28. 2013 Huang TZ,Chen SM,Li YC,Lee JA. Urinary D-lactate levels reflect renal function in aristolochic acid-induced nephropathy in mice. . Biomed Chromatogr. .2013

29. 2012 Yi-Chieh Li,Shin-Han Tsai,Shih-Ming Chen,Ya-Min Chang,Tzu-Chuan Huang,Yu-Ping Huang,Chen-Tien Chang,Jen-Ai Lee. Aristolochic acid-induced accumulation of methylglyoxal and Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine: an important and novel pathway in the pathogenic mechanism for aristolochic acid nephropathy . BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS .2012

30. 2012 Tsai PY,Chen SM,Chen HY,Li YC,Imai K,Hsu KY,Lee JA. Proteome analysis of altered proteins in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat kidney using the fluorogenic derivatization-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. . BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY .2012

31. 2011 Chang YM,Chang CT,Huang TC,Chen SM,Lee JA,Chung YC. Effects of low molecular weight chitosans on aristolochic acid-induced renal lesions in mice . Food Chemistry .2011 ;(129):1751-1758

32. 2010 Lin-Wen Lee,Shih-Ming Chen,Chiung-Chang Lin,Shiow-Yunn Sheu,Pen-Yuan Lin. Study of the Natural Product Intermediates of Steviolbioside, Steviol, and Isosteviol; O-and N-Acylated Forms of Benzotriazoyl Esters. . Journal of the Chinese Chemical Socie .2010 ;(57):18-22

33. 2010 Chen TH,Chen SM,Chang WS,Imai K,Lee JA. Proteome analysis of Altered Proteins in Cisplatin Induced Mouse Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) using FD-LC-MS/MS method . Luminescence .2010 ;(25):257-258

34. 2008 S-M Chen,N. Sato,M. Yoshida,N. Satoh,S. Ueda. Effects of Bupleurum scorzoneraefolium, Bupleurum falcatum, and saponin on nephrotoxic serum nephritis in mice . journal of Ethnopharmacology .2008 ;(116):397-402

35. 2008 Shih Ming Chen,Mau Chih Hsieh,Su Hui Chao,E. E. Chang,Po Yu Wang,An Bang Wu. Separation and structure determination of nicardipine photoproducts by LC-ESI-MS . BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY .2008 ;(22):1008-1012

36. 2008 Chou YC,Tsai YC,Chen CM,Chen SM,Lee JA. Determination of lipoprotein lipase activity in post heparin plasma of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection . Biomedical Chromatography .2008 ;(22):502-510

37. 2007 Guei Jane Wang,Shih Ming Chen,Wei Chou Chen,Yu Min Chang,Tzong Huei Lee. Selective inducible nitric oxide synthase suppression by new bracteanolides from Murdannia bracteata . Journal of Ethnopharmcology .2007 ;(112):221-227

38. 2007 Shih-Ming Chen,Mei-Yu Fan,chia-Chi Tseng,Yih Ho,Kuang-Yang Hsu. Pharmacokinetics and nephrotoxicity of aristolochic acid in rabbits . Toxicon .2007 ;(50):180-188

39. 2006 Hsiao Fei-Yuan,Lee Jen-Ai,Huang Weng-Foung,Chen Shih-Ming,Chen Hsiang-Yin. Survey of Medication Knowledge and Behaviors Among College Students in Taiwan . American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education .2006 ;(70):30

40. 2005 Jen-Ai Lee,Yih-Chiao Tsaia,Hsiang-Yin Chen,Chih-Chun Wang,Shih-Ming Chen,Takeshi Fukushima, Kazuhiro Imai. Fluorimetric determination of d-lactate in urine of normal and diabeticrats by column-switching high-performance liquid chromatography . Analytica Chimica Acta .2005 ;(534):185-191

41. 2004 N. Sato,D. Takahashi,S-M Chen,R. Tsuchiya,T. Mukoyama,S-I Yamagata, M. Ogawa, N. Satoh, S. ueda. Acute nephrotoxicity of aristolochic acid in mice . Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology .2004 ;(56):221-229

42. 2002 S-M. Chen, T. Mukoyama, N. Sato, S-I. Yamagata, Y. Arai, N. Satoh and S. Ueda. Induction of nephrotoxic serum nephritis in inbred mice and suppressive effect of colchicine on the development of this nephritis . Pharmacological research .2002 ;(45):319-324

43. 1998 Hung-Min Lin , Shih-Ming Chen , Chung-Chuan Chen , Hsin-Sheng Tsay. Mass Propagation of Scrophularia yosimurae YAMAZAKI by tissue culture . Journal of the Agriculture Association of china .1998

1. 2008 葉欣怡,邱芷瑩,黄致云,鄭郁凡,廖嘉鴻,許秀蘊,許光陽,林本元,陳 世銘. Effect of ginseng and ginsenosides on aristolochic acid-induced nephropathyin inbred mice . 日本藥學學會128年會 .2008 ;(128):1514-1514

2. 2006 張婷雅,王春玉,張明聰,葉欣怡,邱芷瑩,陳世銘. (+)-catechin 和pravastatin sodium 在馬兜鈴酸腎炎模型的藥效評估 . 2006年台灣藥學會年會暨學術研討會 .2006

3. 2006 程惠聖,王森淦,王瑩玉,邱芷瑩,葉欣怡,陳世銘. Effects of (+)-catechin and sodium salicylate on cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity in inbred mice . 2006台灣藥學會年會暨學術研討會 .2006

4. 2005 S. M. Chen,Y. L. Lu,W. C. Yang,H. T. Chang,K. Y. Hsu,S. Yamagata, N. Satoh, S. Ueda. Effect of Alismatis Rhizoma, alisol B and methylprednisolone on the accelerated nephrotoxic serum nephritis in mice . 日本藥學學會125年會 .2005 ;(125):29-1104

5. 2005 Lu Y-L,Chang HT,Cheng H-S,Chang T-Y,Hsieh H-I,Chiu C-Y, Chen S-M. Preventive Effect of Bupleuri Radix, Pentoxifyline and Combination Therapy on CDDP induced Nephrotoxicity . 台灣臨床藥學會第十屆學術研討會 .2005

6. 2005 Tzu-Chuan Huang,Yu-Ching Chou,Shih-Ming Chen,Yi-Ling Lu,Yih-Chiao Tsai,Ping-Yen Chung , Jen-Ai Lee. Fluorimetric Determination of D-lactate in the urine of nephritis mice treated with Alismatis Rhizoma by column-switching HPLC . 2005 PSROC Annual Meeting .2005

7. 2005 M.-Y.Fan,C.-C.Tseng,S.-M.Chen,K.-Y.Hsu. Pharmacokinetic study of aristolochic acid in rabbits . 2005 Annual Meeting of Pharmaceutical society of ROC, p.120, Tainan .2005

8. 2004 楊文淇,張惠婷,張婷雅,程惠聖,盧宜玲,陳世銘. The establishment of the chronic Aristolochic acid nephropathy in inbred C3H mice . 九十三年度中國藥學會研討會 .2004

9. 2004 張惠婷,楊文淇,程惠聖,張婷雅,盧宜玲,陳世銘. The establishment of the cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity in inbred BALB/c mice . 九十三年度中國藥學會研討會 .2004

10. 2004 Lu YL,Yang WC,Chang HT,Chen SM. Effect of Alisma orientale J. on the accelerated nephrotoxic serum nephritis mice . 中華民國臨床藥學會第九屆學術研討會 .2004

11. 2004 魏麗雲,陳世銘,陳靜耀,陳香吟. 胃癌患者以高劑量5-FU(5-fluorouracil)24或48小時連續輸注治療的化療毒性危險因子 . 中華民國臨床藥學會第九屆學術研討會 .2004

12. 2003 Lu YL,Yang WC,Chang HT,Chen SM. The establishment of the accelerated nephrotoxic serum nephritis in inbred C57BL/6 mice and immunohistochemistry analysis . 2003 PSROC Annual Meeting .2003

13. 2003 Chou YC,Chen SM,Lu YL,Tsai YC,Chung PY,Lee JA. Fluorimetric determination of D-lactate in the urine of nephrotoxic serum-induced nephritis mice by column-switching high performance liquid chromatography . 2003 PSROC Annual Meeting .2003

14. 2003 猪狩 綾,陳 世銘,佐藤 紀子,浅井 宏文,安田 盛義,山形 真一, 佐藤 信範 , 小川 真,藤井 隆之 , 上田 志. マウス馬杉腎炎モデルにおける腎炎治療効果腎毒性の検討 . The 46th Annual Meetiing Japanese Society of Nephrology .2003

15. 2002 陳 世銘、豬狩綾、真鍋美由紀、佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、安田盛義、吉田雅昭、山形真一、佐藤信範、小川 真、上田志朗. 馬杉腎炎マウスにおける漢方藥の治療效果の研究―柴胡及びサイコサポニンa,c,dの檢討― . 第45回日本腎臟学会 .2002

16. 2002 真鍋美由紀、陳 世銘、佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、豬狩綾、安田盛義、佐藤信範、上田志朗、塚原常道、小川 真、牧野康彦. マウス實驗腎炎‧腎症におけるRANTES遺伝子ノックアウトの及ぼす修飾 . 第122年会日本薬学会 .2002

17. 2002 佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、安田盛義、陳 世銘、真鍋美由紀、豬狩綾、山形真一、佐藤信範、上田志朗. アリストロキア酸腎症のマウス亞急性モデルの檢討 . 第122年会日本薬学会 .2002

18. 2002 陳 世銘、豬狩綾、真鍋美由紀、佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、安田盛義、山形真一、佐藤信範、上田志朗. 大黃の馬杉腎炎發症抑制效果―マウスにおける檢討― . 第122年会日本薬学会 .2002

19. 2002 陳 世銘、豬狩綾、真鍋美由紀、佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、安田盛義、山形真一、佐藤信範、上田志朗. 馬杉腎炎マウスモデルの確立とコルヒチンの同腎炎發症抑制作用 . 日本薬理学会 .2002

20. 2002 陳 世銘、豬狩綾、真鍋美由紀、佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、安田盛義、吉田雅昭、山形真一、佐藤信範、上田志朗. 馬杉腎炎マウスにおける柴胡及びサイコサポニンa,c,dの治療效果 . 日本薬理学会 .2002

21. 2002 佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、安田盛義、陳 世銘、真鍋美由紀、豬狩綾、山形真一、佐藤信範、小川 真、塚原常道、上田志朗. アリストロキア酸投與によるマウス腎間質線維化モデル . 第45回日本腎臟学会 .2002

22. 2001 佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、真鍋美由紀、陳 世銘、河鍋武史、望月眞弓、牧野康彦、山形真一、上田志朗. アリストロキア酸の免疫系に与える影響―マウスにての検討— . 第121年会日本薬学会 .2001

23. 2001 陳 世銘、河鍋武史、佐藤紀子、真鍋美由紀、浅井宏文、吉田雅昭、近藤誠三、望月眞弓、山形真一、上田志朗. 柴胡及びサイコサポニンa,c,d馬杉腎炎發症抑制効果―マウスにての検討— . 第121年会日本薬学会 .2001

24. 2001 佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、陳 世銘、河鍋武史、真鍋美由紀、山形真一、望月眞弓、上田志朗. アリストロキア酸少量慢性投與による腎間質線維化—マウスにての検討— . 第121年会日本薬学会 .2001

25. 2001 河鍋武史、陳 世銘、佐藤紀子、真鍋美由紀、浅井宏文、山形真一、小川 真、牧野康彦、上田志朗. マウス加速型馬杉腎炎を用いた5種類の免疫抑制剤の腎炎治療効果の検討 . 第44回日本腎臟学会 .2001

26. 2001 上田志朗、佐藤紀子、浅井宏文、陳 世銘、河鍋武史、真鍋美由紀、山形真一、牧野康彦、小川 真. アリストロキア酸少量慢性投與によるマウス腎間質線維化モデル . 第44回日本腎臟学会 .2001

27. 2001 上田志朗、豬狩綾、陳 世銘、河鍋武史、佐藤紀子、真鍋美由紀、浅井宏文、安田盛義、山形真一、佐藤信範. マウス加速型馬杉腎炎モデルにおける4種類免疫抑制剤の糸球体病變治療効果と尿細管間質病變に與える影響の検討 . 第8回 免疫毒性學会 .2001

28. 2001 S.M.Chen, T. Kawanabe, N. Sato, M. Manabe, H. Asai, S. Yamagata, N. Satoh, S. Ueda.. Paradoxical Effect of Tacrolimus and cyclosporin on Nephrotoxic Serum Nephritis in Mice. . ASN/ISN World Congress of nephrology .2001

29. 2001 N. Sato, H. Asai, S.M.Chen, T. Kawanabe, M. Manabe, Y. Makino, M. Ogawa, S. Yamagata, S. Yamagata, N. Satoh, S. Ueda.. Tubulointerstitial Fibrosis Induced Chronic Administration of Aristlochic Acids in Mice. . ASN/ISN World Congress of nephrology .2001

30. 2000 河鍋武史、向山琢也、陳 世銘、土屋玲子、佐藤紀子、山形真一、望月眞弓、. 馬杉腎炎マウスモデルの確立とコルヒチンの同腎炎發症抑制作用 . 第120年会日本薬学会 .2000

31. 2000 浅井宏文、佐藤紀子、陳 世銘、河鍋武史、鍋美由紀、山形真一、望月眞弓、上田志朗. アリストロキア酸-Ⅰ、Ⅱ混合物のマウス免疫機能に対する影響 . 第7回 免疫毒性研究会 .2000

32. 1999 佐藤紀子、河鍋武史、土屋玲子、高橋大祐、向山琢也、陳 世銘、鶴岡アリシア、山形真一、望月眞弓、上田志朗. アリストロキア酸によるマウス免疫系抑制作用-アリストロキア酸腎症發症マウスにおける檢討- . 第6回 免疫毒性研究会 .1999

33. 1999 向山琢也、高橋大祐、土屋玲子、佐藤紀子、陳 世銘、山形真一、望月眞弓、上田志朗. 近交系マウスにおけるアリストロキア酸腎症發症の系統差 . 第119年会 日本藥學會 .1999

34. 1999 土屋玲子、高橋大祐、佐藤紀子、向山琢也、陳 世銘、山形真一、望月眞弓、上田志朗. 近交系マウスにおけるアリストロキア酸腎症發症の系統差 . 第16回 和漢医薬学会 .1999

35. 1999 Ueda S, Takahshi D, Mukouyama T, Tuchiya R, Chen SM, Sato N, Yamagata S, Ogawa M, Mochizuki M.. STRAINDIFFERENCE OF SUSSCEPTIBITY TO ARISTOLOCHIC ACID NEPHROPATHY IN INBRED MICE. . 15th International congress of nephrology 11th Latinamerican congress of nephrology .1999

36. 1998 高橋大祐、望月眞弓、山形真一、天野富美、向山琢也、土屋玲子、陳 世銘、佐藤紀子、伊藤一茂、小川 真、上田志朗. 藥劑性アレルギー性間質性腎炎モデルの作成-藥劑抗原性試驗の新手段として . 第5回 免疫毒性研究会 .1998

1. 2008 陳世銘. 治療馬兜鈴酸腎病變之醫藥組合物發明第Ⅰ295174號 . .2008

2. 2008 陳世銘. 預防順氯氨鉑所引起腎毒性之醫藥組合物發明第Ⅰ295175號 . .2008

3. 2002 主任研究者:谷川原祐介; 分擔研究者:上田志朗; 研究協力者:佐藤信範、村田英子、塚原久美子、陳世銘、原英司、桃井越朗. 添付文書等による醫療用醫藥品に關する情報の提供の在り方に關する研究: 特殊な集團に關する情報の提供の在り方 . 日本衛生署之計劃 厚生科學研究(醫藥安全總合研究事業) (H13-醫藥-015) .2002

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113 台灣藥學系大學生生涯適應與發展阻礙之研究

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107 食品中鉀-40對人體之暴露風險評估先導計畫

107 個別型計畫:研究愷他命對小鼠大腦皮質組織蛋白質體之影響

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105 利用馬兜鈴酸腎炎模型評估冬蟲夏草菌絲體的藥效

101 黃耆及奈米粒徑黃耆於腎炎模型的藥效評估

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