程毅君(Cherng, Yih-Giun) 教授

現   職
麻醉學科 教授
雙和醫院 院長


學 歷

國立政治大學商學院經營管理所 碩士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2022/01/01 ~
2021/01/01 ~ 2021/12/31
2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
2016/08/01 ~







1. 2023 Lai SC,Wang CW,Wu YM,Dai YX,Chen TJ,Wu HL, Cherng YG, Tai YH.. Rheumatoid Arthritis Associated with Dry Eye Disease and Corneal Surface Damage: A Nationwide Matched Cohort Study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) .2023 ;(20):1584-1584

2. 2023 Huang TY,Yang CK,Chen MY,Yadav VK,Fong IH,Yeh CT, Cherng YG. Furanocoumarin Notopterol: Inhibition of Hepatocellular Carcinogenesis through Suppression of Cancer Stemness Signaling and Induction of Oxidative Stress-Associated Cell Death . Nutrients .2023 ;(15):2447

3. 2023 Chen YC,Cherng YG,Romadlon DS,Chang KM,Huang CJ,Tsai PS, Chen CY, Chiu HY. Comparative effects of warming systems applied to different parts of the body on hypothermia in adults undergoing abdominal surgery: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Journal of Clinical Anesthesia .2023 ;(89)

4. 2023 Jia Qi Tan,Hsiang-Ling Wu,Yi-Chien Wang,Juan P Cata,Jui-Tai Chen,Yih-Giun Cherng, Ying-Hsuan Tai . Antiemetic prophylaxis with droperidol in morphine-based intravenous patient-controlled analgesia: a propensity score matched cohort study . BMC Anesthesiology .2023 ;(23):351

5. 2023 Ko TY,Wu YM,Wu HL,Lai SC,Dai YX,Chen TJ, Cherng YG, Tai YH, Kao CY. Inflammatory bowel disease and the associated risk of dry eye and ocular surface injury: a nationwide matched cohort study . BMC Ophthalmology .2023 ;(23):415

6. 2023 Lai EW,Tai YH,Wu HL,Dai YX,Tzeng-Ji Chen,Cherng YG, Lai SC. The Association between Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and Ocular Surface Damage: A Retrospective Population-Based Cohort Study . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2023 ;(12):3203

7. 2023 Sung LC, ,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Lee CY,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. The effects of regular dental scaling on the complications and mortality after stroke: a retrospective cohort study based on a real-world database . BMC Oral Health .2023 ;(23)

8. 2023 Lan W,Tam KW,Chen JT,Cata JP,Cherng YG,Chou YY, Chien LN, Chang CL, Tai YH, Chu LM. Cost-Effectiveness of Sugammadex Versus Neostigmine to Reverse Neuromuscular Blockade in a University Hospital in Taiwan: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis . Healthcare (Basel) .2023 ;(11):240-240

9. 2022 Chang CC,Sun MF,Chou YC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Decreased Risk of Stroke in People Using Red Yeast Rice Prescriptions (LipoCol Forte®): a Total Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2022 ;(2022)

10. 2022 Wu YM,Li CC,Huang SY,Su YH,Wang CW,Chen JT, Shen SC, Lo PH, Yang YL, Cherng YG, Wu HL, Tai YH.. A Comparison of Oxygenation Efficacy between High-Flow Nasal Cannulas and Standard Facemasks during Elective Tracheal Intubation for Patients with Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2022 ;(11):1700-1700

11. 2022 Kuo HC,Liu WC,Li CC,Cherng YG,Chen JT,Wu HL, Tai YH. A comparison of high-flow nasal cannula and standard facemask as pre-oxygenation technique for general anesthesia: A PRISMA-compliant systemic review and meta-analysis . Medicine (Baltimore) .2022 ;(101):e28903-e28903

12. 2022 Tai CY, ,Liu HY,Cata JP,Dai YX,Chen MH,Chen JT, Chen TJ, Wu HL, Cherng YG, Li CC, Wang CW, Tai YH.. The Association between General Anesthesia and New Postoperative Uses of Sedative-Hypnotics: A Nationwide Matched Cohort Study . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2022 ;(11):3360-3360

13. 2022 Chen JT,Wu YM,Tiong TY,Cata JP,Kuo KT,Li CC, Liu HY, Cherng YG, Wu HL, Tai YH.. Spectral Entropy Monitoring Accelerates the Emergence from Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Thoracic Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2022 ;(11):1631

14. 2022 Wang LK,Lin YT,Chen JT,Lan W,Hung KC,Chen JY, Liu KJ, Yen YC, Chou YY, Cherng YG, Tam KW. Effect of Patient Decision Aids on Choice Between Sugammadex and Neostigmine in Surgical Patients Under General Anesthesia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial . Korean J Anesthesiol .2022

15. 2022 Tai YH,Chang ML,Chu PH,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Gastroenteritis: A Nationwide Case-Control Study . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2022 ;(11):1341-1341

16. 2022 Effect of influenza vaccination on the outcomes of hospitalization for kidney disease in a geriatric population: A propensity-score matched study. . PLoS One .2022 ;(17):e0262420-e0262420

17. 2022 Lee CY,Wu MY,Hsiu-Chen Chan ,Tzu-Ting Chen ,Le-Yin Hsu,Wu MS, Cherng YG. The Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on the Risks of End-Stage Kidney Disease and Mortality After Liver Transplantation . Transplant International .2022 ;(36)

18. 2022 Chen, YW,Wu, MY,Mao, CH,Yeh, YT,Chen, TT,Liao CT, Zheng CM, Hsu YH, Cherng YG & Wu MS. Severe acute kidney disease is associated with worse kidney outcome among acute kidney injury patients . Scientific Reports .2022 ;(12)

19. 2022 Zheng CM,Chiu IJ,Chen YW,Hsu YH,Hung LY,Wu MY, Lin YF, Liao CT, Hung YP, Tsai CC, Cherng YG & Wu MS. Allogeneic adipose tissue-derived stem cells ELIXCYTE ® in chronic kidney disease: A phase I study assessing safety and clinical feasibility . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine .2022 ;(26):2972-2980

20. 2022 Wu HY,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chen MY,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after non-hepatic surgeries in patients with alcoholic liver diseases: a propensity-score matched study . BMC Gastroenterol .2022 ;(22):475-475

21. 2022 Kao YT,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Complications and Mortality after Surgeries in Patients with Prior Stroke Who Received General and Neuraxial Anesthesia: A Propensity-Score Matched Study . Journal of Clinical Medicine. .2022 ;(11):1490-1490

22. 2022 Wu YM,Su YH,Huang SY,Wang CW,Shen SC,Chen JT, Lo PH, Cherng YG, Wu HL, Tai YH.. Morphometric and ultrasonographic determinants of difficult laryngoscopy in obese patients: A prospective observational study . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2022 ;(85):571-577

23. 2022 Kuo CW,Wu HL,Li CC,Cata JP,Liu HY,Hou MC, Cherng YG, Tai YH. Long-Term Survival Impact of High-Grade Complications after Liver Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Retrospective Single-Centre Cohort Study . Medicina (Kaunas) .2022 ;(58):534-534

24. 2022 Wu MY,Hu PJ,Chen YW,Sung LC,Chen TT,Wu MS, Cherng YG. Predicting 3-month and 1-year mortality for patients initiating dialysis: a population-based cohort study . Journal of Nephrology .2022

25. 2021 Liu HY,Tam KW,Loh EW,Liu WC,Kuo HC,Li CC, Cherng YG, Chen JT, Tai YH.. High-flow nasal oxygenation reduces the risk of desaturation in adults receiving procedural sedation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Perioperative Medicine (Lond) .2021 ;(10):41

26. 2021 Wang CW,Yang Y,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL,Liao CC.. Differences in Hospitalization Outcomes of Kidney Disease between Patients Who Received Care by Nephrologists and Non-Nephrologist Physicians: A Propensity-Score-Matched Study . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2021 ;(10):5269

27. 2021 Sung LC,Chang CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC.. Risk of acute atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):20907

28. 2021 Tai YH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL,Liao CC.. Adverse outcomes after noncardiac surgery in patients with aortic stenosis . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):19517

29. 2021 Li CC,Chang CC,Cherng YG,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Chang YC, Hu CJ, Shih CC, Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk and outcomes of diabetes in patients with epilepsy . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):18888

30. 2021 Chung YH,Kuo HC,Liu HY,Wu MY,Chang WJ,Chen JT, Cherng YG, Chen TJ, Dai YX, Wu HL, Liu WC, Tai YH.. Association between Dental Scaling and Reduced Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease: A Nationwide Matched Cohort Study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):8910

31. 2021 Lai SW,Chen MY,Bamodu OA,Hsieh MS,Huang TY,Yeh CT, Lee WH, Cherng YG.. Exosomal lncRNA PVT1/VEGFA Axis Promotes Colon Cancer Metastasis and Stemness by Downregulation of Tumor Suppressor miR-152-3p . Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity .2021 ;(2021):9959807

32. 2021 Wu HL,Kuo HC,Li CC,Wu YM,Lin SP,Chang KY, Hou MC, Tsou MY, Cherng YG, Chen JT, Tai YH.. A comparison of prognostic performance of perioperative inflammation markers in surgical resection for hepatocellular carcinoma . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2021 ;(84):614-622

33. 2021 Tai YH,,Chen JT,Kuo HC,Chang WJ,Wu MY,Dai YX, Liu WC, Chen TJ, Wu HL, Cherng YG*.. Periodontal disease and risk of mortality and kidney function decline in advanced chronic kidney disease: A nationwide population-based cohort study. . Clinical Oral Investigations. .2021

34. 2021 Lo PH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Sung LC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after non-cardiac surgeries in patients with heart . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2021 ;(10):1501

35. 2021 Chen JT,Yep R.,Hsu YF,Cherng YG,Wang CA. Investigating arousal, saccade preparation, and global luminance effects on microsaccade behavior . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience .2021

36. 2021 Wu GJ,Cherng YG,Chen JT,Chang CC,Liu SH,Chen RM. Genistein Triggers Translocation of Estrogen Receptor-Alpha in Mitochondria to Induce Expressions of ATP Synthesis-Associated Genes and Improves Energy Production and Osteoblast Maturation . The American journal of Chinese medicine .2021 ;(49):1-23

37. 2021 Sung LC,Liu CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Septicemia and mortality after noncardiac surgery associated with CHA2DS2‑VASc score: a retrospective cohort study based on a real‑world database . BMC Surgery .2021 ;(21)

38. 2021 Cherng YG,Chu YC,Yadav VK,Huang TY,Hsieh MS,Lee KF,Lee WH, Chi-Tai Yeh CT , Ong JR . Induced Mitochondrial Alteration and DNA Damage via IFNGR-JAK2-STAT1-PARP1 Pathway Facilitates Viral Hepatitis Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma Aggressiveness and Stemness . Cancers .2021 ;(13)

39. 2021 Lee YW,Cherng YG,Yang ST,Liu SH,Chen TL,Chen RM. Hypoxia Induced by Cobalt Chloride Triggers Autophagic Apoptosis of Human and Mouse Drug-Resistant Glioblastoma Cells through Targeting the PI3K-AKT-mTOR Signaling Pathway . Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity .2021

40. 2021 Huang SY,Chang CC,Lin CS,,Yeh CC,Lin JA,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC.. Adverse outcomes after major surgery in children with intellectual disability . Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology .2021 ;(63):211-217

41. 2021 Liao CY,Li CC,Liu HY,Chen JT,Cherng YG,Chen TJ, Dai YX, Wu HL, Liu WC, Tai YH.. Migraine Headaches after Major Surgery with General or Neuraxial Anesthesia: A Nationwide Propensity-Score Matched Study . Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Dec 30;19(1):362. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19010362. .2021 ;(19):362

42. 2021 Recovery Profiles of Sevoflurane and Desflurane with or without M-Entropy Guidance in Obese Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial . J Clin Med .2021 ;(11):162

43. 2021 Ong JR,Bamodu OA,Khang NV,Lin YK,Yeh CT,Lee WH , Cherng YG. SUMO-Activating Enzyme Subunit 1 (SAE1) is A Promising Diagnostic Cancer Metabolism Biomarker of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. . Cells .2021 ;(10):178-178

44. 2020 Cherng YG,Crevecoeur F,Wang CA. Effects of pupillary light and darkness reflex on the generation of pro‐ And anti‐saccades . European Journal of Neuroscience. .2020 ;(2020):1-14

45. 2020 Kuo HC,Liu FL,Chen JT,Cherng YG,Tam KW,Tai YH. Thromboembolic and bleeding risk of periprocedural bridging anticoagulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. . Clinical Cardiology .2020

46. 2020 Wu YM,Liu CC,Yeh CC,Sung LC,Lin CS,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Hospitalization outcome of heart diseases between patients who received medical care by cardiologists and non-cardiologist physicians: A propensity-score matched study . PLoS One .2020 ;(15):e0235207

47. 2020 Chou FP,Chang HC,Yeh CC,Wu CH,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Sex Differences in Fracture Outcomes Within Taiwan Population: A Nationwide Matched Study . PLoS One .2020 ;(15)

48. 2020 Yeh PS,Chen JT,Cherng YG,Yang ST,Tai YT,Chen RM. Methylpiperidinopyrazole Attenuates Estrogen-Induced Mitochondrial Energy Production and Subsequent Osteoblast Maturation via an Estrogen Receptor Alpha-Dependent Mechanism. . Molecules .2020 ;(25)

49. 2020 Wu GJ,Chen JT,Lin PI,Cherng YG,Yang ST,Chen RM. Inhibition of the estrogen receptor alpha signaling delays bone regeneration and alters osteoblast maturation, energy metabolism, and angiogenesis. . Life Sciences .2020 ;(258)

50. 2020 Wu GJ,Chen JT,Cherng YG,Chang CC,Liu SH,Chen RM. Genistein Improves Bone Healing via Triggering Estrogen Receptor Alpha-Mediated Expressions of Osteogenesis-Associated Genes and Consequent Maturation of Osteoblasts . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .2020

51. 2020 Cherng YG,Baird T.,Chen JT,Wang CA. Background luminance effects on pupil size associated with emotion and saccade preparation. . Scientific Reports .2020 ;(10)

52. 2020 Tai YH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Sung LC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Long-Term Risk of Stroke and Poststroke Outcomes in Patients with Heart Failure: Two Nationwide Studies . Clinical Epidemiology .2020 ;(2020):1235-1244

53. 2020 Huang YF,Lin CS,Cherng YG,Yeh CC,Chen RJ,Chen TL, Liao CC. A population-based cohort study of mortality of intensive care unit patients with liver cirrhosis. . BMC Gastroenterol. .2020 ;(20):15

54. 2019 Tai, YH,Chen, TL,Cherng, YG,Yeh, CC,Chang, CC,Liao, CC. Previous use of mammography as a proxy for general health checks in association with better outcomes after major surgeries . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. .2019 ;(16):4432

55. 2019 Wu HL,Tai YH,Chang WK,Chang KY,Tsou MY,Cherng YG, Lin SP. Does postoperative morphine consumption for acute surgical pain impact oncologic outcomes after colorectal cancer resection? A retrospective cohort study. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2019 ;(98):e15442

56. 2019 Wang JW,Cherng YG,Wen HC,Chang WP. 使用資料探勘來分析與預測麻醉術後噁心嘔吐 . 北市醫學雜誌 .2019 ;(16):329-343

57. 2019 Hsu Sanford P.C. ,Yeh CC ,Chou YC,Shih CC ,Hu CJ ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Stroke risk and outcomes in epilepsy patients: Two retrospective cohort studies based on National Health Insurance in Taiwan . Atherosclerosis .2019 ;(280):147-154

58. 2019 Huang YF ,Yeh CC,Chou YC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Shih CC, Chen TL, Liao CC. Stroke in Parkinson’s disease . QJM: An International Journal of Medicine .2019 ;(112):269-274

59. 2019 Cherng YG,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Hsu YH,Chen TL,Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after non urological surgeries in patients with chronic kidney disease: A propensity-score-matched study. . Clinical Epidemiology .2019 ;(11):707-719

60. 2018 Chen CY,Tang KP,Lin FS,Cherng YG,Tai YT,Chou Fremen,. 臺灣麻醉專科導入可信賴專業活動於里程碑計畫 . 臺灣醫學 .2018 ;(22):62-70

61. 2018 Chang HC,Liao CC,Chang CC,Huang SY,Yeh CC,Hu CJ, Cherng YG, Chen TL. Risk of epilepsy in surgical patients undergoing general or neuraxial anaesthesia. . Anaesthesia .2018

62. 2018 Cherng YG,Lin CS ,Shih CC,Hsu YH ,Yeh CC ,Hu CJ , Chen TL ,Liao CC. Stroke risk and outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease: Two nationwide studies . PLoS One .2018 ;(13)

63. 2017 Wu HY,Lin CS ,Yeh CC,Hu CJ ,Shih CC ,Cherng YG , Liao CC ,Chen TL. Cirrhosis patients' stroke risks and adverse outcomes: Two nationwide studies . Atherosclerosis .2017 ;(263):29-35

64. 2017 Chu LM,Liu CC ,Yeh CC,Chang YC,Hu CJ ,Shih CC, Cherng YG, Chen TL. Increased diabetes risk and interaction with social and medical events in patients upon stroke: Two nationwide studies . Atherosclerosis .2017 ;(265):87-92

65. 2017 Chen TL ,Lin CS,Shih CC,Huang YF,Yeh CC , Wu CH,Cherng YG ,Liao CC. Risk and adverse outcomes of fractures in patients with liver cirrhosis: Two nationwide retrospective cohort studies . BMJ Open .2017 ;(7)

66. 2017 Liu FL,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Shih CC ,Cherng YG,Wu CH ,Chen TL ,Liao CC . Risk and outcomes of fracture in peripheral arterial disease patients: two nationwide cohort studies . Osteoporosis International .2017

67. 2017 Liu WC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Wu HY,Lee YJ,Chung CL, Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Effect of Influenza Vaccination Against Postoperative Pneumonia and Mortality for Geriatric Patients Receiving Major Surgery: A Nationwide Matched Study. . The Journal of Infectious Diseases .2017

68. 2016 Shih-Yu Huang,Po-Han Lo,Wei-Min Liu,Yih-Giun Cherng,Chun-Chieh Yeh,Ta-Liang Chen,Chien-Chang Liao. Outcomes After Nonobstetric Surgery in Pregnant Patients: A Nationwide Study . Mayo Clinic Proceedings .2016 ;(91):1166-1172

69. 2016 Yu-Feng Huang,Yi-Chun Chou,Chun-Chieh Yeh,Chaur-Jong Hu,Yih-Giun Cherng,Ta-Liang Chen,Chien-Chang Liao. Outcomes After Non-neurological Surgery in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease A Nationwide Matched Cohort Study . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e3196-e3196

70. 2016 Po-Han Lo,Yu-Feng Huang,Chuen-Chau Chang,Chun-Chieh Yeh,Chia-Yau Chang,Yih-Giun Cherng, Ta-Liang Chen,Chien-Chang Liao. Risk and mortality of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with thrombocytopenia: Two nationwide retrospective cohort studies . European Journal of Internal Medicine .2016 ;(27):86-90

71. 2016 Yu-Feng Huang,Yi-Chun Chou,Chun-Chieh Yeh,Chaur-Jong Hu,Yih-Giun Cherng,Ta-Liang Chen,Chien-Chang Liao. Outcomes After Non-neurological Surgery in Patients With Parkinson's Disease: A Nationwide Matched Cohort Study. . MEDICINE .2016 ;(95):e3196-e3196

72. 2015 Yu-Ting Tai,Yi-Ling Lin,Chia-Chen Chang,Yih-Giun Cherng,Ming-Jaw Don,Ruei-Ming Chen. Ring-Oxidative Biotransformation and Drug Interactions of Propofol in the Livers of Rats . BioMed Research International .2015 ;(2015)

73. 2015 Huang YF,Cherng YG,Hsu SPC,Yeh CC,Chou YC,Wu CH , Chen TL , Liao CC. Risk and adverse outcomes of fractures in patients with Parkinson's disease: two nationwide studies. . Osteoporos Int. .2015 ;(26):1723-1732

74. 2015 Liu FL,Cherng YG,Chen SY,Su YH,Huang SY,Lo PH,Lee YY,Tam KW. Postoperative recovery after anesthesia in morbidly obese patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Can J Anesth. .2015 ;(62):907-917

75. 2015 Chang HC,Chen SY,Huang YF,Liu FL,Cherng YG,Wang HW. Effects of levobupivacaine on isolated rat tracheal smooth muscle. . J Anesth .2015 ;(29):809-812

76. 2015 Shin-Yan Chen,Yih-Giun Cherng,Fei-Peng Lee,Chun-Chieh Yeh,Shih-Yu Huang,Chaur-Jong Hu, Chien-Chang Liao, Ta-Liang Chen. Risk of Cerebrovascular Diseases After Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea. . Medicine .2015 ;(94):1-7

77. 2014 Jia-Wei Lin,Yih-Giun Cherng,Li-Jen Chen,Ho-Shan Niu,Chen Kuei Chang,Chiang-Shan Niu. Ginseng is useful to enhance cardiac contractility in animals . BioMed Res Int .2014 ;(2014):1-9

78. 2014 Yun-Dun Shen,Chien-Yu Chen,Chih-Hsiung Wu,Yih-Giun Cherng,ka-Wai Tam. Dexamethasone, Ondansetron, and their Combination and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Children Undergoing Strabismus Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Pediatr Anesth .2014

79. 2014 Chun-Chuan Shih,Yi-Ting Hsu,Hwang-Huei Wang,Ta-Liang Chen,Chin-Chuan Tsai,Hsin-Long Lane, Chun-Chieh Yeh, Fung-Chang Sung, Wen-Ta Chiu, Yih-Giun Cherng, Chien-Chang Liao. Decreased risk of stroke in patients with TBI receiving acupuncture . Plos One .2014 ;(9):1-6

80. 2014 Chang HC,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Lin JW,Liu SH,Chen TL, Chen RM. Resveratrol Attenuates High-Fat Diet-Induced Disruption of the Blood–Brain Barrier and Protects Brain Neurons from Apoptotic Insults . J. Agric. Food Chem .2014 ;(62):3466-3475

81. 2014 Chen SY,Liu FL,Cherng YG,Fan SZ,Leighton BL,Chang HC, Chen LK. Patient-Controlled Epidural Levobupivacaine with or without Fentanyl for Post-Cesarean Section Pain Relief. . BioMed Research International .2014

82. 2014 Liao MH,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Liu SH,Chang YA,Lin PI, Chen RM. Genistein induces oestrogen receptor-α gene expression in osteoblasts through the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases/NF-κB/activator protein-1 and promotes cell mineralisation . British Journal of Nutrition .2014 ;(111):55-63

83. 2014 Shen YD,Chen CY,Wu CH,Cherng YG,Tam KW. Dexamethasone, Ondansetron, and their Combination and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Children Undergoing Strabismus Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Pediatr Anesth .2014 ;(24):490-498

84. 2013 Shih-Yu Huang,Chi-Hsiang Huang,Yih-Giun Cherng,Hung-Chi Chang. Looping of a Central Venous Catheter During Pediatric Cardiac Surgery . Formosan Journal of Surgery .2013 ;(46):176-178

85. 2013 Meng-Chi Liu,Yih-Giun Cherng,Hung-Chi Chang. Thrombus Associated with the Left Ventricular Vent Incidental Diagnosis by Transesophageal Echocardiography . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):150-151

86. 2013 Yih-Giun Cherng,Cheng-Chia Tsai,Hsien-Hui Chung,Yun-Wen Lai,Shu-Chun Kuo,Juei-Tang Cheng. Antihyperglycemic Action of Sinapic Acid in Diabetic Rats . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .2013 ;(61):12053-12059

87. 2013 Hung-Chi Chang,Yih-Giun Cherng,Chih-Ting Hsu,Meng-Chi Liu,Hsing-Wong Wang. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine . Effects of Dexmedetomidine on the Isolated Rat Tracheal Smooth Muscle .2013 ;(5):139-142

88. 2013 K-C Huang,Y-G Cherng,L-J Chen,C-T Hsu,J-T Cheng. Rosiglitazone is Effective to Improve Renal Damage in Type-1-like Diabetic Rats . Hormone and Metabolic Research .2013 ;(45):1-5

89. 2013 Tsu-Tuan Wu,Yu-Ting Tai,Yih-Giun Cherng,Tyng-Guey Chen,Chien-Ju Lin,Ta-Liang Chen, Huai Chia Chang, Ruei-Ming Chn. GATA 2 Transduces LPS-Induced il 1β Gene Expression in Macrophages via a Toll-Like Receptor 4 MD88 MAPK Dependent Mechanism . Plos One .2013 ;(8)

90. 2013 Chang HC,Cherng YG,Hsu CT,Liu MC,Wang HW. Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Isolated Rat Tracheal Smooth Muscle . JECM .2013 ;(5):139-142

91. 2013 Yih-Giun Cherng,Chien-Chang Liao,Tso-Hsiao Chen,Chih-Hsiung Wu,Ta-Liang Chen. Are Non-cardiac Surgeries Safe for Dialysis Patients? - A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(1):1-7

92. 2011 Chuang CY,Chen TL,Cherng YG,Tai YT,Chen TG,Chen RM. Lipopolysaccharide induces apoptotic insults to human alveolar epithelial A549 cells through reactive oxygen species-mediated activation of an intrinsic mitochondrion-dependent pathway. . Arch Toxicol .2011 ;(2011):209-218

93. 2011 Wu TT,Chen TL,Loon WS,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Chen RM. Lipopolysaccharide stimulates syntheses of toll-like receptor 2 and surfactant protein-A in human alveolar epithelial A549 cells through upregulating phosphorylation of MEK1 and ERK1/2 and sequential activation of NF-jB . Cytokine .2011 ;(55):40-47

94. 2008 Cherng YG,Chen IY,Liu FL,Wang MH. Paraplegia following spinal anesthesia in a patient with an undiagnosed metastatic spinal tumor . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2008 ;(46):86-90

95. 2008 Liu FL,Cherng YG,Chang HC. Aphonia and Quadriplegia -A Rare Complication Following Epidural Labor Analgesia . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2008 ;(46):142-145

96. 2008 Cherng YG,Chang HC,Lin YL,Kuo ML,Chiu WT,Chen RM. Apoptotic insults to human chondrocytes induced by sodium nitroprusside are involved in sequential events, including cytoskeletal remodeling, phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase-1/c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and Bax-mitochondria . Journal of Orthopaedic Research .2008 ;(26):1018-1026

97. 2007 Tai YT,Cherng YG,Chang CC,Hwang YP,Chen JT,Chen RM. Pretreatment with low nitric oxide protects osteoblasts from high nitric oxide-induced apoptotic insults through regulation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase/c-Jun-mediated Bcl-2 gene expression and protein translocation. . Journal of Orthopaedic Research .2007 ;(25):625-635

98. 2007 Chen TG,Chen TL,Chang HC,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Chang YT, Chen RM. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein induces apoptotic insults to mouse cerebral endothelial cells via a Bax-mitochondria-caspase protease pathway. . Toxicology Applied Pharmacology .2007 ;(219):42-53


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112 研究PP1R15B及其下游路徑並發展專一性標靶藥物以治療Lenvatinib頑固型耐藥之復發肝癌(2/2)

111 研究PP1R15B及其下游路徑並發展專一性標靶藥物以治療Lenvatinib頑固型耐藥之復發肝癌(1/2)

96 Ketamine誘導人類肝臟細胞發生凋亡性傷害之分子機轉研究