許明暉(Hsu, Min-Huei) 教授

現   職
大數據科技及管理研究所 所長
大數據科技及管理研究所 教授
管理學院 副院長
數據處 數據長


學 歷

臺北醫學大學醫學科學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所 碩士
私立台北醫學院醫學系 學士




2023/08/01 ~
2020/07/01 ~
2019/12/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~ 2019/11/30
2019/03/01 ~ 2021/07/31
2019/03/01 ~
2009/08/01 ~ 2011/02/28







1. 2023 Mohy Uddin ,Rozy Dhanta, Thejkiran Pitti ,Diana Barsasella, Jeremiah Scholl,Wen-Shan Jian, Yu-Chuan Jack Li, Min-Huei Hsu, Shabbir Syed-Abdul . Incidence and Mortality of Malignant Brain Tumors after 20 Years of Mobile Use . Cancers (Basel) . .2023

2. 2023 Nguyen QTN,Nguyen PA,Wang CJ,Phuc PT,Lin RK ,Hung CS, Kuo NH, Cheng YW, Lin SJ, Hsieh ZY, Cheng CT, Hsu MH, Hsu JC. Machine learning approaches for predicting 5-year breast cancer survival: A multicenter study . Cancer Sci . .2023

3. 2023 Hsu CA,Hsu MH,Yen JC. Utilization of inpatient ophthalmology services in Taiwan-A nationwide population study. . BMC Ophthalmol. .2023 ;(23)

4. 2022 Hsu MH,Hsu CA,Lai SC,Yen JC. Gout as a Risk Factor for Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Taiwanese Adults-A Population-Based Study in Taiwan. . Int J Environ Res Public Health. .2022 ;(19)

5. 2022 疫後健康照護之數位轉型 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2022

6. 2021 Lam C,Yen JC,Wu CC,Lin HY,Hsu MH. Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Treatment Efficiency for Traumatic Brain Injury in the Emergency Department: A Multicenter Study in Taiwan . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2021

7. 2021 Islam MM, ,Poly TN,, Alsinglawi B, ,Lin MC,, Hsu MH, ,Li YJ.. A State-of-the-Art Survey on Artificial Intelligence to Fight COVID-19. . J Clin Med. .2021 ;(10)

8. 2021 Poly TN,,Islam MM, ,Yang HC, ,Lin MC, ,Jian WS, ,Hsu MH, Li YC.. Obesity and Mortality Among Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . Front Med (Lausanne) .2021 ;(8)

9. 2021 Poly TN, ,Islam MM, ,Li YJ, ,Lin MC, ,Hsu MH, ,Wang YC. . Metformin Use Is Associated with Decreased Mortality in COVID-19 Patients with Diabetes: Evidence from Retrospective Studies and Biological Mechanism. . J Clin Med .2021 ;(10):3507

10. 2020 Hsu CA,Hsiao SH,Hsu MH,Yen JC. Utilization of Outpatient Eye Care Services in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population Study. . J Ophthalmol. .2020

11. 2020 Hsu MH,Hsu CA,Hsiao SH,Chu DC,Yen JC. Utilization of emergency ophthalmology services in Taiwan: a nationwide population study . Sci Rep .2020

12. 2020 Nguyen PA,Chang CC,Galvin CJ,Wang YC,An SY,Huang CW, Wang YH, Hsu MH, Li YJ, Yang HC. Statins use and its impact in EGFR-TKIs resistance to prolong the survival of lung cancer patients: A Cancer registry cohort study in Taiwan. . CANCER SCIENCE .2020 ;(111):2965-2973

13. 2020 Do BN,Nguyen PA,Pham KM,Nguyen HC,Nguyen MH,Tran CQ, Nguyen TTP, Tran TV, Pham LV, Tran KV, Duong TT, Duong TH, Nguyen KT, Pham TTM, Hsu MH, Duong TV.. Determinants of Health Literacy and Its Associations With Health-Related Behaviors, Depression Among the Older People With and Without Suspected COVID-19 Symptoms: A Multi-Institutional Study. . Front Public Health .2020

14. 2020 精準醫療年代的健康資料治理 . 國土及公共治理季刊 .2020 ;(8):76-81

15. 2019 Wen HC, ,Chang WP,,Hsu MH, , Ho CH,,Chu CM.. An Assessment of the Interoperability of Electronic Health Record Exchanges Among Hospitals and Clinics in Taiwan. . J MED INTERNET RES .2019 ;(7)

16. 2019 Chiang RP,,Lin CF, ,Li YJ, ,Hsu MH.. The importance of sleep for governmental sectors, general population and industry - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Sleep Technology Agenda. . Sleep Med Rev .2019 ;(43):135-136

17. 2018 Wang MH,,Chen HK, ,Hsu MH,,Wang HC,,Yeh YT.. Cloud Computing for Infectious Disease Surveillance and Control: Development and Evaluation of a Hospital Automated Laboratory Reporting System. . J MED INTERNET RES .2018 ;(20)

18. 2018 Iqbal U,,Syed-Abdul S, ,Celi LA,,Malwade S,,Hsu MH,,Li YC.. A hackathon promoting Taiwanese health-IoT innovation . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(163):29-32

19. 2017 Yen JC,,Hsu CA, ,Hsiao SH, ,Hsu MH.. Acute Anterior Uveitis as a Risk Factor of Ankylosing Spondylitis-A National Population-Based Study. . Int J Environ Res Public Health. .2017 ;(14)

20. 2017 Rau HH,,Wu YS, ,Chu CM,,Wang FC,,Hsu MH,,Chang CW, Chen KH, Lee YL, Kao S, Chiu YL, Wen HC, Fuad A, Hsu CY, Chiu HW.. Importance-performance analysis of personal health records in Taiwan: A web-based survey . Journal of Medical Internet Research .2017 ;(19)

21. 2017 Iqbal U, ,Chang TH,,Nguyen PA,,Syed-Abdul S,,Yang HC,,Atique S, Yang WC, Moldovan M, Jian WS, Hsu MH, Yen Y, Li YJ.. Benzodiazepines use and breast cancer risk: A population-based study and gene expression profiling evidence . Journal of Biomedical Informatics .2017 ;(74):85-91

22. 2017 Yen JC,,Li YC,,Hsu MH. Health databases and biobanks: Taipei declaration gives researchers a roadmap. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2017 ;(7)

23. 2017 健康大數據研究之資訊安全 . 台灣醫學 .2017 ;(21):30-33

24. 2016 Tsai CY, ,Wang SH, ,Hsu MH,,Li YC.. Do false positive alerts in naïve clinical decision support system lead to false adoption by physicians? A randomized controlled trial. . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2016 ;(132):83-91

25. 2016 Rau HH,,Hsu CY, ,Lin YA,,Atique S, ,Fuad A,,Wei LM, Hsu MH.. Development of a web-based liver cancer prediction model for type II diabetes patients by using an artificial neural network . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(125):58-65

26. 2016 Lee P,,Liu JC, ,Hsieh MH, ,Hao WR,,Tseng YT,,Liu SH, Lin YK, Sung LC, Huang JH, Yang HY, Ye JS, Zheng HS, Hsu MH, Syed-Abdul S, Lu R, Nguyen PA, Iqbal U, Huang CW, Jian WS, Li YC.. Cloud-based BP system integrated with CPOE improves self-management of the hypertensive patients: A randomized controlled trial . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(132):105-113

27. 2016 Iqbal U, ,Hsu CK, ,Nguyen PA,,Clinciu DL,,Lu R,,Syed-Abdul S, Yang HC, Wang YC, Huang CY, Huang CW, Chang YC, Hsu MH, Jian WS, Li YC.. Cancer-disease associations: A visualization and animation through medical big data . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(127):44-51

28. 2015 Yen JC,,Hsu CA,,Li YC, ,Hsu MH.. Prevalence of Dry Eye Syndrome's and the Likelihood to Develop Sjögren's Syndrome in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study. . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2015 ;(12):7647-55

29. 2015 Yen JC, ,Lin HL, ,Hsu CA, ,Li YC, ,Hsu MH.. Atrial Fibrillation and Coronary Artery Disease as Risk Factors of Retinal Artery Occlusion: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. . Biomed Res Int .2015

30. 2015 Li YC, ,Yen JC,,Hsu MH.. Embracing the era of wearable devices. . J Formos Med Assoc .2015 ;(114):1029-30

31. 2015 Syed-Abdul S, ,Moldovan M, ,Nguyen PA, ,Enikeev R,,Jian WS,,Iqbal U, Hsu MH, Li YC.. Profiling phenome-wide associations: a population-based observational study . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA .2015 ;(22):896-899

32. 2015 Lee P, ,Chen CF, ,Wan HT, ,Jian WS, ,Hsu MH,,Syed-Abdul S, Huang CW, Huang YC, Lin YT, Chen TJ, Wu YH, Li YC.. ISlide: A 'big picture' interactive teledermatopathology e-learning system . British Journal of Dermatology .2015 ;(172):692-699

33. 2015 Lin HJ,Hsu MH,Huang CC,Liu CF,Tan CK,,Chou SL, Huang SY, Chen CJ. Developing a Mobile Electronic D2B Checklist for Treatment of ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Who Need a Primary Coronary Intervention. . Telemed J E Health .2015 ;(21):274-280

34. 2015 Li YC,Yen JC,Chiu WT,Jian WS,Syed-Abdul S,Hsu MH. Building a national electronic medical record exchange system - experiences in Taiwan. . Comput Methods Programs Biomed. .2015 ;(121):14-20

35. 2015 Yen JC,Chiu WT,Chu SF,Hsu MH. Secondary use of health data. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2015

36. 2015 Syed-Abdul S,Hsu MH,Iqbal U,Scholl J,Huang CW,Nguyen PA, Lee P, García-Romero MT, Li YC, Jian W. Utilizing Health Information Technology to Support Universal Healthcare Delivery: Experience of a National Healthcare System. . Telemed J E Health .2015

37. 2015 Iqbal U, ,Nguyen PA, ,Syed-Abdul S, ,Yang HC, ,Huang CW,,Jian WS, Hsu MH, Yen Y, Li YC.. Is long-term use of benzodiazepine a risk for cancer? . Medicine (Baltimore) .2015 ;(94):e483-e483

38. 2014 Yeh YT, ,Hsu MH, ,Chen CY,,Lo YS,,Liu CT.. Detection of potential drug-drug interactions for outpatients across hospitals. . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2014

39. 2014 Chiu WT,Hsu MH,Teng SW. Using health information technology to reduce regional health inequality in Taiwan . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2014

40. 2014 Syed-Abdul S, ,Nguyen A, ,Huang F,, Jian WS, ,Iqbal U,,Yang V, Hsu MH, Li YC.. A smart medication recommendation model for the electronic prescription . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2014 ;(117):218-224

41. 2011 Abdul SS,Lin CW,Scholl J,Fernandez-Luque L,Jian WS,Hsu MH, Liou DM, Li YC. Facebook use leads to health-care reform in Taiwan. . Lancet .2011 ;(377):2083-2084

42. 2011 Syed AB,Luis FL,Li YC,Hsu MH,Lee PS,Chiu SG. Leaks and threats to patient data. . BRIT MED J .2011 ;(342):d781-d783

43. 2011 許明暉. 臺灣健康資訊科技之現況與未來 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2011 ;(5):4-7

44. 2010 Hsu MH,Yeh YT,Chen CY,Liu CH,Liu CT. Online Detection of Potential Duplicate Medications and Changes of Physician Behavior for Outpatients Visiting Multiple Hospitals Using National Health Insurance Smart Cards in Taiwan . International Journal of Medical Informatics .2010 ;(x):x-x

45. 2010 Yen YH,Kuo LN,Hsu MH,Li YC,Cheng KJ. Evaluation of the Electronic Adverse Drug Event Management System . J Exp Clin Med .2010 ;(2):287-291

46. 2010 Hsu MH,Yen JC,Chiu WT,Tsai SL,Liu CT,Li YC. Using Health Smart Cards to Check Drug Allergy History: The Perspective from Taiwan's Experiences . Journal of Medical System,J Med Syst. 2009 Oct 28. [Epub ahead of print] .2010 ;(x):x-x

47. 2010 Hsu MH,Chu TB,Yen JC,Chiu WT,Yeh GC,Chen TJ, Sung YJ, Hsiao J, Li YC. Development and Implementation of a National Telehealth Project for Long Term Care: a Preliminary Study . Comput Methods Programs Biomed. .2010 ;(97):286-292

48. 2010 Hsu MH. Smart health care reform. . Canadian Medical Association journal .2010 ;(182):699-699

49. 2010 Hsieh CH,Lu RH,Lee NH,Chiu WT,Hsu MH,Li YC. Novel solutions for an old disease: Diagnosis of acute appendicitis with random forest, support vector machines, and artificial neural networks. . Surgery .2010 ;(x):x-x

50. 2008 Yen JC,Hsu MH. The Impact of Patient Safety Culture on the Medical System . Taipei City Medical Journal .2008 ;(5):173-184

51. 2007 許明暉. 推動電子病歷跨院資訊交換環境經驗分享 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2007 ;(1):45-47

52. 2007 Hsu MH. Building a e-Hospital -- Lessons from Taiwan . Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management .2007 ;(12):57-58

53. 2007 Yen JC,Hsu MH. The Evolution of Doctor-patient Rapport-from the Perspective of Informed Consent and Co-decision-making . Taipei City Medical Journal .2007 ;(4):643-649

54. 2007 Yen JC,Hsu MH. The Professionalization and Deprofessionalization of Physicians . Taipei City Medical Journal .2007 ;(4):439-444

55. 2007 Jian WS,Hsu CH,Hao TH,Wen HC,Hsu MH,Lee YL, Li YC, Chang P. ).Building a portable data and information interoperability infrastructure - framework for a standard Taiwan Electronic Medical Record Template. . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2007 ;(88):102-111

56. 2006 Hsu MH,Li YC,Liu CT. ADRs and smart health cards. . CMAJ .2006 ;(175):385-385

57. 2005 Li YC,Hsu MH. Using information technology to improve surgical safety . Br J Surg .2005 ;(91):379-379

58. 2005 Hsu MH,Li YC. Compensatory sweating after thoracoscopic sympathectomy deserves more attention. . Ann Thorac Surg .2005 ;(80):1160-1161

59. 2005 Hsu MH,Li YC,Chiu WT,Yen JC. Outcome prediction after moderate and severe head injury using an artificial neural network. . Stud Health Technol Inform .2005 ;(116):241-5

60. 2005 Hsu MH,Li YC,Chiu WT. Health in Africa: in Taiwan, taking action on road safety made a difference. . BMJ .2005 ;(331):904-904

61. 2005 Hsu MH,Li YC,Yen JC. Evaluation of Websites Built by Patients who Underwent Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy . Technol Health Care .2005 ;(13):401-402

1. 2011 Hsu MH,Yen JC. The Use of Kiosk Technology in Hospital . Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Medical Information and Bioengineering .2011 ;(x):148-151

2. 2011 Hsu MH,Yen JC. Implementation of Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) System to Reduce the Inpatients' Medication Near Miss Rate . Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Medical Information and Bioengineering .2011 ;(x):177-180

3. 2011 Hsu MH,Yang SY. Exploring the Correlation between the Suicide Rate and Relevant Macro-economic Variables Using the Times Series Model . Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Database and Data Mining .2011 ;(x):93-97

4. 2011 Liang YC,Hsu MH,Liu CT. Using NHI claim database to study the trend for treatment of hyperhidrosis in . Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Database and Data Mining .2011 ;(x):98-100

5. 2010 Hsu MH. Personalized Medicine and Translational Medicine . 台灣外科醫學會99年度學術演講會 .2010

6. 2007 Hsu MH. Using Health Smart Cards to Improve Medication Safety . 12th Mednet 2007 World Conference in Leipzig, Germany .2007

7. 2007 Hsu MH,Li YC,Yen JC. The evaluation of unintended discontinuation of medication at the time of hospital admission by . ISQua's 24th International Conference in Boston .2007

8. 2006 Hsu MH,Li YC,Chiu WT. The Construction of an E-Hospital in Taiwan . 2006 International Hospital Federation Asian Pacific Regional Conference (2006 IHF APRC) .2006

9. 2005 Hsu MH,Chiu WT,Li YC. Trends In Road Traffic Injury Mortality In Taiwan, 1991-2003 . 37th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference .2005

10. 2003 Hsu MH,Li YC. Predicting cranial computed tomography results of head injury patients using an artificial neural network. . AMIA Annu Symp Proc .2003

1. 2019 Hsu MH. Chapter 11: Health Information Technology, pp. 197-205 . World Scientific Series in Global Health Economics and Public Policy Health Care Policy in East Asia: A World Scientific Reference. .2019

2. 2018 第五章:健康大數據研究之資訊安全 . 大數據之醫療運用與人文反省(元照出版社) .2018

3. 2018 Li YC,Lee WC,Hsu MH,Iqbal U. Chapter 56:“My Data, My Decision”: Taiwan’s Health Improvement Journey from Big Data to Open Data . Healthcare Systems: Future Predictions for Global Care (CRC Press) .2018

4. 2017 Li YC,Lee WC,Hsu MH,Iqbal U. Chapter 58: Taiwan . Health Systems Improvement Across the Globe: Success Stories from 60 Countries(CRC press) .2017

5. 2017 21世紀的智慧健康照護 . 智慧城市的新興醫療健康照護:現代醫療、照護與司法的科際整合議題(翰蘆圖書出版有限公司) .2017


113 以生成式人工智慧協助產生標準病人劇本

112 衛生福利部112年度委託科技研究計畫-精神照護資訊管理系統再造先期規劃

112 112年度產學合作計畫-急性主動脈剝離症候群(AAS)之人工智慧醫療器材軟體(SaMD):多中心效能驗證

112 建立銜接國際標準之共通資料模型調和平台

112 112年度產學合作計畫-急性主動脈剝離症候群(AAS)之人工智慧醫療器材軟體(SaMD):多中心效能驗證

112 「婦女精準健康」大數據應用於女性乳癌及不孕症創新人工智慧檢測模式開發計畫(4/4)

111 「婦女精準健康」大數據應用於女性乳癌及不孕症創新人工智慧檢測模式開發計畫(3/4)

111 會議名稱:2023歐洲放射腫瘤年會

110 2022年亞太 HL7 健康資訊交換標準研討會

110 「婦女精準健康」大數據應用於女性乳癌及不孕症創新人工智慧檢測模式開發計畫(2/4)

109 2021年亞太HL7健康資訊交換標準研討會

109 建立無數據交換之健康數據研究聯盟之可行性探討

109 「婦女精準健康」大數據應用於女性乳癌及不孕症創新人工智慧檢測模式開發計畫(1/4)

108 NLP-Based 臨床實驗病人篩選系統

98 建立台北醫學大學醫療體系即時臨床表現監測系統-先期計畫

98 遠距醫療應用於長期照護之成效評估