王佳慧(Wang Chia-Hui) 助理教授

現   職
護理學系 助理教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學醫學科學研究所 博士
私立臺北醫學院護理學系 碩士
國立陽明大學護理學系 學士








內外科護理學 Medical Surgical Nursing
燒燙傷加護護理Critical care of burn patients
Critical care nursing
Critical care nursing



1. 2023 Chang WP,Wang CH. Factors related to nurse satisfaction with supervisor leadership . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2023 ;(20):3933

2. 2023 Hsieh CJ,Li PS,Wang CH,Lin SL,Hsu TC,Tsai CMT. Socially assistive robots for people living with dementia in long-term facilities: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Gerontology .2023

3. 2023 Pien LC,Cheng WJ,Chang WP,Chen SR,Chou KR,Wang CH. Relationships between stroke prevalence, health literacy, and oral health-related quality of life in middle-aged and older adults: A national survey study . BMC Geriatrics .2023 ;(23):233

4. 2022 Wang CH,Chang WP,Chen SR,Cheng WJ, Chou KR,Pien LC. Health literacy and exercise to treat failty in community-dwelling older adults: A national survey study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):8711

5. 2022 Matthew J,Mike L,Huang HC,Wang CH, Shih CY, Chen YC, Chiu HY. Effects of personalized music intervention on nurse burnout: A feasibility randomized controlled trial . Nursing & Health Sciences .2022 ;(24):836-844

6. 2022 Chang WP,Wang CH. Influence of sleep fragmentation and fatigue on turnover of female nurses working rotating shifts . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2022 ;(31):3573-3583

7. 2021 Lee SN,Ho CL,Lin YJ,Wu LM,Wang CH. 運用情境模擬提升血液透析護理師急救技能完整率 . 臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 .2021 ;(19):49-65

8. 2021 Chang WP,Wang CH,Lin YK. Influence of obesity on heart rate variability in nurses with age and shift type as moderators . BioMed Research International .2021 ;(2021)

9. 2021 Wang CH,Yang SH, Jen HJ,Tsai JC,Lin HK,Loh EW. Preventing aveolar osteitis after molar extraction using chlorhexidine rinse and gel: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . The Journal of Nursing Research .2021 ;(29):e137

10. 2021 Liu SY,Kang XL,Wang CH,Chu H,Jen HJ,Lai HJ, Shen ST, Liu D, Chou KR. Protection procedures and preventions against the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 in healthcare settings for nursing personnel: Lessons from Taiwan . Australian Critical Care .2021 ;(34):182-190

11. 2020 Chen IH,Wang CH,Wang SY,Cheng SY,Yu TJ,Kuo SF. Mediating effects of shoulder-arm exercise on the postoperative severity of symptoms and quality of life of women with breast cancer . BMC Women's Health .2020 ;(20):1-7

12. 2020 Ni CH,Guo SL,Chao CY,Wang CH,Susanty S,Chuang YH. Nurses' Late-Life Depression Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Depression: A Cross-Sectional Study . INQUIRY .2020 ;(57)

13. 2020 Lin, Y. J. ,Fu, H. C. ,Lee, I. C. ,Wu, L. M.,Wang, C. H. . 降低血液透析管路異常事件發生率 . 臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 .2020 ;(19):34-49

14. 2020 Wu CY,Lin HC,Chen SF,Chang WP,Wang CH,Tsai JC, Lin YC, Kao Y, Tam KW. Efficacy of pulsed radiofrequency in herpetic neuralgia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . The Clinical Journal of Pain .2020 ;(36):887-895

15. 2019 李佳蓉,王佳慧,林秋芬. 運用生命回顧及復原力於一位活動限制老人憂鬱之護理經驗 . Journal of Nursing .2019 ;(66):115-122

16. 2019 Chen Shuo Fei,Wang Chia Hui,Chan Pi Tuan,Chiang Hsiu Wen,Hu Tsung Ming,Tam Ka Wai, Loh El Wui. Labour pain control by aromatherapy: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials . Women and Birth .2019 ;(32):327-335

17. 2019 Wang Chia Hui,Lee, Tzu-Yin,Hui King Cheung,Chung Min Huey. Mental disorders and medical comorbidities: Association rule mining approach . Perspectives in Psychiatric Care .2019 ;(55):517-526

18. 2017 Wang Chia Hui,Tsai Jui Chen,Chen Shu-Fen,Su Chien-Ling,Chen Lawrence,Lin Chao Chun,Tam Ka-Wai. Normal saline instillation before suctioning: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Australian Critical Care .2017 ;(30):260-265

19. 2017 Tsai Jui Chen,Lin Yen Kuang,Huang Yen Jung,Loh El Wui,Wen Hsiao Yun,Wang Chia Hui,Tsai Yin Tai,Hsieh Wen Shyang,Tam Ka Wai. Antiseptic Effect of Conventional Povidone-Iodine Scrub, Chlorhexidine Scrub, and Waterless Hand Rub in a Surgical Room: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology .2017 ;(38):417-422

20. 2016 Lam Calvin,Lai Fu-Chih,Wang Chia Hui,Lai MH,Hsu N,Chung Min-Huey. Text Mining of Journal Articles for Sleep Disorder Terminologies . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e0156031-e0156031

21. 2014 Wang Chia Hui,Chung Min Huey,Chan Paul,Tsai Jen Chen,Chen Feng Chia. Effects of endurance exercise training on risk components for metabolic syndrome, interleukin-6, and the exercise capacity of postmenopausal women . Geriatric Nursing .2014 ;(35):212-218

22. 2014 王佳慧 ,蔡仁貞,鍾明惠. 停經後婦女代謝症候群預測因子之探討 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2014 ;(16):19-30

23. 2006 Wang CH,Lee PH,Jeng C,Kao CC,Yang CY,Tsai JC. 護理人員疲倦/活力度、健康促進生活形態與健康相關生活品質之研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2006 ;(8):7-16

24. 2004 Tsai JC,Yang HY,Wang WH,Hsieh MH,Chen PT,Kao CC, Kao PF, Wang CH, Chan P. The beneficial effect of regular endurance exercise training on blood pressure and quality of life in patients with hypertension . Clinical and Experimental Hypertension .2004 ;(26):255-265

25. 2003 Tsai JC,Wang WH,Chan P,Lin LJ,Wang CH,Tomlinson B, Hsieh MH, Yang HY, Liu JC. The beneficial effects of Tai Chi Chuan on blood pressure and lipid profile and anxiety status in a randomized controlled trial . The Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine .2003 ;(9):747-754

26. 2002 J. C. TSAI, P. CHAN, C. H. WANG, C. JENG, M. H. HSIEH, P. F. KAO, Y. J. CHEN & J. C. LIU. The effects of exercise traing on walking function and perception of health status in elderly patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease . JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE .2002 ;(252):448-455


113 探討早期運動訓練方案對於運動恐懼之全膝關節置換手術病人於疼痛、身體組成、下肢活動和膝關節功能的成效(1/2)

109 口腔照護方案對於鼻胃管留置腦中風病人口腔機能、營養狀態、身體組成與腦中風嚴重度的成效

108 新聘教師研究補助