賴建宏(Lai, Chien-Hung) 教授

現   職
生醫光機電研究所 教授


學 歷

私立中原大學生物醫學工程學系 博士
高雄醫學院醫學系 學士




2024/04/01 ~
2014/08/01 ~


台北醫學大學附設醫院 復健科總醫師





1. 2023 Chellappan Praveen Rajneesh,Tsung-Hsun Hsieh, Hung-Chou Chen, Jian-Chiun Liou ,Bor-Shing Lin,Chun-Wei George Wu, Chien-Hung Lai, Chih-Wei Peng. A time-course study of urodynamic analyses in rat models with dopaminergic depletion induced through unilateral and bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine injections . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2023

2. 2023 Cheng HL, Lin CH, Tseng SH, Peng CH, Lai CH. Effectiveness of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with Visual Feedback Training in Improving Neuroplasticity and Lower Limb Function after Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Study . biology .2023

3. 2023 Bor-Shing Lin,Senior Member,IEEE,Zhao Zhang,Chih-Wei Peng,Shih-Hsuan Chen, Wing P. Chan, Chien-Hung Lai. Effectiveness of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with Transspinal Electrical Stimulation on Corticospinal Excitability for Individuals with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Study . IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering .2023

4. 2023 Hanny Tika Draviana,Istikhori Fitriannisa,Muhamad Khafid,Dyah Ika Krisnawati,Widodo,Lai CH,Yu‑Fan J, Kuo TR. Size and charge effects of metal nanoclusters on antibacterial mechanisms . Journal of Nanobiotechnology .2023

5. 2023 Chang JL, Chen HJ, Chen PY, Chou LW, Lai CH,Lu YH , Chiang SL , Lin CH, Wang XM, Lin CH. Validating stroke-induced bilateral ankle coordination deficits using bilateral ankle measure relationship with motor functions in lower limbs . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2023

6. 2023 Hanny Tika Draviana,Istikhori Fitriannisa,Muhamad Khafd,Dyah Ika Krisnawati,Widodo,Lai CHung , Fan YJ , Kuo TR. Size and charge effects of metal nanoclusters on antibacterial mechanisms. . Journal of Nanobiotechnology .2023

7. 2022 Muhammad Adeel,Hung-Chou Chen,Bor-Shing Lin,Chien-Hung Lai,Chun-Wei Wu,Jiunn-Horng Kang ,Jian-Chiun Liou ,Chih-Wei Peng. Oxygen Consumption (VO2) and Surface Electromyography (sEMG) during Moderate-Strength Training Exercises . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022

8. 2022 Chien-Hung Lai ,Muhammad Adeel,Bor-Shing Lin,Wing P. Chan,Jian-Chiun Liou,Chun-Wei Wu,Chih-Wei Peng . Effects of Paired Stimulation with Specific Waveforms on Cortical and Spinal Plasticity in Patients with a Chronic Spinal Cord Injury . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2022

9. 2022 Shih-Ching Chen,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Chih-Wei Peng,Chih-Chao Hsu,Yen-Nung Lin,Chien-Hung Lai. Adjustable Parameters and the Effectiveness of Adjunct Robot-Assisted Gait Training in Individuals with Chronic Stroke . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022

10. 2022 Ashleigh Peng Lin,Chun-Chieh Chiu,Shih-Ching Chen,Yi-Jing Huang,Chien-Hung Lai ,Jiunn-Horng Kang . Using High-Definition Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation to Treat Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Study . Life .2022

11. 2022 Muhammad Adeel,Bor-Shing Lin, Hung-Chou Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Jian-Chiun Liou,Chun-Wei Wu, Wing P Chan, Chih-Wei Peng. Motor Neuroplastic Effects of a Novel Paired Stimulation Technology in an Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Animal Model . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022

12. 2021 Kuo CY, Liu CW, Lai CH, Kang JH, Tseng SH, Su CY. Prediction of robotic neurorehabilitation functional ambulatory outcome in patients with neurological disorders . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2021

13. 2021 Shiao YJ,Hoang T,Kantipudi MB,Kao NC,Lai CH . Development of a Multilayered Magnetorheological Brake for Knee Orthosis Applications . Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers .2021 ;(42):81-91

14. 2021 Chang YT,Chen CL,Lai CH . Marinacci anastomosis (reverse Martin-Gruber anastomosis): A case report . Medicine (Baltimore) .2021 ;(100):e25073-e25073

15. 2021 Chen SC,Lin CH,Su SW,Chang YT,Lai CH . Feasibility and Effect of Interactive Telerehabilitation on Balance in Individuals with Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Study . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2021 ;(18)

16. 2021 Zhang Z,Lin BS,Peng CW,Chan WP,Lina BS,Lai CH. Design of a Novel Paired Associative Nerve Stimulation System and Treatment Strategy for Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: A Preliminary Study . IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering .2021 ;(29):1341-1349

17. 2021 Chen SC,Yang LY,Adeel M,Lai CH,Peng CW. Transcranial electrostimulation with special waveforms enhances upper-limb motor function in patients with chronic stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2021 ;(18):106-106

18. 2021 Tsai PY,Chen YC,Wang JY,Chung KH,Lai CH. Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Depression and Cognition in Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):16940-16940

19. 2021 Adeel M,Lai CH,Wu CW,Kang JH,Liou JC,Chen HC, Hong MJ, Peng CW. Energy Expenditure during Acute Weight Training Exercises in Healthy Participants: A Preliminary Study . Applied Sciences .2021 ;(11):6687-6687

20. 2021 Adeel M,Lai CH,Wu CW,Kang JH,Liou JC,Chen HC, Lin BS, Hong MJ, Feng CT, Peng CW. Modeling of Metabolic Equivalents (METs) during Moderate Resistance Training Exercises . Applied Sciences .2021 ;(11):8773-8773

21. 2020 Rajneesh CP,Hsieh TH,Chen SC,Lai CH,Yang LY,Chin HY, Peng CW*. Deep Brain Stimulation of the Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus Renders Neuroprotection through the Suppression of Hippocampal Apoptosis: An Experimental Animal Study. . Brain Sciences .2020

22. 2020 Yuan RY,Chen SC,Peng CW,Lin YN,Chang YT,Lai CH. Effects of Interactive video-game–based exercise on balance in older adults with mild-to-moderate Parkinson’s disease. . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2020 ;(17):91

23. 2019 Tung YC,Lai CH,Liao CD,Huang SW,Liou TH,Chen HC. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of lower limb motor function in patients with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clinical rehabilitation .2019 ;(33):1102-1112

24. 2019 Hung SWE,Chen SC,Chang FC,Shiao YJ,Peng CW,Lai CH. Effects of interactive video game–based exercise on balance in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy: an open-level, cross-over pilot study . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2019 ;(2019):1-9

25. 2019 Tung YC,Lai CH,Liao CD,Huang SW,Liou TH,Chen HC. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of lower limb motor function in patients with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clinical Rehabilitation .2019

26. 2019 Lai CH,Chen HC,Liou TH,Li W,Chen SC. Exercise Interventions for Individuals with Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews . American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation .2019

27. 2019 Lai CH,Sung WH,Chiang SL,Lu LH,Lin CH,Tung YC, Lin CH. Bimanual coordination deficits in hands following stroke and their relationship with motor and functional performance . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2019

28. 2019 Hsu CY,Cheng YH,Lai CH,Lin YN. Clinical non-superiority of technology-assisted gait training with body weight support in patients with subacute stroke: A meta-analysis . Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2019

29. 2018 Lin LF,Chang KH, Huang YZ,Lai CH,Liou TH,Lin YN. Simultaneous stimulation in bilateral leg motor areas with intermittent theta burst stimulation to improve functional performance after stroke: a feasibility pilot study. . European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2018

30. 2018 Rajneesh CP,Lai CH,Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Chin HY,Peng CW. Improved voiding function by deep brain stimulation in traumatic brain-injured animals with bladder dysfunctions. . International Urology and Nephrology .2018

31. 2017 Shiao YJ,Chang TY,Lai CH . Gait identification using inertial sensors for control of adaptive knee orthosis device . Sensors and Materials .2017 ;(29):1657-1665

32. 2017 Chang FH ,Liou TH,Ni PS ,Chang KH ,Lai CH . Development of the Participation Measure--3 Domains, 4 Dimensions (PM-3D4D): A New Outcome Measure for Rehabilitation . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(98):286-294

33. 2017 Wang TY,Chen SC,Peng CW,Kang CW,Chen YL,Lai CH, Chen CL, Chou YL, . Relevance of Nerve Conduction Velocity in the Assessment of Balance Performance in Older Adults with Diabetes Mellitus . Disability and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(3):1-9

34. 2016 Chang KH,Tseng SH,Lin YC,Lai CH,Hsiao WT,Chen SC. The relationship between body composition and femoral neck osteoporosis or osteopenia in adults with previous poliomyelitis . Disability and Health Journal .2016

35. 2016 Hou WH, Lai CH,Chii Jeng, Hsu CC,Shih CM,Tsai PS. Cardiac Rehabilitation Prevents Recurrent Revascularization in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease: A Population-Based Cohort Study In Taiwan. . Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention .2016

36. 2016 Shiao YJ,Nguyen Anh Ngoc,Lai CH. Optimal design of a new multipole bilayer magnetorheological brake . Smart Materials and Structures .2016 ;(25)

37. 2016 Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Fan WJ,Lai CH,Peng CW. Does pharmacological activation of 5-HT1A receptors improve urine flow rate in female rats? . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-RENAL PHYSIOLOGY .2016

38. 2015 Lin YT,Hsieh TH,Chen SC,Lai CH,Kuo TS,Chen CP. Effects of Pudendal Neuromodulation on Bladder Functions in Chronic Spinal Cord-Injured Rats. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2015

39. 2015 Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Fan WJ,Lai CH,Chen CL,Wei WF, Peng CW. Design and evaluation of potentiometric principles for bladder volume monitoring: a preliminary study . Biosensors-Basel .2015

40. 2015 Kuo LJ,Lin YC,Lai CH,Lin YK,Huang YS,Hu CC, Chen SC. Improvement of fecal incontinence and quality of life by electrical stimulation and biofeedback for patients with low rectal cancer after intersphincteric resection. . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2015

41. 2014 Chou CH,Hwang YS,Chen CC,Chen SC,Lai CH,Chen YL. FES for abnormal movement of upper limb during walking in post-stroke subjects. Technology and Health Care. . Technol Health Care .2014

42. 2014 Hung CY,Tseng SH,Chen SC,Chiu HC,Lai CH,Kang JH. Cardiac autonomic status is associated with spasticity in post-stroke patients. . NeuroRehabilitation .2014

43. 2014 Lee KT,Chuang CC,Lai CH,Ye JJ,Wu CL. Study of the trapezius muscle region pressure pain threshold and latency time in young people with and without depressed scapula. . Manual Therapy .2014

44. 2014 Fan WJ,Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Lai CH,Lin YS,Peng CW, Kou YR. Influence of serotonergic mechanisms on the urine flow rate in male rats. . Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol .2014

45. 2014 Yin-Tsong Lin,Chien-Hung, Lai,Te-Son Kuo,Chih-Chen Chen,Yu-Luen Chen,Shuenn-Tsong Young, Shih-Ching Chen, Jin-Shin Lai, Tsung-Hsun Hsieh, Chih-Wei Peng. Dual-Channel Neuromoduation of Pudendal Nerve with a Closed-loop Control Strategy to Improve Bladder Functions . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2014 ;(34):82-89

46. 2014 Chien-Hung Lai,Ting-Kai Leung,Chih-Wei Peng,Kwang-Hwa Chang,Ming-Jun Lai,,Wen-Fu Lai, Shih-Ching Chen. Effects of Far-Infrared Irradiation on Myofascial Neck Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine .2014 ;(20):123-129

47. 2014 Lai CH,Wu YW,Yeh SD,Lin YH,Tsai YH. Effects of 6-Hydroxyflavone on Osteoblast Differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells. . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2014

48. 2013 Shih-Ching Chen,C-H Lai (co-first),Wen-Jia Fan,Chih-Wei Peng. Pudendal Neuromodulation Improves Voiding Efficiency in Diabetic Rats . Neurourology and Urodynamics .2013 ;(32):293-300

49. 2013 Chi-Yao Hung,Sung-Hui Tseng,Shih-Ching Chen,Hou-Chang Chiu,Chien-Hung Lai,,Jiunn-Horng Kang. Cardiac Autonomic Status is Associated with Spasticity in Post-Stroke Patients. . The NeuroRehabilitation .2013

50. 2013 Shih-Ching Chen,Su-Hsien Lin,Ming-Jun Lai,Chih-Wei Peng,Chien-Hung Lai. Theraputicpeutic Effects of Near-Infrared Radiation on Chronic Neck Pain. . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):131-135

51. 2013 Yin-Tsong Lin,Chien-Hung Lai,Te-Son Kuo,Chih-Chen Chen,Yu-Luen Chen,Shuenn-Tsong Young, Shih-Ching Chen, Jin-Shin Lai, and Chih-Wei Peng.. Dual-Channel Neuromodulation of Pudendal Nerve with Closed-Loop Control Strategy to Improve Bladder Functions. . J Med Biol Eng .2013

52. 2013 Chien-Hung Lai,Chih-Wei Peng,Yu-Luen Chen,Ching-Ping Huang,Yu-Ling Hsiao,Shih-Ching Chen. Effects of Interactive Video Game-Based System Exercise on the Balance of the Elderly . Gait Posture .2013 ;(37):511-515

53. 2012 Chen SC,Fan WJ,Lai CH,Chen JJ,Peng CW. Effect of am5-HT1A Receptor Agonist (8-OH-DPAT) on the External Urethral Sphincter Activity in the Rat . J Formos Med Assoc .2012 ;(Accept)

54. 2012 Chen SC,Grill WM,Fa WJ,Kou YR,Lin YS,Lai CH, Peng CW. Bilateral pudendal afferent stimulation improves bladder emptying in rats with urinary retention . BJU Int .2012

55. 2012 .LeungTK,Chen CH,Lai CH (co-first),Lee CH,Chen CC,Yang JC, Chen KC, Chao JS.. Bone and Joint Protection Ability of Ceramic Material with Biological Effects . Chinese J Physiol .2012 ;(55)

56. 2012 Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Wen-Jia Fan,Chih-Wei Peng. Sex Difference in External Urethral Sphincter Activity in the Rat . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2012

57. 2011 Chang KH,Lai CH,Chen SC,Tang IN,Hsiao WT,Liou TH, Lee CM. Femoral neck bone mineral density in ambulatory men with poliomyelitis . Osteoporos Int .2011 ;(22):195-200

58. 2011 CW Peng,SC Chen,CH Lai,CJ Chen,J Mizrahi,Y Handa. Review: Clinical Benefits of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Exercise . J Med Biol Eng .2011 ;(31):1-12

59. 2011 Chen SC,Cheng CL,Fan WJ,Chen JJ,Lai CH,Peng CW. Effect of a 5-HT1A receptor agonist (8-OH-DPAT) on external urethral sphincter activity in a rat model of pudendal nerve injury . Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp .2011 ;(301):R225-235

60. 2011 Chang KH,Lai CH,Chen SC,Hsiao WT,Liou TH,Lee CM. Body Composition Assessment in Taiwanese Individuals with Poliomyelitis . Arch Phys Med Rehabil .2011 ;(92):1092-1097

61. 2011 Lai CH,Chuang CC,Li J K,Chen SC,Chang WH. Effects of Ultrasound on Osteotomy Healing in a Rabbit Fracture Model . Ultrasound Med Biol .2011 ;(37):1635-1643

62. 2011 Teng-Le Huang,Chi-Ching Chang,Chian-Her Lee,Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Ching-Lin Tsai. Intra-articular injections of sodium hyaluronate (Hyalgan®) in osteoarthritis of theknee. a randomized, controlled, double-blind, multicentertrial in the asian population . BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders .2011

63. 2010 Lai CH,Chang WH,Chan WP,Peng CW,Shen LK,Chen JJ, Chen SC. Effects of functional electrical stimulation cycling exercise on bone mineral density loss in the early stages of spinal cord injury . J Rehabil Med .2010 ;(42):150-154

64. 2010 Lai CH,Chen SC,Chiu LH,Yang CB,Tsai YH,Zuo CS, Chang WH, Lai WF. Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound, dexamethasone/TGF-beta1 and/or BMP-2 on the transcriptional expression of genes in human mesenchymal stem cells: chondrogenic vs. osteogenic differentiation. . Ultrasound Med Biol .2010 ;(36):1022-1033

65. 2010 Kang JH,Tseng SH,Jaw FS,Lai CH,Chen HC,Chen SC. Comparison of ultrasonographic findings of the rotator cuff between diabetic and nondiabetic patients with chronic shoulder pain: a retrospective study . Ultrasound Med Biol .2010 ;(36):1792-1796

66. 2009 Liu DS,Wong AM,Chen SC,Lin KP,Lai CH,Chang WH. The Recovery Index Oxygen Saturation from Orthostatic Syncope in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury . Tw J Phys Med Rehabil .2009 ;(37):227-234

67. 2008 Liu DS,Chang WH,Wong AM,Chen SC,Lin KP,Lai CH. Relationships between physiological responses and presyncope symptoms during tilting up in patients with spinal cord injury . Med Biol Eng Comput .2008 ;(46):681-688

68. 2007 Liu DS,Chang WH,Wong AM,Chen SC,Lin KP,Lai CH. Development of a biofeedback tilt-table for investigating orthostatic syncope in patients with spinal cord injury. . Med Biol Eng Comput .2007 ;(45):1223-1228

69. 2005 Chen SC,Lai CH,Chan WP,Huang MH,Tsai HW,Chen JJ. Increases in bone mineral density after functional electrical stimulation cycling exercises in spinal cord injured patients . Disabil Rehabil .2005 ;(27):1337-1341

70. 2005 Chen SC,Chen YL,Chen CJ,Lai CH,Chiang WH,Chen WL. Effects of surface electrical stimulation on the muscle-tendon junction of spastic gastrocnemius in stroke patients . Disabil Rehabil .2005 ;(27):105-110

71. 2002 Chien-Hung Lai, Shih-Wei Liu, Feng-Chien Lin, I-Chun Chen, Shih-Ching Chen, Chung-Huang Yu, Walter H. Chang. The Study of Hemodynamic and Cardiovascular Changes Responding to Head-up Tilt in The Spinal Cord Injured . J of Rehab Med Assoc ROC .2002 ;(30):79-86

72. 2002 Shih-Ching Chen, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Lei-Shih Chen, Cheng-Feng Chiang. The Therapeutic Effects of Magnets on Knee Osteoarthritis . J of Rehab Med Assoc ROC .2002 ;(30):73-78

73. 2002 Yu-Chin Chen, Shih-Ching Chen, Chien-Chung Lai, Chih-Yu Chiu. Bilateral Facial Palsy: A Case Report and Literature Review . J of Rehab Med Assoc R.O.C .2002 ;(30):191-200

74. 2001 Shih-Ching Chen, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Wei-Han Chiang, MS, PT, Jing-Hwa Way MD, Cheng-Feng Chiang, MD. The Effects of Magnets on Nerve Conduction Studies in Human. . J Rehab Med Assoc R.O.C. .2001 ;(29):25-30

75. 2001 Shih-Ching Chen, Yih-Zhang Ho, Chien-Hung Lai, Chao-Jung Chen, Wei-Han Chiang, Walter H. Chang. Effects of Training with High and Low-frequency Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Contractile Properties in Rabbits. . N. Taipei J. Med. .2001 ;(3):48-54

76. 2000 Chien-Hung Lai, , Ming-Shium Hsieh, Wei-Han Chiang, Sung-Hui Tseng, Chao-Jung Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. F-wave Studies in L5 Radiculopathic Patients Receiving Automated Percutaneous Lumbar. . J of Rehab Med Assoc R. O. C. .2000 ;(28):213-219

77. 1996 Chien-Hung Lai, Ta sen wei. Fracture of The T10,T11 Vertebral Body in A Patient with Ankylosing spondylitis- A case Report . J of Rehab Medicine Association R.O.C. .1996 ;(24):159-165

1. 2011 Lai CH,Huang CP,Hsiao YL,Chen YL,Chen SC. Effects of Video Game-based System Training in Balance of Elderly . Internatinal Biomechanics Conference & Anuual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taiwan 2011. .2011

2. 2011 Chen HC,Lai CH,Chang WH,Chuang CC,Hsu AC,Chen SC. 動物骨折模式下超音波治療對於骨折癒合之影響 . 中華民國復健醫學會一百年年會 .2011

3. 2010 Lai CH,Chang WH,Chen SC,Lai WF. Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound, dexamethasone/ TGF-β1, BMP-2 on the transcriptional expression of human mesenchymal stem cells: chondrogenic vs. osteogenic differentiation. . issue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society-EU Chapter Meeting at Galway, Ireland 2010 .2010

4. 2010 Lai CH,Chang WH,Chuang CC,Peng CW,Kang JH,Chen SC. Effect of Ultrasound Parameters on Enhancement of Fracture Healing . 2nd Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2010 .2010

5. 2008 Lai CH,Chen SC,Chang WH,Huang MH,Chen JJ. Effects of Bone Mineral Density by Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Exercise in the Subjects with Spinal cord Injury . Symposium on Functional Electrical Stimulation 2008 .2008

6. 2002 Shih-Ching Chen, Cheng-Feng Chiang, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Wei-Hsiu Chen. The Therapeutic Effects of Magnets on Knee Osteoarthritis . 2002 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C .2002

7. 2002 I-Chun Chen, Shih-Ching Chen, Chung-Hung Yu, Jen-Sam Yeh, Chien-Hung Lai. Motion Analysis of Visual-Motor Integrated Functional Task in Children - A Preliminary Result . 2002 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C .2002

8. 2002 I-Chun Chen, Hsin-Chien Lee, Geng-Chang Yeh, Chien-Hung Lai, Shih-Ching Chen. The Relationship between Parental Concerns and Professional Assessment in Developmental Delay - a Hospital-based Study . 2002 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C .2002

9. 2001 Shih-Ching Chen, Yih-Zhang Ho, Chien-Hung Lai, Chao-Jung Chen, Wei-Han Chiang, Walter H. Chang. Effects of Training with High and Low - Frequency Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Contractile Properties in Rabbits . 2001 The 6th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society .2001

10. 2001 Cheng-Feng Chiang, Shih-Ching Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Chao-Jung Chen. Therapeutic Effects of Magnets on Knee Osteoarthritis . 2001 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C .2001

11. 2001 Chien-Hung Lai, Feng-Chein Lin, Shiang-Juh Yin, Shih-Wei Liu, Walter H. Chang, Shih-Ching Chen. The Study of Hemodynamic Changes Responding to Tilting Angles in The Spinal cord. . Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2001

12. 2001 Chien-Hung Lai, Shih-Ching Chen, Chao-Jung Chen, Cheng-Feng Chiang, Chia-Yuan Hsu. Effects of Magnets on Neuromusculoskeletal Pain. . 1st world congress of the international society of physical and rehabilitation medicine in Amsterdam The Netherlands. .2001

13. 2000 Shih-Ching Chen , Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-HungLai, Wei-Han Chiang, Jing-Hwa Way, Cheng-Feng Chiang. The effect of Magnets on Median Nerve Conduction Studies in Human. . Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

14. 2000 Shin-Ching Chen , Jing-Hwa Wey, Yih-Zhang Ho, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Walter H.Chang. The effect of Training with High-Frequency and Low Frequency Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Contractile Properties in Rabbits. . Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

15. 2000 Chien-Hung Lai, Sung-Hui Tseng, Chao-Jung Chen, Jing-Hwa Way, Cheng-Feng Chiang , Shih-Ching Chen. Nerve Conduction Studies of upper extremities in stroke patient. . Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

16. 2000 Shih-Ching Chen , Cheng-Feng Chiang Chia-Yuan Hsu, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai. The Effect of Magnets on Neuromusuloskeletal pain. . Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

17. 2000 Feng-Peng Yang, Jing-Hwa Wey, Cheng-Feng Chiang, Chien-Hung Lai, Chao-Jung Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. The studies of Micturition, Defecation and sexual function following spinal and injury. . Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

18. 2000 Chien-Hung Lai, Wei Han Chiang, Chung Huang Yu, Jih Rong Lin, Shih Ching Chen. The Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Rehabilitation Programs on Muscular System of the Spinal Cord Injured. . 1st Conference of APESS in Cheju, Korea. .2000

19. 2000 Shih Ching Chen, Chien Hung Lai, Chung Huang Yu, Jih Rong Lin, Wei Han Chiang. The Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Rehabilitation Programs on Bone Density of the Spinal Cord Injured. . 1st conference of APESS in Cheju, Korea. .2000

20. 1999 Chien-Hung Lai, Nfing-Shium Hsieh, Yu-Chin Chen, Jing-Hwa Way, Shih-Ching Chen. The F-wave Studies in L5 Radiculopathic Patients Receiving Automatic. Percutaneous Lumbar Disectomy. . 76th Annual Meeting American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Arch Phys Med. Rehabil. .1999 ;(80):980-981

21. 1997 Chien-Hung Lai,Jing-Hwa Way, Yu-Chin Chen, Po-Wer Lin, Ming-Shium Hsieh, Chao-Jung Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. The F-persistence studies After APLD for Treatment of Rachiculopathy-A preliminay study. . Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .1997

22. 1997 Yu-Chin Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Po-Wei Lin, Chao-Jung Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. The Effect of TENS for Treatment of Spasticity – A preliminary study. . Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .1997


113 運用智慧醫療技術以提升慢性腎臟病之認知、身體功能與日常生活功能(2/3)

112 運用智慧醫療技術以提升慢性腎臟病之認知、身體功能與日常生活功能(1/3)

111 探討配對型神經刺激模式對不完全性脊髓損傷者運動功能與神經可塑性之影響 (II)

111 112年度【產學合作計畫-發展改善衰弱長者下肢肌力與功能之低承重阻力運動系統】

111 112年度【產學合作計畫-發展改善衰弱長者下肢肌力與功能之低承重阻力運動系統】

110 探討配對型神經刺激模式對不完全性脊髓損傷者運動功能與神經可塑性之影響

109 研發整合互動式擴增實境與電刺激神經調控系統以改善腦中風者神經可塑性和肢體功能(II)

108 研發整合互動式擴增實境與電刺激神經調控系統以改善腦中風者神經可塑性和肢體功能

108 以擴增實境系統提升銀髮族日常生活能力與品質之應用服務

108 以擴增實境系統提升銀髮族日常生活能力與品質之應用服務

108 以擴增實境系統提升銀髮族日常生活能力與品質之應用服務

107 探討擴增實境及重覆穿顱磁刺激技術對腦中風之復健成效(II)

106 探討擴增實境及重覆穿顱磁刺激技術對腦中風之復健成效

105 腦中風者接受機器人步態系統訓練與經顱電刺激後腦功能之變化(II)

104 腦中風者接受機器人步態系統訓練與經顱電刺激後腦功能之變化

103 探討經顱直流電刺激與機器人步行訓練對腦中風復健成效之影響(II)

103 智慧型多功能下肢復健機之建立

103 研發半主動式膝部輔具系統之先期研究

103 半主動式膝部輔具系統之研發(1/2)

102 復健用之智慧型腿部伸展屈腿機之研究

102 探討經顱直流電刺激與機器人步行訓練對腦中風復健成效之影響

102 探討經顱直流電刺激與機器人步行訓練對腦中風復健成效之影響

92 研發自動迴饋控制之幫浦循環器,解決脊髓損傷者姿勢性低血壓引起之暈眩(第三年)

91 研發自動迴饋控制之幫浦循環器,解決脊髓損傷者姿勢性低血壓引起之暈眩

90 研發自動迴饋控制之幫浦循環器,解決脊髓損傷者姿勢性低血壓引起之暈眩

89 功能性電刺激踩車系統對脊髓損傷者肌肉骨骼系統之影響

88 功能性電刺激踩車系統對脊髓損傷者肌肉骨骼系統之影響