陳威宇(Chen, Wei-Yu) 副教授

現   職
病理學科 主任
病理學科 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2022/08/01 ~




組織微陣列(tissue microarray)



1. 2024 Yen-Nien Liu,Ming-kun liu,Yu-Ching Wen,Chien-Hsiu Li,Hsiu-Lien Yeh ,Phan Vu Thuy Dung , Kuo-Ching Jiang , Wei-Hao Chen, Han-Ru Li , Jiaoti Huang, Wei-Yu Chen . Binding of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist to cholinergic receptor muscarinic 4 promotes immunosuppression and neuroendocrine differentiation in prostate cancer . Cancer Letters .2024

2. 2023 Wei- Yu Chen,Phan Vu Thuy Dung,Hsiu-Lien Yeh, Wei-Hao Chen,Kuo Ching Jiang,Han-Ru Li , Zi-Qing Chen , Michael Hsiao , Jiaoti Huang , Yu-Ching Wen , Yen-Nien Liu. Targeting PKLR/MYCN/ROMO1 signaling suppresses neuroendocrine differentiation of castration-resistant prostate cancer. . Redox Biology .2023 ;(62)

3. 2023 Fan Yu Ching ,Fong Yu-Cin ,Kuo CT,Li CW,Chen WY,ian-Da Lin, Florian Bürtin, Michael Linnebacher, Quoc Thang Bui , Kuan-Der Lee , Yuan-Chin Tsai . Tumor-derived interleukin-1 receptor antagonist exhibits immunosuppressive functions and promotes pancreatic cancer . Cell Bioscience .2023 ;(13)

4. 2023 Wen YU,Tram VTN,Chen WH,Li CH,Yeh HL,Dung PVT, Jiang KC, Li HR, Huang J, Hsiao M, Chen WY, Liu YN. CHRM4/AKT/MYCN upregulates interferon alpha-17 in the tumor microenvironment to promote neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer . Cell death & disease .2023 ;(14)

5. 2023 Chen YH,Chen Wei-Yu,Yu CL,Tsai CY,Hsieh SC. Gouty arthritis involves impairment of autophagic degradation via cathepsin D inactivation-mediated lysosomal dysfunction that promotes apoptosis in macrophages . Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis .2023 ;(1869)

6. 2023 Chen WY,Hu YH,Tsai YH,JF Hang,Tan PH,Chen CJ. Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the breast harbours TRPS1 expressions and PIK3CA alterations . Histopathology .2023

7. 2022 Yu-Ching Wen ,Wei-Yu Chen, Van Thi Ngoc Tram, Hsiu-Lien Yeh,Wei-Hao Chen,Kuo-Ching Jiang, Wassim Abou-Kheir , Jiaoti Huang , Michael Hsiao , Yen-Nien Liu. Pyruvate kinase L/R links metabolism dysfunction to neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer by ZBTB10 deficiency . Cell Death and Disease .2022 ;(13)

8. 2022 Liu KY,Wu SM,Chen WY,Chang CL. Primary appendiceal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma initially presenting as acute appendicitis: A case report . Int J Surg Case Rep . .2022 ;(93)

9. 2022 Appendiceal Mucinous Tumor Presenting as Recurrent Bowel Obstruction . Diagnostics (Basel) .2022 ;(12)

10. 2022 Feasibility of Breast Cancer Metastasis Assessment of Ex Vivo Sentinel Lymph Nodes through a p-H&E Optical Coherence Microscopic Imaging System . Cancers (Basel) . .2022 ;(14)

11. 2021 Wei-Yu Chen,Yu-Ching Wen,Shian-Ren Lin,Hsiu-Lien Yeh,Kuo-Ching Jiang, Wei-Hao Chen, Yow-Sien Lin, Qingfu Zhang, Phui-Ly Liew, Michael Hsiao, Jiaoti Huang, Yen-Nien Liu. Nerve growth factor interacts with CHRM4 and promotes neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer and castration resistance . Communications biology .2021 ;(4):1-14

12. 2021 Honda K,Hishiki T,Yamamoto S,Yamamoto T,Miura M,Kubo A, Itoh M, Chen WY, Takano M, Yoshikawa T, Kasamatsu T, Sonoda S, Yoshizawa H, Nakamura S, Itai Y, Shiota M, Koike D, Naya M, Hayakawa N, Naito Y, Matsuura T, Iwaisako K, Masui T, Uemoto S, Nagashima K, Hashimoto Y, Sakuma T, Matsubara O, Huang W, Ida T, Akaike T, Masugi Y, Sakamoto M, Kato T, Ino Y, Yoshida H, Tsuda H, Hiraoka N, Kabe Y, Suematsu M. On-tissue polysulfide visualization by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy benefits patients with ovarian cancer to predict post-operative chemosensitivity . Redox Biology .2021 ;(41)

13. 2021 Pantanowitz L,Wu U,Seigh L,LoPresti E,Yeh FC,Salgia P, Michelow P , Hazelhurst S , Chen WY ,Hartman D ,Yeh CY 4. Artificial Intelligence-Based Screening for Mycobacteria in Whole-Slide Images of Tissue Samples . Am J Clin Pathol .2021 ;(156):117-128

14. 2021 “Chronic Immune Sensory Polyradiculoneuropathy-Plus With Diffuse Enlarged Dorsal Root Ganglion and Positive Serum Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-B27. . Cureus .2021 ;(13)

15. 2021 TCF7L1 regulates cytokine response and neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer . Oncogenesis .2021 ;(10)

16. 2021 PCK1 regulates neuroendocrine differentiation in a positive feedback loop of LIF/ZBTB46 signalling in castration-resistant prostate cancer . British journal of cancer .2021

17. 2020 Huang DY,Chen WY,Chen CL,Wu NL,Lin WW . Synergistic Anti-Tumour Effect of Syk Inhibitor and Olaparib in Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Roles of Syk in EGFR Signalling and PARP1 Activation . Cancers .2020 ;(12)

18. 2020 Yu-Ching Fan,Wei-Yu Chen,Kuan-Der Lee ,Yuan-Chin Tsai. Tumor-infiltrating Leukocytes Suppress Local Inflammation Via Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist in a Syngeneic Prostate Cancer Model. Biology(Basel) . Biology(Basel) .2020 ;(9)

19. 2020 Lin SR\,Wen YC,Yeh HL,Jiang KC,Chen WH,Mokgautsi N, Huang J, Chen WY, Liu YN. EGFR-upregulated LIFR promotes SUCLG2-dependent castration resistance and neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer . Oncogene .2020 ;(39):6757-6775

20. 2020 Liao WY ,Hsu CC,Chan TS,Yen CJ,Chen WY,Pan HW, Tsai KK. Dishevelled 1-Regulated Superpotent Cancer Stem Cells Mediate Wnt Heterogeneity and Tumor Progression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Stem Cell Reports .2020 ;(14):462-477

21. 2020 Anatomical relationships between medullary veins and three types of deep-seated malignant brain tumors as detected by susceptibility-weighted imaging . Journal of Chinese Medical Association .2020 ;(83):164-169

22. 2019 Liang HH,Chen CY,Chen WY,Chen TM,Chan WP. Solitary cystic metastatic lymph node of occult human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal cancer mimicking second branchial cleft cyst: A case report. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2019 ;(98):e17800

23. 2019 Chen WY,Zeng T,Wen YC,Yeh HL,Chen WH, Zhang Q, Huang J, Liu YN. Androgen deprivation-induced ZBTB46-PTGS1 signaling promotes neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer. . Cancer Letters .2019 ;(440-441):35-46

24. 2019 Syu SH,Chan KS,Hsiao CH,Chen WY,Lee LM,Wen YC. A Large Urinary Bladder Hemangioma Mimicking Urachal Cancer: A Case Report and Literature Review . Urology .2019 ;(123):224-226

25. 2019 Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Promotes Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer and Neuroendocrine Differentiation by Activated ZBTB46. . Clinical Cancer Research .2019 ;(25):4128-4140

26. 2019 Granuloma With an Underlying Lymphoma: A Diagnostic Challenge and a Wider Histologic Spectrum Including Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma . Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology .2019

27. 2019 A Large Annular Plaque on the Face . Clinical infectious diseases .2019 ;(68):1241-1243

28. 2019 The differential distributions of ASPM isoforms and their roles in Wnt signaling, cell cycle progression, and pancreatic cancer prognosis. . Journal of Pathology .2019

29. 2018 Yuan-Chin Tsai,Tao Zeng,Wassim Abou-Kheir†,Hsiu-Lien Yeh,Juan Juan Yin,Yi-Chao Lee, Wei-Yu Chen, Yen-Nien Liu. Disruption of ETV6 leads to TWIST1-dependent progression and resistance to epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors in prostate cancer. . Molecular cancer .2018 ;(17):1-12

30. 2018 Pai VC2,Hsu CC,Chan TS,Liao WY,Chuu CP,Chen WY, Li CR, Lin CY, Hwang SP, Chen LT, Tsai KK. ASPM promotes prostate cancer stemness and progression by augmenting Wnt-Dvl-3-β-catenin signaling . Oncogene .2018

31. 2018 Yuan-Chin Tsai ,Wei-Yu Chen,Wassim Abou-Kheir ,Tao Zeng ,Juan Juan Yin,Hisham Bahmad, Yi-Chao Lee, Yen Nien Liu. Androgen deprivation therapy-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition of prostate cancer through downregulating SPDEF and activating CCL2 . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease .2018 ;(1864):1717-1727

32. 2018 Huang CY,Wei PL,Chen WY,Chang WC,Chang YJ. Silencing Heat Shock Protein 27 Inhibits the Progression and Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) by Maintaining the Stability of Stromal Interaction Molecule 1 (STIM1) Proteins. . Cells .2018 ;(7)

33. 2017 Hung SC,Huang CY,Lee CH,Chen WY,Huang WY,Wei PL, Chang YJ. IGFBP2 plays an important role in heat shock protein 27-mediated cancer progression and metastasis . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):54978-54992

34. 2017 Chen Wei Yu ,Tsai Yuan Chin ,Yeh Hsiu Lien ,Suau Florent ,Jiang Kuo Ching ,Shao AN, Huang J, Liu YN. Loss of SPDEF and gain of TGFBI activity after androgen deprivation therapy promote EMT and bone metastasis of prostate cancer . Science Signaling .2017 ;(10)

35. 2017 Fang Chih Yeu ,Wu Chung Chun ,Fang Chia Lang ,Chen Wei Yu ,Chen Chi Long . Long-term growth comparison studies of FBS and FBS alternatives in six head and neck cell lines . PLoS One .2017 ;(12)

36. 2017 Chen WY,Tsai YC,Siu MK,Yeh HL,Chen CL,Yin JJ, Huang J, Liu YN. Inhibition of the androgen receptor induces a novel tumor promoter, ZBTB46, for prostate cancer metastasis. . Oncogene .2017

37. 2017 Fang CY,, Liew PL,CL Chen,CL Fang,Wei-Yu Chen,Chen WY. High HMGA2 Expression Correlates with Reduced Recurrence-free Survival and Poor Overall Survival in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. . Anticancer research .2017 ;(37):1891-1899

38. 2017 Siu MK,Chen Wei-Yu,Tsai HY,Chen HY,Yin CL,Tsai YC, Liu YN. TCF7 is suppressed by the androgen receptor via microRNA-1-mediated downregulation and is involved in the development of resistance to androgen deprivation in prostate cancer. . Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases .2017 ;(20):172-178

39. 2017 Li SJ,Kao YH,Chung CC,Wei-Yu Chen,Cheng WL,Chen YJ. Activated p300 acetyltransferase activity modulates aortic valvular calcification with osteogenic transdifferentiation and downregulation of Klotho. . International jounral of cardiology .2017 ;(232):271-279

40. 2017 Tsai YC,Chen Wei-Yu,Siu MK,Tsai HY,Yin JJ,Huang J, Liu YN. Epidermal growth factor receptor signaling promotes metastatic prostate cancer through microRNA-96-mediated downregulation of the tumor suppressor ETV6. . Cancer Letters .2017 ;(384):1-8

41. 2016 Chen Wei-Yu,Hua KT,Lee WJ,Lin YW,Liu YN,Chen CL, Wen YC, Chien MH. Akt Activation Correlates with Snail Expression and Potentially Determines the Recurrence of Prostate Cancer in Patients at Stage T2 after a Radical Prostatectomy. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2016 ;(17):pii: E

42. 2016 Yang TH,Wei-Yu Chen,Tsai HH. Periarticular ecchymosis-like plaques and nodules. . Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology .2016 ;(75):e1-e2

43. 2016 Man Kit Siu,Wei Yu Chen,Hong-Yuan Tsai,Hsiu-Lien Yeh,Juan Juan Yin,Shih-Yang Liu, Yen-Nien Liu. Androgen receptor regulates SRC expression through microRNA-203 . Oncotarget .2016 ;(7):25726-25741

44. 2016 Liu KL,Chen PY,Wang CM,Chen Wei-Yu,Chen CW,Owaga E, Chang JS. Dose-related effects of ferric citrate supplementation on endoplasmic reticular stress responses and insulin signalling pathways in streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetes. . Food Function .2016 ;(7):194-201

45. 2016 Huang CY,Batzorig U,Cheng WL,Huang MT,Chen Wei-Yu,Wei PL, Chang YJ.. Glucose-regulated protein 94 mediates cancer progression via AKT and eNOS in hepatocellular carcinoma. . Tumour Biology .2016 ;(37):4295-4304

46. 2016 Chia-Ying Chu,Wei-Yu Chen,Shauh-Der Yeh,Huey-Min Yeh,Chia-Lang Fang. Syphilitic orchitis mimicking a testicular tumor in a clinically occult HIV-infected young man: a case report with emphasis on a challenging pathological diagnosi . Diagnostic Pathology .2016 ;(11)

47. 2016 Yung-Wei Lin,Liang-Ming Lee,Wei-Jiunn Lee,Chih-Ying Chu,Peng Tan,Yi-Chieh Yang, Wei-Yu Chen, Shun-Fa Yang, Michael Hsiao, Ming-Hsien Chien. Melatonin inhibits MMP-9 transactivation and renal cell carcinoma metastasis by suppressing Akt-MAPKs pathway and NF-κB DNA-binding activity. . Journal of Pineal Research .2016 ;(60):277-290

48. 2016 Siu MK,Suau F,Chen Wei-Yu,Tsai YC,Tsai HY,Yeh HL. KLF4 functions as an activator of the androgen receptor through reciprocal feedback. . Oncogenesis .2016 ;(5):e282

49. 2016 Chan TS,Hsu CC,Pai VC,Huang SS,Tan KT,Yen CJ, Hsu SC, Chen WY, Shan YS, Li CR, Lee MT, Jiang KY, Chu JM, Lien GS, Weaver VM, Tsai KK.. Metronomic chemotherapy prevents therapy-induced stromal activation and induction of tumor-initiating cells. . Journal of Experimental Medicine .2016 ;(213):2967-2988

50. 2015 Siu MK, ,Tsai YC,Chang YS,Yin JJ,Suau F,Chen WY, Liu YN . Transforming growth factor-β promotes prostate bone metastasis through induction of microRNA-96 and activation of mTOR pathway. *Correspondence. Oncogene 34:4767-4776, 2015. (SCI) . Oncogene .2015 ;(34):4767-4776

51. 2015 Wei-Yu Chen,Liu SY,Chang YS3,Yin JJ,Yeh HL,Mouhieddine TH, Hadadeh O, Abou-Kheir W, Liu YN. MicroRNA-34a regulates WNT/TCF7 signaling and inhibits bone metastasis in Ras-activated prostate cancer. . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):441-457

52. 2015 Huang CY,Batzorig U,Cheng WL,Huang MT,Chen WY,Wei PL, Chang YJ.. Glucose-regulated protein 94 mediates cancer progression via AKT and eNOS in hepatocellular carcinoma. . .2015

53. 2015 Chen WY,Huang CY,Cheng WL,Hung CS,Huang MT,Tai CJ, Liu YN, Chen CL, Chang YJ. Alpha 7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mediates the sensitivity of gastric cancer cells to 5-fluorouracil . Tumour Biol .2015

54. 2015 Chang YS,Chen WY,Yin JJ,Sheppard-Tillman H,Huang J,Liu YN. EGF Receptor Promotes Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis by Downregulating miR-1 and Activating TWIST1 . Cancer Research .2015

55. 2015 Hung CF,Chen WY,Hsu CY,Aljuffali IA,Shih HC,Fang JY. Cutaneous penetration of soft nanoparticles via photodamaged skin: Lipid-based and polymer-based nanocarriers for drug delivery. . Eur J Pharm Biopharm .2015

56. 2015 Hung CF,Chen WY,Aljuffali IA,Lin YK,Shih HC,Fang JY. Skin aging modulates percutaneous drug absorption: the impact of ultraviolet irradiation and ovariectomy . Age .2015 ;(37):1-14

57. 2015 Liu KL,Chen PY,Wang CM,Chen WY,Chen CW,Owaga E, Chang JS.. Dose-related effects of ferric citrate supplementation on endoplasmic reticular stress responses and insulin signalling pathways in streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetes. . Food function .2015

58. 2015 Chang YJ,Chen WY,Huang CY,Liu HH,Wei PL.. Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) regulates colon cancer metastasis through EMT biomarkers and the NRF-2/HO-1 pathway. . Tumour Biol .2015

59. 2015 Chao PZ,Hsieh MS,Cheng CW,Hsu TJ,Lin YT,,Lai CH, Liao CC, Chen WY, Leung TK, Lee FP, Lin YF, Che. Dendritic cells respond to nasopharygeal carcinoma cells through annexin A2-recognizing DC-SIGN . Oncotarget .2015

60. 2015 Chang YJ1,Huang CY,Hung CS,Chen WY,Wei PL.. GRP78 mediates the therapeutic efficacy of curcumin on colon cancer. . Tumour Biol .2015

61. 2015 Wang RC1,Huang CY,Pan TL,Chen WY,Ho CT5,,Liu TZ, Chang YJ. Proteomic Characterization of Annexin l (ANX1) and Heat Shock Protein 27 (HSP27) as Biomarkers for Invasive Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. . PLoS One .2015

62. 2014 Wang HH,Huang YC,Chen WY,Chiang YY. Subcutaneous Sweet syndrome associated with disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infection leading to the diagnosis of adult-onset immunodeficiency . J Am Acad Dermatol .2014 ;(71):e20-e22

63. 2014 Hung CF,Chen WY,Aljuffali IA,Shih HC,Fang JY. The risk of hydroquinone and sunscreen over-absorption via photodamaged skin is not greater in senescent skin as compared to young skin: nude mouse as an animal model. . Int J Pharm. .2014 ;(471):135-145

64. 2014 Jung-Yi Lisa Chan,Kuo-Hsien Wang,Chia-Lang Fang,Wei-Yu Chen. Fibrous papule of the face, similar to tuberous sclerosis complex-associated angiofibroma, shows activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway: evidence for a novel therapeutic strategy? . PLOS one .2014 ;(9):89467-89467

65. 2014 Yu-Ching Wen,Wei-Yu Chen,Wei-Jiunn Lee,Shun-Fa Yang,Liang-Ming Lee,Ming-Hsien Chien. Snail as a potential marker for predicting the recurrence of prostate cancer in patients at stage T2 after radical prostatectomy . Clin Chim Acta .2014 ;(14):53-59

66. 2014 Masuda M,Chen WY,Miyanaga A,Nakamura Y,Kawasaki K,Sakuma T, Ono M, Chen CL, Honda K, Yamada T. Alternative mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signal activation in sorafenib-resistant hepatocellular carcinoma cells revealed by array-based pathway profiling. . Molecular Cell Proteomics .2014 ;(13):1429-1438

67. 2014 Lee WS,Chen WY,Ou TY,Chen FL,Lin YW. Malakoplakia in a patient with complicated urinary tract infection caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli. . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2014

68. 2014 Chang YJ,Chen WY,Huang CH,Liu HH,Wei PL. Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) regulates colon cancer metastasis through EMT biomarkers and the NRF-2/HO-1 pathway . Tumour Biol .2014

69. 2014 Chao PZ,Hsieh MS,Cheng CW,Hsu TJ,Lin YT,Lai CH, Liao CC, Chen WY, Leung TK, Lee FP, Lin YF, Chen CH. Dendritic cells respond to nasopharygeal carcinoma cells through annexin A2-recognizing DC-SIGN. . Oncotarget .2014

70. 2014 Chang YJ,Huang CY,Hung CS,Chen WY,Wei PL. GRP78 mediates the therapeutic efficacy of curcumin on colon cancer . Tumour Biol .2014

71. 2014 Chang JS,Li YL,Lu CH,Owaga E,Chen WY,Chiou HY.. Interleukin-10 as a potential regulator of hepcidin homeostasis in overweight and obese children: a cross-sectional study in Taiwan. . Nutrition .2014 ;(30):1165-1170

72. 2014 Siu MK,Abou-Kheir W,Yin JJ,Chang YS,Barrett B,Suau F, Casey O, Chen WY, Fang L, Hynes P, Hsieh. Loss of EGFR signaling regulated miR-203 promotes prostate cancer bone metastasis and tyrosine kinase inhibitors resistance . Oncotarget .2014 ;(5):3770-3784

73. 2013 Bo-Jung Chen,Chien-Jui Cheng,Wei-Yu Chen. Transformation of a post-cesarean section placental site nodule into a coexisting epithelioid trophoblastic tumor and placental site trophoblastic tumor: a case report . Diagnostic Pathology .2013 ;(8):85-85

74. 2013 Pei-Wen Hsieh,Wei-Yu Chen,Ibrahim. A. Aljuffal,Chun-Che Chen,Jia-You Fang. Co-drug strategy for promoting skin targeting and minimizing the transdermal diffusion of hydroquinone and tranexamic acid. . Current Medicinal Chemistry .2013 ;(20):4080-4092

75. 2013 Lee WR,Shen SC,Chen WY,Aljuffali IA,Suen SY,Fang JY.. Noninvasive delivery of siRNA and plasmid DNA into skin by fractional ablation: Erbium:YAG laser versus CO2 laser. . Eur J Pharm Biopharm .2013

76. 2013 Wu CT,Wang WC,Chen MF,Su HY,Chen WY,Wu CH, Chang YJ, Liu HH. Glucose-regulated protein 78 mediates hormone-independent prostate cancer progression and metastasis through maspin and COX-2 expression. . Tumour Biol .2013

77. 2013 Wei PL,Tu CC,Chen CH,Ho YS,Wu CT,Su HY, Chen WY, Liu JJ, Chang YJ. Shikonin suppresses the migratory ability of hepatocellular carcinoma cells . J Agric Food Chem .2013

78. 2013 Hsiao SH,Chung CL,Lee CM,Chen WY,Chou YT,Wu ZH, Chen YC, Lin SE. Suitability of Computed Tomography-Guided Biopsy Specimens for Subtyping and Genotyping of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. . Clin Lung Cancer .2013 ;(14):719-725

79. 2013 Kuo LJ,Hung CS,Chen WY,Chang YJ,, Wei PL. 13.Glucose-regulated protein 78 silencing down-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 pathway to suppress human colon cancer tumor growth . J Surg Res .2013 ;(185):264-272

80. 2013 Tai CJ,Cheng CW,Su HY,Chen HY,Wu CT,Lin FY, Wang CK, Tai CJ, Wei PL. Thrombomodulin mediates the migration of cervical cancer cells through the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition biomarkers. . Tumour Biol .2013

81. 2013 Shee-Chan Lin,Wei-Yu Chen,Kai-Yuan Lin,Sheng-Hsuan Chen,Chun-Chao Chang,Sey-En Lin, Chia Lang Fang.. Clinicopathological Correlation and Prognostic Significance of Protein Kinase Cα Overexpression in Human Gastric Carcinoma. . PLOS one .2013 ;(8):e56675-e56675

82. 2013 Gi-Shih Lien,Chien-Shu Chen,Wei-Yu Chen,Shih-Hao Huang,Kur-Ta Cheng,Chun-Mao Lin, Su-Hui Chao. Photoproducts of indomethacin exhibit decreased hydroxyl radical scavenging and xanthine oxidase inhibition activities . Journal of food and drug analysis .2013 ;(21):332-336

83. 2013 Tsung-Hsien Tsai,Lu-Te Chuang,Tsung-Jung Lien,Yau-Rong Liing,Wei-Yu Chen,Po-Jung Tsai. Rosmarinus officinalis extract suppresses 1 Propionibacterium . Journal of Medicinal Food .2013

84. 2013 Wei-Yu Chen,Chia-Lang Fang,Saleh A. Al-Suwayeh,Hung-Hsu Yang,Yi-Ching Li,Jia-You Fang. Risk assessment of excess drug and sunscreen absorption via skin with ablative fractional laser resurfacing: Optimization of the applied dose for postoperative care . Lasers in Medical Science .2013 ;(28):1363-1374

85. 2012 Yao MS,Chen CY,Chen Wei-Yu,Chen WP. Sacrococcygeal teratoma in an adolescent. . JBR-BTR .2012 ;(95):322-324

86. 2012 Fang CL,Lin YH,Chen WY. Microscopic endometrial perivascular epithelioid cell nodules: a case report with the earliest presentation of a uterine perivascular epithelioid cell tumor . Diagnostic Pathology .2012

87. 2012 Yi-Chien Hsieh,Wei-Yu Chen,Tsan-Yu Hsieh,Wing P. Chan. Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the Lumbar Spine . Journal of clinical rheumatology .2012 ;(18):274-275

88. 2011 Chen CY,Tsai HS,Chen Wei-Yu,Chen WP. Brain infarction as the initial presentation of primary posterior mediastinal seminoma. . Acta Clinica Belgica .2011 ;(66):381-383

89. 2011 Pei-Shan Yen,Kuo-Hsien Wang,Wei-Yu Chen,Ya-Wen Yang,Wen-Tsao Ho. The many faces of necrobiosis lipoidica: a report of three cases with histologic variations . DERMATOLOGICA SINICA .2011 ;(29):67-71

90. 2011 Chou, CY,Chen WY,Wang KH,Chen TJ. Carcinosarcoma derived from nevus sebaceus . Journal of clinical oncology .2011 ;(29):719-721

91. 2011 Chen YH,Hsieh SH,Chen Wei-Yu,Li KJ,Wu CH,Wu PC, Tsai CY, Yu CL. Spontaneous resolution of acute gouty arthritis is associated with rapid induction of the anti-inflammatory factors TGFbeta1, IL-10 and soluble TNF receptors and the intracellular cytokine negative regulators CIS and SOCS3. . Annals of the rheumatic disease .2011

92. 2010 Chun-Hung Hsu,Wei-Yu Chen,Chi-Long Chen,Tsung-Hsien Tsai. An erythematous plaque in the left thumb of a 58-year-old woman . Dermatologica sinica .2010 ;(28):51-52

93. 2009 Lin S-S,Wang KH,Yeh SW,Chen Wei-Yu,Tsai TH. Simultaneous occurrence of pemphigus foliaceus and bullous pemphigoid with concomitant herpesvirus infection . Clinical & Experimental Dermatology .2009 ;(34):537-539

94. 2009 曾德朋,陳威宇,王國憲,蔡宗憲. Complete loss of epithelial antigens in a recurrent tumour from squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp . Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology .2009 ;(23):1098-1099

95. 2009 Hsu C.H.,Chen W-Y.,Tsai TH. A 9-year-old girl with rhabdomyolysis complicated with iatrogenic calcinosis cutis. . Clinical & Experimental Dermatology .2009 ;(34):503-504

96. 2009 曾德朋,陳威宇,王國憲,蔡宗憲. Complete loss of epithelial antigens in a recurrent tumour from squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp . Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology .2009 ;(23):1098-1099

97. 2008 Liew PL,Lee WJ,Wang W,Lee YC,Chen WY,Fang CL. Fatty liver disease: predictors of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and gallbladder disease in morbid obesity. . Obesity surgery .2008 ;(18):847-853

98. 2008 Y-Y. CHIANG,S-C. CHAO,W-Y Chen,W-R. LE E,K-H. WANG. Weber–Cockayne type of epidermolysis bullosa simplex associated with a novel mutation . British journal of dermatology .2008 ;(159):1370-1372

99. 2008 Shao-Ping Chang,Hsiou-Hsin Tsai,Wei-Yu Chen,Woan-Ruoh Lee,Ping-Ling Chen,Tsung-Hsien Tsai. The wrinkles soothing effect on the middle and lower face by intradermal injection of botulinum toxin type A . International Journal of Dermatology .2008 ;(47):1287-1294

100. 2007 張甄,譚家偉,陳威宇,張君照,粟發滿. Multiple sessile polypoid lesions in the stomach . Gut .2007 ;(56):1754-1754

101. 2007 張甄,譚家偉,陳威宇,張君照,粟發滿. Multiple sessile polypoid lesions in the stomach . Gut .2007 ;(56):1754-1754

102. 2007 Po-Jen Hsueh,Wei-Yu Chen,Yuh-Chyun Chiang,Fei-Peng Lee. Capillary hemangioma of the middle ear . Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery .2007 ;(136):666-667

103. 2006 Hu Chao-Yu,Yang Chang-Hao,Chen Wei-Yu,Huang Chiu-Ju,Hsing-Yen Huang,Muh-Shy Chen,Huai-. Egr1 gene knockdown affects embryonic ocular development in . Molecular Vision .2006

104. 2006 Wang I Te.,Chang Ching-Wen,Tang Wen Long,Wei-Yu Chen,Lu Wei-Min. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in a sexually inexperienced woman . journal of reproductuve medicine .2006 ;(51):745-746

105. 2006 Yao MS,Wu SC,Chen WY,Ho WP,Chan WP. Intramuscular cavernous lymphangioma presenting with overgrowth of fat: MRI findings . Computerized Medical Imaging & Graphics .2006 ;(30):209-212

106. 2006 王國憲,陳威宇,劉漢南,李婉若. British journal of dermatology . Cutaneous Rosai–Dorfman disease: clinicopathological profiles, spectrum and evolution of 21 lesions in six patients .2006

107. 2006 I Chun Lai,Chung-Yi Cheng,HSI-Hsien Chen,Wei-Yu Chen,Pei-Yuan Chen. Colchicine myoneuropathy in chronic renal failure patients with gout . Nephrology .2006

108. 2006 Phui-Ly Liew,Wei-Jei Lee,Yi-Chih Lee,Wei-Yu Chen. Gastric Ghrelin expression associated with Helicobacter pylori and chronic gastritis in obese patients . Obesity surgery .2006 ;(16):612-619

109. 2005 Chun-Sheng Ho,Wai-Man Choi,Chia-Yuen Chen,Wei-Yu Chen,Wing P Chen. Metastasis in vertebra mimicking acute compression fractures in a patient with osteoporosis MRI findings . Clinical imaging .2005 ;(29):64-67

110. 2005 Yu-Ting Huang,Ren-Yu Tsai,Wei-Yu Chen,Woan Ruoh Lee,Kuo-Hsien Wang. Localized Chrysiasis induced by laser in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis . dermatologica sinica .2005 ;(23):36-40

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113 探索EGFR/SUCLG2/VEGFA驅動攝護腺癌神經內分泌分化的機制與臨床意義(2/3)

112 探索EGFR/SUCLG2/VEGFA驅動攝護腺癌神經內分泌分化的機制與臨床意義(1/3)

108 探討新型神經傳導訊號NGF-CHRM4在前列腺癌抗藥性及神經內分泌分化之作用機轉

107 研究ZBTB46在神經內分泌前列腺癌作為發炎標的之新穎標靶治療

106 研究TGFBI訊號通路在攝護腺癌之荷爾蒙療法抗藥性與骨轉移的調控機制

105 探討ZBTB46訊號通路在雄激素阻斷與攝護腺癌骨轉移的重要性

104 探討前列腺腫瘤抑癌基因ETV6對於TWIST1表現之調控機制

104 新聘教師研究補助

98 探討角化棘皮瘤及皮膚鱗狀細胞癌的生物特性及診斷標的: 廣泛性臨床病理及免疫組織學研究

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