余明治(Yu, Ming-Chih) 教授

現   職
呼吸治療學系 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學醫學系 學士




2016/08/01 ~
2007/08/01 ~ 2008/07/31







1. 2023 Ke-Shiuan Ju,Ren-Guey Lee,Hsien-Chun Lin,Jin-Hua Chen,Bi-Fang Hsu,Jann-Yuan Wang, Nguyen Van Dong, Ming-Chih Yu, Chih-Hsin Lee. Serial electrocardiogram recordings revealed a high prevalence of QT interval prolongation in patients with tuberculosis receiving fluoroquinolones . J Formos Med Assoc .2023 ;(122):1255-1264

2. 2023 Wei-Li Huang,Shun-Tien Chien,Ming-Chih Yu,Bee-Song Chang,Yi-Ting Yen,Ming-Ho Wu, Yau-Lin Tseng. Risk factor analysis of postoperative complications after adjunctive pulmonary resection in patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: A multi-institutional study . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2023 ;(56):1064-1072

3. 2023 Chen-Yuan Chiang,Chih-Bin Lin,Shun-Tien Chien,Cheng-Hui Wang,Yi-Wen Huang,Wei-Chang Huang, Ming-Chih Yu, Jen-Jyh Lee, Hans L. Rieder. Incremental yield of serial sputum examinations in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Taiwan: Findings of a pragmatic trial . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2023 ;(56):1245-1252

4. 2022 Lin HC,Yu MC, Denise U. Putri,Tsai YS,Chen JH,Lee CH. Minimizing nephrotoxicity during multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment by the stepwise de-escalation of second-line injectables dosing intervals . Clinical Microbiology and Infection .2022

5. 2022 Ming-Chih Yu,Ching-Sheng Hung,Chun-Kai Huang,Cheng-Hui Wang,Yu-Chih Liang,Jung-Chun Lin. Differential impact of the rpoB mutant on rifampin and rifabutin resistance signatures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is revealed using a whole-genome sequencing assay . Microbiology Spectrum .2022 ;(10):1-8

6. 2022 Hsien-Chun Lin,Ming-Chih Yu,Denise U. Putri,Yi-San Tsai,Jin-Hua Chen,Chih-Hsin Lee. Minimizing nephrotoxicity during multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment by the stepwise de-escalation of second-line injectables dosing intervals . Clinical Microbiology and Infection .2022 ;(28):752-754

7. 2021 Li TL,Chan TH,Wang CH,Jou R,Yu MC,Putri DU, Lee CH, Lin YH. Acquired Resistance to Isoniazid During Isoniazid Monotherapy in a Subject with Latent Infection Following Household Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis Contact: A Case Report . Infection and Drug Resistance .2021 ;(14):1505-1509

8. 2021 Brahmadhi A,Chen MX,Wang SY,Choe YY,Yu MC,Lee CH, Tsai IL. Determination of fluoroquinolones in dried plasma spots by using microwave-assisted extraction coupled to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for therapeutic drug monitoring . Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis .2021 ;(195):1-10

9. 2021 Putri DU,Tsai YS,Chen JH,Tsai CW,Ou CY,Chang CR, Chen HC, Lu ML, Yu MC, Lee CH. Psychological distress assessment among patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19: A cohort study . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2021 ;(120):1602-1610

10. 2021 Cheng WH,Lee KY ,Yu MC,Chen JY,Lin CH,Chen BC. Pref-1 induced lung fibroblast differentiation by hypoxia through integrin α5β1/ERK/AP-1 cascade . European Journal of Pharmacology .2021 ;(909):1-11

11. 2021 Yu MC,Hung CS,Huang CK,Wang CH,Liang YC,Lin JC. Integrative utility of long read sequencing‑based whole genome analysis and phenotypic assay on differentiating isoniazid‑resistant signature of Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Journal of Biomedical Science .2021 ;(28):1-9

12. 2020 Wei-Chang Huang,Ming-Chih Yu,Yi-Wen Huang. Identification and drug susceptibility testing for nontuberculous mycobacteria . J Formos Med Assoc .2020 ;(119):s32-s41

13. 2020 Chun-Ru Du,Shun-Chih Wang,Ming-Chih Yu,Ting-Fang Chiu,Jann-Yuan Wang,Pei-Chun Chuang, Ruwen Jou, Pei-Chun Chan, Chi-Tai Fang.. Effect of ventilation improvement during a tuberculosis outbreak in underventilated university buildings . Indoor Air .2020 ;(30):422-432

14. 2020 Nai-Hua Lai,Wan-Chen Shen,Chun-Nin Lee,Jui-Chia Chang,Man-Ching Hsu,Li-Na Kuo, Ming-Chih Yu, Hsiang-Yin Chen. Comparison of the predictive outcomes for anti-tuberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity by different machine learning techniques . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2020 ;(188):105307

15. 2019 Hong-Sheng Lee,Hung-Sheng Hua,Cheng-Hui Wang,Ming-Chih Yu,Bing-Chang Chen,Chien-Huang Lin. Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces connective tissue growth factor expression through the TLR2-JNK–AP-1 pathway in human lung fibroblasts . FASEB J .2019 ;(33):12554-12564

16. 2019 Pin-Hui Lee,Pei-Chun Chan,Yen-Ting Peng,Po-Wei Chu,Mei-Hua Wu,Ruwen Jou, Ming-Chih Yu, Chou-Jui Lin, Yi-Wen Huang, Shun-Tien Chien, Jen-Jyh Lee, Chen Yuan Chiang. Impact of universal drug susceptibility testing and effective management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Taiwan . PLoS ONE .2019 ;(14):e0214792

17. 2018 Ming-Chih Yu,Chen-Yuan Chiang, Jen-Jyh Lee,Shun-Tien Chien, Chou-Jui Lin,Shih-Wei Lee, Chih-Bin Lin, Wen-Ta Yang, Ying-Hsun Wu, Yi-Wen Huang. Treatment Outcomes of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Taiwan: Tackling Loss to Follow-up . Clinical Infectious Diseases .2018 ;(67):202-210

18. 2016 Yu FL,Lee JC,Wang MS,Hsu HL,Chen TT,Cheng CL, Yang YY, Wang GC, Yu MC. Evaluation of a modified direct agar proportion method for testing susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from MGIT samples . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2016 ;(49):60-65

19. 2016 Chen TC, Yu MC,Chien CC,Wu MS,Lee YC,Chen YC. Nilotinib reduced the viability of human ovarian cancer cells via mitochondria-dependent apoptosis, independent of JNK activation . Toxicology in Vitro .2016 ;(31):1-11

20. 2015 Wang JY,Lee MC,Chang JH,Yu MC,Wu VC,Huang KL, Su CP, Chao KM, Lee CH. Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleic acid amplification tests reduce nosocomial tuberculosis exposure in intensive care units: A nationwide cohort study . Respirology .2015 ;(20):1233-1240

21. 2015 Yu MC,Chen HY,Chien SH,Jou R. An integrated MDR-TB management programme results in favourable outcomes in northern Taiwan . Eur Respir J .2015 ;(45):272-275

22. 2015 Chen Yuan Chiang,Kuan Jen Bai,Hsien Ho Lin,Shun Tien Chien,Jen Jyh Lee,Donald A. Enarson, Ting-I Lee, Ming-Chih Yu. The Influence of Diabetes, Glycemic Control,and Diabetes-Related Comorbidities on Pulmonary Tuberculosis . Plos One .2015 ;(10(3):):1-15

23. 2015 Wen-Cheng Chao,Yi-Wen Huang,Ming-Chih Yu,Wen-Ta Yang,Chou-Jui Lin,Jen-Jyh Lee,Ruay-Ming Huang, Chi-Chang Shieh, Shun-Tien Chien and Jung-Yien Chien. Outcome correlation of smear-positivity but culture-negativity during standard anti-tuberculosis treatment in Taiwan . BMC Infectious Diseases .2015 ;(15):1-8

24. 2015 Chen-Yuan Chiang,Ming-Chih Yu,Shiang-Lin Yang,Muh-Yong Yen,Kuan-Jen Bai. Surveillance of Tuberculosis in Taipei: The Influence of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria . Plos One .2015 ;(10(11)):1-10

25. 2015 Ming-Chia Lee,Chih-Hsin Lee,Shu-Chen Chien,Jer-Hwa Chang,Han-Lin She,Jann-Yuan Wang and Ming-Chih Yu. Inhaled Corticosteroids Increase the Risk of Pneumonia in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease . Medicine .2015 ;(94):1-6

26. 2014 Wang JL,Fang CL,Wang M,Yu MC,Bai KJ,Lu PC, Liu HE. Human papillomavirus infections as a marker to predict overall survival in lung adenocarcinoma. . International Journal of Cancer .2014 ;(134):65-71

27. 2014 Wan-Chun Huang,Cheng-Wei Huang,Ko-Ming Hsu,Shen-Hsuan Chien,Ming-Chih Yu. High incidence of treatment-related hypothyroidism in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients . Thorac Med .2014 ;(29):209-217

28. 2014 W-Y. Hung,M-C. Yu,Y-C. Chiang,J-H. Chang,C-Y. Chiang,C-C. Chang, H-C. Chuang, K-J. Bai. Serum concentrations of cycloserine and outcome of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Northern Taiwan . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2014 ;(18):601-606

29. 2014 Hsien-Chun Lin,Ming-Chih Yu,Hsing-Jin Liu,Kuan-Jen Bai. Impact of food intake on the pharmacokinetics of first-line antituberculosis drugs in Taiwanese tuberculosis patients . J Formos Med Assoc .2014 ;(113):291-297

30. 2013 Bai KJ,Chen BC,Pai HC,Weng CM,Yu CC,Hsu MJ, Yu MC, Ma HP, Wu CH, Hong CY, Kuo ML, Lin CH.. Thrombin-induced CCN2 expression in human lung fibroblasts requires the c-Src/JAK2/STAT3 pathway. . Journal of leukocyte biology .2013 ;(93):101-112

31. 2013 Chan PC,Huang SH,Yu MC,Lee SW,Huang YW,Chien ST, Lee JJ; Taiwan Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Consortium-TMTC. Effectiveness of a government-organized and hospital-initiated treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients--a retrospective cohort study. . Plos One .2013 ;(8):e57719

32. 2013 林百揚,林俊佃,余明治,白冠壬,林賢君,張哲華. A Case of Disseminated (3 organs) and Complicated Tuberculosis Infection with Multiple Endocrine Disturbances . 胸腔醫學Thoracic Medicine .2013 ;(28):222-227

33. 2013 Lin CH,Yu MC,Tung WH,Chen TT,Yu CC,Weng CM, Tsai YJ, Bai KJ, Hong CY, Chien MH, Chen BC. Connective tissue growth factor induces collagen I expression in human lung fibroblasts through the Rac1/MLK3/JNK/AP-1 pathway . Biochim Biophys Acta .2013 ;(1833):455-461

34. 2013 Hsiao SH,Lin HC,Chou YT,Lin SE,Kuo CC,Yu MC, Chung CL. Impact of epidermal growth factor receptor mutations on intracranial treatment response . Lung Cancer .2013 ;(81):455-461

35. 2013 Kao SJ,Chuang CY,Tang CH,Lin CH,Bien MY,Yu MC, Bai KJ, Yang SF, Chien MH. Plasma endothelial cell-specific molecule-1 (ESM-1) in management of community-acquired pneumonia. . Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine .2013 ;(9):1-7

36. 2013 Lin CH,Yu MC,Chiang CC,Bien MY,Chien MH,Chen BC. Thrombin-induced NF-kappaB activation and IL-8/CXCL8 release is mediated by c-Src-dependent Shc, Raf-1, and ERK pathways in lung epithelial cells. . Cellular signalling .2013 ;(25):1166-1175

37. 2013 Kao SJ,Yang HW,Tsao SM,Cheng CW,Bien MY,Yu MC, Bai KJ, Yang SF, Chien MH. Plasma long pentraxin 3 (PTX3) concentration is a novel marker of disease activity in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. . Clin Chem Lab Med .2013 ;(51):907-913

38. 2012 Shiang-Fen Huang,Wei-Juin Su,Horng-Yunn Dou,Jia-Yih Feng,Yu-Chin Lee,Ruay-Ming Huang, Ching-Hsiung Lin, Jhi-Jhu Hwang, Jen-Jyh Lee, Ming-Chih Yu. Association of Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotypes and clinicaland epidemiological features – A multi-center study in Taiwan . Infection, Genetics and Evolution .2012 ;(12):28-37

39. 2012 Feng JY,Huang SF,Ting WY,Chen YC,Lin YY,Huang RM, Lin CH, Hwang JJ, Lee, JJ, Yu MC. Gender differences in treatment outcomes of tuberculosis patients in Taiwan: a prospective observational study. . Clinical microbiology and infection .2012 ;(18):E331-337

40. 2012 Lee CN,Wang YM,Lai WF,Chen TJ,Yu MC,Fang CL, Yu FL, Tsai YH, Chang WH, Zuo CS, Renshaw PF. Super-Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Use in Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnosis . Clinical microbiology and infection .2012 ;(18):E149-157

41. 2012 Kao SJ,Su JL,Chen CK,Yu MC,Bai KJ,Chang JH, Bien MY, Yang SF, Chien MH. Osthole inhibits the invasive ability of human lung adenocarcinoma cells via suppression of NF-κB-mediated matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression. . Toxicology and applied pharmacology .2012 ;(261):105-115

42. 2012 Chang JC,Liu EH,Lee CN,Lin YC,Yu MC,Bai KJ, Chen HY. UGT1A1 polymorphisms associated with risk of induced liver disorders by anti-tuberculosis medications . Int J Tuber and Lung Dis .2012 ;(16):376-378

43. 2012 Chen-Yuan Chiang,Ming-Chih Yu,Hsiu-Chen Shih,Muh-Yong Yen,Yu-Ling Hsu,Shiang Lin Yang, Tao-Ping Lin, Kuan-Jen Bai.. Improved Consistency in Dosing Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs in Taipei, Taiwan . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):e44133

44. 2012 Chen HY, Yu MC,,Huang WL,Wu MH,Chang YL,Che CR,Jou R. Molecular Detection of Rifabutin-Susceptible Mycobacterium tuberculosis . J Clin Microbio .2012 ;(50):2085-2088

45. 2011 Ming-Chih Yu,Huang-Yao Chen,Mei-Hua Wu,Wei-Lun Huang,Yuh-Min Kuo,Fang-Lan Yu, Ruwen Jou. Evaluation of the rapid MGITTM TBc Identification t for culture confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains. . J. Clin. Microbiol .2011 ;(49):802-807

46. 2011 Ming-Chih Yu,Chun-Feng Huang,Che-Ming Chang,Yao-Chang Chen,Cheng-I Lin,Shih-Ann Chen. Diverse cell morphology and intracellular calcium dynamics in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes . Heart Vessels .2011 ;(26):101-110

47. 2011 H.-L. Hsu,C.-C. Lai,M.-C. Yu,F.-L. Yu,J.-C. Lee,C.-H. Chou, C.-K. Tan, P.-C. Yang, P.-R. Hsueh. Clinical and microbiological characteristics of urineculture-confirmed genitourinary tuberculosis at medicalcenters in Taiwan from 1995 to 2007 . Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis .2011 ;(30):319-326

48. 2011 J.-Y. Wang,H.-L. Hsu,M.-C. Yu,C.-Y. Chiang,F.-L. Yu,C.-J. Yu1, L.-N. Lee, P.-C. Yang and the TAMI Group. Mixed infection with Beijing and non-Beijing strains in pulmonarytuberculosis in Taiwan: prevalence, risk factors, and dominant strain . Clin Microbiol Infect .2011 ;(17):1239-1245

49. 2011 Yu-Tien Tzeng,Ching-Long Lee,Kuan-Jen Bai,Ming-Chih Yu,Wen-Hsien Hsu. Pyothorax-Associated Lymphoma: A Case Report . Thorac Med .2011 ;(25):78-84

50. 2011 Chen-Chun Lin,Chung-Huang Shih,You-Lan Yang,Mauo-Ying Bien,Chien-Huang Lin,Ming-Chih Yu , Munisamy Sureshbabu, Bing-Chang Chen. Thrombin induces inducible nitric oxide synthase expression via the MAPK, MSK1,and NF-κB signaling pathways in alveolar macrophages . European Journal of Pharmacology .2011 ;(672):180-187

51. 2011 Chan CC,Yu MC,Bai KJ,Chang JH,Lee CN,Fang CL, Liu HE. The Analysis between Functional Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Mns16a Polymorphisms and the Risk of Developing Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in the Taiwanese Population . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2011 ;(3):293-295

52. 2011 Jia-Yih Feng,Wei-Juin Su,Yu-Chi Chiu,Shiang-Fen Huang,Yung-Yang Lin,Ruay-Ming HuangChing-Hsiung Lin, Jhi-Jhu Hwang, Jen-Jyh Lee, Ming-Chih Yu, Kwok-Woon Yu. Initial Presentations Predict Mortality in PulmonaryTuberculosis Patients - A Prospective Observational Study . PLoS ONE .2011 ;(6):1-9

53. 2010 Veng-Kai Tang,Kuan-Jen Bai,Chin-Yun Wang,Ming-Chih Yu,Taipei-MDRTB Group. Application of Third-Generation (3G) MobileVideophone to the DOTS-Plus Program in Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Taiwan: Case Report . Thorac Med .2010 ;(25):7-12

54. 2010 Ming-Chih Yu,Jun-Hao Chen,Chi-Yin Lai,Cheng-Ying Han,Wun-Chang Ko. Luteolin, a non-selective competitive inhibitor of phosphodiesterases 1–5,displaced [3H]-rolipram from high-affinity rolipram binding sites andreversed xylazine/ketamine-induced anesthesia . European Journal of Pharmacology .2010 ;(627):269-275

55. 2010 Veng-Kai Tang,Kuan-Jen Bai,Chin-Yun Wang,Ming-Chih Yu,Taipei-MDRTB Group. Application of Third-Generation (3G) MobileVideophone to the DOTS-Plus Program in Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Taiwan: Case Report . Thorac Med .2010 ;(25):7-12

56. 2010 Shu CC,Wu HD,Yu MC,Wang JT,Lee CH,Wang HC, Wang JY, Lee LN, Yu CJ, Yang PC; Taiwan Anti-Mycobacteria Investigation (TAMI) Group. Use of high-dose inhaled corticosteroids is associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . Medicine .2010 ;(89):53-64

57. 2010 Shiauyee Chen,Han-Lin Hsu,Jiu-Jenq Lin,Ming-Chi Yu,Ling-Ling Chiang,Chun-Nin Lee. The Role of the Six-minute Walk Test, PulmonaryFunction Test, and Asthma Control Test inAsthmatic Patients----a Preliminary Report . Journal of Respiratory Therapy .2010 ;(9):1-12

58. 2010 Han-Lin Hsu,Kuan-Jen Bai,Yi-Chun Chiang,Shian-Jiun Lin,Ming-Chih Yu. Hepatitis Associated With Prothionamide forTreatment of Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis . J Formos Med Assoc .2010 ;(109):923-927

59. 2009 Wen-Yueh Hung,Chun-Nin Lee,Kuan-Jen Bai,Ming-Chih Yu,Jer-Hwa Chang,Han-Lin Hsu,H. Eugene Liu. Favorable Response to Pemetrexed as a Salvage Agent for Patientswith Advanced Lung Cancer Who Have Failed Conventional Platinum-Based Chemotherapy and EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors . J. Chinese Oncol. Soc .2009 ;(25):281-286

60. 2009 Chun-Nin Lee,Ming-Chih Yu,Kuan-Jen Bai,Jer-Hua Chang,Chia-Lang Fang,Han-Lin Hsu, Biing-Shiung Huang, Pei-Chih Lu, H. Eugene Liu. NAT2 fast acetylator genotypes are associated with an increased risk for lung cancer with wildtype epidermal growth factor receptors in Taiwan . Lung Cancer .2009 ;(64):9-12

61. 2009 Chiang, C-Y,Lee, J-J,Yu, M-C,Bai, K-J,Lin, T-P,Luh, K-T. Tuberculosis-related deaths without treatment . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2009 ;(13):1563-1565

62. 2009 C-Y. Chiang,J-J. Lee,M-C. Yu,D. A. Enarson,T-P. Lin,K-T. Luh. Tuberculosis outcomes in Taipei: factors associated with treatment interruption for 2 months and death . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2009 ;(13):105-111

63. 2009 Chung-Chi Yu,Ming-Jen Hsu,Min-Liang Kuo,Robert Fu-Chean Chen,Mei-Chieh Chen,Kua-Jen Bai,Ming-Chih Yu, Bing-Chang Chen and Chien-Huang Lin. Thrombin-Induced Connective Tissue Growth FactorExpression in Human Lung Fibroblasts Requires the ASK1/JNK/AP-1 Pathway . The Journal of Immunology .2009 ;(2009):7916-7927

64. 2009 Han-Lin Hsu,Kuan-Jen Bai,Shian-Jiun Lin,Chun-Nin Lee,Ming-Chih Yu. 多重抗藥性結核病 . 內科學誌 .2009 ;(20):524-531

65. 2008 Shian-Jiun Lin,Fang-Lan Yu,Jau-Ching Lee,Kuan-Jen Bai,Chun-Nin Lee,Ming-Chih Yu. Resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to Four First-line Anti-tuberculosis Drugs in a Referral Hospital in Northern Taiwan, 2002–2006. . Thorac Med .2008 ;(23):316-324

66. 2008 Yu Ming-Chih,Wu Mei-Hua,Jou Ruwen. Extensively Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Taiwan. . Emerg Infect Dis .2008 ;(14):849-850

67. 2008 Kuan-Jen Bai,Chen-Yuan Chiang,Chun-Nin Lee,Jer-Hwa Chang,Li-Chun Wu,Ming-Chih Yu. Tuberculosis Among Foreign-Born Persons in Taiwan, 2002-2005. . J Formos Med Assoc .2008 ;(107):389-395

68. 2008 Kuan-Jen Bai,Fang-Lan Yu,Ruwen Jou,Mei-Shiang Wang,Ming-Hwei Lin,Chun-Nin Lee, Ming-Chih Yu. Detecting Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in BACTEC MGIT 960 Cultures by COBAS AMPLICOR MTB in Routine Clinical Practice. . Thorac Med .2008 ;(23):156-63

69. 2006 Yu MC,Bai KJ,Chang JH,Lee CN. Age transition of TB patients in Taiwan . J Formos Med Assoc .2006 ;(105):25-30

70. 2006 C-Y. Chiang,D.A. Enarson,Yu MC,K-J. Bai,R-M. Huang,,C-J. Hsu,J. Suo and T-P. Lin.. Outcome of pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a 6-yr follow-up study. . European Respiratory J .2006 ;(28):980-985

71. 2005 Jou RJ,Chen HY,Chiang CY,Yu MC,Su IJ. Genetic diversity of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates and identification of 11 Novel rpoB alleles in Taiwan . J Clin Microbiol .2005 ;(43):1390-1394

72. 2005 Hsu LJ,Yu MC,Lee CN. Pneumopericardium secondary to esophageal carcinoma with esophagopericardial fistula—a case report. . Thorac Med .2005 ;(20):497-502

73. 2005 Chang YC,Yu MC,Chen FC,Lee CN. Mediastinal teratoma with pulmonary involvement presenting as hemoptysis—a case report. . Thorac Med .2005 ;(20):76-80

74. 2005 Chang MS,Chen BC,Yu MC,Sheu YR,Chen TF,Lin CH. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate upregulates cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human pulmonary epithelial cells via Ras, Raf-1, ERK, and NF-κB, but not p38 MAPK, pathways . Cellular Signalling .2005 ;(17):299-310

75. 2004 Yu MC,Bai KJ,Chang JH,Lee CN. Tuberculosis incidence and mortality in aboriginal areas of Taiwan, 1997-2001 . J Formos Med Assoc .2004 ;(103):817-823

76. 2003 Kuo CT, Chiang LL, Lee CN, Yu MC, et al.. Induction of nitric oxide synthase in RAW 264.7 macrophages by lipoteichoic acid from staphylococcus aureus: involvement of protein kinase C- and nuclear factor-kB-dependent mechan . J. Biomed. Sci. .2003 ;(10):136-145

77. 2002 Chiang CY, Suo J, Yu MC, et al.. Screening for pulmonary tuberculosis among military conscripts in Taiwan. . J Formos Med Assoc .2002 ;(101):841-845

78. 2002 Qian L, Abe C, Lin TP, Yu MC, Cho SN, Wan S, Douglas JT. rpoB genotypes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing family isolates from East Asian countries . J Clin Microbiol .2002 ;(40):1091-1094

79. 2001 Chen-Yuan Chiang, Ming-Chih Yu, Kuan-Jen Bai, et al.. Pulmonary resection in the treatment of patients with pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Taiwan . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2001 ;(5):272-7

80. 2000 Hsiu-Ping Chien, Ming-Chih Yu, Mei-Hua Wu, et al.. Comparison of the BACTEC MGIT 960 with Lowenstein-Jensen medium for recovery of mycobacteria from clinical specimens . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2000 ;(4):866-70

81. 2000 Hsiu-Ping Chien, Ming-Chih Yu, Tzong-Fei Ong, et al.. In vitro activity of rifabutin and rifampin against clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Taiwan . J Formos Med Assoc .2000 ;(99):408-11

82. 2000 Ming-Chih Yu, Chu Huang, Hsiu-Ying Hoe, et al.. Impact of directly observed treatment short-course for pulmonary tuberculosis in aborignal areas . Thorac Med .2000 ;(15):22-28

83. 1999 Wing-Ping Wu, Chih-Jen Hsu, Kuan-Jen Bai, Ming-Chih Yu, et al.. Clinical evaluation of a rapid immunochromatographic assay on patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. . Thorac Med .1999 ;(14):148-53

84. 1999 Ming-Chih Yu, Jen Suo, Chu Huang, et al.. Annual risk of tuberculous infection in Taiwan, 1996-1998 . J Formos Med Assoc .1999 ;(98):496-9

85. 1998 I-Hsin Chiang, Ming-Chih Yu, Kuan-Jen Bai, et al.. Drug resistance patterns of tuberculosis in Taiwan. . J Formos Med Assoc .1998 ;(97):581-3

86. 1998 Kuan-Jen Bai, Ming-Chih Yu, Jen Suo, et al.. Short-course chemotherapy for isoniazid-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis . J Formos Med Assoc. .1998 ;(97):278-82

87. 1998 Chen-Yuan Chiang, Ing-Her Wu, Ming-Chih Yu, et al.. Screening of human immunodeficiency virus infection in pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Taiwan. . J Formos Med Assoc. .1998 ;(97):66-8

88. 1998 Kuan-Jen Bai, Ing-Her Wu, Ming-Chih Yu, et al.. Tuberculous empyema. . Respirology .1998 ;(3):261-6

89. 1998 Hsiu-Ping Chien, Shin-Tzu Huang, Ming-Chih Yu, et al.. Ethambutol-induced pulmonary infiltrates with fever and skin rash: a case report. . Chin Med J (Taipei). .1998 ;(61):371-4

90. 1998 Po-Ren Hsueh, Chien-Ching Hung, Lee-Jeng Teng, Ming-Chih Yu, et al.. Report of invasive Rhodococcus equi infections in Taiwan, with an emphasis on the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains . Clin Infect Dis .1998 ;(27):370-5

91. 1998 Ming-Chih Yu, Tzong-Fei Ong, Jen Suo, et al.. In vitro activity of ciprofloxacin against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. . Thorac Med .1998 ;(13):209-13

92. 1998 Ming-Chih Yu, Mei-Hua Wu, Jen Suo, et al.. Isolation and clinical significance of nontuberculous mycobacteria: the experiences in Taiwan Provincial Chronic Disease Control Bureau, 1996-1997. . Thorac Med .1998 ;(13):156-60

93. 1997 Ming-Chih Yu, Mei-Hua Wu, Tzong-Fei Ong, et al.. In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing of rapidly growing mycobacteria. . Thorac Med. .1997 ;(12):155-60

94. 1997 Ming-Chih Yu, Jen Suo, Kuan-Jen Bai, et al.. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Taiwan. . Thorac Med. .1997 ;(12):99-104

95. 1997 Ming-Chih Yu, Jen Suo, Shu-Tin Lin, et al.. Tuberculosis treatment of Fu-Shing Shiang. . Thorac Med. .1997 ;(12):10-6

96. 1997 Ming-Chih Yu, Jen Suo, Chen-Yuan Chiang, et al.. Initial drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Taiwan. . J Formos Med Assoc. .1997 ;(96):890-4

97. 1997 Ming-Chih Yu, Jen Suo, Tao-Ping Lin, et al.. In vitro activity of ofloxacin against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. . J Formos Med Assoc. .1997 ;(96):13-6

98. 1996 Jen Suo, Ming-Chih Yu, Chun-Nin Lee, et al.. Treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Taiwan . Chemotherapy .1996 ;(42):20-3

99. 1995 余明治 簡修平 索任 呂實梧 林道平. Treatment of Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis. . Thorac Med. .1995 ;(10):85-90


104 以晶片檢測結核菌對一及二線抗生素抗藥性之臨床試驗-(子計畫三)以晶片快速檢測結核菌對一及二線抗生素之抗藥性-北區結核病專責醫學中心之臨床前測試(2/2)

103 以晶片檢測結核菌對一及二線抗生素抗藥性之臨床試驗-(子計畫三)以晶片快速檢測結核菌對一及二線抗生素之抗藥性-北區結核病專責醫學中心之臨床前測試(1/2)

96 老化及對於左心房壁不同區域之離子電流的特性影響

92 天然藥物之純化成分對人類肺癌細胞增生抑制作用和細胞程式死亡機制之探討  

91 PGE2在脂臺口酸刺激巨噬細胞一氧化氮釋放之角色探討

90 脂臺口酸刺激巨噬細胞 iNOS表現之訊號傳遞路徑探討