盧孟良(Lu, Mong-Liang ) 教授

現   職
精神學科 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學公共衛生學研究所預防醫學組 碩士
國立臺灣大學醫學系 學士




2020/02/01 ~
2007/08/01 ~







1. 2024 Ho YC,Gau SS,Wu YS,Chen CH,Wang JK,Lee HC, Chung KH, Chiu YH, Goh KK, Lu ML, Lin YC, Chang PC, Chang HJ. Determining cut-off values and predictors for the Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale: comparison between clinical and school settings . British Journal of Psychiatry Open .2024 ;(10):e106

2. 2024 Goh KK,Kanahara N,Chiu YH,Lu ML. The impact of childhood trauma exposure on social functioning in schizophrenia: the moderated mediation role of oxytocin and oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms . Psychological Medicine .2024 ;(54):980-992

3. 2024 Chen PY,Chiu CC,Chang CK,Lu ML,Huang CY,Chen CH, Huang MC. Higher orexin-A levels are associated with treatment response to clozapine in patients with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study . Journal of Psychopharmacology .2024 ;(38):258-267

4. 2024 Chen YJ,Lu ML,Chiu YH,Chen C,Santos VHJ,Goh KK.. Linking childhood trauma to the psychopathology of schizophrenia: the role of oxytocin . Schizophrenia (Heidelb) .2024 ;(10):24-24

5. 2024 Ng MH,Lu ML,Chen VC,Ting H,Huang CL,Gossop M. Lymphocyte-related ratios in methamphetamine-induced psychotic disorder in Taiwan, comparing with patients with schizophrenia . Addiction Biology .2024 ;(29):e13363-e13363

6. 2024 Chang HM,Chen C,Lu ML,Jou S,Santos VHJ,Goh KK. The interplay of childhood trauma, oxytocin, and impulsivity in predicting the onset of methamphetamine use . Child Abuse and Neglect .2024 ;(147):106579-106579

7. 2024 Chan YH,Chang HM,Lu ML,Goh KK. Targeting cravings in substance addiction with transcranial direct current stimulation: insights from a meta-analysis of sham-controlled trials . Psychiatry Research .2024 ;(331):115621-115621

8. 2024 Lin SK,Chen HC,Chen CH,Chen IM,Lu ML,Hsu CD, Chiu YH, Wang TY, Chen HM, Chung YE, Kuo PH. Exploring the human gut microbiota targets in relation to the use of contemporary antidepressants . Journal of Affective Disorders .2024 ;(344):473-484

9. 2023 Liu CI,Hua MH,Lu ML,Goh KK. Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural-based interventions for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder extends beyond core symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Psychology and Psychotherapy .2023 ;(96):543-559

10. 2023 Chang CE,Wang J,Lin YT,Chiu CC,Hsieh MH,Huang MC, Lu ML, Chen HC, Chen WJ, Kuo PH. Characterization of clinical features and comorbidities between bipolar affective disorder with and without depressive episodes . Psychological Medicine .2023 ;(53):4103-4113

11. 2023 Lu ML,Chiu YH,Goh KK. Factors Influencing Blood Prolactin Levels in Patients with Schizophrenia under Risperidone Treatment . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .2023 ;(37):194-199

12. 2022 Chen HM,Chung YE,Chen HC,Liu YW,Chen IM,Lu ML, Hsiao FS, Chen CH, Huang MC, Shih WL, Kuo PH. Exploration of the relationship between gut microbiota and fecal microRNAs in patients with major depressive disorder . Scientific Reports .2022 ;(12):20977-20977

13. 2022 Hou WS,Tsai JP,Chiu YH,Lu ML. Carbamazepine-induced DRESS Syndrome: A Rare Delayed Hypersensitivity Reaction . Journal of Psychiatric Practice .2022 ;(28):166-169

14. 2022 Su MH,Liao SC,Chen HC,Lu ML,Chen WY,Hsiao PC, Chen CH, Huang MC, Kuo PH.. The association of personality polygenic risk score, psychosocial protective factors and suicide attempt in mood disorder . Journal of Psychiatric Research .2022 ;(156):422-428

15. 2022 Goh KK,Lu ML. Relationship between the domains of theory of mind, social dysfunction, and oxytocin in schizophrenia . Journal of Psychiatric Research .2022 ;(155):420-429

16. 2022 Chen PY,Chiu CC,Hsieh TH,Liu YR,Chen CH,Huang CY, Lu ML, Huang MC. The relationship of antipsychotic treatment with reduced brown adipose tissue activity in patients with schizophrenia . Psychoneuroendocrinology .2022 ;(142):105775-105775

17. 2022 Goh KK,Chen CH,Wu TH,Chiu YH,Lu ML.. Efficacy and safety of intermittent theta-burst stimulation in patients with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of randomized sham-controlled trials . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2022 ;(13):944437-944437

18. 2022 Lu ML,Ku WC,Syifa N,Hu SC,Chou CT,, Wu YH, Kuo PH, Chen CH, Chen WJ, Wu TH. Developing a Sensitive Platform to Measure 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate in Subjects with MTHFR and PON1 Gene Polymorphisms . Nutrients .2022 ;(14):3320-3320

19. 2022 Goh KK,Chen CY,Wu TH,Chen CH,Lu ML. Crosstalk between Schizophrenia and Metabolic Syndrome: The Role of Oxytocinergic Dysfunction . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23):7092-7092

20. 2022 Chen CH,Huang MC,Chiu YH,Chen IM,Chen CH,Lu ML, Wang TY, Chen HC, Kuo PH. Stress Susceptibility Moderates the Relationship Between Eveningness Preference and Poor Sleep Quality in Non-Acute Mood Disorder Patients and Healthy Controls . Nature and Science of Sleep .2022 ;(14):711-723

21. 2022 Chen PY,Chang CK,Chen CH,Fang SC,Mondelli V,Chiu CC, Lu ML, Hwang LL, Huang MC. Orexin-a elevation in antipsychotic-treated compared to drug-free patients with schizophrenia: A medication effect independent of metabolic syndrome . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2022 ;(121):2172-2181

22. 2022 Chen VC,Wu SI,Lin CF,Lu ML,Chen YL,Stewart R. Association of Prenatal Exposure to Benzodiazepines With Development of Autism Spectrum and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders . JAMA Network Open .2022 ;(5):e2243282-e2243282

23. 2022 Chiu YH,Kao MY,Goh KK,Lu CY,Lu ML. Renaming Schizophrenia and Stigma Reduction: A Cross-Sectional Study of Nursing Students in Taiwan . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19)

24. 2022 Wu MH,Wang WE,Wang TN,Lin NC,Lu ML,Lui LMW, McIntyre RS, Chen VC. Asthma and early smoking associated with high risk of panic disorder in adolescents and young adults . Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology .2022 ;(57):583-594

25. 2021 Chen CH,Chen PY,Chen CY,Chiu CC,Lu ML,Huang MC, Lin YK, Chen YH. Associations of Genetic Variants of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase and Serum Folate Levels with Metabolic Parameters in Patients with Schizophrenia . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):11333-11333

26. 2021 Chen HM,Kuo PH,Hsu CY,Chiu YH,Liu YW,Lu ML, Chen CH. Psychophysiological Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum PS128 in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A Preliminary 8-Week Open Trial . Nutrients .2021 ;(13):3731-3731

27. 2021 Chen VC,Lee MJ,Yang YH,Lu ML,Chiu WC,Dewey ME. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors use and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with alcohol use disorder . Drug and Alcohol Dependence. .2021 ;(219):108495-108495

28. 2021 Goh KK,Jou S,Lu ML,Yeh LC,Kao YF,Liu CM, Kan BL. Younger, more senior, and most vulnerable? Interaction effects of age and job seniority on psychological distress and quality of life among firefighters . Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy .2021 ;(13):56-65

29. 2021 Goh KK,Wu TH,Chen CH,Lu ML. Efficacy of N-methyl- D-aspartate receptor modulator augmentation in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of randomised, placebo-controlled trials . Journal of Psychopharmacology .2021 ;(35):236-252

30. 2021 Chen CY,Goh KK,Chen CH,Lu ML. The Role of Adiponectin in the Pathogenesis of Metabolic Disturbances in Patients With Schizophrenia . Frontiers in Psychiatry .2021 ;(11):605124-605124

31. 2021 Goh KK,Chen CY,Chen CH,Lu ML. Effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids supplements on psychopathology and metabolic parameters in schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Journal of Psychopharmacology .2021 ;(35):221-235

32. 2021 Giannakopoulou O,Lin K,Meng X,Su MH,Kuo PH,Peterson RE, Awasthi S, Moscati A, Coleman JR, Bass N, Millwood IY, Chen Y, Chen Z, Chen HC, Lu ML, Huang MC, Chen CH, Stahl EA, Loos RJF, Mullins N, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC, Stein MB, Sen S, Scott LJ, Burmeister M, Fang Y, Tyrrell J, Jiang Y, Tian C, McIntosh AM, Ripke S, Dunn EC, Kendler KS, Walters RG, Lewis CM, Kuchenbaecker K, and Me Research Team, China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group, and Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. The Genetic Architecture of Depression in Individuals of East Asian Ancestry: A Genome-Wide Association Study . JAMA Psychiatry .2021 ;(78):1258-1269

33. 2021 Metabolic disturbances associated with antipsychotic drug treatment in patients with schizophrenia: State-of-the-art and future perspectives . World Journal of Psychiatry .2021 ;(11):696-710

34. 2021 Chiu YH,Kao MY,Goh KK,Lu CY,Lu ML. Effects of Renaming Schizophrenia on Destigmatization among Medical Students in One Taiwan University . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):9347-9347

35. 2021 Shih WT,Yang PR,Chen KJ,Yang YH,Lu ML,Chen VCH, Shen YC. Antidepressants use is associated with overall survival improvement of patients with gastric cancer after surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy in Taiwan: A large population-based cohort study . Medicine .2021 ;(100):e27031-e27031

36. 2021 Goh KK,Lu ML,Jou S. Childhood Trauma and Aggression in Persons Convicted for Homicide: An Exploratory Study Examines the Role of Plasma Oxytocin . Frontiers in Psychiatry .2021 ;(12):719282-719282

37. 2021 Wu TH,Lin CH,Goh KK,Chen CYA,Chen CH,Lane HY, Lu ML. The Relationships Between Hyperprolactinemia, Metabolic Disturbance, and Sexual Dysfunction in Patients With Schizophrenia Under Olanzapine Treatment . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2021 ;(12):718800-718800

38. 2021 Liao YT,Ku YH,Chen HM,Lu ML,Chen KJ,Yang YH, Weng JC, Chen VCH. Effect of medication on risk of traumatic brain injury in patients with bipolar disorder: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Journal of Psychopharmacology .2021 ;(35):962-970

39. 2021 Hung YC,Chen HC,Kuo PH,Lu ML,Huang MC,Chen CH,Wang S,Mao WC, Wu CS, Wu TH. Visualizing patterns of medication switching among major depressive patients with various stability and difficulty to treatments . Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment .2021 ;(17):1953-1963

40. 2021 Chen SY,Chen CH,Lo C,Lu ML,Hsu CD,Chiu YH, Chen CH, Lin SK, Huang MC, Chen HC, Kuo PH. Differential Co-Occurring Patterns Between Depressive Symptomatology and Sleep-Wake-Related Disturbances in Mood Disorders . Nature and Science of Sleep .2021 ;(13):503-514

41. 2021 Chen HC,Hsu HH,Lu ML,Huang MC,Chen CH,Wu TH, Mao WC, Hsiao CK, Kuo PH. Subgrouping time-dependent prescribing patterns of first-onset major depressive episodes by psychotropics dissection . World Journal of Psychiatry .2021 ;(11):1116-1128

42. 2021 Putri DU,Tsai YS,Chen JH,Tsai CW,Ou CY,Chang CR, Chen HC, Lu ML, Yu MC, Lee CH. Psychological distress assessment among patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19: A cohort study . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2021 ;(120):1602-1610

43. 2020 Lin CK,Yang YH,Lu ML,Tsai YH,Hsieh MJ,Lee YC, Wang TN, Chen YL, Chen VC. Incidence of nontuberculous mycobacterial disease and coinfection with tuberculosis in a tuberculosis-endemic region: A population-based retrospective cohort study . Medicine .2020 ;(99):e23775-e23775

44. 2020 Wu TH,Chiu CC,Goh KK,Chen PY,Huang MC,Chen CH, Lu ML. Relationship between metabolic syndrome and acylated/desacylated ghrelin ratio in patients with schizophrenia under olanzapine medication . Journal of Psychopharmacology .2020 ;(34):86-92

45. 2020 Goh KK,Chang SC,Chen CH,Lu ML. Therapeutic Strategies for Treatment-resistant Depression: State of the Art and Future Perspectives . Current Pharmaceutical Design .2020 ;(26):244-252

46. 2020 Chiu YH,Hsu CY,Lu ML,Chen CH. Augmentation Strategies for Clozapine-Resistant Patients with Schizophrenia . Current Pharmaceutical Design .2020 ;(26):218-227

47. 2020 Liu TY,Kuo PH,Lu ML,Huang MC,Chen CH,Wu TH, Wang S, Mao WC, Chen HC. Quantifying the level of difficulty to treat major depressive disorder with antidepressants: Treatment Resistance to Antidepressants Evaluation Scale . PLoS One .2020 ;(15):e0227614-e0227614

48. 2020 Chiu WC,Lu ML,Chang CC. Mental Disorders and Interferon Nontreatment in Hepatitis C Virus Infection-a Population Based Cohort Study . Psychiatry Investigation .2020 ;(17):268-274

49. 2020 Liu YC,Chen VCH,Lu ML,Lee MJ,McIntyre RS,Majeed A, Lee Y, Chen YL. The Association between Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Use and the Risk of Bladder Cancer: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study . Cancers .2020 ;(12):1184-1184

50. 2020 Chung PL,Huang CW,Lee MJ,Yang YH,Chen KJ,Lu ML, Weng JC, Chen VCH. Effect of Depression and Antidepressants on Sexual Dysfunction in Men with Diabetes: A National Population-Based Cohort Study . Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment .2020 ;(16):1105-1112

51. 2020 Goh KK,Lu ML,Yeh LC,Kao YF,Liu CM,Kan BL, Jou S. Association of types of disaster rescue with mental disorders among firefighters . Psychiatry Research .2020 ;(290):113072-113072

52. 2020 Cheng YC,Liu SI,Chen CH,Liu HC,Lu ML,Chang CJ, Chiu WC, Sun IW, Yao LS, Chiu CC, Robert S. Comparison of cognitive function between early- and late-onset late-life depression in remission . Psychiatry Research .2020 ;(290):113051-113051

53. 2020 Chen VC, , , , , ,Hsieh YH,Lin TC,Lu ML,Liao YT,Yang YH, Hsu TC, Stewart R, Weng JC, Lee MJ, Chiu WC, Tzang BS. New Use for Old Drugs: The Protective Effect of Risperidone on Colorectal Cancer . Cancers .2020 ;(12):1560-1560

54. 2020 Goh KK,Lu ML,Jou S. Zero confirmed cases: The ways we curb COVID-19 in Taiwanese prisons . Journal of Global Health .2020 ;(10):020377-020377

55. 2020 Fang YH,Hsieh MJ,Hung MS,Lin YC,Kuo LT,Lu ML, Tzang BS, Chen VC. Low Concentrations of Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate are Associated with Depression and Fatigue in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer After Chemotherapy . Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment .2020 ;(16):2103-2109

56. 2020 Hua MH,Chang SC,Lu ML. Lithium-induced asymptomatic dose-related elevation of serum creatine kinase: a case report . Archives of Clinical Psychiatry .2020 ;(47):121-122

57. 2020 Chen VC, , , Lu ML, , ,Yang YH,Kuo TY,Lu ML,Tseng WT,Hou TY, Yeh JY, Lee CT, Chen YL, Lee MJ, Dewey ME, Gossop M. Methylphenidate and the risk of burn injury among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder . Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences .2020 ;(29):e146-e146

58. 2019 Chen VC,Lu ML,Yang YH,Weng JC,Chang CC. Antidepressant use and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis C who had received interferon therapy: A population-based cohort study. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2019 ;(253):147-153

59. 2019 Wu TH,Chiu CC,ChenPY,Huang MC,Chen CH,Shen WW, Lu ML. Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia: Relationships with olanzapine pharmacological parameters, psychopathology, and quality of life . Psychiatry Research .2019 ;(276):1-5

60. 2019 Wang YC,Lin HT,Lu ML,Huang MC,Chen CH,Wu TH, Wang S, Mao WC, Kuo PH, Chen HC. The Association Between the Sedative Loads and Clinical Severity Indicators in the First-Onset Major Depressive Disorder . Frontiers in Psychiatry .2019 ;(10):129-129

61. 2019 Chung YE,Chen HC,Chou HL,Chen IM,Lee MS,Chuang LC, Liu YW, Lu ML, Chen CH, Wu CS, Huang MC, Liao SC, Ni YH, Lai MS, Shih WL, Kuo PH. Exploration of microbiota targets for major depressive disorder and mood related traits . Journal of Psychiatric Research .2019 ;(111):74-82

62. 2019 Chen VC,Chan HL,Hsu TC,Lu ML,Lee YC,Lee Y, Siow JY, McIntyre RS, Zhou AJ, Tzang BS, Lee CT. New use for old drugs: The protective effect of atypical antipsychotics on hepatocellular carcinoma . International Journal of Cancer .2019 ;(144):2428-2439

63. 2019 Chen PY,Chen CH,Chang CK,Kao CF,Lu ML,Lin SK, Huang MC, Hwang LL, Mondelli V. Orexin-A Levels in Relation to the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Schizophrenia Taking Antipsychotics . International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology .2019 ;(22):28-36

64. 2019 Goh KK,Chen CH,Lu ML. Topiramate mitigates weight gain in antipsychotic-treated patients with schizophrenia: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials . International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice .2019 ;(23):14-32

65. 2019 Goh KK,Chen CH,Chiu YH,Lu ML. Lamotrigine augmentation in treatment-resistant unipolar depression: A comprehensive meta-analysis of efficacy and safety . Journal of Psychopharmacology .2019 ;(33):700-713

66. 2019 Cheng YF,Chen VCH,Yang YH,Chen KJ,Lee YC,Lu ML. Risk of schizophrenia among people with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a nationwide population-based cohort study . Schizophrenia Research .2019 ;(209):58-63

67. 2019 Chen KH,Lee CP,Yang YH,Yang YH,Chen CM,Lu ML, Lee YC, Chen VC. Incidence of hydrocephalus in traumatic brain injury: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Medicine .2019 ;(98):e17568-e17568

68. 2019 Chen VC,Chan HL,Wu SI,Lee M,Lu ML,Liang HY, Dewey ME, Stewart R, Lee CT. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Mortality Risk in Taiwan . JAMA Network Open .2019 ;(2)::e198714-:e198714

69. 2019 Chen HM,Yang YH,Chen KJ,Lee Y,McIntyre RS,Lu ML, Lee YC, Hsieh MC, Chen VC. Antidepressants Reduced Risk of Mortality in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan . Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism .2019 ;(104):4619-4625

70. 2018 Su MH,Chen HC,Lu ML,Feng J,Chen IM,Wu CS, Chang SW, Kuo PH. Risk profiles of personality traits for suicidality among mood disorder patients and community controls . Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica .2018 ;(137):30-38

71. 2018 Chen VC,Chen CH,Chiu YH,Lin TY,Li FC,Lu ML. Leptin/Adiponectin ratio as a potential biomarker for metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia . Psychoneuroendocrinology .2018 ;(92):34-40

72. 2018 Ho MC,Hsu YC,Lu ML,Gossop M,Chen VC. 'Cool' and 'Hot' executive functions in suicide attempters with major depressive disorder. . Journal of Affective Disorders .2018 ;(235):332-340

73. 2018 Lin WY,Chen VC,Chiu WC,Yim SJ,Ho PT,McIntyre RS, Lu ML, Wu SI.. Prostate cancer and antidepressants: A nationwide population-based nested case-control study . Journal of Affective Disorders .2018 ;(227):834-839

74. 2018 Hung TH,Chen VC,Yang YH,Tsai CS,Lu ML,McIntyre RS, Lee Y, Huang KY. Association between enterovirus infection and speech and language impairments: A nationwide population-based study . Research in developmental disabilities .2018 ;(77):76-86

75. 2018 Lu ML,Chen TT,Kuo PH,Hsu CC,Chen CH. Effects of adjunctive fluvoxamine on metabolic parameters and psychopathology in clozapine-treated patients with schizophrenia: A 12-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study . Schizophrenia Research .2018 ;(193):126-133

76. 2018 Lu ML,Chen CH,Kuo PT,Lin CH,Wu TH. Application of plasma levels of olanzapine and N-desmethyl-olanzapine to monitor metabolic parameters in patients with schizophrenia . Schizophrenia Research .2018 ;(193):139-145

77. 2018 Chen HM,Chen VC,Wang TN,Lu ML,Huang YC,Dewey ME, Lee JK, Tsai CP. Diseases of the pancreas and suicide mortality: A nationwide nested case-control study among patients with mental health disorders in Taiwan . General Hospital Psychiatry .2018 ;(50):45-50

78. 2017 Yang YH,Chiu CC,Teng HW,Chu CP,Chang CJ,Chiu WC, Chen CH, Lu ML, Liu SI, Huang SY, Liu HC, Sun IW. Methionine synthase 2756AA polymorphism is associated with the risk of cognitive impairment in patients with late-life depression . Asia-Pacific Psychiatry .2017 ;(9):e12242-e12242

79. 2017 Chen VC,Shen CY,Liang SH,Li ZH,Hsieh MH,Tyan YS, Lu ML, Lee Y, McIntyre RS, Weng JC. Assessment of brain functional connectome alternations and correlation with depression and anxiety in major depressive disorders . Peer J .2017 ;(5):e3147-e3147

80. 2017 Chung YE,Chen SC,Chuang LC,Shih WL,Chiu YH,Lu ML, Chen HC, Kuo PH. Evaluation of the interaction between genetic variants of GAD1 and miRNA in bipolar disorders . Journal of Affective Disorders .2017 ;(223):1-7

81. 2017 Wang WC,Lu ML,Chen VC,Ng MH,Huang KY,Hsieh MH, Hsieh MJ, McIntyre RS, Lee Y, Lee CT. Asthma, corticosteroid use and schizophrenia: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e01730-e01730

82. 2017 Su JA,Cheng BH,Huang YC,Lee CP,Yang YH,Lu ML, Hsu CY, Lee Y, McIntyre R, Chin Lin T, Chin-Hung Chen. Bipolar disorder and the risk of fracture: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Journal of Affective Disorders .2017 ;(218):246-252

83. 2017 Tsai CS,Chen VC,Yang YH,Hung TH,Lu ML,Huang KY, Gossop M. The association between Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection and speech and language impairment: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e01804-e01804

84. 2017 Chen VC,Yang YH,Chen PY,Yang JT,Chen CPC,Chen CJ, Lu ML, Lee Y, McIntyre RS, Huang YC. Factors affecting lumbar surgery outcome: A nation-wide, population-based retrospective study . Journal of Affective Disorders .2017 ;(222)

85. 2016 Chiu CC,Lu ML,Huang MC,Chen PY,Lin YK,Lin SK, Chen CH. Effects of Low Dose Metformin on Metabolic Traits in Clozapine-Treated Schizophrenia Patients: An Exploratory Twelve-Week Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e01683-e01683

86. 2016 Lu ML,Wu YX,Chen CH,Kuo PT,Chen YH,Lin CH, Wu TH. Application of Plasma Levels of Olanzapine and N-Desmethyl-Olanzapine to Monitor Clinical Efficacy in Patients with Schizophrenia . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e01485-e01485

87. 2015 Wu CS,Lu ML,Liao YT,Lee CT,Chen VC. Ovarian cancer and antidepressants . Psychooncology .2015 ;(24):579-584

88. 2015 Lai YC,Kao CF,Lu ML,Chen HC,Chen PY,Chen CH, Shen WW, Wu JY, Lu RB, Kuo PH. Investigation of Associations between NR1D1, RORA and RORB Genes and Bipolar Disorder. . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01212-e01212

89. 2015 Chen KJ,Lu ML,Shen WW. Tramadol-related psychosis in a patient with bipolar I disorder . Acta Neuropsychiatrica .2015 ;(27):126-128

90. 2015 Lu ML,Wang TN,Lin TY,Shao WC,Chang SH,Chou JY, Ho YF, Liao YT, Chen VC. Differential effects of olanzapine and clozapine on plasma levels of adipocytokines and total ghrelin . Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry .2015 ;(58):47-50

91. 2015 Wu CS,Lu ML,Liao YT,Lee CTC,Chen VCH. Ovarian cancer and antidepressants . Psycho-Oncology .2015 ;(24):579-584

92. 2015 Chen PY,Lu ML,Huang MC,Kao CF,Kup PH,Chiu CC, Lin SK, Chen CH. The Relationships of Obesity-Related Genetic Variants With Metabolic Profiles and Response to Metformin in Clozapine-Treated Patients With Schizophrenia. . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2015 ;(35):574-578

93. 2015 Chen VC,Liao YT,Lai TJ,Lane HY,Shao WC,Dewey M, Lee CT, Lu ML. Survival analysis of the use of first and second generation antipsychotics among patients suffering schizophrenia: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Schizophrenia Research .2015 ;(169):406-411

94. 2015 Chen VC,Liao YT,Lai TJ,Lane HY,Shao WC,Dewey M, Lee CT, Lu ML. Survival analysis of the use of first and second generation antipsychotics among patients suffering schizophrenia: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Schizophrenia Research .2015 ;(169):406-411

95. 2014 Huang MC,Kao CF,Chiu CC,Kao PH,Chen PY,Lu ML, Chen CH. The genetic association of FTO variants with metabolic traits in patients with schizophrenia may be modified by antipsychotics . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2014

96. 2014 Wu Chou AI,Lu ML,Shen WW. Hepatotoxicity induced by clozapine: a case report and review of literature . Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment .2014 ;(10):1585-1587

97. 2013 Chen CH,Huang MC,Kao CF,Lin SK,Kuo PH,Chiu CC, Lu ML. Adjunctive Metformin on Metabolic Traits in Nondiabetic Clozapine-Treated Patients With Schizophrenia and the Effect of Metformin Discontinuation on Body Weight: A 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2013 ;(74):424-430

98. 2013 Chen CH,Huang MC,Kao CF,Lin SK,Kao PH,Chiu CC, Lu ML. Effects of Adjunctive Metformin on Metabolic Traits in Nondiabetic Clozapine-Treated Patients With Schizophrenia and the Effect of Metformin Discontinuation on Body Weight: A 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2013 ;(in pre)

99. 2013 Lu ML,Lin CH,Chen YC,Yang HC,Wu TH. Determination of olanzapine and N-desmethyl-olanzapine in plasma using a reversed-phase HPLC coupled with coulochemical detection: correlation of olanzapine or N-desmethyl-olanzapine concentration with metabolic parameters . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(in pre)

100. 2013 Kuo HW,Liu SC,Tsou HH,Liu SW,Lin KM,Lu SC, Hsiao MC, Hsiao CF, Liu CY, Chen CH, Lu ML, Shen WW, Tang HS, Liu SI, Chang LH, Wu HY, Chang. CYP1A2 genetic polymorphisms are associated with early antidepressant escitalopram metabolism and adverse reactions . Pharmacogenomics .2013 ;(14):1191-1201

101. 2013 Lu ML,Lin CH,Chen YC,Yang HC,Wu TH. Determination of olanzapine and N-desmethyl-olanzapine in plasma using a reversed-phase HPLC coupled with coulochemical detection: correlation of olanzapine or N-desmethyl-olanzapine concentration with metabolic parameters . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e65719-e65719

102. 2013 Chen CH,Huang MC,Kao CF,Lin SK,Kuo PH,Chiu CC, Lu ML. Effects of Adjunctive Metformin on Metabolic Traits in Nondiabetic Clozapine-Treated Patients With Schizophrenia and the Effect of Metformin Discontinuation on Body Weight: A 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2013 ;(74):424-430

103. 2012 Jadoon A,Chiu CC,McDermott L,Cunningham P,Frangou S,Chang CJ, Sun IW, Liu SI, Lu ML, Su KP, Huang SY, Stewart R. Associations of polyunsaturated fatty acids with residual depression or anxiety in older people with major depression . Journal of Affective Disorders .2012 ;(136):918-925

104. 2012 Chiu CC,Frangou S,Chang CJ,Chiu WC,Liu HC,Sun IW, Liu SI, Lu ML, Chen CH, Huang SY, Dewey ME, Stewart R. Associations between n-3 PUFA concentrations and cognitive function after recovery from late-life depression . The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .2012 ;(95):420-427

105. 2012 Chiu CC,Chen CH,Huang MC,Chen PY,Tsai CJ,Lu ML. The Relationship between Serum Uric Acid Concentration and Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2012 ;(in pre)

106. 2012 Chang SC,Lu ML. Metabolic and Cardiovascular Adverse Effects Associated with Treatment with Antipsychotic Drugs . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2012 ;(4):103-107

107. 2012 Chiu CC,Chen CH,Huang MC,Chen PY,Tsai CJ,Lu ML. The relationship between serum uric acid concentration and metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2012 ;(32):585-592

108. 2012 Chang SC,Lu ML,Wang YC,Lin FW,Huang SH,Kuo PH, Ho HO, Wu TH. Combined therapy with thioridazine decreases plasma levels of quetiapine inTaiwanese schizophrenic patients . Therapeutic Drug Monitoring .2012 ;(34):345-348

109. 2012 Chao KC,Lu ML,Shen WW. Use of carbamazepine and lamotrigine in a Taiwanese diabetic patient with bipolar disorder . Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience .2012 ;(66):538-539

110. 2012 Lai YW,Chou CY,Shen WW,Lu ML. Pityriasis Rosea-like eruption associated with Clozapine: a case report . General Hospital Psychiatry .2012 ;(34):703.e5-703.e7

111. 2011 Chen CH,Lu ML,Kuo PH,Chen PY,Chiu CC,Kao CF, Huang MC. Gender differences in the effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ2 gene polymorphisms on metabolic adversity in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2011 ;(35):239-245

112. 2011 Chiu YH,Chen CH,Lu ML. Worsening psychosis after adding aripiprazole to clozapine . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2011 ;(35):291-292

113. 2011 Chen VC,Wang TN,Lu ML,Chou JY,Ju PC,Wu JY, Lin ZR, Ji TT, Chou CE, Lee CT, Lai TJ. Weight gain and ghrelin level after olanzapine monotherapy . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2011 ;(35):632-635

114. 2011 Chen CH,Lin TY,Chen TT,Chen VC,Lin NC,Shao WC, Lu ML. A prospective study of glucose homeostasis in quetiapine-treated schizophrenic patients by using the intravenous glucose tolerance test . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2011 ;(35):965-969

115. 2011 Lu ML,Guo YJ,Lee CTC,Wang TN,Chen VCH. Posttraumatic stress disorder and psychiatric morbidity in firefighters wight months after 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake rescue work: A preliminary report . Taiwanese Journal of Psychaitry .2011

116. 2011 Kuo PH,Kao CF,Chen PY,Chen CH,Tsai YS,Lu ML, Huang MC. Polymorphisms of INSIG2, MC4R, and LEP Are Associated With Obesity- and Metabolic-Related Traits in Schizophrenic Patients . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2011 ;(31):705-711

117. 2011 Chen PY,Huang MC,Chiu CC,Liu HC,Lu ML,Chen CH. Association of plasma retinol-binding protein-4, adiponectin, and high molecular weight adiponectin with metabolic adversities in patients with schizophrenia . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2011 ;(35):1927-1932

118. 2010 Tsai MH,Lin KM,Hsiao MC,Shen WW,Lu ML,Tang HS, Fang CK, Wu CS, Lu SC, Liu SC, Chen CY, Liu YL.. Genetic polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 enzymes influence metabolism of the antidepressant escitalopram and treatment response . Pharmacogenomics .2010 ;(11):537-546

119. 2010 Chen CH,Shen WW,Lu Ml. Resolution of tardive dyskinesia after the switch to aripiprazole . Acta Neuropsychiatrica .2010 ;(22):162-163

120. 2010 Lin CCH,Hsiao CC,huang YS,Ree SC,Lu ML,Tzang RF, Luu SU, West TM, Shen WW. Patient characteristics and treatment discontinuation in a Taiwanese cohort of the Intercontinental Schizophrenia Outpatient Health Outcomes (IC-SOHO) study . Taiwanese J Psychiatry .2010 ;(24):110-121

121. 2010 Chiu CC,Chen CH,Chen PY,Yu SH,Lu ML. The time-dependent change of insulin secretion in schizophrenic patients treated with olanzapine . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2010 ;(34):866-870

122. 2010 Wang WT,Chen CH,Lu ML,Lai TJ. Paliperidone-induced mania-like symptoms: A case report . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2010 ;(34):1351-1352

123. 2009 Chen CH,Lu ML. Venlafaxine-Induced Excessive Yawning . Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry .2009 ;(33):156-157

124. 2009 Huang MC,Lu ML,Tsai CJ,Chen PY,Chiu CC,Jian DL, Lin KM, Chen CH. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in Taiwan . Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica .2009 ;(120):274-280

125. 2009 Chen Ch,Lu ML. Venlafaxine-induced excessive yawning . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2009 ;(33):156-157

126. 2008 Chen CH,Chiu CC,Huang HC,Wu TH,Liu HC,Lu ML. Metformin for metabolic dysregulation in schizophrenic patients treated with olanzapine. . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2008 ;(32):925-931

127. 2008 Chang SC,Chen CH,Lu ML. Cabergoline-induced psychotic exacerbation in schizophrenic patients . General Hospital Psychiatry .2008 ;(30):378-380

128. 2008 Chen CH,Huang MC,Lu ML. Aripiprazole resolves symptomatic hyperprolactinemia in a male schizophrenic patient . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .2008 ;(32):893-894

129. 2008 Chen CH,Chiu CC,Huang MC,Wu TH,Liu HC,Lu ML. Metformin for metabolic dysregulation in schizophrenic patients treated with olanzapine . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .2008 ;(in pre)

130. 2008 Chang SC,Chen CH,Lu ML. Cabergoline-induced psychotic exacerbation in schizophrenic patients . General Hospital Psychiatry .2008 ;(30):378-380

131. 2008 Lu ML,Chen CH,Liu HC,Chen PY,Yu SH,Chiu CC. The biphasic changes of insulin secretion in schizophrenic patients treated with olanzapine . Journal of Psychopharmacology .2008 ;(in pre):in pre-in pre

132. 2008 Wu TH,Chiu CC,Shen WW,Lin FW,Wang LH,Chen HY, Lu ML. Pharmacokinetics of olanzapine in Chinese male schizophrenic patients with various smoking behaviors. . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2008 ;(32):1889-1893

133. 2008 Lu ML,Shen WW,Chen CH. Time course of the changes in antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia following the switch to aripiprazole . Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2008 ;(32):1978-1981

134. 2007 Chen CH,Tan HK,Liao LR,Chen HH,Chan CC,Cheng JJ, Chen CY, Wang TN, Lu ML. Long-term psychological outcome of 1999 Taiwan earthquake survivors: a survey of a high-risk sample with property damage. . Comprehensive Psychiatry .2007 ;(48):269-275

135. 2007 Chiu CC,Shen WW,Chen KP,Lu ML. Application of the Cockcroft-Gault method to estimate lithium dosage requirement . Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience .2007 ;(61):269-274

136. 2007 Chen CH,Huang MC,Lu ML. Aripiprazole improves metabolic adversity in olanzapine-treated schizophrenic patients . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2007 ;(27):516-517

137. 2007 Lu ML. Clinical treatment guideline for bipolar disorder worldwide . Bipolar Disorders Update .2007 ;(2):16-20

138. 2006 Che HH,Lu ML,Chen HC,Chang HW,Lee YJ. Validation of the Chinese Version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory . Formosan Journal of Medicine .2006 ;(10):447-454

139. 2006 Chiu CC,Chen KP,Liu HC,Lu ML. The early effect of olanzapine and risperidone on insulin secretion in atypical-naive schizophrenic patients . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2006 ;(26):504-507

140. 2005 Pan JJ,Chen BY,Teng HW,Lu ML,Shen WW. The use of alternative medicine among Taiwanese psychiatric outpatients . Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience .2005 ;(59):711-716

141. 2005 Chiu CC,Lu ML. Comments on Articles by Albers et al: "Low-Dose Fluvoxamine as an Adjunct to Reduce Olanzapine Therapeutic Dose Requirements: A Prospective Dose-Adjusted Drug Interaction Strategy." . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2005 ;(25):626-627

142. 2005 Teng HW,Hsu CS,Shih SM,Lu ML,Pan JJ,Shen WW. Screening postpartum depression with the Taiwanese version of the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale . Comprehensive Psychiatry .2005 ;(46):261-265

143. 2005 Yang YH,Chiu CC,Huang MC,Liu HC,Lane HY,Chang WH, Lu ML. Effects of Fluvoxamine on the Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics of Olanzapine . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .2005 ;(19):56-63

144. 2004 Huang SY,Wu SS,Chiu CC,Kuo CJ,Su KP,Lu ML. Assessment of Dietary Intake and Blood Fatty Acid Composition in Patients with Schizophrenia . Nutritional Sciences Journal .2004 ;(29):21-30

145. 2004 Chen KP,Shen WW,Lu ML. Implication of serum concentration monitoring in patients with lithium intoxication . Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience .2004 ;(58):25-29

146. 2004 Lu ML,Shen WW. Sleep-Related Eating Disorder Induced by Risperidone . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2004 ;(65):273-274

147. 2004 Lu ML,Shen WW. Sleep-related eating disorder induced by risperidone . The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2004 ;(65):273-274

148. 2004 Lu ML,Lane HY,Lin SK,Chen KP,Chang WH. Adjunctive fluvoxamine inhibits clozapine-related weight gain and metabolic disturbances . The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2004 ;(65):766-771

149. 2004 Guo YJ,Chen CH,Lu ML,Tan HKL,Lee HW,Wang TN. The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Professional and Nonprofessional Rescuers Involved in an Earthquake in Taiwan . Psychiatry Research .2004 ;(127):35-41

150. 2004 Chiu CC,Lu ML,Huang MC,Chen KP. Heavy smoking reduced olanzapine levels and treatment effects: a case report . Therapeutic Drug Monitoring .2004 ;(26):579-581

151. 2004 Chiu CC,Lane HY,Huang MC,Liu HC,Jann MW,Hon YY, Chang WH, Lu ML. Dose-Dependent Alternations in the Pharmacokinetcs of Olanzapine during Coadministration of Fluvoxamine in Schizophrenic Patients . Journal of Clinical Pharmacology .2004 ;(44):1385-1390

152. 2003 Chen CH, Shen WW, Tan HKL, Chou JY, Lu ML. The validation study and application of stratum-specific likelihood ratios in the Chinese version of SPAN. . Comprehensive Psychiatry .2003 ;(44):78-81

153. 2003 Lu ML, Lane HY. Adjunctive fluvoxamine with clozapine . The British Journal of Psychiatry .2003 ;(182):81

154. 2003 Lu ML. Olanzapine reduces mania more effectively than divalproex, but has more adverse effects . Evidence-Based Mental Health .2003 ;(6):28

155. 2003 Chiu CC, Huang SY, Su KP, Lu ML, Huang MC, Chen CC, Shen WW. Polyunsaturated fatty acid deficit in patients with bipolar disorder . European Neuropsychopharmacology .2003 ;(13):99-103

156. 2002 Lu ML, Shen WW. Comment: Risk of extrapyramidal syndromes with haloperidol, risperidone or clozapine . The Annals of Pharmacotherapy .2002 ;(36):1292

157. 2002 Lu ML, Pan JJ, Teng HW, Su KP, Shen WW. Metoclopramide-induced supersensitivity psychosis . The Annals of Pharmacotherapy .2002 ;(36):1387-1390

158. 2002 Lu ML, Shen WW. Screening for PTSD . The British Journal of Psychiatry .2002 ;(181):535

159. 2002 Lu ML, Lane HY, Chang WH. Fluvoxamine-clozapine interaction: time dependent? . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2002 ;(22):439-440

160. 2002 Lu ML, Shen WW, Chen KP. Estimation of lithium dose requirement by body weight. . Bipolar Disorders .2002 ;(4):274

161. 2002 Lu ML, Lane HY, Jann MW, Chang WH. The dosing strategies of clozapine-fluvoxamine cotreatment . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2002 ;(22):626-628

162. 2002 Chen CH, Tan HKL, Shen WW, Lu ML. Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the SPAN. . Formosan Journal of Medicine .2002 ;(6):305-310

163. 2002 Lu ML, Che HH, Chang SW, Shen WW. Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .2002 ;(16):301-310

164. 2001 Lu ML, Yeh IJ. Onset of psychosis after cerebellar pathology: a case report. . General Hospital Psychiatry .2001 ;(23):41-42

165. 2001 Chen CH, Lin SK, Tang HS, Shen WW, Lu ML. The Chinese version of the Davidson Trauma Scale: a practice test for validation. . Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2001;55:493-499 .2001 ;(55):493-499

166. 2001 Lu ML, Lane HY, Chang WH. Differences between in vitro and in vivo determinations of fluvoxamine-clozapine interaction. . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .2001 ;(21):625-626

167. 2001 Lu ML, Lane HY, Chang WH. Comment: Unanticipated plasma concentrations in two clozapine-treated patients. . The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2001; 35:1675-1676 .2001 ;(35):1675-1676

168. 2000 Chen CH, Chou JY, Lin SK, Tang HS, Chen CC, Chen TY, Lu ML. The reliability and validity of Chinese version of Davidson trauma scale. . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .2000 ;(14):271-278

169. 2000 Lu ML, Liu HC, Chen CH, Sung SM. Kleine-Levin syndrome and psychosis: observation in an unusual case. . Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology .2000 ;(13):140-142

170. 2000 Lu ML, Lane HY, Chen KP, Jann MW, Su MH, Chang WH. Fluvoxamine reduces the clozapine dosage needed in refractory schizophrenic patients. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2000 ;(61):594-599

171. 1999 Chen KP, Lu ML, Lane HY, Chang WH. Effects of fluvoxamine on steady-state plasma clozapine concentration. . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .1999 ;(13):219-227

172. 1999 Lu ML, Lane HY, Chang WH. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: precipitated by concomitant clozapine? . Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology .1999 ;(19):386-387

173. 1998 Lu ML, Peng SL, Lane HY. Clozapine withdrawal. . Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry .1998 ;(12):170-172

174. 1998 Liao WC, Chiu CC, Lu ML. Multiple family therapy at the psychiatric rehabilitation ward. . Chinese Group Psychotherapy .1998 ;(4):3-13

175. 1997 Chen WJ, Lu ML, Hsu YP, Chen CC, Yu JM, Cheng TA. Dopamine D2 receptor gene and alcoholism among four aboriginal groups and Han in Taiwan. . American Journal of Medical Genetics .1997 ;(74):129-136

1. 2009 Lu ML,Chen CH,Wu TH. 精神分裂症患者之血漿olanzapine濃度與臨床反應之相關性 . The 48th Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry .2009

2. 2009 Lu ML,Chiu CC,Chen CH,Huang MC,Chen PY,Tsai CJ. The association between uric acid concentration and metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder . The Second World Congress of Asian Psychiatry .2009

3. 2009 Lu ML. Antipsychotic treatment of schizophrenia: a risk-benefit assessment . 台灣生物精神醫學會暨精神神經藥理學學會98年春季學術研討會 .2009

4. 2009 Lu ML. Treatment strategy for refractory schizophrenia: drug interaction between clozapine and fluvoxamine . 2009 Biomedical Research Symposium of National Health Research Instiyutes .2009

5. 2007 Lu ML. The evaluation and prevention of metabolic syndrome among schizophrenic patients receiving antipsychotic treatment . 台灣精神醫學會46週年年會暨學術研討會 .2007

6. 2006 Lu ML,Chiu CC,Chen CH,Chen KP,Liu HC. The biphasic changes of insulin secretion in olanzapine-treated schizophrenic patients . .2006

7. 2006 Lu ML,Chiu CC,Chen KP,Liu HC. Effects of metformin on the olanzapine-induced metabolic disturbance . .2006

8. 2003 Yu SH,Lu ML. Zolpidem induced sleep-related eating disorder . .2003

9. 2002 Teng HW, Shen WW, Pan JJ, Lu ML. Postpartum depression among Taiwanese women: using the Taiwanese version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale . The 41st Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Changhua, Taiwan .2002

10. 2002 Lu ML, Chen CH, Tan HKL, Shen WW. The reliability and validity of the Chinese version of SPAN . The 41st Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Changhua, Taiwan .2002

11. 2002 Lu ML, Che HH, Chang SW, Shen WW. The reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II . The 41st Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Changhua, Taiwan .2002

12. 2002 Chen CH, Tan HKL, Lu ML, Cheng JJ, Chen CY, Liao LR, Huang SC, Wu HL, Hsu HP. Psychiatric morbidity of the survivors in Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan: 2 years after the disaster . XII World Congress of Psychiatry, Yokohama, Japan .2002

13. 2002 Lu ML, Lane HY, Chang WH. The dose-effect of fluvoxamine on the metabolism of clozapine in schizophrenic patients . XII World Congress of Psychiatry, Yokohama, Japan .2002

14. 2002 Lu ML. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions between clozapine and fluvoxamine . Taiwanese Forum in Psychobiological Sciences, Tainan, Taiwan .2002

15. 2001 Guo YJ, Chen CH, Lu ML. Posttraumatic stress disorder and psychiatric comorbidity in firefighters. . The 40th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry, Taipei, Taiwan. .2001

16. 2000 Chen CH, Lu ML, Liu KS, Lin CC, Tsai CH. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Elderly Evacuees After Earthquake. . The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, R.O.C., Hualien, Taiwan. .2000

17. 2000 Guo YJ, Chen CH, Lu ML, Lee HW, Wang TN. Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Rescuers. . The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, R.O.C., Hualien, Taiwan. .2000

18. 2000 Guo YJ, Chen CH, Lu ML, Li TC. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Psychiatric Comorbidity in Firefighters. . The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, R.O.C., Hualien, Taiwan .2000

19. 2000 Chen CH, Lu ML, Chen CC, Chang WC, Lin CH, Kuo HW. The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Evacuees in Assembly House. . The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, R.O.C., Hualien, Taiwan. .2000

20. 2000 Lu ML, Chen CH, Lin SK, Tang HS, Chen CC, Chen TY. The Reliability and Validity of Chinese Version of Davidson Trauma Scale. . The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, R.O.C., Hualien, Taiwan. .2000

21. 2000 Lu ML, Lane HY, Chen KP, Chang WH. Dose effects of fluvoxamine on clozapine metabolism. . The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Psychiatry, R.O.C., Hualien, Taiwan. .2000


113 Metformin對於思覺失調症患者抗精神病藥物導致高泌乳素血症之治療效應:隨機分組、雙盲、安慰劑控制臨床試驗

112 以經顱交流電刺激治療思覺失調症的隨機對照試驗(3/3)

111 以經顱交流電刺激治療思覺失調症的隨機對照試驗(2/3)

110 以經顱交流電刺激治療思覺失調症的隨機對照試驗(1/3)

109 新陳代謝異常對於思覺失調症之DNA甲基化影響:單碳代謝之角色

108 新陳代謝異常對於思覺失調症之DNA甲基化影響:單碳代謝之角色

107 長效型metformin對於服用clozapine或olanzapine的思覺失調症患者新陳代謝指標及神經認知功能之劑量效應:隨機、雙盲、安慰劑控制研究(3/3)

106 長效型metformin對於服用clozapine或olanzapine的思覺失調症患者新陳代謝指標及神經認知功能之劑量效應:隨機、雙盲、安慰劑控制研究(2/3)

105 長效型metformin對於服用clozapine或olanzapine的思覺失調症患者新陳代謝指標及神經認知功能之劑量效應:隨機、雙盲、安慰劑控制研究(1/3)

105 長效型metformin對於服用clozapine或olanzapine的思覺失調症患者新陳代謝指標及神經認知功能之劑量效應:隨機、雙盲、安慰劑控制研究(1/3)

104 甜菜鹼及葉酸對於難治型憂鬱症之效應

104 長效型metformin對於服用clozapine或olanzapine的思覺失調症患者新陳代謝指標及神經認知功能之劑量效應:隨機、雙盲、安慰劑控制研究

103 新陳代謝異常對於精神分裂症患者認知功能之影響(2/2)

102 精神分裂症患者之olanzapine療效濃度監測

102 新陳代謝異常對於精神分裂症患者認知功能之影響(1/2)

102 新陳代謝異常對於精神分裂症患者認知功能之影響(1/2)

102 新陳代謝異常對於精神分裂症患者認知功能之影響(1-2)

101 抗精神病藥物療效及副作用之預測模式

100 抗精神病藥物療效及副作用之預測模式

99 抗精神病藥物療效及副作用之預測模式

98 頑固型精神分裂症之治療策略:Clozapine與fluvoxamine之藥物交互作用

98 抗精神病藥物導致之高泌乳素血症與骨密度之相關性研究

97 頑固型精神分裂症之治療策略:Clozapine與fluvoxamine之藥物交互作用

97 頑固型精神分裂症之治療策略:Clozapine與fluvoxamine之藥物交互作用

97 抗精神病藥物導致之高泌乳素血症與骨密度之相關性研究

96 抗精神病藥物導致之高泌乳素血症與骨密度之相關性研究(1-3)

95 血漿中抗精神病藥物濃度與新陳代謝症候群之相關性研究

95 抗精神病藥物導致代謝異常之研究

94 抗精神病藥物導致體重增加及代謝異常之機制及治療

94 抗精神病藥物導致代謝異常之機制

92 Clozapine併用fluvoxamine對於難治型精神分裂症患者之療效研究

91 難治型精神分裂症之治療策略 : Clozapine 與 Fluvoxamine 之藥動學與藥效學交互作用

90 Clozapine與Fluvoxamine之藥效學與藥動學交互作用

89 雙極性情感疾患在情緒平穩狀態時之神經心理功能