洪明佑(Ming-Yow, Hung) 教授

現   職
內科學科 教授


學 歷

長庚大學臨床醫學研究所博士班 博士
私立長庚醫學院暨工程學院醫學系 學士








Heart echocardiography
Coronary artery spasm
Coronary artery stenosis
Percuatneous coronary intervention
Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty for hemodialysis shunt
Gel electrophoresis
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Isolation of vessels from mice
Cell culture



1. 2024 Kounis NG,Hung M-Y,de Gregorio C,Mplani V,Gogos C,Assimakopoulos SF, Plotas P, Dousdampanis P, Kouni SN, Maria A, Tsigkas G, Koniari I. Cardio-Oncoimmunology: Cardiac Toxicity, Cardiovascular Hypersensitivity, and Kounis Syndrome . Life .2024 ;(14):400-400

2. 2024 Kounis NG,Gogos C,de Gregorio C,Hung MY,Kounis SN,Tsounis EP, Assimakopoulos SF, Pourmasumi S, Mplani V, Servos G, Dousdampanis P, Plotas P, Michalaki MA, Tsigkas G, Grammatikopoulos G, Velissaris D, Koniar I. "When," "Where," and "How" of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Affects the Human Cardiovascular System: A Narrative Review . Balkan Medical Journal .2024 ;(41):7-22

3. 2023 Hung MY,Hung MJ. Relationship between Inflammation and Vasospastic Angina. . Medicina .2023 ;(59):318-318

4. 2023 Hung MJ,Yeh CT,Kounis NG,Koniari I,Hu P,Hung MY. Coronary Artery Spasm-Related Heart Failure Syndrome: Literature Review . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2023 ;(24):7530

5. 2023 Pourmasumi S,Kounis NG,Naderi M,Hosseinisadat R,Khoradmehr A,Fagheirelahee N, Kouni SN, de Gregorio C, Dousdampanis P, Mplani V, Michalaki MA, Plotas P, Assimakopoulos S, Gogos C, Aidonidis G, Roditis P, Matsas N, Velissaris D, Calogiuri G, Hung MY, Koniari I. Effects of COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination on the Female Reproductive System: A Narrative Review . Balkan Medical Journal .2023

6. 2022 Lin YK,Yeh CT,Kuo KT,Fong IH,Yadav VK,Kounis NG, Hu P, Hung MY. Apolipoprotein (a)/Lipoprotein(a)-Induced Oxidative-Inflammatory α7-nAChR/p38 MAPK/IL-6/RhoA-GTP Signaling Axis and M1 Macrophage Polarization Modulate Inflammation-Associated Development of Coronary Artery Spasm. . Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity .2022 ;(2022):2022-2022

7. 2022 Koniari I,Velissaris D,Kounis NG,Koufou E,Artopoulou E,de Gregorio C, Mplani V, Paraskevas T, Tsigkas G, Hung MY, Plotas P, Lambadiari V, Ikonomidis I. Anti-Diabetic Therapy, Heart Failure and Oxidative Stress: An Update . Journal of clinical Medicine .2022 ;(11):4660-4660

8. 2022 Pourmasumi S,Nazari A,Ahmadi Z,Kouni SN,de Gregorio C,Koniari I, Dousdampanis P, Mplani V, Plotas P, Assimakopoulos S, Gogos C, Aidonisdis G, Roditis P, Matsas N, Velissaris D, Calogiuri G, Hung M-Y, Altay S, Kounis NG. The Effect of Long COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination on Male Fertility; A Narrative Review . Vaccines (Basel) .2022 ;(10):1982-1982

9. 2021 Hung MJ,Chang NC,Hu P,Chen TH,Mao CT,Yeh CT, Hung MY. Association between Coronary Artery Spasm and the risk of incident Diabetes: A Nationwide population-based Cohort Study . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2021 ;(18):2630-2640

10. 2021 Chang NC,Yeh CT,Lin YK,Kuo KT,Fong IH,Kounis NG, Hu P, Hung MY. Garcinol Attenuates Lipoprotein(a)-Induced Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Ventricular Cardiomyocyte through α7-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor-Mediated Inhibition of the p38 MAPK and NF-κB Signaling Pathways . Antioxidants (Basel) .2021 ;(10):461-461

11. 2021 Kounis NG,Koniari I,de Gregorio C,Velissaris D,Petalas K,Brinia A, Assimakopoulos SF, Gogos C, Kouni SN, Kounis GN, Calogiuri G, Hung MY. Allergic Reactions to Current Available COVID-19 Vaccinations: Pathophysiology, Causality, and Therapeutic Considerations . Vaccines (Basel) .2021 ;(9):221-221

12. 2021 Lin YK,Yeh CT,Kuo KT,Yadav VK, Fong IH, Kounis NG, Hu P, Hung MY. Pterostilbene Increases LDL Metabolism in HL-1 Cardiomyocytes by Modulating the PCSK9/HNF1α/SREBP2/LDLR Signaling Cascade, Upregulating Epigenetic hsa-miR-335 and hsa-miR-6825, and LDL Receptor Expression . Antioxidants (Basel) .2021 ;(10):1280-1280

13. 2021 Kounis NG,Koniari I,de Gregorio C,Assimakopoulos SF,Velissaris D,Hung MY, Mplani V, Saba L, Brinia A, Kouni SN, Gogos C, Giovannini M, Novembre E, Arumugham V, Ricke DO, Soufras GD, Nugent K, Sestili P, Malone RW. COVID-19 Disease, Women's Predominant Non-Heparin Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia and Kounis Syndrome: A Passepartout Cytokine Storm Interplay . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):959-959

14. 2021 Karimabad MN,Kounis NG,Hassanshahi G,Hassanshahi F,Mplani V,Koniari I, Hung M-Y, Nadimi AE. The Involvement of CXC Motif Chemokine Ligand 10 (CXCL10) and Its Related Chemokines in the Pathogenesis of Coronary Artery Disease and in the COVID-19 Vaccination: A Narrative Review . Vaccines (Basel) .2021 ;(9):1224-1224

15. 2020 Chang NC,Hu P,Chen TH,Mao CT,Hung MJ,Yeh CT, Hung MY. Drug-eluting versus bare-metal stents for first myocardial infarction in patients with atrial fibrillation: A nationwide population-based cohort study. . PLOS ONE .2020 ;(15):e0227571

16. 2020 Ming-Yow Hung,Nicholas G. Kounis,Meng-Ying Lu,Patrick Hu. Myocardial Ischemic Syndromes, Heart Failure Syndromes, Electrocardiographic Abnormalities, Arrhythmic Syndromes and Angiographic Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Spasm: Literature Review . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2020 ;(17):1071-1082

17. 2019 Yeang C,Hasanally D,Que X,Hung MY,Stamenkovic A,Chan D, Chaudhary R, Margulets V, Edel AL, Hoshijima M, Gu Y, Bradford W, Dalton N, Miu P, Cheung DYC, Jassal DS, Pierce GN, Peterson KL, Kirshenbaum LA, Witztum JL, Tsimikas S, Ravandi A. Reduction of Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Inactivating Oxidized Phospholipids . Cardiovascular Research .2019 ;(115):179-189

18. 2019 Hung MY,Mao CT,Hung MJ,Wang JK,Lee HC,Yeh CT, Hu P, Chen TH, Chang NC. Coronary Artery Spasm as Related to Anxiety and Depression: a Nationwide Population-Based Study. . Psychosomatic Medicine .2019 ;(81):237-245

19. 2018 Que X,Hung MY,Yeang C,Gonen A,Prohaska TA,Sun X, Diehl C, Määttä A, Gaddis DE, Bowden K, Pattison J, MacDonald JG, Ylä-Herttuala S, Mellon PL, Hedrick CC, Ley K, Miller YI, Glass CK, Peterson KL, Binder CJ, Tsimikas S, Witztum JL. Oxidized phospholipids are proinflammatory and proatherogenic in hypercholesterolaemic mice. . Nature .2018 ;(558):301-306

20. 2018 Hung MY,Wu YH,Bamodu OA,Chen X,Lin YK,Hu P, Chang NC, Pang JS, Yeh CT.. Activation of the monocytic α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor modulates oxidative stress and inflammation-associated development of coronary artery spasm via a p38 MAP-kinase signaling-dependent pathway. . Free Radical Biology & Medicine .2018 ;(120):266-276

21. 2017 Kamstrup PR,Hung MY,Witztum JL,Tsimikas S,Nordestgaard BG. Oxidized Phospholipids and Risk of Calcific Aortic Valve Disease: The Copenhagen General Population Study. . Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology .2017 ;(37):1570-1578

22. 2016 Calvin Yeang,Ming-Yow Hung,Young-Sup Byun,Paul Clopton,Xiaohong Yang,Joseph L. Witztum, Sotirios Tsimikas. Effect of therapeutic interventions on oxidized phospholipids on apolipoprotein B100 and lipoprotein(a) . Journal of Clinical Lipidology .2016 ;(10):594-603

23. 2015 Hung MJ,Mao CT,Kao YC,Hung MY. Delayed onset of forearm compartment syndrome after transradial percutaneous coronary intervention . International Journal of Cardiology .2015 ;(178):77-78

24. 2015 Hung MJ,Hsu KH,Chang NC,Tsimikas S,Hung MY. Prevalence of coronary artery spasm after stent placement and its association with inflammation . International Journal of Cardiology .2015 ;(179):252-255

25. 2015 Hung MJ,Chen WS,Hung MY,Kao YC,Mao CT. New electrocardiographic ST-elevation mimicking acute myocardial infarction in patients with non-fixed coronary artery stenosis: an important issue in the primary coronary interventional era. . International Journal of Cardiology .2015 ;(182):284-287

26. 2015 Hung MJ,Hsu KH,Chang NC,Hung MY. Increased Numbers of Coronary Events in Winter and Spring Due to Coronary Artery Spasm: Effect of Age, Sex, Smoking and Inflammation . Journal of the American College of Cardiology .2015 ;(65):2047-2048

27. 2015 Hung MJ,Mao CT,Hung MY,Chen TH. Impact of Asthma on the Development of Coronary Vasospastic Angina: A Population-Based Cohort Study . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e1880

28. 2014 Ravandi A,Leibundgut G,Hung MY,Patel M,Kolski B,Khadivi B, Hutchins PM, Murphy RC, Prasad A, Hu P, Mahmud E, Miller YI, Dennis E, Witztum JL, Tsimi. Release and Capture of Bioactive Oxidized Phospholipids and Oxidized Cholesteryl Esters During Percutaneous Coronary and Peripheral Arterial Interventions in Humans . Journal of the American College of Cardiology .2014 ;(63):1961-1971

29. 2014 Hung MY,Witztum JL,Tsimikas S. New Therapeutic Targets for Calcific Aortic Valve Stenosis: The Lipoprotein (a), Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2,Oxidized Phospholipid Axis . Journal of the American College of Cardiology .2014 ;(63):478-480

30. 2014 Hung MJ,Hu P,Hung MY. Coronary Artery Spasm: Review and Update . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2014 ;(11):1161-1171

31. 2014 Hung MY,Tsimikas S. What is the ultimate test that lowering Lp(a) is beneficial for cardiovascular disease and aortic stenosis? . Current Opinion in Lipidology .2014 ;(25):423-430

32. 2013 Hung MY,Hsu KH,Hu WS,Chang NC,Huang CY,Hung MJ. Gender-Specific Prognosis and Risk Impact of C-Reactive Protein, Hemoglobin and Platelet in the Development of Coronary Spasm . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2013 ;(10):255-264

33. 2013 Hung MJ,Hsu KH,Hu WS,Chang NC,Hung MY. C-Reactive Protein for Predicting Prognosis and Its Gender-Specific Associations with Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension in the Development of Coronary Artery Spasm . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e77655-e77655

34. 2012 Hung MJ,Cherng WJ,Hung MY,Kuo LT,Cheng CW,Wang CH, Yang NI, Liao JK. Increased leukocyte Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase activity predicts the presence and severity of coronary vasospastic angina. . Atherosclerosis .2012 ;(221):521-526

35. 2012 Hung MY,Hung MJ,Degertekin M,Ozveren O,Eroglu E,Fournial G. How should I treat a retrograde dissection of the aortic sinus of Valsalva during a percutaneous coronary intervention? . Eurointervention .2012 ;(8):520-527

36. 2010 Hung MJ,Hung MY,Cherng WJ,Li LF. Increased cardiac microvascular permeability and activation of cardiac endothelial nitric oxide synthase in high tidal volume ventilation-induced lung injury . Asian Biomedicine .2010 ;(4):27-36

37. 2010 Hung MJ,Cherng WJ,Hung MY,Wu HT,Pang JH. Interleukin-6 inhibits endothelial nitric oxide synthase activation and increases endothelial nitric oxide synthase binding to stabilized caveolin-1 in human vascular endothelial cells . Journal of Hypertension .2010 ;(28):940-951

38. 2009 Hung MY,Hung MJ,Hao WR,Tseng YT,Wu CH,Liu JC. Mitral Valve Prolapse . Journal of the Taiwan Society of Echocardiography .2009 ;(3):258-266

1. 2018 Hung MY,Bamodu OA,Yeh CT. Garcinol attenuates nicotine-induced inflammatory cytokine production in cardiomyocytes by α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated inhibition of the p38MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways. . Circulation .2018 ;(138):A10357

2. 2015 Hung MY. Innate immunity in Cardiology: Vessel and vale . Journal of Clinical and Cellular immunology .2015 ;(6):83

3. 2015 Hung MY. Innate immunity in Cardiology: Vessel and vale . Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination .2015 ;(6):68

4. 2012 Hung MY,Hsu KH,Hu WS,Chang NC,Hung MJ. Positive interactions between hemoglobin and high-sensitivity c-reactive protein in the development of coronary spasm in patients without obstructive coronary artery disease . Journal of the American College of Cardiology .2012 ;(59):365-365

5. 2012 Hung MY,Hsu KH,Hu WS,Chang NC,Hung MJ. Elevated C-Reactive Protein Levels Predict Prognosis and Interact With Diabetes and Hypertension in the Development of Coronary Spasm . Circulation .2012 ;(126):8994-8994

6. 2007 Hung MY,Hsu KH,Hung MJ,Cheng CW,Kuo LT,Cherng WJ. Interaction between Cigarette Smoking and High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in the Development of Coronary Vasospasm in Patients Without Hemodynamically Significant Coronary Artery Disease . Circulation .2007 ;(116):239

7. 2007 Cheng CW,Hung MY,Yang NI,Hung MJ,Cherng WJ. Role of coronary spasm for positive non-invasive stress test result in angina pectoris patients without hemodynamically significant coronary artery disease . Int J Cardiol .2007 ;(122):94


113 探討脂質代謝關鍵蛋白SCAP/SREBPs信號軸在巨噬細胞極化作用及對脂蛋白(a)引發冠狀動脈細胞痙攣的機制探討(2/3)

112 探討脂質代謝關鍵蛋白SCAP/SREBPs信號軸在巨噬細胞極化作用及對脂蛋白(a)引發冠狀動脈細胞痙攣的機制探討(1/3)

111 LPCAT4/GDE7信號軸作為治療冠狀動脈痙攣之標的: 致病機轉與藥物研發

110 CHRNA7-p38MAPKs axis發炎基因網絡在巨噬細胞極化作用及對脂蛋白(a)引發冠狀動脈細胞痙攣的機制探討(3/3)

109 CHRNA7-p38MAPKs axis發炎基因網絡在巨噬細胞極化作用及對脂蛋白(a)引發冠狀動脈細胞痙攣的機制探討(2/3)

108 CHRNA7-p38MAPKs axis發炎基因網絡在巨噬細胞極化作用及對脂蛋白(a)引發冠狀動脈細胞痙攣的機制探討(1/3)

105 焦慮, 憂鬱和冠狀動脈痙孿: 流行病學和實驗性研究

104 焦慮, 憂鬱和冠狀動脈痙孿的實驗性研究