江振源(Chiang, Chen-Yuan) 教授

現   職
內科學科 教授


學 歷

美國加州柏克萊大學School of Public Health 碩士
高雄醫學大學醫學系 學士




2018/08/01 ~


International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Director
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Dep. scientific activies consulant





1. 2023 Garcia-Marcos L,Chiang C-Y,Asher MI,Marks GB,El Sony A,Masekela R, Bissell K, Ellwood E, Ellwood P, Pearce N, et al. Asthma management and control in children, adolescents and adults: Global Asthma Network (GAN) phase I cross-sectional study . Lancet Global Health .2023 ;(11):e218-28

2. 2023 Chiang C-Y,Chen C-H,Feng J-Y,Chiang Y-J,Huang W-C,Lin Y-J, et al. Prevention and management of tuberculosis in solid organ transplantation: a consensus statement of the Transplantation Society of Taiwan . J Formos Med Assoc .2023

3. 2023 Langan SM,Mulick AR,Rutter CE,Silverwood RJ,Asher MI,García-Marcos L, Ellwood E, Bissell K, Chiang C-Y, et al. Trends in eczema prevalence in children and adolescents: A Global Asthma Network Phase One Study . Clinical and Experimental Allergy .2023

4. 2023 Incremental yield of serial sputum examinations in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Taiwan: findings of a pragmatic trial. . J Microbiol Immunol .2023

5. 2022 Hughes G,Bern H,Chiang C-Y,Goodall RL,Nunn AJ,Rusen I.D, Meredith S. ECG monitoring in STREAM Stage 1: Can we identify those at increased risk of QT prolongation? . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2022 ;(66):1065-1070

6. 2022 Garcia-Marcos L,Asher MI,Pearce N,Ellwood E,Bissell K,Chiang C-Y, El Sony A, Ellwood P, et al. The burden of asthma, hay fever and eczema in children in 25 countries : GAN Phase I . Eur Respir J .2022 ;(60):1-12

7. 2022 Kokebu DM,Ahmed S,Moodliar R,Chiang C-Y,Torrea G,Van Deun A, Goodall RL, Rusen ID, Meredith SK, Nunn AJ. Failure or relapse predictors for the STREAM Stage 1 short regimen for RR-TB. . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2022 ;(26):753-759

8. 2022 Hughes G,Bern H,Chiang C-Y,Goodall RL,Nunn AJ,Rusen I.D, Meredith S. QT prolongation in the STREAM Stage 1 trial . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2022 ;(26):334-340

9. 2022 Stolbrink M,Chinouya MJ,Jayasooria S,Nightingale R,Evans-Hil L,Allan K, Allen H, Balen J, Beacon T, Bissell K, Chakaya J, Chiang C-Y, Cohen M, Devereux G, El Sony A, Halpin DMG, Hurst J, Kiprop C, … Marks GB, Mortimer K. Improving access to affordable quality-assured inhaled medicines in low- and middle-income countries . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2022 ;(26):1023-1032

10. 2022 Chiang C-Y,Ellwood P,Ellwood E,García-Marcos L,Masekela R,Asher I, Badellino H, Sanz A B, Douros K, El Sony A, Diaz C G, Rodríguez M A, Moreno-Salvador A, Pérez-Martini L F, Filho Nelson R, Shpakou A, Sulaimanov S, Tavakol M, Valverde-Molina J, Yousef A A, Pearce N, The GAN COVID Study Group. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 among children with asthma: evidence from Global Asthma Network . Pediatr Allergy Immunol .2022 ;(33):1-9

11. 2022 Strachan DP,Rutter CE,Asher MI ,Bissell K ,Chiang C-Y,El Sony A, Ellwood E, Ellwood P, García-Marcos L, Marks G B, Morales E, Mortimer K, Pearce N, Pérez-Fernández V, Robertson S, Silverwood R J, the Global Asthma Network Phase I Study Group. Worldwide time trends in prevalence of symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis in children: Global Asthma Network Phase I. . Pediatr Allergy Immunol .2022 ;(33):1-12

12. 2022 Chiang C-Y,Chang J-H,Chuang H-C,Fan C-K,Hou T-Y,Lin C-L, Lee Y-L. Schisandrin B promotes Foxp3+ regulatory T cell expansion by activating heme oxygenase-1 in dendritic cells and exhibits immunomodulatory effects in Th2-mediated allergic asthma. . Eur J Pharmacology .2022 ;(918):1-12

13. 2022 Huang W-C,Lin C-B,Chien S-T,Wang J-Y,Lin C-J,Feng J-Y, Lee C-H, Shu C-C, Yu M-C, Lee J-J, Chiang C-Y. Performance of nucleic acid amplification tests in patients with presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis: a multi-centre, cross-sectional study in Taiwan . Infect Dis Ther .2022

14. 2022 Lazarchik A,Nyaruhirira A,Chiang C-Y,Wares F,Horsburgh C,Lazarchik A,Nyaruhirira A,Chiang Chen-Yuan,Wares F,Horsburgh C. Global availability of susceptibility testing for second-line antituberculosis agents . International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease .2022 ;(26):524-528

15. 2022 Chiang C-Y,Lin H-H,Fu H. Assessment of TB patient cost – what about the mitigation strategy? . INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS .2022 ;(26):1-4

16. 2022 Feng J-Y,Lin C-J,Wang J-Y,Chien S-T,Lin C-B ,Huang W-C, Lee C-H, Shu C-C, Yu M-C, Lee J-J, Chiang C-Y. Would nucleic acid amplification test reduce delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis? . Scientific Report .2022

17. 2022 Mortimer K,Lesosky M,García-Marcos L,Asher MI,Pearce N,Ellwood E, Bissell K, El Sony A, Ellwood P, Marks GB, Martínez-Torres A, Morales E, Perez-Fernandez V, Robertson S, Rutter C.E., Silverwood R.J., Strachan D.P., Chiang C-Y . The burden of asthma, hay fever and eczema in adults in 17 countries: GAN Phase I study . Eur Respir J .2022 ;(60):1-12

18. 2022 Chiang C-Y,Bissell K,Macé C,Perrin C,Marks G,Mortimer K, El Sony A, Aït-Khaled N, Enarson DA, Billo N. The Asthma Drug Facility and the future management of asthma . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2022 ;(26):388-391

19. 2022 Chiang C-Y,El Sony A,Beyers N,Fanning A,Marks GB,Rieder HL, Billo NE. Donald A Enarson . INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS .2022 ;(26):803-805

20. 2022 Goodall RL,Meredith SK,Nunn AJ,Bayissa A,Bhatnagar AK,Bronson G, Chiang C-Y, Conradie F, et al. Evaluation of two short standardised regimens for the treatment of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (STREAM stage 2): an open-label, multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority trial . Lancet .2022

21. 2021 Meghji J,Mortimer K,Agusti A,Allwood BW,Asher I,Bateman ED, Bissell K, Bolton CE, Bush A, Celli B, Chiang C-Y, Cruz AA, Dinh-Xuan A, et al. Improving lung health in low-income and middle-income countries: from challenges to solutions . Lancet .2021 ;(397):928-940

22. 2021 Asher MI,Rutter CE,Bissell K,Chiang C-Y,El Sony A,Ellwood E, Ellwood P, García-Marcos L, Marks G B, Morales E, Mortimer K, Pérez-Fernández V, Robertson S, Silverwood R J, Strachan D P, Pearce N, the Global Asthma Network Phase I Study Group. Is the worldwide burden of asthma symptoms in school children changing? Global Asthma Network Phase I: repeated cross-sectional studies. . The Lancet .2021 ;(398):1569-1580

23. 2020 Trebucq A,Decroo T,Van Deun A,Piubello A,Chiang CY,Koura KG, Schwoebel V. Short-Course Regimen for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Decade of Evidence . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2020 ;(9):1-12

24. 2020 Chiang C-Y,El Sony A. Tackling the threat of COVID-19 in Africa: an urgent need for practical planning . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2020 ;(24):541-2

25. 2020 Chiang C-Y,Trebucq A,Piubello A,Rieder HL,Schwoebel V,Van Deun A. The looming threat of bedaquiline resistance in tuberculosis . Eur Respir J .2020 ;(55):1-3

26. 2020 Narmandakh E,Tumenbayar O,Borolzoi T,Erkhembayar B,Boldoo T,Dambaa N, Burneebaatar B, Nyamdawa N, Mitarai S, Jav S, Chiang C-Y. Genetic Mutations Associated with Isoniazid Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Mongolia . Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy .2020 ;(64):1-7

27. 2020 Chiang C-Y. Green Light Committee and recommendations of World Health Organization . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2020 ;(24):873-4

28. 2020 Chiang C-Y,Bam TS. The impact of smoking on TB treatment outcomes includes recurrent TB . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2020 ;(24):1224-5

29. 2020 Phillips PPJ,Van Deun A,Ahmed S,Goodall RL,Meredith SK,Conradie F, Chiang C-Y, Rusen ID, Nunn AJ. Investigation of the efficacy of the short regimen for rifampicin-resistant TB from the STREAM trial . BMC Medicine .2020

30. 2020 Chiang C-Y,Islam T,,Xu C,Chinnayah T,Garfin AMC,Rahevar K, Raviglione M. The impact of COVID-19 and the restoration of tuberculosis services in the Western Pacific Region . Eur Respir J .2020 ;(56):1-3

31. 2019 Nunn AJ,Phillips PPJ,Meredith SK,Chiang C-Y,Conradie F,Dalai D, et al. A trial of a shorter regimen for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis. . N Engl J Med .2019 ;(380):1201-13

32. 2019 Asher MI,Bissell K,Chiang C-Y,El Sony A,Ellwood P,García-Marcos L, Marks G, Mortimer K, Pearce N, Strachan DP. Calling time on asthma deaths in tropical regions—how much longer must people wait for essential medicines? . Lancet Respiratory Medicine .2019

33. 2019 Harries AD,Schwoebel V,Monedero-Recuero I,Aung TK,Chadha S,Chiang C-Y, Conradie F, Dongo J-P, Heldal E, Jensen P, et al. Challenges and opportunities to prevent tuberculosis in people living with HIV in low-income countries . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2019 ;(23):241-251

34. 2019 Lee P-H,Chan P-C,Peng Y-T,Chu P-W,Wu M-H,Jou R, Yu M-C, Lin C-J, Huang Y-W, Chien S-T, Lee J-J, Chiang C-Y. Impact of universal drug susceptibility testing and effective management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Taiwan . PLoS One .2019 ;(14):1-10

35. 2019 Bissell K,Ellwood P,Ellwood E,Chiang C-Y,Marks GB,El Sony A, Asher I, Billo N, Perrin C. Essential Medicines at the National Level: The Global Asthma Network’s Essential Asthma Medicines Survey 2014 . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(16):1-15

36. 2019 Chan PC,Lee PH,Lu MJ,Huang YC,Feng TY,Chen WW, Lee CC, Huang YF, Chiang CY. Tolerability of rifapentine-based regimens in latent tuberculosis infection treatment in the elderly . European Respiratory Journal .2019 ;(53)

37. 2019 Van Deun A,Decroo T,Tahseen S,Trebucq A,Schwoebel V,Ortuno-Gutierrez N, de Jong BC, Rieder HL, Piubello A, Chiang C-Y. WHO 2018 treatment guidelines for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis: uncertainty, potential risks and the way forward . International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents .2019

38. 2019 Held K,McAnaw S,Chiang C-Y,Trebucq A,Horsburgh CR. Progress in global rollout of new multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatments . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2019

39. 2019 Chiang C-Y,Van Deun A,Trebucq A,Piubello A,Schwoebel V,Rieder HL. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis . Lancet .2019

40. 2019 Schwoebel V,Chiang C-Y,Trebucq A,Piubello A,Aıt-Khaled N,Koura KG, Heldal E, Van Deun A, Rieder HL. Outcome definitions for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treated with shorter treatment regimens . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2019 ;(23):619-624

41. 2018 Rusen ID,Chiang CY . Building the evidence base for shortened MDR-TB treatment regimens . International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease .2018 ;(22):1-1

42. 2018 Chiang C-Y,Trébucq A. Tuberculosis re-treatment after exclusion of rifampicin resistance . Eur Respir J .2018 ;(51):1-3

43. 2018 Yu M-C,Chiang, C-Y,Lee J-J,Chien S-T,Lin C-J,Lee S-W, Lin C-B, Yang W-T, Wu Y-H, Huang Y-W. Treatment outcomes of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Taiwan: tackling loss to follow-up . Clinical Infectious Diseases .2018

44. 2018 Chiang C-Y,Trébucq A,Piubello A,Rieder HL,Van Deun A. Should gatifloxacin be included in the model list of essential medicines? . Eur Respir J .2018 ;(51):1-2

45. 2018 Chiang C-Y,Bam T S. Should tobacco control intervention be implemented into tuberculosis control program? . Expert Rev Respir Med .2018

46. 2018 Lee M-C,Chiang C-Y,Lee C-H,Ho C-M,Chang C-H,Wang J-Y, Chen S-M. Metformin use is associated with a low risk of tuberculosis among newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus patients with normal renal function: A nationwide cohort study with validated diagnostic criteria. . PLoS One .2018

47. 2017 Van Deun A,Chiang C-Y. Shortened multidrug-resistant tuberculosis regimens overcome low-level fluoroquinolone resistance . Eur Respir J .2017 ;(49):1-3

48. 2017 Xu L,Chen J,Innes AL,Li L,Chiang C-Y. Prescription practice of anti-tuberculosis drugs in Yunnan, China: a clinical audit. . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):1-16

49. 2017 Heldal E,Van Deun A,Chiang C-Y,Rieder HL. Shorter regimens for multidrug-resistantbtuberculosis should also be applicable in Europe. . Eur Respir J .2017 ;(49):1-3

50. 2017 Chiang CY ,Lee CC ,Fan CK ,Huang HM ,Chiang BL,Lee YL. Osthole treatment ameliorates Th2-mediated allergic asthma and exerts immunomodulatory effects on dendritic cell maturation and function . Cellular and Molecular Immunology .2017 ;(14):935-947

51. 2016 Lee PH,Fu H,Lai T-C,Chiang C-Y,Chan C-C,Lin H-H. Glycemic control and the risk of tuberculosis: a cohort study . PLOS Med .2016 ;(13):1-15

52. 2016 Chiang C-Y,Van Deun A,Rieder HL. Gatifloxacin for short, effective treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosiss . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2016 ;(20):1143-1147

53. 2016 Bai K-J,Lee J-J,Chien S-T,Suk C-W,Chiang C-Y. The influence of smoking on pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetic and non-diabetic patients . PLoS ONE .2016 ;(11):1-12

54. 2016 Fox GJ,Mitnick CD,Benedetti A,Chan ED,Becerra M,Chiang C-Y, Keshavjee S, Koh W-J, Shiraishi Y, Viiklepp P, Yim J-J, Pasvol G, Robert J, Shim YT, Shi. Surgery as an adjunctive treatment for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis . Clin Infect Dis .2016 ;(62):887-895

55. 2016 Lo H-Y,Yang S-L,Lin H-H,Bai K-J,Lee J-J,Lee T-I, Chiang C-Y. Does enhanced diabetic management reduce the risk and improve the outcome of tuberculosis? . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2016 ;(20):376-382

56. 2016 Lai T-C,Chiang C-Y,Wu C-F,Yang S-L,Liu D-P,Chan C-C, Lin H-H. Ambient air pollution and risk of tuberculosis: a cohort study . Occup Environ Med .2016 ;(73):56-61

57. 2015 Chiang C-Y,Ait-Khaled N,Bissell K,Enarson DA. Management of asthma in resource limited settings: role of low cost corticosteroid/ beta-agonist combination inhaler . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2015 ;(19):129-136

58. 2015 Yew WW,Chiang C-Y,Lumb R,Islam T. Are pulmonary non-tuberculous mycobacteria of concern in the Western Pacific Region? . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2015 ;(19):499-500

59. 2015 Agodokpessi G,Aït-Khaled N,Gninafon M,Tawo L,Bekou W,Perrin C, Bissell K, Billo N, Enarson DA, Chiang C-Y. Assessment of a revolving drug fund for essential asthma medicines in Benin . Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice .2015 ;(8):1-8

60. 2015 Chiang C-Y,Bai K-J,Lin H-H,Chien S-T,Lee J-J,Enarson DA, Lee T-I, Yu M-C. The influence of diabetes, glycemic control, and diabetes-related comorbidities on pulmonary tuberculosis . PLoS ONE .2015 ;(10):1-15

61. 2015 Lin Y,Enarson DA,Chiang C-Y,Rusen ID. Patient delay in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in China: findings of case detection projects . Public Health Action .2015 ;(5):65-69

62. 2015 Islam T,Marais BJ,Nhung NV,Chiang C-Y,Yew WW,Yoshiyama T, Mira NR. Western Pacific Regional Green Light Committee: progress and way forward . Int J Infect Dis .2015 ;(32):161-165

63. 2015 Chiang C-Y,Yu M-C,Yang S-L,Yen M-Y,Bai K-J. Surveillance of tuberculosis in Taipei: the influence of nontuberculous mycobacteria . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):1-10

64. 2015 Chen C-C,Chiang C-Y,PanS-C,Wang J-Y,Lin H-H. Health system delay among patients with tuberculosis in Taiwan: 2003–2010. . BMC Infectious Diseases .2015 ;(15):1-9

65. 2015 Lin Y,Wang L,Qiu L,Huang Q,Shu Q,Lin H, Meng X, Zeng X, Xiao L, Bam TS, Chiang C-Y. A smoking cessation intervention among tuberculosis patients in rural China . Public Health Action .2015 ;(5):183-187

66. 2015 Bam TS,Aditama TY,Chiang C-Y,Rubeah R,Suhaemi A. Smoking cessation and smokefree environments for tuberculosis patients in Indonesia- a cohort study. . BMC Public Health .2015 ;(15):1-8

67. 2014 Lumbani Makwakwa,Mei-ling Sheu,Chen-Yuan Chiang,Shoei-Loong Lin,Peter W Chang. Patient and health system delays in the diagnosis and treatment of new and retreatment pulmonary tuberculosis cases in Malawi . BMC Infectious Diseases .2014 ;(14):1-9

68. 2014 Wen-Yueh Hung,Ming-Chih Yu,Yi-Chun Chiang,Jer-Hwa Chang,Chen-Yuan Chiang,Chih-Cheng Chang, Hsiao-Chi Chuang, Kuan-Jen Bai. Serum Concentration of Cycloserine and Outcome of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Northern Taiwan . The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease .2014 ;(18):601-606

69. 2014 Lin H-H,Suk C-W,Lo H-L,Huang R-Y,Enarson D A,Chiang C-Y. Indoor air pollution from solid fuel and tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis . The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease .2014 ;(18):613-621

70. 2014 Chiang C-Y,Lee J-J,Chien S-T,Enarson DA,Chang Y-C,Chen Y-T, Hu T-Y, Lin C-B, Suk C-W, Tao J-M, Bai K-J. Glycemic control and radiographic manifestations of tuberculosis in diabetic patients . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):1-9

71. 2013 Chiang CY,Van Deun A. Rapid diagnosis of rifampicin resistance – who needs confirmation? . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2013 ;(17):2-2

72. 2013 Wu MH,Chiang CY,Deng YM,Wang TF,Yu CY,Jou R. Proficiency of Drug Susceptibility Testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Taiwan, 2007-2011 . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2013 ;(17):113-119

73. 2013 Hsu AH,Lee JJ,Chiang CY,Li YH,Chen LK,Lin CB. Diabetes is associated with drug-resistant tuberculosis in Eastern Taiwan . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2013 ;(17):354-356

74. 2013 Chiang CY,Van Deun A,Enarson DA. Bad drug-resistant tuberculosis programme is worse than no programme: time for a change . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2013 .2013 ;(17):714-718

75. 2013 Chiang CY,Van Weezenbeek C,Mori T,Enarson DA. Challenges to the global control of tuberculosis . Respirology .2013 ;(18):596-604

76. 2012 Chen YT,Lee JJ,Chiang CY,Yang GG,Tsai YC,Lee YS, Lin CB. Effective interventions and decline of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in Eastern Taiwan, 2004-2008. . PLoS ONE .2012 ;(7):1-6

77. 2012 Chiang CY,Bissell K,Perrin C. Are national asthma programmes needed in resource-limited settings? . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2012 ;(16):572-572

78. 2012 Kan X,Chiang CY,Enarson DA,RAo H,Chen Q,Aït-Khaled N. Asthma as a hidden disease in rural China: opportunities and challenges of standard case management . PHA .2012 ;(2):87-91

79. 2012 Chiang CY,Yu MC,Shih HC,Yen MY,Hsu YL,Yang SL. Improved consistency in dosing anti-tuberculosis drugs in Taipei, Taiwan. . PLoS ONE .2012 ;(7):1-7

80. 2012 Ahuja SD,Ashkin D,Avendano M,Banerjee R,Bauer M,Bayona JN, Becerra MC,…Chiang CY. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment regimens and patient outcomes: an Individual Patient Data (IPD) Meta-Analysis of 9153 patients . PLoS Med .2012 ;(9):1-16

81. 2012 Kan XH,Zhang LX,Yang JA,Zhang J,Chiang CY. Mobilizing elementary and secondary school students for tuberculosis case finding in Anhui, China . PHA .2012 ;(2):152-156

82. 2011 Lo H-Y,Yang S-L,Chou P,Chuang J-H,Chiang C-Y. Completeness and timeliness of tuberculosis notification in Taiwan . BMC Public Health .2011 ;(11):1-9

83. 2011 Chiang C-Y,Chee CBE. The year in review, Part II. What new knowledge about tuberculosis did we gain through the IJTLD? . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2011 ;(15):1598-1607

84. 2011 Kan X,Chiang C-Y,Enarson DA,Chen W,Yang J,Chen G. Indoor solid fuel use and tuberculosis in China: a matched case-control study . BMC Public Health .2011 ;(11):1-7

85. 2011 Gninafon M,Ade G,Aït-Khaled N,Enarson DA,Chiang C-Y. Exposure to combustion of solid fuel and tuberculosis: a matched case-control study . Eur Respir J .2011 ;(38):132-138

86. 2011 Chiang C-Y,Bai K-J,Enarson DA,Suo J,Luh K-T. In reply to `Prescriptions for tuberculosis treatment: get it right the first time' . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2011 ;(15):567-568

87. 2011 Trebucq A,Enarson D A,Chiang C-Y,Van Deun A,Harries A D,Boillot F. Xpert ® MTB/RIF for national tuberculosis programmes in low-income countries: when, where and how? . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2011 ;(15):1567-1571

88. 2011 Chiang C-Y,Van Deun A,Trébucq A,Heldal E,Caminero JA,Aït-Khaled N. Treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: definition of the outcome “failure” . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2011 ;(15):4-5

89. 2011 Hinderaker SG,Rusen ID,Chiang C-Y,Lin Y,Heldal E,Enarson DA. The FIDELIS initiative: Innovative strategies for increased case finding. . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2011 ;(15):71-76

90. 2010 Huang H-Y,Tsai Y-S,Lee J-J,Chiang M-C,Chiang C-Y,Lin N-T. Mixed Infection with Beijing and Non-Beijing Strains and Drug Resistance Pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. . J Clin Microbiol .2010 ;(48):4474-4480

91. 2010 Hsu A-H,Lin C-B,Lee Y-S,Chiang C-Y,Chen L-K,Lee J-J. Molecular Epidemiology of Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Eastern Taiwan . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2010 ;(14):924-926

92. 2010 Chiang C-Y,Schaaf HS. Management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2010 ;(14):672-682

93. 2010 Chiang C-Y,Centis R,Migliori GB. Drug-resistant tuberculosis: Past, present, and future. . Respirology .2010 ;(15):413-32

94. 2010 Slama K,Chiang C-Y,Hinderaker SG,Bruce N,Vedal S,Enarson DA. Indoor solid fuel combustion and tuberculosis: is there an association? . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2010 ;(14):6-14

95. 2010 Gninafon M,Ade G,Aït-Khaled N,Enarson DA,Chiang C-Y. Exposure to combustion of solid fuel and tuberculosis: a matched case-control study . Eur Respir J ERJ Express. Published on October 28, 2010 as doi: 10.1183/09031936.00104610 .2010

96. 2010 Chiang C-Y,Bai K-J,Lee C-N,Enarson DA,Suo J,Luh K-T. Inconsistent dosing of anti-tuberculosis drugs in Taipei . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2010 ;(14):878-883

97. 2009 Chiang C-Y,Lee J-J,Yu M-C,Enarson DA,Lin T-P,Luh K-T. Tuberculosis outcomes in Taipei: factors associated with treatment interruption for 2 months and death . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2009 ;(13):105-111

98. 2009 Chiang C-Y,Lee J-J,Yu M-C,Bai K-J,Lin T-P,Luh K-T. Tuberculosis-related deaths without treatment . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2009 ;(13):1563-1565

99. 2009 Chiang C-Y,Yew WW. Multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis .2009 ;(13):304-311


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112 東台灣結核傳播之分子流行病學研究

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