莊宇慧(Chuang, Yeu-Hui) 教授

現   職
護理學系 教授


學 歷

Queensland University of TechnologySchool of Nursing 博士
Southeastern UniversityComputer Science 碩士
University of Maryland at BaltimoreSchool of Nursing 碩士
臺北醫學院護理學系 學士




2016/12/01 ~


中華醫事科技大學 護理系助理教授
中華醫事科技大學 護理系講師
中華醫事科技大學 護理系講師
奇美醫院 院長室專員
University of Maryland at Baltimore School of Nursing研究助理
稻江護理家事職業學校 護理科臨床指導教授





1. 2024 Chuang YH,Wang CC,Hsiao CY,Lu CY,Wu JC,Hou WH. Experiences and perspectives related to shared decision-making among outpatients with degenerative joint disease in Taiwan: A qualitative study . BMJ Open .2024 ;(0):0-0

2. 2024 Chen HW,Cheng SF,Hsiung Y,Chuang YH ,Liu TYL,Kuo C. Training perinatal nurses in palliative communication by using scenario-based simulation: A quasi-experimental study . Nurse Education in Practice .2024 ;(0):0-0

3. 2023 YH. Sleep quality in family caregivers of persons living with dementia. . Journal of Nursing Research .2023 ;(31):e298

4. 2023 Susanty S,Sufriyana H,Su ECY,Chuang YH. Questionnaire-free machine-learning method to predict depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults . PLos One .2023 ;(18):e0280330

5. 2023 Pranata S,Wu SFV,Wang TJT,Liang SY,Bistara DN,Chuang YH, Lu KC. Effects of the tailored intervention program in lowering blood glucose levels and diabetes distress among patients with diabetes in Indonesia: A randomized controlled trial . Jurnal Ners .2023 ;(18):71-79

6. 2023 Pranata S,Wu SFV,Wang TJT,Liang SY,Bistara DN,Chuang YH, Lu KC, Atmaja HK. A pilot test for implementing precision healthcare programme in patients with diabetes in Indonesia . Scripta Medica .2023 ;(54):61-67

7. 2023 Chen LF,Chang HC,Cai ZC,Chen YJ,Hsu WL,Chuang YH, Lee SC, Huang HC . Community-based exercise and nutritional interventions to improve frailty syndrome among older adults: A quasi-experimental study . Geriatric Nursing .2023 ;(51):222-231

8. 2023 Nguyen TV,Kuo CL,Wang CY,Le NT,Nguyen MT,Chuang YH. Assessment of the psychometric properties of the Vietnamese version of the critical thinking disposition scale . Nurse Education Today .2023 ;(127):105848-105848

9. 2023 Yu TY,Huang TW,Huang HC,Li SY,Chuang YH. Effects of an interactive e-book on enhancing nursing students' knowledge, confidence, and learning self-efficacy of nursing skills: A randomized controlled trial . Nurse Educator .2023 ;(0):00-00

10. 2023 Liang W,Wu D,Chuang YH,Fan YC,Chiu HY. Insomnia complaints correlated with higher risk of cognitive impairment in older adults following stroke: A national representative comparison study . Sleep and Biological Rhythms .2023 ;(0):00-00

11. 2023 Pranata, S,Wu, SFV,Wang, TJT,Liang, SY,Chuang,YH,Lu, KC . Effectiveness of tailored care program on diabetes self-care activity, risk of cardiovascular disease and HbA1C among patients with diabetes in Indonesia: A randomized controlled tria . The Malaysian Journal of Nursing .2023 ;(15):12-21

12. 2023 NGUYEN TV,TANG MF,KUO SY,Hu SH,CHUANG YH. Nursing students' critical thinking and the associated factors in Vietnam: A multicenter cross-sectional study . Nurse Education in Practice .2023 ;(73):10823-10823

13. 2022 Huang PH,Wang SY,Hu SH,Chuang YH. Older residents' perceptions of loneliness in long-term care facilities: A qualitative study . International Journal of Mental Health Nursing .2022 ;(31):601-610

14. 2022 Susanti HD,Sonko I,Chang PC,Chuang YH,Chung MH. Effects of yoga on menopausal symptoms and sleep quality across menopause statuses: A randomized controlled trial . Nursing & Health Sciences .2022

15. 2022 Susanty S,Chung MH,Chiu HY,Chi MJ,Hu SH,Kuo CL, Chuang YH. Prevalence of loneliness and associated factors among community-dwelling older adults in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):1-11

16. 2022 Pranata S,Wu SFV,Wang TJT, Liang SY,Chuang YH,Lu KC, Khoiriyah K. Discovering elements and developing strategies to implement the tailored care education for patients with diabetes through a systematic review . Nurse Media Journal of Nursing .2022 ;(12):75-87

17. 2022 Lai MH,Tzeng CY,Chuang YH,Chang PC,Chung MH. Coping with the experience of bad sleep and fatigue associated with the nursing clinical practicum . Internatinal Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):7479-7479

18. 2022 Chang YS,Hu S,Kuo SW,Chang KM,Kuo CL,Nguyen TV, Chuang YH. Effects of board game play on nursing students' medication knowledge: A randomized controlled trial . Nurse Education in Practice .2022 ;(0):00-00

19. 2022 Su HC,Hu SH,Chi MJ,Lin YK,Wang CY,Nguyen TV, Chuang YH. Prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated factors among foreign caregivers: A cross-sectional study . Nursing Open .2022

20. 2022 Vo NT,Chiu HY,Chuang YH,Huang HC. Prevalence of stress and anxiety among nursing students: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Nurse educator .2022

21. 2022 Wang SY,Chuang YH,Liu JF,Chang YY. Families of patients with cancer responses and actions to people with cancer who use complementary and alternative medicine: A qualitative study in Taiwan . Holistic Nursing Practice .2022 ;(36):363-371

22. 2021 Chuang YH,Chiu YC,Wu LL,Huang HC,Hu S. A qualitative exploration of the experiences of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists regarding medication management in outpatient setting . Journal of Nursing Management .2021 ;(29):333-341

23. 2021 Ni CH,Wei L,Wu CC,Lin CH,Chou PY,Chuang YH, Kao CC. Machine-based hand massage ameliorates pre-operative anxiety in patients awaiting ambulatory surgery . Journal of Nursing Research .2021 ;(29):e152-e152

24. 2021 Lee MC,Wu SFV,Lu KC,Liu CY,Liang, SY,Chuang YH. Effectiveness of a self-management program in enhancing quality of life, self-care, and self-efficacy in patients with hemodialysis: A quasi-experimental design . Seminars in Dialysis .2021 ;(0):00-00

25. 2021 Ho MH,Chu FH,Lin YF,Jed Montayre,Chuang YH,Liu MF, Chang CC. Factors associated with comfort as perceived by older people living in long-term care facilities . Collegian .2021 ;(0):00-00

26. 2021 Chao YC,Hu S,Chiu HY,Huang PH,Tsai HT ,Chuang YH. The effects of an immersive 3d interactive video program on improving student nurses' nursing skill competence: A randomized controlled trial study . Nurse Education Today .2021 ;(103):104979-104979

27. 2021 Huang PH,Chi MJ,Kuo CL,Wu SFV,Chuang YH. Prevalence of loneliness and related factors among older adults in Taiwan: Evidence from a nationally representative survey . INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing .2021 ;(0):00-00

28. 2021 Ho MH,Lee YW,Wang MH,Lin YF,Chang HCR,Lin YK, Chuang YH, Liu MF, Chang CC, Montayre J. Screening malnutrition in long-term care facility: A cross-sectional study comparing Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and Minimum Data Set (MDS) . Collegian .2021

29. 2021 Chuang YH,Chen YT,Kuo CL. 聊天機器人於臨床護理教育的設計與運用 . 護理雜誌 .2021 ;(68):19-24

30. 2020 陳美娟,李碧霞,莊宇慧,林碧珠. 探討基層護理人員參加臨床專業能力進階動機、壓力、滿意度與相關影響因素 . 新台北護理期刊 .2020 ;(22):1-12

31. 2020 Liu CJ,Chiu HY,Chuang YH,Lin KC,Huang HC. The effects of mobile health interventions on improving glycemic control and quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes: A meta-analysis . Research in Nursing Health. .2020 ;(0):00-00

32. 2020 Wei L,Wen YT,Thompson HJ,Liu CY,Su YL,Chen PY, Chen CY, Chuang YH, Lin YJ, Chen CT, Chen CC, Chiu HT, Chiu HY. Sleep disturbances following traumatic brain injury in older adults: A comparison study . Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation .2020

33. 2020 Ni CH,Guo SL,Chao CY,Wang CH, Susanty S,Chuang YH. Nurses' late-life depression knowledge and attitudes towards depression: A cross-sectional study . INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing .2020 ;(57):1-6

34. 2020 Muslih M,Chiu WC,Chuang YH,Chung MH. Psychometric properties of the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) Scale in Indonesia . Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal .2020 ;(0):00-00

35. 2020 Lee CC,Tseng HC,Wu LP,Chuang YH. Multiple brief training sessions to improve nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and confidence regarding nursing care of older adults with depression in long-term care facilities . Research in Nursing & Health .2020 ;(43):114-121

36. 2019 Kuo CL,Wang SY,Tsai CH,Pan YF,Chuang YH. Nurses' perceptions regarding providing psychological care for older residents in long-term care facilities: A qualitative study . International Journal of Older People Nursing .2019 ;(14):e12242-e12242

37. 2019 高薇淇,郭麗敏,莊宇慧. 淺談失智症遊戲 . 護理雜誌 .2019 ;(66):101-106

38. 2018 郭倩琳,莊宇慧. Kahoot於教學的運用與成效 . 護理雜誌 .2018 ;(65):13-19

39. 2018 Wang SY,Hsieh CY,Chuang YH,Chen HH. Ischemic stroke patients’decision-making process in their use of western medicine and alternative and complementary medicine . Holistic Nursing Practice .2018 ;(32):17-26

40. 2018 Chen IH,Lin KY,Hu SH,Chuang YH,Long OO,Chang CC, Liu MF. Palliative care for advanced dementia: Knowledge and attitudes of long-term care staff . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2018 ;(27):848-858

41. 2018 Hu SH,Chuang YH,Ting YF,Lin KY,Hsieh CJ. Prevalence of depressive symptoms in older nursing home residents with intact cognitive functions in Taiwan . Research in Nursing & Health .2018 ;(41):292-300

42. 2018 Chuang YH,Lai FC,Chang CC,Wan HT. Effects of a skill demonstration video delivered by smartphone on facilitating nursing students' skill competencies and self-confidence: A randomized controlled trial study . Nurse Education Today .2018 ;(66):63-68

43. 2018 Chuang YH,Kuo LM. Nurses’ confidence in providing and managing care for older persons with depressive symptoms or depression in long‐term care facilities: A national survey . International Journal of Mental Health Nursing .2018 ;(27):1767-1775

44. 2017 Chen HC,Chuang TY,Lin PC,Lin YK,Chuang YH. Effects of messages delivered by mobile phone on increasing compliance with shoulder exercises among patients with a frozen shoulder . Journal of Nursing Scholarship .2017 ;(49):429-437

45. 2017 Anh DTT,Shih YW,Miao NF,Liao YM,Chuang YH,Chang HJ, Huang HC, Tsai HT. Differences of self-management in controlling blood pressure between patients with hypertension and healthy people in Vietnam . POJ Nursing Practice & Research .2017 ;(1):1-8

46. 2017 Hu SH,Yang ZL,Chuang YH,Liu, MF. Registered nurses’ knowledge of medical care for older adults with diabetes in long-term care facilities in Taiwan . Collegian .2017 ;(25):271-275

47. 2017 呂淑卿,李碧霞,謝湘俐,莊宇慧. 血液透析患者動靜脈瘻管阻塞原因及預防與居家照護 . 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 .2017 ;(0):0-0

48. 2017 Lee PH,Chuang YH,Chen SR,Fang CL,Lai HR,Lee PI. Perspectives of brisk walking among middle-aged and older persons in community: A qualitative study . Collegian .2017 ;(24):147-153

49. 2017 Yeh YC,St John W,Chuang YH,Huang YP. The care needs of postpartum women taking their first time of doing the month: A qualitative study . Contemporary Nurse .2017 ;(53):576-588

50. 2016 Chi MJ,Shyu ML,Wang SY,Chuang HC,Chuang YH. Nursing students' willingness to care for older adults in Taiwan . Journal of Nursing Scholarship .2016 ;(48):172-178

51. 2015 Chen SH,Cheng SY,Chuang YH,Shao JH. Nutritional status and its health-related factors among older adults in rural and urban areas . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2015 ;(71):42-53

52. 2015 Chuang YH,Abbey J,Yeh YC,Tseng IJ,Liu MF. As they see it: A qualitative study of how older residents in nursing homes perceive their care needs . Collegian .2015 ;(22):43-51

53. 2015 Shao JH,Chuang, YH,Chen, SH. A multi-perspective focus-group approach to revise items in a dietary self-efficacy scale for older Taiwanese adults . Collegain .2015 ;(22):83-94

54. 2014 Huang HT,Chuang YH,Hsueh YH,Lin PC,Lee BO,Chen CH. Depression in older residents with stroke living in long-term care facilities . The Journal of Nursing Research .2014 ;(22):111-118

55. 2014 Tu HY,Shao JH,Wu FJ,Chen SH,Chuang YH. Stressors and coping strategies of 20-45-year-old hemodialysis patients . Collegian .2014 ;(21):185-192

56. 2014 Liu WI,Liang SY,Wu SF,Chuang YH. Hand hygiene compliance among the nursing staff in freestanding nursing homes in Taiwan: A preliminary study . International Journal of Nursing Practice .2014 ;(20):46-52

57. 2014 蔡惠如,莊宇慧,王守玉,黃玉苹,蘇淑芬. 照顧一位初次腦中風病患接受血栓溶解劑治療及處置併發症的護理經驗 . 領導護理 .2014 ;(15):49-59

58. 2013 梁淑媛,蔡秀鸞,莊宇慧,吳淑芳,童恆新,王采芷, 李慧貞. 淺談自我效能信念及測量工具 . 馬偕護理雜誌 .2013 ;(7):7-12

59. 2013 Liang SY,Chen KP,Tsay SL,Wu SF,Chuang YH,Wang TJ, Tung HH, Cheng SF. Relationship between belief about analgesics, analgesic adherence and pain experience in Taiwanese cancer outpatients . Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention .2013 ;(14):823-826

60. 2013 Chuang YH,Chung MH,Liu WI. Case management knowledge and preparedness among public health nurses . The Journal of Nursing Research .2013 ;(21):289-296

61. 2013 Liang SY,Wang TJ,Wu SF,Tsao TC,Chuang YH,Tsay SL, Tung, HH, Lee MD. Gender differences associated with pain intensity and treatment in Taiwanese oncology outpatients . Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention .2013 ;(14):4077-4082

62. 2013 Chuang YH,Taso, CW. Enhancing nursing students' medication knowledge: The effect of learning materials delivered by short message service . Computers & Education .2013 ;(61):168-175

63. 2012 Wu SFV,Lee MC,Liang SY,ChuangYH,LuYY,Wu MP. Self-efficacy, professional commitment, and job satisfaction of diabetic medical care personnel . Contemporary Nurse .2012 ;(43):39-47

64. 2012 吳淑芳,李玉禪,李梅琛,莊宇慧,余仁龍. 糖尿病憂鬱之評估與處置 . 台灣醫學 .2012 ;(16):425-431

65. 2012 梁淑媛,莊宇慧,吳淑芳. 內容分析技巧在護理質性資料之初步應用 . 護理雜誌 .2012 ;(59):84-90

66. 2011 黃惠子,莊宇慧,黃美智. 護理人員處理身體約束的倫理困境 . 台灣生命倫理學刊 .2011 ;(1):23-34

67. 2010 Chuang, YH,Cheng, HR,Yang, YS,Fang, MC,Chen, YP. The effects of a Web-based supplementary program for facilitating nursing students' basic nursing skills . CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing .2010 ;(28):305-310

68. 2009 Huang, HT,Chuang, YH,Chiang, KF. Nurses' physical restraint knowledge, attitudes, and practices: The effectiveness of in-service education program . The Journal of Nursing Research .2009 ;(17):241-248

69. 2009 Chuang, YH,Abbey, J. The culture of a Taiwanese nursing home . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2009 ;(18):1640-1648

70. 2007 Chuang, YH,Huang, HT. Nurses' feelings and thoughts about using physical restraints on hospitalized elderly patients . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2007 ;(16):486-494

71. 2005 莊宇慧,Jennifer Abbey. 民族誌與護理研究 . 護理雜誌 .2005 ;(52):49-56

72. 2005 黃惠子,莊宇慧,陳秋燕,李碧娥,藺寶珍. 住院老人對身體約束的經驗感受 . 實證護理 .2005 ;(1):123-131

73. 2004 莊宇慧,洪芸櫻. 護理資訊學--護理的新領域 . 護理雜誌 .2004 ;(51):59-64

74. 2003 莊宇慧,莊宇雯. 在職進修二技護理系之護理人員對電腦的態度及相關因素之探討 . 醫護科技期刊 .2003 ;(5):71-84

75. 2002 莊宇慧. 日落症候群及其護理措施 . 慈濟護理雜誌 .2002 ;(1):28-33

76. 2002 黃惠子,莊宇慧. 身體約束替代措施的臨床運用 . 長庚護理雜誌 .2002 ;(13):352-358

77. 1997 莊宇慧. 老年護理的衛教策略 . 護理雜誌 .1997 ;(44):93-97

1. 2024 PH,YH ,MF. The association of multimorbidity, functional limitations and loneliness in older adults: A Nationwide longitudinal study. . 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars .2024

2. 2024 YC,YH. The preferences of virtual natural landscapes among older adults in the long-term care facilities. . 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars .2024

3. 2023 Yu, TY,Chuang, YH. Is it better for nursing students to learn nursing skills through an interactive e-book than a textbook? . 2023 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars .2023

4. 2023 Hu HL,Chuang YH. Nursing assistants' empathy in long-term care facilities . 2023 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars .2023

5. 2023 CK,YH. The introspective process of expectant mothers COVID-19 before, during and after labor . 12th SDG3 of Taiwan Good Health and Well-being .2023

6. 2023 CY,CH,CW,R,YH. Does ageism exist among nurses toward older people? . The 39th Annual Nursing Research Conference .2023

7. 2023 TV, YH. Reliability and validity testing of the Vietnamese version of the Critical Thinking Self-Assessment scale . The 5th Asian Congress in Nursing Education .2023

8. 2023 YC,YH. Which relaxation strategies are effective in reducing stress levels in older adults ? . 2023 TMU—APAMI Joint International Conference: Metaverse and Smart Technologies for Innovations in Medical/Nursing Education and Practice .2023

9. 2023 TV,YH. Mediating role of the critical thinking disposition in the relationship between self-efficacy in learning and performance and the critical thinking skill in Vietnamese nursing students . 2023 TMU—APAMI Joint International Conference: Metaverse and Smart Technologies for Innovations in Medical/Nursing Education and Practice .2023

10. 2023 CY,CH,CW,R,YH. Ageism among nurses in acute care settings . 2023 TMU—APAMI Joint International Conference: Metaverse and Smart Technologies for Innovations in Medical/Nursing Education and Practice .2023

11. 2022 PH Huang,Ni CH,Chuang YH. Prevalence of dual vision and hearing impairment and its association with loneliness in older adults . The 7th International Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science .2022

12. 2019 Chao YC,Chuang YH,Huang PH,Chiu HY,Hu SHL,Wu KC. Can nursing students learn nursing skills through virtual reality? . 2019 AAPINA & TWNA joint International Conference .2019

13. 2018 Huang LC,Chuang YH,Hu SH,Kuo LM. Nurse practitioners' perceptions about their jobs in Taiwan . 21st East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars & 11th International Nursing Conferences, Seoul, Korea .2018

14. 2018 Chuang YH. Nurses’ feelings and thoughts about older residents' psychological care in long-term care facilities . 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway .2018

15. 2017 Chuang YH. Knowledge and attitudes about late-life depression among nurses in long-term care facilities . 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands .2017

16. 2016 Hsu CY,Lin KY,Chuang YH. Knowledge and attitudes towards dementia among nursing students . The 2nd Asian Congress in Nursing Education, Tainan, Taiwan .2016

17. 2016 Chuang YH,Lin KY. Prevalence of depression and associated factors among cognitively intact older residents in nursing homes . International Social Science and Education Research Conference, Paris, France .2016

18. 2015 Chuang YH. The effects of learning materials delivered by smartphone on enhancing students' nursing skills and confidence: A pilot study . 2015 International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, Tokyo, Japan .2015

19. 2014 Chuang YH,Hu S,Chang CC,YYC,L MF,Tseng IJ. Self-Confidence in Applying Basic Nursing Skills among Students . 35th International Association for Human Caring Conference. Kyoto, Japan. .2014

20. 2014 Hsu TH,Hu SH,Chuang YH,Wang PJ. Applied abdominal massage on improving constipation in nursing home residents . 2nd International Home Care Nurses Orgnization, Singapore .2014

21. 2014 Chunag YH,Chi MJ. Sexual knowledge and attitudes toward older adults among nursing students . The Asia-Pacific Nursing Research Conference, Taipei , Taiwan .2014

22. 2012 Chuang YH. Did nurses and nursing assistants in nursing homes clean their hands? 23rd International Nursing Research Congress, Brisbane, Australia. . .2012

23. 2012 Lee PH,Chuang YH,Lai HR,Fang CL. Brisk walking: The perspectives of the middle-aged and the older persons. 23rd International Nursing Research Congress, Brisbane, Australia. . .2012

24. 2011 Chaung YH,Tsao CW,Chen YY. Is it possible for nursing students to enhance their medication knowledge via mobile phone short message service? A preliminary study . 3rd International conference on education and new learning technologies, Barcelona, Spain. .2011

25. 2010 Chuang,YH,Huang, HT. The psychological care needs of the older residents in the nursing homes. . The International Conference of 4th Asian Congress of Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan. .2010

26. 2009 莊宇慧. 護理之家老人住民之照護需求:護理人員的觀點 . 97學年教育部研究獎助計畫成果發表會。台南:中華醫事科技大學。 .2009

27. 2009 Chuang, YH. What do the elderly residents need? From nurses' perspectives. . 24th Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International. Singapore. .2009

28. 2009 Chuang, YH,Cheng, HR,Yang, YS,Fang, MC,Chen, YP. Does the online learning program enhance nursing students’ nursing skills? . 20th International Conference to Celebrate 20 Years of Excellence, Empowering Nursing through Excellent Practice and Leadership, Taipei, Taiwan. .2009

29. 2008 Huang, HT,Chuang, YH,Lee, BO. The effectiveness of in-service education program on nurses' knowledge, attitudes and practices of using physical restraints. . 19th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice conference. Singapore. .2008

30. 2006 Chuang, YH,Abbey, J.,Thornton, R.. he elderly residents’ care needs in a Taiwanese nursing home: An ethnographic study. . 7th International Interdisciplinary Conference Advances in Qualitative Methods, Gold Coast, Australia. .2006

31. 2005 Huang, HT,Chuang, YH,Chen, CY,Lee, BO,Lin, PC. Perceptions of physical restraints among hospitalized elderly. . 23th ICN Quadrennial Congress. Taipei, Taiwan. .2005

32. 2005 Huang, HT,Chuang, YH,Chen, CY,Lee, BO,Lin, PC. Perceptions of physical restraints among hospitalized elderly. . 21th Annual Nursing Research Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. .2005

33. 2004 Chuang, YH,Abbey, J,Thornton, R.. hat are the elderly residents’ care needs in Taiwan nursing homes? . 3rd National Conference for Emerging Researchers in Ageing, Brisbane, Australia. .2004

34. 2000 張文芸,李引玉,林慧玲,莊宇慧. 理之家護理人員對於認知障礙老人問題行為相關處置與學習需求之現況分析。 . 於中華民國護理學會,第十七次護理研究論文發表會暨兩岸醫護學術交流論文集‧高雄:高雄醫學院。 .2000

1. 2011 Chuang YH. 出入院護理 . 於王月琴等著,基本護理學(pp.18~1-18~52),第五版。台北:永大 .2011

2. 2011 Chuang YH. 老年人護理評估 . 於徐亞瑛校閱,老年護理學(pp.5~1-5~26),第三版。台北:華騰。 .2011

3. 2009 莊宇慧. 出入院護理 . 於王月琴等著,基本護理學(pp.18~1-18~45),第四版。台北:永大。 .2009

4. 2006 莊宇慧. 出入院護理 . 於王月琴等著,基本護理學 (pp.17~1-17~23),第三版。台北:永大。 .2006

5. 2002 莊宇慧. 老年人護理評估 . 於徐亞瑛校閱,老年護理學 (pp.4~1-4~33),第三版。台北:華騰。 .2002


113 虛擬自然景觀影像建置及改善長照機構住民身心健康之成效探討(2/3)

112 長者對於不同字體衛教單張的閱讀成效 及喜好程度之探討

112 虛擬自然景觀影像建置及改善長照機構住民身心健康之成效探討(1/3)

112 貴機構依本會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:護理學研究所博士班Nuzul Sri Hertanti君)

111 台灣外籍研究生的心理健康及相關因素探討

110 應屆畢業護生老年歧視程度與行為之探討

110 撫觸療法改善長照機構老年住民心理健康及相關指標之成效探討

109 運用互動式電子書提升護生技術知能及自我效能之成效探討

109 Tactile?massage改善長照機構老年住民孤寂、焦慮及憂鬱之成效探討

107 運用桌遊教導護生藥物知識之成效探討

106 虛擬實境教材強化護生護理技術知能之成效探討

106 運用ADDIE模式發展教育方案強化長期照護機構護理人員之老年憂鬱知能(3/3)

105 運用ADDIE模式發展教育方案強化長期照護機構護理人員之老年憂鬱知能(2/3)

105 運用ADDIE模式發展教育方案強化長期照護機構護理人員之老年憂鬱知能(2/3)

104 運用ADDIE模式發展教育方案強化長期照護機構護理人員之老年憂鬱知能(1/3)

104 運用ADDIE模式發展教育方案強化長期照護機構護理人員之老年憂鬱知能(1/3)

103 臨床護理人員老年憂鬱知識程度及其影響因素

102 護生對失智症知識及態度的探討

102 行動學習教材強化護生基本護理技術能力及自信之成效探討

102 行動學習教材強化護生基本護理技術能力及自信之成效探討

99 以m-learning強化護生藥物知識之成效探討