葉志清(Yeh, Chih-Ching) 教授

現   職
公共衛生學系 主任
公共衛生學科 主任
應用流行病學碩士學位學程 主任
應用流行病學碩士學位學程 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學環境衛生研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學公共衛生研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學公共衛生學系 學士




2024/08/01 ~
2024/08/01 ~
2021/08/01 ~
2021/02/01 ~
2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
2018/04/01 ~ 2021/01/31


Columbia University U.S.A. Postdoctoral Research Scientist





1. 2024 Su FH,Su MJ,Yu MZ,Maliko M,Yeh CC.. Association of Cognitive Impairment With Chronic Viral Hepatitis Among Older Adults in Taiwan . The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2024 ;(32):180-191

2. 2024 Maliko M,Su FH,Kamiza AB,Su MJ,Yeh CC. The association between hepatic viral infections and cancers: a cross-sectional study in the Taiwan adult population . Clinical and Experimental Medicine .2024 ;(24):20

3. 2024 Su MJ,Ho CH,Yeh CC. Association of alcohol consumption, betel nut chewing, and cigarette smoking with mortality in patients with head and neck cancer among the Taiwanese population: A nationwide population-based cohort study . Cancer Epidemiology .2024 ;(89):102526

4. 2023 Liao LN,Li TC,Yeh CC,Li CI,Liu CS,Yang CW, Yang YF, Lin CH, Tsai FJ, Lin CC. Risk prediction of nephropathy by integrating clinical and genetic information among adult patients with type 2 diabetes . Acta diabetologica .2023 ;(60):413-424

5. 2023 Chien HT,Tsai CL,Young CK,Lee YS,Liao CT,Yeh CC, Chao A, Cho KL, Chen CH, Huang SF.. Single-nucleotide polymorphism at alcohol dehydrogenase 1B: A susceptible gene marker in oro-/hypopharyngeal cancers from genome-wide association study . Cancer medicine .2023 ;(12):19174-19187

6. 2022 Yu-Min Huang,Po-Li Wei,Chung-Han Ho,Chih-Ching Yeh. Cigarette Smoking Associated with Colorectal Cancer Survival: A Nationwide, Population-Based Cohort Study. . J Clin Med .2022 ;(11):913-913

7. 2022 Huang JC,Sung FC,Hung PH,Muo CH,Wu MM,Yeh CC. The Association of Erythropoietin and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Hemodialysis Patients: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23):9634

8. 2022 Kamiza AB,Fatumo S,Singini MG,Yeh CC,Chikowore T. Hepatitis B infection is causally associated with extrahepatic cancers: A Mendelian randomization study . EBioMedicine .2022

9. 2022 Yu MZ,Wu MM,Chien HT,Liao CT,Su MJ,Huang SF, Yeh CC. Risk Prediction Models for Patients with Head and Neck Cancer among the Taiwanese Population . Cancers .2022 ;(14):533

10. 2021 Senghore T,Wang WC,Chien HT,Chen YX,Young CK,Huang SF, Yeh CC.. Association of XRCC2 rs2040639 with the survival of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma undergoing concurrent chemoradiotherapy . Gene .2021 ;(768)

11. 2021 Su FH,Bai CH,Le TN,Muo CH,Chang SN,Te A, Sung FC, Yeh CC.. Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Are at an Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer: A Nationwide Population-Based Case-Control Study in Taiwan . Frontiers in Oncology .2021 ;(10)

12. 2021 Wu CM,,Su FH,Muo CH,Huang JC,Wu MM,Yeh CC.. Analysis of Different Types of Interferon-Associated Retinopathy in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection Treated with Pegylated Interferon Plus Ribavirin . Viruses .2021 ;(13):475

13. 2021 Yeh CC,Wu MM,Wu CM,Sung FC,Muo CH,Te A, Su FH.. Increased Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Nationwide Population-Based Propensity Score-Matched Cohort Study in Taiwan . Viruses .2021 ;(13):790-790

14. 2021 Kamiza AB,Wang WC,You JF,Tang R,Chien HT,Lai CH, Chiu LL, Lo TP, Hung KY, Hsiung CA, Yeh CC. Cumulative risks of colorectal cancer in Han Chinese patients with Lynch syndrome in Taiwan . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):8899

15. 2021 Chien HT, Yeh CC,Young CK,Chen TP,Liao CT,Wang HM, Cho KL, Huang SF. Polygenic Panels Predicting the Susceptibility of Multiple Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancer in Oral Cancer Patients . J Pers Med .2021 ;(11):425-425

16. 2021 Hung PH,Yeh CC,Hsiao CY,Muo CH,Hung KY,Tsai KJ. Erythropoietin use and the risk of stroke in patients on hemodialysis: a retrospective cohort study in Taiwan . Journal of the American Heart Association .2021 ;(10):e019529-e019529

17. 2021 Wen-Chang Wang,Yu-Shiang Lin,Yin-Fan Chang,Chih-Ching Yeh,Chien-Tien Su,Jin-Shang Wu, Fu-Hsiung Su. Association of HLA-DPA1, HLA-DPB1, and HLA-DQB1 Alleles With the Long-Term and Booster Immune Responses of Young Adults Vaccinated Against the Hepatitis B Virus as Neonates . Frontiers in immunology .2021 ;(12):710414-710414

18. 2020 Su FH,Le TN,Muo CH,Te SA,Sung FC,Yeh CC. Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection Associated with Increased Colorectal Cancer Risk in Taiwanese Population. . Viruses .2020 ;(12):97-97

19. 2020 Senghore T,Chien HT,Wang WC,Chen YX,Young CK,Huang SF, Yeh CC. Predictive value of genetic variants XRCC1 rs1799782, APEX1 rs1760944, and MUTYH rs3219489 for adjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy outcomes in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients . Pharmacogenomics Journal .2020

20. 2019 Senghore T ,Chien HT ,Wang WC ,Chen YX ,Young CK ,Huang SF, Yeh CC. Polymorphisms in ERCC5 rs17655 and ERCC1 rs735482 Genes Associated with the Survival of Male Patients with Postoperative Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Adjuvant Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy . J Clin Med .2019 ;(8):E33

21. 2019 Wu CM ,Su FH ,Wang WC ,Lin CP ,Kamiza AB ,Chang SN, Yeh CC. Association of chronic hepatitis B virus infection with age-related macular degeneration . Acta Ophthalmol .2019

22. 2019 THOMAS SENGHORE,Wen-Chang Wang,Huei-Tzu Chien,You-Xin Chen,Chi-Kuang Young,Shiang-Fu Huang, Chih-Ching Yeh. Polymorphisms of mismatch repair pathway genes predict clinical outcomes in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients receiving adjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy . Cancers .2019 ;(11):E598-E598

23. 2019 Hung PH,Yeh CC,Sung FC,Hsiao CY,Muo CH,Hung KY, Tsai KJ.. Erythropoietin prevents dementia in hemodialysis patients: a nationwide population-based study . Aging .2019 ;(11):6941-6950

24. 2018 Kamiza AB,Wang WC,You JF,Tang R,Wang YT,Chien HT, Lai CH, Chiu LL, Lo TP, Hung KY, Hsiung CA, Yeh CC.. EGFR, SMAD7, and TGFBR2 Polymorphisms Are Associated with Colorectal Cancer in Patients with Lynch Syndrome . Anticancer Res .2018 ;(38):5983-5990

25. 2018 Yeh HL,Kuo LT,Sung FC,Yeh CC. Association between Polymorphisms of Antioxidant Gene (MnSOD, CAT, and GPx1) and Risk of Coronary Artery Disease. . Biomed Res Int .2018 ;(2018):5086869-5086869

26. 2018 Senghore T,Li YF,Sung FC,Tsai MH,Hua CH,Liu CS, Hung MF, Yeh CC.. Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress Associated with the Risk of Potentially Malignant Oral Disorders . Anticancer Res .2018 ;(38):4661-4666

27. 2018 Senghore T,Li YF,Sung FC,Tsai MH,Hua CH,Liu CS, Hung MF, Yeh CC.. Associations Between MTHFR Polymorphisms and the Risk of Potentially Malignant Oral Disorders . Anticancer Res .2018 ;(38):4021-4026

28. 2018 Lin YS,Yeh CC,Huang SF,Chou YS,Kuo LT,Sung FC, Muo CH, Su CT, Su FH.. Aspirin associated with risk reduction of secondary primary cancer for patients with head and neck cancer: A population-based analysis . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0199014-e0199014

29. 2018 Kamiza AB,You JF,Wang WC,Tang R,Chang CY,Chien HT, Lai CH, Chiu LL, Lo TP, Hung KY, Hsiung CA, Yeh CC. Polymorphisms of Xenobiotic-Metabolizing Genes and Colorectal Cancer Risk in Patients with Lynch Syndrome: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Taiwan . Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis .2018 ;(59):69-78

30. 2018 Kamiza AB,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Chien HT,Lai CH,Chiu LL, Lo TP, Hung KY, You JF, Wang WC, Hsiung CA, Yeh CC. Polymorphisms of DNA repair genes are associated with colorectal cancer in patients with Lynch syndrome . Mol Genet Genomic Med .2018 ;(6):533-540

31. 2018 Hung CL,Yeh CC,Sung PS,Hung CJ,Muo CH,Sung FC, Jou IM, Tsai KJ. Is Partial or Total Thyroidectomy Associated with Risk of Long-Term Osteoporosis: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. . World J Surg .2018 ;(42):2864-2871

32. 2018 Yeh CC,Su FH,Tzeng CR,Muo CH,Wang WC. Women with adenomyosis are at higher risks of endometrial and thyroid cancers: A population-based historical cohort study . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0194011-e0194011

33. 2018 Hu YC,Yeh CC,Chen RY,Su CT,Wang WC,Bai CH, Chan CF, Su FH. Seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus in Taiwan 30 years after the commencement of the national vaccination program . PeerJ .2018 ;(6):e4297-e4297

34. 2017 Hung PH,Yeh CC,Hsiao CY,Sung PS,Muo CH,Sung FC, Hung KY, Tsai KJ. End stage renal disease is associated with development of dementia . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):107348-107355

35. 2017 Lai GL,Yeh CC,Yeh CY,Chen RY,Fu CL,Chen CH, Tzeng CR. Decreased zinc and increased lead blood levels are associated with endometriosis in Asian Women . Reprod Toxicol .2017 ;(74):77-84

36. 2017 Yeh CC,Goyal A,Shen J,Wu HC,Strauss JA,Wang Q, Gurvich I, Safyan RA, Manji GA, Gamble MV, Siegel AB, Santella RM. Global Level of Plasma DNA Methylation is Associated with Overall Survival in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Ann Surg Oncol .2017 ;(24):3788-3795

37. 2017 Decreased zinc and increased lead blood levels are associated with endometriosis in Asian Women . Reproductive toxicology .2017 ;(74):77-84

38. 2017 Yi-Kuei Lin,Cheng-Fu Huang,Yi-Chieh Liao,Chih-Ching Yeh. System reliability for a multistate intermodal logistics network with time windows . International Journal of Production Research .2017 ;(55):1957-1969

39. 2017 Lin YS,Yeh CC,Lin YC,Su CT,Sung FC,Chang SN, Liu YR, Su FH. Kidney Cancer Linked to Chronic Hepatitis in The Asia-Pacific: A Population-Based Analysis . Am J Nephrol .2017 ;(45):22-31

40. 2017 Sung PS,Yeh CC,Wang LC,Hung PH,Muo CH,Sung FC, Chen CH, Tsai KJ. Increased Risk of Dementia in Patients with Non-Apnea Sleep Disorder. . Current Alzheimer Research .2017 ;(14):309-316

41. 2017 Yeh CC,Lai CY,Chang SN,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Sung FC, Lin YK. Polymorphisms of MTHFR C677T and A1298C associated with survival in patients with colorectal cancer treated with 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy . International Journal of Clinical Oncology .2017 ;(22):484-493

42. 2016 Kamiza AB,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Chien HT,Lai CH,Chiu LL, Lo TP, Hung KY, You JF, Wang WC, Hsiung CA*, Yeh CC*. TP53 Polymorphisms and Colorectal Cancer Risk in Patients with Lynch Syndrome in Taiwan: A Retrospective Cohort Study . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e01673-e01673

43. 2016 Su FH,Huang YL,Sung FC,Su CT,Hsu WH,Chang SN, Yeh CC. Annual influenza vaccination reduces total hospitalization in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection: A population-based analysis . Vaccine .2016 ;(34):120-127

44. 2016 Lai CY,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Santella RM,Chang-Chieh CR,Yeh CC. Association between polymorphisms of APE1 and OGG1 and risk of colorectal cancer in Taiwan . World Journal of Gastroenterology .2016 ;(22):3372-3380

45. 2016 Shen J,Yeh CC,Wang Q,Gurvich I,Siegel A,Santella RM. Plasma Adiponectin and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Survival Among Patients Without Liver Transplantation . Anticancer research .2016 ;(36):5307-5314

46. 2016 Kamiza AB,Su FH,Wang WC,Sung FC,Chang SN,Yeh CC. Chronic hepatitis infection is associated with extrahepatic cancer development: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan . BMC Cancer .2016 ;(16):861

47. 2016 Yeh CC,Wang WC,Wu CS,Sung FC,Su CT,Shieh YH, Chang SN, Su FH. Association of Sjögrens Syndrome in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis Virus Infection: A Population-Based Analysis . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e01619-e01619

48. 2015 Kamiza AB,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Chien HT,Lai CH,Chiu LL, Lo TP, Hung KY, Wang CY, You JF, Hsiung CA, Yeh CC. Risk Factors Associated with Colorectal Cancer in a Subset of Patients with Mutations in MLH1 and MSH2 in Taiwan Fulfilling the Amsterdam II Criteria for Lynch Syndrome . PLOS ONE .2015 ;(10):e01300-e01300

49. 2014 Lu K,Wang HK,Yeh CC,Huang CY,Sung PS,Wang LC, Muo CH, Sung FC, Chen HJ, Li YC, Chang LC, Tsai KJ. Association between Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases and the Risk of Dementia . BioMed Research International (formerly titled Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology) .2014 ;(2014):861812-861812

50. 2014 Fu-Hsiung Su,Shih-Ni Chang,Fung-Chang Sung,Chien-Tien Su,Ying-Hua Shieh,Cheng-Chieh Lin, Chih-Ching Yeh. Hepatitis B Virus Infection and the Risk of Male Infertility: A Population-Based Analysis . Fertility and Sterility .2014 ;(102):1677-1684

51. 2014 Su FH,Chen MC,Liu CS,Huang YC,Lin CC,Sung FC, Su CT, Yeh CC. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma genetic polymorphisms are not associated with metabolic syndrome in Taiwan . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2014 ;(6):195-199

52. 2014 Su FH,Wu CS,Sung FC,Chang SN,Su CT,Shieh YH, Yeh CC. Chronic hepatitis C infection is associated with the development of rheumatoid arthritis: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):e11357-e11357

53. 2014 Wang HK,Yeh CC,Sung PS,Huang CY,Wang LC,Muo CH, Sung FC, Lu K, Chen HJ, Tsai1 KJ. Patients with Sjögren's syndrome are at high risk for subsequent Alzheimer's disease . Current Alzheimer Research .2014

54. 2013 Su FH,Chu FY,Bai CH,Lin YS,Hsueh YM,Sung FC, Yeh CC. Efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine boosters among neonatally vaccinated university freshmen in Taiwan . Journal of Hepatology .2013 ;(58):684-689

55. 2013 Liu CS,Huang RJ,Sung FC,Lin CC,Yeh CC. Association between endothelial nitric oxide synthase polymorphisms and risk of metabolic syndrome . Disease Markers .2013 ;(34):187-197

56. 2013 Li YF,Sung FC,Tsai MH,Hua CH,Liu CS,Hung YT, Yeh CC. Interactions between cigarette smoking and polymorphisms of xenobiotic-metabolizing genes: The risk of oral leukoplakia . Disease Markers .2013 ;(34):247-255

57. 2013 Yeh HL,Kuo LT,Sung FC,Chiang CW,Yeh CC. GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1, and GSTA1 genetic variants are not associated with coronary artery disease in Taiwan . GENE .2013 ;(523):64-69

58. 2013 Lai CY,Sung FC,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Chiou HY,Wu FY, Yeh CC. Associations between genetic polymorphisms of epidermal growth factor receptor and survival of colorectal cancer patients treated with 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy . Annals of Surgical Oncology .2013 ;(20):s599-s606

59. 2013 Lai CY,Hsieh LL,Sung FC,Tang R,Chiou HY,Wu FY, Yeh CC. Tumor site- and stage-specific associations between allelic variants of glutathione S-transferase and DNA-repair genes and overall survival in colorectal cancer patients receiving 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e69039

60. 2013 Senghore T,Su FH,Lin YS,Chu FY,Yeh CC. Association Between Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Chronic Kidney Disease in University Students Receiving Physical Check-ups: A Cross-sectional Study . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):181-186

61. 2012 Liu CS,Huang YC,Liao PT,Lin CC,Li TC,Yeh CC. 代謝症候群危險因子探討 . 長庚科技學刊 .2012 ;(16):1-14

62. 2012 Su FH,Chang SN,Chen PC,Sung FC,Huang SF,Chiou HY, Su CT, Lin CC, Yeh CC. Positive association between hepatitis C infection and oral cavity cancer: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan . PLOS ONE .2012 ;(7):e48109

63. 2012 Su FH,Bai CH,Chu FY,Lin YS,Su CT,Yeh CC. Significance and anamnestic response in isolated hepatitis B core antibody-positive individuals 18 years after neonatal hepatitis B virus vaccination in Taiwan . Vaccine .2012 ;(30):4034-4039

64. 2012 Su FH,Su CT,Chang SN,Chen PC,Sung FC,Lin CC, Yeh CC. Association of Hepatitis C Virus Infection With Risk of ESRD: A Population-Based Study . American Journal of Kidney Diseases .2012 ;(60):553-560

65. 2011 Su FH,Chang SN,Chen PC,Sung FC,Su CT,Yeh CC. Association between Chronic Viral Hepatitis Infection and Breast Cancer Risk: a Nationwide Population-based Case-control Study. . BMC Cancer .2011 ;(11):495

66. 2010 Yeh CC,Lai CY,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Wu FY,Sung FC. Protein carbonyl levels, glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and risk of colorectal cancer. . Carcinogenesis .2010 ;(31):228-233

67. 2009 Yeh CC,Sung FC,Tang R,Chang-Chieh CR,Hsieh LL. Polymorphisms of cytochrome P4501A2 and N-acetyltransferase genes, meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer. . Diseases of the Colon & Rectum .2009 ;(52):104-111

68. 2009 Yeh CC,Santella RM,Hsieh LL,Sung FC,Tang R. An intron 4 VNTR polymorphism of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene is associated with early-onset colorectal cancer. . International Journal of Cancer .2009 ;(124):1565-1571

69. 2009 Yeh CC,Sung FC,Kuo LT,Hsu WP,Chu HY. Polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 1A1, cigarette smoking and risk of coronary artery disease. . Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis .2009 ;(667):77-81

70. 2008 Mesia-Vela S,Yeh CC,Austin JH,Dounel M,Powell CA,Reeves A, Santella RM, Stevenson L, Yankelevitz D, Graham Barr R.. Plasma carbonyls do not correlate with lung function or computed tomography measures of lung density in older smokers. . Biomarkers .2008 ;(13):422-434

71. 2008 Liu YC,Sung FC,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Yeh CC. The Risk Prediction Model and Risk Index of Colorectal Cancer. . Taiwan Journal of Public Health .2008 ;(27):1-12

72. 2008 Yeh CC,Barr RG,Powell C,Mesia-Vela S,Wang Y,,Hamade NK, Austin JH, Santella RM. No Effect of Cigarette Smoking Dose on Oxidized Plasma Proteins. . Environmental Research .2008 ;(16):219-255

73. 2007 Yeh CC,Sung FC,Tang R,Chang-Chieh CR,Hsieh LL. Association Between Polymorphisms of Biotransformation and DNA-repair Genes and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Taiwan. . Journal of Biomedical Science .2007 ;(14):183-293

74. 2006 Yeh CC,You SL,Chen CJ,Sung FC. Peanut Consumption and Reduced Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Women: A Prospective Study in Taiwan. . World Journal of Gastroenterology .2006 ;(12):222-227

75. 2005 Yeh CC,Sung FC,Tang R,Chang-Chieh CR,Hsieh LL. Polymorphisms of the XRCC1, XRCC3, & XPD genes, and colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study in Taiwan. . BMC Cancer .2005 ;(28):12

76. 2005 Yeh CC,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Chang-Chieh CR,Sung FC. Vegetable/fruit, Smoking, Glutathione S-transferase Polymorphisms and Risk for Colorectal Cancer in Taiwan. . World Journal of Gastroenterology .2005 ;(11):1473-1480

77. 2005 Yeh CC,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Chang-Chieh CR,Sung FC. DNA Repair Gene Polymorphisms, Diet and Colorectal Cancer Risk in Taiwan. . Cancer Letters .2005 ;(224):279-288

78. 2003 Yeh CC,Hsieh LL,Tang R,Chang-Chieh CR,Sung FC. Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer in Taiwan: a Hospital-Bases Case-Control Study . J Formos Med Assoc .2003 ;(102):305-312

79. 2003 Yeh CC,Hsieh LL,Sung FC. Genetic Polymorphisms and Environmental Factors in the Etiology of Colorectal Caner . Taiwan Journal of Public Health .2003 ;(22):258-278


112 醣蛋白2基因多形性與大腸直腸癌的發生 及預後風險之關聯性

112 HLA遺傳變異和B型肝炎病毒感染與肝外 癌症風險之相關性

112 台灣頭頸部鱗狀細胞癌的風險預測模型: 以性別及腫瘤部位區分

111 HLA-DQA1 rs9272346基因多型性修飾區域空氣汙染與成人氣喘風險之關聯性

111 建立台灣族群的頭頸癌風險預測模型

110 DNA甲基化及其他危險因子與口腔癌風險之關係

108 尼古丁受體基因叢與認知障礙關聯性的探討

108 環境因素和基因多形性與口腔鱗狀細胞癌的發生和預後風險之相關性(II)

107 環境因素和基因多形性與口腔鱗狀細胞癌的發生和預後風險之相關性

106 公共衛生學系博士班研究生甘安(榮)君擬於106年9月24日至9月28日赴澳大利亞雪梨(Sydney)參加國際環境流行病學會第二十九屆科學年會

105 MTHFR和TYMS基因多形性與茶攝取之間的交互作用對口腔癌發生風險的影響

105 MTHFR和TYMS基因多形性對口腔癌治療後預後的影響

104 台灣林奇氏症候群家族中遺傳基因多型性在大腸直腸癌易感受性與臨床結果的角色

104 Global DNA甲基化程度與甲基化基因遺傳變異在遺傳性非息肉症結直腸癌與偶發性大腸直腸癌之風險

103 抗氧化防禦基因標籤單核苷酸多形性、氧化壓力生物標記與冠狀動脈心臟病之相關性(2/2)

103 醫療服務能力之可靠度評估模式建立

103 急診室服務能力之人員配置評估模式建立

102 抗氧化防禦基因標籤單核苷酸多形性、氧化壓力生物標記與冠狀動脈心臟病之相關性(1/2)

102 抗氧化防禦基因標籤單核苷酸多形性、氧化壓力生物標記與冠狀動脈心藏病之相關性(2/2)

102 抗氧化防禦基因標籤單核苷酸多形性、氧化壓力生物標記與冠狀動脈心臟病之相關性(1/2)

101 台灣林奇氏症候群家族中遺傳基因多型性在大腸直腸癌易感受性與臨床結果的角色

99 胸苷酸合成酶基因多形性與轉移性大腸直腸癌使用氟尿嘧啶化學治療結果之關聯性

99 上皮細胞生長因子接受體基因多形性與結腸直腸癌病人接受氟脲嘧啶為基礎化療存活之關聯性