張東晟(Chang, Tung-Cheng) 副教授

現   職
外科學科 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所博士班 博士
國立成功大學醫學系 學士











1. 2023 Tzu-Min Liu,Kee-Thai Kiu,Min-Hsuan Yen,Ka-Wai Tam,Tung-Cheng Chang. Efficacy and safety of purified starch for adhesion prevention in colorectal surgery . Heliyon .2023 ;(9)

2. 2023 ,Tungcheng Chang. PCTAIRE Protein Kinase 1 (PCTK1) Suppresses Proliferation, Stemness, and Chemoresistance in Colorectal Cancer through the BMPR1B-Smad1/5/8 Signaling Pathway . International journal molecular science .2023 ;(24):10008

3. 2023 ,Chang TungCheng. Comparison the effect of gelatin sponge and epinephrine-soaked gauze for hemostasis and pain control after hemorrhoidal surgery . Scientific Report .2023 ;(13):18010

4. 2023 ,Chang TungCheng. Snare-tipped endoscopic radical incision and cutting for postoperative colorectal anastomotic stricture . Endoscopy .2023 ;(55):E1168-E1169

5. 2023 ,Chang TungCheng. The role of thrombomodulin in modulating ITGB3 expression and its implications for triple-negative breast cancer progression . Cell Biology international .2023 ;(48):216-228

6. 2023 ,Chang Tungcheng. PROX1 interaction with α-SMA-rich cancer-associated fibroblasts facilitates colorectal cancer progression and correlates with poor clinical outcomes and therapeutic resistance . Aging .2023

7. 2022 Chang Tung Cheng,Yen Min Hsuan,Kiu Kee Thai. Reply to Dr. Toro{\textquoterights letter to editor “Port catheter tip positioning is essential” . Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery .2022 ;(407):1313-1314

8. 2022 Po-Chung Lin,Min-Hsuan Yen, Kee-Thai Kiu,Yu-Chun Yen,Ka-Wai Tam ,Tung-Cheng Chang. The necessity of preoperative enema preparation for hemorrhoidal surgery: a single-center comparative study . Langenbecks Arch Surg .2022

9. 2022 Chien-Yi Yang,Min-Hsuan Yen,Kee-Thai Kiu,Yu-Ting Chen,Tung-Cheng Chang . Outcomes of right-sided and left-sided colon cancer after curative resection . Sci Rep .2022 ;(12):11323

10. 2022 Unson S,Chang TC,Yang YN,Wang SH,Huang CH,Crawford DR, Huang HM, Li ZL, Lin HY, Whang-Peng J, Wang K, Davis PJ, Li WS. Heteronemin and Tetrac Induce Anti-Proliferation by Blocking EGFR-Mediated Signaling in Colorectal Cancer Cells . Mar Drugs .2022 ;(20):482-482

11. 2021 Tungcheng Chang. Single-incision Robotic Colectomy versus Single-incision Laparoscopic Colectomy: A Matched Case Control Study . Asian journal of surgery .2021

12. 2021 Chang TC,Yen MH,Kiu KT. Incidence and risk factor for infection of totally implantable venous access port . Langenbeck Arch Surg .2021

13. 2020 Chang CT,Chen YT,Yen MH,Kiu KT. Single-Incision Robotic Colectomy: Comparison of Short-Term Outcomes with Multiport Robotic Colectomy . J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. .2020 ;(30):183-187

14. 2020 Tzu-Hsuan Wang,Kee-Thai Kiu,Min-Hsuan Yen,Tung-Cheng Chang. Comparison of the short-term outcomes of using DST and PPH staplers in the treatment of grade III and IV hemorrhoids . Scientific reports .2020 ;(10):5189

15. 2020 NDAT Targets PI3K-Mediated PD-L1 Upregulation to Reduce Proliferation in Gefitinib-Resistant Colorectal Cancer . Cells .2020 ;(9):1830

16. 2019 Min-Hsuan Yen,Kee-Thai Kiu,Tung-Cheng Chang. Comparison of stapled hemorrhoidopexy with traditional hemorrhoidectomy for hemorrhoidal disease . J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon .2019

17. 2019 Chang TC,Wei PL ,Makondi PT,Chen WT,Huang CY,Chang YJ. Bromelain inhibits the ability of colorectal cancer cells to proliferate via activation of ROS production and autophagy . plosone .2019 ;(14):e0210274

18. 2019 Chen YW,Huang MT,Chang TC. Long term outcomes of simultaneous laparoscopic versus open resection for colorectal cancer with synchronous liver metastases. . Asian Journal of Surgery .2019 ;(42):217-223

19. 2018 Chen YT,Kiu KT,Yen MH,Chang TC. Comparison of the short-term outcomes in lower rectal cancer using three different surgical techniques: Transanal total mesorectal excision (TME), laparoscopic TME, and open TME. . Asian Journal of Surgery .2018 ;(S1015-9584):30526-30528

20. 2018 Chen TC,Liang JT,Chang TC. Should Surgical Treatment Be Provided to Patients with Colorectal Cancer Who Are Aged 90 Years or Older? . J Gastrointest Surg. .2018 ;(22):1958-1967

21. 2018 Kiu KT. Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision in Lower Rectal Cancer: Comparison of Short-Term Outcomes with Conventional Laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision. . J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech .2018 ;(28):365-369

22. 2018 Chang TC, Chin YT,Nana AW,Wang SH,Liao YM,Chen YR, Shih YJ, Changou CA, Yang YS, Wang K, Whang-Peng J, Wang LS, Stain SC, Shih A, Lin HY, Wu CH, Davis PJ. Enhancement by Nano-Diamino-Tetrac of Antiproliferative Action of Gefitinib on Colorectal Cancer Cells: Mediation by EGFR Sialylation and PI3K Activation. . Horm cancer .2018 ;(9):420-432

23. 2017 Min-Hsuan Yen,Tung-Cheng Chang,Jin-Tung Liang. Pre-operative Sensitivity of DR-70 in Colorectal Cancer Patients . J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon .2017 ;(28):171-176

24. 2016 Tsai KY,Kiu KT,Huang MT,Wu CH,Cahng TC. The learning curve for laparoscopic colectomy in colorectal cancer at a new regional hospital . Asian Journal of Surgery .2016 ;(39):34-40

25. 2015 Lee CH,Chang TC,Ku JW. Angiomyomatous hamartoma in an inguinal lymph node with proliferating pericytes/smooth muscle cells, plexiform vessel tangles, and ectopic calcification. . Indian J Pathol Microbiol .2015 ;(58):226-228

26. 2015 Chang TC,Yeh CT,Adebayo BO,Lin YC,Deng L,Rao YK, Huang CC, Lee WH, Wu AT, Hsiao M, Wu CH, Wang LS, Tzeng YM. 4-Acetylantroquinonol B inhibits colorectal cancer tumorigenesis and suppresses cancer stem-like phenotype. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2015 ;(288):258-268

27. 2015 Chin YT,Yang SH,Chang TC,Chang ou CA,LAi HY,Fu E, HuangFu WC, Davis PJ, Lin HY, Liu LF. Mechanisms of dihydrotestosterone action on resveratrol-induced anti-proliferation in breast cancer cells with different ERα status . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):35866-35879

28. 2013 Kiu KT,Chang TC,Liang JT. Comparison of LigaSure Hemorrhoidectomy and Harmonic Scalpel Hemorrhoidectomy . J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon .2013 ;(24):9-13

29. 2013 Mak KK,Wu TH,LEE WH,Chang TC,Chiou JF,Wang LS, Wu CH, Huang CY, Shieh YS, Chao TY, Ho CT, Yen GC, Yeh CT. Pterostilbene, a bioactive component of blueberries, suppresses the generation of breast cancer stem cells within tumor microenvironment and metastasis via modulating NF-κB/microRNA 448 circuit . Mol Nutr Food Res .2013 ;(57):1123-1134

30. 2013 Wu MY,Chang TC,Chao TY,Huang MT,Lin HW. Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Matched Cohort Study Based on Administrative Data. Annals of Surgical oncology . Ann Surg Oncol .2013 ;(20):3885-3891

31. 2013 Wang WY,Kiu KT,Chen HA,Su YH,Lee WH,Huang MT, Wu CH, Chang TC. Colon Schwannoma . Journal of experimental clinical medicine .2013 ;(5):164-165

32. 2012 Yeh CT,Koteswara Y,Ye M,Wu WS,Chang TC,Wang LS, Wu CH, Wu TH, Tzeng YM,. Preclinical evaluation of destruxin B as a novel Wnt signaling target suppressing proliferation and metastasis of colorectal cancer using non-invasive bioluminescence imaging . Toxicol Appl Pharmaco .2012 ;(15):31-41

33. 2012 Hung CS,Lui HH,Liu JJ,Yeh CT,CHang TC,Wu CH, Ho YS,Wei PL, Chang YJ. MicroRNA-200a and -200b Mediated Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration Through the Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition Markers . Annals of Surgical oncology .2012

34. 2012 Chen CC,Chang TC,Wang MY,Wu MH,Lin MT. Parenteral glutamine supplement has synergic effect in minimally invasive surgery of subtotal gastrectomy patients . Hepatogastroenterology .2012 ;(59):1776-1779

35. 2011 Lin BR,Lai HS,Chang TC,LEE PH,Chang KJ,Liang JT. Long-Term Survival Results of Surgery Alone Versus Surgery plus UFT (Uracil and Tegafur)-Based Adjuvant Therapy in Patients with Stage II Colon Cancer . J Gastrointest Surg .2011 ;(15):2239-2245

36. 2011 Chang TC,Chen CC,Wang MY,Yang CY,LIN MT. Gasless Laparoscopy-Assisted Distal Gastrectomy for Early Gastric Cancer: Analysis of Initial Results . Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Technique .2011

37. 2010 Lu CH,Cahng TC,Lai PS,Hsieh HJ,Liu KL. Emergency management of an uncommon abdominal pain . Gut .2010 ;(59):925

38. 2010 Chang TC,Liang JT,Lin BR,Huang J,Lin HM. Clinico-pathological features of colonic intussusception in adults. Journal of society of colon and rectal surgens . J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon .2010 ;(21):23-28

39. 2010 Lin KL,Chang TC,Huang J,Lin BR,Liang JT. Laparoscopic Colectomy for Nonagenarians, Preliminary Experience in National Taiwan University Hospita . J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon .2010 ;(21):177-186

40. 2010 Lai PS,Hou YC,Chang TC,Huang CH,Lin HM,Liang JT. The Learning Curve of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Regional Hospital . J Soc Colon Rectal Surgeon .2010 ;(21):1-8


102 Tetrac於初代大腸癌細胞中強化白藜蘆醇誘導之

101 探討antimycin A 在抗輻射性肝癌幹細胞之功效