林聖傑(Lin, Sheng-Chieh) 副教授

現   職
小兒學科 副教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學臨床醫學研究所 碩士
國立成功大學醫學系 學士






國立陽明大學 醫學系臨床講師
桃園天主教聖保祿醫院 小兒科主治醫師
臺北馬偕醫院 小兒過敏氣喘免疫科研修醫師
林口長庚兒童醫院 小兒科住院醫師





1. 2023 Lin SC,Wang HC,Lin WC,Kuo YT,Hsu YH,Tsai YT, Lu SC, Wang YH, Chen SY. Viral pneumonia during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2019–2021 evoking needs for SARS-CoV2 and additional vaccinations. . Vaccines .2023 ;(11):905

2. 2023 Lin SC,Bai GH,Lin PC,Chen CY,Hsu YH,「Lee YC, Chen SY.」. Molecular and genetics-based systems for tracing evolution and exploring the mechanisms of human norovirus infections. . Int J Mol Sci .2023

3. 2023 Makrufardi F,Manullang A,Rusmawatiningtyas D,Chung KF,Lin SC*,Chuang HC. Extreme weather and asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. . Eur Respir Rev .2023 ;(32):230019

4. 2022 Bai GH,Lin SC,Hsu YH,Chen SY. The human virome: viral metagenomics, relations with human diseases, and therapeutic applications. . Viruses .2022 ;(14):278-278

5. 2022 Huang SW,Lin SC,Chen SY,Hsieh KS. Kawasaki disease with combined cholestatic hepatitis and mycoplasma pneumoniae infection: a case report and literature review. . Front Pediatr .2022 ;(9):738215-738215

6. 2022 Yang CW,Kao YC,Lin PC,Chien HY,Lin SC,「Lee YH, Huang YL, Fang SB」. Case Report: Proteinase 3 Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Ulcerative Colitis Presenting as Recurrent Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in a Teenage Patient With in situ Proteinase 3 Immunohistochemical Staining. . Front Pediatr .2022 ;(10):822491-822491

7. 2022 Lu MC,Lin SC,Hsu YH,Chen SY. Epidemiology, clinical features, and unusual complications of norovirus infection in Taiwan: what we know after rotavirus vaccines. . Pathogens .2022 ;(11):451-451

8. 2022 Lin PC,Yang YSH,Lin SC,Lu MC,Tsai YT,「Lu SC, Chen SH, Chen SY」. Clinical significance and intestinal microbiota composition in immunocompromised children with norovirus gastroenteritis. . PLOS ONE .2022 ;(17):e0266876-e0266876

9. 2021 Lu MC,Shia BC,Kao YW,Lin SC,Wang CY,「Lin WC, Chen SY」. The impact of rotavirus vaccination in the prevalence of gastroenteritis and comorbidities among children after suboptimal rotavirus vaccines implementation in Taiwan: A population-based study. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2021 ;(100):e25925-e25925

10. 2020 Lin SC,Tam KW,Yen JY,Lu MC,Chen EY,Kuo YT, Lin WC, Chen SH, Loh EW, Chen SY. The impact of shared decision making with patient decision aids on the rotavirus vaccination rate in children: A randomized controlled trial . Prev Med .2020 ;(141):106244

11. 2020 Lin SC,Chiang BL, Lee YJ,Chang YT,Fang SB. Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis presenting as oral ecthyma gangrenosum in identical twins with Bruton tyrosine kinase gene mutation: two case reports and review of the literature . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2020 ;(53):1030-1034

12. 2020 Chang PCY,Lin SC,Duh YC,Huang H,Fu YW,Hsu YJ, Wei CH. Should single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy be the new standard for pediatric appendicitis? . Pediatr Neonatol .2020 ;(61):426-431

13. 2019 Lin SC ,Chou HC, Chen CM, Chiang BL. Anti-thymic stromal lymphopoietin antibody suppresses airway remodeling in asthma through reduction of MMP and CTGF . Pediatr Res .2019 ;(86):181-187

14. 2019 Lin SC,Liou YM,Ling TY,Chuang YH,Chiang BL. Placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells reduce the interleukin-5 level experimentally in children with asthma . Int J Med Sci .2019 ;(16):1430-1438

15. 2019 Lin SC,Shi LS,Ye YL. Advanced molecular knowledge of therapeutic drugs and natural products focusing on inflammatory cytokines in asthma . Cells .2019 ;(8):685

16. 2019 Yeh JJ,Lin SC,Lin WC. Congenital Tuberculosis in a Neonate: A Case Report and Literature Review . Front Pediatr .2019 ;(7):255

17. 2019 Liou YM,Wei TY,Ling TY,Lin SC,Yang YH,Chiang BL, Chuang YH. Differential effects of mesenchymal stem cells on T cells isolated from childhood allergies and autoimmune diseases . Allergy .2019 ;(74):2006-2010

18. 2018 Lin SC,Cheng FY,Liu JJ, Ye YL. Expression and regulation of thymic stromal lymphopoietin and thymic stromal lymphopoietin receptor heterocomplex in the innate–adaptive immunity of pediatric asthma. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2018 ;(19):E1231

19. 2017 Lin SC,Lin HW,Chiang BL. Association of croup with asthma in children: a cohort study . Medicine (Baltimore) .2017 ;(96):e7667

20. 2017 Lin SC,Chou HC,Chiang BL,Chen CM. CTGF upregulation correlates with MMP-9 level in airway remodeling in a murine of asthma. . Arch Med Sci .2017 ;(13):670-676

21. 2016 Lin SC,Huang JJ,Wang JY,Chuang HC,Chiang BL,Ye YL. Upregulated thymic stromal lymphopoietin receptor expression in children with asthma. . Eur J Clin Invest .2016 ;(46):511-519

22. 2015 Lin SC,Lin HW.. Urbanization factors associated with childhood asthma and prematurity: a population-basedanalysis aged from 0 to 5 years in Taiwan by using Cox regression within a hospital cluster model. . J Asthma .2015 ;(52):273-278

23. 2013 Lin SC,Lun HH,Chen PH. Abdominal distention caused by cystic lymphangioma in a neonate. . J Exp Clin Med .2013 ;(5):148-149

24. 2012 Lin HW,Lin SC. Environmental factors association between asthma and acute bronchiolitis in young children—a perspective cohort study. . Eur J Pediatr .2012 ;(171):1645-1650

25. 2011 Lin SC,Chuang YH,Yang YH,Chiang BL. Decrease in interleukin-21 in children suffering with severe atopic dermatitis . Pediatric Allergy and Immunology .2011 ;(22):869-875

26. 2011 Jen HY,Chuang YH,Lin SC,Chiang BL,Yang YH. Increased serum interleukin-17 and peripheral Th17 cells in children with acute Henoch–Scho nlein purpura . Pediatric Allergy and Immunology .2011 ;(22):862-868

27. 2007 Huang LH,Shyur SD,Wen DC,Chang YC,Ma YC,Lin SC, Wu WC, Wu JY. Prednisolone oral solution plus inhaled procaterol for acute asthma in children: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. . Acta Paediatr Taiwan .2007 ;(48):257-262

28. 2006 Lin SC,Shyur SD,Lee WI,Ma YC,Huang LH. X-linked hyper-immunoglobulin M syndrome: Molecular genetic study of three generations of a Chinese family. . Int Arch Allergy Immunol .2006 ;(140):1-8

29. 2005 Lin SC,Shyur SD,Ma YC,Huang LH,Lee WI. Hyper-IgM 1 syndrome with interstitial pneumonia and diarrhea caused by coxsackievirus B4 in a 3-month-old infant. . Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol .2005 ;(95):93-97

30. 2005 Lin SC,Shyur SD,Ma YC,Huang LH,Lee HC,Lee WI. Recurrent acalculous cholecystitis and sclerosing cholangitis in a patient with X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome . J Formos Med Assoc .2005 ;(104):421-426

31. 2005 Lin SC,Shyur SD,Huang LH,Wu JY,Ma YC. Focal seizures as an unusual presentation of neonatal lupus erythematosus. . Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol .2005 ;(23):61-64

32. 2005 Ma YC,Lee WI,Shyur SD,Lin SC,Huang LH,Wu JY. De novo mutation causing X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome: A family study in Taiwan. . Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol .2005 ;(23):53-59

33. 2004 Lin SC,Shyur SD,Chu SH,Huang LH,Wu JY,Ma YC. Clinical spectrum and laboratory characteristics of neonatal lupus erythematosus in a single institute. . J Rheumatol R.O.C .2004 ;(18):11-21

34. 2004 Lin SC,Shyur SD,Wu JY,Huang LH,Ma YC. Facial telangiectasia-an unusual complication of neonatal lupus erythematosus. . Acta Paediatr Taiwan .2004 ;(45):246-248

35. 2004 Lin SC,Shyur SD,Huang LH,Wu JY,Chuo HT,Lee HC. Neonatal lupus erythematosus with cholestatic hepatitis . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2004 ;(37):131-134

36. 2004 Ma YC,Shyur SD,Huang LH,Wu JY,Lin SC. Hyper-IgM syndrome . Acta Paediatrica Tawanica .2004 ;(45):334-339

1. 2023 Viral pneumonia among hospitalized children in a single hospital of northern Taiwan during COVID-19 period . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2023

2. 2022 Lin SC ,Kao YW,Hsiao KY,Chen SY,Shia BC,Hsieh KS. Study the Kawasaki disease with hepatobiliary involvement in children. . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2022

3. 2022 Lin SC,Kao YW ,Hsiao KY,Chen SY, , Shia BC,Hsieh KS. Study the incidence of Kawasaki disease in children . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2022

4. 2022 Tang PU,Chen SY ,Lee CY ,Wang CY,Lin SC. Neuropsychiatric Presentations of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the Pediatric Population . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2022

5. 2021 Lin SC,Kao YW,Shia BC,Lu MC,Chou CC,「Wang CY, Chen SY」. Study the relationship between asthma and migraine in children . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2021

6. 2020 Lin SC,Tam KW,Yen JY,Lu MC,Chen EY,Kuo YT, Lin WC, Chen SH, Loh EW, Chen SY. Study the Influence of Using Shared Decision-Making on Rotavirus Vaccination Rate in Children . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2020

7. 2020 Lin SC. HIgM syndrome . The Chinese Society of Immunology .2020

8. 2016 Lin SC,Lin HW. The Association between Prematurity and Asthma: A Nationwide . Taiwan Society of Neonatology .2016

9. 2016 Lin SC,Huang JJ,Wang JY,Chuang HC,Chiang BL,Ye YL. Study on Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin Receptor Expression in Children with Asthma. . The Chinese Society of Immunology .2016

10. 2015 Lin SC,Chou HC,Chiang BL,Chen CM. Study pathogenesis on CTGF in asthmatic airway remodeling in mice . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2015

11. 2015 Lin SC,Lin HW,Chiang BL. The Association between Croup and Asthma: A NationwidePopulation-based Study . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2015


106 新聘教師研究補助