吳家佑(Wu, Chia-Yo) 副教授

現   職
牙醫學系 副主任
牙體技術學系 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學牙醫學系 碩士
臺北醫學大學牙醫學系 學士




2022/08/01 ~


衛生署立雙和醫院 牙科部主治醫師





1. 2023 Peng Bou Yue,Singh Abhinay Kumar,Chan Chun Hao,Deng Yue Hua,Li Pin Ying,Su Chun Wei,Wu Chia Yu,Deng Win Ping,Peng Bou Yue,Singh Abhinay Kumar,Chan Chun Hao,Deng Yue Hua,Li Pin Ying,Su Chun Wei,Wu Chia Yu,Deng Win Ping. AGA induces sub-G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human colon cancer cells through p53-independent/p53-dependent pathway . BMC Cancer .2023 ;(23)

2. 2023 Peng BY,Abhinay Kumar Singh,Tsai CY ,Chan CH ,Deng YH ,Wu CM, Chou YR, Tsao Wen, Wu CY, Deng WP . Platelet-derived biomaterial with hyaluronic acid alleviates temporal-mandibular joint osteoarthritis: clinical trial from dish to human . Journal of Biomedical Science .2023 ;(30)

3. 2023 Abhinay Kumar Singh,Peng BY,Chien ST,Chan CH,Deng YH,Pai XY, Wei HJ, Wang MF, Wang SH, Wu CY, Deng WP . Anti-aging biomaterial sturgeon chondroitin sulfate upregulating anti-oxidant and SIRT-1/c-fos gene expression to reprogram stem cell senescence and prolong longevity . Biomaterials Science .2023

4. 2023 Wu CY,Peng PW,Renn TY,Lee CJ,Chang TM,Wei Augusta IC, Liu JF. CX3CL1 induces cell migration and invasion through ICAM-1 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells . J Cell Mol Med .2023 ;(27)

5. 2022 You Jia wei,Lin Yun ho,Wu Chia yu,You Jia wei,Lin Yun ho,Wu Chia yu. Glomus tumor of the upper lip: A case report . Otolaryngology Case Reports .2022 ;(24)

6. 2022 Wu CY ,Liu JF ,Tsai HC ,Tzeng HE,Hsieh TH ,Wang Ming , Lin YF, Lu CC, Lien MY, Tang CH. Interleukin‐11/gp130 upregulates MMP‐13 expression and cell migration in OSCC by activating PI3K/Akt and AP‐1 signaling . J Cell Physiol. .2022 ;(237):4551-4562

7. 2021 Chen PH,Chiang PC,Lo WC,Su CW,Wu CY,Chan CH, Wu YC, Cheng HC, Deng WP, Lin HK, Peng BY. A novel fucoidan complex-based functional beverage attenuates oral cancer through inducing apoptosis, G2/M cell cycle arrest and retarding cell migration/invasion . Journal of Functional Foods .2021 ;(85)

8. 2021 Mong L. C.,Liu K. F.,Lin Y. H.,Wu C. Y.. Lymphoepithelial carcinoma in the sublingual gland . International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery .2021

9. 2021 Lo WC,Chiou CS,Tsai FC,Chan CH,Mao S,Deng YH, Wu CY, Peng BY, Deng WP. Platelet-Derived Biomaterials Inhibit Nicotine-Induced Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Through Regulating IGF-1/AKT/IRS-1 Signaling Axis . Cell Transplantation .2021 ;(30):1-12

10. 2020 Lo WC,Dubey NK,Tsai FC,Lu JH,Peng BY,Chiang PC, Singh AK, Wu CY, Cheng HC, Deng WP. Amelioration of Nicotine-Induced Osteoarthritis by Platelet-Derived Biomaterials Through Modulating IGF-1/AKT/IRS-1 Signaling Axis . Cell Transplantation .2020 ;(29):963689720947348-963689720947348

11. 2020 Huang MS,Yu SY,Chiang PC,Huang BH,Saito Takashi,Huang CC, Pai FT, Wu CY, Lan WC. Effect of Mechanobiology of Cell Response on Titanium with Multilayered Aluminum Nitride/Tantalum Thin Film . Applied Sciences (Switzerland) .2020 ;(10)

12. 2020 Chan CH,Wu CY,Dubey NK,Wei HJ,Lu JH,Mao S, Liang J, Liang YH, Cheng HC, Deng WP. Modulating redox homeostasis and cellular reprogramming through inhibited methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 2 enzymatic activities in lung cancer . Aging .2020 ;(12):17930-17947

13. 2020 Lin CC,Wu CY,Huang MS,Huang BH,Chou HH,Ou KL, Liu CM, Pai FT, Huang HW, Peng PW. Porosity structure offering improved biomechanical stress distribution and enhanced pain-relieving potential . Applied Sciences (Switzerland) .2020 ;(10)

14. 2020 Huang MS,Wu CY,Ou KL,Huang BH,Chang TH,Endo K, Cho YC, Lin HY, Liu CM. Preparation of a biofunctionalized surface on titanium for biomedical applications: Surface properties, wettability variations, and biocompatibility characteristics . Applied Sciences (Switzerland) .2020 ;(10)

15. 2020 Lu JH,Chou YR,Deng YH,Huang MS,Chien ST,Quynh N, Wu CY, Achtmann AP, Cheng HC, Dubey Navneet Kumar,Deng Win Ping,Lu Jui Hua,Chou Yen Ru,Deng Yue Hua,Huang Mao Suan,Chien Shaw Ting,Quynh Bach Thi Nhu,Wu Chia Yu,Achtmann Edlin Anahi Peláez,Cheng Hsin Chung, Dubey NK, Deng WP. The novel herbal cocktail aga alleviates oral cancer through inducing apoptosis, inhibited migration and promotion of cell cycle arrest at subg1 phase . Cancers .2020 ;(12):1-15

16. 2020 Ou KL,Kuo YW,Wu CY,Huang BH,Pai FT,Chou HH, Saito T, Ueno T, Cho YC, Huang MS. The potential of a hair follicle mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium for wound healing and hair follicle regeneration . Applied Sciences (Switzerland) .2020 ;(10)

17. 2020 Wu CY,Chan CH,Dubey NK,Wei HJ,Lu JH,Chang CC, Cheng HC, Ou KL, Deng WP. Highly expressed FOXF1 inhibit non-small-cell lung cancer growth via inducing tumor suppressor and G1-phase cell-cycle arrest . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2020 ;(21)

18. 2020 Hsu HJ,Wu CY,Huang BH,Tsai CH,Saito T,Ou KL, Chuo YC, Lin KL, Peng PW. Surface Characteristics and Cell Adhesion Behaviors of the Anodized Biomedical Stainless Steel . Applied Sciences (Switzerland) .2020 ;(10):6275-6275

19. 2018 Huang HY,Manga YB,Huang WN,Lin CK,Tseng CL,Huang HM, Wu CY, Wu CC. Effect of hydroxyapatite formation on titanium surface with bone morphogenetic protein-2 loading through electrochemical deposition on MG-63 cells . Materials .2018 ;(11)

20. 2017 Weng CC,Ou KL,Wu CY,Huang YH,Wang J,Yen Y, Cheng HY, Lin YH. Mechanism and clinical properties of stembios cell therapy: Induction of early osseointegration in novel dental implants . International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants .2017 ;(32):e47-e54

21. 2017 Lu MY,Liao YW,Chen PY,Hsieh PL,Fang CY,Wu CY, Yen ML, Peng BY, Wang DY, Cheng HC,Tsai LL. Targeting LncRNA HOTAIR suppresses cancer stemness and metastasis in oral carcinomas stem cells through modulation of EMT . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):98542-98552
