羅文政(Lo, Wen-Cheng) 副教授

現   職
外科學科 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
私立中山醫學院醫學系 學士




2017/08/01 ~ 2019/02/28




Neural Surgery



1. 2023 Yun-Jo Lo,Viraj Krishna Mishra,Hung-Yao Lo,Navneet Kumar Dubey*,Wen-Cheng Lo*. Clinical Spectrum and Trajectory of Innovative Therapeutic Interventions for Insomnia: A Perspective . Aging Dis .2023 ;(14):1038-1069

2. 2022 Banerjee S*,Lo WC*,Majumder R,Roy D,Ghorai M,Shaikh NK, Kant N, Shekhawat MS, Gadekar VS, Ghosh S, Bursal E, Alrumaihi F, DubeyNK, Kumar S, Iqbal D, Alturaiki W, Upadhye VJ, Jha NK, Dey Af , Gundamaraju R.. Multiple roles for basement membrane proteins in cancer progression and EMT . Eur J Cell Biol .2022 ;(101):151220-1-151220-15

3. 2022 Singh HN,Swarup V,Dubey NK,Jha NK,Singh AK,Lo WC*, Kumar S*. Differential Transcriptome Profiling Unveils Novel Deregulated Gene Signatures Involved in Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease . Biomedicines .2022 ;(10):611-01-611-11

4. 2021 Lo WC,Chen YT,Chen CC. The Effects of Elgucare on Degenerated Intervertebral Disc-Induced Low Back Pain and Disc Regeneration: A Clinical Trial . Comput Math Methods Med .2021 ;(2021):5824956-1-5824956-10

5. 2021 Lo WC,Chang CC,Chan CH,Singh AK,Deng YH,Lin CY, Tsao W, Chien ST, Lin CH, Win-Ping Deng WP. Platelet-Derived Biomaterials Exert Chondroprotective and Chondroregenerative Effects on Diabetes Mellitus-Induced Intervertebral Disc Degeneration . Life .2021 ;(11):1054-1-1054-14

6. 2021 Chen PH (第一),Chiang PC(等同第一),Lo WC,Su CW, Wu CY,Chan CH, Wu YC, Cheng HC, Deng WP, Lin HK, Bou-Yue Peng BY. A novel fucoidan complex-based functional beverage attenuates oral cancer through inducing apoptosis, G2/M cell cycle arrest and retarding cell migration/invasion . Journal of Functional Foods .2021 ;(85):104665-1-104665-10

7. 2021 Wu ATH,Lawal B,Wei L,Wen YT ,Tzeng DTW,Lo WC. Multiomics Identification of Potential Targets for Alzheimer Disease and Antrocin as a Therapeutic Candidate . Pharmaceutics .2021 ;(13):1555-1-1555-21

8. 2021 Lo WC,Chiou CS,Tsai FC,Chan CH,Mao S,Deng YH, Wu CY, Peng BY, Deng WP. Platelet-Derived Biomaterials Inhibit Nicotine-Induced Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Through Regulating IGF-1/AKT/IRS-1 Signaling Axis . Cell Transplant .2021 ;(30):9636897211045319-1-9636897211045319-11

9. 2021 Lawal B ,Lo WC,Mokgautsi N,Sumitra MR,Khedkar H,Wu AT, Huang HS. A preclinical report of a cobimetinib-inspired novel anticancer small-molecule scaffold of isoflavones, NSC777213, for targeting PI3K/AKT/mTOR/MEK in multiple cancers . Am J Cancer Res .2021 ;(11):2590-2617

10. 2021 Lo WC,Tsai LW,Yang YS,Chan RWY. Understanding the Future Prospects of Synergizing Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery with Ceramics and Regenerative Cellular Therapies . Int J Mol Sci .2021 ;(22):3638-1-3638-24

11. 2021 Chou YR,Lo WC,Dubey NK,Lu JH,Liu HY,Tsai CY, Deng YH, Wu CM, Huang MS, Deng WP.. Platelet-derived biomaterials-mediated improvement of bone injury through migratory ability of embryonic fibroblasts: in vitro and in vivo evidence . Aging (Albany NY) .2021 ;(12):1-13

12. 2020 Lo WC,Dubey NK,Tsai FC,Lu JH,Peng BY,Chiang PC, Singh AK, Wu CY, Cheng HC, Deng WP. . Amelioration of Nicotine-Induced Osteoarthritis by Platelet-Derived Biomaterials Through Modulating IGF-1/AKT/IRS-1 Signaling Axis . Cell Transplant .2020 ;(29):1-11

13. 2020 Yang YS,Tsou YS,Lo WC,Chiang YH,Lin JH. Teriparatide Associated with Fewer Refractures and Higher Body Heights of Cemented Vertebrae after Vertebroplasty: A Matched Cohort Study. . Sci Rep .2020 ;(10):6005-1-6005-11

14. 2020 Chi JE,Hsu JY,Chan RWY,Lo WC,Chiang YH,Lin JH.. Kyphoplasty with an intravertebral reduction device for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with spinal canal encroachment . Formosan Journal of Surgery .2020 ;(53):20-28

15. 2019 Yip HK,Chen KH ,Dubey NK ,Sun CK ,Deng YH ,Su CW, Lo WC, Cheng HC, Deng WP.. Cerebro- and renoprotective activities through platelet-derived biomaterials against cerebrorenal syndrome in rat model. . Biomaterials .2019 ;(214):119227-1-119127-14

16. 2018 Chiou Chi Sheng ,Wu Chi Ming ,Dubey Navneet Kumar ,Lo Wen Cheng ,Tsai Feng Chou . Mechanistic insight into hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma-mediated anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic activities in osteoarthritic mice . Aging .2018 ;(10):4152-4165

17. 2018 Lu JH,Peng BY,ChangCC,DubeyNK,Lo WC,Cheng HC, Wang JR, Wei HJ, Deng WP. Tumor-targeted immunotherapy by using primary adipose-derived stem cells and an antigen-specific protein vaccine . Cancers .2018 ;(10):E446-1-E446-15

18. 2018 Lin En Yuan ,Chen Pin Yuan ,Tsai Pei Shan ,Lo Wen Cheng ,Chiu Hsiao Yean . Trajectory of health-related quality of life and its determinants in patients who underwent lumbar spine surgery: a 1-year longitudinal study . Quality of Life Research .2018 ;(27):2251-2259

19. 2017 Liu Che Ming ,Chen Wei Hong ,Chiou Chi Sheng ,Lo Wen Cheng ,Dubey Navneet Kumar . Inhibition of chronic prostate inflammation by hyaluronic acid through an immortalized human prostate stromal cell line model . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):1195-1205

20. 2017 Huang CJ,Lee CL,Liu CY,Huang SH,Hou JW,Chen YH, Chien CC, Ho CM, Lo WC, Hung KL. Detection of lower levels of SNAP25 using multiple microarray systems and its functional significance in medulloblastoma. . Int J Mol Med. .2017 ;(39):1195-1205

21. 2014 Liu MC,Chen WH,Wu LC,Hsu WC,Lo WC,Yeh SD,「Wang MF, Zeng R, Deng WP.」. Establishment of a Promising Human Nucleus Pulposus Cell Line for Intervertebral Disc Tissue Engineering . Tissue Engineering .2014 ;(20):1-10

22. 2014 Chiu HY,Lo WC,Chiang YH,Tsai PS. The effects of sleep on the relationship between brain injury severity and recovery of cognitive function: a prospective study . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2014 ;(51):892-899

23. 2014 Wei HJ,Nickoloff JA,Chen WH,Liu HY,Lo WC,Chang YT,Yang PC, Wu CW,Williams DF. FOXF1 mediates mesenchymal stem cell fusion-induced reprogramming of lung cancer cells . Oncotarget .2014 ;(5):9514-9529

24. 2014 Chen WH,Lo WC,Hsu WC,Liu HY,Lee CH,Chen Tina SY,「 Shieh YH, Williams DF, Deng WP」. Synergistic anabolic actions of hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma on cartilage regeneration in osteoarthritis therapy . Biomaterials .2014 ;(35):9599-9607

25. 2014 Liu Ming Che ,Chen Wei Hong ,Wu Ling Chiao ,Hsu Wei Che ,Lo Wen Cheng . Establishment of a promising human nucleus pulposus cell line for intervertebral disc tissue engineering . Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods .2014 ;(20):1-10

26. 2013 Lo WC,Chen WH,Lin TC,Hwang SM,Zeng R,Hsu WC, 「Chiang YM, Liu MC, Williams DF, Deng WP」. Preferential therapy for osteoarthritis by cord blood MSCs through regulation of chondrogenic cytokines . Biomaterials .2013 ;(34):4739-48

27. 2013 Liu WH,Wang YK,Wu CC,Deng WP,Lin KH,Lo WC, 「Tseng CL」. Contrast enhancement of iohexol-cisplatin-gelatin complex under computed tomography imaging . J Polym Eng .2013 ;(34):267-71

28. 2012 Chen WH,Zeng R,Lo WC,Tina Chen SY,Lai TY,Williams DF, 「Deng WP」. The role of the ERK1/2 pathway as an alternative to the aging-diminished cyclic AMP pathway in calcitonin-mediated chondrogenesis in human nucleus pulposus . Biomaterials .2012 ;(33):8256-64

29. 2012 Wang KH,Wu YP Greg,Lo WC. An Ideal Preparation for Dermal Regeneration: S.R.G.F, the Growth Factor Composites from Porcine Platelets . Rejuvenation Research .2012 ;(15):612-23

30. 2009 Lo WC,Chiou JF,Gelovani JG,Cheong ML,Lee CM,Liu HY,Wu CH,Wang MF,Lin CT,Deng WP. Transplantation of embryonic fibroblasts treated with platelet-rich plasma induces osteogensis in SAMP8 mice monitored by molecular imaging. . J Nucl Med .2009 ;(50):765-773

31. 2009 Wei-Hong Chen,Hen-Yu Liu,Wen-Cheng Lo,Shinn-Chih Wu,Chau-HwaChi,Hsueh-Yuan Chang;Shih-Hsiang Hsiao;Chih-Hsiung Wu, Wen-Ta Chiu,Bao-Ji Chen,Win-Ping Deng.. Intervertebral Disc Regeneration in an Ex Vivo Culture System using Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Platelet-rich Plasma. . Biomaterials .2009 ;(30):5523-5533

32. 2008 Lo WC,Hsu CH,Wu AT,Yang LY,Chen WH,Chiu WT, Lai WF, Wu CH, Gelovani JG, Deng WP.. A novel cell-based therapy for contusion spinal cord injury using GDNF-delivering NIH3T3 cells with dual reporter genes monitored by molecular imaging. . J Nucl Med .2008 ;(49):1512-1519

33. 2007 Cheng JY,Lo WC,Liang HH,Kun IH. Migration of ventriculoperitoneal shunt into the stomach, presenting with gastric bleeding . Acta Neurochir(Wien) .2007 ;(149):1269-1270

34. 2006 Chen WH,Lo WC,Lee JJ,Su CH,Lin CT,Liu HY,Lin TW, Lin WC,Huang TY,Deng WP. Tissue-engineered intervertebral disc and chondrogenesis using human nucleus pulposus regulated through TGF-beta1 in platelet-rich plasma . J Cell Physiol .2006 ;(209):744-754

35. 2006 Chen WH,Lai WF,Deng WP,Yang WK,Lo WC,Wu CC, Yang DM, Lai MT, Lin CT, Lin TW, Yang CB. Tissue engineered cartilage using human articular chondrocytes immortalized by HPV-16 E6 and E7 genes. . J Biomed Mater Res A .2006 ;(76):512-520


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99 巨噬細胞於關節炎細胞模式之建立與機制探討