林雍偉(Lin, Yung-Wei) 副教授

現   職
國際醫學研究博士學位學程 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 碩士
中山醫學大學醫學系 學士




2020/11/01 ~


087107 ~1999/02





1. 2023 Lin YW,Wen YC,Hsiao CH,Lai FR,Yang SF,Yang YC 「Ho KH, Hsieh FK, Hsiao M, Lee WJ*, Chien MH*」. Proteoglycan SPOCK1 as a Poor Prognostic Marker Promotes Malignant Progression of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma via Triggering the Snail/Slug-MMP-2 Axis-Mediated Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition . Cells .2023 ;(12)

2. 2023 Sih‑Chi Chuang, Shih‑An Yu , Pei‑Chia Hung,Chih‑Wei Chiang,Wen‑Ta Su,Pei‑Ru Jheng, Wei‑Yung Huang, Ping‑Chien Hao, Jia Wei Liang, Yung‑Wei Lin, Hsu‑Wei Fang, Er‑Yuan Chuang. Self-driven directional polypyrrole-polyethyleneimine nanopigmentinfused medical textiles with potential asymmetrical ionic convection and biological effects for follicle restoration . Journal of Polymer Research .2023

3. 2023 Yang YC,Lin YW,Lee WJ,Lai FR,Ho KH,Chun CY「Ho KH, Chen QJ, Tung MC, Hsiao M, Wen YC*, Chien MH*」. The RNA-binding protein KSRP aggravates malignant progression of clear cell renal cell carcinoma through transcriptional inhibition and post-transcriptional destabilization of the NEDD4L ubiquitin ligase . J Biomed Sci. .2023 ;(30):68

4. 2023 Wen YC,Lin CY,Hsiao CH,Wang SS,Huang HC,Lin YW 「Ho KH, Chang LC, Yang SF, Chien MH」. Genetic variants of dipeptidyl peptidase IV are linked to the clinicopathologic development of prostate cancer . J Cell Mol Med . .2023 ;(27):2507-2516

5. 2023 Wen YC,Lin CY,Ho KH,Lin YW,Hsiao CH,Wang SS 「Chang LC, Yang SF, Chien MH」. Functional variants of the chitinase 3-like 1 gene are associated with clinicopathologic outcomes and progression of prostate cancer . J Cell Mol Med . .2023 ;(27):4202-4214

6. 2022 Tung MC,Lin YW,Lee WJ,Wen YC,Liu YC,Chen JQ 「Hsiao M, Yang YC, Chien MH*」. Targeting DRD2 by the antipsychotic drug, penfluridol, retards growth of renal cell carcinoma via inducing stemness inhibition and autophagy-mediated apoptosis . cell death and disease .2022 ;(13):1-15

7. 2022 Ding YF,Lin YW,Chiu WK,Lin CW,Yang YC,Chang LC 「Chang JS, Yang SF, Chien MH*」. Combined impacts of histamine receptor H1 gene polymorphisms and an environmental carcinogen on the susceptibility to and progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma . Aging .2022 ;(14):4500-4512

8. 2021 Hsu CC,Huang YC,Syu SH,Shih HJ,Lin YW,Hsiao CH「Lin KH, Lee LM, Wen YC」. Serum vitamin D levels in females with urinary incontinence: a meta-analysis of observational trials . International Urogynecology Journal .2021

9. 2021 Wen YC,Lee LM,Lin YW ,Syu SH,Lin KS,Fan YC 「Lee HL, Lai CH, Shih HJ. Loco-regional deep hyperthermia combined with intravesical Mitomycin instillation reduces the recurrence of non-muscle invasive papillary bladder cancer . International Journal of Hyperthermia .2021 ;(38):1627-1632

10. 2020 Wen YC,Lin YW,Chu CY,Yang YC,Yang SF,Liu YF 「Hsiao M, Lee WJ, Chien MH」. Melatonin-triggered post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications of ADAMTS1 coordinately retard tumorigenesis and metastasis of renal cell carcinoma . Journal of pineal research .2020 ;(69):1-21

11. 2020 Lin YW,Wen YC ,Chu CY,Tung MC,Yang YC,Hua KT 「Pan KF, Hsiao M, Lee WJ, Chien MH」. Stabilization of ADAM9 by N-α-acetyltransferase 10 protein contributes to promoting progression of androgen-independent prostate cancer . Cell Death Disease .2020 ;(11):1-16

12. 2020 Sun DP,Lee YW ,Chen JT,Lin YW ,Chen RM. The Bradykinin-BDKRB1 Axis Regulates Aquaporin 4 Gene Expression and Consequential Migration and Invasion of Malignant Glioblastoma Cells via a Ca 2+-MEK1-ERK1/2-NF-κB Mechanism . Cancers .2020

13. 2019 Chien MH,Lin YW, Wen YC, Yang YC,Hsiao M, Chang JL, Huang HC, Lee WJ. Targeting the SPOCK1-snail/slug axis-mediated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by apigenin contributes to repression of prostate cancer metastasis. . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research .2019 ;(38):1-17

14. 2019 Lin MC,Lee YW ,Tseng YY,Lin YW ,Chen JT,Liu SH, 「Chen RM」. Honokiol Induces Autophagic Apoptosis in Neuroblastoma Cells through a P53-Dependent Pathway. . The American Journal of Chinese Medicine .2019 ;(47):895-912

15. 2019 Tung MC ,Wen YC ,Wang SS, ,Lin YW, ,Chow JM, ,Yang SF, 「Chien MH」. Impact of Long Non-Coding RNA HOTAIR Genetic Variants on the Susceptibility and Clinicopathologic Characteristics of Patients with Urothelial Cell Carcinoma. . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2019 ;(8):1-17

16. 2018 Wu GJ,Lin YW,Chuang CY,Tsai HC,Chen RM. Liver nitrosation and inflammation in septic rats were suppressed by propofol via downregulating TLR4/NF-κB-mediated iNOS and IL-6 gene expressions . Life Sciences .2018 ;(195):25-32

17. 2018 Wu GJ,Lin YW,Tsai HC,Lee YW,Chen JT,Chen RM. Sepsis-induced liver dysfunction was ameliorated by propofol via suppressing hepatic lipid peroxidation, inflammation, and drug interactions . Life Sciences .2018 ;(15):279-286

18. 2018 Syu SH ,Lin YW,Lin KH,Lee LM,Hsiao CH,Wen YC. Risk factors for complications and graft failure in kidney transplant patients with sepsis . Bosn J Basic Med Sci .2018 ;(19)

19. 2018 Tung MC ,Wen YC,Wang SS,Lin YW,Liu YC,Yang SF 「Chien MH」. Dopamine receptor D2 genetic variations is associated with the risk and clinicopathological variables of urothelial cell carcinoma in a Taiwanese population . International Journal of Medcine Sciences .2018 ;(15):1187-1193

20. 2017 Chien MH ,Chow JM,Lee WJ,Chen HY,Tan P,Wen YC 「Lin YW, Hsiao PC, Yang SF」. Tricetin Induces Apoptosis of Human Leukemic HL-60 Cells through a Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Activation Pathway. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2017 ;(18):1-14

21. 2017 Chang JL,Chow JM,Chang JH,Wen YC,Lin YW,Yang SF 「Lee WJ, Chien MH」. Quercetin simultaneously induces G0 /G1 -phase arrest and caspase-mediated crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy in human leukemia HL-60 cells . Environmental Toxicology .2017 ;(32):1857-1868

22. 2017 Chen CY ,Lee LM,Yu HW,Lee SP,Lee HL,Lin YW 「Wen YC, Chen YJ, Chen CP, Tsai JT」. Dosimetric and radiobiological comparison of Cyberknife and Tomotherapy in stereotactic body radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer . Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology .2017 ;(25):465-477

23. 2017 Chien MH ,Lee TH,Lee WJ,Yeh YH,Li TK,Wang PC「Chen JJ, Chow JM, Lin YW, Hsiao M, Wang SW, Hua KT」. Trichodermin induces c-Jun N-terminal kinase-dependent apoptosis caused by mitotic arrest and DNA damage in human p53-mutated pancreatic cancer cells and xenografts. . Cancer Letters .2017 ;(388):249-261

24. 2017 Lin YW,Wang SS,Wen YC,Tung MC,Lee LM,Ynag SF 「Chien MH」. Genetic Variations of Melatonin Receptor Type 1A are Associated with the Clinicopathologic Development of Urothelial Cell Carcinoma . Int J Med Sci .2017 ;(14):1130-1135

25. 2016 Lin YW,Lee LM,Lee WJ,Chu CY,Tan P,Yang YC 「Chen WY, Yang SF, Hsiao M, Chien MH」. Melatonin inhibits MMP-9 transactivation and renal cell carcinoma metastasis by suppressing . Journal of Pineal Research .2016 ;(60):277-290

26. 2016 Chen WY,Hua KT,Lee WJ,Lin YW,Liu YN,Chen CL 「Wen YC, Chien MH」. Akt Activation Correlates with Snail Expression and Potentially Determines the Recurrence of Prostate Cancer in Patients at Stage T2 after a Radical Prostatectomy. . Int J Mol Sci .2016 ;(17):1-12

27. 2016 Lin CJ ,Chen TL,Tseng YY,Wu GJ,Hsieh MH,Lin YW 「Chen RM」. Honokiol induces autophagic cell death in malignant glioma through reactive oxygen species-mediated regulation of the p53/PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway . Toxicololgy and Applied Pharmacology .2016 ;(304):59-69

28. 2015 Lee WJ ,Chien MH,Chow JM,Chang JL,Wen YC,Lin YW 「Cheng CW, Lai GM, Hsiao M, Lee LM」. Nonautophagic cytoplasmic vacuolation death induction in human PC-3M prostate cancer by curcumin through reactive oxygen species -mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress. . Scientific Reports .2015 ;(5):1-14

29. 2015 Lin FY, Lin CW, ,Yang SF,Lee WJ,Lin YW,Lee LM,Chang JL 「Weng WC, Lin CH, Chien MH」. Interactions between environmental factors and melatonin receptor type 1A polymorphism in relation to oral cancer susceptibility and clinicopathologic development . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):1-13

30. 2015 Lee WJ ,Hsiao M,Chang JL, Yang SF,Tseng TH,Cheng CW 「Chow JM, Lin KH, Lin YW, Liu CC, Lee LM, Chien MH」. Quercetin induces mitochondrial-derived apoptosis via reactive oxygen species-mediated ERK activation in HL-60 leukemia cells and xenograft. . Archives of Toxicology .2015 ;(89):1103-1117

31. 2015 Lee WS,Chen WY,Ou TY,Chen FL,Lin YW. Malakoplakia in a patient with complicated urinary tract infection caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli. . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2015 ;(48):345-346


113 具光療性衣藻與乙二醇殼聚醣-聚吡咯奈米粒子作為改善膀胱腫瘤缺氧與光熱消融的聯合療法

109 N-α-乙醯基轉移酶在調控去勢抗性的轉移性前列腺癌進展的新穎角色及其機制探討

108 新聘教師研究補助