洪進昇(Hung, Chin-Sheng) 教授

現   職
外科學科 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學臨床醫學研究所 碩士
國立臺灣大學醫學系 學士











1. 2024 Chang YJ,GM Prince,Wei PL,Batzorig U,Huang CY,Hung CS, Chang TC. The role of thrombomodulin in modulating ITGB3 expression and its implications for triple-negative breast cancer progression . Cell Biol Int. .2024

2. 2023 Huang CY,Wei PL,G M Shazzad Hossain Prince,Uyanga Batzorig,Lee CC,Chang YJ, Hung CS. The Role of Thrombomodulin in Estrogen-Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Progression, Metastasis, and Curcumin Sensitivity . Biomedicines .2023

3. 2023 Lai HW,Chen DR,Liu LC,Chen ST,Kuo YL,Lin SL, Wu YC, Huang TC, Hung CS, Lin YJ, Tseng HS, Mok CW, Fiona Cheng TF. Robotic Versus Conventional or Endoscopic Assisted Nipple Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Prothesis Breast Reconstruction in the Management of Breast Cancer- A Prospectively Designed Multicenter Trial Comparing Clinical Outcomes, Medical Cost, and Patient-reported-outcomes (RCENSM-P) . Ann Surg .2023

4. 2023 Quynh Thi Nhu Nguyen,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Wang CJ,Phan Thanh Phuc,Lin RK,Hung CS, Kuo NH, Cheng YW, Lin SJ, Hsieh ZY, Cheng CT, Hsu MH, Jason C Hsu. Machine learning approaches for predicting 5-year breast cancer survival: A multicenter study . Cancer Sci .2023

5. 2023 Tsai JH,Li CL,Yeh DC,Hung CS,Hung CC,Lin CY, Kuo YL. Neoadjuvant pegylated liposomal doxorubicin- and epirubicin-based combination therapy regimens for early breast cancer: a multicenter retrospective case-control study . Breast Cancer Res Treat .2023

6. 2022 Muhamad Ansar,Le Thi Anh Thu,Hung CS,Su CM,Huang MH,Liao LM, Chung YM, Lin RK. Promoter hypomethylation and overexpression of TSTD1 mediate poor treatment response in breast cancer . Front Oncol .2022

7. 2022 Wei PL,Lin JC,Hung CS,Precious Takondwa Makondi,Uyanga Batzorig,Chang CT, Huang CY, Chang YJ. Human α-defensin 6 (HD6) suppresses CRC proliferation and metastasis through abolished EGF/EGFR signaling pathway . Int J Med Sci .2022

8. 2022 Wang WL,Uyanga Batzorig,Hung CS,Wei PL,Huang CY,Chang YJ. Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 Family Member (ALDH2) Is a Therapeutic Index for Oxaliplatin Response on Colorectal Cancer Therapy with Dysfunction p53 . Biomed Res Int .2022

9. 2022 Wei PL,Lin JC,Hung CS,Makondi PT,Batzorig U,Chang TC, Huang CY, Chang YJ. Human α-defensin 6 (HD6) suppresses CRC proliferation and metastasis through abolished EGF/EGFR signaling pathway . Int J Med Sci. .2022 ;(19):34-46

10. 2022 Lin RK,Su CM,Lin SY,Thi Anh Thu Le,Liew PL,Chen JY, Tzeng HE, Liu YR, Chang TH, Lee CY, Hung CS. Hypermethylation of TMEM240 Predicts Poor Hormone Therapy Response and Disease Progression in Breast Cancer . Molecular Medicine .2022

11. 2021 Kuo YL,Chang CH,Chang TY,Chien HF,Liao LM,Hung CS, Lin SL, Chen ST, Chen DR, Lai HW. Endoscopy assisted total mastectomy with and without immediate reconstruction: an extended follow-up, multi-center study . Plastic and reconstructive surgery .2021 ;(147):267-278

12. 2021 Chien-Yu Huang,Yu-Jia Chang,Po-Li Wei,Chin-Sheng Hung,Weu Wang. Methyl gallate, gallic acid-derived compound, inhibit cell proliferation through increasing ROS production and apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma cells . PLoS One .2021 ;(16)

13. 2021 Chang SC, ,Hung CS, ,Zhang BX, ,Hsieh TH, ,Hsu W, ,Ding JL. A Novel Signature of CCNF-Associated E3 Ligases Collaborate and Counter Each Other in Breast Cancer. . Cancers (Basel) .2021 ;(13):2873-2873

14. 2021 Chou CW, ,Huang YM, ,Chang YJ, ,Huang CY, ,Hung CS. Identified the novel resistant biomarkers for taxane-based therapy for triplenegative breast cancer. . Int J Med Sci. .2021 ;(18):2521-2531

15. 2021 Wang YH, ,Chang SC, ,Ansar M, ,Hung CS, ,Lin RK. Eps15 Homology Domain-Containing Protein 3 Hypermethylation as a Prognostic and Predictive Marker for Colorectal Cancer . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):453-453

16. 2021 Wang SC,Liao LM,Ansar M,Lin SY,Hsu WW,Su CM, Chung YM, Liu CC, Hung CS, Lin RK. Automatic Detection of the Circulating Cell-Free Methylated DNA Pattern of GCM2, ITPRIPL1 and CCDC181 for Detection of Early Breast Cancer and Surgical Treatment Response. . Cancers (Basel) .2021 ;(13):1375-1375

17. 2021 Wei PL,Hung CS,Lu HH,Batzorig U,Huang CY,Chang YJ. Areca nut extract (ANE) inhibits the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma cells via activation of ROS production and activation of autophagy . Int J Med Sci .2021 ;(18):3452-3462

18. 2020 Chang SC,Hsu W,Su EC,Hung CS,Ding JL. Human FBXL8 Is a Novel E3 Ligase Which Promotes BRCA Metastasis by Stimulating Pro-Tumorigenic Cytokines and Inhibiting Tumor Suppressors . Cancers .2020 ;(12):2210

19. 2020 Ansar M,Wang CJ,Wang YH,Shen TH,Hung CS,Chang SC, Lin RK. SMAD3 Hypomethylation as a Biomarker for Early Prediction of Colorectal Cancer . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2020 ;(21):7395

20. 2020 Shih YW,Hung CS,Huang CC,Chou KR,Niu SF,Chan S, Tsai HT. The Association Between Smartphone Use and Breast Cancer Risk Among Taiwanese Women: A Case-Control Study . Cancer management and research .2020 ;(12):10799-10807

21. 2020 Chang SC,Liew PL,Ansar M,Lin SY,Wang SC,Hung CS, Chen JY, Jain S, Lin RK. Hypermethylation and decreased expression of TMEM240 are potential early-onset biomarkers for colorectal cancer detection, poor prognosis, and early recurrence prediction . Clinical Epigenetics .2020 ;(12):67

22. 2020 HSPB1 rs2070804 polymorphism is associated with the depth of primary tumor . J Cell Biochem. .2020 ;(121):63-69

23. 2018 Cheng WL,Huang CY,Tai CJ,Chang YJ,Hung CS. Maspin Enhances the Anticancer Activity of Curcumin in Hormone-refractory Prostate Cancer Cells . Anticancer Research .2018

24. 2018 Hypermethylation of CCND2 in Lung and Breast Cancer Is a Potential Biomarker and Drug Target . Int J Mol Sci .2018 ;(19)

25. 2017 Hsieh YC,Tu SH,Su CT,Cho EC,Wu CH,Hsieh MC, Lin SY, Liu YR, Hung CS, Chiou HY. A polygenic risk score for breast cancer risk in a Taiwanese population . Breast Cancer Res Treat .2017

26. 2017 Hsieh YC,Cho EC,Tu SH,Wu CH,Hung CS,Hsieh MC, Su CT, Liu YR, Lee CH, Ho YS, Chiou HY. MSH2 rs2303425 Polymorphism is Associated with Early-Onset Breast Cancer in Taiwan . Ann Surg Oncol. .2017 ;(24):603-610

27. 2017 Wang HH,Wang YC,Wu DW,Hung CS,Chen CY,Lee H. Targeting insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 by microRNA-125b promotes tumor invasion and poor outcomes in non-small-cell lung cancer . Tumor biology .2017

28. 2017 Hung CS,Chang SW,Liao LM,Huang CC,Tu SH,Chen ST, Chen DR, Kuo SJ, Lai HW, Chou TM, Kuo YL. The learning curve of endoscopic total mastectomy in Taiwan: A multi-center study . PLoS One .2017

29. 2017 Hung CS,Huang CY,Lee CH,Chen WY,Huang MT,Wei PL, Chang YJ. IGFBP2 plays an important role in heat shock protein 27-mediated cancer progression and metastasis . Oncotarget .2017

30. 2016 Lai HW,Chen ST,Chen DR,Chen SL,Chang TW,Kuo SJ, Kuo YL, Hung CS. Current Trends in and Indications for Endoscopy-Assisted Breast Surgery for Breast Cancer: Results from a Six-Year Study Conducted by the Taiwan Endoscopic Breast Surgery Cooperative Group . PLoS One .2016 ;(11)

31. 2016 Tu CC,Huang CY,Cheng WL,Hung CS,Chang YJ,Wei PL. Silencing A7-nAChR levels increases the sensitivity of gastric cancer cells to ixabepilone treatment . Tumour Biol. .2016 ;(37):9493-9501

32. 2016 Tu CC,Huang CY,Cheng WL,Hung CS,Uyanga B,Wei PL, Chang YJ. The α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mediates the sensitivity of gastric cancer cells to taxanes . Tumor Biol. .2016

33. 2015 Chen WY,Huang CY,Cheng WL,Hung CS,Huang MT ,Tai CJ, Liu YN, Chen CL, Chang YJ. Alpha 7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mediates the sensitivity of gastric cancer cells to 5-fluorouracil . Tumor Biology .2015

34. 2015 Kuo LJ,Huang CY ,Cheng WL,Hung CS,Wu CT,Lin FY, Chang YJ, Huang MT. Glucose-regulated protein 78 mediates the anticancer efficacy of shikonin in hormone-refractory prostate cancer cells. . Tumor Biology .2015

35. 2015 Chang YJ,Huang CY ,Hung CS,Liu HH,Wei PL. Glucose-regulated protein 78 mediates the therapeutic efficacy of 17-DMAG in colon cancer cells . Tumor Biology .2015

36. 2015 Chang YJ,Huang CY,Hung CS,Chen WY,Wei PL. GRP78 mediates the therapeutic efficacy of curcumin on colon cancer . Tumor Biology .2015

37. 2014 Liang HH,Hung CS,Wang W,Tam KW,Chang CC,Liu HH, Yen KL, Wei PL. Single-incision versus conventional laparoscopic appendectomy in 688 patients: a retrospective comparative analysis. . Can J Surg. .2014

38. 2014 Hung CS,Su HY,Liang HH,Lai CW,Chang YC,Ho YS, Wu CH, Ho JD, Wei PL, Chang YJ. High-level expression of CXCR4 in breast cancer is associated with early distant and bone metastases . Tumour Biol. .2014 ;(35):1581-1588

39. 2013 Hung CS,Liu HH,Liu JJ,Yeh CT,Chang TC,Wu CH, Ho YS, Wei PL, Chang YJ. MicroRNA-200a and -200b mediated hepatocellular carcinoma cell migration through the epithelial to mesenchymal transition markers . Annals of surgical oncology .2013 ;(Suppl 3):S360-S368

40. 2013 Liang HH,Wang W,Hung CS,Wei PL,Yen KL,Kuo LJ, Tu CC.. Branch-type gas in the liver. . Journal of Emergency Medicine .2013 ;(44):e363-e364

41. 2013 Huang TW,Tseng SH,Lin CC,Bai CH,Chen CS,Hung CS, Wu CH, Tam KW.. Effects of manual lymphatic drainage on breast cancer-related lymphedema: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . World Journal of Surgical Oncology .2013 ;(11)

42. 2013 Liang HH,Wei PL,Hung CS,Wu CT,Wang W,Huang MT, Chang YJ. MicroRNA-200a/b influenced the therapeutic effects of curcumin in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) cells . Tumor Biology .2013 ;(34):3209-3218

43. 2013 Kuo LJ,Hung CS,Chen WY,Chang YJ,Wei PL. Glucose-regulated protein 78 silencing down-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 pathway to suppress human colon cancer tumor growth. . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(185):264-272

44. 2013 Kuo LJ,Hung CS,Wang W,Tam KW,Lee HC,Liang HH, Chang YJ, Huang MT, Wei PL. Intersphincteric resection for very low rectal cancer: clinical outcomes of open versuslaparoscopic approach and multidimensional analysis of the learning curve for laparoscopicsurgery. . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(183):524-530

45. 2013 Liang HH,Wei PL,Liu WM,Chen CC,Yen KL,Kuo LJ, Hung CS. Free air in the abdomen. . Journal of Emergency Medicine .2013 ;(44):e93-94

46. 2012 Hung CS,Liu HH,Huang MT,Cheng CW,Kuo LJ,Ho YS, Wu CH, Chen CM, Wei PL, Chang YJ. Knockdown survivin expression reduces the efficacy of curcumin treatment in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. . Annals of Surgical Oncology .2012 ;(19):3547-3555

47. 2012 Kuo LJ,Chiou JF,Tai CJ,Chang CC,Kung CH,Lin SE, Hung CS, Wang W, Tam KW, Lee HC, Liang HH, Chang YJ, Wei PL. Can we predict pathologic complete response before surgery for locally advanced rectal cancer treated with preoperative chemoradiation therapy? . International Journal of Colorectal Disease .2012 ;(27):613-621

48. 2012 Hung CS,Lin SF,Liu HH,Kuo LJ,Li LT,Su HY, Liew PL, Lin FY, Wei PL, Liu DZ, Chang YJ. Survivin-mediated therapeutic efficacy of gemcitabine through glucose-regulated protein 78 in hepatocellular carcinoma. . Annals of Surgical Oncology .2012 ;(19):2744-2752

49. 2012 Tai CJ,Chen CS,Hung CS,Kuo LJ,Wei PL,Chiou JF, Hsu CH, Chiou HY, Wu CH.. Bevacizumab plus docetaxel and cisplatin for metastatic breast cancer: a pilot phase II study. . Anti-cancer Research .2012 ;(32):5501-5506

50. 2012 Tai CJ,Hung CS,Kuo LJ,Wei PL,Lu HH,Chen HA, Liu TZ, Liu JJ, Liu DZ, Ho YS, Wu CH, Chang YJ.. Survivin-mediated cancer cell migration through GRP78 and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) marker expression in Mahlavu cells. . Annals of Surgical Oncology .2012 ;(19):336-343

51. 2012 Wang W,Hung CS,Kuo LJ,Wei PL,Lien YC,Lin FY, Liu HH, Ho YS, Wu CH, Chang YJ. NNK enhances cell migration through α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor accompanied by increased of fibronectin expression in gastric cancer. . Annals of Surgical Oncology .2012 ;(19):S580-S588

52. 2011 Hung CS,Peng YJ,Wei PL,Lee CH,Su HY,Ho YS, Lin SY, Wu CH, Chang YJ. The alpha9 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor is the Key Mediator in Nicotine-enhanced Cancer Metastasis in Breast Cancer Cells . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2011 ;(3):283-292

53. 2011 Kuo LJ,Hung CS,Wu CH,Wang W,Tam KW,Liang HH, Chang YJ, Wei PL.. Oncological and functional outcomes of intersphinctericresection for low rectal cancer. . Journal of Surgical Research .2011 ;(170):e93-e98

54. 2011 Liang HH,Wang W,Huang MT,Hung CS,Yen KL,Lee WJ, Wu CH, Wei PL.. Appendix diameter: a predictor of wound infection after laparoscopic appendectomy. . Am Surg .2011 ;(77):307-310

55. 2011 Lai CW,Chen KY,Hung CS,Kuo SW,Chang YJ,,Lin MT, Chang KC, Wu MH.. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor-D levels correlate with cervical lymph node metastases in papillary thyroid carcinoma. . Growth Factors .2011 ;(29):57-62

56. 2011 Liang HH,Wei PL,Hung CS,Wang W,Huang CS. Acute abdomen in infant. Meckel's diverticulum and ileo-ileocolic intussusception. . Annals of Emergency Medicine .2011 ;(57):24-28


113 探討Thrombomodulin在調節三陰性乳癌對Taxane治療敏感性中的角色

111 探討Homer Scaffolding Protein 3 (Homer3)在乳癌惡化以及治療反應的角色和調控機制

109 探討Homer Scaffolding Protein3 (Homer3)蛋白在乳癌病程進展,治療反應的角色和機制

107 探討凝血酶調節素在乳癌上的臨床診斷及治療上的角色及調控機制(3/3)

106 探討凝血酶調節素在乳癌上的臨床診斷及治療上的角色及調控機制(2/3)

105 探討凝血酶調節素在乳癌上的臨床診斷及治療上的角色及調控機制(1/3)

105 探討凝血?調節素在乳癌上的臨床診斷及治療上的角色及調控機制(1/3)

104 Ubiquitin經由細胞外CXCR4及細胞內SAG-UPS調控乳癌的機制探討