馬漢平(Ma, Hon-Ping) 副教授

現   職
傷害防治學研究所 副教授


學 歷

台北醫學大學傷害防治研究所 碩士
中國醫藥大學醫學系 學士




2018/03/01 ~







1. 2023 Chen MY,Hsu CH,Setiawan SA,Tzeng DTW,Ma HP,Ong JR, Chu YC, Hsieh MS, Wu ATH, Tzeng YM, Yeh CT. Ovatodiolide and antrocin synergistically inhibit the stemness and metastatic potential of hepatocellular carcinoma via impairing ribosome biogenesis and modulating ERK/Akt-mTOR signaling axis . Phytomedicine .2023

2. 2022 Hsu CH,Ma HP,Ong JR ,Hsieh MS ,Vijesh Kumar Yadav,Yeh CT , Chao TY, Lee WH, Huang WC , Kuo KT, Fong IH, Lin CC, Su CM. Cancer-Associated Exosomal CBFB Facilitates the Aggressive Phenotype, Evasion of Oxidative Stress, and Preferential Predisposition to Bone Prometastatic Factor of Breast Cancer Progression . Disease Markers .2022

3. 2021 Kan SW,Huang TY,Ma HP,Tay MZ,Tam KW,Tsai TY. Early versus delayed feeding after therapeutic endoscopic procedures: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Dig Endosc .2021

4. 2021 Ma HP,Ong JR,Ou JC,Chiang YH,Lian SY. Comparison of Dizziness Factors for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with and without Dizziness: A Factor Analysis and Propensity Score Model Study . Comput Math Methods Med .2021

5. 2021 Chen KY,Tsai TY,Chang CF,Ou JC,Tsai YR,Ma HP, Chiu WT , Tsai SH, Liao KH, Lin JW, Lin CM, Wu CC, Chiang YH. Worsening of Dizziness Impairment Is Associated with Bone Marrow Kinase on Chromosome X Level in Patients after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury . J Neurotrauma .2021

6. 2021 Ma HP,Ou JC,Chen KY,Liao KH,Kang SJ,Wang JY, Chiang YH, Wu CC. Screening for Poor Self-Reported Sleep Quality at 12 Weeks in Post-Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Using the HF-Age-Gender (HAG) Index . Brain Sci .2021

7. 2020 Chen PL, Lin HY,Ong JR,Ma HP. Development of a fall-risk assessment profile for community-dwelling older adults by using the National Health Interview Survey in Taiwan. . BMC Public Health .2020 ;(20):234-234

8. 2020 邱奕璁,黃婷韵,翁健瑞,歐茹琪,陳品玲,馬漢平. Association between Sleep Deprivation in Caregivers and Risk of Injury among Toddlers: A Propensity Score Analysis . Biomed Res Int. .2020

9. 2020 徐嘉鴻,林姿吟,歐茹琪,翁健瑞,馬漢平. Risk Values of Weight and Body Mass Index for Chest Wall Thickness in Patients Requiring Needle Thoracostomy Decompression . Emergency Medicine International .2020

10. 2020 莊秀文,歐茹琪,馬漢平. Measurement of resilience potentials in emergency departments: Applications of a tailored resilience assessment grid . safety science .2020 ;(121):385-393

11. 2019 Wang AY,Ma HP,Kao WF,Tsai SH,Chang CK. characteristics and outcomes of "Do not Resuscitate" patients admitted to the emergency department-intensive care unit . J Formos Med Assoc .2019

12. 2019 Ma HP,Chen PS,Wong CS,Chang CF,Ou JC,Tsai YR, Chiu WT, Tsai SH, Liao KH, Chiang YH, Wang JY, Chen KY, Wu JC. . Psychometric Evaluation of Anxiety, Depression, and Sleep Quality after a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Study . Behavioural Neurology .2019

13. 2019 Ma HP,Chen PL,Linkov V,Pai CW. Training or Battling a Monster of a Location-Based Augmented-Reality Game While Descending Stairs: An Observational Study of Inattentional Blindness and Deafness and Risk-Taking Inclinations. . Front Psychol. .2019

14. 2019 Lee HH,Ma HP,Ou JC,Ong JR,Chen KY,Wu CC, Chiu WT, Liao KH, Lin CM, Lin SY, Wu D, Huang YH, Wang YH, Hu CJ, Hong CT.. Association Between Acid-Sensing Ion Channel 3 Gene Variants and Balance Impairment in People With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. . Front Neurol .2019

15. 2019 Ma HP,Chang HL,Bamodu OA,Yadav VK, Huang TY, Wu ATH, Yeh CT, Tsai SH, Lee WH.. Collagen 1A1 (COL1A1) Is a Reliable Biomarker and Putative Therapeutic Target for Hepatocellular Carcinogenesis and Metastasis. . Cancers (Basel). .2019

16. 2019 Ma HP,Chen PL, Chen SK, Chen LH,Linkov V,Pai CW. Population-based case-control study of the effect of sun glare on pedestrian fatalities in Taiwan. . BMJ Open .2019

17. 2019 Pai CW,Chen PL,Ma ST,Wu SH,Linkov V,Ma HP. Walking against or with traffic? Evaluating pedestrian fatalities and head injuries in Taiwan. . BMC public health .2019 ;(19):1280

18. 2019 Tsai SH,Chien SC,Nguyen PA,Chien PH,Ma HP, Asdary RN, Wang YC, Humayun A, Huang CL, Iqbal U, Jian WS.. Incidences of Hypothyroidism Associated With Surgical Procedures for Thyroid Disorders: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. . Front Pharmacol. .2019

19. 2018 Wang AY, Ma HP,Kao WF, Tsai SH,Chang CK. Red blood cell distribution width is associated with mortality in elderly patients with sepsis. . Am J Emerg Med .2018 ;(17):30884-7

20. 2018 Hsieh PS,Hon-Ping Ma,Wong CS,Ong Jiann Ruey. Emergency Tracheal Intubation in an Ankylosing Spondylitis Patient in a Sitting Position Using an Airway Scope Combined with Face-to-Face and Digital Intubation. . J Emerg Med. .2018

21. 2017 Lee HH,Yeh CT,Ou JC,Ma HP,Chen KY, Chang CF, Lai JH, Liao KH, Lin CM, Lin SY, Wu D, Huang YH, Hu CJ, Hong CT.. The Association of Apolipoprotein E Allele 4 Polymorphism with the Recovery of Sleep Disturbance after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. . Acta Neurol Taiwan .2017 ;(26):13-19

22. 2017 Wong CS,Lin YC,Sung LC,Chen TT,Ma HP,Hsu YH, Tsai SH, Lin YF, Wu MY.. Increased long-term risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning: A population-based study in Taiwan. . PLoS One. .2017 ;(12)

23. 2016 hon-ping ma,chang-lin hsieh,chih-ming su,yu-jia chang,wan-yu hung,yuan-soon ho, wei-jan huang, ruo-kai lin. Alterations in histone deacetylase 8 lead to cell migration and poor prognosis in breast cancer . life science .2016 ;(151):7-14

24. 2016 Wong CS,Lin YC,Hong LY,Chen TT,Ma HP,Hsu YH, Tsai SH, Lin YF, Wu MY. increased long-term risk of dementia in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning: a population based study . medicine .2016 ;(95):e2549-e2549

25. 2015 Tsai TY,chen KY,Chang CF,Tsai YR,Ou JC,Ma HP, Tsai SH, Chiu WT, Lin JW, Liao KH, Lin CM, Wu JC, Chiang YH.. Worsening of dizziness impairment is associated with BMX level in patients after mild traumatic brain injury. . J Neurotrauma .2015

26. 2015 Huang TY,Ma HP,Tsai SH,Chiang YH,Hu CJ,Ou J. Sleep duration and sleep quality following acute mild traumatic brain injury: a propensity score analysis. . Behav Neurol .2015

27. 2015 Hon CT,Wong CS,Ma HP,Wu D,Huang YH,Wu CC. PERIOD 3 polymorphism is associated with sleep quality recovery after a mild traumatic brain injury . journal of the neurological science .2015

28. 2015 Lin LF,Liou TH,Hu CJ,Ma HP,Ou JC,Chiang YH, Chiu WT, Tsai SH, Chu WC. balance function and sensory integration after mild traumatic brain injury . Brain injury .2015 ;(29):41-46

29. 2014 Ma HP,Hung TF,Tsai SH,Ou JC. predictions of the length of lumbar puncture needles . comput math methods med .2014

30. 2014 Chen WL,Ma HP,Wu CH,Chiou HY,Yen Y,Chiu WT, Tsai SH. clinical research of mortality in emergency air medical transport . biomed res int. .2014

31. 2014 Ma HP,Ou JC,Yeh CT,Wu D,Tsai SH,Chiu WT, Hu CJ. Recovery from sleep disturbance precedes that of depression and anxiety following mild traumatic brain injury:a 6-week follow-up study . BMJ open .2014 ;(4)

32. 2013 Lin IY,Yen CH,Liao YJ,Lin SE,Ma HP,Chen YJ, Chen YM. Identification of FKBP11 as a biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma . anticancer Res .2013 ;(33):2763-2769

33. 2013 Hon-Ping Ma,Wan-Lin Chen,Chih-Hsiung Wu,We-Ta Chiu,Shin-Han Tsai. Aging and patient safety in Air medical transport . BMJ .2013

34. 2013 wan-lin chen,hon-ping ma,wen-ta chiu,shin-han tsai. prehospital management of head injury patients in emergency air medical transport(EAMT) . British medical journal .2013 ;(0):0-0

35. 2013 Shin-Han Tsai,Wan-Lin Chen,Hon-Ping Ma,Chih-Hsiung Wu,Wen-Ta Chiu. Outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in a tertiary hospital in Singapore, linked to an index patient with atypical presentation: epidemiological study . BMJ .2013 ;(0):0-0

36. 2013 Bai KJ,Chen BC,Pai HC,Weng CM,Yu CC,Hsu MJ, Yu MC, Ma HP, Wu CH, Hong CY, Kuo ML, Lin CH. Thrombin-induced CCN2 expression in human lung fibroblasts requires the c-Src/JAK2/STAT3 pathway . J Leukoc Biol. .2013

37. 2013 Wong CS,Chia CF,Lee HC,Wei PL,Ma HP,Tsai SH, Wu CH, Tam KW. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori for prevention of ulcer recurrence after simple closure of perforated peptic ulcer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . J Surg Res. .2013

38. 2012 Tak KH,Ko SY,Su HK,Ma HP. Extrapyramidal symptom masquerading as subarachnoid hemorrhage . Am J Emerg Med .2012

39. 2012 Lin CM,Chen YH,Ong JR,Ma HP,Shyu KG,Bai KJ. Functional role of wogonin in anti-angiogenesis . Am J Chin Med .2012

40. 2011 Lin CH,Cheng HW,Ma HP,Wu CH,Hong CY,Chen BC. Thrombin induces NF-kappaB activation and IL-8/CXCL8 expression in lung epithelial cells by a Rac1-dependent PI3K/Akt pathway . J Biol Chem. .2011

41. 2010 Hsu MJ,Chang Ck,Chen MC,Chen BC,Ma HP,Hong CY, Lin CH. Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 in peptidoglycan-induced COX-2 expression in macrophages . J Leukoc Biol. .2010

42. 2007 Hon-Ping Ma,Wen-Ta Chiu,Mau-Roung Lin,Li-Hua Lu,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Shin-Han Tsai. The Application of Helicopter Rescue from Fire Casualties in High-Rise Buildings . J Taiwan Emerg Med .2007 ;(9):S42-S46

43. 2006 Hung SW,Ma HP,Lin AC,Wang TL,Chong CF,Chen CC. A Potentially Fatal Mystery in Acute Abdomen: Abdominal Apoplexy. . Am J Emerg Med .2006 ;(24):740-741

44. 2005 Ma HP,Lin IY,Wang TL. Appraisal of Disaster Medicine Training in Post-Graduate Year One Program in Taiwan . Ann Disaster Med .2005 ;(4):19-23

45. 2005 You CF,Ma HP,Wang TL,Aming Lin CM. Emerging Infectious Disease : Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis. . Ann Disaster Med .2005 ;(3):S67-S72

46. 2005 Chong CF,Chen CC,Ma HP,Wu YC,Chen YC,Wang TL. Comparison of lidocaine and bronchodilator inhalation treatments for cough suppression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . Emerg Med J .2005 ;(22):429-432

47. 2005 Lin IY,Ma HP,Lin AC,Chong CF,Lin CM,Wang TL. Low plasma vasopressin/norepinephrine ratio predicts septic shock . Am J Emerg Med .2005 ;(23):718-724

48. 2005 Wang TL,Ma HP,Hou-Chi Hsu. Alcohol Use as a Major Cause of Trauma in Taiwan : A Preliminary Report . Ann Disaster Med .2005 ;(4):31-36

49. 2005 Ma HP,Wang TL. Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Disaster Medicine Research Planning in Taiwan. . Ann Disaster Med .2005 ;(3):90-99

50. 2005 Ma HP,Wang TL. From Disaster Medicine Research Planning to Practice in Taiwan . Ann disaster Med .2005 ;(3):100-116

51. 2005 Ma HP,Aming Lin CM. A simple method for removal of fish hooks in the emergency department . Br J Sports Med .2005 ;(39):116-117

52. 2004 Wang TL,Ma HP,Chang LP,Yang YJ. Mass Gatherings as Rallies in Taipei : Incident Reporting and Literature Review . Ann Disaster Med .2004 ;(3):52-55

53. 2004 Hung SW,Aming Lin CM,Chong CF,Wang TL,Ma HP. Fatal Outcome after Star Fruit (Averrhoa Carambola) Ingestion in Patient with Chronic Renal Insufficiency. . Ann Disaster Med .2004 ;(3):56-59

54. 2004 Ong JR,Ma HP,Wang TL. Snake Bite . Ann Disaster Med .2004 ;(2):80-88

55. 2004 Wang TL,Lin CM,Ma HP,Chang H. The Role of Rapid Urine Myoglobin Test in Early Detection of Renal Involvement in Crushing Injury: Possible Implication in Disaster Medicine . Ann Disaster Med .2004 ;(2):80-85

56. 2004 Chong CF,Wang TL,Ma HP,Chang H. Preconsultation use of analgesics on adults presenting to the emergency department with acute appendicitis. . Emerg Med J .2004 ;(21):41-41

57. 2004 Lin YM,Chen KC,Ma HP,,Wang TL. n Easily Overlooked Cause of Bowel Obstruction. . J Taiwan Emerg Med .2004 ;(6):116-117

58. 2003 Ma HP,Lin CM,Wang TL. Sequelae of Chronic Radiation Exposure. . Ann Disaster Med .2003 ;(2):27-37

59. 2003 Lin CM,Ma HP,Wang TL. Availability of Nerve Gas Antidotes at Emergency Pharmacy in Taiwan. . Ann Disaster Med .2003 ;(2):20-25

60. 2002 Ma HP,Wang TL,Chang C,Leung WS,Chen CC,Chong CF. Use of Ketamine by Emergency Physicians and in Pediatric Procedure in Taiwan. . J Taiwan Emerg Med .2002 ;(13):11-17


110 111年度大專校院護理人員緊急傷病救護技術訓練暨處理模式計畫採購案(第2次後續擴充)

109 110年度大專校院護理人員緊急傷病救護技術訓練暨處理模式計畫

108 109年度大專校院學校護理人員緊急傷病救護技術訓練暨處理模式計畫

105 比較兩種插管模式在急診實施之成效-針對到院前心跳停止病人之研究

104 新聘教師研究補助

102 腦外傷臨床生物標幟之研究