溫玉清(Wen, Yu-Ching) 副教授

現   職
泌尿腎臟研究中心 副主任
泌尿學科 主任
泌尿學科 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 碩士
國立陽明大學醫學系 學士




2023/02/01 ~
2021/10/22 ~
2007/08/01 ~ 2018/07/31







1. 2024 Yen-Nien Liu ,Wei-Yu Chen,Ming-Kun Liu,Han-Ru Li,Zi-Qing Chen,Wan-Hsin Wang, Wassim Abou-Kheir, Yu-Ching Wen. Immunosuppressive role of BDNF in therapy-induced neuroendocrine prostate cancer . Molecular Oncology. .2024

2. 2024 Liu YN,Chen WY,Yeh HL,Chen WH,Jiang KC,LLi HR, Dung PVT, Chen ZQ, Lee WJ, Hsiao M, Huang J, Wen YC.. MCTP1 increases the malignancy of androgen-deprived prostate cancer cells by inducing neuroendocrine differentiation and EMT . Science signaling .2024

3. 2024 Wu CS,Wen YC,Chen WY,Chiou TJ. PET/CT in a 65-Year-Old Woman With Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Smooth Muscle Tumor After Chemotherapy for Follicular Lymphoma . Clin Nucl Med .2024

4. 2023 Wen YC,Tram VTN,Chen WH,Li CH, Yeh HL,Thuy Dung PV, Jiang KC, Li HR, Huang J, Hsiao M, Chen WY, Liu YN.. CHRM4/AKT/MYCN upregulates interferon alpha-17 in the tumor microenvironment to promote neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer . cell death and disease .2023

5. 2023 Yang YC,Lin YW,Lee WJ,Lai FR,Ho KH,Chu CY, Hua KT, Chen JQ, Tung MC, Hsiao M, Wen YC, Chien MH.. The RNA-binding protein KSRP aggravates malignant progression of clear cell renal cell carcinoma through transcriptional inhibition and post-transcriptional destabilization of the NEDD4L ubiquitin ligase . Journal of Biomedical Science .2023 ;(30(1))

6. 2023 Wen YC,Lin CY,Ho KH,Lin YW,Hsiao CH,Wang SS, Chang LC, Yang SF, Chien MH. Functional variants of the chitinase 3-like 1 gene are associated with clinicopathologic outcomes and progression of prostate cancer . Journal of Cellular Molecular Medicine .2023 ;(00):1-13

7. 2023 Wen YC,Lin CY,Hsiao CH,Wang SS,Huang HC,Lin YW, Ho KH, Chang LC, Yang SF, Chien MH. Genetic variants of dipeptidyl peptidase IV are linked to the clinicopathologic development of prostate cancer . Journal of Cellular Molecular Medicine .2023 ;(27):2507-2516

8. 2023 Chen YC,Dung PVT,Yeh HL,Chen WH,Jiang KC,Li HR, Wen YU, Liu YN. Targeting PKLR/MYCN/ROMO1 signaling suppresses neuroendocrine differentiation of castration-resistant prostate cancer . Redox Biology .2023

9. 2023 Lin YW,Wen YC,Hsiao CH, Lai FR,Yang SF,Yang YC, Ho KH, Hsieh FK, Hsiao M, Lee WJ. Proteoglycan SPOCK1 as a Poor Prognostic Marker Promotes Malignant Progression of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma via Triggering the Snail/Slug-MMP-2 Axis-Mediated Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition . cells .2023

10. 2022 Hsieh CY,Lin CY,Wang SS,Chou YE,Chien MH,Wen YC, Hsieh MJ, Yang SF. Impact of Clinicopathological Characteristics and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-3 Polymorphism Rs9619311 on Biochemical Recurrence in Taiwanese Patients with Prostate Cancer . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022

11. 2022 Wen YC,Chen WY,Tram VTN,Yeh HL,Chen WH,Jiang KC. Pyruvate kinase L/R links metabolism dysfunction to neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer by ZBTB10 deficiency . Cell Death and Disease .2022

12. 2021 Ding YF,Wen YC,Chuang CY,Lin CW,Yang YC,Liu YF. Combined Impacts of Genetic Variants of Long Non-Coding RNA MALAT1 and the Environmental Carcinogen on the Susceptibility to and Progression of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma . Frontiers in Oncology .2021

13. 2021 Wen YC,Liu YN,Yeh SL. TCF7L1 regulates cytokine response and neuroendocrine differentiation of prostate cancer . Oncogenesis .2021 ;(11)

14. 2021 Hsu CC. Serum vitamin D levels in females with urinary incontinence: a meta-analysis of observational trials . Int Urogynecol J . 2021 Jun 16. doi: 10.1007/s00192-021-04886-9. Online ahead of print. .2021

15. 2021 Wen YC. Loco-regional deep hyperthermia combined with intravesical Mitomycin instillation reduces the recurrence of non-muscle invasive papillary bladder cancer . Int J Hyperthermia . 2021;38(1):1627-1632. doi: 10.1080/02656736.2021.2001582. .2021

16. 2021 Shih HJ,Lin KH,Wen YC,Fan YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Increased risk of bladder cancer in young adult men with hyperlipidemia A population-based cohort study . Medicine .2021

17. 2021 Wen YC,Liu CL,Yeh HL,Chen WH,Jiang KC,Tram VTN. PCK1 regulates neuroendocrine differentiation in a positive feedback loop of LIF/ZBTB46 signalling in castration-resistant prostate cancer . British Journal of Cancer .2021

18. 2020 Wen YC,Lin YW,Chu CY,Yang YC,Yang SF,Liu YF. Melatonin-triggered post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications . Journal of pineal research .2020

19. 2019 Chien MH,Lin YW,Wen YC,Yang YC, Hsiao M. Targeting the SPOCK1-snail/slug axis-mediated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by apigenin contributes to repression of prostate cancer metastasis . J Exp Clin Cancer Res. .2019

20. 2019 Wu SY,Wen YC,Ku CC,Yang YC. Penfluridol triggers cytoprotective autophagy and cellular apoptosis through ROS induction and activation of the PP2A-modulated MAPK pathway in acute myeloid leukemia with different FLT3 statuses . J Biomed Sci. .2019

21. 2019 HS Syu,KS Chan,CH Hsiao,WY Chen,LM Lee,YC Wen . A Large Urinary Bladder Hemangioma Mimicking Urachal Cancer: A Case Report and Literature Review . Urology .2019 ;(123):224-226

22. 2019 MC Tung,YC Wen,SS Wang ,YW Lin ,JM Chow,SF Yang, MH Chien. Impact of Long Non-Coding RNA HOTAIR Genetic Variants on the Susceptibility and Clinicopathologic Characteristics of Patients with Urothelial Cell Carcinoma . Journal of clinical medicine .2019 ;(8):282

23. 2018 YH Yang,YC Wen,KC Chen ,C Chen . Ultrasound-guided versus fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis . World Journal of Urology .2018

24. 2018 SH Syu,YW Lin,KH Lin,LM Lee,CH Hsiao,YC Wen. Risk factors for complications and graft failure in kidney transplant patients with sepsis . Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences .2018

25. 2018 MC Tung,YC Wen,SS Wang,YW Lin ,YC Liu,SF Yang MH Chien. Dopamine receptor D2 genetic variations is associated with the risk and clinicopathological variables of urothelial cell carcinoma in a Taiwanese population . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2018 ;(15):1187-1193

26. 2018 Chien MH,Lee WJ,Yang YC,Tan P,Pan KF,Pan KF, Liu YC, Tsai HC, Hsu CH, Wen YC, Hsiao M, Hua KT. N-α-acetyltransferase 10 protein promotes metastasis by stabilizing matrix metalloproteinase-2 protein in human osteosarcomas . Cancer Letter .2018 ;(433):86-91

27. 2018 HJ Shih,PS Tsai,YC Wen,MC Kao,YC Fan,CJ Huang. Hyperlipidemia patients with long-term statin treatment are associated with a reduced risk of progression of benign prostatic enlargement . Aging Male .2018

28. 2018 Lu CF,Chen CY Chen,Lee LM,Lin KH,Lin YW,Hsiao CH, Wen YC. Do 5α-reductase inhibitors prevent secondary benign prostate hyperplasia-related urinary retention? . Urological Science .2018 ;(29):86-90

29. 2017 Chang JL,Chow JM,Chang JH,Wen YC,Lin YW,Yang SF, Lee WJ, Chien MH.. Quercetin simultaneously induces G0 /G1 -phase arrest and caspase-mediated crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy in human leukemia HL-60 cells . Environmental Toxicology .2017 ;(32):1857-1868

30. 2017 Chen CY,Lee LM,Yu HW,Lee SP,Lee HL,Lin YW, Wen YC, Chen YJ, Chen CP, Tsai JT. Dosimetric and radiobiological comparison of Cyberknife and Tomotherapy in stereotactic body radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer . J Xray Sci Techno .2017 ;(25):465-477

31. 2017 Chien MH,Chow JM,Lee WJ,Chen HY,Tan P,Wen YC, Lin YW, Hsiao PC, Yang SF. Tricetin Induces Apoptosis of Human Leukemic HL-60 Cells through a Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Activation Pathway . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2017 ;(18)

32. 2017 YW Lin ,SS Wang,YC Wen ,MC Tung ,LM Lee ,SF Yang, MH Chien . Genetic Variations of Melatonin Receptor Type 1A are Associated with the Clinicopathologic Development of Urothelial Cell Carcinoma . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2017 ;(14):1130-1135

33. 2017 Chien MH,Lin CW,Cheng CW,Wen YC,Yang SF. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 as a target for head and neck cancer therapy. . Expert Opin Ther Targets. .2017 ;(2):203-216

34. 2016 Chen WY,Hua KT,Lee WJ,Lin YW,Liu YN,Chen CL, Wen YC, Chien MH.. Akt Activation Correlates with Snail Expression and Potentially Determines the Recurrence of Prostate Cancer in Patients at Stage T2 after a Radical Prostatectomy. . Int J Mol Sci. .2016 ;(8)

35. 2015 Lee WJ,Chien MH,Chow JM,Chang JL,Wen YC,Lin YW, Cheng CW, Lai GM, Hsiao M, Lee LM.. Nonautophagic cytoplasmic vacuolation death induction in human PC-3M prostate cancer by curcumin through reactive oxygen species -mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress. . Sci Rep. .2015

36. 2015 Wen YC,Lee WJ,Tan P,Yang SF,Hsiao M,Lee LM, Chien MH.. Chien MH.By inhibiting snail signaling and miR-23a-3p, osthole suppresses the EMT-mediated metastatic ability in prostate cancer. . Oncotarget. .2015 ;(25):21120-21136

37. 2015 Chou PS,Chou WP,Chen MC,Lai CL,Wen YC,Yeh KC, Chang WP, Chou YH.. Newly diagnosed erectile dysfunction and risk of depression: a population-based 5-year follow-up study in Taiwan. J Sex Med. . J Sex Med. .2015 ;(3):804-812

38. 2014 Wen YC,Chen WY,Lee WJ,Yang SF,Lee LM,Chien MH. Snail as a potential marker for predicting the recurrence of prostate cancer in patients at stage T2 after radical prostatectomy. . Clin Chim Acta. .2014

39. 2013 Yan KH,Lin YW,Hsiao CH,Wen YC,Lin KH,Liu CC, Hsieh MC, Yao CJ, Yan MD, Lai GM, Chuang SE, Lee LM.. Mefloquine induces cell death in prostate cancer cells and provides a potential novel treatment strategy in vivo. . Oncol Lett. .2013 ;(5):1567-1571

40. 2013 Yan KH,Yao CJ,Hsiao CH,Lin KH,Lin YW,Wen YC, Liu CC, Yan MD, Chuang SE, Lai GM, Lee LM.. Mefloquine exerts anticancer activity in prostate cancer cells via ROS-mediated modulation of Akt, ERK, JNK and AMPK signaling. . Oncol Lett. .2013 ;(5):1541-1545

41. 2013 Chien MH,Lin CW,Cheng CW,Wen YC,Yang SF. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 as a target for head and neck cancer therapy. . Expert Opin Ther Targets. .2013 ;(17)

42. 2012 Lin KH,Lin YW,Wen YC,Lee LM. Efficacy and safety of orally disintegrating tamsulosin tablets in Taiwanese patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. . Aging Male. .2012


113 研究MCTP1/FYN促進攝護腺癌神經內分泌分化和骨轉移的分子機制和臨床意義(3/3)

112 研究MCTP1/FYN促進攝護腺癌神經內分泌分化和骨轉移的分子機制和臨床意義(2/3)

111 研究MCTP1/FYN促進攝護腺癌神經內分泌分化和骨轉移的分子機制和臨床意義(1/3)

109 探討TCF7L1對前列腺癌神經內分泌分化之分子機轉與臨床意義

106 A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin motifs1在褪黑激素調節腎細胞癌侵襲及轉移能力過程中之角色扮演及其相關分子機制探討

105 新聘教師研究補助