張淳昭(Chang, Chuen-Chau) 副教授

現   職
麻醉學科 副教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2014/08/01 ~ 2020/07/31
2007/08/01 ~







1. 2024 Sung LC,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL,Liao CC. How Long After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Can Patients Have Elective Safer Non-Cardiac Surgery? . J Multidiscip Healthc .2024 ;(17):743-752

2. 2023 Fan Chiang YH,Lee YW,Lam F,Liao CC,Chang CC,Lin CS. Smoking increases the risk of postoperative wound complications: A propensity score-matched cohort study. . Int Wound J. .2023 ;(20)

3. 2023 Liao YC,Chang CC,Chen CY,Liu CC,Liao CC,Shih YR, Lin CS. Preoperative renal insufficiency predicts postoperative adverse outcomes in a mixed surgical population: a retrospective matched cohort study using the NSQIP database . Int J Surg .2023 ;(109):752-759

4. 2023 Wang MT,Chang CC,Liu CC,Fan Chiang YH,Shih YR,Lee YW. General versus Neuraxial Anesthesia on Clinical Outcomes in Patients Receiving Hip Fracture Surgery: An Analysis of the ACS NSQIP Database . J Clin Med .2023 ;(12):3827-3827

5. 2023 The effects of regular dental scaling on the complications and mortality after stroke: a retrospective cohort study based on a realworld database . BMC Oral Health .2023 ;(23):487-487

6. 2022 Wu HY,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chen MY,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after non-hepatic surgeries in patients with alcoholic liver diseases: a propensity-score matched study. . BMC Gastroenterol. .2022 ;(22)

7. 2022 Kao YT,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Complications and Mortality after Surgeries in Patients with Prior Stroke Who Received General and Neuraxial Anesthesia: A Propensity-Score Matched Study . J Clin Med .2022 ;(11):1490-1490

8. 2022 Chen TJ,Chung YW,Chen PY,Hu SH,Chang CC,Hsieh SH, Wang BC, Chiu HY. Effects of daily sedation interruption in intensive care unit patients undergoing mechanical ventilation: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Int J Nurs Pract . .2022 ;(28)

9. 2022 Chang CC,Sun MF,Chou YC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC.. Decreased Risk of Stroke in People Using Red Yeast Rice Prescriptions (LipoCol Forte®): a Total Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med . .2022 ;(2022)

10. 2022 Lin CS,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chang YC,Chen TL, Liao CC. Outcomes following diabetes admission in patients who had influenza vaccination: A population-based cohort study. . Diabetes Res Clin Pract . .2022 ;(189)

11. 2021 Weng SW,Chang CC,Chen TL,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Lane HL, Liao CC, Shih CC. Risk of diabetes in stroke patients who used Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang . Phytomedicine .2021 ;(80):153376

12. 2021 Huang YC,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Lin CS,Hu CJ,Chen TL, Liao CC. The protective effect of statins against pressure ulcers in stroke patients: A propensity-score matched study based on a real-world database . Atherosclerosis .2021 ;(317):22-28

13. 2021 Lo PH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Sung LC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse Outcomes after Non-Cardiac Surgeries in Patients with Heart Failure: A Propensity-Score Matched Study . J Clin Med .2021 ;(10):1501

14. 2021 Wang MT,Chang CC,Hsieh MH,Chang CW,Fan Chiang YH,Tsai HC. Correspondence to OHIA syndrome: stop before it is too late! Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol . Taiwan J Obstet Gyneco .2021 ;(60):585-587

15. 2021 Wu GJ,Cherng YG,Chen JT,Chang CC,Liu SH,Chen RM. Genistein Triggers Translocation of Estrogen Receptor-Alpha in Mitochondria to Induce Expressions of ATP Synthesis-Associated Genes and Improves Energy Production and Osteoblast Maturation . Am J Chin Med .2021 ;(49):901-923

16. 2021 Chen TJ,Chung YW,Chen PY,Hu U,Chang CC,Hsieh SH, Wang BC, Chiu HY. Effects of daily sedation interruption in intensive care unit patients undergoing mechanical ventilation: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Int J Nurs Pract .2021 ;(e12948):e12948

17. 2021 Shih YCD,Liu CC,Chang CC,Lee YW. Effects of digital learning in anaesthesiology: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Eur J Anaesthesiol .2021 ;(38):171-182

18. 2021 Li CC,Chang CC,Cherng YG,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Chang YC, Hu CJ, Shih CC, Chen TL, Liao CC.. Risk and outcomes of diabetes in patients with epilepsy . Sci Rep .2021 ;(11):18888

19. 2021 Tai YH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL,Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after noncardiac surgery in patients with aortic stenosis. . Sci Rep. .2021 ;(11):19517

20. 2021 Sung LC,Chang CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC.. Risk of acute atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis. . Sci Rep .2021 ;(11):20907

21. 2020 Lin CS,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chang YC,Chen TL,Liao CC. Outcomes after surgery in patients with diabetes who used metformin: a retrospective cohort study based on a real-world database . BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care .2020 ;(8):001351

22. 2020 Tai YH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Sung LC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Long-Term Risk of Stroke and Poststroke Outcomes in Patients with Heart Failure: Two Nationwide Studies . Clin Epidemiol .2020 ;(12):1235-1244

23. 2020 Lee CY,Chang CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Wu CZ, Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk of dementia in patients with periodontitis and related protective factors: A nationwide retrospective cohort study . J Clin Periodontol .2020 ;(47):1428-1436

24. 2020 Wang MT,Chang CC,Hsieh MH,Chang CW,Fan Chiang YH,Tsai HC. Operative hysteroscopy intravascular absorption syndrome is more than just the gynecological transurethral resection of the prostate syndrome: A case series and literature review . Taiwan J Obstet Gyneco .2020 ;(59):748-753

25. 2020 Huang SY,Chang CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Lin JA,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after major surgery in children with intellectual disability . Dev Med Child Neurol .2020

26. 2020 Liao YC,Wu WC,Hsieh MH,Chang CC,Tsai HC. Ultrasound-guided superior laryngeal nerve block assists in anesthesia for bronchoscopic surgical procedure . Medicine (Baltimore) .2020 ;(99):e20916

27. 2020 Liao YC,Chang CC,Chen TL,Liu CC,Chen HH,Lee YW. Association between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with end-stage renal disease: a population-based cohort study . J Nephrol .2020

28. 2020 Wu GJ,Chen JT,Cherng YG,Chang CC,Liu SH,Chen RM. Genistein Improves Bone Healing via Triggering Estrogen Receptor Alpha-Mediated Expressions of Osteogenesis-Associated Genes and Consequent Maturation of Osteoblasts . J Agric Food Chem .2020 ;(68):10639-10650

29. 2019 Lin CS,Chang CC,Lee YW,Liu CC,Yeh CC,Chang YC, Chuang MT, Chang TH, Chen TL, Liao CC.. Adverse Outcomes after Major Surgeries in Patients with Diabetes: A Multicenter Matched Study. . J Clin Med. .2019 ;(8):1-13

30. 2019 Lai KM,Chen TL,Chang CC,Chen HH,Lee YW. Association between NSAID use and mortality risk in patients with end-stage renal disease: a population-based cohort study . Clin Epidemiol .2019 ;(11):429-441

31. 2019 Cherng YG,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Hsu YH,Chen TL,Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after non urological surgeries in patients with chronic kidney disease: a propensity-score-matched study . Clin Epidemiol .2019 ;(11):707-719

32. 2019 Tai YH,Chen TL,Cherng YG,Yeh CC,Chang CC,Liao CC. Previous Use of Mammography as a Proxy for General Health Checks in Association with Better Ouctomes after Major Surgeries . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(16):E4432-E453

33. 2018 Chang HC, Liao CC,Chang CC,Huang SY,Yeh CC,Hu CJ, Cherng YG, Chen TL. Risk of epilepsy in surgical patients undergoing general or neuraxial anaesthesia . Anaesthesia .2018 ;(73):323-331

34. 2018 Lin YC,Chen CY,Liao YM,Lin PC,Chang CC. Pain Relief by Parecoxib for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Asian J Anesthesiol. .2018 ;(56):92-114

35. 2018 Lin YC,Chen CY,Liao YM,Lin PC,Chang CC. Pain Relief by Parecoxib for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Asian J Anesthesiol .2018 ;(56):92-114

36. 2018 Chang CC,Chen TL,Lin CS,Chung CL,Yeh CC,Hu CJ, Lane HL, Liao CC, Shih CC. Decreased risk of pneumonia in stroke patients receiving acupuncture: A nationwide matched-pair retrospective cohort study. . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):1-11

37. 2017 Lai KM,Hsieh MH,Lam F,Chen CY,Chen TL,Chang CC. Anesthesia for patients with tracheal bronchus . Asian J Anesthesiol .2017

38. 2017 Tsai HC,Yoshida T,Chuang TY,Yang SF,Chang CC,Yao HY, Tai YT, Lin JA, Chen KY. Transversus Abdominis Plane Block: An Updated Review of Anatomy and Techniques . BioMed Research International .2017 ;(2017)

39. 2017 Lin YC,Chen CY,Liao YM,Liao AH,Lin PC,Chang CC. Preventing shivering with adjuvant low dose intrathecal meperidine: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis . Sci Rep .2017 ;(10):15323-1546

40. 2016 Chang CC,Liao CC,Chen TL. Perioperative medicine and Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database . Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan .2016 ;(54):93-96

41. 2016 Chang CC,Wong CS. Postoperative nausea and vomiting free for all: A solution from propofol? . Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan .2016 ;(54):106-107

42. 2016 Chang CC,Chen TL,Elley Chiu H,Hu CJ,Yeh CC,Tsai CC, Lane HL, Sun MF, Sung FC, Liao CC, Lin JG, Shih CC.. Outcomes after stroke in patients receiving adjuvant therapy with traditional Chinese medicine: A nationwide matched interventional cohort study. . J Ethnopharmacol. .2016 ;(177):46-52

43. 2016 Lo PH,Huang YF,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chang CY,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC.. Risk and mortality of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with thrombocytopenia: Two nationwide retrospective cohort studies. . Eur J Intern Med. .2016 ;(27):86-90

44. 2016 Lin CS,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chung TL,Chen TL,Liao CC. Postoperative Adverse Outcomes in Patients With Asthma: A Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study. . Medicine (Baltimore). .2016 ;(95):e2548-e2548

45. 2016 CC Chang,CC Liao,TL Chen. Perioperative medicine and Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica .2016

46. 2014 Lee YW,Chen TL,Shih YR,Tsai CL,Chang CC,Liang HH, Tseng SH, Chien SC, Wang CC. Adjunctive traditional Chinese medicine therapy improves survival in patients with advanced breast cancer: a population-based study. . Cancer .2014 ;(120):1338-1344

47. 2013 Chang CC,Chang HC,Wu CH,Chang CY,Liao CC,Chen TL. Postoperative Adverse Outcomes in Surgical Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia. . Br J Surg .2013 ;(100):684-692

48. 2013 Lin CS,Lin SY,Chang CC,Wang HH,Liao CC,Chen TL. Postoperative adverse outcomes after non-hepatic surgery in patients with liver cirrhosis. . Br J Surg. .2013 ;(100):1784-1790

49. 2013 Chuang HC,Hsueh TW,Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chuang KJ,Yan YH, Cheng TJ. Nickel-regulated heart rate variability: The roles of oxidative stress and inflammation. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. .2013 ;(266):298-306

50. 2012 Wu CH,Cheng RM,Tsai HC,Chang CC,Chang H,Liao CC, Chen TL.. How Comorbidities and preoperative expenditures correlate with postoperative adverse outcomes. . Am J Manag Care. .2012 ;(18):e392-e397

51. 2012 Chang CC,Hu CJ,Lam F,Chang H,Liao CC,Chen TL. Postoperative adverse outcomes in surgical patients with epilepsy: a population-based study. . Epilepsia .2012 ;(53):987-994

52. 2012 Liao CC,Shen WW,Chang CC,Chang H,Chen TL. Surgical Adverse Outcomes in Patients with Schizophrenia – A Population-based Study. . Ann Surg. .2012 ;(257):433-438

53. 2012 Chaur-Jong Hu,Chien-Chang Liao,Chuen-Chau Chang,Chih-Hsiung Wu,Ta-Liang Chen. Postoperative Adverse Outcomes in Surgical Patients with Dementia: A Retrospective Cohort Study. . World J Surg. .2012 ;(36):2051-2058

54. 2011 Jui-An Lin,Chien-Chang Liao,Chuen-Chau Chang,Hang Chang,Ta-Liang Chen. Postoperative Adverse Outcomes in Intellectually Disabled Surgical Patients: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. . PLoSone .2011 ;(6):e26977

55. 2011 Chuen-Chau Chang,I-Te Wang,Yi-Hua Chen,Herng-Ching Lin. Anesthetic management as a risk factor for postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean deliveries . Am J Obstet Gynecol .2011 ;(205):462.e1-7

56. 2011 Lee YW,Lin JA,Chang CC,Chen YH,Liu PL,Lee AW, Tsai JC, Li CY, Tsai CS, Chen TL, Lin FY. Ginkgo biloba extract suppresses endotoxin-mediated monocyte activation by inhibiting nitric oxide- and tristetraprolin-mediated toll-like receptor 4 expression. . J Nutr Biochem. .2011 ;(22):351-359

57. 2010 Jui-An Lin,Jenn-Han Chen,Yuan-Wen Lee,Chao-Shun Lin,Ming-Hui Hsieh,Chuen-Chau Chang, Chih-Shung Wong, Judy Ju-Yi Chen, Geng-Chang Yeh, Feng-Yen Lin, Ta-Liang Chen. Biphasic Effect of Curcumin on Morphine Tolerance: A Preliminary Evidence from Cytokine/Chemokine Protein Array Analysis . Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2010 ;(2011):452153

58. 2010 Chao-Shun Lin,Chuen-Chau Chang,Jainn-Shiun Chiu,Yuan-Wen Lee,Jui-An Lin,Martin S. Mok, Hung-Wen Chiu, Yu-Chuan Li. Application of an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Postinduction Hypotension During General Anesthesia . Medical Decision Making .2010 ;(31):308-314

59. 2010 Chuen-Chau Chang,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Hui-Wen Lin,Herng-Ching Lin. Anesthetic Management and Surgical Site Infections in Total Hip or Knee Replacement: A Population-based Study . Anesthesiology .2010 ;(113):279-284

60. 2008 Hsieh MH,Chen TL,Lin YH,Chang CC,Lin CS,Lee YW. Acute pulmonary edema from unrecognized high irrigation pressure in hysteroscopy: a report of two cases . Journal of Clinical Anesthesia .2008 ;(20):614-617

61. 2007 Lee YW,Chang CC. The bispectral index in a patient with carbon dioxide narcosis . Anaesth Intensive Care .2007 ;(35):453-454

62. 2007 Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chan CC,Cheng TJ. Interaction effects of ultrafine carbon black with iron and nickel on heart rate variability in spontaneously hypertensive rats. . Environmental Health Perspective .2007 ;(115):1012-1017

63. 2007 Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chan CC,Wang PY,Cheng TJ. Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particles on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Cardiac Contractility in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats during a Dust Storm Event. . Inhaltion Toxicology .2007 ;(19):973-978

64. 2005 Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chan CC,Wang PY,Hu TH,Cheng TJ. Effects of concentrated ambient particles on heart rate variability in spontaneously hypertensive rats. . JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH .2005 ;(47):471-480

65. 2005 Yen CM,Hung CJ,Chen KB,Chang CC,Wu RS. Latrogenic aortic dissection during mitral valve replacement surgery--a case report. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica. .2005 ;(43):253-256

66. 2004 Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chan CC,Wang PY,Hu TH,Cheng TJ. Effects of concentrated ambient particles on heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac contractility in spontaneously hypertensive rats. . Inhalation Toxicology .2004 ;(16):421-429

67. 2002 Lei YC,Hwang SJ,Chang CC,Kuo HW,Luo JC,Chang MJ, Cheng TJ. Effects on sister chromatid exchange frequency of polymorphisms in DNA repair gene XRCC1 in smokers. . MUTATION RESEARCH-GENETIC TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGENESIS .2002 ;(59):93-101

68. 1995 Chang CC,Yang MW,Lin SM,Kuo TB,Chan KH,Lin CY. Power spectral analysis of systemic arterial pressure signals during open heart surgery. . Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi .1995 ;(55):421-426

69. 1993 Chan KH,Yang MW,Huang MH,Hseu SS,Chang CC,Lee TY, Lin CY. A comparison between vecuronium and atracurium in myasthenia gravis. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .1993 ;(37):679-682

1. 2016 Ya-Wen Yang,Chuen-Chau Chang,Shou-Zen Fan,Yuan-Mei Liao,Wen-Jan Dai. Effects of Different Work Shifts on Heart Rate Variability in Nurse Anesthetists between Two Consecutive Shifts . .2016

2. 2012 Chuen-Chau Chang. Acute Toxicity of Ambient Particulate Matter in Animals . 2012心臟學會冬季會 .2012

3. 2010 Chuen-Chau Chang,Herng-Ching Lin,Ming-Hui Hsieh,Yuan-Wen Lee,Chao-Shun Lin,Ta-Liang Chen. Anesthetic Management and Surgical Site Infections in Total Hip or Knee Replacement . 台灣麻醉醫學會2010年年會 .2010

4. 2009 Chuen-Chau Chang,Ming-Hui Hsieh,Yuan-Wen Lee,Jui-An Lin,Chao-Shun Lin,Huai-Chia Chang, Ta-Liang Chen. Retrospective analysis for the potency of inducing tachyarrhythmias by inhalation anesthetics . 台灣麻醉醫學會2009年年會 .2009

5. 2009 Chang CC,Hsieh MH,Lin JA,Lee YW,Lin CS,Chang HC, Chen TL. Retrospective analysis for the potency of inducing tachyarrhythmias by inhalation anesthetics . 2009 Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology .2009

6. 2008 Ming-Hui Hsieh,Yuan-Wen Lee,Chuen-Chau Chang,Chao-Shun Lin,Yu-Hua Lin,Ta-Liang Chen. Acute Pulmonary Edema with Unrecognized High Irrigation Pressure in Hysteroscopy – A Case Report . 台灣麻醉醫學會2008年年會 .2008

7. 2008 Chang CC,Hsueh TW,Cheng TJ. Alterations of Heart Rate Variability in Rats Exposed to Ultrafine and Fine Carbon Black . 7th International Scientific Conference .2008

8. 2008 Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chan CC,Cheng TJ. Alterations of Heart Rate Variability and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Rats Exposed to Coarse and Fine Particulate Matter . 2008 Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology, Seattle .2008

9. 2008 Chang CC,Chen TL,Cheng TJ. Interaction Effects of Ultrafine Carbon Black with Endotoxin on Heart Rate Variability in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats . 台灣麻醉醫學會2008年年會暨國際華人麻醉論壇 .2008

10. 2007 Cheng TJ,Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chan CC. Interaction Effects of Ultrafine Carbon Black with Iron and Nickel on Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats . ATS 2007 - San Francisco International Conference .2007

11. 2007 Cheng TJ,Chang CC,Hsueh TW. Alterations of heart rate and heart rate variability in rats exposed to ultrafine and fine carbon black . 3rd International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health .2007


13. 2005 Cheng TJ,Chang WL,Chnag CC,Lei YC. Alterations of heart rate and heart rate variability in spontaneously hypertensive rats exposed . 2005 Second International Symposium on Nanotechnology & Occupational Health .2005

14. 2003 Lei YC,Chan CC,Wang PY,Lee CT,Chang CC,Cheng TJ. 自發性高血壓大鼠暴露於濃縮懸浮微粒之毒理基因表現 . 2003 Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Medicine-台南 成功大學 .2003

15. 2003 Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chan CC,Wang PY,Hu TH,Cheng TJ. Effects of Concentrated Dust Storm Particles on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and QA Intervals in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats . 2003 年工業衛生學術研討會 .2003

16. 2003 Chang CC,Hwang JS,Chan CC,Wang PY,Hu TH,Cheng TJ. Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particles on Heart Rate Variability in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats . 2003 年工業衛生學術研討會 .2003

17. 2003 Cheng TJ,Chang CC,Hwang JS,Wang PY,Chan CC. EFFECTS OF CONCENTRATED AMBIENT PARTICLES ON HEMODYNAMIC . 2003 Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health -Pittsburgh, USA .2003

18. 2002 Chang CC,Chan CC,Hwang JS,Wang PY,Cheng TJ. Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particles on Heart Rate and QA Intervals in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats . the 17th Asian Conference on Occupational Health (ACOH) .2002


111 以連續非侵入動脈波形預測麻醉誘導後低血壓之方法研究-以內視鏡手術病患為研究族群

109 建立類神經網路模型以評估手術病患發生呼吸中止與低血氧的風險

96 超細粒徑碳黑及細菌內毒素在發性高血壓大鼠所表現的心跳速率變異性及其交互作用