洪國盛(Hung, Kuo-Sheng) 教授

現   職
傷害防治學研究所 教授


學 歷

高雄醫學大學醫學研究所 博士
高雄醫學院醫學系 學士




2022/02/01 ~
2014/02/01 ~
2009/06/01 ~ 2011/07/31
2009/06/01 ~ 2011/07/31







1. 2022 Ou KL,Huang CF,Lan WC,Huang BH,Pan HA,Shen YK, Saito T , Tsai HY, Cho YC, Hung KS, Chou HH. An Innovative Customized Biomimetic Hydrogel for Drug Screening Application Potential: Biocompatibility and Cell Invasion Ability . International journal of molecular sciences .2022 ;(23):1-12

2. 2022 Hung KS,Chen MS ,Lan WC,Cho YC,Saito T,Huang BH, Tsai HY, Hsieh CC, Ou KL, Lin HY. Three-Dimensional Printing of a Hybrid Bioceramic and Biopolymer Porous Scaffold for Promoting Bone Regeneration Potential. . Materials .2022 ;(15):1-15

3. 2022 Peng BY,Ou KL,Liu CM,Chu SF,Huang BH, Cho YC, Saito T, Tsa CH, Hung KS, Lan WC. A Three-Dimensional Bioprinted Copolymer Scaffold with Biocompatibility and Structural Integrity for Potential Tissue Regeneration Applications . polymers .2022 ;(2022):1-13

4. 2021 Huang HY,Hung KS,Yeh ML,Chou HL,Yeh AL,Liao TY. Breathing-based leg exercises during hemodialysis improve quality of life: A randomized controlled trial . Clin Rehabil .2021 ;(35):1175-1184

5. 2020 Batsaikhan Buyandelger,Hung KS,Chen RM,Liou JP,Huang HM,Wang JY. Histone deacetylase inhibitor MPT0B291 suppresses Glioma Growth in vitro and in vivo partially through acetylation of p53 . International journal of biological sciences .2020

6. 2020 Lu HF,Chou PH,Lin GH,Chou WH,Wang ST,Adikusuma W, Mugiyanto E, Hung KS, Chang WC. Pharmacogenomics Study for Raloxifene in Postmenopausal Female with Osteoporosis . Dis Markers. .2020

7. 2020 Pharmacogenomics Study for Raloxifene in Postmenopausal Female with Osteoporosis . Disease Markers .2020

8. 2019 Calos Lam,Pai CW,Hung KS, Chiu WT. Rider factors associated with severe injury after a light motorcycle crash: A multicentre study in an emerging economy setting . PLoS One .2019

9. 2019 Lu HF,Hung KS,Chu HW,Wong HS,Kim J,Choi BY, Kim MK, Tai YT, Ikegawa S, Cho EC, Chang WC. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies three loci associated with stiffness index of the calcaneus . J Bone Miner Res. .2019

10. 2019 Lam C,Pai CW,Chuan CC,Yan YC,Wu CC,Yu SH, Hung KS, Chiu WT. Rider factors associated with severe injury after a light motorcycle crash: A multicentre study in an emerging economy setting . PLoS One .2019 ;(14)

11. 2018 Wang CC,Hung KS,Yang YS. Preparation of Tyrosylprotein Sulfotransferases for In Vitro One-Pot Enzymatic Synthesis of Sulfated Proteins/Peptides . ACS Omega .2018

12. 2018 Lu HF,Hung KS,Chang WC. Meta-Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies Identifies Three Loci Associated With Stiffness Index of the Calcaneus . Journal of bone and mineral research .2018

13. 2018 Lu HF,Wong HS,Chen BK,Liao HT,Hsu YW,Ikegawa S, Cho EC, Hung KS, Chang WC. Integrative genomic analysis for the functional roles of ITPKC in bone mineral density . Biosci Rep. .2018 ;(38):1-8

14. 2017 Ye JJ,Chuang CC,Tai YT,Lee KT,Hung KS. Use of Heart Rate Variability and Photoplethysmograph-Derived Parameters as Assessment Signals of Radiofrequency Therapy Efficacy for Chronic Pain . Pain Practice .2017 ;(papr):1-6

15. 2017 Lam C,Chen PL,Kang JH,Cheng KF,Chen RJ,Hung KS. Risk factors for 14-day rehospitalization following trauma with new traumatic spinal cord injury diagnosis: A 10-year nationwide study in Taiwan . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):1-16

16. 2016 Chang WP,Lin YL,Lu HF,Hung KS, Chen HY. Scoliosis and the Subsequent Risk of Depression: A Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study in Taiwan . Spine .2016

17. 2015 Yang YS,Wang CC,Chen BH,Hou YH,Hung KS,Mao YC. Tyrosine Sulfation as a Protein Post-Translational Modification . Molecules .2015 ;(20):2138-2164

18. 2015 Yang YS,Wang CC,Chen BH,Hou YH,Hung KS,Mao YC. Tyrosine Sulfation as a Protein Post-Translational Modification . Molecules .2015 ;(20):2138-2164

19. 2015 Lu HF, Hung KS,Hsu YW,Tai YT,Huang LS,Wang YJ,Wong HS, Hsu YH, Chang WC. Association Study between the FTCDNL1 (FONG) and Susceptibility to Osteoporosis . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):140549-140558

20. 2014 Chang WP,Chang WC,Wu MS,Pai JT,Guo YC,CHen KC, Liu ME, Chiu WT, Hung KS. Population-based 5-year Follow-up Study in Taiwan of Osteoporosis and Risk of Periodontitis . J Periodontol .2014 ;(85):s-s7

21. 2014 Klahan S,Kuo CN,Chien SC,Lin YW,Lin CY,Lin CH, Chang WC, Lin CI, Hung KS, Chang WP. Osteoporosis increases subsequent risk of gallstone: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan . BMC Gastroenterol .2014 ;(14):192-200

22. 2014 Lin CH,Chang WC,Kuo CN,Yu HC,Yang CC,Lin YW, Hung KS, Chang WP. A population-based five-year study on the risk of stroke in patients with osteoporosis in Taiwan . Bone .2014 ;(72):9-13

23. 2014 Tai YT,Lee WY,Lee FP,Lin TJ,Shih CL,Wang JY, Chiu WT, Hung KS. Low dose of valproate improves motor function after traumatic brain injury . Biomed Research International .2014 ;(2014):1-8

24. 2013 Lin MS,Lin HY,Hung KS,Lin TJ,Wang YC,Chiu WT, Kung WM. Seat belt syndrome with cauda equina syndrome: two unique cases in the same motor vehicle accident . Spine .2013 ;(38):E1624-E1627

25. 2013 Liao WH,Cheng CH,Hung KS,Chiu WT,Chen GD,Hwang PP, Hwang SP, Kuan YS, Huang CJ. Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type O (Ptpro) regulates cerebellar formation during zebrafish development through modulating Fgf signaling. . Cell Mol Life Sci .2013 ;(70):2367-2381

26. 2013 Chang WP,Chang WC,Wu MS,Pai JT,Guo YC,Hung KS. Population-based 5-year Follow-up Study in Taiwan of Osteoporosis and Risk of Periodontitis . Journal of Periodontology .2013

27. 2012 Kung WM,Hung KS,Chiu WT,Tsai SH,Lin JW,Wang YC, Lin MS. Quantitative assessment of impaired postevacuation brain re-expansionin bilateral chronic subdural haematoma: Possible mechanism of the higher recurrence rate . Injury .2012 ;(43):598-602

28. 2012 Lin CH,Lin ES,Su TM,Hung KS,Yang YS. A nano switch mechanism for the redox-responsive sulfotransferase. . Biochemical Pharmacology .2012 ;(84):224-231

29. 2012 Chen BH,Wang CC,Lu LY,Hung KS,Yang YS. Fluorescence assay for protein post-translational tyrosine sulfation. . Anal Bioanal Chem .2012

30. 2012 Wei JC-C,Hung KS,Hsu YW,Wong RH,Huang CH,Jan MS,Wu SJ,Juan YS, Chang WC. Genetic Polymorphisms of Stromal Interaction Molecule 1 Associated with the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and C-Reactive Protein in HLA-B27 Positive Ankylosing Spondylitis Patients . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):49698-49706

31. 2011 Lin MS,Hung KS,Chiu WT,Sun YY,Tsai SH,Lin JW, Lee YH. Curcumin enhances neuronal survival in N-methyl-d-aspartic acid toxicity by inducing RANTES expression in astrocytes via PI-3K and MAPK signaling pathways . Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry .2011

32. 2011 Lin MS,Sun YY,Chiu WT,Hung CC,Chang CY,Shie FS, Tsai SH, Lin JW, Hung KS, Lee YH. Curcumin Attenuates the Expression and Secretion of RANTES after Spinal Cord Injury In Vivo and Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Astrocyte Reactivation In Vitro . Journal of Neurotrauma .2011 ;(28):1259-1269

33. 2011 Lin MS,Hung KS,Chiu WT,Sun YY,Tsai SH,Lin JW, Lee YH. Curcumin enhances neuronal survival in N-methyl-d-aspartic acid toxicity by inducing RANTES expression in astrocytes via PI-3K and MAPK signaling pathways . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .2011 ;(35):931-938

34. 2011 Lin MS,Lee YH,Chiu WT,Hung KS. Curcumin provides neuroprotection after spinal cord injury . J Surg Res .2011 ;(166):280-289

35. 2011 Wang PC,Lee LM,Lin TJ,Sheen-Chen SM,Lin JW,Chiu WT, Wang CC, Hung KS.. Gene transfer of IGF1 attenuates hepatocellular apoptosis after bile duct ligation . J Surg Res .2011 ;(167):237-244

36. 2010 Kung WM,Hung KS,Chiu WT,Tsai SH,Lin JW,Wang YC, Lin MS. Quantitative assessment of impaired postevacuation brain re-expansionin bilateral chronic subdural haematoma: Possible mechanism of the higher recurrence rate. . Injury .2010

37. 2009 Muh-Shi Lin M.D,Yi-Hsuan Lee,Wen-Ta Chiu,Kuo-Sheng Hung. Curcumin Provides Neuroprotection After Spinal Cord Injury. . Journal of Surgical Research .2009 ;(inpres):1-10

38. 2009 Kenneth Pi-Chieh Wan,Liang-Ming Lee,Tien-Jen Lin,Shyr-Ming Sheen-Chen,Jia-Wei Lin,Wen-Ta Chiu,Chien-Che Wang ,Kuo-Sheng Hung. Gene Transfer of IGF1 Attenuates Hepatocellular Apoptosis After Bile Duct Ligation. . Journal of Surgical Research .2009 ;(inpres):1-8

39. 2008 Lin JW,Lin CM,Tsai JT,Hung KS,Hung CC,Chiu WT. Neurotrauma research in Taiwan . Acta Neurochir Suppl .2008 ;(101):113-117

40. 2008 Lin JW,Tsai JT,Lin CM,Lee LM,Hung KS,Huang SJ. Evaluation of optimal cerebral perfusion pressure in severe traumatic brain injury . Acta Neurochir Suppl .2008 ;(101):131-136

41. 2008 Lin CM,Lin JW,Tsai JT,Ko CP,Hung KS,Hung CC. Intracranial pressure fluctuation during hemodialysis in renal failure patients with intracranial hemorrhage . Acta Neurochir Suppl .2008 ;(101):141-144

42. 2008 Lin JW,Tsai JT,Lee LM,Lin CM,Hung CC,Hung KS. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on patients with traumatic brain injury . Acta Neurochir Suppl .2008 ;(101):145-149

43. 2008 Ju DT,Lin JW,Lin MS,Lee LM,Tseng HM,Wei CP, Yen CH, Hung CC, Hung KS, Lin CM, Lin TJ,. Hypofractionated CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuromas with and without association to neurofibromatosis Type 2 . Acta Neurochir Suppl .2008 ;(101):169-173

44. 2008 Lee TC,Huang HY,Yang YL,Hung KS,Cheng CH,Lin WC, Wang CJ. Application of extracorporeal shock wave treatment to enhance spinal fusion: a rabbit experiment . Surg Neurol .2008 ;(70):129-134

45. 2008 Sheen-Chen SM,Ho HT,Hung KS,Eng HL. Z-LLY-FMK Can Attenuate Hepatocyte Apoptosis After Bile Duct Ligation in Rat . Dig Dis Sci .2008 ;(53):2975-2979

46. 2008 Sheen-Chen SM,Hung KS,Eng HL. Effect of Boc-D-Fmk on hepatocyte apoptosis after bile duct ligation in rat and survival rate after endotoxin challenge . J Gastroenterol Hepatol. .2008 ;(23):1276-1279

47. 2008 Wang CC,Lin JW,Lee LM,Lin CM,Chiu WT,Pai HT, Hung KS. alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Gene Transfer Attenuates Inflammation after Bile Duct Ligation in the Rat . Dig Dis Sci. .2008 ;(53):556-563

48. 2008 Hung KS,Lee CN,Liu HE. Rapid Detection of Hotspot Mutations in Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor by Polymerase Chain Reaction Facilitates the Management of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. . Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2008 .2008 ;(3):1202-1203

49. 2007 Lee TC,Huang HY,Yang YL,Hung KS,Cheng CH,Chang CH, Chang NK, Chung YH, Hu MS, Wang CJ. Vulnerability of the spinal cord to injury from extracorporeal shock waves in rabbits . J Clin Neurosci. .2007 ;(14):873-878

50. 2007 Hung KS,Tsai SH,Lee TC,Lin JW,Chang CK,Chiu WT. Gene transfer of IGF1 providing neuroprotection after spinal cord injury in rats . Journal of Neurosurgery Spine .2007 ;(6):35-46

51. 2007 Liang CL,Hung KS,Tsai YY,Chang W,Wang HS,Juo SHH. Systematic Assessment of the Tagging Polymorphisms of the COL1A1 Gene for High Myopia . Journal of Human Genetics .2007 ;(52):374-377

52. 2007 Hung KS,Tsai SH,Lee TC,Lin JW,Chang CK,Chiu WT. Gene transfer of insulin-like growth factor-I providing neuroprotection after spinal cord injury in rats . Journal of Neurosurgery Spine .2007 ;(6):35-46

53. 2006 Wang HC,Chang KC,Lee RJ,Yang TM,Hung KS. Post-traumatic hemifacial spasm . Journal of Clinical Neuroscience .2006 ;(13):681-683

54. 2006 Sheen-Chen SM,Ho HT,Lee CP,Hung KS,Eng HL. The effect of insulin-like growth factor-I on hepatocyte apoptosis after bile duct ligation in rat . Dig Dis Sci .2006 ;(51):2220-2224

55. 2006 Liang CL,Wang HS,Hung KS,His E,Sun A,Kuo YH, Juo SH. Evaluation of MMP3 and TIMP1 as candidate genes for high myopia in young Taiwanese men . Am J Ophthalmol .2006 ;(142):518-520

56. 2006 Wang HC,Chang KC,Lee RJ,Yang TM,Hung KS. Post-traumatic hemifacial spasm . Journal of Clinical Neuroscience .2006 ;(13):681-683

57. 2006 Wang KW,Chang WN,Ho JT,Chang HW,Lui CC,Cheng MH, Hung KS, Wang HC, Tsai NW. Factors predictive of fatality in massive middle cerebral artery territory infarction and clinical experience of decompressive hemicraniectomy . Eur J Neurol .2006 ;(13):765-771

58. 2006 Chou WY,Lu CN,Lee TH,Wu CL,Hung KS,Concejero AM, Jawan B, Wang CH. Electroporative interleukin-10 gene transfer ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-induced murine liver fibrosis by MMP and TIMP modulation . Acta Pharmacol Sin .2006 ;(27):469-476

59. 2006 Wang CH,Lee TH,Chou WY,Hung KS,Concejero AM,Jawan B. Electroporative alpha-MSH gene transfer attenuates thioacetamide-induced murine hepatic fibrosis by MMP and TIMP modulation . Gene Therapy .2006 ;(13):1000-1009

60. 2006 Lee TC,Ho JT,Hung KS,Chen WF,Chung YH,Yang YL. Bone morphogenetic protein gene therapy using a fibrin scaffold for a rabbit spinal-fusion experiment . Neurosurgery .2006 ;(58):373-380

61. 2005 Hung KS,Lee TH,Chou WY,Wu CL,Cho CL,Lu CN, Jawan B, and Wang CH. Interleukin-10 gene therapy reverses thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis in mice . Biochem Biophys Res Commun .2005 ;(336):324-331

62. 2005 Hung KS,Hwang SL,Liang CL,Chen YJ,Lee TH,Liu JK, Howng SL, Wang CH. Calpain Inhibitor Inhibits p35-p25-Cdk5 activation, Decreases Tau hyperphoshorylation and Improves Neurological Function after Spinal Cord Hemisection in Rats . Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology .2005 ;(64):15-26

63. 2005 Wang CH,Chou WY,Hung KS,Jawan B,Lu CN,Liu JK, Hung YP, Lee TH. ntrathecal administration of roscovitine inhibits Cdk5 activity and attenuates formalin-induced nociceptive response in rats . Acta Pharmacol Sin .2005 ;(26):46-50

64. 2004 Sheen-Chen SM,Eng HL,Hung KS. Altered serum transforming growth factor-β1 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 levels in obstructive jaundice . World J Surg .2004 ;(28):967-970

65. 2004 Hung KS,Liang CL,Chang HW,Park N,Juo SHH. Comparative study of bilateral and unilateral traumatic frontal intracerebral haemorrhage . Journal of Clinical Neuroscience .2004 ;(11):849-853

66. 2004 Wang CH,Chen YJ,Lee TH,Chen YS,Jawan B,Hung KS, Lu CN, Liu JK. Protective effect of MDL28170 against thioacetamide-induced acute liver failure in mice . J Biomed Sci .2004 ;(11):571-578

67. 2004 Wang CH,Jawan B,Lee TH,Hung KS,Chou WY,Lu CN, Liu JK, Chen YJ. Single injection of naked plasmid encoding α-melanocyte stimulating hormone protects against thioacetamide-induced acute liver failure in mice . Biochem Biophys Res Commun .2004 ;(322):153-161

68. 2004 Sheen-Chen SM,Hung KS,Ho HT,Chen WJ,Eng HL. Effect of Glutamine and Bile Acid on Hepatocyte Apoptosis after Bile Duct Ligation in the Rat . World J Surg .2004 ;(28):457-460

69. 2004 Liang CL,Hung KS,Park N,Chan P,Juo SHH. Comparison of the handheld Retinomax K-Plus2 and on-table autokeratometers in children with and without cycloplegia . J Cataract Refract Surg .2004 ;(30):669-674

70. 2004 Wang CH,Liang CL,Huang LT,Liu JK,Hung PH,Sun A, Hung KS. Single Intravenous Injection of Naked Plasmid DNA Encoding Erythropoietin Provides Neuroprotection in Hypoxia-Ischemia Rats . Biochemical and biophysical research communications .2004 ;(314):1064-1071

71. 2003 Liang CL,Hung KS,Park N,Chan P,Juo SH. Comparison of Measurements of Refractive Errors Between the Hand-held Retinomax and on-Table Autorefractors in Cyclopleged and Non-Cyclopleged Children . Am J Ophthalmol .2003 ;(136):1120-1128

72. 2003 Hung KS,Howng SL. Prognostic significance of Annexin 7 expression in human glioblastoma multiforme . Journal of Neurosurgery .2003 ;(99):886-892

73. 2002 Liang CL,Yang LC,Lui CC,Hsiao M,Hung KS. Parietal contusion and transient superior sagittal sinus occlusion presenting with cortical blindness . Journal of Trauma .2002 ;(53):1006-1009

74. 2002 Su TM,Lan CM,Yang LC,Lee TC,Wang KW,Hung KS. Brain Tumor presenting with fatal Herniation following Delivery under Epidural Anesthesia . Anesthesiology .2002 ;(96):508-509


106 公共衛生學系博士生林樹基君擬於107年4月27日至4月28日赴南韓首爾參加韓國重症醫學會2018年會

105 探討調控鈣離子途徑之基因分型在骨質疏鬆症的風險性評估- 第2-3年

104 探討調控鈣離子途徑之基因分型在骨質疏鬆症的風險性評估

102 MPT0E014新藥研發--治療缺血性腦中風及失智症(3/3)

101 脊髓損傷分子治療及機制研究

100 MPT0E014新藥研發--治療缺血性腦中風及失智症(1/3)

100 脊髓損傷分子治療及機制研究

99 脊髓損傷分子治療及機制研究

99 新藥HDAC inhibitor- MPT0E014神經保護劑-臨床前研究

98 利用本校自行合成之小分子化合物做為惡性腦瘤新藥之可行性研究

98 類鑽碳薄膜於牙周軟組織微創系統之整合研究

98 Indirubin 及 curcumin 在脊髓損傷之研究-Year 1(3-3)

97 Indirubin 及 curcumin 在脊髓損傷之研究-Year 1(2-3)

97 開發及測試本土合成之小分子抑制劑對人類多形性膠質母細胞瘤治療之可行性

96 Indirubin 及 curcumin 在脊髓損傷之研究-Year 1(1-3)

96 NAT2 腦瘤生物標記研究

95 以Curcumin治療大白鼠脊髓受傷