林英欽(Lin,Ying-Chin) 教授

現   職
家庭醫學科 教授


學 歷

私立臺北醫學院傷害防治學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2022/08/01 ~
2020/02/01 ~ 2022/07/31
2018/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31




Family Medicine



1. 2023 Lin YC,Huang YL,Shiue HS ,Hsu SL,Hsueh YM. Chronic Kidney Disease: Combined Effects of Gene Polymorphisms of Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase 3, Total Urinary Arsenic, and Blood Lead Concentration . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2023

2. 2023 Chiang MH,Jang YC,Chen YP,Chan WP,Lin YC,Huang SW, Kuo YJ.. T-score discordance between hip and lumbar spine: risk factors and clinical implications . Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis . .2023 ;(15)

3. 2023 Hsueh YM,Chen WJ,Lee HL,Huang YL,Shiue HS,Hsu SL, Chen HH, Lin YC.. Global DNA methylation and the association between metal exposure and chronic kidney disease . Front Public Health . .2023 ;(11)

4. 2023 Chen HH,Huang YL,Chen MC,Wu CY,Lin YC,Shiue HS, Hsu SL, Hsueh YM.. Chronic Kidney Disease: Interaction of Adiponectin Gene Polymorphisms and Diabetes . Int J Mol Sci . .2023 ;(24):8128

5. 2023 Estephan L,Lin YC,Lin YT,Chen YH,Pan SC,Hsieh SM, Torkehagen PF, Weng YJ, Cheng HY, Estrada JA, Waits A, Chen C, Lien CE.. Safety and immunogenicity of homologous versus heterologous booster dose with AZD1222, mRNA-1273, or MVC-COV1901 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in adults: An observer-blinded, multi-center, phase 2 randomized trial . Vaccine . .2023 ;(42):3497-3505

6. 2023 Huang CY,Chen WJ,Lee HL,Lin YC,Huang YL,Shiue HS, Pu YS, Hsueh YM.. Possible Combined Effects of Plasma Folate Levels, Global DNA Methylation, and Blood Cadmium Concentrations on Renal Cell Carcinoma . Nutrients . .2023 ;(15):937

7. 2022 Lee YJ,Lin YC,Liao CC,Chang YS,Huang YH,Tsai IJ, Chen JH, Lin SH, Lin YF, Hsieh TW, Chen YS, Wu CY, Chang CC, Lin CY.. Using anti-malondialdehyde-modified peptide adduct autoantibodies in serum of taiwanese women to diagnose primary Sjogren's syndrome . Clin Biochem. .2022 ;(108):27-41

8. 2022 Wei PL,Wu MS,Huang CK,Ho YH,Hung CS,Lin YC, Tsao MF, Lin JC.. Exploring Gut Microenvironment in Colorectal Patient with Dual-Omics Platform: A Comparison with Adenomatous Polyp or Occult Blood . Biomedicines .2022 ;(10)

9. 2022 Combined effects of nucleotide-binding domain-like receptor protein 3 polymorphisms and environmental metals exposure on chronic kidney disease . Sci Rep .2022 ;(12):6307

10. 2022 Associations between Plasma Folate and Vitamin B 12, Blood Lead, and Bone Mineral Density among Adults and Elderly Who Received a Health Examination . Nutrients .2022 ;(14):911

11. 2022 Enhanced Risk of Osteoporotic Fracture in Patients with Sarcopenia: A National Population-Based Study in Taiwan . J Pers Med . .2022

12. 2022 The combined effects of nucleotide-binding domain-like receptor protein 3 polymorphisms and levels of blood lead on developmental delays in preschool children . J Hazard Mater . .2022

13. 2021 Lin YC,Chen TH, Huang YM, Wei PL,Lin JC. Involvement of microRNA in Solid Cancer: Role and Regulatory Mechanisms . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9)

14. 2021 Alcohol Consumption Moderated the Association Between Levels of High Blood Lead or Total Urinary Arsenic and Bone Loss . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2021 ;(12):782174

15. 2021 Plasma Vitamin B 12 and Folate Alter the Association of Blood Lead and Cadmium and Total Urinary Arsenic Levels with Chronic Kidney Disease in a Taiwanese Population . Nutrients .2021 ;(13):3841

16. 2021 Association of Vitamin D Deficiency with Low Serum Albumin in Taiwanese Older Adults with Hip Fracture: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study. . J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). .2021 ;(67):153-162

17. 2021 Involvement of microRNA in Solid Cancer: Role and Regulatory Mechanisms. . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):343

18. 2021 Hsueh YM, Lin YC,Huang YL,Shiue HS,Pu YS,Huang CY, Chung CJ. . Effect of plasma selenium, red blood cell cadmium, total urinary arsenic levels, and eGFR on renal cell carcinoma. . Sci Total Environ .2021

19. 2020 Lin YC,Lu YH,Lee YC, Hung CS,Lin JC. Altered expressions and splicing profiles of Acin1 transcripts differentially modulate brown adipogenesis through an alternative splicing mechanism . Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech .2020

20. 2020 Hsueh YM,Lin YC,Chung CJ,Huang YL,Hsieh RL,Huang PT, Wu MY, Shiue HS, Chien SN, Lee CY, Lin MI, Mu SC, Su CT. Combined effect of polymorphisms of MTHFR and MTR and arsenic methylation capacity on developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan. . Arch Toxicol. .2020

21. 2020 Lin YC,Lin CY,Chen HM,Kuo LP,Hsieh CE,Wang XH, Cheng CW, Wu CY, Chen YS. Direct and Label-Free Determination of Human Glycated Hemoglobin Levels Using Bacteriorhodopsin as the Biosensor Transducer . Sensors (Basel) .2020

22. 2019 Lu YC,Lin YC,Yen AM, Chan WP. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry-assessed adipose tissues in metabolically unhealthy normal weight Asians. . Sci Rep .2019

23. 2019 Lin YC,Chung CJ,Huang YL,Hsieh RL,Huang PT,Wu MY, Ao PL, Shiue HS, Huang SR, Su CT, Lin MI, Mu SC, Hsueh YM.. Association of plasma folate, vitamin B12 levels, and arsenic methylation capacity with developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan. . Arch Toxicol. .2019

24. 2019 Lin YC,Lee YC,Lin YJ,Lin JC. Berberine Promotes Beige Adipogenic Signatures of 3T3-L1 Cells by Regulating Post-transcriptional Events. . Cells .2019

25. 2019 Clinical Evaluation of CA72-4 for Screening Gastric Cancer in A Healthy Population: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. . Cancers (Basel) .2019

26. 2019 Wu CY,Wong CS,Chung CJ,Wu MY,Huang YL,Huang YL, Ao PL, Lin YF, Lin YC, Shiue HS, Su CT, Chen HH, Hsueh YM.. The association between plasma selenium and chronic kidney disease related to lead, cadmium and arsenic exposure in a Taiwanese population. . J Hazard Mater. .2019 ;(375):224-232

27. 2019 Su CT,Hsieh RL,Chung CJ,Huang PT,Lin YC,Lin YC, Ao PL, Shiue HS, Chen WJ, Huang SR, Lin MI, Mu SC, Hsueh YM.. Plasma selenium influences arsenic methylation capacity and developmental delays in preschool children in Taiwan. . Environ Res. .2019 ;(171):52-59

28. 2019 Cheng CW,Yang SF,Wang YH,Fang WF,Lin YC,Tang KT, Lin JD.. Associations of secreted phosphoprotein 1 and B lymphocyte kinase gene polymorphisms with autoimmune thyroid disease. . Eur J Clin Invest .2019 ;(49):e13065

29. 2018 Chi NF,Ku HL,Chen DY,Tseng YC,Chen CJ,Lin YC, Hsieh YC, Chan L, Chiou HY, Hsu CY, Hu CJ.. Cerebral Motor Functional Connectivity at the Acute Stage: An Outcome Predictor of Ischemic Stroke. . Sci Rep. .2018 ;(8):16803

30. 2018 Wu JY,Chang YT,Lin YC,Lee CH,Loh EW,Wu MY, Chang YS, Tam KW.. Efficacy and Safety of Lesinurad in Patients with Hyperuricemia Associated with Gout: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Pharmacotherapy. .2018 ;(38):1106-1119

31. 2018 Wu CC,Huang YK,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Pu YS,Su CT, Lin YC, Hsueh YM.. Polymorphisms of TNF-α -308 G/A and IL-8 -251 T/A Genes Associated with Urothelial Carcinoma: A Case-Control Study. . Biomed Res Int. .2018 ;(2018):3148137

32. 2018 Huang CY,Lin YC,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Su CT,Pu YS, Ao PL, Hsueh YM.. Comparison of arsenic methylation capacity and polymorphisms of arsenic methylation genes between bladder cancer and upper tract urothelial carcinoma. . Toxicol Lett .2018 ;(295):64-73

33. 2018 Hsueh YM,Chen WJ,Lin YC,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Yang SM, Ao PL, Pu YS, Su CT.. Adiponectin gene polymorphisms and obesity increase the susceptibility to arsenic-related renal cell carcinoma. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2018 ;(350):11-20

34. 2018 Tay SY,Lao WT,Ng MY,Lin YC,Chung YH,Chan WP.. Practice Standards Developed and Quality Improvement for Use of Coronary CT Angiography in Taiwan. . J Am Coll Radiol .2018 ;(15):920-924

35. 2018 Lin YC,Chen WJ,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Su CT,Ao PL, Pu YS, Hsueh YM.. Polymorphisms of Arsenic (+3 Oxidation State) Methyltransferase and Arsenic Methylation Capacity Affect the Risk of Bladder Cancer. . Toxicol Sci. .2018 ;(161):328-338

36. 2018 Lin YC,Chen WJ,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Su CT,Ao PL, Pu YS, Hsueh YM. Polymorphisms of Arsenic (+3 Oxidation State) Methyltransferase and Arsenic Methylation Capacity Affect the Risk of Bladder Cancer. . Toxicol Sci. .2018 ;(164):328-338

37. 2018 Huang CY,Lin YC,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Su CT,Pu YS, Ao PL, Hsueh YM. Comparison of arsenic methylation capacity and polymorphisms of arsenic methylation genes between bladder cancer and upper tract urothelial carcinoma. . Toxicol Lett. .2018 ;(295):64-73

38. 2018 Lin YC,Su CT,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Chen YH,Choy CS, Chiou HY, Han BC, Hsueh YM. Author Correction: The Methylation Capacity of Arsenic and Insulin Resistance are Associated with Psychological Characteristics in Children and Adolescents. . Sci Rep .2018 ;(8):8854-~

39. 2018 Wu CC,Huang YK,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Pu YS,Su CT, Lin YC, Hsueh YM. Polymorphisms of TNF-α -308 G/A and IL-8 -251 T/A Genes Associated with Urothelial Carcinoma: A Case-Control Study. . Biomed Res Int .2018 ;(2018):1155-~

40. 2018 Hsueh YM,Lin YC,Chen WJ,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Pu YS, Chen CH, Su CT. Corrigendum to The polymorphism XRCC1 Arg194Trp and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine increased susceptibility to arsenic-related renal cell carcinoma. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 332 (2017) 1-7. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. .2018 ;(356):139-~

41. 2018 Lin YC,Chen WJ,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Su CT,Ao PL, Pu YS, Hsueh YM. Corrigendum to "Polymorphisms of Arsenic (+3 Oxidation State) Methyltransferase and Arsenic Methylation Capacity Affect the Risk of Bladder Cancer". . Toxicol Sci. .2018 ;(164):644-~

42. 2018 Wu JY,Chang YT,Lin YC,Lee CH,Loh EW,Wu MY, Chang YS, Tam KW. Efficacy and Safety of Lesinurad in Patients with Hyperuricemia Associated with Gout: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Pharmacotherapy .2018 ;(38):1106-1119

43. 2018 Chi NF,Ku HL,Chen DY,Tseng YC,Chen CJ,Lin YC, Hsieh YC, Chan L, Chiou HY, Hsu CY, Hu CJ. Cerebral Motor Functional Connectivity at the Acute Stage: An Outcome Predictor of Ischemic Stroke. . Sci Rep .2018 ;(8):16803-~

44. 2017 Wong CS,Lin YC,Sung LC,Chen TT,Ma HP,Hsu YH, Tsai SH, Lin YF, Wu MY.. Increased long-term risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning: A population-based study in Taiwan. . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e0176465

45. 2017 Wong CS,Lin YC,Sung LC,Chen TT,Ma HP,Hsu YH, Tsai SH, Lin YF, Wu MY. Increased long-term risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning: A population-based study in Taiwan. . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e01764-~

46. 2017 Chi NF,Ku HL,Wang CY,Liu Y,Chan L,Lin YC, Peng CK, Novak V, Hu HH, Hu CJ. Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation Assessment Using Extracranial Internal Carotid Artery Doppler Ultrasonography . Ultrasound Med Biol. .2017 ;(S0301-):30060-1

47. 2017 Hsieh RL,Su CT,Shiue HS,Chen W,Huang SR,Lin YC, Lin MI, Mu SC, Chen RJ, Hsueh YM. Relation of polymorphism of arsenic metabolism genes to arsenic methylation capacity and developmental delay in preschool children in Taiwan. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. .2017

48. 2017 Lin YC,Su CT,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Chen YH,Choy CS, Chiou HY, Han BC, Hsueh YM. The Methylation Capacity of Arsenic and Insulin Resistance are Associated with Psychological Characteristics in Children and Adolescents. . Sci Rep .2017 ;(1):3094

49. 2017 Tay SY,Chang PY, Lao WT,Lin YC,Chung YH,Chan WP. The proper use of coronary calcium score and coronary computed tomography angiography for screening asymptomatic patients with cardiovascular risk factors . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):17653

50. 2017 Hsueh YM,Lin YC,Chen WJ,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Pu YS, Chen CH, Su CT. The polymorphism XRCC1 Arg194Trp and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine increased susceptibility to arsenic-related renal cell carcinoma. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. .2017 ;(332):1-7

51. 2017 Lin Jiunn-Diann ,Yang Shun-Fa ,Wang Yuan-Hung ,Fang Wen-Fang ,Lin Ying-Chin , Liou BC, Lin YF, Tang KT, Cheng CW. Associations of melatonin receptor gene polymorphisms with Graves\{textquoteleft disease . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e0185529-e0185529

52. 2017 Kao PF,Liu JC,Hsu YP,Sung LC,Yang TY,Hao WR, Lin YC, Wu SY. Influenza vaccination might reduce the risk of ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation: A population-based cohort study. . Oncotarget. .2017 ;(8):112697-112711

53. 2017 Hsueh YM,Su CT,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Pu YS,Lin YC, Tsai CS, Huang CY.. Levels of plasma selenium and urinary total arsenic interact to affect the risk for prostate cancer. . Food Chem Toxicol. .2017 ;(107):167-175

54. 2017 Duong TV,Sørensen K,Pelikan JM,Van den Broucke S,Lin IF,Lin YC, Huang HL, Chang PW. Health-related behaviors moderate the association between age and self-reported health literacy among Taiwanese women. . Women Health. .2017

55. 2017 Chu CS,Sun IW,Begum A,Liu SI,Chang CJ,Chiu WC, Chen CH, Tang HS, Yang CL, Lin YC, Chiu CC, Stewart R. The association between subjective memory complaint and objective cognitive function in older people with previous major depression. . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e0173027

56. 2016 Chan L,Wang HM,Chen KY,Lin YC,Wu PJ,Hsieh WL, Chen YR, Liu CP, Tsai HY, Chen YR, Chang HH, Hsieh YC, Hu CJ.. Effectiveness of Essence of Chicken in Improving Cognitive Function in Young People Under Work-Related Stress: A Randomized Double-Blind Trial. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2016 ;(95):e3640

57. 2016 Lin JD,Yang SF,Wang YH,Fang WF,Lin YC,Lin YF, Tang KT, Wu MY8, Cheng CW. Analysis of Associations of Human BAFF Gene Polymorphisms with Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases. . PLoS One .2016 ;(11)

58. 2016 Lu YC,Lin YC,Lin YK,Liu YJ,Chang KH,Chieng PU, Chan WP.. Prevalence of Osteoporosis and Low Bone Mass in OlderChinese Population Based on Bone Mineral Density at Multiple Skeletal Sites. . Sci Rep .2016 ;(6):25206

59. 2016 Liu HT,Lin YC,Kuan YC,Huang YH,Hou WH,Liou TH, Chen HC. Intranasal corticosteroid therapy in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Am J Rhinol Allergy. .2016 ;(30):215-221

60. 2016 Yang SM,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Pu YS,Hsieh YH,Chen WJ, Lin YC, Hsueh YM. ombined effects of DNA methyltransferase 1 and 3A polymorphisms and urinary total arsenic levels on the risk for clear cell renal cell carcinoma. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2016 ;(15):103-110

61. 2016 Chou SC,Ko HW,Lin YC. CRP/IL-6/IL-10 Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Correlate with the Susceptibility and Severity of Community-Acquired Pneumonia. . Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. .2016 ;(20):732-740

62. 2016 Wong CS,Lin YC,Hong LY,Chen TT,Ma HP,Hsu YH, Tsai SH, Lin YF, Wu MY. Increased Long-Term Risk of Dementia in Patients With Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Population-Based Study. . Medicine (Baltimore). .2016 ;(95):e2549

63. 2016 Huang CY,Huang Y,Pu YS,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Chen SS, Lin YC, Su CT, Hsueh YM. The joint effects of arsenic and risk diplotypes of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 in renal cell carcinoma. . Chemosphere. .2016 ;(154):90-98

64. 2015 Chan JH,Huang PT,Lin YK,Lin CE,Lin CM,Shien YH, Lin YC. The association of sleep duration and sleep quality with metabolic syndrome in Taiwanese police officers. . Int J Occup Environ Health .2015

65. 2015 Chiang CI,Huang YL,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Chen WJ,Pu YS, Lin YC, Hsueh YM.. XRCC1 Polymorphisms and Urinary 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanine Levels Are Associated with Urothelial Carcinoma . PLOS ONE .2015 ;(10):1-14

66. 2015 Lin JD,Wang YH,Liu CH,Lin YC,Lin JA,Lin YF, Tang KT, Cheng CW. Association of IRF8 gene polymorphisms with autoimmune thyroid disease . Eur J Clin Invest .2015 ;(45):711-719

67. 2015 Chang TC,Yeh CT,Adebayo BO,Lin YC,Deng L,Rao YK, Huang CC, Lee WH, Wu AT, Hsiao M, Wu CH, Wang LS, Tzeng YM. 4-Acetylantroquinonol B inhibits colorectal cancer tumorigenesis and suppresses cancer stem-like phenotype . Toxicol Appl Phamacol .2015 ;(288):258-268

68. 2015 Chang, J. H.,Huang, P. T.,Lin, Y. K.,Lin, C. E,Lin, C. M.,Shien, Y. H., Lin, Y. C*. Association between sleep duration and sleep quality, and metabolic syndrome in Taiwanese police officers . INT J OCCUP ENV HEAL .2015 ;(28):1011-1023

69. 2015 Chun-Ahu Lin,Ying-Chin Lin,Bamodu Oluwaseun Ade,Alexander Wu,Jia-Hong Chen,Yi-Jen Peng, Ming-Fang Cheng, Wei-Hwa Lee, Michael Hsiao, Tsu-Yi Chao, Chi-Tai Yeh. Silencing JARID1B suppresses oncogenicity, stemness and increases radiation sensitivity in human oral carcinoma . CANCER LETT .2015 ;(368):36-45

70. 2015 Chao‑Yuan Huang,Yeong‑Shiau Pu,Horng Sheng Shiue,Wei‑Jen Chen,Ying‑Chin Lin,Yu‑Mei Hsueh. Polymorphisms of human 8‑oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 and 8‑hydroxydeoxyguanosine increase susceptibility to arsenic methylation capacity‑related urothelial carcinoma . Arch Toxicol .2015 ;(9):1-11

71. 2015 Chang JH,Huang PT,Lin YK,Lin CE,Lin CM,Shieh YH. Association between sleep duration and sleep quality, and metabolic syndrome in Taiwanese police officers. . Int J Occup Med Environ Health. .2015 ;(28):1011-1023

72. 2015 Huang CY,Pu YS,Shiue HS,Chen W,Lin YC,Hsueh YM. Polymorphisms of human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine increase susceptibility to arsenic methylation capacity-related urothelial carcinoma . Arch Toxicol. .2015 ;(90):1917-1927

73. 2015 Duong VT,Lin IF,Sorensen K,Pelikan JM,Van Den Broucke S,Lin YC, Chang PW. Health Literacy in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study. . Asia Pac J Public Health .2015 ;(27):871-880

74. 2015 Yang SM,Huang CY,Shiue HS,Huang SP,Pu YS,Chen WJ, Lin YC, Hsueh YM. Joint Effect of Urinary Total Arsenic Level and VEGF-A Genetic Polymorphisms on the Recurrence of Renal Cell Carcinoma. . PLoS One .2015 ;(10)

75. 2015 陳盈竹,林英欽. 懷孕期的親密伴侶暴力 . 臺灣醫界 .2015 ;(58):36-38

76. 2014 Tsai CY,Shou SC,Lin HT,Lin JD,Lin YC. Persistent hypoglycemia as an early, atypical presentation of hepatocellular carcinoma A case report and systematic review of the literature . Oncol Lett .2014 ;(8):1810-1814

77. 2014 Wang IT,Chou SC,Lin YC. Zoledronic acid induces apoptosis and autophagy in cervical cancer cells . Tumour Biol .2014 ;(35):11913-11920

78. 2014 Chiang CI,Huang YL,Chen WJ,Shiue HS,Huang CY,Pu YS, Lin YC, Hsueh YM. XRCC1 Arg194Trp and Arg399Gln polymorphisms and arsenic methylation capacity are associated with urothelial carcinoma . Toxicol Appl Pharm .2014 ;(279):373-379

79. 2014 Chen WJ,Huang YL,Shiue HS,Chen TW,Lin YF,Huang CY, Lin YC, Han BC, Hsueh YM. Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system related gene polymorphisms and urinary total arsenic is related to chronic kidney disease . Toxicol Appl Pharm .2014 ;(279):92-102

80. 2013 Chou SC,Lin YC,Liu CH,Lai YL,TU YY. A Breast Cancer Patient with Secondary Sarcoma. . J. Cancer Res. Pract .2013 ;(29):53-60

81. 2013 林英欽,陳盈竹. 親密伴侶暴力的辨識 . 新北市醫誌 .2013 ;(21):29-31

82. 2013 Wu CC,Chen MC,Huang YK,Huang CY,Lai LA,Chung CJ, Shiue HS, Pu YS, Lin YC, Han BC, Wang YH, Hsueh YM.. Environmental tobacco smoke and arsenic methylation capacity are associated with urothelial carcinoma . J Formos Med Assoc .2013 ;(112):554-560

83. 2013 Chou SC,Tsai CY,Lin YC. Virtual Colonoscopy Perforation in Two Asymptomatic Patients Without Apparent Colon Diseases . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):199-200

84. 2013 Wang CA,Chen WT,Huang JH,Lin YC,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Different coronary artery calcium scores with discrepant progression risks . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(168):4308-4310

85. 2013 Wu CC,Huang YK,Chung CJ,Huang CY,Pu YS,Shiue HS, Lai LA, Lin YC, Su CT, Hsueh YM. Polymorphism of inflammatory genes and arsenic methylation capacity are associated with urothelial carcinoma . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2013 ;(272):30-36

86. 2012 Mei-Yi Wu,Yi-Lien Wu,Yung-Ho Hsu,Yuh-Feng Lin,Yang-Chih Fan,Ying-Chin Lin. Risks of Nocturia in Patients with Chronic Kidney diseases: Do Metabolic Syndrome . Journal of Urology .2012

87. 2011 Tsai CY,Lin YC,Chou SC. 幽門螺旋桿菌之感染與治療 . 基層醫療 .2011 ;(26):92-98

88. 2011 Lin YC,Chou SC,Huang PT,Chiou HY. Risk factors and predictors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Taiwan. . Annals of Hepatology .2011 ;(10):125-132

89. 2010 Chen YS,Lin CH,Lin YC,Tu YY,Lai YL,Liu HT. Effective Palliative Care for Infective Malignant Wound Using Ionic Siliver-containing Hydrofibers Dressing . J. Cancer Res. Pract. .2010 ;(26):133-136

90. 2010 Huang JH,Lin YC,Pan NH,Chen YJ. Aging modulates dispersion of ventricular repolarization in the very old of the geriatric . Heart Vessels .2010 ;(25):500-508

91. 2007 楊舒琴. 居家護理新收案管灌病人營養狀況之初探 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2007 ;(2007):57-69

92. 2006 Lin Ying Chin. 目睹家庭暴力兒童的健康問題 . 台灣醫學 .2006 ;(10):764-767


109 健康檢查成人與老年人血漿硒、紅血球鉛與鎘濃度以及尿液總砷濃度與骨質密度的相關性