鄭信忠(Cheng, Hsin-Chung) 教授

現   職
口腔醫學院 院長
牙醫學系 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學牙醫學系博士班 博士
私立臺北醫學院口腔復健醫學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院牙醫學系 學士




2019/03/01 ~
2018/08/01 ~ 2019/02/28
2016/11/01 ~ 2019/02/28
2011/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
2009/07/01 ~ 2011/08/15
2008/08/01 ~ 2009/07/31
2005/08/01 ~ 2006/07/31
2000/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31







1. 2024 Patcharamas Banditsaowapak,Cheng HC,Chen DS,Michelle Yuching Chou. Three-dimensional analysis of posed smile in adults: A scoping review . Journal of Dental Sciences .2024

2. 2024 Hsu UY,Cheng HC,Feng SW, Lai PC,Noriaki Yoshida,Chiang PC. Strategic treatment planning for anterior open bite: A comprehensive approach . J Dental Science .2024

3. 2024 2. Chiang PC,Cheng HC,Chen DS,Hsu CC,Ricardo Aristides Cruz Moreira,Michelle Yuching Chou . Changes in smile parameters after surgical-orthodontic treatment for skeletal Class III malocclusion . Journal of Dental Sciences .2024

4. 2024 Pyi Phyo Win,Oak Gar Moe,Daniel De-Shing Chen,Tzu-Yu Peng,Cheng HC. A Comparative Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) vs. Standard Materials Used in Orthodontic Fixed Appliances: A Systematic Review . Polymers .2024

5. 2024 Cheng HC,Chen DS,Tan YW,Hu HT. Factors associated with usage frequency and pricing of temporary anchorage devices among orthodontists . Journal of Dental Sciences .2024

6. 2024 Chi Yuo Tee,Cheng HC,Chen DS,Tsai CH, Od Bayarsaikhan . An Overview of Patient Preference When Choosing a Dentist and Orthodontist . Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics .2024

7. 2023 Lee YH,Hung CN,Cheng HC,Fang CY. The combination of the mandibular Ko¨le procedure and bilateral sagittal splitting in orthognathic surgery has positive effect in esthetics and function for short-throat-length skeletal class III patient. . Journal of Dental Sciences .2023 ;(18):479-481

8. 2023 Lee YH,Cheng HC,Fang CY,Chen DS. Extraction or nonextraction: Orthodontic treatment for the complete impaction of second permanent molars . Journal of Dental Sciences .2023

9. 2023 Ling ML,Ching P,Cheng HC,Lang L,Liberali S,Poon P,Shin Y, Sim C . APSIC dental infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines . Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control .2023 ;(12):53-57

10. 2023 Cheng HC,Yen YC,Yen MF,Chen LS. Factors affecting infection control measures performed by dental workers . J Dental Science .2023 ;(18):722-729

11. 2023 Lee YH,Hung CN,Cheng HC, Fang CY . The combination of the mandibular Ko¨le procedure and bilateral sagittal splitting in orthognathic surgery has positive effect in esthetics and function for short-throat-length skeletal class III patient. J Dental Science . Journal of Dental Sciences .2023 ;(18):479-481

12. 2023 Cheng HC,Lee YH,Fang CY,Chen DS. Orthodontic uprighting of horizontally impacted second mandibular molar through innovative use of springs . Journal of Oral Science .2023 ;(18):939-941

13. 2023 Cheng HC,Yuan-Che Hsu,Lee YH,Li RW. Factors affecting perception of laypeople and dental professionals toward different smile esthetics . Journal of Oral Science .2023 ;(18):739-746

14. 2023 Shen HT,Cheng HC,Chen DS. Treatment Strategy of Mandibular Second Molar Impaction: A Literature Review . Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics .2023 ;(35):18-24

15. 2023 Pyi Phyo Win,Chen DS,Bolormaa Sainbayar,Peng TY,Cheng HC. Assessment of mechanical characteristics of polyetheretherketone as orthodontic fixed lingual retainers . Journal of Dental Sciences .2023

16. 2023 Cheng HC,Chen DS,Tan YW,Hu HT. Factors associated with usage frequency and pricing of temporary anchorage devices among orthodontists(in press) . Journal of Dental Sciences .2023

17. 2022 Gannaran Narangerel,Hsin-Chung Cheng,Ganjargal Ganburged,Bolormaa Sainbayar,Yi-Hsuan Lee. Perception and attitude of Mongolians on malocclusion . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022

18. 2022 De-Shing Chen,Hsin-Chung Cheng,Shu-Wen Hsu. Relationship between craniofacial morphology and congenitally missing mandibular incisors . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022

19. 2022 Cheng HC,Wang YH,Jeng Y,Chen LS. The performance of the two-year postgraduate year dentist training program in Taiwan. . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022 ;(17):913-9919

20. 2022 Cheng HC,Lee SA,Chen LS. Factors related to sharps injuries among students in a dental laboratory . Journal of Oral Science .2022 ;(64):307-309

21. 2022 Cheng HC, Lee YH, Jiang KL,Fang CY. Orthodontic treatment for a patient with acute myeloid leukemia . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022 ;(17):1428-1430

22. 2022 Thi Thuy,Tien Vo,Huang HW,Wee Y,Fee SW,Cheng HC ,Vo Phuoc Tuan,Lee IT . Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 attenuates angiotensin II-induced IL-6/Jak2/Stat3-associated inflammation by inhibiting NADPH oxidaseand mitochondria-derived ROS in human aortic smooth muscle cells. . Biochemical Pharmacology .2022 ;(198):114978-1-5

23. 2022 Thi Thuy Tien Vo,Huang HW,Wee Y, Fen SW,Cheng HC, Vo Phuoc Tuan, Lee IT . Surfactin reduces particulate matter–induced VCAM-1– dependent monocyte adhesion in human gingival fibroblasts by increasing Nrf2-dependent HO-1 expression . J Periodont Res. .2022 ;(57):115-130

24. 2021 Cheng HC,Sao-Lun Lu ,Yu-Chun Yen,Pallop Siewchaisakul,Amy Ming-Fang Yen,Sam Li-Sheng Chen. Dental education changed by COVID-19: Student’s perceptions and attitudes . BMC Medical Education .2021

25. 2021 Thi Thuy Tien Vo,Chien-Yi Hsu,Yinshen Wee,Yuh-Lien Chen,Cheng HC,Ching-Zong Wu, Wei-Ning Lin,I-Ta Lee. Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule-2 Ameliorates Particulate Matter-Induced Aorta Inflammation via Toll-Like Receptor/NADPH Oxidase/ROS/NF-κB/IL-6 Inhibition . Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity .2021

26. 2021 Thi Thuy Tien Vo,Yinshen Wee,Hsin-Chung Cheng,Ching-Zong Wu,Yuh-Lien Chen,Vo Phuoc Tuan,Ju-Fang Liu,Wei-Ning Lin,I-Ta Lee. Ora dis-Surfactin induces autophagy, apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest in human oral squamous cell carcinoma . Oral Diseases .2021

27. 2021 Wei-Chun Lin,Fang-Yu Fan,Hsing-Chung Cheng,Yi Lin,Yung-Kang Shen,Jing-Shiuan Lai,Liping Wang,Muhammad Ruslin. Optimization Shape-Memory Situations of a Stimulus Responsive Composite Material . Polymers .2021

28. 2021 Gannaran Narangerel,Hsin-Chung Cheng,Bolormaa Sainbayar,Ganjargal Ganburged. Perception of and Attitudes on Malocclusion: A Literature Review . Tawanese J Orthodontics .2021

29. 2021 Pei-Hui Chen,Pao-Chang Chiang,Wen-Cheng Lo,Chun-Wei Su,Chia-Yu Wu,Chun-Hao Chan,Yi-Chieh Wu,Hsin-Chung Cheng,Win-Ping Deng,Hsi-Kuei Lin,Bou-Yue Peng. A novel fucoidan complex-based functional beverage attenuates oral cancer through inducing apoptosis, G2M cell cycle arrest and retarding cell migration invasion . J Functional Foods .2021

30. 2021 Hon-Kan Yip,Navneet Kumar Dubey,Kun-Chen Lin,Pei-Hsun Sung,John Y. Chiang,Yi-Ching Chu,Chi-Ruei Huang,Yi-Ling Chen,Yue-Hua Deng,Hsin-Chung Cheng ,Win-Ping Deng. Melatonin rescues cerebral ischemic events through upregulated tunneling nanotube-mediated mitochondrial transfer and downregulated mitochondrial oxidative stress in rat brain . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2021

31. 2021 Thi Thuy Tien Vo,Yinshen Wee,Yuh-Lien Chen,Cheng HC,Vo Phuoc Tuan,Lee ID . Surfactin attenuates particulate matter-induced COX-2-dependent PGE2 production in human gingival fibroblasts by inhibiting TLR2 and TLR4/MyD88/NADPH oxidase/ROS/PI3K/Akt/NF-κB signaling pathway . J Periodont Res .2021

32. 2021 Thi Thuy Tien Vo, Quang Canh Vo,Vo Phuoc Tuan,Yinshen Wee,Cheng HC,Lee IT. The potentials of carbon monoxide-releasing molecules in cancer treatment: An outlook from ROS biology and medicine . Redox Biology .2021

33. 2021 Han YT,Lin WC,Fan FY,Chen CL,Lin CC ,Cheng HC . Comparison of Dental Surface Image Registration and Fiducial Marker Registration An In Vivo Accuracy Study of Static Computer-Assisted Implant Surgery . J. Clin. Med .2021 ;(10):1-15

34. 2021 Ya-Lan Chan,Cheng HC,Pei-Hsuan Chen,Daniel D.S. Chen. Is the ANB Norm in TAO Board Examination Appropriate? Metaanalysis of Taiwanese Cephalometric Norms. . Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics .2021 ;(33):149-155

35. 2021 ,Yan-Ju Chang,Sam Li-Sheng Chen. The impact of COVID-19 on knowledge, attitude, and behavior of infection control among dental care workers . BMC Oral Health .2021

36. 2021 Cheng HC,Lee YH,Cheng PC,Chen DS. Effect of anterior overbite malocclusion on smile esthetics in adult patients . J Int Med Research .2021

37. 2021 Parichart Pasukdee,Cheng HC,Chen DS. A study of different smile preferences of dentists and general people in three-quarter and lateral smile view . American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics .2021 ;(159):e311-e32010

38. 2021 Cheng HC,Luechapanichkul Jareerat,Lee YH. The Relationship between Dentofacial Morphology and Smile Characteristics in Lateral and Oblique Views . J Dental Science .2021 ;(16):37-44

39. 2020 Lin CC,Masahiro I,Huang BH,Huang MS,Cheng HC,Takeo M「Kazuhiko E」. In Vitro Accuracy of Static Guided Implant Surgery Measured by Optical Scan: Examining the Impact of Operator Experience . Applied Sciences .2020

40. 2020 Chia-Yu Wu,Chun-Hao Chan,Navneet K D, Wei HJ ,Lu JH,Chang CC 「Cheng HC, Ou KL, Deng WP」. Highly Expressed FOXF1 Inhibit Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Growth via Inducing Tumor Suppressor and G1-Phase Cell-Cycle Arrest . Int J Molecular Sciences .2020

41. 2020 Lin CC,Ishikawa M,Maida T,Cheng HC,Ou KL,Nezu T, Endo K. Stereolithographic Surgical Guide with a Combination of Tooth and Bone Support: Accuracy of Guided Implant Surgery in Distal Extension Situation . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2020 ;(9):1-13

42. 2020 Lin CC,Wu CZ,Huang MS,Huang CF,Cheng HC,Wang DP. Fully Digital Workflow for Planning Static Guided Implant Surgery A Prospective Accuracy Study . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2020 ;(9):1-15

43. 2020 Hsu WH,Hua WJ,Qiua WL,Tseng AJ,Cheng HC,Lin TY. WSG, a glucose-enriched polysaccharide from Ganoderma lucidum, suppresses tongue cancer cells via inhibition of EGFR-mediated signaling and potentiates cisplatin-induced apoptosis(in press) . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules .2020

44. 2020 Cheng HC. 臺灣牙科感染管制之實務及作法 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2020 ;(1 4 ):58-60

45. 2020 Cheng HC. 淺談牙科治療用水管路消毒 . 台灣牙醫界雜誌 .2020 ;(39):16-23

46. 2020 Cheng HC. 牙醫師對新冠狀病毒肺炎應有的認識及態度 . 台灣牙醫界雜誌 .2020 ;(39):10-23

47. 2019 臺灣牙科感染管制之發展與現況 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2019 ;(1 3 ,):78-82

48. 2019 Cheng HC,Peng BY,Lin ML,Chen LS. Hand Hygiene Compliance and Accuracy in a University Dental Teaching Hospital . Journal of International Research .2019

49. 2019 Cheng HC, Yen MF,Lee YH . Factors Affecting Patient Safety Culture among Dental Healthcare Workers A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey . Journal of Dental Sciences .2019

50. 2019 Cheng HC,Hu HT,Chang YC. E effectiveness of Enzyme Dentifrices on Oral Health in Orthodontic Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial . International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health .2019 ;(16):1-10

51. 2019 Yip HK ,,Chen KH,Dubey NK,,Sun CK,Deng YH, Su CW, Lo WC, Cheng HC, Deng WP. Cerebro- and renoprotective activities through platelet-derived biomaterials against cerebrorenal syndrome in rat model . Biomaterials .2019

52. 2018 Lu JH,Peng BY,Chang CC,Dubey NK,Lo WC,Cheng HC, Wang JR, Wei HJ, Deng WP,. Tumor-Targeted Immunotherapy by Using Primary Adipose-Derived Stem Cells and an Antigen-Specific Protein Vaccine . cancers .2018 ;(10):1-15

53. 2018 Cheng HC,Wang YC. Effect of nonextraction and extraction orthodontic treatments on smile esthetics for different malocclusions . American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics .2018 ;(153):81-86

54. 2018 Cheng HC,Peng BY,Hsieh HY,Tam KW. Impact of third molars on mandibular relapse in post-orthodontic patients : A meta-analysis . Journal of Dental Sciences .2018 ;(13):e1-e7

55. 2017 Cheng HC,ChengPC. Factors affecting smile aesthetics in adults with different anterior overjet malocclusions . Korean Journal of Orthodontics .2017 ;(47):31-38

56. 2017 Cheng HC,Shih MJ. Dentofacial changes after anterior crossbite correction using a lingual arch with finger springs . J Dental Science .2017 ;(12):70-77

57. 2017 Cheng HC,Chen MS,Peng BY,Lin WT,Shen YK,Wang YH. Surface Treatment on Physical Properties and Biocompatibility of Orthodontic Power Chains . BioMed Research International .2017 ;(2017):1-9

58. 2017 ChengHC,Peng BY,Chen MS,Huang CF,Lin Y,Shen YK. Influence of deformation and stress between bone and implant from various bite forces by numerical simulation analysis . BioMed Research International .2017 ;(2017):1-7

59. 2017 Laothong W,Cheng HC. Comparison of factors affecting orthodontic treatment motivation of Taiwanese and Thai patients in two hospitals. . J Dental Science .2017 ;(2017):1-9

60. 2017 Cheng HC,Peng BY,Hsieh HY,Tam KW. The impact of third molars on the mandibular relapse in postorthodontic patients: A meta-analysis(in press) . Journal of Dental Sciences .2017

61. 2016 Cheng HC,Wang YC,Tam KW,Yen MF. Effects of tooth extraction on smile esthetics and the buccal corridor: A meta-analysis) . Journal of Dental Sciences .2016 ;(11):387-393

62. 2016 Cheng HC,Huang CF,Lee JL,Lin Y,Shen YK. Morphological characteristics of nano-structured surface using anodic aluminum template . Advances in Polymer Technology .2016 ;(35):1-10

63. 2016 張雅筑,鄭信忠,盧泰良,陳建鋒,陳怡君. 後牙錯咬之擴張矯正治療模式:系統性回顧 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌 .2016 ;(27):76-89

64. 2015 陳姵璇,鄭信忠,高俊義,盧泰良,陳建鋒,陳怡君. 齒顎矯正治療動機探討 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌 .2015 ;(26):226-232

65. 2015 王泳泉,鄭信忠,李信謙,盧泰良,陳建鋒,陳怡君. 睡眠呼吸中止症口腔治療器之文獻回顧 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌 .2015 ;(27):26-33

66. 2015 Lin HK,Fang CE,Huang MS,Cheng HC,Chang HT,Tam KW. Effect of maternal use of chewing gums containing xylitol on transmission of mutans streptococci in children a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry .2015

67. 2014 Cheng HC,Lin WT,Shen YK,Wang YH. Analysis on surface modification of orthodontic power chain by nanoimprinting process . Journal of Polymer Engineering .2014 ;(34):209-217

68. 2014 Cheng HC,Huang CF,Lin Y,Shen YK. Stress distribution on bone and implant by three-dimensional finite element analysis . Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers .2014 ;(35):389-395

69. 2014 Chuang CY,Cheng HC,Yang S,Fang W,Hung PC,Chuang SY. Investigation of the spreading characteristics of bacterial aerosol contamination during dental scaling treatment . Journal of Dental Sciences .2014 ;(9):1-3

70. 2014 Cheng HC,Huang CF,Lin Y,Shen YK. Fabrication of Micropattern of Plastic Film using Ultrasonic Micro . Advanced Materials Research .2014 ;(912):141-144

71. 2014 Huang CF,Cheng HC,Lin Y,Wu CW,Shen YK. Study on Cellar Behaviors on Different Nanostructures by Nanoporous Alumina Template . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING .2014 ;(15):689-693

72. 2013 Cheng HC,Wang DJ,Lan WC,Wan PY,Ou SF,Hsu YJ, Ou KL. Microstructure ofsilicon-incorporatedcarbonfilmswith various siliconconcentrationsdepositedbyhybridmagnetron sputtering/chemicalvapordeposition . Ceramics International .2013 ;(39):5583-5590

73. 2013 Su CY,Lin HC,Cheng HC,Yen MF,Chen YH,Kao S. Pregnancy Outcomes of Anti-Hypertensives for Women with Chronic Hypertension: A Population-Based Study . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(8):e53844-53844

74. 2013 鄭信忠. 初探醫院評鑑牙科照護評鑑基準條文 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2013 ;(7):62-71

75. 2013 林婉婷,鄭信忠,沈永康,陳怡君,陳建鋒. 人工合成多分子矯正彈性橡皮鏈之文獻回顧 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌 .2013 ;(25):23-30

76. 2013 鄭信忠. 二年期牙醫師畢業後一般醫學訓練 (牙醫PGY)師資培訓與教學課程之回顧與展望 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2013 ;(7):16-24

77. 2012 Cheng HC,Su CY,Yen AMF,Huang CF. Factors Affecting Occupational Exposure to Needlestick and Sharps Injuries among Dentists in Taiwan: A Nationwide Survey . PLoS ONE .2012 ;(7):e34911-e34911

78. 2012 Cheng HC,Su CY,Huang CF,Chuang CY. Changes in Compliance with Recommended Infection-Control Practices and Affecting Factors . Journal of Dental Education .2012 ;(76):1684-1690

79. 2011 Lin MK,Yu YL,Chen KC,Chang WT,Lee MS,Yang MJ, Cheng HC, Liu CH, Chen DC, Chu CL. Kaempferol from Semen cuscutae attenuates the immune function of dendritic . Immunobiology .2011 ;(216):1103-1109

80. 2010 H.C. Cheng,C.H. Wang,C.F. Huang,Y.K. Shen,Y. Lin,D.Y. Sheu, Y.H.Hu. Micro fabrication of microlens arrays by micro dispensing . Polymer Advanced Technology .2010 ;(21):631-639

81. 2010 M.S. Chen,H.C. Cheng,C.F. Huang,C.Y. Chao,K.L. Ou,C.H. Yu. Effects of C and Cr content on high-temperature microstructures of Fe-9Al-30Mn-xC-yCr alloys . Materials Characterization .2010 ;(61):206-211

82. 2010 MC Chang,Luo CW,Huang MS,Ou KL,Lin LH,Cheng HC. High-temperature microstructural characteristics of a novel biomedical titanium alloy. . Journal of Alloys and Compounds .2010 ;(499):171-175

83. 2010 Cheng HC,Huang CF,Lin Y,Shen YK. Brightness field distributions of microlens arrays using micro molding . OPTICS EXPRESS .2010 ;(18):26887-26904

84. 2010 Liao KH,Ou KL,Cheng HC,Lin CT,Peng PW. Effect of Silver on Antibacterial Properties of Stainless Steel . Applied Surface Science .2010 ;(256):3642-3646

85. 2009 Cheng HC,Chiou SY,Liu CM,Lin MH,Chen CC,Ou KL. Effect of Plasma Energy on Enhancing Biocompatibility of Diamond-Like Carbon Film with Various Titanium Concentrations . Journal of Alloys and Compounds .2009 ;(477):931-935

86. 2009 W.C. Feng,C.H. Wang,H.C. Cheng,S.Y. Chiou,K.L. Ou. Enhancement of Hemcompatibility on Titanium Implant with Titanium-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Film Evaluated by Cellular Reactions Using Bone Marrow Cell Cultures in Vitro . Journal of Vacuum and Science Technology B .2009 ;(27):1559-1564

87. 2009 鄭信忠,陳姵璇,高俊義,張箭球. 齒顎矯正治療動機文獻回顧 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌 .2009 ;(21):26-36

88. 2009 C.F. Huang,B.Y. Peng,H.C. Cheng,K.H. Lin,J.M. Hung,K.L. Ou. 使用表面保護劑減緩強力美白後初期迴色之體外研究 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學雜誌 .2009 ;(13):37-44

89. 2009 C.M. Liu,H.C. Cheng,C.Y. Chao,K.L. Ou. Phase Transformation of High Temperature on Fe-Al-Mn-Cr-C Alloy . Journal of Alloys and Compounds .2009 ;(488):52-56

90. 2009 Huang CF,Cheng HC,Liu CM,Chen CC,Ou KL. Microstructure and Phase Transition of Biocompatible Titanium Oxide Film on Titanium by Plasma Discharging . Journal of Alloys and Compounds .2009 ;(476):683-688

91. 2008 Ou KL,Lin GT,Chen SL,Huang CF,Cheng HC,Yeh YM, Lin KH. Effect of multi-nano-titania film on proliferation and differentiation of mouse fibroblast cell (NIH3T3) on titanium . Journal of the Electrochemical Society .2008 ;(155):E79-E84

92. 2008 鄭信忠,張家馨,謝錚婷. 台北醫學大學附設醫院齒顎矯正拔牙病例分析 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌 .2008 ;(20):33-40

93. 2008 Wu TL,Ou KL,Cheng HC,Huang CF,Shen YK,Chian YC, Lin Y, Chan YH, Li CP. Analysis for biodegradable polymeric scaffold of tissue engineering on precision . International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer .2008 ;(35):1101-1105

94. 2008 Tsai MH,Ou KL,Huang CF,Cheng HC,Shen YK,Chang CY, Wu CH, Chen JH, Guan PJ. Study on micro-injection molding of light guiding plate by numerical simulation . International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer .2008 ;(35):1097-1100

95. 2007 Cheng HC,Chi LH,Wu JY,Hsieh TT,Pemg BY. Blindness and basal ganglia hypoxia as a complication of LeFort I osteotomy attributable to hypoplasia of the internal carotid artery: a case report . Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod .2007 ;(104):e27-e33

96. 2007 Cheng HC,Lee SY,Tsai CM,Chen CC,Ou KL. Influence of hydrogen charging on the formation of nanostructural Titania by anodizing with cathodic pretreatment . Journal of The Electrochemical Society .2007 ;(154):E13-E18

97. 2007 廖怡軒,鄭信忠,鄭翔宇. 利用迷你骨釘作為牙弓轉正之錨定裝置--病例報告 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌 .2007 ;(19):41-50

98. 2007 藍鴻文,鄭信忠,李勝揚,王蔚南,蔡吉揚. 齒顎矯正治療對微笑變化之影響 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2007 ;(28):17-25

99. 2007 鄭信忠,陳長志,謝家倫,蔡明宏,歐耿良,李勝揚,施永勳. 鈦基植體表面生成奈米多孔姓二氧化鈦層之機制研究 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2007 ;(26):26-32

100. 2007 李佟錡,鄭信忠. 牙醫助理對感染控制之執行與影響因素 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學雜誌 .2007 ;(19):5-10

101. 2007 Cheng HC,Chien H,Liao CH,Yang YY,Huang SY. Carotenoids suppress proliferating cell nuclear antigen and cyclin D1 expression in oral carcinogenic models . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2007 ;(18):667-675

102. 2006 Cheng HC,Lee SY,Lin CT,Huang CF,Ou KL. Effect of Hydrogen on Formation of Nanoporous TiO2 by Anodization with HF Pretreatment . Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters .2006 ;(9):25-29

103. 2006 鄭信忠,詹宗瑾,李勝揚,林哲堂,歐耿良. 經電化學處理之鈦金屬表面奈米多孔性氧化層之研究 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2006 ;(25):96-102

104. 2006 姚振華,季麟揚,黃耀慧,張進順,陳秀賢,尚筱菁,郭瑩璱,謝天渝,鄭信忠. 台灣口腔促進網--口腔健康監測模式建立之研究 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2006 ;(25):112-123

105. 2006 Cheng HC,Lee SY,Chen CC,Shyng YC,Ou KL. Titanium nanostructural surface processing for improved biocompability . Applied Physics Letters .2006 ;(89):173902-173902

106. 2006 Chen CS,Cheng HC,Lee SY,Lin CT,Chan CC,Ou KL. Influence of hydrogen charging on the formation of nanostructural Titanium surface by electrochemical treatments . ECS Transactions .2006 ;(1):17-27

107. 2005 鄭信忠,李勝揚,邱弘毅. Factors influencing the wearing of protective gloves in orthodontic practice . European Journal of Orthodontics .2005 ;(27):64-71

108. 2005 黃瓊芳,林伶紅,鄭信忠,歐耿良,洪景明,李勝揚. 牙齒強力美白後塗佈表面處理劑之體外測試評估 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2005 ;(1):174-184

109. 2005 蔡吉陽,楊正昌,歐耿良,高俊義,王益暉,李勝揚,鄭信忠. 以動物實驗評估經陽極表面處理微型骨釘之癒合效果與穩固度 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2005 ;(1):149-157

110. 2005 林家正,鄭信忠,黃瓊芳,林哲堂,李勝揚,歐耿良. Enhancement of biocompatibility on bioactive titanium surface by low-temperature plasma treatment . Japanese Journal of Applied Physics .2005 ;(44):8590-8598

111. 2004 黃瓊芳,鄭信忠,林光勳. 患者對於雷射美白之自我滿意度及術後牙齒敏感度之評估 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2004 ;(23):124-129

112. 2003 鄭信忠,邱弘毅,李勝揚. 齒顎矯正微笑美學之文獻回顧 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2003 ;(22):323-332

113. 2002 鄭信忠,邱弘毅,李勝揚. 齒顎矯正治療中使用手套操作之回顧 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2002 ;(21):235-244

114. 2001 鄭信忠,邱弘毅,林哲堂,李勝揚. 台灣地區全民健保對教學醫院牙科及基層牙醫診所之衝擊 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2001 ;(20):109-122

115. 2001 鄭信忠,邱弘毅,林哲堂,李勝揚. 台北市牙醫師對感染控制認知與態度之再評估 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2001 ;(20):191-202

116. 2001 陳建中,闕如玉,曾厚,黃豪銘,鄭信忠,項家蘭,李勝揚. 牙科及骨科用生物可降解性聚乳酸高分子參合物的製作與定性 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2001 ;(20):269-281

117. 2001 李勝揚,江心治,黃豪銘,Yung-Hsun Shih,鄭信忠,董德瑞,林哲堂. Thermo-debonding mechanisms in detnin debonding systems using finite element analysis. . Biomaterials .2001 ;(22):113-123

118. 2001 潘力誠,黃豪銘,林哲堂,施永勳,鄭信忠,曲國田,李勝揚. Acoustic emissions during soldering of base metals and the resultant structures and strengths . New Taipei Journal of Medicine .2001 ;(3):193-202

119. 2000 李勝揚,林哲堂,柯恩生,潘力誠,黃銘豪,Yung-Hsun Shih,鄭信忠. Laser-induced acoustic emissions in experimental dental composites. . Biomaterials .2000 ;(21):1399-1408

120. 2000 鄭信忠,官儀妍,林利香,蔡吉陽,. 下顎門牙先天性缺失的矯正治療 . 中華矯正雜誌 .2000 ;(12):28-32

121. 1999 鄭信忠、林哲堂、邱弘毅、李勝揚、彭伯宇、陳時中. 台北市牙醫診所規模與其執行感染控制之相關性. . 中華牙誌 .1999 ;(18):285-295

122. 1998 鄭信忠、林哲堂、洪清霖、陳時中、李勝揚. 台北市牙科病患對感染控制措施之認知與態度. . 中華牙誌 1 .1998 ;(7):181-193

123. 1996 鄭信忠、林哲堂、陳時中、洪清霖. 台北市牙科病患對感染性疾病之認知與態度. . 中華牙誌 .1996 ;(15):273-285

124. 1995 鄭信忠,黃炯興,陳時中,. 台北市牙醫師執業之"個人感染防護"現況調查 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1995 ;(14):70-82

125. 1995 黃炯興,鄭信忠,陳時中,. 台北市牙醫師執業之"消毒與滅菌"現況調查 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1995 ;(14):180-191

126. 1995 鄭信忠,黃炯興,陳時中. 台北市牙醫師對"感染控制"之認知與態度 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1995 ;(14):180-191

127. 1995 黃炯興,鄭信忠,林文源,劉人文,陳昱瑞. Skull morphology afancy.fected by different sleep position in infancy. . Cleft Palate-Craniofacial J .1995 ;(32):413-419

128. 1994 黃炯興,鄭信忠,陳昱瑞,羅慧夫. Maxillary dental arch affected by different sleep position in unilateral complete cleft lip and palate infants. . Cleft Palate-Craniofacial J .1994 ;(31):179-184

1. 2023 Cheng HC. Correction of orthognathic surgery complication by use of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) . 2023第14屆WIOC世界植體矯正學大會學論文集 .2023

2. 2023 Cheng HC. Trends in Surgical Orthodontics for Skeletal Class III Malocclusions and Smile Changes – Surgical First or Orthodontic First? . 蒙古國齒顎矯正大會國際學術會議輪集 .2023

3. 2023 1.Dental Education System and Researchers Related with COVID-19 in TMU 2.The innovations of TAD and application of clinical cases. . 印尼哈珊努丁大學牙醫學院學術討論會論文集 .2023

4. 2023 以核心能力為導向之牙醫專業訓練 -臺灣牙醫教育經驗 . 核心能力為導向 (CBME)之醫學訓練 –衛福部國際經驗交流會議 .2023

5. 2023 Hsu YC,Cheng HC. The study of three-dimensional smile changes . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

6. 2023 Muhammad Izzah Abdillah,Cheng HC,Hong CY. The study of affecting factors on craniofacial dental morphology changes of skeletal class III orthognathic surgery with machine learning approach – a literature review . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

7. 2023 Tee Chi Yuo,Cheng HC,Chen PS. The study of patient’s preference when choosing a dentist - a literature review . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

8. 2023 Wang SH,Cheng HC,Chen DS. Multidisciplinary treatment of congenital missing mandibular incisors with Class III malocclusion - a case report . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

9. 2023 Wu CH,Cheng HC,Hsu CC. The study of affecting factors on orthodontic practice profiles in Taiwan association of orthodontists . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

10. 2023 Chiu BZ,Cheng HC. The research of uprighting mandibular second molars impaction-a pilot study . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

11. 2023 Chen LC,Cheng HC,Chen DS. Orthodontic treatment of mandibular second molar impaction - a case report . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

12. 2023 Hwang GC,Cheng HC,Ye CC. Treatment of a severe skeletal Class III patient with anterior open bite - a case report . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

13. 2023 Huang YS,Cheng HC,Tsai CY. Crossbite correction of four anterior teeth with finger springs mechanism- a case report . 2023中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2023

14. 2022 A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials to Evaluate the Effect of Tongue Crib Correcting Anterior Open Bite . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

15. 2022 Treatment Strategy of Mandibular Second Molar Impaction - A Literature Review . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

16. 2022 Patcharamas Banditsaowapak. Three-Dimensional Analysis of Posed Smile in Adults with Different Types of Anterior Overjet Malocclusion . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

17. 2022 Orthognathic surgery to correct large, reversed overjet and skeletal asymmetry – a case report . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

18. 2022 ,Patcharamas Banditsaowapak. The lip change between rest and smile position by use of the 3D face scanner-A pilot study . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

19. 2022 Treatments of Scissor Bite - a Literature Review . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

20. 2022 Risk Management of Orthodontic Adverse Events in Taiwan: A Pilot Study . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

21. 2022 Assessment of mechanical characteristics of a new material polyetheretherketone (PEEK) as a fixed lingual retainer. . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

22. 2022 牙科DOSCE 之昨世與今生 . 2022社團法人台灣牙醫教育學會第二屆第一次會員大會論文摘要特別演講 .2022

23. 2022 The risk management of orthodontic adverse events . 2022中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會論文摘要 .2022

24. 2022 Dental Education System and researches related with COVID-19 in TMU . Asia-Pacific Conference in Fukuoka 2022論文摘要特別演講(on-line meeting) .2022

25. 2022 The challenge of treatments and smile changes on skeletal Class III malocclusions . 2022中華民國口腔顎面外科學會第267次聯合病例討論會論文摘要特別演講 .2022

26. 2022 The challenge treatment on the impacted 2nd mandibular molar impactions . 2022 The 4th International Advanced Orthodontic Training Program in TMU論文摘要特別演講(on-line meeting) .2022

27. 2022 The consideration of orthodontic treatment on the tough problems in impacted 2nd mandibular molar impactions cases . 2022 The 8th annual meeting of Mongolian Association of Orthodontics論文摘要特別演講(on-line meeting) .2022

28. 2021 Cheng HC. The challenge of treatments and smile changes on skeletal Class III malocclusions . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

29. 2021 Patcharamas Banditsaowapak,Cheng HC. The survey of 3D measurement of craniofacial soft tissue profile by meta-analysis . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

30. 2021 Lee Shuang-An,Cheng HC,Yi-Hsuan Lee. Injury Survey in Experimental Procedures . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

31. 2021 Shen Heng-tzu,Cheng HC,Tz-Ya Hung,Chin-chia Yeh. A New Developed Uprighting Spring on Mandibular Horizontal Molar Impaction . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

32. 2021 Hsu, Yu- Chien,Cheng HC,Chien-Feng Chen. The Survey of Template on Three-Dimensional Soft Tissue Facial Profile - A Literature Review . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

33. 2021 Chung-Chieh Chang,Cheng HC,Xiang yu Cheng. Correction of Surgical Relapse by TADs - a Case Report . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

34. 2021 Ching-Cheng Hsu,Cheng HC. Factors Affecting Perception of Laypeople and Dental Professionals toward Different Smile Esthetics . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

35. 2021 De-Shing Chen,Cheng HC,Pei-Hsuan Chen. Development of a Computer Learning System with Orthodontic Virtual Patients . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

36. 2021 Ya-Lan Chan,Cheng HC,Pei-Hsuan Chen,Tai-Liang Lu. The Study of Anterior Dental Relationship in Taiwanese Population . 2021年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2021

37. 2020 Cheng HC. The challenge treatment on the impacted 2nd mandibular molar impactions . 2020年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2020

38. 2020 Lee SA,Cheng HC,Hung TY . The Study of Relationship Between Craniofacial Morphology and Congenitally Missing Mandibular Incisor . 2020年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2020

39. 2020 Hsu SW,Cheng HC,Tsai CY . The treatment strategy of the impacted 2nd mandibular molar – 3 cases . 2020年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2020

40. 2020 Hsu CC,Cheng HC,Chen CF. Smile Changes Following Surgical Orthodontic Treatment for Skeletal Class III Malocclusion, mandible prognathism with asymmtry . 2020年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2020

41. 2020 Hsu YC,Cheng HC,Lu TL. Affecting factors of perception toward different smile esthetics between layperson and dental professionals . 2020年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2020

42. 2020 Chen DS,Cheng HC. The study of affecting factors toward sharp injuries in dental students’ laboratory . 2020年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2020

43. 2020 Chan YL,Cheng HC,Chen PH. Is the ANB norm in TAO board examination appropriate? The meta-analysis in Taiwanese cephalometric norms. . 2020年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2020

44. 2020 Tan YW,Cheng HC,Hu HT. The Study of Affecting Factors of Choice of Orthodontic Appliance by Taiwanese Orthodontists . 2020年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會論文摘要 .2020

45. 2020 Cheng HC. The Smile Esthetics of Evidence-based Research and Clinical Application . The 9th International Orthodontic Congress (Virtual) .2020

46. 2020 Cheng HC. Smiles Esthetics: Clinical Application . The International Webinar Series Lecture, Indian Orthodontic Society (Virtual) .2020

47. 2020 Cheng HC. The knowledge and attitudes for COVID-19 post-epidemic toward dental practitioners in Taiwan . 2020年中華民國家庭牙醫學會大會演講摘要 .2020

48. 2020 Cheng HC. Dental infection control of COVID-19 in Taiwan . Joint Symposium between TMU and Hokkaido University (Virtual) .2020

49. 2020 Cheng HC. 牙醫師對當前新冠肺炎疫情應有之認識及感管制措施 . 109年台北市牙醫師公會感染管制講習會 .2020

50. 2019 Cheng HC. 推行牙科感染控制之省思與發展 . 粵港澳大灣區口腔醫院感染防治論壇論文摘要 .2019

51. 2019 Cheng HC. Current status of dental education in Taipei Medical University . 2019 Asia-Pacific Conference in Fukuoka, Abstract .2019

52. 2019 Cheng HC. Factors Affecting Smile Esthetics in Adults with Various Vertical Overbite Malocclusions . 2019 American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session in Los Angeles, CA. Abstract .2019

53. 2019 Cheng HC. The Relationship between Dendofacial Morphology and Smile Characteristics in Lateral and Oblique View . 2019 IADR/PER General Session, Abstract .2019

54. 2019 Cheng HC. 1.口腔院所營銷秘笈與運作-教您輕鬆增加業績 2.成功口腔院所人事管理基本功-教您防止人才流失 . 2019昆明大學口腔醫學院口腔門診品質管理研討會論文摘要 .2019

55. 2019 Cheng HC. Integrated Clinical Teaching System in Dental Group Practices . 2019年南京醫科大學口腔醫學一流學科建設推進會論文摘要 .2019

56. 2019 Cheng HC. The Affecting Factors of Using Frequency and Expense on Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) in Taiwan . The 11th World Implants Orthodontic Conferences (WIOC) 2019,Abstract .2019

57. 2019 Cheng HC. Effectiveness of Enzyme Dentifrice in the Orthodontic Patients . ADA FDI 2019 World Dental Congress , Abstract .2019

58. 2019 Cheng HC. 整合型牙醫團隊臨床學習教學系統 . 2019台西口腔學術研討會暨福建口腔醫學會學術年會,Abstract .2019

59. 2019 Cheng HC. The challenges of orthodontic treatments on the congenitally missing one or two lower incisor cases . 2019中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會暨台灣國際矯正論壇,Abstract .2019

60. 2018 Cheng HC. Elucidate orthodontic management on the smile esthetics . Taiwan Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association,Abstract .2018

61. 2018 The consideration of smiling esthetics on orthodontic treatment from evidence- based research . Sri Lanka Orthodontic Conference 2018,Abstract .2018

62. 2018 The smiling esthetics of orthodontic extraction treatment based on evidence-based research and clinical application . The 13th Annual Meeting of The Kyushu Orthodontic Society .2018

63. 2018 The study of affecting factors on the orthodontic virtual patients computer learning system . American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) 2018 Annual Session ,Abstract .2018

64. 2018 The efficient treatment of crossbite correction . The 26th Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Adult Orthodontics,Abstrct .2018

65. 2018 The learning outcome on orthodontic virtual patient computer learning system . 2018 International Association of Dental Research/PER General Session & Exhibition,Abstracts .2018

66. 2018 The efficient orthodontic treatment of crossbite malocclusion . 2018 Annual Meeting of Mongolian Sssociation of Orthodontists,Abstracts .2018

67. 2018 The optimal design of efficient anterior crossbite correction appliance . The 17th National Orthodontic Conference of Chinese Orthodontic Society ,Abstracts .2018

68. 2018 Smile esthetics consideration in orthodontic management . The 2nd Taiwan International Orthodontic Forum, Abstracts .2018

69. 2018 The study of smiling esthetics on orthodontic treatment and clinical application . The 9 th Orthodontic & Dentofacil Orthopaedic Association of Nepal,Abstracts .2018

70. 2018 The Clinical Dental Simulation Training System in Taipei Medical University . The 1st Symposium meeting of Taipei Medical University and Hokeido Health Medical University, Abstracts .2018

71. 2017 Cheng HC. 牙科感染控制在臺灣之發展與執行現况 . 第一届兩岸三地口腔診療感染控制學術高峰論壇論文摘要手冊 .2017

72. 2017 牙科感染控制指引介绍 . 2017年國家級繼續教育暨中國衛生行業標準 《口腔器械消毒滅菌技術操作規範》學習課程會議論文摘要 .2017

73. 2017 The effects of orthodontic extraction on smiling aesthetics in different malocclusion . 2017 Annual Session Scientific Program on American Association of Orthodontists .2017

74. 2017 The Introduction of Clinical Dental Simulation Training System in Taipei Medical University . The First Southeast Asia Symposium of Dental Education Application of Dental Digital Technology in Clinical Dentistry .2017

75. 2017 口腔正畸失败病例之危机管控 . 中华口腔医学会 民营 口腔 医疗分会第十次 第十次 口腔 年会 "國際矯正論壇論文摘要 .2017

76. 2017 The innovation of TADs and application of clinical cases . 2nd South Asia International Orthodontic Congress & 7th ODOAN Orthodontic Conference .2017

77. 2017 Treatment effectiveness between temporary anchorage devices and transpalatal arch:A meta-analysis . 9th World Implant Orthodontic Conference (WIOC 2017) .2017

78. 2017 Smiling anesthetics of orthodontic treatment and evidence-based dentistry . 20170812中華牙學會年會暨東南亞IADR-SEAADE論文摘要 .2017

79. 2017 The affecting factors of smiling anesthetics on orthodontic treatment from evidence- based research . 2017 Annual Meeting on Mongolian Association of Orthodontists abstract book .2017

80. 2017 The study of affecting factors on smiling anesthetics of orthodontic treatment and clinical application . 2017 China International Orthodontic Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Orthodontic Society .2017

81. 2017 口腔感染控制与标准操作流程管理 . 2017中华口腔医学会第三次学术会议暨护理管理及 口腔医院感染控制研讨会 .2017

82. 2017 Development and current performance of dental infection control in Taiwan . 器械管理与感染控制國際高峰論壇 .2017

83. 2017 The study of smiling anesthetics on orthodontic treatment and clinical applications . 2017中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會暨三十周年慶學術研討會 .2017

84. 2017 Survey of practice profile in Taiwan Association of Orthodontists( TAO ) . 2017中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會暨三十週年慶學術大會 .2017

85. 2017 Two-stage treatment for growing patient with mandibular deficiency by use of activator- a case report . 2017中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會暨三十週年慶學術大會 .2017

86. 2017 Comprehensive treatment of post-surgical anterior openbite by use of TADs – a case report . 2017中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會年會暨三十周年慶學術大會 .2017

87. 2017 The treatment of 3 lower incisors cases – 3 cases reports . 2017中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會暨三十周年慶學術大會 .2017

88. 2017 Development of computer learning system by orthodontic virtual patients . 2017 中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會暨三十周年學術大會 .2017

89. 2017 Dentoskeletal effects following surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion : a comparison of tooth-borne and bone-borne appliances . 2017中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會暨受訓醫師論文競賽 .2017

90. 2017 Development and current performance of dental infection control in Taiwan . 第一届兩岸三地口腔診療感染控制學術高峰論壇論文摘要 .2017

91. 2017 The introduction of “Guidelines of Dental Infection Control in Taiwan CDC” . 2017年國家級繼續教育暨中華人民共和國衛生行業標準《口腔器械消毒滅菌技術操作規範》學術大會論文摘要 .2017

92. 2017 The innovation of TADs and of clinical application . 2017日本北海道醫療大學齒學部與北醫大學口腔醫學院學術交流研討會論文摘要 .2017

93. 2017 口腔感染控制與標準操作流程管理 . 2017中華口腔醫學會第三次學術會議暨護理管理及 口腔醫院感染控制研討會論文摘要 .2017

94. 2017 The smiling esthetics of orthodontic extraction treatment based on evidence-based research . 廣西醫科大學口腔醫學院與北醫大學口腔醫學院學術交流會議論文摘要 .2017

95. 2016 Cheng HC,Hsieh HY. Effects of third molars on post-orthodontic relapse: A meta-analysis . 2016 International Association of Dental Research General Session & Exhibition (June 22-25, 2016) .2016

96. 2016 Cheng HC,Cheng PC. Factors affecting smile aesthetics of orthodontic treatment in adults with different anterior overjet and overbite malocclusions . 38th Asia Pasific Dental Congress(17-19 June, 2016 in Hong Kong() .2016

97. 2016 Cheng HC,Hsieh HY. The impact of third molars on the orthodontic relapse: A meta-analysis . American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) 2016 Annual Session in Orlando .2016

98. 2016 Cheng HC. The effects of orthodontic treatment on transverse dimension from EBM approach . 10th annual meeting of the Saudi Orthodontic Society .2016

99. 2016 Cheng HC. The treatment of crossbite cases with an efficient appliance . 10th annual meeting of the Saudi Orthodontic Society .2016

100. 2015 鄭信忠. 品質管制與診所的效益 . 2015廣東省民營牙科協會、廣東省口腔醫學會民營分會年會論文摘要 .2015

101. 2015 Cheng HC. Introduction of education system in school of dentistry, . 北海道医療大学歯学会第33回学術大会Abstracts .2015

102. 2015 Cheng HC. The infection control of dental practice in Taiwan . 7th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC 2015),Abatracts .2015

103. 2015 鄭信忠. 從實證醫學看齒顎矯正治療之橫向尺度考量 . 第六屆齒顎矯正菁英論壇論文摘要 .2015

104. 2015 鄭信忠. 牙科前台助理服務禮儀培訓 . 2015廣東省口腔民營學會牙科助手分會學術大會摘要 .2015

105. 2015 Cheng HC,Wang YC. Effect of tooth extraction on smile esthetics and buccal corridor: A Meta-analysis . 2015 5th Research Week-International Symposium of College of Oral,TMU,Abatracts .2015

106. 2015 鄭信忠,謝學吟,盧泰良,陳建鋒. The impact of third molars on the mandibular relapse in post-orthodontic patients: a meta-analysis . 2015年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2015

107. 2015 鄭信忠,鄭倍青,盧泰良,陳怡君. Smile esthetic factors of orthodontic treatment in the different malocclusions . 2015年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2015

108. 2015 陳建霖,鄭信忠. Comparison of retention effects of vacuum-formed and Hawley retainers : a meta-analysis . 2015年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2015

109. 2015 鄭信忠,林宛婷,沈永康,王彥翔. The Physical Properties and Biocompatibility of Orthodontic Power Chain on Surface Treatment . 2015年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2015

110. 2015 王薏鈞,鄭信忠. The effect of teeth extraction on smile esthetics and buccal corridor: A meta-analysis . 2015年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2015

111. 2015 鄭信忠. The Evidence-Base Medicine study of the treatment on . 2015年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2015

112. 2014 Cheng HC,Wang YC,Lu TL,Chen YG,Chen CF. The effect of teeth extraction for smile esthetics in orthodontic patients: A meta-analysis. . Taiwan International Orthodontic Forum 2014,Abstracts .2014

113. 2014 Cheng HC,Shih MJ. The study of effects on correction of anterior crossbite by using lingual holding arch with finger springs . Taiwan International Orthodontic Forum 2014,Abstracts .2014

114. 2014 Cheng HC,Cheng PC,Lu TL,Chen YG,Chen CF. Affecting factors of orthodontic treatment on smile esthetics in the different malocclusion . Taiwan International Orthodontic Forum 2014,Abstracts .2014

115. 2014 Chen PH,Cheng HC,Lu TL,Chen YG,Chen CF. The Study of Patients' Motivation in Orthodontic Treatment . Taiwan International Orthodontic Forum 2014,Abstracts .2014

116. 2014 Cheng HC. The efficient treatment of anterior crossbite correction . 9th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference Abstract .2014

117. 2014 Cheng HC. The Evidence Base on Orthodontics . BIT's 1st Annual International Congress of Oral & Dental Medicine Abstract .2014

118. 2014 鄭信忠. 牙體技術師對感染管制應有之認識與態度 . 中台灣牙科極致美學學術講座論文摘要 .2014

119. 2014 鄭信忠. 牙科診所的管理及營運 . 2014廣東省民營牙科協會大會論文摘要 .2014

120. 2014 鄭信忠. JCI 國際醫療評鑒下之牙科感染控制新思路 . 福建醫科大學口腔醫學院學術大會會議摘要 .2014

121. 2014 Cheng HC. Current education in school of dentistry in Taipei Medical University . 2014 annual meeting of International Association for Dental Research South East Asia and South East Asia Association for Dental Education (IADR-SEAAD) .2014

122. 2014 鄭信忠. 口腔醫療作業流程制度在口腔流程管理中的價值 . 中華口腔醫學會民營口腔醫療分會2014年年會論文摘要(大連) .2014

123. 2014 鄭信忠. 迷你骨釘表面奈米化處理之創新與研究 . 第二屆長江口腔醫學高峰論壇論文摘要 .2014

124. 2014 鄭信忠. 矯正課堂沒教的學問--談如何成功有效能經營管理矯正診所 . 台灣口腔矯正學會學術大會:矯正診所之經營管理策略論文摘要 .2014

125. 2013 鄭信忠. From EBD to Orthodontics . 2013年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2013

126. 2013 鄭信忠,林宛婷,沈永康,王彥翔. The Study on Modified Properties of Orthodontic Power Chain after Nanoimprinting . 2013年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2013

127. 2013 鄭信忠,鄭倍青,陳建鋒,盧泰良,陳怡君. Affecting factors of orthodontic treatment on smile esthetics in the different malocclusion . 2013年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2013

128. 2013 鄭信忠,施玫如,陳建鋒,盧泰良,陳怡君. The study of effect on anterior crossbite correction with finger spring . 2013年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2013

129. 2013 陳姵璇,鄭信忠,高俊義,張箭球. The Study of Patients' Motivation in Orthodontic Treatment . 2013年中華民國齒顎矯正學會年會學術研討會摘要 .2013

130. 2013 鄭信忠. 如何防止口腔醫療院所人才流失 . 第六次中國民營口腔可持續發展高峰論壇——人力資源管理論文摘要 .2013

131. 2013 鄭信忠. New tendency in orthodontic treatment by EBM . 2013年中華民國牙醫師全聯會年會暨學術大會摘要 .2013

132. 2013 鄭. 成功診所管理的秘笈 . 中國內蒙古口腔醫學會論文摘要 .2013

133. 2013 鄭信忠. 從「牙醫院所感染控制SOP作業考評表」談感染控制執行新思維 . 2013年宜蘭縣牙醫師公會年會暨學術大會摘要 .2013

134. 2013 鄭信忠. 臺灣齒科醫療安全現況 . 台日牙科病人安全研討會摘要 .2013

135. 2013 鄭信忠. 聰明靈活的人事管理 . 中國湖北省口腔醫學會年會摘要 .2013

136. 2013 鄭信忠. From EBM view to check Class II malocclusion treatment with functional appliances . 第五屆 齒顎矯正菁英論壇摘要 .2013

137. 2013 鄭信忠. 牙科行銷管理 . 中國瀋陽口腔醫學會摘要 .2013

138. 2012 Cheng HC,Huang CF,SU CY. Survey of Glove Use and Latex Glove Allergy in Dental Practice . The 2nd Research Week-International Symposium 2012 of COM on Dental Technology, Oral Health Care and Biomedical Devices .2012

139. 2012 Cheng HC,Hung TY,SU CY. Disinhibition Effect on Oral Hygiene Behavior among Dental Patients . The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology .2012

140. 2012 Cheng HC,Lu PH,Hung TY,SU CY. Is Conformity Associated with the Influence of Toothache among Dental Patients . The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology .2012

141. 2012 Yang SH,Cheng HC,Chuang CY,Huang YC,Hung PC. Inactivation Effectiveness of Carbon-Nanotube Plasma for Bioaerosols . The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology .2012

142. 2012 Cheng HC,Huang CF,SU CY. Compliance with Recommended Infection-Control Procedures among Dental Assistants . The 2nd Research Week-International Symposium 2012 of COM on Dental Technology, Oral Health Care and Biomedical Devices .2012

143. 2012 Cheng HC,Huang CF,SU CY. Infection Control Knowledge Related to HIV/HBV among Dental Assistants . The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology .2012

144. 2012 SU CY,Cheng HC,Kao S. Patient Safety Culture Measurement in Dental Faculties . The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology .2012

145. 2012 Cheng HC,Heieh CY,Wu CT,Ou KL. Development of Nanostructured Silicone-incorporated Composite Films with Hydrophilic Surface Properties for Biomedical Application . The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology .2012

146. 2012 Cheng HC,Chen PH,Lin HK,Ou KL. Influence of Various Laser Powers on the Surface Morphology and Microstructures of the Biomedical Austentic Stainless Steels . The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology .2012

147. 2012 Cheng HC,Chen PH,Lin HK,Ou KL. Effect of Porous Oxide Films on Bioactivity of Titanium Niobium Alloy . The 2nd Research Week-International Symposium 2012 of COM on Dental Technology, Oral Health Care and Biomedical Devices .2012

148. 2012 Cheng HC,Lin HK,Tsao HW. The Relationships between Aspect Ratio and Electronic Conductivity upon the Electromagnetic Shielding of the Carbon Nanotubes/ Polymer Nanocomposites . The 2nd Research Week-International Symposium 2012 of COM on Dental Technology, Oral Health Care and Biomedical Devices .2012

149. 2012 鄭信忠. 口腔正畸治疗对颜面微笑美学之影响 . 2012廣西省級繼續醫學教育學習班研討會 .2012

150. 2012 證信忠. 快速前牙错咬矫正治疗之优化设计 . 2012廣西省級繼續醫學教育學習班研討會 .2012

151. 2012 Cheng HC. The optimal design of anterior crossbite correction appliance . The 16th International Dental and Plastic Surgery Congress .2012

152. 2012 Cheng HC. The effect of orthodontic treatment on facial esthetic smiles . The 16th International Dental and Plastic Surgery Congress .2012

153. 2012 鄭信忠. 台湾推展牙科病人安全之现况与发展 . 2012年第十七屆中國華南國際口腔醫療技術研討會 .2012

154. 2012 Cheng HC. The effect of orthodontic treatment on facial esthetic smiles . The 34th Asia Pacific Dental Congress .2012

155. 2012 Cheng HC. Changes in Compliance with Recommended Infection-Control Practices over a Nine-Year Period in Taiwan . The 34th Asia Pacific Dental Congress .2012

156. 2012 鄭信忠. 美觀微笑在現代齒顎矯正治療所扮演的角色 . 臺灣口腔矯正學會菁英講座-現代笑容美學論文摘要 .2012

157. 2012 Cheng HC. The effect of orthodontic treatment on facial esthetic smiles . Papers abstracts of 34th Asia Pacific Dental Congress .2012

158. 2012 Cheng HC. Changes in Compliance with Recommended Infection-Control Practices over a Nine-Year Period in Taiwan . Papers abstracts of 34th Asia Pacific Dental Congress .2012

159. 2012 鄭信忠. The tips for success of the president of the dental offices - win-win strategy for quality and quantity . 海峡两岸民营口腔医疗机构发展经验交流研讨会論文摘要(大陸鄭州) .2012

160. 2012 Cheng HC. The efficient treatment of anterior crossbite cases . XIV International Symposium on Dentofacial Development and Function(Beijing) .2012

161. 2012 鄭信忠. 成功口腔诊所院长必备的功夫秘笈—质量兼顾的多赢策略 . 海峡两岸民营口腔医疗机构发展经验交流研讨会論文摘要(大陸杭州) .2012

162. 2012 鄭信忠. 從二十五年的齒顎矯正執業談如何面對併發症及其風險管理 . 中華民國矯正學會第十三屆第一次會員大會暨學術演講論文集 .2012

163. 2012 鄭信忠,林宛婷,沈永康,王彥翔. The Study on Properties of Orthodontic Power Chain after Surface Treatment . 中華民國矯正學會第十三屆第一次會員大會暨學術演講研究生口頭論文比賽論文集 .2012

164. 2012 Cheng HC. The affecting factors of facial esthetic smiles on orthodontic treatments . 8th Ascian Pacific Orthodontic Conference (Abstract book) .2012

165. 2012 Cheng HC,Lu TL,Su CY,Chuang HW. Disinhibition Effect on Oral Hygiene Behavior among Orthodontic Patients . 8th Ascian Pacific Orthodontic Conference (Abatract book) .2012

166. 2012 Lin WT,Cheng HC,Shen YK,Wang YH. A Novel Surface Treatment of Power Chain Using AAO template by Nano Imprint . 8th Ascian Pacific Orthodontic Conference (Abatract book) .2012

167. 2011 鄭信忠. 牙科醫療安全規範 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第七屆第二次會員大會暨第十四次學術研討會論文摘要 .2011

168. 2011 鄭信忠. JCI 評鑑對醫院牙科之衝擊 . 中華牙醫學會第十八屆第一次會員大會暨第三十四次學術研討會,中華民國醫院牙科協會2011年會論文摘要 .2011

169. 2011 鄭信忠. Smile esthetic consideration in orthodontic treatment . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第12屆第2次會員大會暨學術演講論文摘要 .2011

170. 2011 鄭信忠,陳俊伊. Parametric analysis and design optimized of orthodontic implant with finite element method and Taguchi Method . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第12屆第2次會員大會暨學術演講論文摘要 .2011

171. 2011 鄭信忠,陳怡君,張箭球. Severe Maxilla-Mandible Basal Bone Discrepancy Treated by Orthodontic Treatment Combined with LeFort I Osteotomy – A Case Report . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第12屆第2次會員大會暨學術演講論文摘要 .2011

172. 2011 高俊義,鄭信忠. The dental change of skeletal class III malocclusion with orthognathic surgery. . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第12屆第2次會員大會暨學術演講論文摘要 .2011

173. 2011 鄭信忠. Human resource, quality and medical performance management . 第九屆福州市海外醫療人才交流會摘要 .2011

174. 2011 鄭信忠. The application of mini-implants in orthodontic treatment . 中華口腔醫學會第二次全科口腔醫學學術會議論文摘要 .2011

175. 2010 Cheng HC. Preparation of Optimal Design and Surface Functionalization on Metal-Based Mini-Implants in Vitro . The 2nd World Implant Orthodontic Congress .2010 ;(abstr):47

176. 2010 Cheng HC,Ou KL. The Study of Osseointegration on Stainless Steel Mini-Screw Implant by Metal Powder Injection Molding . The 2nd World Implant Orthodontic Congress .2010 ;(abstr):137

177. 2010 Lu PH,Cheng HC,Su CY. Is Conformity Associated with the Influence of Toothache among Dental Patients? . The 2nd World Implant Orthodontic Congress .2010 ;(abstr):126

178. 2010 Sun YS,Cheng HC,Su CY. Disinhibition Effect on Oral Hygiene Behavior among Dental Patients . The 2nd World Implant Orthodontic Congress .2010 ;(abstr):126

179. 2010 Chiang KL,Cheng HC. Orthodontic Treatment on Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patient - A Case Report . The 2nd World Implant Orthodontic Congress .2010 ;(abstr):125

180. 2010 Kao CY,Cheng HC,Wang WN,Peng CL,Horng CH. New Thinking of Orthognathic Surgery in Skeletal Class III Cases . The 2nd World Implant Orthodontic Congress .2010 ;(abstr)

181. 2010 Chang JC,Cheng HC,Wang WN,Peng CL,Horng CH. An Easy Method to Correct Gummy Smile and Anterior Teeth Lingual Root Torque with TADs . The 2nd World Implant Orthodontic Congress .2010 ;(abstr)

182. 2010 鄭信忠. 口腔學校老師上課沒教的學問 . 第二屆全國口腔醫療發展論壇暨2010中國(濟南)口腔種植與正畸新技術研討會特別演講摘要 .2010

183. 2010 鄭信忠. 口腔正畸治療對顏面美學之影響;下門牙缺牙病例不典型拔牙正畸治療之處理原則 . 哈爾賓醫學大學第二醫院2010年口腔正畸新技術研討班特別演講摘要 .2010

184. 2010 鄭信忠. The optimal design of efficient anterior crossbite correction appliance . 2010澳門口腔正畸學術年會論文(特別演講)摘要 .2010

185. 2010 鄭信忠. 口腔正畸在全科口腔醫療扮演之角色;成功牙科診所經營的訣竅 . 首屆全球華人口腔醫學大會”暨“2010中國國際口腔醫學大會”(特別演講)論文摘要 .2010

186. 2010 鄭信忠. 建構醫院牙科病人安全新挑戰 . 中華牙醫學會第十七屆第二次會員大會暨第三十三次學術研討會,中華民國醫院牙科協會年會論文(特別演講)摘要 .2010

187. 2010 鄭信忠,歐耿良. Applications of minimally invasive surgical biomedical devices on oral science- Innovation and application of orthodontic mini-implants . 「2010台灣醫學週─台灣聯合醫學會學術演講會」、暨「臺灣醫學會第103屆總會學術演講會」論文(特別演講)摘要 .2010

188. 2009 Ou KL,Cheng HC,Lin CT,Huang CF. In Vitro Evaluation of Reagents Applied for Surface Treatment on Post Power Teeth Bleaching . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

189. 2009 Ou KL,Huang CF,Cheng HC,Liu CM. Research of Biocompatibility and Mircostructural Variation on Nano-diamond by Microwave Plasma CVD . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

190. 2009 Ou KL,Shih YH,Huang CF,Chen CC,Cheng HC. Preparation and biocompatible characteristic of bone scaffold with calcium phosphate/collagen nanocomposite by electrodeposition . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

191. 2009 Lin MH,Cheng HC,Hung MJ,Chen SL,Ou KL. Effects of Nanostructural Titania Film on Formation of Bioactive Nano-hydroxyapatite on Titanium . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

192. 2009 Liu CM,Cheng HC,Shyng YC,Lin CT,Ou KL. Fabrication of Interconnective Nanoporous Surface on Titanium Implant by Hydrofluoric Immersion and Anodization . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

193. 2009 Ou KL,Cheng HC,Huang CF,Liu CM. Enhancement Anti-Bacterial Properties on Nitriding Modified Stainless Steel . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

194. 2009 Liu CM,Cheng HC,Chen CS,Lin CT,Ou KL. Glow Discharge Plasma Treatment Enhances Hemocompatibility onto Nanoporous Titanium Oxide Film . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

195. 2009 Cheng HC,Lin CT,Huang CF,Ou KL. Enhancement of Biocompatible and Physicochemical Characterization on Orthodontic Mini-Implant with Nanostructural Oxide Layer by Electro-Discharging . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

196. 2009 Ou KL,Peng PW,Pan YN,Huang CF,Cheng HC. Enhanced Intrinsic Biomechanical Properties of Osteoblastic Mineralized Tissue on Chemically Modified TiNb Alloy . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

197. 2009 Ou KL,Huang CF,Lin CT,Cheng HC. Effect of plasma cleaning and plasma polymerization on Bioactive Titanium Surface . 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2009) .2009

198. 2009 Cheng HC,Lin MH,Chiou SY,Ou KL. Improving Hemocompatibility of DLC film by Titanium-Doping: Characteristics and Antithrombotic Behavior . the 7th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering in Aisa (AEPSE 2009) .2009

199. 2009 Cheng HC,Chung YL,Ou KL. Enhancement of Biocompatibility on Titanium Surfaces by Plasma Cleaning and Polymerization . the 7th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering in Aisa (AEPSE 2009) .2009

200. 2009 陳金發,陳瑞川,方聖雄,鄭信忠. 應用FMEA規劃檢驗單位緊急災害應變計畫 . 亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會 .2009

201. 2009 鄭信忠,林儀,黃瓊芳,沈永康. 牙科病人對疼痛認知與態度之研究 . 2009第一屆兩岸三地家庭牙醫學研討會 .2009 ;(摘要):128

202. 2009 鄭信忠. 台灣家庭牙醫學會之發展及簡介 . 2009第一屆兩岸三地家庭牙醫學研討會 .2009 ;(摘要):25

203. 2009 鄭信忠,黃瓊芳,呂宜蓉,歐耿良. 經電漿處理生成之奈米氧化鈦膜於增進血液相容性之探討 . 2009第一屆兩岸三地家庭牙醫學研討會 .2009 ;(摘要):107-108

204. 2009 鄭信忠. 醫院牙科在醫院所扮演之角色 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2009 ;(摘要):71

205. 2009 高俊義,張箭球,鄭信忠. 以骨釘輔助懸臂彈線牽引治療成年患者之右上阻生齒 . 2009中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨學術年會論文摘要 .2009

206. 2009 鄭信忠,莊啟佑,楊心豪,方煒,莊森源,張振平. 齒顎矯正診療環境微生物氣膠分布之研究 . 2009中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨學術年會論文摘要 .2009

207. 2009 詹育豪,鄭信忠,呂佩樺,陳俊伊,程翰毅,歐耿良. 以有限元素分析指樣彈線解決前牙錯咬力學機制之研究 . 2009中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨學術年會論文摘要 .2009

208. 2009 鄭信忠,陳俊伊,詹育豪,程翰毅,歐耿良. 以有限元素分析矯正用迷你植體受力應力分布之研究 . 2009中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨學術年會論文摘要 .2009

209. 2009 鄭信忠,楊心豪,莊啟佑,方煒,莊森源,洪柏宸. 利用低溫電漿技術去除齒顎矯正診療環境生物氣膠之研究 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨學術年會論文摘要 .2009

210. 2009 鄭信忠,林儀,張箭球,高俊義,彭建倫,王蔚南,蔡吉陽,沈永康. 去抑效應與從眾行為影響齒顎矯正病人對疼痛之認知與態度 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨學術年會論文摘要 .2009

211. 2009 張箭球,高俊義,鄭信忠. 以迷你錨定技術輔助改正嚴重後牙錯咬-病例報告 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨學術年會論文摘要 .2009

212. 2009 陳建峰,鄭信忠,高俊義,張箭球. 安格式三及咬合齒顎矯正合併手術治療之病例報告 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會暨學術年會論文摘要 .2009

213. 2009 鄭信忠. 家庭牙醫師對前牙錯咬矯正治療應有之認識與做法 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第六屆第二次會員大會暨第十一次學術研討會論文摘要 .2009

214. 2009 呂宜蓉,鄭信忠,歐耿良,黃瓊芳. 電致表面改質對新型鐵基微型骨釘之影響研究 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第六屆第二次會員大會暨第十一次學術研討會論文摘要 .2009

215. 2009 劉慶捷,鄭信忠,歐耿良,黃瓊芳. 電將表面功能對二氧化鈦項變化及顯為結構之研究 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第六屆第二次會員大會暨第十一次學術研討會論文摘要 .2009

216. 2009 鄭信忠. 迷你骨釘表面奈米化處理之創新與研究 . 南京醫科大學附屬南京第一醫院口腔臨床醫學新進展講座彙編 .2009

217. 2009 Ou KL,Peng PW,Cheng HC,Huang CF,Shen YK. A Novel and Rapid Fabrication of Microlens Arrays by Micro Injection Molding . Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2009 (APCOM 2009) .2009

218. 2009 Cheng HC,Peng PW,Pan YN,Chen CS,Ou KL. Research of Hemocompatability on Titanium with P-15 Functional Biofilm . Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2009 (APCOM 2009) .2009

219. 2009 Huang CF,Cheng HC,Ou KL. In Vitro Evaluation of Reagents Applied for Surface Treatment on Post Power Teeth Bleaching . Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2009 (APCOM 2009) .2009

220. 2008 Cheng HC,Liu CM,Lin MH,Chen CC,Ou KL. Effect of plasma energy on enhancing biocompatibility and hemocompatibility of diamond-like carbon film with various titanium concentrations . 2008 Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Technology Interchange Project- The Workshop on the Applications of Plasma to Bio-Medical Engineering .2008

221. 2008 Huang CF,Cheng HC,Liu CM,Chen CC,Ou KL. Microstructure and Phase Transition of Biocompatible Titanium Oxide Film on Titanium by Plasma Discharging . 2008 Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Technology Interchange Project- The Workshop on the Applications of Plasma to Bio-Medical Engineering .2008

222. 2008 Ou KL,Chao CY,Huang CF,Cheng HC. Effect of Phase Transformation on Machinability of Fe-Al-Mn-Cr Alloy . The Sixth International Conference on Inorganic Materials .2008

223. 2008 Ou KL,Shih YH,Huang CF,Chen CC,Cheng HC. Preparation and biocompatible characteristic of bone scaffold with calcium phosphate/collagen nanocomposite by electrodeposition . The Sixth International Conference on Inorganic Materials .2008

224. 2008 Ou KL,Peng PW,Pan YN,Huang CF,Cheng HC. Enhanced Intrinsic Biomechanical Properties of Osteoblastic Mineralized Tissue on Chemically Modified TiNb Alloy . The Sixth International Conference on Inorganic Materials .2008

225. 2008 Cheng HC,Lin MH,Chiou SY,Chung YL,Gan DS,Ou KL. Enhancement of Hemcompatibility on Titanium Implant with Titanium-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Film Evaluated by Cellular Reactions Using Bone Marrow Cell Cultures in Vitro . The 1st International Conference on NanoManufacturing .2008

226. 2008 鄭信忠. PGY1,PGY2制度下家庭牙醫學會的角色 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會大會論文摘要 .2008

227. 2008 鄭信忠,陳瑋鑫,陳俊伊,黃瓊芳. 影響家庭牙科病人等候時間因素之研究 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會大會論文摘要 .2008

228. 2008 鄭信忠. 牙醫助理對診所品質管理應扮演之角色 . 第一屆國際植牙嘉年華學術大會論文摘要 .2008

229. 2008 鄭信忠. 一般牙醫學訓練(PGY1,PGY2)之規劃 . 中華芽醫學雜誌 .2008 ;(27)

230. 2008 鄭信忠. 口腔全科醫師對口腔正畸治療應有之認識與做法 . 中國福州第六屆口腔醫學學術會議論文摘要 .2008

231. 2008 Cheng HC. Orthodontic mini-implant nanostructure surface processing for improved biocompatibility . 1st World Implant Orthodontic Conference & 7th Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference, Abstract .2008

232. 2008 鄭信忠. Update development of surface treatment on orthodontic mini-implants . 第三屆兩岸四地齒顎矯正學術會議論文摘要 .2008

233. 2007 鄭信忠,王劭慈,黃瓊芳. 牙醫診所經營管理SWOT分析 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第五屆第二次會員大會暨第九次學術研討會論文摘要 .2007

234. 2007 宋承岳,黃瓊芳,鄭信忠,簡天正. 牙科病患對牙科醫療院所滿意度項目之調查 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第五屆第二次會員大會暨第九次學術研討會論文摘要 .2007

235. 2007 鄭信忠. PGY1及PGY2對牙醫醫療院所人力規劃之展望 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2007 ;(26):128

236. 2007 鄭信忠. 醫院牙科準備評鑑之藍海策略 . .2007 ;(26):130

237. 2007 黃耀慧,季麟揚,陳秀賢,鄭信忠,姚振華. 口腔檢查指標之成本效益分析 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2007 ;(26):165

238. 2007 Cheng HC,Lee SY,Shyng YC,Ou KL. Enhancement of Biocompatible and Physicochemical Characterization on Orthodontic Mini-Implant with Nanostructural Oxide Layer by Electro-Discharging . The 6th Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference Abstract book .2007

239. 2007 Cheng HC,Lin YP,Chiang KL. Orthodontic treatment of impacted maxillary canine . The 6th Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference Abstract book .2007

240. 2007 Cheng HC,Chen CF,Kao CY,Chang CW. Comparison of failure rates in four types of orthodontic mini-implants . The 6th Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference Abstract book .2007

241. 2007 Cheng HC,Chen WH,Chen CI. THe study of patient waiting time at orthodontic department of Taipei Medical University Hospital . The 6th Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference Abstract book .2007

242. 2007 Cheng HC,ChenYJ,Chen CC,Kuo MJ. Top 10 best smile of celebrities in Taiwan . The 6th Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference Abstract book .2007

243. 2006 鄭信忠. 齒顎矯正之微笑美學 . 中華民國牙醫師公會全國聯合會大會學術演講論文摘要 .2006

244. 2006 鄭信忠,歐耿良,李勝揚. Effects of surface treatments on osseointegrated enhancement of orthodontic mini-implants . 5th Asian Implant Orthodontics Congress .2006 ;(abstra):13

245. 2006 鄭信忠. 牙科醫療品質管理 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2006 ;(25):57

246. 2006 鄭信忠,歐耿良,謝家倫,李勝揚. Effect of nano-titanium hydride on biocompatible titanium implant . J dental Research .2006 ;(abstra)

247. 2006 鄭信忠. 微笑與齒顎矯正 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十屆第一次學術大會論文摘要 .2006

248. 2006 鄭信忠,歐耿良,李勝揚. 新研發表面處理對矯正用迷你骨釘表面奈米結構及其機轉之研究 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十屆第一次學術大會論文摘要 .2006

249. 2006 鄭信忠,廖峻德. 史畢曲線的變化對牙齒顏面部形態的影響 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十屆第一次學術大會論文摘要 .2006

250. 2006 鄭信忠,張家馨,蔡吉揚. 台北醫學大學附設醫院齒顎矯正科拔牙病例分析 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十屆第一次學術大會論文摘要 .2006

251. 2006 鄭信忠,陳健鋒. 矯正用迷你骨釘失敗因素與顱顏型態關係之研究 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十屆第一次學術大會論文摘要 .2006

252. 2006 廖怡萱,鄭信忠,鄭翔宇. 利用迷你骨釘作為牙弓轉正之錨定裝置—病例報告 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十屆第一次學術大會論文摘要 .2006

253. 2006 何宗儒,鄭信忠. 迷你骨釘應用在骨骼性深咬之妥協性治療 – 病例報告 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十屆第一次學術大會論文摘要 .2006

254. 2006 鄭信忠. 增進矯正迷你植體錨定作用之新發展 . 第二屆兩岸四地口腔正畸學術會議論文匯編(中國南京市) .2006

255. 2006 鄭信忠. 牙科經營之有效管理 . 姚振華教授榮退紀念學術研討會論文集 .2006

256. 2006 黃瓊芳,鄭信忠,歐耿良. 牙齒雷射美白效果之險為特性及體外測試評估 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第五屆第一次會員大會暨第八次學術研討會論文摘要 .2006

257. 2005 鄭信忠. 從台灣牙科醫療板塊位移看市場發展與趨勢 . 2005年兩岸口腔醫療生態研討會 .2005

258. 2005 鄭信忠,李勝揚. Failure rate of mini-implants in orthodontic bony anchorage . World Journal of Orthodontics .2005 ;(6):325

259. 2005 鄭信忠. SARS對牙科感染控制之影響與省思 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2005 ;(24):68

260. 2005 黃耀慧,季麟揚,張進順,謝天渝,鄭信忠,姚振華. 台灣地區口腔健康監測系統初期成果報告 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2005 ;(24):146

261. 2005 鄭信忠,李勝揚,邱弘毅. Impaction of SARS on infection control of dentists in Taiwan . J dental Research .2005

262. 2005 鄭信忠. The factors affecting smile changes in orthodontics . Abstrct book of the 105th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists .2005

263. 2005 鄭信忠. 矯正病患對迷你骨釘運用在錨定系統認知與態度之研究 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第九屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2005

264. 2005 鄭信忠,廖俊德. 迷你矯正植體對矯正患者之助益 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第九屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2005

265. 2005 鄭信忠,張西昆. 建立台灣人齒顎矯正微笑指標及微笑最佳認知標準 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第九屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2005

266. 2005 鄭信忠,藍鴻文. 長期追蹤之齒顎矯正病例微笑變化 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第九屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2005

267. 2005 謝錚婷,鄭信忠. 牙釉質表面做酸蝕處理或Er:YAG雷射照射或合併處理 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第九屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2005

268. 2004 鄭信忠,張西崑,廖俊德. Correlation between craniofaciadental morphology and posed smiles . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2004

269. 2004 鄭信忠,閻以輝,陳立山,高俊義. Midline correction with mini-screw mechanism . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2004

270. 2004 陳立山,鄭信忠. Orthodontic treatment with lateral incisor extraction . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2004

271. 2004 鄭信忠,藍鴻文,廖俊德. Smile Changes Before and After Orthodontic Treatment . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2004

272. 2004 鄭信忠. 從台灣口腔科醫療板塊位移看市塲發展與趨勢 . 福建省口腔醫學會成立大會暨第一次學術研討會論文摘要 .2004

273. 2004 鄭信忠. 齒顎矯正微笑美學之回顧與研究 . 台灣口腔矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2004

274. 2004 鄭信忠. Analysis of failure rate between K1 and MIA bony anchorage system . 第三屆亞太植體矯正學術大會論文摘要 .2004

275. 2003 鄭信忠. 前牙早期治療之機轉選擇 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2003

276. 2003 鄭信忠,陳立山,高俊義. 使用K1迷你植體運用在矯正錨定失敗率之研究 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2003

277. 2003 鄭信忠,高俊義,邱弘毅,蔡吉陽,林利香. 齒顎矯正治療動機之研究 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2003

278. 2003 蔡吉陽,劉世堯,蘇柏誠,張慶瑜,鄭信忠. 矯正治療的骨調節機轉與血清中類脻島素生長因素結合蛋白-5濃度變化之關係 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2003

279. 2003 蔡吉陽,鄭佳芬,賴建志,鄭信忠,林利香. 病例報告-合併正顎手術之骨性下顎前突患者的矯正治療 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術大會論文摘要 .2003

280. 2003 鄭信忠,呂炫堃,黃瓊芳. 台灣地區牙醫師對牙醫助理制度認知與態度之研究 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第三屆第二次會員大會暨第五次學術研討會論文摘要 .2003

281. 2003 黃瓊芳,鄭信忠. 牙齒雷射漂白302例分析報告 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第三屆第二次會員大會暨第五次學術研討會論文摘要 .2003

282. 2003 鄭信忠,閻以煇,鄭佳芬,蔡吉陽,林利香. 矯正患者具二顆下顎門齒之頭顱型態研究 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第八屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2003

283. 2003 鄭信忠,閻以煇,鄭佳芬,蔡吉陽,林利香. 矯正患者具二顆與三顆下顎門齒之頭顱型態比較 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第八屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2003

284. 2003 鄭信忠,閻以煇,鄭佳芬,蔡吉陽,林利香. 矯正患者具二顆與三顆下顎門齒之頭顱型態比較 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第八屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2003

285. 2003 Cheng HC,Yen E,Chen LS,Lee S Y. The analysis of failure cases using ORTHOANCHOR K1 mini-implant system as orthodontic anchorage . J of Dental Research .2003 ;(82):214

286. 2003 鄭信忠. 使用K1及MIA系統迷你骨釘運用在矯正毛定失敗之研究 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第八屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2003

287. 2003 陳立山,鄭信忠,張西昆. 台灣民眾對微笑美觀之任之研究初報 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學八屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2003

288. 2003 鄭佳芬,鄭信忠. 上顎錐狀側門齒拔除之矯正治療 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第八屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2003

289. 2003 蔡吉陽,陳玉玲,鄭信忠,林利香. 下顎門牙角度與咬合力之關係 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第八屆第二次學術大會論文摘要 .2003

290. 2002 鄭信忠,邱弘毅,呂炫kun,林哲堂,李勝揚.. 臺灣地區總額預算制對教學醫院牙科及基層牙醫診所之影響 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2002 ;(21):61

291. 2002 鄭信忠,劉世堯,祁力行,彭伯宇. 正顎手術後之牙齒鐳射漂白 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2002 ;(21):100

292. 2002 鄭信忠,蘇嘉玲,邱弘毅,黃純德. 臺灣地區牙醫師對繼續教育認知與態度之研究 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2002 ;(22):113

293. 2002 鄭信忠. Second premolar distalization to provide posterior abutments for missing molar bridge . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術論文摘要 .2002

294. 2002 鄭信忠,賴建志,陳立山,林利香,蔡吉陽. Orthodontic uprighting treatment of horizontal impacted 2nd mandibular molar . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術論文摘要 .2002

295. 2002 鄭信忠,劉世堯,陳玉玲,高俊義,林利香,蔡吉陽. Orthodontic treatment and dental laser bleaching . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會學術論文摘要 .2002

296. 2001 鄭信忠. 雷射牙齒漂白之原理與臨床研究 . 中華民國醫用雷射學會學術研討會論文摘要 .2001

297. 2001 鄭信忠. 責任中心制在學校附設醫院牙科部之實施-以台北醫學大學附設醫院為例 . 中華民國醫院牙科協會第一屆第二次 年會暨醫院牙科經營管理研討會論文摘要 .2001

298. 2001 鄭信忠. 牙科助理對感染控制認知與態度之研究-初報 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第二屆第二次會員大會暨第三次學術研討會論文摘要 .2001

299. 2001 黃瓊芳,鄭信忠. 四環黴素齒斑病患對二極體雷射牙齒美白滿意度之臨床評估 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第二屆第二次會員大會暨第三次學術研討會論文摘要 .2001

300. 2001 Cheng Hsin-Chung,Hsiao HC, Huan IY, Lin L H, Tsai C Y, Horng C H. Orthodontic treatment of one congenital missing mandibular incisor. . Abstract book of the 23rd Ascian Pacific Dental Congress .2001

301. 2001 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Hsiao H C, Kuan I Y, Lin L H, Tsai C Y, Horng C H. The study of relationship between gloving efficiency and orthodontists' background. . Abstract book of the 23rd Ascian Pacific Dental Congress .2001

302. 2001 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Hsia H C, Kuang I, Lin L H, Tsai C Y, Horng C H. Orthodontic treatment of severe overjet malocclusion with functional appliance. . Abstract book of the 23rd Ascian Pacific Dental Congress .2001

303. 2001 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Chiou H Y, Lee S Y, Tsai C Y. The Effect of Efficiency by Wearing and Unwearing Gloves on Orthodontic Procedures . Abstrct book of the 101st Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists .2001

304. 2001 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Chiou H Y, Lee S Y,. The effect of urban-rural discrepancies on perception and attitudes of dentists toward infection control in Taiwan. . J of Dental Research .2001 ;(80):621

305. 2001 Huang Chiung-Fang, Cheng Hsin-Chung, Lin Kwung-Hsun. Clinical survey of self-satisfaction and sensitivity after Laser teeth whitening by Opus White Laser System(OWLS) . Abstract book of the 23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congress .2001

306. 2001 Huang Chiung-Fang, Cheng Hsin-Chung,. Laser tooth whitening . Abstract book of the 23rd Asia Pacific Dental Congerss .2001

307. 2000 鄭信忠,官儀妍,蔡吉陽. Orthodontic treatment of two congenital missing mandibular incisors Three cases reports. . abstracts of 59th General Session of Japanese Association of Orthodontists .2000

308. 2000 鄭信忠,. 現代口腔正畸治療之感染控制 . 第六次中國全國口腔正畸學術會議論文集 .2000

309. 2000 鄭信忠,. 牙科與醫院雙方權限與責任之劃分 . 醫院牙科經營管理研討會論文集 .2000

310. 2000 鄭信忠. How to manage the oral diseases during travel . 中華民國社區牙醫學會研討會及World Travel Medicine conference論文集 .2000

311. 2000 鄭信忠,官儀妍,蕭慧貞,林利香,蔡吉陽. 先天性兩顆下顎門齒缺失之矯正治療 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2000 ;(19):70-70

312. 2000 鄭信忠,鄭佳芬,趙文瑄,林利香,蔡吉陽. 安格氏二級異常咬合第二分類之矯正治療 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2000 ;(19):70-70

313. 2000 鄭信忠,彭伯宇,鄭昭岳,祁力行. 電腦控制局部麻醉注射降低注射疼痛之評估 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2000 ;(19):56-56

314. 2000 鄭信忠,邱弘毅,李勝揚,. 台灣地區城鄉差異影響牙醫師對感染控制認知與態度之研究 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2000 ;(19):21-21

315. 2000 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Li Sen-Yang,. Current use of disinfection and sterilization procedures by Taiwan orthodontists . Book of Abstracts, American Association of Orthodontists, 100th Annual Session .2000

316. 2000 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Pon Bou-Yee,. Using a computer-controlled injection system to minimize dental injection pain. . J of Dental Research .2000 ;(79):491-491

317. 1999 鄭信忠,. 矯正器材感染控制的發展 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第六屆第二次學術研討會大會論文摘要 .1999

318. 1999 鄭信忠,邱弘毅,陳時中,. 台北市牙醫診所規模與執行牙科感染控制之相關性 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會第一次學術研討會大會論文摘要 .1999

319. 1999 鄭信忠,林俊良,林利香,蔡吉陽,. 利用第二小臼齒遠心移動成為後牙牙橋支台齒 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1999 ;(18):79-79

320. 1999 蔡吉陽,葉為昌,彭建綸,鄭信忠. 使用扭轉舌側弘線治療後牙錯咬-病例報告 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1999 ;(18):57-57

321. 1999 鄭信忠,林哲堂,邱弘毅,陳時中. 全民健保對教學醫院牙科及牙醫診所之影響 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1999 ;(18):29-29

322. 1999 蔡金螢,鄭信忠,. 台北醫學院附設醫院牙科部急診病歷分析 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1999 ;(18):28-28

323. 1999 Lee S Y, Wang M H, Lin C T, Cheng Hsin-Chung. Acoustic emission analysis in dental soldering with high-frequency solodering machine . J of Dental Research .1999 ;(78):484-484

324. 1999 Lin C T, Lee S Y, Ke T H, Wu L D, Cheng Hsin-Chung. Optimal design of dental implants using finite element analysis . J of Dental Research .1999 ;(78):246-246

325. 1999 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Lin C T, Lee S Y. the association between dental office size and their compliance with infection control in Taipei City . J of Dental Research .1999 ;(78):181-181

326. 1999 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Lee S Y. Compliance in the use of gloves by orthodontists in Taiwan . Abstract book of 99th Annual Session of American Association of Orthodontists .1999

327. 1999 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Lee S Y, Tsia C Y, Lin L H. Current infection control profile of orthodontists in Tsiwan . Abstract Book of 3rd Asian-Pacific Orthodontic Congress .1999

328. 1998 林靜毅, 張維仁, 黃豪銘,鄭信忠,李勝揚. 牙用複合材在催老化溶液中之退化研究 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(17):40-40

329. 1998 彭建綸, 黃琮仁, 蔡吉陽, 鄭信忠, 林哲堂. 電腦輔助虛擬正顎術二級咬合病例之示範 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(17):82-82

330. 1998 蔡吉陽, 葉為昌, 鄭信忠. 改良式四環擴張器 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(17):81-81

331. 1998 黃慧平, 李勝揚, 楊長謀, 郭倍榮, 鄭信忠. 聚乳酸薄膜及複合材之機械性質研究 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(17):79-79

332. 1998 黃瓊芳, 王幸宜, 鄭信忠. 牙醫診療室之各種表面覆蓋方法 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(17):85-85

333. 1998 鄭信忠, 陳仁傑, 李勝揚, 蔡吉陽. 成人者前牙膺復錯咬之矯正治療 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(17):97-97

334. 1998 鄭信忠, 康國良, 李勝揚, 蔡吉陽, 彭建綸. 齒顎矯正患者口腔衛生照顧 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(17):97-97

335. 1998 鄭信忠, 洪清霖, 李勝揚, 蔡吉陽,. 台灣地區齒顎矯正醫師執業之(消毒與滅菌現況調查 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(17):46-46

336. 1998 Lu H K, Kou Y W, Lee S Y, Lin C T, Cheng Hsin-Chung. Misrotensile evaluation of aged dentin bonding systems . J of Dental Research .1998 ;(76):43-43

337. 1998 Lin C T, Lee S Y, Kuo Y W, Lu H K, Cheng Hsin-Chung. Laser-induced acoustic emission in aged dentin bonding systems . J of Dental Research .1998 ;(77):416-416

338. 1998 Cheng Hsin-Chung. Common oral diseases during travel . Abstracts Book of 2nd Asia-Pacific Travel Health Congress .1998

339. 1998 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Lin C T, Lee S Y, Hong C L. Perception and attitudes toward infection control among dental patients in Taipei . J of Dental Research .1998 ;(77):853-853

340. 1998 Cheng Hisn-Chung, Lee S Y, Tsai C Y. Perception and attitudes of orthodontists toward infection control in Taiwan . Abstract Book of 98th Annual Session of the American Association of Orthodontists .1998

341. 1997 彭建綸, 黃琮仁, 林哲堂, 鄭信忠, 張文乾. 電腦影像處理在齒列矯正暨口腔外科之應用 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1997 ;(17):71-71

342. 1997 張文乾, 鄭信忠, 劉啟群, 林哲堂, 王敦正. 現代牙醫師與口腔顎面外科醫師對口腔癌防治之責任與角色 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1997 ;(16):84-84

343. 1997 鄭信忠, 洪清霖, 蔡吉陽,李勝揚, 彭建綸. 台灣地區齒顎矯正醫師戴手套看診之現況調查 . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第五屆第二次學術研討會論文摘要 .1997

344. 1997 鄭信忠, 陳仁傑, 彭建綸, 蔡吉陽. 完全頰側錯咬之傳統矯正治療 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1997 ;(16):89-89

345. 1997 鄭信忠, 薛文冠, 林哲堂, 陳時中, 洪清霖. 台北市牙科病患控制三年之狀況評估 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1997 ;(16):52-52

346. 1997 鄭信忠, 林哲堂, 陳時中,洪清霖. 台北市牙醫師執行感染控制三年之狀況評估 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1997 ;(16):52-52

347. 1997 Cheng Hsin-Chung, Lin C T, Hong C L,. Infection control survey of Taipei dentists in the recent three years . J of Dental Research .1997 ;(76):434-434

348. 1996 劉浚琦, 鄭信忠, 蔡吉陽. 各種面弓型頭部牽引器之臨床運用 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1996 ;(15):83-83

349. 1996 黃瓊芳, 鄭信忠, 張文乾, 林哲堂. 台北醫學院附設醫院牙科部對頭頸部放射治療病患之牙科處置 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1996 ;(15):93-93

350. 1996 鄭信忠, 陳彥鳴, 林哲堂, 陳時中, 洪清霖. 台北市牙科病患對感染性疾病之認知與態度 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1996 ;(15):99-99

351. 1996 鄭信忠, 蔡吉陽. 以口香糖測試方法研究咀嚼能力與顱顏齒列之關係 . 中華牙醫學會雜誌 .1996 ;(15):56-56

352. 1995 鄭信忠,蔡吉陽,林哲堂. A study of relationship between masticatory performance and craniofacial morphology. . abstracts of 2nd Asian-Pacific Orthodontic Conference .1995

353. 1995 鄭信忠,蔡吉陽,蘇慶華,林哲堂. 以口香糖作為咀嚼能力測試方法之研究 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1995 ;(14):50

354. 1994 鄭信忠,黃炯興,陳時中. 台北市執業牙醫師之"感染控制"評估 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1994 ;(13):86

355. 1993 鄭信忠,黃炯興,. 嬰兒睡覺姿勢對頭顱型態之影響 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1993 ;(12):74

356. 1993 黃炯興,鄭信忠. 嬰兒睡覺姿勢對齒脊發育之影響 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1993 ;(12):73

357. 1992 鄭信忠,黃炯興,. Bimaxillary protrusion-diagnosis, treatment and long-term result. . J of Japan Ortho Society, .1992 ;(51):323

358. 1991 鄭信忠,黃炯興,. 不同頭型對顱顏生長之影響 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1991 ;(11):37

359. 1991 鄭信忠,黃炯興,. Maxillofacial growth pattern affected by different head form. . abstract of 6th scientific meeting South-East Asian division of International Association for Dental Research. .1991

360. 1990 鄭信忠,李立維,黃炯興,陳昱瑞. 齒顎畸型病患經正顎手術之心理適應 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1990 ;(10):37

361. 1989 鄭信忠,黃炯興,陳昱瑞. 雙顎暴牙-診斷,治療與長期療效 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1989 ;(9):16

1. 2019 Cheng HC. 牙科感染控制與職業安全(第十二章) . 現代牙科公共衛生學 .2019

2. 2014 鄭信忠. 牙科感染控制(第三章) . 當代家庭牙醫學 .2014

3. 2014 鄭信忠. 醫療品質與病人安全(第八章) . 當代家庭牙醫學 .2014

4. 2010 鄭信忠. 建置牙科醫療業務安全作業指引 . 行政院衛生署九十九年度委託辦理研究計畫研究報告 .2010

5. 2010 鄭信忠. 診療作業人員生物氣膠暴露監測暨感染控制措施認知實行現況調查 . 行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所研究計畫 期末報告 .2010

6. 2006 鄭信忠. 生長期之齒顎矯正治療 . 臨床牙科寶鑑貳部曲 .2006 ;(5):21-36

7. 2003 鄭信忠. 牙醫全聯會對抗SARS防疫之因應措施報告 . 中華民國牙醫師公會全國聯合會編印 .2003

8. 2002 鄭信忠. 台灣牙醫師對牙醫助理制度建立之研究 . 牙醫助理手冊(第六章) .2002

9. 2002 鄭信忠. 牙科感染控制與廢棄物處理 . 牙醫助理手冊(第廿二章) .2002

10. 2002 鄭信忠. 牙科器械之消毒與滅菌 . 牙醫助理手冊(第廿三章) .2002

11. 2002 鄭信忠. 齒顎矯正治療簡介及牙醫助理跟診須知 . 牙醫助理手冊(第卅五章) .2002

12. 2001 鄭信忠. 臨床牙科感染控制 . 牙科公共衛生學 .2001

13. 2000 鄭信忠. 戴手套與不戴手套影響齒顎矯正執業之因素研究 . 北醫專題計劃研究成果報告 .2000

14. 1999 鄭信忠. 台灣地區城鄉差距影響牙醫師對愛滋病,B型肝炎及感染控制認知與態度之研究 . 國科會專題研究成果報告 .1999

15. 1998 鄭信忠. 全民健保對教學醫院牙科及基層牙醫診所之影響 . 衛生署研究成果報告 .1998

16. 1998 楊俊杰、胡兆仁、陳季文、奚臺陽、唐鉉策、鄭信忠、蘇明圳. 齒顎矯正與相關法律問題 . 牙醫業務與法律實務 .1998

17. 1998 鄭信忠、劉緒倫. 牙科感染控制與相關之法律問題 . 牙醫業務與法律實務 .1998

18. 1998 鄭信忠. 牙科醫療廢棄物與相關之法律問題 . 牙醫業務與法律實務 .1998

19. 1996 鄭信忠. 台北市執業牙醫師感染控制執行三年之狀況評估 . 衛生署研究成果報告 .1996

20. 1995 鄭信忠,. 台北市牙科病患者對感染控制之認知與態度 . 衛生署研究成果報告 .1995

21. 1995 鄭信忠. 台北市牙科病患對感染控制之認知與態度 . 衛生署研究成果報告 .1995

22. 1993 鄭信忠,. 台北市牙醫師執業之感染控制評估 . 衛生署研究成果報告 .1993

1. 2023 Cheng HC. 臺北醫學大學牙醫學系齒顎矯正學科臨床前齒顎矯正訓練手冊(中文版) . 臺北醫學大學口腔醫學院出版 .2023

2. 2023 Cheng HC. Taipei Medical University School of Dentistry Department of Orthodontics Preclinical Orthodontic Training Manual 臨床前齒顎矯正訓練手冊(英文版) . 台北醫學大學口腔醫學院出版 .2023

3. 2019 Cheng HC. 齒顎矯正治療參考指引 . 臺北醫學大學口腔醫學院出版(總編輯) .2019

4. 2019 齒顎矯正健康照護手冊 . 臺北醫學大學口腔醫學院出版(總編輯) .2019

5. 2017 鄭信忠. 實用牙科工作流程規範手冊,大陸中盛商學院出品 . .2017

6. 2016 鄭信忠. 牙醫倫理之理論與實務 . .2016

7. 2016 鄭信忠. 牙科院所感染管制措施指引手冊 . .2016

8. 2016 鄭信忠. 牙科實證醫學 -- Evidence-based Dentistry . .2016

9. 2014 賴向華,鄭信忠. 當代家庭牙醫學 . .2014

10. 2008 鄭信忠. 牙科作業流程管理學 . 中華民國家庭牙醫學會發行 .2008

11. 2007 鄭信忠. 口腔保健 . 晨星出版社 .2007

12. 2007 鄭信忠,黃炯興. 牙科臨床治療指引彙編 . .2007

13. 2006 鄭信忠. Yes!我把牙齒變美、變白、變健康了! . 原水文化出版,城邦文化發行 .2006

14. 2006 鄭信忠,陳雅怡. 牙醫師禽流感手冊 . .2006

15. 2005 鄭信忠. 口腔醫務管理學 . .2005

16. 2004 鄭信忠. 一口好牙--0到99歲保健牙典,台視文化公司發行出版 . .2004

17. 2004 鄭信忠. 牙醫院所感染控制SOP作業細則手冊,行政院衛生署疾病管制局印製 . .2004

18. 2003 鄭信忠. 牙齒美容完全搞定,原水文化出版,城邦文化發行 . .2003

19. 2003 鄭信忠. 牙醫師SARS防疫手冊 . .2003

20. 2002 鄭信忠. 牙醫助理手冊 . 中華民國牙橋學會 .2002

21. 2001 鄭信忠. 牙橋牙醫政論集 . .2001

22. 2000 鄭信忠. 牙科緊急處理手冊 . .2000

23. 1995 鄭信忠,. 臨床牙科寶鑑(初版) . .1995

24. 1992 鄭信忠,. 牙科感染控制(初版) . .1992

25. 1990 鄭信忠,裘薇藝. 基本齒顎矯正學(初版) . .1990

1. 2015 鄭信忠. 牙齒矯正裝置 . .2015

1. 2008 鄭信忠. The study of mechanical and microstructure variations of mini-implants for orthodontic anchorage with surface treatment . 台北醫學大學牙醫學系博士班博士論文 .2008

2. 1995 鄭信忠,. 以口香糖測試法研究究咀嚼能力與頭顱面齒列形態之關係 . 北醫口腔復健醫學研究所碩士論文 .1995


111 透過有限元素法分析聚醚醚酮製齒顎矯正舌側維持器之最佳化設計

111 利用AI影像辨識進行微笑影像分析作為牙科臨床治料後之輔助訓練工具

109 2020口腔癌國際研討會-口腔癌預防及治療精準科學2020 International Oral Cancer Conference

107 108年度「齒顎矯正治療參考指引及健康照護手冊」

107 建立牙科感染管制作業自我評核機制

106 牙科學生實驗室意外傷害之研究

106 106年度「牙科醫師訓練制度之檢討與精進計畫」採購案

106 建立牙科感染管制作業自我評核機制

104 運用曲面陽極氧化鋁模板配合奈米壓印表面處理改變牙科面罩物化性質及感染管制之研究

104 以奈米壓印表面處理改變牙科面罩物化性質及感染管制之研究

103 邀請OKAYAMA UNIVERSITY TAKUO KUBOKI教授,於104年05月16日至104年05月18日來台訪問乙案

103 牙科模擬病人臨床診斷思維訓練系統之開發

103 產學合作計畫-牙科模擬病人臨床診斷思維訓練系統之開發

103 產學合作計畫-牙科模擬病人臨床診斷思維訓練系統之開發

102 以奈米壓印表面處理改變矯正橡皮鏈之物理性質及生物相容性研究

102 以奈米壓印表面處理改變矯正橡皮鏈之物理性質及生物相容性研究

101 將手部衛生認知與行為導入醫學相關科系學生訓練課程

100 將手部衛生認知與行為導入醫學相關科系學生訓練課程

98 診療作業人員生物氣膠暴露監測與感染控制措施認知實行現況調查

98 創新型一階段牙科植體之整合性開發及臨床研究

98 不銹鋼微植體在矯正力下與骨整合的研究

96 複合性奈米表面改質技術於牙科植體骨整合之研究

96 不銹鋼微植體在矯正力下與骨整合的研究

96 新型鈦鈮人工牙根之特性研發及生醫相容性評估

92 建立齒顎矯正微笑指標及台灣人對微笑之最佳認知標準

90 台灣地區城鄉差距影響牙醫助理對愛滋病,B型肝炎及感染控制認知與態度之研究

88 牙科總額預算制實施後對教學醫院牙科及基層牙醫診所之影響

88 戴手套與不戴手套影響齒顎矯正執業之因素研究