李勝揚(Lee, Sheng-Yang) 教授

現   職
牙醫學系 教授


學 歷

美國西北大學生物材料研究所 博士
美國西北大學生物材料研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院牙醫學系 學士




2018/02/01 ~
2015/08/16 ~ 2024/07/31
2009/06/01 ~ 2011/07/31
2002/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31
1999/09/01 ~ 2004/08/18
1997/08/01 ~ 1999/08/31







1. 2024 牙科創傷患者診斷與矯正介入時機-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2024 ;(10):5-17

2. 2024 安格氏一級咬合異常患者藉由拔牙後關閉空間改善外觀-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2024 ;(10):18-35

3. 2024 上下顎骨複合體的旋轉中心考量-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2024 ;(10):49-61

4. 2024 Kuo PJ,Lin YH,Huang YX,Lee SY,Huang HM. Effects of Sapindus mukorossi seed oil on bone healing efficiency: an animal study . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2024 ;(25):6749

5. 2024 Chen TY,Huang TY,Chung YY,Lin WC,Lin HY,Chiu HC, Lee SY. Exosomes Derived from Polygonum multiflorum-Treated Human Dental pulp Stem Cells (hDPSCs): new approach in regenerative medicine . Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology .2024 ;(99):105941

6. 2024 Tsai CC,Yang YN,Wang K,Chen YC,Chen YF, Yang JC, Li ZL, Huang HM, Lee SY, Lin HY, . Progesterone modulates cell growth via integrin αvβ3-dependent pathway in progesterone receptor-negative MDA-MB-231 cells . Heliyon .2024 ;(10):e34006

7. 2024 Lai HY,Fan KC,Lee YH,Lew WZ,Lai WY,Lee SY, Chang WJ, Huang HM. Using a static magnetic field to attenuate the severity in COVID-19-invaded lungs . Scientific Reports .2024 ;(14):16830

8. 2024 Wu YT,Lu PW,Lin CA,Chang LY,Jaihao C,PengTY, Lee WF, Teng NC, Lee SY, Dwivedi RP , Negi P, Yang JC . Development of a zinc chloride-based chemo-mechanical system for potential minimally invasive dental caries removal system . Journal of Dental Sciences .2024 ;(19):919-928

9. 2024 Sahrir CD,Ruslin M,Lee SY,Lin WC. Effect of various post-curing light intensities, times, and energy levels on the color of 3D-printed resin crowns . Journal of Dental Sciences .2024 ;(19):357-363

10. 2024 Fan FY ,Lin WC,Huang HY,Shen TK,Chang YC, Li HY, Ruslin M, Lee SY . Applying machine learning to assess the morphology of sculpted teeth . Journal of Dental Sciences .2024 ;(19):542-549

11. 2024 Liu CM,Lin WC,Lee SY. Evaluation of the efficiency, trueness, and clinical application of novel artificial intelligence design for dental crown prostheses . Dental Materials .2024 ;(40):19-27

12. 2023 Tsai CC,Chen YF,Yang YC,Yang YN,Lee SY,Huang LY, Wang WL, Lee HL, Lin HY, Wang K. Integrins and Actions of Androgen in Breast Cancer . Cells .2023 ;(12):2126

13. 2023 安格式第二級第一類分支異常咬合在治療上的考量-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2023

14. 2023 下顎正中門齒先天缺失合併上顎正中齒隙患者拔牙矯正治療-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2023 ;(11):17-29

15. 2023 顏面不對稱之分類、診斷與治療方式-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2023 ;(11):40-54

16. 2023 以齒顎矯正掩飾方式治療骨性開咬中青春晚期的生長變化與影響-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2023 ;(11):55-64

17. 2023 上顎正中門牙因外傷拔牙後以側門牙、犬齒及第一小臼齒進行取代-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2023

18. 2023 微笑露齦患者診斷與治療方式-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2023

19. 2023 深咬患者的成因及治療方法-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2023

20. 2023 Ho KN,Chen LW,Kuo TF,Chen KS,Lee SY,Wang SF. Surface Modification of Zirconia Ceramics Through Cold Plasma Treatment and the Graft Polymerization of Biomolecules   . Journal of Dental Sciences .2023

21. 2023 Tseng CW,Yong CY,Fang CY,Lee SY,Wang YC,Lin WC. Comparative analysis of bonding strength between enamel and overlay of varying thicknesses following an aging test . Journal of Dental Sciences .2023 ;(18):1850-1858

22. 2022 Fan KC,Lin YL,Tsao HW,Chen H,Lee SY,Cheng YC, Huang HP, Lin WC. In vivo evaluation of sintering temperature on the optical properties for dental glass ceramics . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12):2187

23. 2022 Chung CC,Huang TY,Chu HR,,De Luca R,,Candelotti E,Huang CH, Yang YSH, Incerpi S, Pedersen JZ, Lin CY, Huang HM, Lee SY, Li ZL, ChangOu CA, Li WS, Davis PJ, Lin HY, Whang-Peng J, Wang K.. Heteronemin and tetrac derivatives suppress non-small cell lung cancer growth via ERK1/2 inhibition . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2022 ;(161):112850

24. 2022 Chang YL,Liao PB,Wu PH,Chang WJ,Lee SY,Huang HM. Cancer Cytotoxicity of a Hybrid Hyaluronan-Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Material: An In-Vitro Evaluation . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12):496

25. 2022 Wang K,Chen YF,Yang YC,Huang HM,Lee SY,Shih YJ, Li ZL, Whang-Peng J, Lin HY, Davis PJ. The power of heteronemin in cancers . Journal of Biomedical Science .2022 ;(29):1-22

26. 2022 Lee SY,Lu LP,Chen TC,Fang CY. By piezoelectric-assisted surgery, an ankylosis tooth is no more contraindication for orthodontic treatment-a case report . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022 ;(17):609-611

27. 2022 Wu Y,Chung YY,Chin YT,Kuo PJ,Chin TY,Lin TY, Chiu HC, Huang HM, Lee SY. Comparison of 2,3,5,4′-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-b-D-glucoside-induced proliferation and differentiation of dental pulp stem cells in 2D and 3D culture systems—gene analysis . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022 ;(17):14-29

28. 2022 上顎前置合併深咬合固定矯正器達到矯正效果與下顎生長的變化–病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2022 ;(9):5-22

29. 2022 非手術治療之顏面不對稱患者齒列中線安排–病例報告 . 臺灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌, .2022 ;(10):34-47

30. 2022 非手術治療之顏面不對稱患者齒列中線安排–病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2022 ;(10):34-47

31. 2022 骨性三級關係臨床治療方式選擇之考量與比較–病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2022 ;(10):77-87

32. 2022 前牙錯咬之矯正治療–病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2022 ;(10):5-13

33. 2022 安格氏三級異常咬合以下頜頰棚迷你骨釘達成治療效果–病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2022 ;(10):14-26

34. 2022 上顎第三大臼齒取代性矯正治療–病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2022 ;(10):44-54

35. 2022 安格氏二級第一類藉由拔除上顎雙側第一小臼齒改善暴牙及深咬–病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2022 ;(10):55-65

36. 2021 Lew WZ,Feng SW,Lee SY,Huang HM. The review of bioeffects of static magnetic fields on the oral tissue-derived cells and its application in regenerative medicine. . Cells .2021 ;(10):1-20

37. 2021 Kuo PJ,Yen HJ,Lin CY,Lai HY,Chen CH,Wang SH, Chang WJ, Lee SY, Huang HM. Estimation of the Effect of Accelerating New Bone Formation of High and Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid Hybrid: An Animal Study . Polymers .2021 ;(13):1708

38. 2021 Su KW ,Li ZL,Huang TY,Lin CY,Huang CH,Chen HY, Yang YC, Lu MC, Huang HM, Lee SY, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Wang K. Effect of estrogen on heteronemin-induced anti-proliferative effect in breast cancer cells with different estrogen receptor status . Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, section Molecular and Cellular Oncology .2021 ;(9):0-10

39. 2021 Huang YW,Lin CY,Chin YT,Kuo PJ,Wu Y,Weng IT, Chen TY, Wang HH, Huang HM, Hsiung CN, Lee SY. 2,3,5,4′-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-b-D-glucoside triggers the pluripotent-like possibility of dental pulp stem cells by activating the JAK2/STAT3 axis: Preliminary observations . Journal of Dental Sciences .2021 ;(16):599-607

40. 2021 Chin YT,Liu CM,Chen TY,Chung YY,Lin CY,Hsiung CN, Jan YS, Chiu HC, Fu E, Lee SY. 2,3,5,4′-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucoside-stimulated dental pulp stem cells-derived conditioned medium enhances cell activity and anti-inflammation . Journal of Dental Science .2021 ;(16):586-598

41. 2021 Chin YT,Tu HP,Lin CY,Kuo PJ,Chiu HC,Lee SY, Fu E. Antioxidants protect against gingival overgrowth induced by cyclosporine-A . Journal of Periodontal Research .2021 ;(56):397-407

42. 2021 Lin CY,Tsai MS,Kuo PJ,Chin YT,Weng IT,Lee SY. 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucoside promotes the effects of dental pulp stem cells on rebuilding periodontal tissues in experimental periodontal defects . Journal of Periodontology .2021 ;(92):306-316

43. 2020 Wang HT,Chou PC,Wu PH,Lee CM,Fan KH,Chang WJ, Lee SY, Huang HM. Physical and Biological Evaluation of Low-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid/Fe3O4 Nanoparticle for Targeting MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells . Polymers .2020 ;(12):1-12

44. 2020 Pandey A,Kuo CL,Liang CJ,Chang LY,Hsu CY,Lee SY, Teng NC, Yang JC. 3D pore-interconnected calcium phosphate bone blocks for bone tissue engineering . Ceramics International .2020 ;(46):16465-16471

45. 2020 Ho Y,Wu CY,Chin YT,Li ZL,Pan YS,Huang TY, Su PY, Lee SY, Crawford DR, Su KW, Chiu HC. NDAT suppresses pro-inflammatory gene expression to enhance resveratrol-induced anti-proliferation in oral cancer cells . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2020 ;(136)

46. 2020 Huang CH,Huang TY,Chang WJ,Pan YS,Chu HR,Lee SY. Combined Treatment of Heteronemin and Tetrac Induces Antiproliferation in Oral Cancer Cells . Marine Drugs .2020

47. 2020 Shiu ST,Lew WZ,Lee SY,Feng SW,Huang HM. Effects of Sapindus mukorossi Seed Oil on Proliferation, Osteogenetic/Odontogenetic Differentiation and Matrix Vesicle Secretion of Human Dental Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cells . Materials .2020 ;(13):4063

48. 2020 Lin YH,Nien CJ,Chen LG,Lee SY,Chang WJ,Pan YH, Hsieh SC, Huang HM. Sapindus mukorossi seed oil changes tyrosinase activity of α-MSH-induced B16F10 cells via the anti-melanogenesic effect of eicosenoic acid . Natural Product Communications .2020

49. 2020 Pandey A,Kuo CL,Liang CJ,Chang LY,Hsu CY,Lee SY, Teng NC, Yang JC. 3D pore-interconnected calcium phosphate bone blocks for bone tissue engineering . Ceramics International .2020 ;(46):16465-16471

50. 2019 Lin CC,Chin YT,Shih YJ,Chen YR,Chung YY,Lin CY, Hsiung CN, Lee SY, Lin HY, Davis PJ. Resveratrol antagonizes thyroid hormone-induced expression of checkpoint and proliferative genes in oral cancer cells . Journal of Dental Sciences .2019 ;(14):255-262

51. 2019 Lee SY, Chen CC,Teng NC,Hu ST,Huang PC,Yang JC. In vitro and in vivo Studies of Hydrophilic Electrospun PLA95/β-TCP Membranes for Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) Applications . Nanomaterials .2019 ;(9):1-12

52. 2019 Lin CY,Kuo PJ,Chin YT,Weng IT,Lee HW,Huang HM, Lin HY, Hsiung CN, Chan YH, Lee SY. Dental Pulp Stem Cell Transplantation with 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucoside Accelerates Alveolar Bone Regeneration in Rats . Journal of Endodontics .2019 ;(45):435-441

53. 2019 Yen CY,Kuo PJ,Lin CY,Chang NS,Hsiao HY,Chin YT, Tsai CC, Lee SY . Accuracy of cone beam computed tomography in measuring thicknesses of hard-tissue-mimicking material adjacent to different implant thread surfaces . Journal of Dental Sciences .2019 ;(14):119-125

54. 2019 Chen YR,Chen YS,Chin YT,Li ZL,Shis YJ,Yang YC, Su PY, Wang SH, We YH, Lee SY, Liu LF. Thyroid hormone-induced expression of inflammatory cytokines interfere with resveratrol-induced anti-proliferation of oral cancer cells . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2019 ;(132):1-11

55. 2018 Lin CY,Chin YT,Kuo PJ,Lee HW,Huang HM,Lin HY, Weng IT,Hsiung CN , Chan YH, Lee SY. 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-glucoside potentiates self-renewal of human dental pulp stem cells via the AMPK/ERK/SIRT1 axis . International Endodontic Journal .2018 ;(51):1159-1170

56. 2018 Dima S,Wang KJ,Chen KH,Huang YK ,Chang WJ,Lee SY, Teng NC. Decision Tree Approach to the Impact of Parents' Oral Health on Dental Caries Experience in Children: A Cross-Sectional Study. . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2018

57. 2018 非手術性矯正歪臉 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2018 ;(8):5-22

58. 2018 Chiang PC,Lin SL,Liu MJ,Fan KH,Chang WJ,Huang HM, Lee SY. Photoelastic analysis of stress distributions in the root–bone interface when applying various orthodontic methods to subside lower anterior crowding . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine .2018 ;(232):999-1007

59. 2018 Huang CH, Lee SY,Horng S, Guy LG,Yu TB. In vitro and in vivo degradation of microfiber bioresorbable coronary scaffold . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials .2018 ;(106):1842-1850

60. 2018 Chang HW, Yen CY,Chen CH , Tsai JH,Tang JY,Chang YT, Lee SY. Evaluation of the mRNA expression levels of integrins α3, α5, β1 and β6 as tumor biomarkers of oral squamous cell carcinoma . Oncology Letters .2018 ;(16):4773-4781

61. 2018 Lian YK,Hsieh AMC,Tsai MS,Jiang HR , Yen CY,HsiaY J , Lee SY. Treatment efficiency and stability of skeletal Class III malocclusion with a surgery-first approach . Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research .2018 ;(21):90-95

62. 2018 Lin CY,Chin YT, Kuo PJ,Lee HW,Huang HM,Lin HY, Weng IT,Hsiung CN , Chan YH, Lee SY. 2,3,5,4’-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-glucoside (THSG) potentiates self-renewal of human dental pulp stem cells via the AMPK/ERK/SIRT1 axis . International Endodontic Journal .2018 ;(51):1159-1170

63. 2018 Chang MC, Chang HH,Lin PS, Huang YA, Chan CP, Tsai YL, Lee SY, Jeng PY. Effects of TGF-β1 on plasminogen activation in humandental pulp cells: Role of ALK5/Smad2, TAK1 andMEK/ERK signalling . Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine .2018 ;(12(4)):854-863

64. 2018 骨性二級關係藉由拔除上顎雙側第一小臼齒達到掩飾性矯正效果-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2018 ;(7):5-16

65. 2018 成人骨性三類異常咬合之非手術掩飾性矯正治療-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2018 ;(7):17-28

66. 2018 安格式第二級異常咬合第一類以骨釘治療之案例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2018 ;(7):38-49

67. 2018 以早期手術方式矯治嚴重骨性第三級咬合異常合併顏面不對稱之患者-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2018 ;(7):50-59

68. 2018 病例報告:矯正拔牙案例上的垂直控制 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2018 ;(7):60-70

69. 2018 Chang MC,Lin PS,Chang HH,Huang YA,Chan CP,Tsai YL, Lee SY, Jeng PY, Kuo HY, Yeung SY, Jeng JH. Effects of TGF-b1 on plasminogen activation in human dental pulp cells: Role of ALK5/Smad2, TAK1 and MEK/ERK signaling . Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine .2018 ;(12):854-863

70. 2017 Ho KN,Lee SY,Huang HM. Damping ratio analysis of tooth stability under various simulated degrees of vertical alveolar bone loss and different root types . BioMedical Engineering OnLine .2017 ;(16:97):1-12

71. 2017 Hsieh MT,Wang LM,Changou CA,Chin YT,Yang YC,Lai HY, Lee SY, Yang YN, Peng JW, Liu LF, Mousa SA, Davis PJ. Crosstalk between integrin αvβ3 and ERα contributes to thyroid hormone-induced proliferation of ovarian cancer cells . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):24237-24249

72. 2017 Liu SY,Feng IJ,Wu YW,Chen CY,Hsiung CN,Chang HW, Lin CY, Chang MT, Yu HC, Lee SY, Yen CY. The implication for the second primary cancer from visible oral and oropharyngeal premalignant lesions in betel-nut chewing related oral cancer patients . Head & Neck .2017 ;(39):1428-1435

73. 2017 Yang JC,Hu HT,Lee SY,Hsieh SC,Huang PC,Ma CF, Ji DY, Chang LY, Teng NC. In vitro evaluation of dentin tubule occlusion for novel calcium lactate phosphate (CLP) paste . Materials .2017 ;(10):228

74. 2017 Chin YT,Cheng GY,Shih YJ,Lin CY,Lin SJ,Lee YS, Peng JW, Chiu HC, Lee SY, Fu E, Tang HY, Lin HY, Liu LF. Therapeutic Applications of Resveratrol and Its Derivatives on Periodontitis . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences .2017 ;(1403):101-108

75. 2017 Chien SK,Hsue SS,Lin CS,Kuo TF,Wang DJ,Yang JC, Lee SY. Influence of Thread Design on Dental Implant Osseointegration Assayed Using the Lan-Yu Mini-Pig Model . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2017 ;(37):627-638

76. 2017 Kuo TF,Lu HC,Tseng CF,Yang JC,Wang SF,Yang CK, Lee SY. Evaluation of Osseointegration in Titanium and Zirconia-BasedDental Implants with Surface Modification in A Miniature Pig Model . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2017 ;(37):313-320

77. 2016 Chin YT,Hsieh MT,Lin CY,Kuo PJ,Yang YC,Shih YJ, Lai HY, Cheng GY, Tang HY, Lee CC, Lee SY, Wang CC, Lin HY, Fu E, Peng JW, Liu LF. 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-glucoside Isolatedfrom Polygoni Multiflori Ameliorates the Development of Periodontitis . Mediators of Inflammation .2016 ;(2016):1-12

78. 2016 Yen CY,Kuo CL,Liu IH,Su WC,Jiang HR,Huang IG, Liu SY, Lee SY. Modified Alar Base Cinch Suture Fixation at the Bilateral Lower Border of the Piriform Rim after a Maxillary Le Fort I Osteotomy . International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery .2016 ;(45):1459-1463

79. 2016 Lee SY,Hu HT,Liang CJ,Teng NC,Yang JC. A continuous static-mixer-based reactor for preparing calcium phosphate bioceramics . International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology .2016 ;(13):88-99

80. 2016 Chang MC,Tsai YL,Chang HH,Lee SY,Lee MS,Chang CW, Chan CP, Yeh CY, Cheng RH, Jeng JH. IL-1β-induced MCP-1 expression and secretion of human dental pulp cells is related to TAK1, MEK/ERK, and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways . Archives of Oral Biology .2016 ;(61):16-22

81. 2016 李美萱,蔡騏駿,蔡明晞,李宜昇,蘇志鵬,陳信光, 李勝揚. Open bite: treatment with molar extraction Orthodontics: a review article . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):79-87

82. 2016 Yang JI,Tang JY,Liu YS,Wang HR,Lee SY,Yen CY, Chang HW. Roe Protein Hydrolysates of Giant Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) Inhibit Cell Proliferation of Oral Cancer Cells Involving Apoptosis and Oxidative Stress . Biomed Res Int .2016 ;(830507)

83. 2016 葉又瑄,鄧晴方,蘇志鵬,陳信光,李宜昇,蔡明晞, 李勝揚. Deep bite: Etiology/Facial, dental & skeletal pattern . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):62-72

84. 2016 Ho KN,Salamanca E,Lin HK,Lee SY,Chang WJ. Marginal Bone Level Evaluation after Functional Loading Around Two Different Dental Implant Designs . BioMed Research International .2016 ;(2016):1-6

85. 2016 連昱凱,蘇志鵬,陳信光,蔡明晞,林于翔,李勝揚. 以傳統口內錨定方式治療安格式第一級上下顎聯合暴牙之病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):33-48

86. 2016 陳泰吉,游善淳,蔣金玉,許必靈,李宜昇,蔡明晞,李勝揚. 文獻回顧:The Comparision of En-Masse Retraction and Two-Step Retraction of Anterior Teeth . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):49-54

87. 2016 程文鐸,方致元,許必靈,蔣金玉,蔡明晞,李勝揚. 顏面不對稱之治療病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):55-61

88. 2016 姜厚任,謝明吉,李勝揚. 3D影像電腦輔助設計合併兩片式手術模板正顎手術矯正治療之精準度分析-前驅性研究 . Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics .2016 ;(27):152-162

89. 2016 葉又瑄,周怡君,李宜昇,蔡明晞,許必靈,蔣金玉, 李勝揚. 非使用迷你骨釘治療雙顎前凸合併深咬-病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):4-11

90. 2016 陳泰吉,李宜昇,陳信光,蘇志鵬,蔡明晞,李勝揚. 齒性第二級第二類異常咬合合併右上頰側阻生犬齒臨床治療病例報告 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):12-24

91. 2016 程文鐸,陳欣宇,李宜昇,蔡明晞,許必靈,蔣金玉, 李勝揚. 前牙開咬之病因與治療計畫-文獻回顧 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):25-31

92. 2016 蔣金玉,王茂生,王慧茹,蔡明晞,陳信光,蘇志鵬, 李勝揚. Interdisciplinary Treatment for Bimaxillary Protrusion雙暴牙跨科整合治療 . 台灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2016 ;(6):32-49

93. 2015 王茂生,蔣金玉,王慧茹,蔡明晞,陳信光,蘇志鵬,許必靈,李勝揚. 歪臉矯正合併醫美治療嚴重暴牙矯正治療合併跨科整合治療 . 臺灣口腔矯正醫學會雜誌 .2015 ;(5):34-50

94. 2015 Kuo TF,Lee SY,Wu HD,Malosi Poma,Wu YW,Yang JC. An in vivo swine study for xeno-grafts of calcium sulfate-based bone grafts with human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) . Materials Science and Engineering C .2015 ;(50):19-23

95. 2015 Yen CY,Hou MF,Yang ZW,Tang JY,Li KT,Huang HW, Huang YH, Lee SY, Fu TF, Hsieh CY, Chen BH, Chang HW. Concentration effects of grape seed extracts in anti-oral cancer cells involving differential apoptosis, oxidative stress, and DNA damage . BMC Complement Altern Med .2015 ;(15):94

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101. 2014 Feng SW,Lin CT,Chang WJ,Lee SY,Cheng CH,Huang HM. Influence of simulated bone quality and cortical bone thickness on implant stability detection using resonance frequency and damping factor analysis . The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants .2014 ;(29):105-112

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184. 2005 Huang H-M,Cheng K-Y,Chen C-F,Ou K-L,Lin C-T,Lee S-Y. Design of a stability-detecting device for dental implants . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine .2005 ;(219):203-211

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207. 2004 Abiko Y,Hiratsuka K,Kiyama-Kishikawa M,Hayakawa M,Tagawa H,Lin M-C, Chang W-J and Lee S-Y. Induction of hemagglutination by recombinant porphyromonas gingivalis 40-kDa outer membrane protein . Int J Oral-Med Sci .2004 ;(2):54-56

208. 2004 Yang JC,Weng CW,Chen CC,Tsai CM,Lee SY. Animal study of newly developed injectable gingival reaction material . Chin Dent J .2004 ;(23):471-477

209. 2004 Ou KL,Lin YN,Chen CH,Chang WJ,Lin CT,Hsieh SC, Teng NJ, Lee SY. In vivo studying of crosslinked albumin on allylamine plasma-treated titanium surface . Chin Dent J .2004 ;(23):404-414

210. 2004 Chen MS,Ou KL,Chen CH,Hung WC,Chang WJ,Lin CT, Lee SY. Characterization of chemically modified titanium surface by low temperature plasma treatment . Chin Dent J .2004 ;(23):392-403

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212. 2004 Chang W-J,Kishikawa-Kiyama M,Shibata Y,Lee S-Y,Abioko Y. Inhibition of porphyromonas gingivalis hemagglutinating activity by synthetic peptides derived from phage display selection using Mab against the recombinant outer membrane protein . Hybrid Hybridomics .2004 ;(23):352-356

213. 2004 Ogura N,Kawada M,Chang W-J,Zhang Q,Lee S-Y,Kondoh T and Abiko Y. Differentiation of the human mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow and enhancement of cell attachment by fibronectin. . J Oral Science .2004 ;(46):207-213

214. 2004 Tagawa H,Kiyama-Kishikawa M,Lee S-Y,Abik Y. Inhibition of hemagglutinating activity by monoclonal antibody against Porphyromonas gingivalis 40-kDa outer membrane protein . Hybrid Hybridomics .2004 ;(23):183-186

215. 2004 Tagawa H,Hayakawa M,Shibata Y,Fukushima K,Lee S-Y,Shiroza T and Abiko Y. Production of functional ScFv inhibiting streptococcus mutans glucosyltransferase activity from a hybridoma P126 . Hybrid Hybridomics .2004 ;(23):305-310

216. 2004 Huang H-M,Liu D-Z,Shiau Y-Y,Yeh C-Y,Lin C-T,Lee S-Y*. Natural frequency assessment of the stability of root keeper magnetic devices . Med Boil Eng Comput .2004 ;(43):388-394

217. 2004 Hunag H-M,Cheng K-Y,Lin C-T,Huang W-J,Yao W-C,Cheng P-Y, Lee S-Y. Examination of a novel designed device used for dental implants stability detection- An animal study . J Medical and Biological Engineering .2004 ;(24):155-162

218. 2004 Cheng H-C,Lee S-Y,Chou H-U. Factors influencing the wearing of protective gloves in orthodontic practice . Eur J Orthodont .2004 ;(26):1-8

219. 2003 Chang J-R,Cheng H-K,Lee S-Y,Bai M-R,Lean R-I. A novel earplug system for filtering out dental noise . J Marine Science and Technology .2003 ;(11):179-188

220. 2003 Ma L-H,,Chen J-Y,Chang W-J,Lee S-Y,Huang H-M,Wang J-Y, You Y-B ,Sheu M-S, Lin C-T. Protein coating on the titanium surfaces using glow gischarge. . Chin Dent J .2003 ;(22):89-98

221. 2003 Chen C-C,Guo B-R,Tseng H,Wang Y-H,Huang H-M,Chiu W-T, Lee S-Y. Tissue response biodegradation of polylactic acid bone screw and plate . Chin Dent J .2003 ;(22):209-220

222. 2003 Chen C-C, Chueh J-Y, Tseng H, Huang H-M, Lee S-Y*. Preparation and Characterization of Biodergradable PLA Polymeric Blends. . Biomater .2003 ;(24):1167-1173

223. 2003 Huang H-M, Chiu C-L, Yeh C-Y, Lin C-T, Lee S-Y*. Early detection of implant healing process using resonance frequency analysis. . Clin Oral Impl Res .2003 ;(14):437-443

224. 2003 Huang H-M, Chiu C-C, Yeh C-Y, Lee S-Y*. Factors Influencing the Resonance Frequency of Dental Implants. . J Oral Maxillofacial surg .2003 ;(61):1184-1188

225. 2003 羅怡君,黃豪銘,張正忠,陳俊良,林哲堂,施永勳,李勝揚. 人工牙科植體經疲勞破壞後之斷面分析. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2003 ;(22):99-110

226. 2003 黃豪銘,鄭光祐,鄭璧瑩,陳信吉,陳俊良,連榮義,李勝揚. 人工牙根穩固度檢測儀之設計與驗證 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2003 ;(22):111-120

227. 2003 李勝揚,黃豪銘,林哲堂,王蔚南,林祥建,鄭信忠,杜志仁,蘇志鵬. 淨磁鐵磁場驅使骨母細胞分化成熟機轉之研究 . 中華民國臨床口腔矯正醫學會年鑑 .2003

228. 2003 鄭信忠,陳立山,李勝揚. 齒顎矯正微笑美學之文獻回顧 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2003 ;(22):323-332

229. 2003 歐耿良,蔡明宏,黃豪銘,李勝揚. 壓電微型感測元件在牙根穩固度監測上之研發製作 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2003 ;(22):231-250

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231. 2002 鄭信忠、邱弘毅、李勝揚. 齒顎矯正治療中使用手套操作之回顧 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2002 ;(21):235-244

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233. 2002 Chang W-Y, Wang C-Y, Guo B-R, Lo Y-Y, Lin C-Y, Lee S-Y. Anti-caries Effect of Polyphenol Containing Milk . New Taipei J Med .2002 ;(4):261-266

234. 2002 Huang H-M, Chang C-C, Lee L-Y, Fan K-H, Ho K-N, Shiau Y-Y, Lin C-T, Ma L-H, Lee S-Y. Vibrational assessment of the stability of root keeper in magnetic attachment system . Chin Dent J .2002 ;(21):283-294

235. 2002 Lin C-T, Lee S-Y, Chen C-C, Ma L-H, Huang Y-C, Tseng H. Crystallinity and thermal degradation of poly-L-lactide for dental and orthopedic use . Chin Dent J .2002 ;(21):21-30

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237. 2002 陳建中,闕如玉,曾厚,潘力誠,黃豪銘,鄭信忠,李勝揚*. 牙科及骨科用生物可降解性聚乳酸高分子摻合物的製作與定性. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2002 ;(20):267-280

238. 2002 Huang H-M, Lee S-Y, Yeh C-Y, Lin C-T. Resonance Frequency Assessment of Dental Implant Stability with Various Bone Qualities: A Numerical Approach. . Clin Oral Impl Res .2002 ;(13):65-74

239. 2001 Huang H-M,Yeh C-Y, Pan L-C, Lee S-Y, Wang M-S, Chen C-T. Factors influencing the dynamic behavior of human teeth . Med Biol Eng Comput .2001 ;(39):176-181

240. 2001 Huang H-M, Wu L-D, Lee S-Y, Chen H-C, Chen J-L, Chen C-T. Stress Analysis of Different Wall Thicknesses of Implant Fixture with Various Boundary Levels. . Med Eng Technol .2001 ;(24):267-272

241. 2001 Huang H-W, Tzeng H-C, Yeh C-Y, Lin J-W, Chiu W-T, Tsai M-C, Lee S-Y*. The Pilot studies of the partitioning membranes on head injury. . N Taipei J Med .2001 ;(3):187-192

242. 2001 Lu H-K, Wu M-F, Lee S-Y. Surface characteristics of porcine dermal collagen membrane and its tissue integration with adjacent tissue. . N Taipei J Med .2001 ;(3):171-175

243. 2001 Pan L-C, Huang H-M, Lin C-T, Shih Y-H, Lee S-Y*. Acoustic emissions during soldering of base metals and the resultant structures and strengths. . N Taipei J Med .2001 ;(3):193-202

244. 2001 Wu C-H, Shigezo Hirano, Iwao-Hayakawa, Chang W-J, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T. Stress in Denture-Supporting Tissue by Finite Element Analysis. . N Taipei J Med .2001 ;(4):233-238

245. 2001 Huang H-W, Lee S-Y, Yeh C-Y, Wang M-S, Chang W-J, Lin C-T. Natural frequency analysis of periodontal conditions in human anterior teeth. . Annals of Biomedical Engineering. .2001 ;(29):915-920

246. 2001 Huang H-W, Lee S-Y*. Mechanisms of Mechanotransduction in Bone Remodeling. . New Taipei J Med .2001 ;(4):218-224

247. 2001 Chang W-J, Wang C-Y, Guo B-R, Lin C-T, Lee S-Y*. Cellular Responses of Human Gingival Fibroblast to Bone Grafting Materials. . New Taipei J Med .2001 ;(4):225-232

248. 2001 Ho C-T, Vijayaraghavan TV, Lee S-Y, Tsai A, Huang H-M, Pan L-C. Flexural behavior of postcured composites at oral-simulating temperatures . J Oral Rehabil .2001 ;(28):658-667

249. 2001 Cheng H-C, Chiou H-Y, Lin C-T, Lee S-Y. Reevaluation of perception and attitudes toward infection control in Taipei. . Chin Dent J .2001 ;(20):191-202

250. 2001 鄭信忠,邱弘毅,林哲堂,李勝揚. 台灣地區全民健保對教學醫院牙科及基層牙醫診所之衝擊. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2001 ;(20):109-122

251. 2001 李勝揚,陳建中,陳欽德,吳仁傑,趙文軒,黃天恆,曾厚. 小分子量聚乳酸之參合對結晶行為之影響及其電漿表面改質探討. . 化工資訊月刊 .2001 ;(15):62-67

252. 2001 黃豪銘,潘力誠,李勝揚*,何國寧,范綱信,陳建志. 邊界骨質狀態對人工牙根自然頻率影響之有限元素分析. . 中華醫學工程學刊 .2001 ;(21):61-67

253. 2001 李勝揚, 王茂生, 黃豪銘, 葉錦瑩, 張維仁, 潘力誠, 林哲堂. 以共振頻率法偵測牙周附連高度之臨床評估 . 中華牙醫學誌 .2001 ;(1):37-46

254. 2001 吳忠憲, 歐嘉得, 林哲堂, 林瑩澤, 李勝揚. 同類脫鈣冷凍乾燥骨併用組織導引再生法的齒槽骨再生促進作用 . 中華民國口腔顎面外科學會雜誌 .2001 ;(11):1-10

255. 2001 Chen C-C, Chuen J-U, Tseng H, Huang H-M, Cheng H-C, Hsiang C-L, Lee S-Y*. Preparation and characterization of biodegradable polylactide blends for dental and orthopedic use. . Chin Dent J .2001 ;(20):269-282

256. 2001 Huang H-M, Yu C-C, Lin C-T, Chen H-C, Shih Y-H, Lo Y-J, Lee S-Y*. Resonance frequency analysis of tooth mobility under various simulated types and degree of alveolar bony defects. . Chin Dent J .2001 ;(20):155-164

257. 2001 Lee S-Y, Chiang H-C, Lin C-T, Chen H-C, Huang H-M, Dong D-R. Thermo-debonging mechanisms in dentin bonding systems using finite element analysis. . Biomaterial .2001 ;(22):113-123

258. 2001 Lu Y-C, Tseng H, Shih Y-H, Lee S-Y. Effects of surface treatments on bond strength of glass-infiltrated ceramic. . J Oral Rehabil. .2001 ;(28):805-813

259. 2000 Huang H-M, Pan L-C, Lee S-Y, Chiu C-L, Fan K-S, Ho K-N. Assessing the implant/bone interface using natural frequency analysis: an in vitro study. . Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol .2000 ;(90):285-291

260. 2000 Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Keh E-S, Pan L-C, Huang H-M, Shih Y-H, Cheng H-S. Laser-induced acoustic emissions in experimental dental composites. . Biomater .2000 ;(21):1399-1408

261. 2000 Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Dong D-R, Huang H-M. Acoustic Emission Generated in Aged Dental Composites Using a Laser Thermoacoustic Technique. . J Oral Rehabil .2000 ;(27):774-785

262. 2000 Huang H-M, Lee M-C, Lee S-Y, Chiu W-D, Pan L-C, Chen C-T. Finite element analysis of brain contusion: A indirect impact study. . Med Biol Eng Comput .2000 ;(38):253-259

263. 2000 Huang H-M, Lee M-C, Chiu W-T, Chen C-T and Lee S-Y. Three-Dimensional finite element analysis of subdural hematoma. . The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care .2000 ;(47):538-544

264. 2000 Lee S-Y, Chiang H-C, Lin C-T, Huang H-M and Dong D-R. Finite element analysis of thermo-debonding mechanism in dental composites. . Biomaterials .2000 ;(21):1315-1326

265. 2000 Lee S-Y, Dong D-R and Huang H-M. Fluoride Ion diffusion from A Light-cured Glass-Ionomer cement. . Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. .2000 ;(27):576-586

266. 2000 Lee S-Y, Huang H-M and Lin C-Y. In vivo and in vitro natrual frequency analaysis of periodontal conditions, An Innovative Method. . Journal of Periodontology and Annals of Periodontology .2000 ;(71):632-640

267. 2000 Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Wang M-H, Tseng H, Huang H-M, Dong D-R and Pan L-C. Effect of temperature and flux concentration on soldering of base metal. . Journal of Oral Rehabilitation .2000 ;(27):1047-1053

268. 2000 Lin C-T, Lee S-Y, Keh E-S, Dong D-R and Huang H-M. Influence of silanization and filler fraction on aged dental composites. . Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. .2000 ;(27):919-926

269. 2000 Lin C-T, Lee S-Y, Tsai T-Y and Dong D-R. Degradation of repaired denture base materials in simulated oral fluid. . Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. .2000 ;(27):190-198

270. 2000 李勝揚, 黃豪銘, 潘力誠, 施永勳, 林光勳, 林哲堂, 何國寧, 范綱信. 骨質狀態對人工牙根共振頻率分析之影響 . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2000 ;(19):183-192

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1. 2024 Lin WC,Liao YL,Lin ZS,Chen SC,Lee SY,Wang SF. Investigating the regulation of hydroxyapatite aqueous solution concentration to enhance the setting time and compressive strength of Mineral Bioactive Aggregate . 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications (ACTSEA 2024) .2024

2. 2024 Fan KC,Tsai FC,Chuang CC,Lee SY,Lin WC. Exploring the Application Potential of Calcium Phosphate Crystals Modified with Various Metal Ions for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Targeting . 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications (ACTSEA 2024) .2024

3. 2024 Hsu YF,Wang SF,Liao YL,Lin ZS,Chen SC,Lee SY, Lin WC. Developing Anti-inflammatory Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as Dental Implant Crown Cement to Reduce Peri-implantitis Incidence . 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications (ACTSEA 2024) .2024

4. 2024 Ho KN,Chen LW,Kuo TF,Chen KS,Lee SY,Wang SF. Morphology Verification and Biocompatibility Evaluation of Modified Zirconia Ceramics by Grafting Polymerizing Biomolecules through Cold Plasma . 8th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Engineering Applications (ACTSEA 2024) .2024

5. 2023 Lin WC,Lee SY. Fabrication and clinical applications of novel sintered ceramic support material for dental prosthesis . Biomaterials International 2023 .2023

6. 2022 Lu LP,Wu Y,Ko CY,Lin YH,Lee SY. How extraction benefits posttreatment stability - A skeletal Class I, Angle Class II malocclusion clinical case . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第18屆第1次會員大會暨學術演講 .2022

7. 2022 Chen HY,Chang MT,Pan YC,Chiang PC,Lee SY. Angle Class III malooclusion with anterior crossbite treated with TADs for molar distalization . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第18屆第1次會員大會暨學術演講 .2022

8. 2022 Ko SH,Li CT,Wu YH,Lin YH,Lee SY. Lip position change in dentoalveolar protrusion patient - A first premolar extraction case . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第18屆第1次會員大會暨學術演講 .2022

9. 2022 Su CH,Wu Y,Ko CY,Tsai MS,Lee SY. The clinical concern of tooth extraction between 1st and 2nd premolar in class II malocclusion: a case report . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第18屆第1次會員大會暨學術演講 .2022

10. 2020 Hsu CC,Lin IT,Tsai MS,Lee SY. Case Report: Angle Class I Malocclusion with Bimaxillary Dentoalveolar Protrusion . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第17屆第1次會員大會暨學術演講 .2020

11. 2020 Ting HY,Lin PY,Chiang PC,Lee SY. Angle Class I malooclusion with Bimaxillary Dentoalveolar Protrusion and Gummy Smile . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會第17屆第1次會員大會暨學術演講 .2020

12. 2019 吳彥,李勝揚. 二苯乙烯苷(THSG)誘導人類牙髓幹細胞成骨分化來加速大鼠牙周組織再生 . 中華牙醫學會第22屆第一次會員大會暨第42次學術研討會 .2019

13. 2018 二苯乙烯苷(THSG)誘導人類牙髓幹細胞成骨分化來加速大鼠齒槽骨再生 . 中華牙醫學會第四十一次學術研討會 .2018

14. 2013 Lee SY. Contemporary and Future Dental Implant Systems-Simple and Immediate Techniques . FOKUS 2013 Dental Course Forum in Balai Kartini Exhibition & Convention Center Jakarta- Indonesia .2013

15. 2011 Lin PY,Yan YC,Lee SY,Chu IM,Hwang SM. Cryopreservation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells by Cell Alive System (CAS) . International Symposium on Recent Advances in Pluripotent Stem Cells & 7th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research .2011

16. 2011 Ho FY,Wang HJ,Huang YH,Lee SY. Effect of Hypoxia on Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSCs) under a Serum-Free Culture System . International Symposium on Recent Advances in Pluripotent Stem Cells & 7th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research .2011

17. 2010 Lee SY. Multi-differentiation of dental pulp stem cells isolated from cryopreserved teeth . IADR General Session .2010

18. 2009 Ma C-F,Wu H-D,Poma M,Chang W-R,Deng N-J,Lee S-Y, Yang J-C. In Vivo Study of Morphology Controlled α-Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate for Alveolar Ridge Augmentations . 31th Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2009 .2009

19. 2009 Ji D-Y,Ke E-S,Guo B-R,Teng N-C,Lee S-Y,Yang J-C. In Vitro Evaluation of γ-Polyglutamic Acid (γ-PGA) Based Oral Care Saliva Substitutes . 31th Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2009 .2009

20. 2009 Wu H-D,Lee S-Y,Yang J-C. Development of Antibacterial and Biocompatible Polyelectrolyte Complex (PEC) Gels for Dental Applications . 31th Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2009 .2009

21. 2009 Hu H-T,Yang J-C,Lee S-Y,Chen C-C. Electrospun Bioceramin/Polylactide Composite Membranes for Guided Tissue/Bone Regeneration (Gtr/Gbr) Applications . 31th Asia Pacific Dental Congress 2009 .2009

22. 2009 Chiang P-C,Huang H-M,Lee S-Y. Influences of magnetic cryopreservation on the dental pulp stem cells . 3rd Hiroshima Conference on Education and Science in Dentistry .2009

23. 2009 Lee S-Y. The strategies of globalization and harmonization of dental education in TMU . 3rd Hiroshima Conference on Education and Science in Dentistry .2009

24. 2009 Lee SY. 創新牙齒超低溫冷凍保存科技於齒顎矯正上的應用 . 2009中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會 .2009

25. 2009 林宴莊,黃豪銘,林永和,郭倍榮,蘇明圳,李勝揚. 磁性冷凍牙齒下對牙髓解剖構造和物理特性之影響 . 2009中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會 .2009

26. 2009 Chiang P-C,Huang H-M,Wu Y-W,Jeng J-H,Su C-P,Hsu B-L, Lee S-Y*. Influences of Magnetic Cryopreservation on the Dental Pulp Stem Cells . 2009中華民國齒顎矯正學會第十一屆第二次會員大會 .2009

27. 2008 James Wang,C-H Roan,Y-H Lin,S-C Chuang,C-W Luo,S-Y Liu, Y-C Yang, W-C Chang, C-Y Yen, J-N Tung. Efficacy assessment of the histo-cytological screening for primary oral cancerous lesion . Asia-Pacific Congress on Oral Cavity Cancer in Conjunction with the 12th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Cooperative Oncology Group .2008

28. 2007 Feng S-W,Huang H-M,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T,Chang W-J. Static magnetic fields promotes osteoblast growth on the poly(latic-acid)surface . 85th International Association for Dental Research, New Orleans, USA, #1768 .2007

29. 2007 Lin C-P,Huang H-M,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T,Chang W-J. Static magnetic fields reduced lipopolysaccharide-induced excessive immune reaction in mice . 85th International Association of Dental Research, New Orleans, USA .2007

30. 2007 Lin C-T,Feng S-W,Lee S-Y,Huang H-M. Static magnetic fields stimulate osteoblastic cells growth on PolyLactide surface . the 21st IADR&18th SEAADE Division Meeting (IP123, Bali, September 6~8, 2007) .2007

31. 2007 Lee S-Y,Lin C-P,Huang H-M,Lin C-T. Static magnetic fields reduce lipopolysaccharide induced immune reaction . the 21st IADR&18th SEAADE Division Meeting (IP105, Bali, September 6~8, 2007) .2007

32. 2007 Hsieh S-C,Ciou C-Y,Lee S-Y,Huang H-M. Nondestructive test of endodontic NiTi rotary instruments with resonance frequency . the 21st IADR&18th SEAADE Division Meeting (IP098, Bali, September 6~8, 2007) .2007

33. 2007 Chen C-H,Huang H-M,Chang W-J,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Damping effects of dental restorative materials using modal testing method . the 21st IADR&18th SEAADE Division Meeting (IP092, Bali, September 6~8, 2007) .2007

34. 2007 Wu H-D,Lee S-Y,Yang J-C. Development a self crosslink injectable scaffold for GBR/GTR applications . the 21st IADR&18th SEAADE Division Meeting (IP052, Bali, September 6~8, 2007) .2007

35. 2007 Cheng C-H,Huang H-M,Lee S-Y. Detection Of Impedance Characteristics Of Periodontalcells Using Biochips . the 21st IADR&18th SEAADE Division Meeting (IP040, Bali, September 6~8, 2007) .2007

36. 2007 Lin J-Y,Lin Y-S,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T,Huang H-M. Detection Of Osteointegration Using A Novel Electric-Substrate Sensing Chip . the 21st IADR&18th SEAADE Division Meeting (IP039, Bali, September 6~8, 2007) .2007

37. 2007 Chang K-Z,Huang H-M,Chang W-J,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Difference in Resonance Frequency of Post Varying Levels of Cement . the 21st IADR&18th SEAADE Division Meeting (IP020, Bali, September 6~8, 2007) .2007

38. 2007 Lee S-Y,Chang W-J,Wu C-C,Huang H-M. New Developed Device to Measure the Stability of Dental Implants . 2nd Hiroshima Conference on Education and Science in Dentistry .2007

39. 2007 Lee S-Y,Huang H-M,Lin C-T. Development of electromagnetic sensor for resonance frequency analysis of dental implants . 9th International Symposium and Workshop on Magnetic Dentistry (P-04, Hiroshima, July 19~20, 2008) .2007

40. 2007 Lee SY. 牙科植體/迷你骨釘系統的新科技發展與應用 . 2007年華南國際口腔醫療技術研討會(廣州,2007, 4/2~4/4) .2007

41. 2006 Lee SY. 以電磁冷凍技術建立自體移植之牙齒銀行 . 第二屆兩岸四第口腔正畸學術會議(南京,2006, 11/18~21) .2006

42. 2006 Lee SY. The Latest Situation of Dental Anesthesia in Taiwan . 11th International Dental Congress on Modern Pain Control (Yokohama, October 4-7) .2006

43. 2006 Cheng H-C,Ou K-L,Hsieh C-L,Lee S-Y. Effect of Nano-titanium Hydride on Biocompatible Titanium Implant . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

44. 2006 Yang J-C,Teng N-C,Chen C-C,Chan C-C,Laio C-H,Wu H-D, Lee S-Y. In vivo Evalution of Moldable PLA/Chitosan/ACP Composites for GTR Applications. . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

45. 2006 Wu C-C,Huang H-M,Chang W-J,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Comparison of Two Different Resonance Frequency Analysis Methods in vivo . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

46. 2006 Lee S-Y,Wu C-C,Chang W-J,Lin C-T,Huang H-M. In vivo RFA with Impact Technology Provides Implant-healing Information . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

47. 2006 Lin C-T,Cheng H-C,Ou K-L,Chan C-C,Lee S-Y. Enhancing Biocompatible Titanium Surfaces by Plasma Oxidation . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

48. 2006 Huang H-M,Chen C-A,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Static Magnet Affects Osteoblastic Maturation by Increasing Membrane Fluidity. . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

49. 2006 Chen C-Y,Huang H-M,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Static Magnetic Fields Reduced Cytotoxicity Induced by LPS and LTA . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

50. 2006 Teng N-C,Yang J-C,Chen C-C,Laio C-H,Huang C-H,Lee S-Y. Fabrication of a Moldable PLA/Chitosan/ACP Composite for GTR/GBR Applications. . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

51. 2006 Chang W-J,Huang H-M,Wu C-C,Lin C-T,Lee S-Y. Comparison of Two Different Resonance Frequency Analysis Methods in vivo. . 84th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR (Brisbane, June 28-July 1) .2006

52. 2006 Lee S-Y. Internationalization Strategies of Taipei Medical University . The 40th Anniversary of Hiroshima University Faculty of Dentistry .2006

53. 2005 Lee S-Y. Determing optimal surface modification of titanium surfaces by plasma treatments . J Dent Res, Orlando, USA .2005

54. 2005 Ou K-L,Chan C-C,Lin C-T,Chen C-S,Shyng Y-C,Lee S-Y. Influence of nanophase on titanium surface with multimeshworked and nanoporous structure prepared by cathodic-anodization treatment . 208th ESC Internationnal Conference .2005

55. 2005 Chan C-C,Ou K-L,Chung Y-L,Lin C-T,Lee S-Y. Chemical and physicochemical characterization of nanoporous titanium oxide ceramics on titanium implant by cathode-anodic oxidation . 207th ECS International Conference .2005

56. 2005 Huang H-M,Chen Y-F,Lin C-T,Lee S-Y. The role of predentin in the mechanical properties of pulp . J Dent Res .2005

57. 2004 Ho K-N,Huang H-M,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T,Tseng H,Shih Y-H. Photoelastic Analysis of Relationship between Internal Stress and Cell Attachment . J Dent Res .2004

58. 2004 Lee S-Y,Chang W-J,Hwang H-M,Abiko Y. Design and examination of a stability-detecting device for dental implants using resonance frequency method . International Symposium .2004

59. 2004 Lee S-Y,Ou K-L,Lin Y-N,Chen M-S,Chen C-H,Lin C-T. Effect of surface modification on titanium surfaces by plasma treatments . J Dent Res .2004

60. 2004 Lee S-Y,Huang H-M,Lin L-H,Tsai M-H. Effects of static magnetic fields on proliferation and differentiation of osteoblast-like cells . The 3rd Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference .2004

61. 2004 Lin L-H,Chen C-S,Lee S-Y,Chang C-K. Treatment of class II malocclusion with functional appliance . The 3rd Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference .2004

62. 2004 Lin C-T,Ou K-L,Yang C-F,Lee S-Y. Biocompatibility of titanium surfaces with porous TiO2 by electrochemical treatment. . J Dent Res .2004

63. 2004 Shih T-C,Tseng H,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Effect of D-lactide in PLA for oro-craniofacial surgery. . J Dent Res .2004

64. 2004 Tseng H,Lee S-Y,Yang Y-C,Lin C-T. Fabrication of Nano-sized Bioabsorabable GTR/GBR Membrane for Periodontal Use . J Dent Res .2004

65. 2004 石采芹,林哲堂,李勝揚,曾厚. 口腔顎面外科用聚左乳酸製長效型硬組織固定材於降解過程中之物理性質分析 . 台灣口腔醫學研究學會年會 .2004

66. 2004 蔡明宏,歐耿良,黃豪銘,林哲堂,李勝揚. 整合型生醫感測系統晶片於牙科植體穩固度檢測上的應用 . 台灣口腔醫學研究學會年會 .2004

67. 2004 何國寧,黃豪銘,李勝揚,林哲堂. 以光彈分析法研究細胞貼附與聚乳酸內應力分布之關係 . 台灣口腔醫學研究學會年會 .2004

68. 2004 陳立典,李勝揚,蔡志孟. 肉毒桿菌神經毒素對抑制芥末油注射大白鼠後腳掌引發之神經性發言反應的效果 . 台灣口腔醫學研究學會年會 .2004

69. 2004 楊炎橙,曾厚,李勝揚. 以電氣紡絲製備具奈米結構之生物分解性薄膜 . 中華牙醫學雜誌第二十七次學術研討會 .2004 ;(23):118

70. 2004 石采芹,林哲堂,李勝揚,曾厚. 聚左乳酸製長效型硬組織固定材於降解過程中物理性質分析 . 中華牙醫學雜誌第二十七次學術研討會 .2004 ;(23):118

71. 2004 連榮義,黃豪銘,歐耿良,鄭光祐,李勝揚. 內建壓電陶瓷感測元件之機構化牙科植體穩固度檢測裝置設計與驗證 . 中華牙醫學雜誌第二十七次學術研討會 .2004 ;(23):117

72. 2004 陳立典,蔡志孟,李勝揚. 肉毒桿菌神經毒素對發炎反應的抑制效果 . 中華牙醫學雜誌第二十七次學術研討會 .2004 ;(23):110

73. 2004 黃豪銘,范綱信,李勝揚,林哲堂. 靜磁鐵磁場驅使骨母細胞分化成熟機轉之研究 . 中華牙醫學雜誌第二十七次學術研討會 .2004 ;(23):108

74. 2004 翁青梧,楊正昌,李勝揚. 可注射式排齦材料之開發與應用 . 中華牙醫學雜誌第二十七次學術研討會 .2004 ;(23):84

75. 2004 Huang H-M,Shiau Y-Y,Lin C-T,Lee S-Y. Natural frequency assessment of the stability of the root keeper magnetic devices . 第七屆國際口腔磁性附著體研討會 .2004

76. 2004 Ou K-L,Lin Y-N,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Enhancement of cell ingrowth on bioactive titanium surface by low-temperature plasma treatment, . 206th ECS International Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii .2004

77. 2004 Chen C-H,Ou K-L,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Effect of plasma surface modification on machined titanium surfaces . J Dent Res .2004

78. 2004 Fan K-H,Huang H-M,,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. The mechanism of dental magnet in stimulating osteoblast cell maturation . J Dent Res .2004

79. 2003 黃豪銘,范剛信,林哲堂,葉錦瑩,李勝揚. 靜磁場刺激骨母細胞成熟之機轉 . 92年度中華民國生物醫學工程學會年會 .2003 ;(PII-E-):68

80. 2003 Ho K-N,Huang H-M,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. Photoelastic analysis of relationship between internal stress and cell attachment . The 3rd Biennial Congress of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics .2003

81. 2003 Fan K-H,Huang H-M,Lee S-Y,Lin C-T. The mechanism of dental magnet in stimulating osteoblast cell maturation . The 3rd Biennial Congress of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics .2003

82. 2003 Ou KL,Lin YN,Chang WJ,Lee S-Y. In Vitro Study of Crosslinked Albumin on Titanium Surfaces by Chemical Modification . 24nd ECS Internation Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, .2003

83. 2003 Ou KL,Yeh YM,Lee SY,Chiou SY. Properties of nanocrystalline Ni-Fe using microelectroforming technology in mold insert. . 24nd ECS International Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, .2003

84. 2003 Yang CF,Chou HH,Lee SY,Lin CT. Cellular response to electrochemically treated titanium surfaces with varied thicknesses and different surface roughnesses and pore sizes . J Dent Res .2003 ;(82):B-273

85. 2003 Chang WJ,Lin CT,Fan KH,Lee SY,Abiko Y. Biological Response of Surface-modified Titanium . J Dent Res .2003 ;(82):B-62

86. 2003 葉翳民,邱錫榮,歐耿良,李勝揚. LASER-LIGA製作微陣列模具之研究 . 2003模具研討會 .2003

87. 2003 Lin CT,Chang WJ,Chen JY,Lee SY,Abiko Y. Responses of osteoblast-like Cells to Collagen-grafted titanium surfaces . J Dent Res .2003 ;(82):61

88. 2003 Lee S-Y,Cheng K-Y,Huang H-M,Lin C-T. Design and Examination of a Stability-detecting Device for Dental Implants . J Dent Res .2003 ;(82):212

89. 2003 Lee LY,Huang HM,Lee SY,Lin CT. Vibrational Analysis of the Mechanism of Traumatic Injuries to the Mandible . J Dent Res .2003 ;(82):155

90. 2003 Hang H-M,Chang C-C,Lo Y-J,Lin C-T,Lee S-Y. Fracture surface analysis of the implant with fatigue failure . J Dent Res .2003 ;(82):213

91. 2003 Cheng H-C,Yen E,Chen L-S,Lee S-Y. The analysis of failure cases using orthoanchor k1 mini-implant system as orthodontic anchorage . J Dent Res .2003 ;(82):214

92. 2003 Chen M-S,Chang W-J,Lin C-T,Lee S-Y,Abiko Y. Chemical Modification of Titanium Surface by Glow Discharge . J Dent Res .2003 ;(82):212

93. 2000 Lee S-Y, Huang H-M, Yeh C-Y, Wang M-S, Pan L-C, Chang W-J. Non-destructive Assessment of Periodontium in Human Anterior Teeth . 48th Annual Meeting, Japanese Association for Dental Reseach .2000 ;(113):53

94. 2000 Chang W-J, Wang C-Y, Huang H-M, Wu C-H, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Hsieh K-J. Cell Permeability of Guided Tissue Regeneration Membranes in vitro . 48th Annual Meeting, Japanese Association for Dental Research .2000 ;(159):146

95. 2000 Lee H-F, Lee S-Y, Huang H-M, Tsai C-Y,. Dynamic finite element analysis of dental trauma . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .2000 ;(19):53

96. 2000 1. Chang W-J, Wang C-Y, Huang H-M, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Hsieh K-J. Cell Permeability of Guided Tissue Regeneration Membranes in vitro. . J Dent Res .2000 ;(79):311

97. 2000 Lee H-F, Lee S-Y, Huang H-M. Cytoyoxicity of Poly-L-lactide and Hydroxyapatie Composite. . J Dent Res .2000 ;(79):569

98. 2000 Ho K-N, Huang H-M, Lee S-Y, Pan L-C. Natural Frequency Analysis of Osseointegration Process in Dental Implant-Bone Interface. . J Dent Res .2000 ;(79):295

99. 2000 H-Cheng, Pong P-Y, Chang W-J, Lee S-Y. Using a computer-controlled Injection System to Minimize Dental Injection Pain. . J Dent Res .2000 ;(79):491

100. 2000 Lee H-F, Lee S-Y, Huang H-M, Tsai C-Y. Dynamic finite element analysis of dental trauma. . J Dent Res .2000

101. 1999 Wang M-H, Lin C-T, Peng L-C, Lee S-Y. 牙科鑄造體之焊接結構與強度的音洩訊號分析. . 中華民國膺復牙醫學會第六屆第二次大會, .1999

102. 1999 Wu L-D, Lin C-T, Chen C-C, Lee S-Y. 3-D有限元模擬:不同尺寸的人工牙根植體之應力分析. . 中華民國膺復牙醫學會第六屆第二次大會 .1999

103. 1999 Lee H-F, Lee S-Y, Huang H-M, Tsai C-Y, Cheng H-C. Dynamic finite element analysis of dental trauma. . 中華民國齒顎矯正學會 .1999

104. 1999 Cheng H-C, Lin C-T, Lee S-Y. The Association Between Dental Office Size and their Compliance with Infection Control in Taipei City. . J Dent Res .1999

105. 1999 Lin C-T, Lee S-Y, Ke J-H, Wu L-D, Cheng H-C. Optimal Design of Dental Implants Using Finite Element Analysis. . J Dent Res .1999 ;(78):246

106. 1999 Lee S-Y, Wang M-H, Tseng H, Lin C-T, Cheng H-C. Acoustic Emission Analysis in Dental Soldering with High-Frequency Soldering Machine. . J Dent Res .1999 ;(78):484

107. 1999 Fan K-H, Ho K-N, Lee S-Y, Huang H-M, Chang W-J. Natural frequency analysis of implant-bone interface. . The 26th APDSA, Bangkok, Thailand .1999

108. 1999 Huang H-M, Chiu W-D, Lee S-Y, Chen C-T, Lee M-C. Finite element analysis of head injury in the absence of skull fracture. . International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurotraumatology, Taipei, Taiwan .1999

109. 1999 Huang H-M, Chiu W-D, Lee S-Y, Chen C-T, Lee M-C. Three dimensional finite element analysis of subdural hematoma. . International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurotraumatology, Taipei, Taiwan .1999

110. 1999 Pan L-C, Huang H-M, Lee S-Y. A novel noninvasive technique in stability assessment of oral implant. . 八十八年中華民國醫學工程研討會, .1999

111. 1999 Chiu C-L, Pan L-Cn, Huang H-M, Lee S-Y. Boundary effects in analysis of natural frequency for dental implant. . 八十八年中華民國醫學工程研討會, .1999

112. 1999 Yu C-C, Huang H-M, Pan L-C, Lee S-Y. Finite element analysis of human upper central incisor. . 八十八年中華民國醫學工程研討會, .1999

113. 1999 Fan K-H, Ho K-N, Lee S-Y, Pan L-C, Chang W-J, Huang H-M. Natural Frequency Analysis of Bone-Implant Interface . APDSA 24th, Annual Meeting .1999

114. 1998 Cheng H-C, Lin C-T, Lee S-Y, Hong C-L. Perception and Attitudes toward Infection Control among Dental Patients in Taipei. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):853

115. 1998 Chang W-J, Wu C-H, Wang C-Y, Chiu I-L, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T. Permeability Evaluation of Membranes for Guided Tissue Regeneration Membranes in vitro. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):999

116. 1998 Chang W-J, Wu C-H, Wang C-Y, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T. Cytotoxicity Assessment of Bone Grafting Materials. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):734

117. 1998 Wu C-H, Su C-Y, Wu Y-L, Chang W-J, Hsu K-D, Lee S-Y. The Influence of Transient and Strong Load on Periodontium. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):867

118. 1998 Chen M-S, Liu D-M, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T. Methyl Methacrylate-Induced Neurotoxicity in Human Primary Neocortical Cell Cultures. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):1002

119. 1998 Huang H-M, Lin C-Y, Lee S-Y, Chang W-J. Degradation of Dental Composites in Organic Solutions Simulating Oral Environment. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):686

120. 1998 Lu H-K, Kuo Y-K, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Cheng C-H. Microtensile Evaluation of Aged Dentin Bonding Systems. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):683

121. 1998 Hwang H-P, Lee S-Y, Yang C-M, Guo B-R. Mechanical Properties of Polylactide Films and Composites. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):686

122. 1998 Lin C-Y, Huang H-M, Lee S-Y. In Vivo and In Vitro Natural Frequency Analysis of Periodontal Conditions. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):993

123. 1998 Wang M-H, Keh E-S, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Shih Y-H. Influence of Silanization and Filler Fraction on Dental Composites. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):683

124. 1998 Keh E-S, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Shih Y-H. Thermoacoustic Technique for Investigating Filler/Matrix Interaction in Dental Composites. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):683

125. 1998 Lin C-T, Lee S-Y, Kuo Y-K, Lu H-K, Cheng H-C. Laser-Induced Acoustic Emission in Aged Dentin Bonding Systems. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):943

126. 1998 Chiang H-C, Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Huang H-M. Thermo-debonding Mechanisms in Dentin Bonding Systems Using Finite Element Method. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):943

127. 1998 Lee S-Y, Chiang H-C, Lin C-T, Huang H-M, Lin K-H. Finite Element Analysis of Thermo-debonding in Dental Composites. . J Dent Res .1998 ;(77):683

128. 1998 林靜毅, 張維仁, 黃豪銘, 鄭信忠, 李勝揚. 牙用複合材在催老化溶液中之退化研究. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1998 ;(17):103

129. 1998 柯恩生, 王美華, 李勝揚, 林哲堂, 施永勳. 矽化處理及填料含量對牙用複合材機械性質的影響. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1998 ;(17):103

130. 1998 柯恩生, 李勝揚, 林哲堂, 董德瑞. 牙用複合材內所產生的雷射誘發性音洩訊號. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1998 ;(17):102

131. 1998 鄭信忠, 陳仁傑, 李勝揚, 蔡吉陽. 成人者前牙膺復錯咬之矯正治療. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1998 ;(17):97

132. 1998 鄭信忠, 康國良, 李勝揚, 蔡吉陽. 齒顎矯正患者之口腔衛生照顧. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1998 ;(17):97

133. 1998 黃慧平, 李勝揚, 楊長謀, 郭倍榮, 鄭信忠. 聚乳酸薄膜及複合材之機械性質研究. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1998 ;(17):79

134. 1998 鄭信忠, 洪清霖, 李勝揚, 蔡吉陽. 台灣地區齒顎矯正醫師職業之消毒與滅菌現況調查. . 中華牙醫學雜誌 .1998 ;(17):46

135. 1997 Lu H-K, Lee S-Y, Lin F-P. Physical Properties of a Developed Porcine Dermal Collagen Membrane. . J Dent Res .1997 ;(76):322

136. 1997 Lin C-Y, Lee S-Y, Huang H-M, Keh E-S, Lin C-T. Stability of Dental Composites in Organic Solutions Simulating Oral Environment. . J Dent Res .1997 ;(76):321

137. 1997 Lee S-Y, Lin C-T, Durau SJ, Menis DL, Greener EH. Laser-Induced Acoustic Emission in Aged Dental Composites. . J Dent Res .1997 ;(76):74

138. 1997 Lin C-T, Lee S-Y, Tsai T-Y, Dong D-R. Effect of Ethanol Storage on Repaired Denture Base. . J Dent Res .1997 ;(76):413

1. 2000 Lee S-Y, Chang W-J, Wang C-Y, Tseng H, Lin C-T, Bai Y-J, Yu C-C. Cytoyoxicity of Poly-L-lactide and Hydroxyapatie Composite. . J Dent Res .2000 ;(79):569

1. 2010 Yang JC,Hu ST,Wu HD,Yang PC,Lee SY. 人工植牙齒骨缺損術式中骨填補材之應用-提昇植牙成功率的新型合成骨填補材BonaGraft®之研發與應用 . 臨床牙醫植體學精要 .2010

2. 2010 Yang PC,Lee SY,Wang SG. 植牙相關術式的用藥考量 . 臨床牙醫植體學精要 .2010

3. 2010 Huang HM,Wu SG,Yang JC,Chang WJ,Yang PG,Lee S-Y. 確定植牙成功的新守護神¬-利用共振頻率量測植牙穩固度 . 臨床牙醫植體學精要 .2010

4. 1996 董德瑞, 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 鹵素光樹脂聚合機. Chapter 10: 6 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

5. 1996 柯恩生, 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 牙本質黏著系統-黏著劑. 調理和修飾劑. Chapter 10: 9-10 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

6. 1996 李勝揚, 董德瑞. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 玻璃離子體黏合劑- 緒論, Chapter 10: 13-14 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

7. 1996 董德瑞, 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 玻璃離子體-續論, Chapter 10:14-15 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

8. 1996 蔡東螢, 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 暫時性贗復體, Chapter 10: 19-21 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

9. 1996 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 鈦金屬與鈦合金在牙醫學之應用, Chapter 10: 26-29 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

10. 1996 宋錦明, 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 根管治療器材( I ) - 超音波與近音波根管擴大系統, Chapter 10: 30-31 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

11. 1996 宋錦明, 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 根管治療器材( II ) - 根管封填劑, Chapter 10: 31-32 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

12. 1996 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 牙科用雷射( I ) - 作用機轉, Chapter 10: 35-38. . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

13. 1996 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 牙科用雷射 ( II ) - 臨床應用, Chapter 10: 38-41 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996

14. 1996 李勝揚. 臨床牙科寶鑑: 牙科材料的生物相容性, Chapter 10: 42-45 . 臺北市牙醫師工會出版社 .1996


112 應用二苯乙烯苷刺激人類牙髓幹細胞衍生的外泌體於再生醫學之臨床前研究(3/3)

112 「應用二苯乙烯苷刺激人類牙髓幹細胞衍生的外泌體於再生醫學之臨床前研究」-黃東永

111 應用二苯乙烯苷刺激人類牙髓幹細胞衍生的外泌體於再生醫學之臨床前研究(2/3)

111 「應用二苯乙烯苷刺激人類牙髓幹細胞衍生的外泌體於再生醫學之臨床前研究」-黃東永

110 應用二苯乙烯苷刺激人類牙髓幹細胞衍生的外泌體於再生醫學之臨床前研究(1/3)

110 李勝揚教授申請補助延攬科技人才林奇佑君參與「應用二苯乙烯苷刺激人類牙髓幹細胞衍生的外泌體於再生醫學之臨床

110 延攬陳帛禾君參與「應用二苯乙烯苷刺激人類牙髓幹細胞衍生的外泌體於再生醫學之臨床前研究」

109 探討二苯乙烯苷刺激刺激牙髓幹細胞分泌的外泌體對細胞活性和骨分化的作用

109 人類牙髓幹細胞輔以二苯乙烯?衍生物促進組織再生之精準化醫療策略(2/2)

109 牙醫學系李勝揚教授申請補助延攬科技人才林奇佑君參與「人類牙髓幹細胞輔以二苯乙烯苷衍生物促進組織再生之精準化醫療策略」研究計畫案

108 人類牙髓幹細胞輔以二苯乙烯?衍生物促進組織再生之精準化醫療策略(1/2)

108 「人類牙髓幹細胞輔以二苯乙烯?衍生物促進組織再生之精準化醫療策略」

107 二苯乙烯?(THSG)衍生物輔助人類牙髓幹細胞治療牙周疾病之新治療策略(3/3)

107 二苯乙烯?(THSG)衍生物輔助人類牙髓幹細胞治療牙周疾病之新治療策略

106 二苯乙烯?(THSG)衍生物輔助人類牙髓幹細胞治療牙周疾病之新治療策略(2/3)

106 二苯乙烯?(THSG)衍生物輔助人類牙髓幹細胞治療牙周疾病之新治療策略

105 二苯乙烯?(THSG)衍生物輔助人類牙髓幹細胞治療牙周疾病之新治療策略(1/3)

105 二苯乙烯?(THSG)衍生物輔助人類牙髓幹細胞治療牙周疾病之新治療策略(1/3)

105 二苯乙烯?(THSG)衍生物輔助人類牙髓幹細胞治療牙周疾病之新治療策略

104 應用磁性冷凍技術開發攜藥型蠶絲蛋白支架做為牙髓幹細胞載體以促進關節損傷之軟骨修復(2/2)

104 應用磁性冷凍技術開發攜藥型蠶絲蛋白支架做為牙髓幹細胞載體以促進關節損傷之軟骨修復(2/2)

104 應用磁性冷凍技術開發攜藥型蠶絲蛋白支架做為牙髓幹細胞載體以促進關節損傷之軟骨修復

104 公益財團法人日本交流協會合作辦理105年補助日籍研究生來台進行2個月短期研究交流

103 應用磁性冷凍技術開發攜藥型蠶絲蛋白支架做為牙髓幹細胞載體以促進關節損傷之軟骨修復(1/2)

103 應用磁性冷凍技術開發攜藥型蠶絲蛋白支架做為牙髓幹細胞載體以促進關節損傷之軟骨修復(1/2)

103 應用磁性冷凍技術開發攜藥型蠶絲蛋白支架做為牙髓幹細胞載體以促進關節損傷之軟骨修復-吳育偉

102 設計並評估新型含藥人工骨凝膠對齒槽骨缺損的修復作用(2/2)

102 探討黃酮醇類化合物對人類牙髓幹細胞骨化的不同影響及其機轉

102 設計並評估新型含藥人工骨凝膠對齒槽骨缺損的修復作用(2/2)

102 探討黃酮醇類化合物對人類牙髓幹細胞骨化的不同影響及其機轉

102 探討黃酮醇類化合物對人類牙髓幹細胞骨化的不同影響及其機轉-博士後研究-吳育偉

101 設計並評估新型含藥人工骨凝膠對齒槽骨缺損的修復作用

101 新型多孔磷酸鈣合併牙髓幹細胞及血小板纖維膠之類組織塊材於大範圍缺損之骨癒合研究

101 應用黃酮醇類化合物強化人工骨粉對齒槽骨癒合的作用

100 磁性冷凍育成計畫

100 親水性電紡聚乳酸/生醫陶瓷薄膜之牙(骨)組織隔離基質膜片之臨床研究

100 新型多孔磷酸鈣合併牙髓幹細胞及血小板纖維膠之類組織塊材於大範圍缺損之骨癒合研究

99 100年度「轉譯醫學及農學人才培育先導型計畫」

99 新型多孔磷酸鈣合併牙髓幹細胞及血小板纖維膠之類組織塊材於大範圍缺損之骨癒合研究

99 親水性電紡聚乳酸/生醫陶瓷薄膜之牙科組織/骨引導再生膜片開發

98 99年度「轉譯醫學及農學人才培育先導型計畫」

98 增進鈦金屬微型骨釘之初期骨癒合之整合性研究

98 自我交聯型可注射式骨組織支架之研發

97 增進鈦金屬微型骨釘之初期骨癒合之整合性研究

97 自我交聯型可注射式骨組織支架之研發

96 增進鈦金屬微型骨釘之初期骨癒合之整合性研究(1-3)

96 自我交聯型可注射式骨組織支架之研發(1-3)

96 牙齒銀行暨牙齒幹細胞研討會

95 鈦金屬植體表面經最佳化電漿清潔及聚合反應之骨整合研究3-3

95 靈芝聚多醣體/聚乳酸/非晶型磷酸鈣組織引導再生材料研發-體內評估

95 國際口腔植體專科醫師學會第二十四屆世界學術研討會

94 鈦金屬植體表面經最佳化電漿清潔及聚合反應之骨整合研究2/3

94 靈芝聚多醣醣/聚乳酸/非晶型磷酸鈣在組織導引再生技術之應用開發

93 具釋控性去乙醯幾丁聚醣/聚乳酸水膠在導引組織再生之開發與應用研究

93 鈦金屬植體表面經最佳化電漿清潔及聚合反應之骨整合研究

93 以體外脫鈣模式探討次氯酸鈉對齲蝕性牙本質之影響

92 可注射式排齦材料的開發與應用  

92 可植入式MEMS微感測技術在人工牙根骨整合連續監測上之研發與應用(3/3)

92 吸收性聚酯共聚物/氫氧磷灰石複合材之引導組織再生薄膜研究(2/2)

92 可注射式聚乳酸GTR水膠之製程與應用研究

91 聚左乳酸產品生物相容性之測試實驗的委託測試研究

91 可植入式MEMS微感測技術在人工牙根骨整合連續監測上之研發與應用(2/3)

91 吸收性聚酯共聚物/氫氧磷灰石複合材之引導組織再生薄膜研究(1/2)

90 可植入式MEMS微感測技術在人工牙根骨整合連續監測上之研發與應用(1/3)

89 光泉防齲齒牛乳牙齒保健功效之人體實驗計畫

89 Collagen-polysaccharide GRT和3-D scaffold在牙周病手術之應用效果評估

89 生物可吸收性骨板之強度,使用<動態扭力雙軸向測試機械>實驗儀器及相關配件檢驗

89 人工牙根產品之生物相容性之測試實驗

89 非侵入式人工牙根診斷裝置之研發並結合有限元素分析骨整合

88 人工牙根使用動態扭力雙軸向測試機械實驗儀器及相關配件檢驗計畫

88 齒顎標準值及矯正療程前後資料統計蒐集建立

88 利用振動理論量測人工牙根邊界狀態之研究