陳適卿(Chen, Shih-Ching) 教授

現   職
復健學科 教授
醫學院復健工程暨輔具科技研究中心 主任


學 歷

私立高雄醫學院醫學系 學士




2019/08/01 ~
2019/05/01 ~ 2019/07/31
2018/04/16 ~
2018/04/01 ~ 2020/07/31
2017/08/01 ~ 2018/03/31
2017/08/01 ~
2017/08/01 ~
2017/08/01 ~
2016/02/01 ~ 2016/07/31
2015/08/01 ~
2015/01/01 ~ 2017/07/31
2014/08/01 ~
2014/08/01 ~
2013/08/01 ~
2007/08/01 ~
2006/02/01 ~
2003/09/15 ~ 2014/07/31




Physical therapy and Rehabilitation
復健醫學 (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)
生物力學 (Biomechanics)
鞋具 (Foot Orthotics)
痙攣 (Spasticity)
復健工程 (Rehabilitation Engineering)
腦中風 (Stroke)
輔助科技 (Assistive Technology)
神經復健 (Neural Rehabilitation)
神經調控 (Neuromodulation)
動作控制 (Motion Control)



1. 2022 Yi-Jr Liao,Wei-Chun Wang,Shanq-Jang Ruan,Yu-Hao Lee,Shih-Ching Chen. A Music Playback Algorithm Based on Residual-Inception Blocks for Music Emotion Classification and Physiological Information . Sensors .2022

2. 2022 Ashleigh Peng Lin,Chun-Chieh Chiu,Shih-Ching Chen,,Yi-Jing Huang,Chien-Hung Lai,Jiunn-Horng Kang. Using High-Definition Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation to Treat Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Study . LIFE SCI .2022

3. 2022 Yi-Jing Huang , Shun-Min Wang,Chieh Chen,Chien-An Chen,Chun-Wei Wu,Jia-Jin Chen,Chih-Wei Peng, Che-Wei Lin, Shih-Wei Huang, and Shih-Ching Chen.. High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current with Electrical Theta Burst on Post-Stroke Motor Rehabilitation: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. . Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair .2022

4. 2022 Shih-Ching Chen,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Chih-Wei Peng,Chih-Chao Hsu,Yen-Nung Lin,Chien-Hung Lai. Adjustable Parameters and the Effectiveness of Adjunct Robot-Assisted Gait Training in Individuals with Chronic Stroke. . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2022

5. 2022 Fu-An Yang,Shih-Ching Chen,Jing-Fang Chiu,Ya-Chu Shih,Tsan-Hon Liou,Reuben Escorpizo, Hung-Chou Chen. Body weight-supported gait training for patients with spinal cord injury: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. . Sci Rep .2022

6. 2021 Yu-Lin Wu,Su-Chen Fang,Shih-Ching Chen,Chen-Jei Tai,Pei-Shan Tsai. Effects of Neurofeedback on Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . Pain Management Nursing .2021

7. 2021 Shih‑Ching Chen,Chueh‑Ho Lin,Sheng‑Wen Su,Yu‑Tai Chang,Chien‑Hung Lai. Feasibility and effect of interactive telerehabilitation on balance in individuals with chronic stroke: a pilot study . J Neuroeng Rehabil .2021

8. 2021 Chih-Ching Chen ,Ling-Yu Yang,Muhammad Adeel, Chien-Hung Lai ,Chih-Wei Peng . Transcranial electrostimulation with special waveforms enhances upper-limb motor function in patients with chronic stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2021

9. 2020 Chun-Nin Lee,Li-Hsuan Chiu,Chia-Lang Fang,Shauh-Der Yeh,Chun S. Zuo,Shih-Ching Chen,Li-Kuo Kuo,Yun-Ming Wang,Wen-Fu,Thomas Lai. Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoprobes for Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Detection. . JoVE .2020

10. 2020 Chellappan Praveen Rajneesh,Tsung-Hsun Hsieh,Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Ling-Yu Yang,Hung-Yen Chin and Chih-Wei Peng. . Deep Brain Stimulation of the Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus Renders Neuroprotection through the Suppression of Hippocampal Apoptosis: An Experimental Animal Study. . Brain Sci .2020

11. 2020 Natasha Layton, Diane Bell,Mary Ellen Buning,Shih-Ching Chen,Silvana Contepomi,Vinicius Delgado Ramos, Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf, Takenobu Inoue, Inhyuk Moon, Nicky Seymour, Roger O. Smith & Luc de Witte. Opening the GATE: systems thinking from the global assistive technology alliance . Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology .2020

12. 2020 Chih-Chao Hsu,Yin-Kai Huang,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Yi-Feng Ko,Chia-Wei Liu,Fu-Shan Jaw & Shih-Ching Chen. Novel design for a dynamic ankle foot orthosis with motion feedback used for training in patients with hemiplegic gait: a pilot study. . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2020

13. 2019 Chien-Hung Lai,Hung-Chou Chen,Tsan-Hon Liou,Wei Li,Shih-Ching Chen. Exercise Interventions for Individuals with Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews. . Am J Phys Med Rehabil. .2019

14. 2019 Yu-Hao Lee,Shari Goo-Yoshino,Henry L. Lew,Wen-Chou Chi,Chia-Feng Yen,Hua-Fang Liao, Shih-Ching Chen, Tsan-Hon Liou.. Social participation in head and neck cancer survivors with swallowing disorder: World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 study. . Head Neck .2019

15. 2019 Chellappan Praveen Rajneesh,Ling-Yu Yang,Shih-Ching Chen,Tsung-Hsun Hsieh,Hung-Yen Chin ,Chih-Wei Peng. Cystometric Measurements in Rats with an Experimentally Induced Traumatic Brain Injury and Voiding Dysfunction: A Time-Course Study. . Brain Sci .2019

16. 2019 Li Yu Ting,Chen Shih Ching,Yang Ling Yu,Hsieh Tsung Hsun,Peng Chih Wei. Designing and implementing a novel transcranial electrostimulation system for neuroplastic applications: A preliminary study . IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering .2019 ;(27):805-813

17. 2019 Yeh Shauh Der,Lin Bor Shing,Chen Shih Ching,Chen Chih Hwa,Gustafson Kenneth J.,Bourbeau Dennis J.,Rajneesh Chellappan Praveen,Peng Chih Wei. Effects of Genital Nerve Stimulation Amplitude on Bladder Capacity in Spinal Cord Injured Subjects . Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2019 ;(2019)

18. 2019 Hung Erica Shih Wei,Chen Shih Ching,Chang Fan Chien,Shiao Yaojung,Peng Chih Wei,Lai Chien Hung. Effects of Interactive Video Game-Based Exercise on Balance in Diabetic Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy: An Open-Level, Crossover Pilot Study . Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2019 ;(2019)

19. 2019 Fang Su Chen,Wu Yu Lin,Chen Shih Ching,Teng Hao Wen,Tsai Pei Shan. Subjective sleep quality as a mediator in the relationship between pain severity and sustained attention performance in patients with fibromyalgia . Journal of Sleep Research .2019

20. 2018 Jen En,Lin Chii Wann,Hsieh Tsung Hsun,Chiu Yi Chun,Lu Tsung Che,Chen Shih Ching,Chen Meng Chao,Peng Chih Wei. Prototype Deep Brain Stimulation System with Closed-Loop Control Feedback for Modulating Bladder Functions in Traumatic Brain Injured Animals . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2018 ;(38):337-349

21. 2018 Chang KH,Chi WC,Liao HF,Chen SC,Chiou HY,「Escorpizo R, Liou TH」. Development of indicators to assure quality of disability evaluation based on the International Classification of functioning, disability, and health in Taiwan: a Delphi consensus. . Disabil Rehabil. .2018

22. 2018 Praveen Rajneesh C,Lai CH,Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Chin HY,Peng CW. Improved voiding function by deep brain stimulation in traumatic brain-injured animals with bladder dysfunctions. . Int Urol Nephrol. .2018

23. 2018 Chang CH,Lu KH,Lin WT,Chen SC,Shih WP,Lin CW. Reversible Spasticity Suppression and Locomotion Change After Pulsed Radiofrequency on the Dorsal Root Ganglia of Rats With Spinal Cord Injury. . Neuromodulation .2018

24. 2017 Chen SC,Chu PY,Hsieh TH,Li YT,Peng CW. Feasibility of deep brain stimulation for controlling the lower urinary tract functions: An animal study. . Clinical Neurophysiology .2017 ;(128):2438-2449

25. 2017 Hsieh TH,Kang JW,Lai JH,Huang YZ,Rotenberg A,Chen KY, Wang JY, Chan SY, Chen SC, Chiang YH, Peng CW. Relationship of mechanical impact magnitude to neurologic dysfunction severity in a rat traumatic brain injury model . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e0178186-e0178186

26. 2017 Chen CC,Liu CY,Ciou SH,Chen SC,Chen YL. Digitized Hand Skateboard Based on IR-Camera for Upper Limb Rehabilitation. . Journal of Medical Systems .2017 ;(41):36

27. 2017 Ciou SH,Hwang YS,Chen CC,Luh JJ,Chen SC,Chen YL. Football APP based on smart phone with FES in drop-foot rehabilitation. . Technol Health Care .2017 ;(Prepri):1-15

28. 2016 Tsung-Hsun Hsieh,Yin-Tsong Lin,Shih-Ching Chen,Chih-Wei Peng. Chronic pudendal neuromodulation using an implantable microstimulator improves voiding function in diabetic rats. . Journal of Neural Engineering .2016 ;(13):1741-2560

29. 2016 Chih-Chen Chen,Yu-Luen Chen,Shih-Ching Chen. Application of RFID technology-upper extremity rehabilitation training . Journal of Physical Therapy Science .2016 ;(28):519-524

30. 2016 Ting-Yun Wang,Shih-Ching Chen,Chih-Wei Peng,Chun-Wei Kang,Yu-Luen Chen,Chun-Lung Chen,Yi-Lin Chou,Chien-Hung Lai. Relevance of nerve conduction velocity in the assessment of balance performance in older adults with diabetes mellitus. . Disability and Rehabilitation .2016 ;(3):1-9

31. 2016 Jen E,Hsieh TH,Lu TC,Chen MC,Lee FJ,Lin CT, Chen SC, Chu PY, Peng CW, Lin CW. Effects of pulsed-radiofrequency neuromodulation on the rat with overactive bladder. . Neurourology and Urodynamics. .2016

32. 2016 Wei-Min Hsieh,Yuh-Shyan Hwang,Shih-Ching Chen,Sun-Yen Tan,Chih-Chen Chen,Yu-Luen Chen. Application of the Blobo bluetooth ball in wrist rehabilitation training . Journal of Physical Therapy Science .2016 ;(28):27-32

33. 2016 Shih-Ching Chen,Tsung-Hsun Hsieh,Wen-Jia Fan,Chien-Hung Lai,Chih-Wei Peng. Does Pharmacological Activation of 5-HT1A Receptors Improve Urine Flow Rate in Female Rats? . AJP Renal Physiology .2016 ;(311):166-175

34. 2015 Shih-Hsiang Ciou,Yuh-Shyan Hwang,Chih-Chen Chen,Shih-Ching Chen,Shih-Wei Chou,Yu-Luen Chen. Balance training using an interactive game to enhance the use of the affected side after stroke . Journal of Physical Therapy Science .2015 ;(27):3855-3861

35. 2015 Chen CC,Chen SC,Lai CH,Kuo TS,Chen CP,Lin CW, Young ST, Peng CW. Innovation of a syringe needle auto-detaching device for clinicians . Technology and Health Care .2015 ;(23):523-528

36. 2015 Lin YT,Hsieh TH,Chen SC,Lai CH,Kuo TS,Chen CP,Lin CW,Young ST,Peng CW. Effects of pudendal neuromodulation on bladder function in chronic spinal cord-injured rats. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2015

37. 2015 Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Fan WJ,Lai CH,Chen CL,Wei WF,Peng CW. Design and evaluation of potentiometric principles for bladder volume monitoring: a preliminary study. . Sensors (Basel). .2015 ;(15):12802-12815

38. 2015 Kuo LJ,Lin YC,Lai CH,Lin YK,Huang YS,Hu CC,Chen SC. Improvement of fecal incontinence and quality of life by electrical stimulation and biofeedback for patients with low rectal cancer after intersphincteric resection. . Arch Phys Med Rehabil. .2015 ;(96):1442-1447

39. 2015 Chang KH,Tseng SH,Lin YC,Lai CH,Hsiao WT,Chen SC. The relationship between body composition and femoral neck osteoporosis or osteopenia in adults with previous poliomyelitis. . Disabil Health J. .2015 ;(8):284-289

40. 2014 Chou CH,Hwang YS,Chen CC,Chen SC,Lai CH,Chen YL. FES for abnormal movement of upper limb during walking in post-stroke subjects . technology and health care .2014 ;(22):751-758

41. 2014 Y.-S. Hwang,S.-C. Chen,C.-C. Chen,W.-L. Chen,Y.-Y. Shih,Y.-L. Chen. Delelopment of digitized apparatus for upper limb rehabilitation training . Technology and Health Care 21 .2014

42. 2014 W.-M. Hsieh,C.-C. Chen,S.-C. Wang,S.-Y. Tan,Y.-S. Hwang,S.-C. Chen,J.-S. Lai,Y.-L. Chen. Virtual reality system based on Kinect for the elderly in fall prevention . Technology and Health Care .2014 ;(22):27-36

43. 2014 Kwang-Hwa Chang,Sung-Hui Tseng,Yu-Ching Lin,Chien-Hung Lai,Wen-Tien Hsiao,Shih-Ching Chen. The relationship between body composition and femoral neck osteoporosis or osteopenia in adults with previous poliomyelitis . Disability and Health Journal .2014

44. 2014 Lai CH,Leung TK,Peng CW,Chang KH,Lai MJ,Lai MJ,Chen SC. Effects of Far-Infrared Irradiation on Myofascial Neck Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study . JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE .2014 ;(20):123-129

45. 2014 Fan WJ,Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Lai CH,Lin YS,Peng CW, Kou YR. Influence of serotonergic mechanisms on the urine flow rate in male rats. . Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol .2014 ;(307(10)):1239-50

46. 2014 Lin Ying Hui,Tang Pei Fang,Wang Yao Hung,Eng Janice J.,Lin Keh Chung,Lu Lu,Jeng Jiann Shing,Chen Shih Ching. Reactive postural control deficits in patients with posterior parietal cortex lesions after stroke and the influence of auditory cueing . American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2014 ;(93):849-859

47. 2014 Hung Chi Yao,Tseng Sung-Hui,Chen Shih-Ching,Chiu Hou Chang,Lai Chien-Hung,Kang Jiunn-Horng. Cardiac autonomic status is associated with spasticity in post-stroke patients . NeuroRehabilitation .2014 ;(34):227-233

48. 2013 Shih-Ching Chen,Su-Hsien Lin,Ming-Jun Lai,Chih-Wei Peng,Chien-Hung Lai. Therapeutic Effects of Near-infrared Radiation on Chronic Neck Pain . JECM .2013 ;(5):131-135

49. 2013 Chien-Hung Lai,Chih-Wei Peng,Yu-Luen Chen,Ching-Ping Huang,Yu-Ling Hsiao,Shih-Ching Chen. Effects of Interactive Video Game-Based System Exercise on the Balance of the Elderly. . Gait and Posture .2013 ;(37):511-515

50. 2013 Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Wen-Jia Fan,Chih-Wei Peng. Pudendal neuromodulation improves voiding efficiency in diabetic rats. . Neurourology and Urodynamics .2013 ;(32):293-300

51. 2013 Yu-Wei Wu,Shih-Ching Chen,Yen-Chou Chen,Wen-Fu Lai,Yu-Hui Tsai. Screening of flavonoids for effective osteoclastogenesis suppression . ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY .2013 ;(43):48-55

52. 2012 Shih-Ching Chen,Warren M. Grill,Wen-Jia Fan,Yu Ru Kou,You Shuei Lin,Chih-Wei Peng. Bilateral Pudendal Afferent Stimulation Improves Bladder Emptying in Rats with Urinary Retention. . BJU Int .2012 ;(109):1051-1058

53. 2012 Shih-Ching Chen,Wen-Jia Fan,Chien-Hung Lai,Jia-Jin Jason Chen,Chih-Wei Peng. Effect of a 5-HT1A Receptor Agonist (8-OH-DPAT) on the External Urethral Sphincter Activity in the Rat . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2012 ;(111):67-76

54. 2012 Chang KH,Chen HC,Lin Y,Chen SC,Chiou HY,Liou TH. Developing an ICF core set for post-stroke disability assessment and verification in Taiwan: a preliminary study . Disabil Rehabil .2012 ;(34):1254-1261

55. 2012 Kang JH,Chen HS,Chen SC,Jaw FS. Disability in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain: Heart Rate Variability Analysis and Cluster Analysis. . Clin J Pain. .2012 ;(28):797-803

56. 2012 Chen CF,Chen WS,Chou LW,Chang YJ,Chen SC,Kuo TS, Lai JS. Pulse energy as a reliable reference for twitch forces induced by transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation. . IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng .2012 ;(20):574-583

57. 2012 Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,,Wen-Jia Fan,Chih-Wei Peng. Sex Difference in External Urethral Sphincter Activity in the Rat. . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2012 ;(4):157-164

58. 2011 Chien-Hung Lai,Chien-Hung Chuang,Chiung-Cheng Li,Jimmy Kuan-Jung Chen,Shih-Ching Chang,Walter Hong-Shong. Effects of Ultrasound on Osteotomy Healing in a Rabbit Fracture Model. . Ultrasound in Mmedicine and Biology .2011 ;(37):1635-1643

59. 2011 Hung-Sheng Chen,Shu-Hsien Lin,Yen-Hsia Hsu,Shih-Ching Chen,Jiunn-Horng Kang. A Comparison of Physical Examinations with Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Biceps Long Head Tendinitis . Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology .2011 ;(37):1392-1398

60. 2011 Shih-Ching Chen,Chih-Wei Peng,Chien-Hung Lai,Chao-Jung Chen,Joseph Mizrahi,Yasunobu Handa. Review: Clinical Benefits of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Exercise . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2011 ;(31):1-11

61. 2011 Kwang-Hwa Chang,Chien-Hung Lai,Shih-Ching Chen,I-Ning Tang,Wen-Tien Hsiao,Tsan-Hon Liou, Chi-Ming Lee.. Femoral neck bone mineral density in ambulatory men with poliomyelitis. . Osteoporosis International. .2011 ;(22):195-200

62. 2011 Shih-Ching Chen,Chen-Li Cheng,Wen-Jia Fan,Jia-Jin Jason Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Chih-Wei Peng. Effect of a 5-HT1A Receptor Agonist (8-OH-DPAT) on External Urethral Sphincter Activity in a Rat Model of Pudendal Nerve Injury. . Am J Physiol. - Regul Integr Comp Physiol .2011 ;(301):R225-R235

63. 2011 Chen HS,Chang KH,Kang JH,Hsu YH,Hsu AC,Chen SC. Treatment of Frozen Shoulder with Intra-articular Injection of Botulinum Toxin in Shoulder Joints. . Medical Hypotheses .2011 ;(77):305-307

64. 2011 Kwang-Hwa Chang,Chien-Hung Lai,Shih-Ching Chen,Wen-Tien Hsiao,Tsan-Hon Liou,Chi-Ming Lee. Body Composition Assessment in Taiwanese Individuals with Poliomyelitis . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2011 ;(92):1092-1097

65. 2010 Chin-Chean Wong,Li-Hsuan Chiu,Wen-Fu T. Lai,Tsung-Tan Tsai,Chia-Lang Fang,Shih-Ching Chen, Yu-Hui Tsai. Phenotypic Re-expression of Near Quiescent Chondrocytes: The Effects of Type II Collagen and Growth Factors . Journal of Biomaterials Applications .2010 ;(25):75-95

66. 2010 Chien-Hung Lai,Shih-Ching Chen,Li-Hsuan Chiu,Charng-Bin Yang,Yu-Hui Tsai,Chun S. Zuo, Walter Hong-Shong Chang, Wen-Fu Lai.. Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound, dexamethasone/TGF-B1, and/or BMP-2 on the transcriptional Expression of genes in human mesenchymal stem cells: chondrogenic vs. osteogenic differentiation . Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology .2010 ;(36):1022-1033

67. 2010 Wong CC,Chiu LH,Lai WF,Tsai TT,Fang CL,Tsai YH, Chen SC. Phenotypic Re-expression of Near Quiescent Chondrocytes: The Effects of Type II Collagen and Growth Factors. . Journal Of Biomaterials Applications. .2010 ;(25):75-95

68. 2010 Chen WL,Chen SC,Chen CC,Chou CH,Shih YY,Chen YL, Kuo TS. Patient-driven loop control for ambulation function restoration in a non-invasive functional electrical stimulation system . Disability and Rehabilitation .2010 ;(32):65-71

69. 2010 Chien-Hung Lai,Hong-Shong Chang,Wing P. Chan,Chih-Wei Peng,Li-Kuo Shen,Jia-Jin J. Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Exercise on Bone Mineral Density Loss in the Early Stages of Spinal Cord Injury . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2010 ;(42):150-154

70. 2010 Yu-Ching Lin,Yuan-Kun Tu,Sheng-Shiung Chen,I-Ling Lin,Shih-Ching Chen,How-Ran Guo. Comparison between Botulinum Toxin and Corticosteroid Injection in the Treatment of Acute and Subacute Tennis Elbow: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Active Drug-Controlled Pilot Study . American journal of PMR .2010 ;(89):653-659

71. 2010 Jiunn-Horng Kang,Sung-Hui Tseng,Fu-Shan Jaw,Chien-Hung Lai,Hung-Chou Chen,Shih-Ching Chen. Comparison of Ultrasonographic Findings of the Rotator Cuff between Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients with Chronic Shoulder Pain: A Retrospective Study. . Ultrasound Med Biol .2010 ;(36):1792-1796

72. 2009 David S. Liu,Alice M. K. Wong,Shih-Ching Chen,Kang-Ping Lin,Chien-Hung Lai,Walter H. Chang. The recovery index of oxygen saturation from orthostatic syncope in patients with spinal cord injury. . Taiwan Journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation. .2009 ;(37):227-234

73. 2009 Lin-Fen Hsieh,Shih-Ching Chen,Chih-Cheng Chuang,Huei-Ming Chai,Wen-Shan Chen,Yang-Chien He. Supervised aerobic exercise is more effective than home aerobic exercise in female chinese patients with rheumatoid arthritis. . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2009 ;(41):332-337

74. 2009 Jiunn-Horng Kang,Shih-Ching Chen. Effects of an irregular bedtime schedule on sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue among university students in Taiwan. . BMC Public Health. .2009 ;(9):248-253


76. 2008 David S. Liu,Walter H. Chang,Alice M. K. Wong,Shih-Ching Chen,Kang-Ping Lin,Chien-Hung Lai. Relationships between physiological responses and presyncope symptoms during tilting up in patients with spinal cord injury. . Med Biol Eng Comput .2008 ;(46):681-688

77. 2007 David S. Liu,Walter H. Chang,Alice M. K. Wong,Shih-Ching Chen,Kang-Ping Lin,Chien-Hung Lai. Development of a biofeedback tilt-table for investigating orthostatic syncope in patients with spinal cord injury . Med Bio Eng Comput .2007 ;(45):1223-1228

78. 2007 Chin-Wei Liu,Shih-Ching Chen,Chia-Hsin Chen,Tien-Wen Chen,Jia-Jin Jason Chen,Chun-Sheng Lin, Mao-Hsiung Huang. Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Peak Torque and Body Composition in Patients with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. . Kaohsiung J Med Sci .2007 ;(23):232-240

79. 2007 Weoi-Luen Chen,Ay-Hwa Andy Liou,Shih-Ching Chen,Chi-Ming Chung,Yu-Luen Chen. A novel home appliance control system for people with disabilities. . Disability and Rehabilitation .2007 ;(2):201-206

80. 2006 Chiou YH,Chen SC,Luh JJ,Yasunobu Handa,Lai JS,Kuo TS. A Versatile Labview-Based Toolbox Design and Man-Machine Interface For The Electrical Stimulation System . Biomedical Engineering Applications, Basis & Communications .2006 ;(18):46-53

81. 2006 Jiunn-Horng Kang,Min-Der Chen,Shih-Ching Chen,Wei-Li Hsi. Correlations between subjective treatment responses and plantar pressure parameters of metatarsal pad treatment in metatarsalgia patients: a prospective study . BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders .2006 ;(7)

82. 2005 WEOI-LUEN CHEN,SHIH-CHING CHEN,YU-LUEN CHEN,SHOW-HO CHEN,JUNG-CHAI HSIEH,JIN-SHIN LAI,TE-SON KUO. The M3S-based electric wheelchair for the people with disabilities . Disability and Rehabilitation(SCI;SSCI) .2005 ;(27):1471-1477

83. 2005 Liu CL,Yu CH,Chen SC,Chen CH. Evaluation of Closed-Loop Control System for Restoring Standing and Sitting Functions by Functional Electrical Stimulation . Biomedical Engineering Applications,Basis and Communications.(EI) .2005 ;(17):19-26

84. 2005 Chen SC,Chen YL,Chen CJ,Lai CH,Chiang WH,Chen WL. Effects of surface electrical stimulation on the muscle-tendon junction of spastic gastrocnemius in stroke patients. . Disability & Rehabilitation(SSCI; SCI) .2005 ;(27):105-110

85. 2005 Chen HY,Chen SC,Chen JJ Jason,Fu LL,Wang YL. Kinesiological and Kinematical Analysis for Stroke Subjects with Asymmetrical Cycling Movement Patterns. . Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology(SCI) .2005 ;(15):587-595

86. 2005 Chen SC,Lia CH,Chan WP,Huang MH,Tsai HW,Chen JJ J.. Increases in Bone Mineral Density After Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Exercises in Spinal Cord Injured Patients . Disability and Rehabilitation(SSCI; SCI) .2005 ;(27):1337-1341

87. 2004 Lew HL,Lee J,Chen JLC,Chen SC. Complementary and alternative medicine education in the United States, China, and Taiwan . Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America .2004 ;(15):933-942

88. 2004 I-Chun Chen,Hsin-Chien Lee,Geng-Chang Yeh,Chien-Hong Lai,Shih-Ching Chen. The Relationship Between Parntal Concerns and Professional Assessment in Dvelopmental Delay in Infants and Childen-A Hospital-based Study . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association.(優良期刊) .2004 ;(67):239-244

89. 2004 Shih-Ching Chen,Jer-Junn Luh,Yu-Luen Chen,Cheng-Liang Liu,Chung-Huang Yu,Han-Chang Wu,Chun-Hao Chen , Yasunobu Handa .... Development and Application of a Versatile FES System . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering.(EI) .2004 ;(24):37-43

90. 2004 Cheng-Liang Liu,Chung-Huang YU,Shih-Ching Chen,Wen-Shan Wu. Establishing Biomechanical Model of Human Body For Restoring Standing Functions . Biomedical Engineering Applications,Basis and Communications(EI) .2004 ;(16):15-21

91. 2004 Kuoshiang Chen,Shih-Ching Chen,Kun-Horng Tsai,Jia-Jin Jason Chen,Nan-Ying Yu,Mao-Hsiung Huang. An Improved Design of Home Cycling System via Functional Electrical Stimulation for Paraplegics . International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.(SCI) .2004 ;(34):223-235

92. 2004 Shih-Ching Chen,Fuk-Tan Tang,Yu-Luen Chen,Weoi-Luen Chen,Yen-Chen Li,Ying-Ying Shih,Jin-Shin Lai,Te-Son Kuo. Infared-based Communication Augmentation System for the People with Multiple Disabilities . Disability and Rehabilitation(SSCI; SCI) .2004 ;(26):1105-1110

93. 2004 Ying-Han Chiou,Jer-Junn Luh,Shih-Ching Chen,Jin-Shin Lai,Te-Son Kuo. The comparison of electromyographic pattern classifications with active and passive electrodes . Medical Enginerring and Phsics.(SCI) .2004 ;(26):605-610

94. 2004 Y. L. Chen, S. C. Chen, W. L. Chen, C. C. Hsiao, T. S. Kuo, J. S. Lai. Neural Network and fuzzy control in FES-assisted locomotion for the hemiplegic . Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology.(EI) .2004 ;(28):32-38

95. 2003 Y. L. Chen, W. H. Chang, S. C. Chen, P. F. Hsu. The Development of a Knee Locker with Closed-loop Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) for Hemiplegia in Gait Training . Disability and Rehabilitation(SSCI; SCI) .2003 ;(25):916-921

96. 2003 Y. L. Chen, S. C. Chen, W. L. Chen J. F. Lin. A head orientated whellchair for people with disabilities . Disability and Rehabilitation(SSCI; SCI) .2003 ;(25):249-253

97. 2003 Y. L. Chen, S. C. Chen, W. L. Chen, J. J. Luh, J. S. Lai. Application of SEMG in Computer Mouse Access for the Disabilities . Disability and Rehabilitation(SSCI; SCI) .2003 ;(25):218-223

98. 2002 I-Chun Chen, Pao-Tsai Cheng, Chia-Ling Chen, Shih-Ching Chen, Chia-Ying Chung, Tu-Hsueh Yeh. Effects of Balance Training on Hemiplegic Stroke Patients . Chang Gung Medical Journal 2002(優良期刊) .2002 ;(25):583-590

99. 2002 Chien-hung Lai, Shih-wei Liu, Feng-chein Lin, I-chun Chen, Shih-ching Chen, Chung-huang Yu, Walter H. Chang. The Study of Hemodynamic and Cardiovascular Changes Responding to Head-up Tilt in The Spinal Cord Injured─A preliminary study. . J of Rehab Med Assoc R.O.C. .2002 ;(2):79-86

100. 2002 Shih-Ching Chen, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Lei-Shih Chen, Cheng-Feng Chiang. The Therapeutic Effects of Magnets on Knee Osteoarthritis. . J of Rehab Med Assoc R.O.C. .2002 ;(2):73-78

101. 2002 Yu-Chin Chen, Shih-Ching Chen, Chien-Chung Lai, Chih-Yu Chiu. Bilateral Facial Palsy: A Case Report and Literature Review . J of Rehab Med Assoc R.O.C. .2002 ;(30):191-200

102. 2002 Yu-Chin Chen, Shih-Ching Chen, Chien-Chung Lai, Chih-Yu Chiu. Bilateral Facial Palsy: A Case Report and Literature Review . J of Rehab Med Assoc R.O.C .2002 ;(30):191-200

103. 2001 Shih-Ching Chen, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai,,Wei-Han Chiang, Jing-Hwa Way, Cheng-Feng Chiang. The Effects of Magnets on Nerve Conduction Studies in Human. . J of Rehab Med Assoc R.O.C. .2001 ;(29):25-30

104. 2001 Shih-Ching Chen, Yih-Zhang Ho, Chien-Hung Lai, Chao-Jung Chen, Wei-Han Chiang, Walter H. Chang. Effects of Training with High and Low-frequency Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Contractile Properties in Rabbits. . N. Taipei J. Med. .2001 ;(3):48-54

105. 2001 Hsin-Yung Chen, Nan-Ying Yu, Kaoshiung Chen, Kuen-Horng Tsai, Lilan Fu, Shih-Ching Chen, Mao-Hsiung Huang, Jia-Jin Chen. Development of FES-cycling System with Network Capability for Multi-Center Clinical Studies. . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering.(EI) .2001 ;(21):85-92

106. 2000 Chien-Hung Lai, Ming-Shium Hsieh, Wei-Han Chiang, Sung-Hui Tseng, Chao-Jung Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. F-wave Studies in L5 Radiculopathic Patients Receiving Automated Percutaneous Lumbar. . J of Rehab Med Assoc R. O. C. .2000 ;(28):213-219

107. 1998 Shih-Ching Chen. Post-Stroke Proximal Femoral Fracture . Tohoku J Exp Med(SCI) .1998 ;(110):175

108. 1996 謝如蘭、連倚南、謝霖芬、韋有維、許美慧、周悅津、陳適卿、張光華、朱隆揚、李文宗. 國人接受復健醫療資源之疾病分類研究-以北部、東部八家醫院為例. . 中華復健醫誌. .1996 ;(24):35-40

1. 2019 Chien Hung Lai,Chih Wei Peng,Yen Nung Lin,Fan Chien Chang,Shih Ching Chen. Investigate Augmented Reality and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in People with Stroke. . The 9th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering. .2019

2. 2019 Chien Hung Lai,Hsien Lin Cheng,Chueh Ho Lin,Shih Ching Chen,Chih Wei Peng. Effectiveness of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Visual Feedback Exercise on Neuroplasticity and Lower Limb Function in Person with Chronic Stroke. . International Neuromodulation Society's 14th World Congress .2019

3. 2019 Shih Ching Chen,Chih Wei Peng. Design and Implementation of a Novel Transcranial Electrostimulation System for Neuroplastic Applications . The International Neuromodulation Society's 14th World Congress .2019

4. 2019 Chih Wei Peng,Shih Ching Chen,Tsan Hon Liou . 為頸髓損傷四肢癱瘓者建置居家及工作場域智慧整合服務平台 . 9TH WACBE World Congress on Biomedical Engineering .2019

5. 2019 Shih Ching Chen,Tsan Hon Liou ,Chih Wei Peng. 開發需求未滿足之智慧聲控介面與建置四肢癱瘓者急需之智慧生活與工作場域 . 9TH WACBE World Congress on Biomedical Engineering .2019

6. 2018 Sheng-Wen Su,Shih-Ching Chen,Tzu Chi Lin,Yu-Luen Chen,Fan-Chien Chang,Chien-Hung Lai. Effects of Virtual Reality on Cognition, Balance and Daily Activities of People with Chronic Stroke. . ACRM 95th Annual Conference .2018

7. 2018 Shih-Ching Chen,Chih-Wei Peng. Protective effect of pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus deep brain stimulation on hippocampus apoptosis . NYC Neuromodulation Conference & NANS Summer Series .2018

8. 2018 Chih-Wei Peng,Shih-Ching Chen. Defensive effect of deep brain stimulation on hippocampus apoptosis in the rat. Society for Neuroscience Conference . Society for Neuroscience Conference .2018

9. 2018 Chih-Wei Peng,Shih-Ching Chen. Genital Nerve Stimulation for Modulating the Lower Urinary Tract Functions in Subjects with Spinal Cord Injury . 12th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress .2018

10. 2018 Chih-Wei Peng,Shih-Ching Chen. Effects of Genital Nerve Stimulation on Bladder Continence in Spinal Cord Injured Individuals. . 8th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science .2018

11. 2018 Chih-Wei Peng,Yu-Ting Li,Chun-Ta Feng,Shih-Ching Chen. The Design and Development of Transcranial Burst Electrostimulator for Clinic Rehabilitation . 2018 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine and Biology Applications (SEMBA) .2018

12. 2017 Chien‐Hung Lai,Ting‐Yun Wang,Chih‐Wei Peng,Yu‐Luen Chen, Shih‐Ching Chen. Correlation between Nerve Conduction Velocity and Balance Performance in Older Adults with Diabetes Mellitus. . 2017 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine and Biology Applications (SEMBA) .2017

13. 2017 Chih-Wei Peng,G.D. Fen,Shih‐Ching Chen,T.H. Hsieh. Effects of Central Neuromodulation with Functional Electrical Stimulation on Bladder Functions in Traumatic Brain Injured Rats (the Third Year) . Annual Conference of the Biomedical Engineering Society of ROC .2017

14. 2017 Chen Shih-Ching,Hsu Chih-Chao, Ko Yi-Feng,Su Yun-Liang,Chih-Wei Peng, Lai Chien-Hung, Huang Yin-Kai. A brand new design of 3D pringting ankle foot orthosis advantages patients with neurological disease: Clinical research. . The 11th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology 2017 .2017

15. 2017 開發需求未滿足之智慧聲控介面與建置四肢癱瘓者急需之智慧生活與工作場域 . BME Annual Symposium 2017 .2017

16. 2017 頸髓損傷四肢癱瘓者智慧生活與重返工作之教育、訓練與成效追蹤 . BME Annual Symposium 2017 .2017

17. 2017 Chen SC,Peng CW,Hsieh TH. Relationship between Mechanical Impact and Neurological Properties following Weight-Drop Induced Traumatic Brain . The 5th Asia Symposium on Engineering and Information (ASEAI 2017) .2017

18. 2017 Y. F. Ko,Y. K.Huang,Y. L. Chen,C. H. Lai,S. C. Chen. A Multi-­‐input Multi-­‐output Platform for Assistive Technology Followed by Developing Individual-­‐specific Systems:for Severe Quadriplegic . 2017 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine and Biology Applications (SEMBA) .2017

19. 2016 Peng CW,Chen SC,Chen JJ. Low Intensity Functional Electrical Stimulation Assisted Cycling Training in Stroke . International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology 2016 (iCREATe) .2016

20. 2016 Chow MH,Chen SC,Hsieh TH,Peng CW. Effects of cortical electrical stimulation on motor plasticity in rats with traumatic brain injury. . The 10th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) .2016

21. 2016 Peng CW,Chen SC,Hsieh TH. Motor plasticity induced by intermittent theta burst cortical electrical stimulation in rats with traumatic brain injury . The International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology (BIOTECH -2016) .2016

22. 2016 神經調控與機器人科技在腦性麻痺. . 台灣小兒神經醫學會 2016 .2016

23. 2016 Chien Hung Lai,Kun I Chiu,Chih Wei Peng,Jiunn Horng Kang,Chih Chao Hsu,Shih Ching Chen. Robotic assisted Gait Training in Individuals with Stroke. . The International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) Congress .2016

24. 2016 Hsu Chih-Chao,Jaw Fu-Shan,Ko Yi-Feng,Huang Yin-Kai, Chen Shih-Ching. Compared newly design 3D printing ankle foot orthosis with clinical effect in conventional ankle foot orthosis. . Asian Prosthetic and Orthotic Scientific Meeting 2016, Korea APOSM (2016) .2016

25. 2016 3D列印動態輔具系統研發 . 2016生物醫學工程科技研討會 .2016

26. 2016 Chen Shih-Ching,Hsu Chih-Chao,Ko Yi-Feng,Huang Yin-Kai,Chih-Wei Peng,Lai Chien-Hung. Clinical effect of a newly design 3D printing ankle foot orthosis in post-stroke hemiplegic patients. . International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology 2016 .2016

27. 2015 Chih-Wei Peng,T.H. Hsieh,S.C. Chen,C.H. Lai. Neuroplastic Modulation With Cortical Electrical Stimulation in Rodent Models . The 9th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology .2015

28. 2015 Chih-Wei Peng,Tsung-Hsun Hsieh,Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai. Neuroplastic Effects in the Rats with Cortical Electrical Stimulation . Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (2015 GCEAS) .2015

29. 2015 可攜式生物回饋與電刺激吞嚥訓練治療儀之研發與臨床應用(第一年) . 2015生物醫學工程科技研討會 .2015

30. 2015 Shih-Ching Chen,Chi-Wei Peng,Chien-Hung Lai. Low Current Intensity of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Training in Subjects with Stroke . .2015

31. 2015 Shih-Ching Chen. Feasibility of interactive video-game based exercise in Neurorehabilitation for the elderly . NeuroRehabilitation Medicine & Innovation Asia Congress .2015

32. 2015 陳適卿,彭志維,賴建宏,陳家進,張茜茹. 功能性踩車電刺激與中樞神經調控對中風者動作控制之影響 . .2015

33. 2013 Shih-Ching Chen,Chih-Wei Peng,Chien-Hung Lai,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Chih-Chao Hsu. Stroke Rehabilitation: From Conventional to Robotic Rehabilitation Pushing the Limit of Rehabilitation Robotics; Stroke Rehabilitation: From Conventional to Robotic Therapy . Asian Congress of Neuro Rehabilitation (ACNR) .2013

34. 2013 Shih-Ching Chen,Chih-Wei Peng,Chien-Hung Lai,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Chih-Chao Hsu,. Stroke Rehabilitation: From Conventional to Robotic Therapy(HOCOMA) . Asian Congress of Neuro Rehabilitation (ACNR) .2013

35. 2013 Shih-Ching Chen,Chih-Wei Peng,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Chien-Hung Lai,Sung-Hui Tseng. Advanced technology of Neuromodulation in PRM」(物理與康復醫學中神經調控的先進技術) . 7th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) .2013

36. 2013 Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Yu-Ru Wu,Chih-Wei Peng,Chun-Wei Kang,Yu-Luen Chen. Effects of Interactive Video-Game Based Exercise on balance in Diabetic Neuropathy . International Society for Posture and Gait Research .2013

37. 2012 Shih-Ching Chen,Su-Hsien Lin,Chien-Kai Lin,Hui-Shan Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Sung-Hui Tseng. Effects of Music Therapy on Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. . .2012

38. 2012 Chi-Yao Hung,Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Jiunn-Horng Kang,Chih-Wei Peng,Jun-Yu Chen. The Effects of Robot-Assisted Gait Training System on an adult with cerebral palsy A case report. . .2012

39. 2012 Chih-Wei Peng,Shih-Ching Chen,Chieh-Hung Lai,Wen-Jia Fan. Improves Bladder Emptying in Cystopathy by Pudendal Afferent Stimulation in Diabetic Rats. . .2012

40. 2010 Shih-Ching Chen. 跌倒風險預防與平衡訓練之評估 . 中國康復醫學雜誌 .2010 ;(25):8-8

41. 2010 Shih-Ching Chen. 台灣康復醫學的發展與現狀 . 全國綜合醫院康復醫學科建設與發展研討會 .2010

42. 2008 S.C. Chen,S.T. Hsu,C. L. Liu,C.H. Yu. Investigation of Similarities among Human Joints through the Coding System of Human Joint Properties-Part1 . International Conference on Biomedical Engineering .2008 ;(PS2):0-0

43. 2008 S.C Chen,S. T. Hsu,C. L. Liu,C.H. Yu. Investigation of Similarities among Human Joints through the Coding System of Human Joint Properties-Part2 . International Conference on Biomedical Engineering .2008 ;(PS2):0-0

44. 2008 陳適卿. Functional electrical stimulation cycling . 2008功能性電刺激國際研討會 .2008 ;(0):0-0

45. 2008 Shih-Ching Chen. Clinical efficacy of functional electrical stimulation cycling exercise . 1st Asian Oceania Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2008 ;(0):0-0

46. 2008 Shih Wei Chen,Shih Ching Chen,Chiun Fan Chen,Jin-Shin Lai,Te Son Kuo. The Control Strategy of FES Using Accelerometers in Standing Balance Training . 13th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society . .2008 ;(0):0-0

47. 2007 Shih-Ching Chen,Chung-Huang Yu,Cheng-Liang Liu,Yu-Hsien Wu,Yu-Luen Chen. A Kinematic Study of the Sway of Upper Limp through Normal Gait and Drop Foot . 12th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society .2007

48. 2007 Shih-Ching Chen,Chung-Huang Yu,Cheng-Liang Liu,Chi-Hsiang Kuo,Shan-Ting Hsu. Design of Surface Electrode Array Applied for Hand Functional Electrical Stimulation in the Variation of Forearm Gesture. . 12th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society .2007

49. 2007 Shih-Ching Chen,Chung Huang Yu,Cheng-Liang Liu,Chiang-Wei Chen. Study of Functional Electrical Stimulation by Using Slip and Force Sensors for Grasping. . 12th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society .2007

50. 2007 Shan-Ting Hsu,Shih-Ching Chen,Chung-Huang Yu,Cheng-Liang Liu. Establishment of the Coding System of Human Joint Properties . 中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會 .2007

51. 2007 陳適卿,游忠煌,劉正良,吳育賢. 正常步態與垂足步態對應於上肢運動學之研究 . 中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會論 .2007

52. 2007 康峻宏,陳適卿,曾頌惠. 脊雀側彎患者之雙側脊椎旁肌的肌肉硬度比較 . 台灣復健醫學學術研討會 .2007

53. 2007 康峻宏,曾頌惠,陳適卿,莫世煌,羅文政. 利用脊髓內Baclofen幫浦治療痙攣型腦性麻痺 . 台灣復健醫學學術研討會 .2007

54. 2006 Shih-Ching Chen,Chung-Huang Yu,Cheng-Liang Liu,Pen-Ning Yu. Using Force-feedback Control to Reduce Muscle Fatigue during the FES Grasp . IFESS 2006 .2006

55. 2006 Jia-Jin Jason Chen,Hsin-Yung Chen,Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Chih Chen. Clinical Applications of FES-cycling to SCI and Stroke Subjects for Smoother and Symmetrical Movement Patterns . IFESS 2006 .2006

56. 2006 Shih-Ching Chen,Chung-Huang Yu,Cheng-Liang Liu,Pen-Ning Yu,Kazunori Seki,Yasunobu Handa. Establishing a Surface Electrical Stimulation Strategy to Restore Hand Functions in Stroke Patients . IFESS 2006 .2006

57. 2006 陳適卿,游忠煌,劉正良,朱康靜. 藉由正常人之步態分析探討膝上截肢者使用義肢上樓梯之運動學輸入與輸出參數關係 . 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆學術研討會 .2006 ;(EIII):60-65

58. 2006 陳適卿,游忠煌,劉正良,趙若妤. 併用光電感測器與機械爪輪之導盲輔具之研發 . 中國機械工程學會第二十三屆學術研討會 .2006 ;(CIII):425-430

59. 2006 張光華,賴建宏,湯依寧,蕭文田,陳弘毅,劉燦宏,李志明,陳適卿. 後小兒麻痺患者之骨質密度初探 . 台灣復健醫學會九十五度學術研討會 .2006

60. 2006 余鄭錦峰,康峻宏,陳基宏,陳適卿,賴建宏. 成人小兒麻痺之睡眠品質、日間嗜睡、疲勞之相關性:先期研究 . 台灣復健醫學會九十五年度學術研討會 .2006

61. 2006 張光華,賴建宏,蕭文田,陳弘毅,湯依寜,劉燦宏,李志明,陳適卿. 後小兒麻痺患者體脂肪的比率與分佈狀況之初探 . 台灣復健醫學會九十五年度學術研討會 .2006

62. 2006 曾頌惠,簡金城,康峻宏,陳雅鈴,陳適卿. 發展遲緩兒童接受另類治療之調查 . 台灣復健醫學會九十五年度學術研討會 .2006

63. 2005 Chien-Hung Lai,Shih-Ching Chen,Wing P. Chen. Increases in Bone Mineral Density after Function Electrical Stimulation Cycling Exercise in Patients with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury . The 54th Annual Meeting of The Radiological Society of The Republic of China. .2005

64. 2005 Shih-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai,Wing P. Chen. Retardation of Bone Mineral Density Loss by Functional Electrical Stimulation-Induced Lower-Extremity Cycling Exercise in the . The 54th Annual Meeting of The Radiological Society of The Republic of China. .2005

65. 2005 Chen SC,Lai CH,Chen WS,Chen YL. Development and clinical assessment of a cop-feedback control fes training system for the hemiplegics . International Society Postural and Gait Research XVIIth Conference.2005 ISPGR .2005

66. 2005 陳適卿,游忠煌,劉正良,廖建仁. 光學滑動感測器運用於功能性電刺激之研究 . 中國機械工程學會第二十二屆全國學術研討會論文集 .2005

67. 2005 陳適卿,廖建仁,賴建宏,劉正良,游忠煌. The Study of Optical Slipping Sensor for Grasping in Functional Electrical Stimulation . 2005 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C .2005

68. 2004 Chen SC,Chen CJ,Chen WH,Chen YL,Chang WH. The Development of a Feedback Control FES Balance Training System and Clinical Application in Hemiplegia . 2004 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C .2004

69. 2004 Hsieh LF,Chuang CC,Chen WS,Chen SC. Comparison of Effectiveness of Supervised Aerobic Exercise and Home Exercise in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis . 華夏風濕學會論文 .2004

70. 2004 Chien-Hung Lai,Hsing-Wen Tsai,Jiuhn-Horng Kang,Mei-Shiuan Chiou,Shih-Ching Chen. Retrospective study of health status in subjects with poliomyelitis. . 2004 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C .2004

71. 2004 Y.L.Chen,Y.C.Chen,C.J.Chen,S.C.Chen,T.S. Kuo,W.H.Chang. Application of FES Control Using COG-Feedback in the Balance Training of Hemiplegic (I) . 2004 Annual Symposium of Biomedical Engineering Society .2004

72. 2004 Y.L.Chen,C.J.Chen,S.C.Chen,W.H.Chen,W.H.Chang. Application of FES Control Using COG-Feedback in the Balance Training of Hemiplegic (II) . 2004 Annual Symposium of Biomedical Engineering Society .2004

73. 2004 陳友倫,郭德盛,賴金鑫,陳適卿,陳修宏. 符合M3S輔具介面研發及應用-子計畫:符合M3S電腦暨環境控制輸入系統之研發及應用 . 2004 Annual Symposium of Biomedical Engineering Society .2004

74. 2004 陳適卿,游忠煌,劉正良,游本寧. 建立手部握何與力量回饋之表面式電刺激系統 . 中國機械工程學會第二十一屆全國學術研討會論文集 .2004

75. 2004 S.Chen,Y.Chen,Y.Chen,T.Kuo,C.Lai,J.Lai. Development of an FES system with COG-feedback control for the hemiplegics on balance training . 14th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2004

76. 2004 Shih-Ching Chen. Footwear and Foot Orthotics in Rheumatological Rehabilitation . Proceedings of 2004 Congress and Scientific Meeting,Chinese Medical Association. .2004

77. 2003 YL Chen, SC Chen, WL Chen, FT Tang. Paraplegic Adaptation to Assisted-Walking: Energy Expenditure During LLB Versus Orthosis (RGO, RGO&FES) Use . The 14th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy .2003

78. 2003 YL Chen, WL Chen, WH Chang, SC Chen, JF Lin. The Design of a Knee Lock Controller for Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) in Locomotion Training . The 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine-ISPRM .2003

79. 2003 陳友倫,陳羿辰,陳適卿,郭德盛. 重心迴饋控制功能性電刺激系統於偏癱患者平衡訓練之應用 . The Biomedical Engineering Society Annual, Taiwan .2003

80. 2003 陳友倫,陳羿辰,陳適卿,郭德盛. 功能性電刺激器於中風患者步行輔助之應用 . The Biomedical Engineering Society Annual, Taiwan .2003

81. 2003 C. Chiang, S. Chen, C. Chen, C. Lai, W. Chen. Efficacy of Magnetic Corsets in Low Back Pain Patients . The 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine-ISPRM 2003 .2003

82. 2003 S.-C. Chen, B.-N. Yu, Z.-C. Chen, C.-H. Lai, C.-H. Yu, Z.-L. Liu. Development of Patient-Driven Controller FES system to Restore Hand Functions . 2003 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2003

83. 2003 Shih-Ching Chen, Yi-Chen Chen, Jun-Hao Chen, Yu-Luen Chen, Te-Son Kuo. Development and Application of a FES Balance Training System for Hemiplegia . 2003 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2003

84. 2003 Chien-Hung Lai, Shih-Ching Chen, Chan-Hsiung Wen, Wei-Ling Hong, Cheng-Liang Liu. A Effects of Lower Limb Pumping System to Postural Hypotension of Cervical Spinal Cord Injuried . 2003 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2003

85. 2003 Tseng Sung Hui, Wang Ching Chung, Shih-Ching Chen. Chan-Hsiung Wen. The Effect of Selective COX-2 Inhibitors on MG-63 Cells . 2003 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2003

86. 2003 Y. H. Chiou, J. J. Luh, S. S. Chen, J. S. Lai, T. S. Kuo. Optimal Strtategy of the Patient-Driven Command Controller for Restoring . .2003

87. 2003 Shih-Ching Chen, Chung-Huang Yu, Cheng-Liang Liu, Pen-Ning Yu. Developing a Surface Functional Electrical Stimulation System with Force Feedback Control to Restore Hand Function . .2003

88. 2003 Shih-Ching Chen, Yi-Chen Chen, Jun-Hao Chen, Yu-Luen Chen, Te-Son Kuo. Development and Application of a FES Balance Training System for Hemiplegia . .2003

89. 2003 S.Chen,C.Chiang,C.Chen,C.Lai,L.Chen. The Therapeutic Effect of Magnets on knee Osteoarthritis . 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine-ISPRM 2003 .2003

90. 2003 Y.L.Lin,W.L.Chen,W.Chang,S.C.Chen,Y.L.Chen. Paraplegic Adaptation to Assisted-Walking:LLB VERSUS OTHOSIS (RGO,RGO and FES)USE . 2nd World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine-ISPRM 2003 .2003

91. 2002 I-Chun Chen, Shih-Ching Chen, Chung-Hung Yu, Jen-Sam Yeh, Chien-Hung Lai. Motion Analysis of Visual-Motor Integrated Functional Task in Children - A Preliminary Result . 2002 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2002

92. 2002 I-Chun Chen, Hsin-Chien Lee, Geng-Chang Yeh, Chien-Hong Lai, Shih-Ching Chen. The Relationship between Parental Concerns and Professional Assessment in Developmental Delay - a Hospital-based Study . 2002 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2002

93. 2002 Shih-Ching Chen, Cheng-Feng Chiang, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Wei-Hsiu Chen. The Therapeutic Effects of Magnets on Knee Osteoarthritis . 2002 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2002

94. 2002 Sung-Hui Tseng, Ching-Chiung Wang, Shih-Ching Chen, Ling-Ling Yang. A Preliminary Study of the Combined Treatment Effects of Chinese Medicine and Nonsteroid Anitiinflammatory Drugs on Inflammatory Responses . 2002 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2002

95. 2002 劉正良、游忠煌、陳適卿、陳昶宏. 以功能性電刺激恢復下半身癱瘓者站坐功能之閉迴路控制糸統建立及其評估 . 中國機械工程學會第十九屆全國學術研討會論文集 .2002

96. 2002 劉正良、游忠煌、陳適卿、林伯威、蔡容之. 手部關節角度與表面式電刺激參數關聯之研究 . 中國機械工程學會第十九屆全國學術研討會論文集 .2002

97. 2001 劉正良、游忠煌、陳適卿、吳文珊. 以功能性電刺激恢復下半身癱瘓者站坐功能之人體力學模型及軟體架構之建立. . 中國機械學會第十八屆全國學術研討會. .2001

98. 2001 Shih-Ching Chen, Yih-Zhang Ho, Chien-Hung Lai, Chao-Jung Chen, Wei-Han Chiang, Walter H. Chang. Effects of Training with High and Low-Frequency Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Contractile Properties in Rabbits. . The 6th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society. .2001

99. 2001 Ying-Han Chiou, Han-Chang Wu, Shih-Ching Chen, Te-Son Kuo. A Versatile Multichannel Electrical Stimulator for Functional Electrical Stimulation Applications. . 6th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society. .2001

100. 2001 C. H. Lai, Shih-Ching Chen, C. J. Chen, C. F. Chiang, C. Y. H. Hsu. Effects of Magnets on Neuromusculoskeletal Pain. . The 1st World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. .2001

101. 2001 Po-Wei Lin, Chung-Huang Yu, Shih-Ching Chen. New Functional Electrical Stimulation for Improving Grasping Function in Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury Patients- A Preliminary Research. . 2001 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2001

102. 2001 Cheng-Feng Chiang, Shih-Ching Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Chao-Jung Chen. Therapeutic Effects of Magnets on Knee Osteoarthritis. . 2001 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2001

103. 2001 Chien-Hung Lai, Feng-Chein Lin, Shiang-Juh Yin, Shih-Wei Liu, Walter H. Chang, Shih Ching Chen. The Study of Hemodynamic Changes Responding to Tilting Angles in The Spinal Cord Injured. . 2001 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2001

104. 2000 Shih-Ching Chen. The Therapeutic Effects of Electrical Stimulation on Spasticity. . 2000 International Symposium Contemporary Practice of Rehabilitation Medicine and Motor Control. .2000

105. 2000 Shih-Ching Chen , Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-HungLai, Wei-Han Chiang, Jing-Hwa Way, Cheng-Feng Chiang. The effects of Magnets on Median Nerve Conduction Studies in Human. . 2000 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

106. 2000 Shih-Ching Chen , Jing-Hwa Wey, Yih-Zhang Ho, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Walter H.Chang. The effects of Training with High-Frequency and Low-Frequency Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Contractile Properties in Rabbits. . 2000 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

107. 2000 Chien-Hung Lai, Sung-Hui Tseng, Chao-Jung Chen, Jing-Hwa Wey, Cheng-Feng Chiang , Shih-Ching Chen. Nerve Conduction Studies of Upper Extremities in Stroke Patients. . 2000 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

108. 2000 Shih-Ching Chen , Cheng-Feng Chiang, Chia-Yuan Hsu, Chao-Jung Chen, Chien-Hung Lai. The Effects of Magnets on Neuromusculoskeletal Pain. . 2000 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

109. 2000 Feng-Peng Yang, Jing-Hwa Wey, Cheng-Feng Chiang, Chien-Hung Lai, Chao-Jung Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. The Studies of Micturition, Defecation and Sexual Function following Spinal Cord Injury. . 2000 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

110. 2000 Pey-Yu Yang, Shih-Ching Chen, Yu-Chin Chen, Chung-Huang Yu, Mu-Jun Kao. Pendulum Test in Outcome Assessment of Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy Treated with Botulinum Toxin. . 2000 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .2000

111. 2000 Chung-Huang Yu, Nick Donaldson, Shih-Ching Chen. Difficulties in Joint Moment Measurement for Feedback Control in FES Hand Free Standing. . 1st Conference of Asia-Pacific Functional Electrical Stimulation Society in Cheju, Korea. .2000

112. 2000 Chung-Huang Yu, Nick Donaldson, Shih-Ching Chen. Coordination of Upper-Body Forces in FES Arm Supported Standing. . 1st Conference of Asia-Pacific Functional Electrical Stimulation Society in Cheju, Korea. .2000

113. 2000 Shih-Ching Chen, Shin-Yong Chen, Jia-Jin Jason Chen. Implementation of FES-cycling System with Network Capability for Multi-Center Clinical Studies. . 1st Conference of Asia-Pacific Functional Electrical Stimulation Society in Cheju, Korea. .2000

114. 2000 Chien-Hung Lai, Wei-Han Chiang, Chung-Huang Yu, Jih-Rong Lin, Shih-Ching Chen, Jia-Jin Jason Chen. The Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Rehabilitation Programs on Muscular System of the Spinal Cord Injured. . 1st Conference of Asia-Pacific Functional Electrical Stimulation Society in Cheju, Korea. .2000

115. 2000 Shih-Ching Chen, Chien-Hung Lai, Chung-Huang Yu, Jih-Rong Lin, Wei-Han Chiang, Jia-Jin Jason Chen. The Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Rehabilitation Programs on Bone Density of the Spinal Cord Injured. . 1st Conference of Asia-Pacific Functional Electrical Stimulation Society in Cheju, Korea. .2000

116. 1999 K. C. Wang, Shih-Ching Chen, L. W. Chang, J. S. Lai, T. S. Kuo. EMG Activity of Human Cycling at Different Constant Velocities and Load Levels-A Preliminary Study for an FES Ergometer System. . 4th Annual Conference of the International Conferencie of Functional Electrical. .1999

117. 1999 C.F.Lee, J.J.Luh, Shih-Ching Chen, J. S. Lai, T. S. Kuo. A DRNN Based shoulder Joint Angle Controller in FES Applications. . 4th Annual Conference of the International Conferencie of Functional electrical Stimulation. .1999

118. 1999 Shih-Ching Chen, Cheng-Tao Hu, Yasunobu Handa. The Therapeutic Effect of Long-Term Surface Electrical Stimulation on Stroke Spastic Hemiplegic Limbs. . 4th Annual Conference of the International Conferencie of functional Electrical Stimulation Society. .1999

119. 1999 Shih-Ching Chen, Cheng-Tao Hu, Yasunobu Handa. Supression of Spasticity by Needle Electrode Activating Ib Fiber. . 4th Annual Conference of the International Conferencie of Functional Electrical Stimulation society. .1999

120. 1998 Shih-Ching Chen, Yu-Chin Chen, Y. Handa. The Therapeutic Effect of Surface Electrical Stimulation on Spasticity. . 4th International Congress of International Neuromodulation Society. .1998

121. 1998 Ying-Shih Chen, Pey-Yu Yang.Shih-Ching Chen. Olivopontocerebellar atrophy-case report. . 1998 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .1998

122. 1997 Jing-Hwa Way, Po-Wei Lin, Shih-Ching Chen. Atypical Symptoms in a Patient with Arnold-Chiari Malformation-A Case Report. . 1997 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .1997

123. 1997 Yu-Ching Chen,Chien-Hung Lai, Po-Wei Lin, Chao-Jung Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. The Effect of TENS for Treatment of Spasticity – A preliminary study. . 1997 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R. O. C. .1997

124. 1997 Chien-Hung Lai, Jing-Hwa Way, Yu-Chin Chen, Po-Wei Lin, Ming-Shium Hsieh, Chao-Jung Chen, Shih-Ching Chen. The F-persistence Studies After APLD for Treatment of Radiculopathy - A Preliminay Study. . 1997 Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation Medicine Association R.O.C. .1997

1. 2020 Chapter 19 Assistive Technology (AT) and Environmental Control (EC) Devices . 6th edition of Braddom's Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation .2020

2. 2020 第十二章肌肉張力的評估及處置-痙攣與僵直 . 復健及物理醫學 .2020

3. 2017 Shih Ching Chen. Braddom's Rehabilitation Care: A Clinical Handbook edited by David X. Cifu. Chapter 19 . Braddom's Rehabilitation Care: A Clinical Handbook edited by David X. Cifu. Chapter 19 .2017

4. 2016 Shih Ching Chen. 及早恢復自理能力&避免再度中風健康指南 . 腦中風復健照護全書 .2016

5. 2013 Chen Shih-Ching. 第十三章高張肌肉之評估及處置-痙攣與僵直 . 復健及物理醫學 .2013


113 建立智慧輔助科技失智照護中心進行實作與社會經濟影響評估(3/3)

112 建立智慧輔助科技失智照護中心進行實作與社會經濟影響評估-建立智慧輔助科技失智照護中心進行實作與社會經濟影響評估(2/3)

111 建立智慧輔助科技失智照護中心進行實作與社會經濟影響評估-建立智慧輔助科技失智照護中心進行實作與社會經濟影響評估(1/3)

110 以智慧輔助科技介入失智症照護及其社會經濟影響-以智慧輔助科技介 入失智症照護及其社會經濟影響

108 i-CREATe 2020 國際復健工程與輔助科技大會

108 研發最適化電刺激系統治療脊髓損傷者下泌尿道障礙(2/2)

108 以失智症與照顧者為主體建置智慧輔助科技整合照護平台(重點主題:A1/A2)(2/2)

108 開發具有新穎功能之經顱電刺激系統(II)

107 研發最適化電刺激系統治療脊髓損傷者下泌尿道障礙(1/2)

107 以失智症與照顧者為主體建置智慧輔助科技整合照護平台(重點主題:A1/A2)(1/2)

107 開發具有新穎功能之經顱電刺激系統

106 為頸髓損傷四肢癱瘓者建置居家及工作場域智慧整合服務平台(重點主題:A6)(2/2)

105 醫學系陳適卿教授向本部申請邀請University of Wisconsin Smith Owen Roger教授,於106年04月11日至106年04月17日止來台訪問

105 智慧化醫材/輔具試驗場域建置專案

105 3D列印動態輔具系統研發-應用於偏癱者下肢(3/3)

105 為頸髓損傷四肢癱瘓者建置居家及工作場域智慧整合服務平台(重點主題:A6)(1/2)

105 發展國際級之「全方位復健研究中心」(第三年)

104 3D列印動態輔具系統研發-應用於偏癱者下肢(2/3)

104 多元輸入多功輸出之輔助科技通用開發平台建置及後續個人化專用系統研發 - 聚焦極重度肢障者

104 發展國際級之「全方位復健研究中心」(第二年)

103 3D列印動態輔具系統研發-應用於偏癱者下肢(1/3)

103 功能性電刺激踩車與中樞神經調控對中風者動作控制之影響(2/2)

103 以冥想治療與歌唱治療改善巴金森症患自律神經功能之研究

103 手持超音波平台在肌肉骨骼之應用評估

102 功能性電刺激踩車與中樞神經調控對中風者動作控制之影響(1/2)

102 可攜式生物回饋與電刺激吞嚥訓練治療儀之研發與臨床應用

102 功能性電刺激踩車與中樞神經調控對中風者動作控制之影響(1-2)

102 功能性電刺激踩車與中樞神經調控對中風者動作控制之影響(2/2)

102 可攜式生物回饋與電刺激吞嚥訓練治療儀之研發與臨床應用

102 數位多媒體互動技術於手腕復健訓練之研究

101 新式即時測量膀胱容量之系統之開發

101 動力輔助之電刺激復健系統:工程銜接臨床研究

101 供上肢復健訓練之數位滑板系統研製

100 具虛擬實境與功能性電刺激之遠距平衡復健系統研發

99 具虛擬實境與功能性電刺激之遠距平衡復健系統研發

98 具虛擬實境與功能性電刺激之遠距平衡復健系統研發

97 上肢支架融合型功能性電刺激系統之研發與整合(重點研究計畫)(3-3)

95 上肢支架融合型功能性電刺激系統之研發與整合(重點研究計畫)(1-3)

95 上肢支架融合型功能性電刺激系統之研發與整合(重點研究計畫)(2-3)

94 重心迴饋控制功能性電刺激系統於偏癱患者之復健應用(2/2)

94 發展肘部及肩部運動控制之融合型功能性電刺激系統

93 重心迴饋控制功能性電刺激系統於偏癱患者之復健應用(1/2)

92 重心迴饋控制功能性電刺激系統於偏癱患者之復健應用  

92 重心迴饋控制功能性電刺激系統於偏癱患者之復健應用

91 脊髓損傷者之神經科技輔具的研發與應用--子計畫三:以殘餘功能控制神經科技輔具重建脊髓損傷者之手部功能(3/3)

90 功能性電刺激輔助系統於脊髓損傷者復健之整合研究--子計畫一:多中心臨床測試--脊髓損傷者參加功能性電刺激踩車系統復健訓練對生理心理及社會功能之影響(2/2)

90 脊髓損傷者之神經科技輔具的研發與應用--子計畫三:以殘餘功能控制神經科技輔具重建脊髓損傷者之手部功能(2/3)

89 脊髓損傷者之神經科技輔具的研發與應用--子計畫三:以殘餘功能控制神經科技輔具重建脊髓損傷者之手部功能(1/3)

89 功能性電刺激輔助系統於脊髓損傷者復健之整合研究--子計畫一:多中心臨床測試--脊髓損傷者參加功能性電刺激踩車系統復健訓練對生理心理及社會功能之影響(1/2)

88 多中心臨床測試--脊髓損傷者參加功能性電刺激踩車系統復健訓練對生理心理及社會功能之影響