許準榕(Sheu, Joen-Rong) 教授

現   職
醫學科學研究所 教授
醫學院 副院長


學 歷

國立臺灣大學藥理學研究所 博士
私立臺北醫學院藥學系 學士




2020/08/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2017/08/01 ~
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2014/03/06 ~ 2014/12/21
2014/03/06 ~ 2014/12/22
2013/08/01 ~
2012/09/01 ~ 2016/01/31
2012/08/01 ~
2010/08/01 ~ 2012/08/31
2009/09/01 ~
2003/09/15 ~ 2007/07/31
2001/08/01 ~ 2004/09/09
1999/08/01 ~ 2014/01/31




一般藥理學實驗(免疫學,抗氧化,血酯 ,血糖, 肝臟,血壓)



1. 2023 Teng, R.D.,Yang, C.H.,Chung C.L., Sheu, J.R.,Hsieh, C.Y.. Attenuation of indoxyl sulfate-induced cell damage by cinchonidine-a Cinchona alkaloid through the downregulation of p53 signaling pathway by promoting MDM2 cytoplasmic-nuclear shuttling in endothelial cells. . Life Sciences .2023

2. 2023 Hsia, C.W.,Huang, W.C.,Jayakumar, T.,Hsia, C.H.,Hou, S.M.,Chang, C.C., Yen, T.L., Sheu, J.R.. Garcinol acts as a novel integrin αIIbβ3 inhibitor in human platelets. . Life Sciences .2023

3. 2023 Huang, W.C.,Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R. ,Hsia, C.W.,Hsia, C.H.,Yen, T.L., and Chang, C.C.. Mechanisms of glabridin inhibition of Integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out signals and NF-κB activation in human platelets. . Chin. Med.-UK .2023

4. 2023 Lu, K.J., Sheu, J.R.,Teng, R.D.,Jayakumar, T.,Chung, C.L.,Hsieh, C.Y. . Ability of local clearance of senescent cells in ipsilateral hemisphere to mitigate acute ischemic brain injury in mice. . Int. J. Biol. Sci. .2023

5. 2023 Lu, K.J.,Yang, C.H.,Sheu, J.R.,Chung, C.L.,Jayakumar, T.,Chen, C.M., Hsieh, C.Y. . Overexpressing glyoxalase 1 attenuates acute hyperglycemia−exacerbated neurological deficits of ischemic stroke in mice. . Transl. Res. .2023

6. 2023 Hsieh, C.Y.,Jayakumar, T.,Lin, K.C.,Yen, T.L.,Hsia, C.W, Huang, W.C., Sheu, J.R., and Hsia, C.H. . Morin hydrate suppresses lipoteichoic acid-induced oxidative stress-mediated inflammatory events in macrophages via augmenting Nrf2/HO-1 and antioxidant defense molecules. . Eur. J. Inflamm. .2023

7. 2023 Chang, Y., Hsia, C.W.,Huang, W.C.,Jayakumar, T.,Hsia, C.H,Yen, T.L., Sheu, J.R., Hou, S.M.. Myricetin as a promising inhibitor of platelet fibrinogen receptor in humans . Heliyon .2023

8. 2023 Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R. ,Yuan, K.C.,Yen, T.L,Hsia, C.W,Huang, W.C., Tseng, L.N., Chen, C.H., Hsia, C.H.. Anti-inflammatory mechanism of morin hydrate by suppressing the NF-κB/MAPKs mediated cell migration and modulating Src/FAK and β-catenin . Natural Product Commun .2023

9. 2022 Decreased human platelet activation and mouse pulmonary thrombosis by rutaecarpine and comparison of the relative effectiveness with BAY11-7082: crucial signals of p38-NF-κB. . Molecules .2022 ;(27):1-14

10. 2022 Targeting MAPK/NF-κB pathways in anti-inflammatory potential of rutaecarpine: impact on Src/FAK-mediated macrophage migration. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2022 ;(23):1-15

11. 2022 Anti-inflammatory mechanism of an alkaloid rutaecarpine in LTA-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells: pivotal role on NF-κB and ERK/p38 signaling molecules. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2022

12. 2022 Influence of garlic (Allium sativum) clove‑based selenium nanoparticles on status of nutritional, biochemical, enzymological, and gene expressions in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachiumrosenbergii (De Man, 1879). . Biol. Trace Elem. Res. .2022

13. 2022 Yohimbine, an alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist, suppresses PDGF-BB-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation by downregulating the PLC1 signaling pathway. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2022

14. 2022 Activation of Nrf2 by esculetin mitigates inflammatory responses through suppression of NF-κB signaling cascade in RAW 264.7 Cells. . Molecules .2022

15. 2022 Nature or synthetic compounds for treating arterial thrombosis and ischemic stroke. . Appl. Sci. .2022

16. 2022 Glabridin, a bioactive flavonoid from licorice, effectively inhibits platelet activation in humans and mice. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2022

17. 2021 Platelet autophagic machinery involved in thrombosis through a novel linkage of AMPK/mTOR to sphingolipid metabolism. . Autophagy .2021

18. 2021 Pterostilbene, a dimethylether analogue of resveratrol, possesses high potency in the prevention of platelet activation in humans and reduction of vascular thrombosis in mice. . J. Agri. Food Chem. .2021

19. 2021 The antithrombotic agent pterostilbene interferes with integrin αiibβ3-mediated inside-out and outside-in signals in human platelets. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2021

20. 2021 Columbianadin dampens in vitro inflammatory actions and inhibits liver injury via inhibition of NF-κB/MAPKs: impacts on OH redicals and HO-1 expression. . Antioxidants .2021

21. 2021 Involvement of antioxidant defenses and NF-κB/ERK signaling in anti-inflammatory effects of natural stilbenoid pterostilbene. . Appl. Sci. .2021

22. 2021 First record of a seed shrimp (Ostracoda: Podocopida) Cypretta campechensis (Cyprididae) in a perennial lake (Coimbatore, India): Its molecular identification. . Int. J. Fauna Biol. Study .2021

23. 2021 Hsia, C.W.,Huang, W.C.,Yang, C.H.,Hsia, C.H.,Jayakumar, T.,Bhavan, P.S., Sheu, J.R., Chiou, K.R. . Comparison of the potency of pterostilbene with NF-B inhibitors in platelet activation: mutual activation by Akt-NF-B signaling in human platelets. . Appl. Sci. .2021

24. 2021 Lien, L.M.,Lu, W.J.,Lin, K.H.,Kang, L.H.,Chen, T.Y.,Lin, B.J., Lu, Y.C., Huang, C.Y., Shih, C.M., Chen, H., Tsai, Y.C., Chen, R.J., and Sheu, J.R.. Influence of vincristine, clinically used in cancer therapy and immune thrombocytopenia, on the function of human platelets. . Molecules .2021

25. 2021 Huang, C.J.,Huang, W.C.,Lin, W.T.,Shu, L.H.,Sheu, J.R. ,Tran, O.T., Hsia, C.W., Jayakumar, T., Bhavan, P.S., Hsieh, C.Y., Chang, C.C.. Rutaecarpine, an alkaloid from Evodia rutaecarpa, can prevent platelet activation in humans and reduce microvascular thrombosis in mice: crucial role of the PI3K/Akt/GSK3β signal axis through a cyclic nucleotides/VASP-independent mechanism. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2021

26. 2021 Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R. ,Hsia, C.W.,Bhavan, P.S.,Chang, C.C. . Anti-inflammatory mechanisms of novel synthetic ruthenium compounds. . Appl. Sci. .2021

27. 2021 Hsia, C.H.,Jayakumar, T.,Lu, W.J.,Sheu, J.R. ,Hsia, C.W.,Bhavan, P.S., Manubolu, M., Huang, W.C., Chang, Y.. Auraptene, a monoterpene coumarin, inhibits LTA-induced inflammatory mediators via modulating NF-κB/MAPKs signaling pathways. . Evid-Based Comple. Alter. Med. .2021

28. 2020 Boopathy, A.B.,Jayakumar, T.,Rajaram, M.G.,Mohan, N.,Senthil, C.,Nagaraj S., Rengasamy, R., Manubolu, M., Sheu, J.R., Chang, C.C. Biomass and lipid production potential of an indian marine algal isolate Tetraselmis striata BBRR1. . Energies .2020 ;(13)

29. 2020 Jayakumar, T.,Huang, H.C.,,Hsia, C.W.,Fong, T.H.,Khamrang, T.,Manubolu, M., Sheu, J.R., Hsia, C.H. . Ruthenium derivatives attenuate LPS-induced inflammatory responses and liver injury via suppressing NF-B signaling and free radical production. . Bioorganic Chem. .2020 ;(96)

30. 2020 Hou, S.M.,,Hsia, C.W.,Tsai, C.L.,,Hsia, C.H.,Jayakumar, T.,,Velusamy, M., Sheu, J.R. . Modulation of human platelet activation and in vivo vascular thrombosis by columbianadin: regulation by integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out but not outside-in signals. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2020

31. 2020 Hsia, C.H.,Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R. ,Hsia, C.W.,Huang, W.C.,Velusamy, M., Lien, L.M. . Synthetic ruthenium complex TQ-6 potently recovers cerebral ischemic stroke: attenuation of microglia and platelet activation. . J. Clin. Med. .2020 ;(9)

32. 2020 Lee, T.Y.,Jayakumar, T.,Thanasekaran, P.,Lin, K.C.,Chen, H.M.,Veerakumar, P., Sheu, J.R. . Carbon dot nanoparticles exert inhibitory effects on human platelets and reduce mortality in mice with acute pulmonary thromboembolism. . Nanomaterials .2020

33. 2020 Hsia, C.W.,Wu, M.P.,Shen, M.Y.,Hsia, C.H.,Chung, C.L., Sheu, J.R. . Regulation of human platelet activation and prevention of arterial thrombosis in mice by auraptene through inhibition of NF-κB pathway. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2020 ;(21):1-14

34. 2020 Jayakumar, T.,Bhavan, P.S.,,Sheu, J.R.. Molecular targets of natural products for chondroprotection in destructive joint diseases. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2020

35. 2020 Hsia, C.W.,Yang, C.H., Sheu, J.R. . Reduction of NF-B signals in platelets and prolongation of platelet plug formation against high shear flow in whole blood on human subjects by Columbianadin. . Appl. Sci. .2020 ;(10):1-15

36. 2019 Lu, W.J. ,Lin, K.H., Tseng, M.F.,Yuan, K.C.,Huang, H.C., ,Sheu, J.R.. New therapeutic strategy of hinokitiol in hemorrhagic shock-induced liver injury. . J. Cell. Mol. Med. .2019 ;(23):1723-1734

37. 2019 Chih-Wei Hsia,Cheng-Lin Tsai,Joen-Rong Sheu,Wan-Jung Lu,Chih-Hsuan Hsia ,Marappan Velusamy, Thanasekaran Jayakumar, Jiun-Yi Li. Suppression of human platelet activation via integrin αIIbβ3 outside-in independent signal and reduction of the mortality in pulmonary thrombosis by auraptene. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2019 ;(20)

38. 2019 Hsieh, C.Y.,Sheu, J.R.,Yang, C.H.,Chen, W.L.,Tsai, J.H.,Chung, C.L.. Thrombin Upregulates PAI-1 andMesothelial–Mesenchymal Transition Through PAR-1 and Contributes to Tuberculous Pleural Fibrosis. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2019 ;(20)

39. 2019 Manubolu, M.,Pathakoti, K.,Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R.,Fraker, M.,Tchounwou, P., Poondamalli, P.R., Goodla, L.. Protective Effects of Ammannia baccifera Against CCl4-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats. . Int. J. Env. Res. Pub. He. .2019 ;(16)

40. 2019 Hsia, C.W.,Lin, K.C.,Lee, T.Y.,Hsia, C.H.,Chou, D.S.,Jayakumar, T., Velusamy, M., Chang, C.C., Sheu, J.R.. Esculetin, a coumarin derivative, prevents thrombosis: inhibitory signaling on PLCγ2–PKC–AKT activation in human platelets. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2019 ;(20)

41. 2019 Sheu, J.R.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Jayakumar, T.,Tseng, M.F.,Lee, H.N.,Huang, S.W., Manubolu, M., Yang, C.H.. A Critical Period for the Development of Schizophrenia-Like Pathology by Aberrant Postnatal Neurogenesis. . Front. Neurosci. .2019 ;(13)

42. 2019 Sheu, J.R.. Molecular Pharmacology and Pathology of Strokes . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2019 ;(19)

43. 2019 Jayakumar, T.,Huang, H.C.,Hsia, C.W.,Fong, T.H., Khamrang, T.,Manubolu, M., Sheu, J.R., Hsia, C.H.. Ruthenium derivatives attenuate LPS-induced inflammatory responses and liver injury via suppressing NF-kB signaling and free radical production. . Bioorganic Chem. .2019

44. 2019 Hsia, C.W.,Shyu, K.G.,Jayakumar, T.,Hsia, C.H.,Velusamy, M.,Yang, C.H., Sheu J.R. . Natural coumarin derivative esculetin regulates platelet activation via modulating NF-κB signaling in cyclic nucleotide-independent manner. . Nat. Prod. Commun. .2019

45. 2019 Sheu JR,Hsieh CY,Jayakumar T,Lin GY,Lee HN,Huang SW, Yang CH . HDAC6 dysfunction contributes to impaired maturation of adult neurogenesis in vivo: vital role on functional recovery after ischemic stroke. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2019 ;(26):1-17

46. 2019 Protective effects of Ammannia baccifera against CCl4-induced oxidative stress in rats. . Int. J. Env. Res. Pub. He. .2019

47. 2019 Hsia, C.W,Lin, K.C.,Lee, T.Y.,Chou, D.S.,Jayakumar, T.,elusamy, M., Chang, C.C., Sheu, J.R.. Esculetin, a coumarin derivative, prevents thrombosis: inhibitory signaling on PLCγ2–PKC–AKT activation in human platelets. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2019 ;(20)

48. 2018 Hsia, C.H.,Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R. ,Tsao, S.Y.,Velusamy, M.,Hsia, C.W., Chou, D.S., Chang, C.C., Chung, C.L., Khamrang, T., Lin, K.C.. Structure-Antiplatelet Activity Relationships of Novel Ruthenium (II) Complexes: Investigation of Its Molecular Targets. . Molecules .2018

49. 2018 Shyu, K.G.,Velusamy, M.,Hsia, C.W.,Yang, C.H.,Hsia, C.H.,Chou, D.S., Jayakumar, T., Sheu, J.R., LI, J.Y.. Novel iridium (III)-derived organometallic compound for the inhibition of human platelet activation. . Int. J. Mol. Med. .2018 ;(41):2589-2600

50. 2018 Shyu, R.S.,Khamrang, T.,Sheu, J.R.,Hsia, C.W.,Velusamy, M.,Hsia, C.H., Chou, D.S., Chang, C.C. . Ir-6: a novel iridium (III) organometallic derivative for inhibition of human platelet activation. . Bioinorg. Chem. Appl. .2018

51. 2018 Jayakumar, T., Liu, C.H.,Wu, G.Y.,Lee, T.Y.,Manjunath, M.,Hsieh, C.Y., Yang, C.H., Sheu, J.R.. Hinokitiol inhibits migration of A549 lung cancer cells via suppressing MMPs and inducing antioxidant enzymes and apoptosis. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2018

52. 2018 Rajarajam, M.G.,Nagaraj, S.,Manjunath, M.,Annakili, B.B.,Kurinjimalar, C.,Rengasamy, R., Jayakumar, T., Sheu, J.R., Li, J.Y.. Biofuel and biochemical analysis of amphora coffeaeformis RR03, a novel marine diatom, cultivated in an open raceway pond. . Energies .2018

53. 2018 Jayakumar, T.,Hsu, C.Y.,Khamrang, T.,Hsia, C.H.,Hsia, C.W.,Manjunath, M., Sheu, J.R.. Possible molecular targets of novel ruthenium complexes in antiplatelet therapy. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2018

54. 2018 Hsia, C.W.,Wu, M.P., Velusamy, M.,Hsia, C.H.,Chou, D.S.,Tsai, C.L., Hsu, C.Y., Jayakumar, T., Chung, C.L., Sheu, J.R. . Novel therapeutic agent against platelet activation in vitro and arterial thrombosis in vivo by morin hydrate. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2018

55. 2018 Wu, M.P.,Chang, N.C.,Chung, C.L.,Chiu, W.C.,Hsu, C.C.,Chen, H.M., Sheu, J.R., Jayakumar, T., Chou, D.S., Fong, T.H.. Analysis of titin in red and white muscles: crucial role on muscle contractions using a fish model. . BioMed. Res. Intl. .2018

56. 2018 Lu, W.J.,Chung, C.L. ,Chen, R.J. ,Huang, L.T,Lien, L.M.,Chang, C.C., Lin, K.H., Sheu, J.R.. A novel antithrombotic strategy by targeting phospholipase D in human platelets. . J. Clin. Med. .2018

57. 2018 Hsia, C.H. ,Velusamy, M. ,Jayakumar T. ,Chen, Y.J.,Hsia, C.W. ,Tsai, J.H., Teng, R.D., Sheu, J.R.. Mechanisms of TQ-6, a novel ruthenium-derivative compound, against lipopolysaccharide-induced in vitro macrophage activation and liver injury in experimental mice: the crucial role of p38 MAPK and NF-κB signaling. . Cells .2018

58. 2018 Yang, C.H.,Hsia, C.W. ,Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R.,Hsia, C.H. ,Khamrang, T, Chen, Y.J., Manubolu, M., Chang, Y.. Structure-activity relationship study of newly synthesized iridium-III complexes as potential series for treating thrombotic diseases. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2018

59. 2018 Sheu, J.R.,Chen, Z.C.,Hsu, M.J.,Wang, S.H.,Jung, K.W.,Wu, W.F., Pan, S.H., Teng, R.D., Yang, C.H., Hsieh, C.Y.. CME-1, a novel polysaccharide, suppresses iNOS expression in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages through ceramide-initiated PP2A activation. . J. Cell. Mol. Med. .2018

60. 2018 Hsia, C.H.,Lu, W.J.,Lin, K.H.,Chou, D.S.,Geraldine, P.,Jayakuma, T., Chang, N.C., Sheu, J.R.. NCTD, a clinical used chemotherapeutic agent, acts as a powerful inhibitor by interfering with fibrinogen-integrin IIb3 binding in human platelets. . J. Cell. Mol. Med. .2018 ;(22):2142-2152

61. 2017 Chang Y.,Li, J.Y.,Jayakumar T.,Hung S.H.,Lee, W.C.,Manjunath, M., Sheu, J.R., Hsu, M.J.. Ketamine, a clinically used anesthetic, inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation via PP2A-activated PI3K/Akt/ERK inhibition . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2017 ;(18)

62. 2017 Hsu, L.W.,Shiao, W.C.,Chang, N.C.,Yu, M.C.,Yen, T.L,Aloysius, P.T., Jayakumar, T., Sheu, J.R.. Tao-Ren-Cheng-Qi Tang protects rats against embolic stroke through TNF-α/p-JNK expression, OH radical formation and cell apoptosis. . Chin. Med.-UK .2017 ;(12):1-7

63. 2017 Hsia, C.W.,Velusamy, M.,Tsao, J.T.,Hsia, C.H.,Chou, D.S.,Jayakumar, T., Lee, L.W., Li, J.Y., and Sheu, J.R. . New therapeutic agent against arterial thrombosis: an iridium (III)-derived organometallic compound. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2017

64. 2017 Sheu, J.R.,Chen, Z.C.,Jayakumar, T.,Chou, D.S.,Yen, T.L.,Li, H.N., Pan, S.H., Hsia, C.H., Yang, C.H., Hsieh, C.Y.. A novel indication of platonin, a therapeutic immunomodulating medicine, on neuroprotection against ischemic stroke in mice. . Sci. Rep-UK .2017

65. 2017 Lee, T.Y.,Chang, C.C.,Lu, W.J.,Yen, T.L.,Lin, K.H.,Geraldine, P., Li, J.Y., Sheu, J.R.. Honokiol as a specific collagen receptor glycoprotein VI antagonist on human platelets: Functional ex vivo and in vivo studies. . Sci. Rep. .2017 ;(7):1-13

66. 2017 Wang, C.L.,Yang, P.S.,Tsao, J.T.,Jayakumar T.,Wang, M.J.,Sheu, J.R., Chou, D.S.. Mechanisms of free radical generation in platelets and primary hepatocytes: a novel electron spin resonance study. . Mol. Med. Rep. .2017 ;(17):2061-2069

67. 2017 ,Jayakumar, T., Sheu, J.R.. Antiplatelet activity of a newly synthesized novel ruthenium (III) complex: potential role for Akt/JNK signaling. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2017 ;(18):1-15

68. 2017 Anbukkarasia, M.,Thomasb, P.A.,Sheu, J.R.,Geraldinea, P.. In vitro antioxidant and anticataractogenic potential of silver nanoparticles biosynthesized using an ethanolic extract of Tabernaemontana divaricata leaves. . Biomed. Pharmacother. .2017 ;(91):467-475

69. 2017 Yang, C.H.,Yen, T.L.,Hsu, C.Y.,Thomas, P.A.,Sheu, J.R.. Multi-targeting andrographolide, a novel NF-κB inhibitor, as potential therapeutic agent for stroke. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2017 ;(18):1-13

70. 2017 Hsia, C.H.,Velusamy, M.,Sheu, J.R.,Khamrang, T.,Jayakumar, T.,Lu, W.J., Lin, K.H., Chang, C.C. . A novel ruthenium (II)-derived organometallic compound, TQ-6, potently inhibits platelet aggregation: Ex vivo and in vivo studies. . Sci. Rep-UK .2017 ;(7)

71. 2017 Yao, W.C.,Yuan, L.T.,Yang, W.B.,Hsia, C.H.,Huang, L.T.,Lee, T.Y., Sheu, J.R., Lu, W.J., Jayakumar, T., Chen, R.J.. Development of benzimidazole derivatives as novel anti-platelet drugs. . Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol. .2017 ;(18)

72. 2016 Yen,TL,Chen RJ,Jayakumar T,Lu WJ,Hsieh CY,Hsu MJ, Yang CH, Chang CC, Lin YK, Lin KH, and Sheu JR. Andrographolide stimulates p38 MAPK-Nrf2-HO-1 signaling in primary cerebral endothelial cells for definite protection against ischemic stroke in rats. . Transl. Res. .2016 ;(170):57-72

73. 2016 Lin, K.H.,Lin, K.C.,Lu, W.J.,Thomas, P.A.,Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R.. Astaxanthin, a carotenoid stimulates immune responses by enhancing IFN-γ and IL-2 secretion in primary cultured lymphocytes in vitro and ex vivo. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2016

74. 2016 Shen, M.Y.,Chen, F.Y.,Hsu, J.F.,Fu, R.H.,Chang, C.M.,Chang, C.T., Liu, C.H., Wu, J.R., Lee, A.S., Chan, H.C., Sheu, J.R., Lin, S.Z., Shyu, W.C., Sawamura. Plasma L5 levels are elevated in ischemic stroke patients and enhance platelet activation and aggregation. . Blood .2016 ;(127):1336-1345

75. 2016 Yen, T.L.,Wu, M.P.,,Chung, C.L.,Yang, W.B.,Jayakumar, T.,Geraldine, P, Chou, C.M., Chang, C.Y., Lu, W.J., and Sheu, J.R.. Novel synthetic benzimidazole-derived oligosaccharide, M3BIM, prevents ex vivo platelet aggregation and in vivo thromboembolism. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2016

76. 2016 Jayakumar, T.,Yang, C.H.,Geraldine, P.,Yen, T.L.,Sheu, J.R.. The pharmacodynamics of antiplatelet compounds in thrombosis treatment . Expert Opin. Drug Met. Toxicol. .2016

77. 2016 Chang, Y.,Hsu, W.S.,Yang, W.B.,Jayakumar, T.,Lee, T.Y.,Sheu, J.R., Lu, W.J., Li, J.Y.. Structure-activity relationship of three synthesized benzimidazole-based oligosaccharides in human platelet activation. . Int. J. Mol. Med. (in press) .2016

78. 2016 Jayakumar, T.,Lin, K.C.,Lu, W.J.,Lin, C.Y.,Pitchairaj, G.,Li, J.Y., Sheu, J.R.. Nobiletin, a citrus flavonoid, activates vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein in human platelets through non-cyclic nucleotide mechanisms. . Int. J. Mol. Med. (in press) .2016

79. 2016 Tzu-Yin Lee,Chao-Chien Chang,Wan-Jung Lu,Ting-Lin Yen,Kuan-Hung Lin,Pitchairaj Geraldine5, Jiun-Yi Li6*, and Joen-Rong Sheu1. Honokiol as a specific collagen receptor glycoprotein VI antagonist on human platelets: Functional ex vivo and in vivo studies . Sci. Rep-UK (in press) .2016

80. 2016 Lu, W.J.,Lin, K.C.,Liu, C.P.,Lin, C.Y.,Wu, H.C.,Chou, D.S., Geraldine, P., Huang, S.Y., Hsieh, C.Y., Sheu, J.R.. Prevention of arterial thrombosis by nobiletin: in vitro and in vivo studies. . J. Nutri. Biochem. .2016 ;(28):1-8

81. 2016 Jayakumar, T.,Yang, C.H.,Geraldine, P.,Yen, T.L.,Sheu, J.R.. The pharmacodynamics of antiplatelet compounds in thrombosis treatment . . Expert Opin. Drug Met. Toxicol. .2016

82. 2015 Kao, M.C.,Chung, C.Y.,Chang, Y.Y.,Lin, C.K.,Sheu, J.R.,Huang, C.J.. Salutary effects of cepharanthine against skeletal muscle and kidney injuries following limb ischemia/reperfusion. . Evid. Based Complement Alternat. Med. DOI: 10.1155/2015/504061. .2015

83. 2015 Lien, L.M.,,Wang, M.J.,Chen, R.J.,Chiu, H.C.,Wu, J.L.,Shen, M.Y., Sheu, J.R., Lin, K.H., Lu, W.J.. Nobiletin, a polymethoxylated flavone, inhibits glioma cell growth and migration via arresting cell cycle and suppressing MAPK and Akt pathways. . Phytother. Res. (in press) .2015

84. 2015 Chen, W.L.,Sheu, J.R.,Chen, R.J.,Hsiao, S.H.,Hsiao, C.J.,Chou, Y.C., Chung, C.L., Hsiao, G.. Mycobacterium tuberculosis upregulates TNF-α expression via TLR2/ERK signaling and induces MMP-1 and MMP-9 production in human pleural mesothelial cells. . PLoS One 10(9): e0137979. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137979. .2015

85. 2015 Sheu, J.R.,Thomas, P.A.,Cheng, J.T.. Novel Drugs Development for Cardio-/Cerebrovascular Diseases. . BioMed Res. Intl. DOI: 10.1155/2014/467936. .2015

86. 2015 Sheu, J.R.,Geraldine, P.,Yen, M.H.. Bioactives and Traditional Herbal Medicine for the Treatment of Cardiovascular/Cerebrovascular Diseases.2014/495323. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. DOI: 10.1155/2014/495323. .2015

87. 2015 Sheu, J.R.,Geraldine, P.,Yen, M.H.. Bioactives and Traditional Herbal Medicine for the Treatment of Cardiovascular/Cerebrovascular Diseases. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. DOI: 10.1155/2015/320545. .2015

88. 2015 Huang, C.H.,Lu, S.H.,Chang, C.C,Thomas, P.A.,Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R.. Hinokitiol, a tropolone derivative, inhibits mouse melanoma (B16-F10) cell migration and in vivo tumor formation. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2015 ;(746):148-157

89. 2015 Chang YF,Hsu YF,Chiu PT,Huang WJ,Huang SW,Ou G, Sheu JR, Hsu MJ. WMJ-S-001, a novel aliphatic hydroxamate derivative, exhibits anti-angiogenic activities via Src-homology-2-domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):85-100

90. 2015 Lee, J.J.,Chang, C.F.,Sheu, J.R.,Jayakumar, T.. Pharmacology and clinical effect of platonin, a cyanine photosensitizing dye: potential molecular targets . Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol. .2015 ;(15):700-711

91. 2015 Chang, Y.,Hsu, W.H.,Lu, W.J.,Jayakumar, T.,Liao, J.C.,Lin, M.J.Wang, S.H., Geraldine, P., Lin, K.H., Sheu. J.R.. Inhibitory mechanisms of CME-1, a novel polysaccharide from the mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis, in platelet activation. . Curr. Pharm. Biotechnol. .2015 ;(16):451-461

92. 2015 Chen, W.Y.,Chen, F.Y.,Lee, A.S.,Ting, K.H.,Chang, C.M.,Hsu, J.F., Lee, W.S., Sheu, J.R., Chen, C.H., Shen, M.Y.. Sesamol reduces the atherogenicity of electronegative L5 LDL in vivo and in vitro. . J. Nat. Prod. 78(2): 225-33. .2015 ;(78):225-233

93. 2015 Kao, M.C.,Yang, C.H.,Chou, W.C.,Sheu, J.R.,Huang, C.J.. Cepharanthine mitigates lung injury in lower limb ischemia-reperfusion. . J. Surg. Res. .2015 ;(199):647-656

94. 2015 Muralidharan, A,Selvaraj, C.,Singh, S. K.,Sheu, J.R.,Thomas, P.A.,Geraldine, P.. Structure-based virtual screening and biological evaluation of a calpain inhibitor for prevention of selenite-induced cataractogenesis in an in vitro system. . J. Chem. Inf. Model. .2015 ;(55):1686-1697

95. 2015 Lu,W.J.,Chang, C.C.,Lien, L.M.,Yen, T.L.,Chiu, H.C.,Huang, S.Y., Sheu, J.R., Lin, K.H.. Xanthohumol from Humulus lupulus L. induces glioma cell autophagy via inhibiting Akt/mTOR/S6K pathway. . J. Funct. Foods .2015 ;(18):538-549

96. 2015 Kao, M.C.,Yang, C.H.,Sheu, J.R.,Huang, C.J.. Cepharanthine mitigates pro-inflammatory cytokine response in lung injury induced by hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation in rats. . Cytokine .2015 ;(76):442-448

97. 2015 Huang, C.H.,Jayakumar, T.,Chang, C.C.,Fong, T.H.,Lu, S.H.,Thomas, P.A., Choy, C.S., Sheu, J.R.. Hinokitiol exerts anticancer activity through downregulation of MMPs 9/2 and enhancement of catalase and SOD enzymes: In-vivo augmentation of lung histoarchitecture. . Molecules .2015 ;(20):17720-17734

98. 2014 Chang YF,Hsu YF,Chiu PT,Huang WJ,Huang SW,Ou G, Sheu JR, Hsu MJ. WMJ-S-001, a novel aliphatic hydroxamate derivative, exhibits anti-angiogenic activities via Src-homology-2-domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 . Oncotarget .2014 ;(6):85-100

99. 2014 Lee, Y.M.,Chang, C.Y.,Yen, T.L.,Geraldine, P.,Lan, C.C.,Sheu, J.R. (corresponding author), Lee. J.J.. Extract of Antrodia camphorata exerts neuroprotection against embolic stroke in rats without causing the risk of hemorrhagic incidence. . Sci. World J. DOI:10.1155/2014/686109 .2014

100. 2014 Chen, Y.Y.,Hsu, M.J.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Lee, L.W,Chen, Z.C,Sheu, J.R.. Andrographolide inhibits nuclear factor-B activation through JNK-Akt-p65 signaling cascade in tumor necrosis factor-alpha-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cells. . Sci. World J. DOI:10.1155/2014/130381 .2014

101. 2014 Chen YY,Hsieh CY,Jayakumar T,Lin KH,Chou DS,Lu WJ, Hsu MJ, Sheu JR. Andrographolide induces vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis through a SHP-1-PP2A-p38MAPK-p53 cascade. . Sci. Rep. DOI:10.1038/srep05651. .2014 ;(4):---

102. 2014 Lien, L.M.,Chen, Z.C.,Chung, C.L.,Yen, T.L.,Chiu, H.C.,Chou, D.S., Sheu, J.R., Lu, W.J. and Lin, KH. Multidrug resistance protein 4 (MRP4/ABCC4) regulates thrombus formation in vitro and in vivo. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2014

103. 2014 Yen, T.L.,Lu, W.J.,Lien, L.M.,Thomas, P.A.,Lee, T.Y.,Chiu, H.C., Sheu, J.R. (corresponding author), Lin, K.H.. Amarogentin isolated from Gentiana lutea inhibits platelet activation through the inhibition of PLCgamma2-PKC and MAPK pathways. . BioMed. Res. Intl. 2014:728019. doi:10.1155/2014/728019. .2014

104. 2014 Chuang, Y.F.,Yang, H.Y.,Ko, T.L.,Hsu, Y.F.,Sheu, J.R.,Ou, G., Hsu, M.J.. Valproic acid suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression via MKP-1 in murine brain microvascular endothelial cells. . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2014 ;(88):372-383

105. 2014 Lin, K.H.,Lu, W.J.,Wang, S.H.,Fong, T.H.,Chou, D.S.,Chang, C.C., Chang, N.C., Chiang, Y.C., Sheu, J.R.. Characteristics of endogenous -aminobutyric acid (GABA) in human platelets: functional studies of a novel collagen glycoprotein VI inhibitor. . J. Mol. Med. .2014 ;(92):603-614

106. 2014 Chen, W.L.,Sheu, J.R.,Hsiao, C.J.,Hsiao, S.H.,Chung, C.L.,Hsiao, G.. Histone deacetylase inhibitor impairs plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression via inhibiting TNF-𝛼-activated MAPK/AP-1 signaling cascade. . BioMed. Res. Intl. 2014:231012. doi:10.1155/2014/231012. .2014

107. 2014 Huang, Y.K.,Lee, W.F.,Wang, M.J.,Chang, Y.H.,Tchaou, W.S.,Chang, W.J., Lee, S.Y., Sheu, J.R.. Chair-side quantitative oral-microflora screening for assessing familial correlation of periodontal status and caries prevalence. . PLoS ONE 30; 9: e87100.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087100. .2014 ;(9)

108. 2014 Shyu, K.G.,Chang, C.C.,Yeh, Y.C.,Sheu, J.R.,Chou, D.S.. Mechanisms of ascorbyl radical formation in human platelet-rich plasma. . BioMed. Res. Intl. 2014:614506. doi:10.1155/2014/614506. .2014

109. 2014 Hsieh, C.Y.,Hsiao, G.,Hsu, M.J.,Hsu, M.J.,Wang, Y.H.,Sheu, J.R. (corresponding author). PMC, a potent hydrophilic -tocopherol derivative, inhibits NF-B activation via protein phosphatase 2A mediated IB-independent pathway in LPS/IFN- activated vascular smooth muscle cells. . J. Cell. Mol. Med. .2014 ;(18):1278-1289

110. 2014 Lu WR,Lin KC,Huang SY,Thomas Philip Aloysi,Wu YU,Wu HC, Lin KH, Sheu JR. Role of a Janus kinase 2-dependent signaling pathway in platelet activation . Thromb. Res. .2014 ;(133):1088-1096

111. 2014 Jayakumar, T.,Chiu, C.C.,Wang, S.H.,Chou, D.S.,Huang, Y.K.,Sheu, J.R.. Anticancer effect of CME-1, a novel polysaccharide, purified from the Mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis against B16F10 melanoma cells. . J. Cancer Res. Ther. DOI: 10.4103/0973-1482.131365. .2014 ;(10):43-49

112. 2014 Chang, C.C.,Duann, Y.F.,Yen, T.L.,Chen, Y.Y.,Jayakumar, T.,Ong, E.T., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory action of andrographolide, a novel NF-B inhibitor, in vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and cerebral endothelial cell dysfunction. . Acta Cardiol. Sinica .2014 ;(30):308-315

113. 2014 Lu, W.J,Lin, S.C.,Lan, C.C.,Lee, T.Y.,Hsia, C.H.,Huang, Y.K., Lee, H.C., Sheu, J.R.. Effect of Antrodia camphorata in inflammatory arterial thrombosis-mediated platelet activation: the pivotal role of protein kinase C. . Sci. World J.DOI:10.1155/2014/745802 .2014

114. 2014 Jayakumar, T.,Elizebeth, A.R.,Yen, T.L.,Sheu, J.R.. Chinese medicine and bioactive coumponds for the treatment of stroke . Chin. J. Integr. Med. DOI:10.1007/s11655-014-1782-2 .2014

115. 2014 Lu, W.J.,Chang, N.C.,Jayakumar, T.,Liao, J.C.,Lin, M.J.,Wang, S.H., Chou, D.S., Thomas, P.A., Sheu, J.R.. Ex vivo and in vivo studies of CME-1, a novel polysaccharide purified from the mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis that inhibits human platelet activation by activating adenylate cyclase/cyclic AMP. . Thromb. Res. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2014.09.023. .2014

116. 2014 Lu, W.J.,Chang, N.C.,Jayakumar, T.,Liao, J.C.,Lin, M.J.,Wang, S.H., Chou, D.S., Thomas, P.A., Sheu, J.R.. Ex vivo and in vivo studies of CME-1, a novel polysaccharide purified from the mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis that inhibits human platelet activation by activating adenylate cyclase/cyclic AMP. . Thromb. Res. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2014.09.023. .2014

117. 2014 Yen, T.L.,Ong, E.T.,Lin, K.H.,Chang, C.C.,Jayakumar, T.,Lin, S.C., Fong, T.H., Sheu, J.R.. Potential advantages of Chinese medicine Taohong Siwu Decoction combined with tissue-plasminogen activator for alleviating middle cerebral artery occlusion-induced embolic stroke in rats . Chin. J. Integr. Med. .2014

118. 2013 Jayakumar, T.,Chiu, C.C.,Wang, S.H.,Chou, D.S.,Huang, Y.K.,Sheu, J.R.. Anticancer effect of CME-1, a novel polysaccharide, purified from the Mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis against B16F10 melanoma cells. . J. Cancer Res. Ther. (in press). .2013

119. 2013 Jayakumar, T.,Hsu W.H.,Yen T.L.,Luo J.Y.,Kuo, Y.C.,Fong, T.H., Sheu, J.R.. Hinokitiol, a natural tropolone derivative, offers neuroprotection from thromboembolic stroke in vivo. . Evid. Based Complement Alternat. Med. article ID 840487, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/840487. .2013

120. 2013 Chang, C.C.,Duann, Y.F.,Yen, T.L.,Chen, Y.Y.,Jayakumar, T.,Ong, E.T., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory action of andrographolide, a novel NF-B inhibitor, in vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and cerebral endothelial cell dysfunction. . Acta Cardiol. Sinica (in press). .2013

121. 2013 Lu, W.J.,Wu, M.P.,Lin, K.H.,Lin, Y.C.,Chou, H.C.,Sheu, J.R.. Hinokitiol is a novel glycoprotein VI antagonist on human platelets. . Platelets (in press) .2013

122. 2013 Wang MJ,Chang WJ,Lee WF,Lee SY,Sheu JR,Teng NC. The effects of funoran-containing xylitol chewing gum on dental plaque . J Polym Eng .2013 ;(0):1-6

123. 2013 Lin, K.H.,Kuo, J.R.,Lu, W.J.,Chung, C.L.,Chou, D.S.,Huang, S.Y., Lee, H.C., Sheu, J.R.. Hinokitiol inhibits platelet activation ex vivo and thrombus formation in vivo. . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2013 ;(85):1478-1485

124. 2013 Thanasekaran, J,Hsieh, C.Y.,Lee, J.J.,Sheu, J.R.. Experimental and clinical pharmacology of Andrographispaniculata and its major bioactive phytoconstituent andrographolide. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.ID 846740, doi: 10.1155/2013/846740 .2013

125. 2013 Chang Y,Chen WF,Lin KH,Hsieh CY,Chou DS,Lin LJ, Sheu JR, Chang CC. Novel bioactivity of ellagic acid in inhibiting human platelet activation. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.2013:595128. doi: 10.1155/2013/595128 .2013

126. 2013 Chen, Y.Y.,Hsu, M.J.,Sheu, J.R.,Lee, L.W.,Hsieh, C.Y.. Andrographolide, a novel NF-κB inhibitor, induces vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis via a ceramide-p47phox-ROS signaling cascade. . Evid. Based Complement Alternat. Med. 2013:821813. doi: 10.1155/2013/821813. .2013

127. 2013 Yi Chang,Steven Kuan-Hua Huan,Wan-Jung Lu,Chi-Li Chung,Wei-Lin Chen,Shun-Hua Lu,Kuan-Hung Lin,Joen-Rong Sheu. Brazilin isolated from Caesalpinia sappan L. acts as a novel collagen receptor agonist in human platelets . Journal of Biomedical Science. 20: 4. doi: 10.1186/1423-0127-20-4 .2013

128. 2013 Ting-Lin Yen,Wen-Hsien Hsu,Steven Kuan-Hua Huan,Wan-Jung Lu,Chao-Chien Chang,Li-Ming Lien,George Hsiao,Joen-Rong Sheu,Kuan-Hung Lin. A novel bioactivity of andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata on cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced brain injury through induction of cerebral endothelial cell apoptosis . Pharm Biol .2013 ;(51):1150-1157

129. 2013 Lin PH,Yeh SK,Huang WC,Chen HY,Chen CH,Sheue JR, Lin CT, Huang YK. Research Performance of Biomarkers from Biofluids in Periodontal Disease Publications . Journal of Dental Sciences .2013

130. 2013 Chen, W.F.,Lee, J.J.,Chang, C.C.,Lin, K.H.,Wang, S.H.,Sheu, J.R.. Platelet protease-activated receptor (PAR)4, but not PAR1, associated with neutral sphingomyelinase responsible for thrombin-stimulated ceramide-NF-κB signaling in human platelets. . Haematologica. .2013 ;(98):793-801

131. 2013 Jayakumar, T.,Chen, W.F.,Lu, W.J.,Chou, D.S.,Hsiao, G.,Hsu, C.Y., Sheu, J.R.Hsieh, C.Y.. A novel antithrombotic effect of sulforaphane via activation of platelet adenylate cyclase: ex vivo and in vivo studies. . J. Nutr. Biochem. .2013 ;(24):1086-1095

132. 2012 Chang, C.C.,Lu, W.J.,Ong, E.T.,Chiang, C.W.,Lin, S.C.,Huang, S.Y., Sheu, J.R.. A novel role of sesamol in inhibiting NF-κB-mediated signaling in platelet activation. . J. Biomed. Sci. doi:10.1186/1423-0127-18-93. .2012

133. 2012 Wang JJ,Huan SKH,Hsieh KH,Chou HC,Hsiao G,Thanasekaran J, Sheu JR. Inhibitory effect of midazolam on MMPs-9,-1 and 13 expression in PMA-stimulated human articular chondrocyte through recovering of NF-kB signaling . Arch Med Sci (in press) .2012

134. 2012 Sheu, J.R.,Jayakumar, T.,Chang, C.C.,Priya, S.,Ong, E.T.,Chen, Y.C., Elizebeth, A.R.. Pharmacological Actions of an Ethanolic Extracts of the Leaves Hemigraphis colorata and Clerodendron phlomoides. . Clin Mol. Med. .2012 ;(3):1-3

135. 2012 Lien, L.M.,Su, C.C,Hsu, W.H.,Lu, W.J.,Chung, C.L.,Yen, T.L., Chiu, H.C., Sheu, J.R., Lin, K.H.. Mechanisms of andrographolide-induced platelet apoptosis in human platelets: regulatory roles of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway. . Phytother. Res. doi: 10.1002/ptr.4911. .2012

136. 2012 Yen TL,Hsu CK,Lu WJ,Hsieh CY,Hsiao G,Chou DS,Wu GJ,Sheu JR. Neuroprotective effects of xanthohumol, a prenylated flavonoid from hops (Humulus Lupulus), in ischemic stroke of rats. . J. Agric. Food Chem. .2012 ;(60):1937-1944

137. 2012 Lee YM,Hsieh KH,Lu WJ,Chou HC,Chou DS,Lien LM,Sheu JR,Lin KL. Xanthohumol, a Prenylated Flavonoid from Hops (Humulus lupulus), Prevents Platelet Activation in Human Platelets. . Evid-Based Complement Alternat Med. doi:10.1155/2012/852362 .2012 ;(-):---

138. 2012 Lu, W.J.,Lin, K.H.,Hsu, M.J.,Chou, D.S.,Hsiao, G.,Sheu, J.R.. Suppression of NF-κB signaling by andrographolide with a novel mechanism in human platelets: regulatory roles of the p38 MAPK-hydroxyl radical-ERK2 cascade. . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2012 ;(84):914-924

139. 2012 Lu, Y.C.,Hsiao, G.,Lin, K.H.,Hsieh, M.S.,Jayakumar, T.,Wu, T.S., Sheu, J.R.. Cinnamophilin isolated from Cinnamomum philippinense protects against collagen degradation in human chondrocytes. . Phytother. Res. doi: 10.1002/ptr.4812. .2012

140. 2012 Mangindaan, D,Yared, I.,Kurniawan, H.,Sheu, J.R.,Wang. M.J.. Modulation of biocompatibility on poly(vinylidene fluoride) and polysulfone by oxygen plasma treatment and dopamine coating. . J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A. .2012 ;(100):3177-3188

141. 2012 Shen, M.Y.,Lin, Y.P.,Yang, B.C.,Jang, Y.S.,Chiang, C.K.,Mettling, C., Chen, Z.W., Sheu, J.R., Chang, C.L., Lin, Y.L., Yang, W.C.. Catenarin Prevents Type 1 Diabetes in Nonobese Diabetic Mice via Inhibition of Leukocyte Migration Involving the MEK6/p38 and MEK7/JNK Pathways. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. .2012 ;(2012):982396

142. 2011 Jayakumar, T.,Thomas, P.A.,Sheu, J.R.,Geraldine, P.. In-vitro and in-vivo antioxidant effects of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. . Food Res. Int. .2011 ;(44):851-861

143. 2011 Lu, Y.C.,Jayakumar, T.,Duann, Y.F.,Chou, Y.C.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Yu, S.Y., Sheu, J.R., Hsiao, G.. Chondroprotective role of sesamol by inhibiting MMPs expression via retaining NF-κB signaling in activated SW-1353 cells. . J. Agri. Food Chem. .2011 ;(59):4969-4978

144. 2011 Lee, Y.M.,Cheng, P.Y.,Chim, L.S.,Kung, C.W.,Ka, S.M.,Chung, M.T., Sheu, J.R.. Baicalein, an active component of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, improves cardiac contractile function in endotoxaemic rats via induction of heme oxygenase-1 and suppression of inflammatory responses. . J. Ethnopharmacol. .2011 ;(135):179-185

145. 2011 Jayakumar, T.,Sheu, J.R.. Cardiovascular pharmacological actions of rutaecarpine, a quinazolinocarboline alkaloid isolated from Evodia rutaecarpa. . J. Exp. Clin. Med. .2011 ;(3):63-69

146. 2011 Lu, W.J.,Lee, J.J.,Chou, D.S.,Jayakumar, T.,Fong, T.H.,Hsiao, G., Sheu, J.R.. A novel role of andrographolide, an NF-kappa B inhibitor, on inhibition of platelet activation: the pivotal mechanisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase/cyclic GMP. . J. Mol. Med. .2011 ;(89):1261-1273

147. 2011 Chou, Y.C.,Sheu, J.R.,Chung, C.L.,Hsiao, C.J.,Hsueh. P.J.,Hsiao. G.. Hypertonicity-enhanced TNF-α release from activated human monocytic THP-1 cells requires ERK activation. . Biochim. Biophys. Acta. .2011 ;(1810):475-484

148. 2011 Lee, Y.M.,Cheng, P.Y.,Chen, S.Y.,Chung, M.T.,Sheu, J.R.. Wogonin Suppresses Arrhythmias, Inflammatory Responses and Apoptosis Induced by Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion in Rats. . J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. .2011 ;(58):133-142

149. 2011 Wu, C.J.,Chou, Y.C.,Cheng, Y.W.,Hsiao, C.J.,Wang, C.H.,Wang, H.Y., Sheu, J.R, Hsiao, G.. Aristolochic acid downregulates monocytic matrix metalloproteinase-9 by inhibiting nuclear factor-κB activation. . Chem-Biol. Interact. .2011 ;(192):209-219

150. 2011 Hsieh, K.H.,Lee, J.J.,Lee, L.W.,Sheu, J.R.,Hwang S.T.,Chou, D.S.. Evaluation of antioxidants using an arachidonic acid-stiumlated platelet electron spin resonance system. . J. Food Drug Anal. .2011

151. 2011 Hsu, W.H.,Chang, W.W.,Sheu, J.R.,Hsiao, Y.K.,Tsai, Y.J.,Chou, D.S.. Studies on the inhibitory mechanisms of baicalein in B16F10 melanoma cell proliferation. . J. Food Drug Anal. .2011 ;(19):331-339

152. 2011 Chang, Y.,Uen, Y.H.,Chen, C.C.,Lin, S.C.,Tseng, S.Y.,Wang, Y.H., Sheu, J.R., Hsieh, C.Y.. The inhibitory effect of platonin on PDGF-BB-induced vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation: the pivotal role of JNK1/2-dependent signaling. . Acta Pharmacol. Sinica .2011 ;(32):1337-1344

153. 2011 Hsu, Y.F.,Sheu, J.R.,Lin, C.H.,Chen, W.C.,Hsiao, G.,Ou, G., Chiu, P.T., Hsu, M.J.. MAPK phosphatase-1 contributes to trichostatin A inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human umbilical vascular endothelial cells exposed to lipopolysaccharide. . Biochim. Biophys. Acta. .2011 ;(1810):1160-1169

154. 2011 Chang, Y.,Lee, J.J.,Chen, W.F.,Chou, D.S.,Huang, S.Y.,Sheu, J.R.. A novel role of inhibition of platelet activation by tamoxifen in washed human platelets. . Transl. Res. .2011 ;(157):81-91

155. 2011 Wu, C.J.,Chen, J.T.,Yen, T.L.,Jayakumar, T.,Chou, D.S.,Hsiao, G., Sheu, J.R.. Neuroprotection by the traditional Chinese medicine, Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang, against middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)-induced cerebral ischemia in rats. . Evid-Based Compl. Alt. Med. doi:10.1155/2011/803015. .2011 ;(9)

156. 2011 Hsieh CY,Hsu MJ,Hsiao G,Wang YH,Huang CW,Chen SW, Jayakumar T, Chiu PT, Chiu YH, Sheu J.R. Andrographolide enhances NF-κB subunit p65 Ser536 dephosphorylation through activation of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in vascular smooth muscle cells. . Journal of Biological Chemistry .2011 ;(286):5942-5955

157. 2011 Lee JJ,Hsu WH,Yen TL,Chang NC,Luo YJ,Hsiao G, Sheu JR. Traditional Chinese medicine, Xue-Fu-Zhu-Yu decoction, potentiates tissue plasminogen activator against thromboembolic stroke in rats. . J Ethnopharmacol. .2011 ;(134):824-830

158. 2010 Chou, Y.C.,Sheu, J.R.,Chung, C.L.,Chen, C.Y.,,Lin, F.L.,Hsu, M.J., Kuo, Y.H., Hsiao, G.. Nuclear-targeted inhibition of NF-kappaB on MMP-9 production by N-2-(4-bromophenyl) ethyl caffeamide in human monocytic cells. . Chem-Biol. Interact. .2010 ;(184):403-412

159. 2010 144. Chang, C.C.,Lee, J.J.,,Chiang, C.W.,Jayakumar, T.,Hsiao, G.,Hsieh, C.Y., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory effect of PMC, a potent hydrophilic α-tocopherol derivative, on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation: the pivotal role of PKC-α translocation. . Pharma. Biol. .2010 ;(48):938-946

160. 2010 Shiue, H.S.,Lee. Y.S.,Tsai, C.N.,Hsueh, Y.M.,Sheu, J.R.,Chang, H.H.. Gene expression profile of patients with phadiatop-positive and -negative allergic rhinitis treated with acupuncture . J. Altern. Complement Med. .2010 ;(16):59-68

161. 2010 Lee, Y.M.,Chen, W.F.,Chou, D.S.,Jayakumar, T.,Ho, S.Y.,Lee, J.J., Hsiao, G., Sheu, J.R.. Cyclic nucleotides and mitogen-activated protein kinases: regulation of simvastatin in platelet activation. . J. Biomed. Sci. 17:45; doi:10.1186/1423-0127-17-45 .2010

162. 2010 Hsieh, C.Y.,Liu, C.L.,Hsu, M.J.,Jayakumar, T.,Chou, D.S.,Wang, Y.H., Hsiao, G., Sheu, J.R. Inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation of vitamin E derivative pentamethylhydroxychromane in an in vitro and in vivo study: pivotal role of hydroxyl radical-mediated PLCγ1 and JAK2 phosphorylation. . Free Radic. Biol. Med. .2010 ;(49):881-893

163. 2010 Wu, G.J.,Lee, J.J.,Chou, D.S.,Jayakumar, T.,Hsiao, G.,Chen, W.F., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory signaling of 17β-estradiol in platelet activation: the pivotal role of cyclic AMP-mediated nitric oxide synthase activation. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2010 ;(649):140-149

164. 2010 Lin, K.H.,Chang, Y.F.,Fan, C.Y.,Jayakumar, T.,Lee, J.J.,Chou, D.S., Hsiao, G., Sheu, J.R.. Arsenic trioxide-mediated antiplatelet activity: pivotal role of the phospholipase Cγ2-protein kinase C-p38 MAPK cascade. . Trans. Res. .2010 ;(155):97-108

165. 2010 Chang, C.C.,Lu, W.J.,Chiang, C.W.,Hsiao, G.,Fong, T.H.,Chou, D.S., Sheu, J.R.. Potent antiplatelet activity of sesamol in an in vitro and in vivo model: pivotal roles of cyclic AMP and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. . J. Nutr. Biochem. .2010 ;(21):1214-1221

166. 2009 Lin, K.H.,Chang, H.C.,Lu, W.J.,Jayakumar, T.,Chou, H.C.,Fong, T.H., Hsiao, G., Sheu, J.R.. Comparison of the relative activities of inducing platelet apoptosis stimulated by various platelet-activating agents. . Platelets (in press) .2009

167. 2009 Chang, C.C.,Lee, J.J.,Chiang, C.W.,Jayakumar, T.,Hsiao, G.,Hsieh, C.Y., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory effect of PMC, a potent hydrophilic α-tocopherol derivative, on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation: the pivotal role of PKC-α translocation. . Pharma. Biol. ( in press) .2009

168. 2009 Hsu, M.J.,Sheu, J.R.,Lin, C.H.,Shen, M.Y.,Hsu, C.Y.. Mitochondrial mechanisms in amyloid beta peptide-induced cerebrovascular degeneration. . Biochim Biophys Acta. (in press). .2009

169. 2009 Wu, C.J.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Hsiao, G.,Chou, D.S.,Sheu, J.R.. Triflavin, an II3 disintegrin, inhibits cell adhesion and protein kinase C-alpha translocation in vascular smooth muscle cells. . Pharma. Biol. .2009 ;(47):948-954

170. 2009 Chang, Y.,Lee, J.J.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Hsiao, G.,Chou, D.S.,Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory effects of ketamine on lipopolysaccharide-induced microglial activation. . Mediators Inflamm. .2009 ;(2009):705379

171. 2009 Chou, D.S.,Hsiao, G.,Lai, Y.A.,Tsai, Y.J.,Sheu, J.R.. Baicalein induces proliferation inhibition in B16F10 melanoma cells by generating reactive oxygen species via 12-lipoxygenase. . Free Radic. Biol. Med. .2009 ;(46):1197-1203

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173. 2009 Ho, S.C.,Lee, K.Y.,Chan, Y.F.,Kuo, L.W.,Ito, K.,Adcock, I.M., Chen, B.C., Sheu, J.R., Lin. C.H., Kuo HP.. Neutrophil elastase represses IL-8/CXCL8 synthesis in human airway smooth muscle cells through induction of NF-B repressing factor. . J. Immunol. .2009 ;(183):411-420

174. 2009 Chang, Y.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Peng, Z.A.,Yen, T.L.,Hsiao, G.,Chou, D.S., Chen, C.M., Sheu, J.R.. Neuroprotective mechanisms of puerarin in middle cerebral artery occlusion-induced brain infarction in rats. . J. Biomed. Sci. (in press) .2009

175. 2008 Chamg TH,Liu CL,Lin KH,Lin MN,Hsiao G,Sheu JR. Neuroprotective Effects of Acetylsalicylic Acid in Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion-induced Brain Ischemia in Rats: Suppressed the iNOS, HIF-1alpha, TNF-alpha, and Active Caspase-3 Expressions . Pharm. Biol. (in press) .2008

176. 2008 Shen MY,Hsiao G,Fong TH,Chou DS,Sheu JR. Expression of amyloid beta peptide in human platelets: pivotal role of the phospholipase Cγ2-protein kinase C pathway in platelet activation . Pharmacological Research .2008 ;(57):151-158

177. 2008 Shen, M.Y,Hsiao, G.,Fong, T.H.,Chen, H.M.,Chou, D.S.,Lin, C.H., Sheu, J.R.. Amyloid beta peptide-activated signal pathways in human platelets. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2008 ;(588):259-266

178. 2008 Shen, M.Y.,Liu, C.L.,Hsiao, G.,Liu, C.Y.,Lin, K.H.,Chou, D.S., Sheu, J.R.. Involvement of p38 MAPK phosphorylation and nitrate Formation in aristolochic acid-mediated antiplatelet activity. . Planta. Med. .2008 ;(74):1240-1245

179. 2008 Chung, C.L.,Chen, C.H.,Yeh, C.Y.,Sheu, J.R.,Chang, S.C.. Early effective drainage in the treatment of loculated tuberculous pleurisy. . Eur. Respir. J. .2008 ;(31):1261-1267

180. 2008 Chung, C.L.,Sheu, J.R.,Liu, H.E.,Chang, S.C.,Chou, Y.C.,Chen, W.L., Chou, D.S., Hsiao, G.. Dynasore, a dynamin inhibitor, induces PAI-1 expression in MeT-5A human pleural mesothelial cells. . Am. J. Resp. Cell Mol. (in press) .2008

181. 2008 Shyu, K.G,Huang, W.C.,Tai, P.A.,Hsiao, G.,Chou, D.S.,Lee, L.W., Chen, J.S., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory effects of lycopene on the induction of NO, cytokines, and mitogen-activated protein kinase expressions by lipopolysaccharide in primary cultured microglia. . Pharma. Biol. .2008 ;(42):579-586

182. 2007 Hsiao, G.,Lee, J.J.,Chen, Y.C.,Lin, J.H.,Shen, M.Y.,Lin, K.H., Chou, D.S., Sheu, J.R.. Neuroprotective effects of PMC, a potent -tocopherol derivative, in brain ischemia-reperfusion: Reduced neutrophil activation and anti-oxidant actions. . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2007 ;(73):682-693

183. 2007 Chen, T.G.,Lee, J.J.,Lin, K.H.,Shen, C.H.,Chou, D.S.,Sheu, J.R.. Antiplatelet activity of caffeic acid phenethyl ester is mediated through a cyclic GMP-dependent pathway in human platelets. . Chin. J. Physiol. .2007 ;(50):121-126

184. 2007 Hsiao G,Lee JJ,Lin KH,Shen CH,Fong TH,Chou DS, S heu JR. Characterization of a novel and potent collagen antagonist, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, in human platelets: in vitro and in vivo studies . Cradiovascular Research .2007 ;(75):782-792

185. 2007 Shen MY,Hsiao G,Liu CL,Fong TH,Lin KH,Chou DS, Sheu JR. Inhibitory mechanisms of resveratrol in platelet activation: pivotal roles of p38 MAPK and NO/cyclic GMP . British Journal of Haematology .2007 ;(139):475-485

186. 2007 Chang Y,Hsiao G,Chen YC,Lin JH,Lin KH,Chou DS, Sheu JR. Tetramethylpyrazine suppresses the HIF-1, TNF-, and active caspase-3 expressions in middle cerebral artery occlusion-induced brain ischemia in rats . Acta Pharmacol. Sin .2007 ;(28):327-333

187. 2007 Pan CF,Shen MY,Wu CJ,Hsiao G,Chou DS,Sheu JR. Inhibitory mechanisms of gabapentin, an antiseizure drug, on platelet aggregation . Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology .2007 ;(59):1255-1261

188. 2007 Chou DS,Lee JJ,Hsiao G,Hsieh CH,Tsai YJ,Chen TF, Sheu JR. Baicalein induction of hydroxyl radical formation via 12-lipoxygenase in human platelets: an ESR study . J. Agric.Food Chem .2007 ;(55):649-655

189. 2006 Wu, C.J.,Sheu, J.R.,Chen, H.H.,Liao, H.F.,Yang, Y.C.,Yang, S., Chen, Y.J.. Modulation of monocyte-derived dendritic cell differentiation is associated with Ischemic acute renal failure. . J. Surg. Res. .2006 ;(132):104-111

190. 2006 Wu, C.J.,Sheu, J.R.,Chen, H.H.,Liao, H.F.,Yang, Y.C.,Yang, S., Chen, Y.J.. Renal ischemia/reperfusion injury inhibits differentiation of dendritic cells derived from bone marrow monocytes in rats. . Life Sci. .2006 ;(78):1121-1128

191. 2006 Chen, B.C.,Liao, C.C.,Hsu, M.J.,Liao, Y.T.,Lin, C.C.,Sheu, J.R., Lin, C.H.. Peptidoglycan-induced IL-6 production in RAW 264.7 macrophages is mediated by cyclooxygenase-2, PGE2/PGE4 receptors, protein kinase A, I kappa B kinase, and NF-kappa B. . J. Immunol. .2006 ;(177):681-693

192. 2006 Chou, D.S.,Lee, J.J.,Hsiao, G.,Hsieh, C.Y.,Tsai, Y.J.,Chen, T.F., Sheu, J.R.. Baicalein induction of hydroxyl radical formation via 12-lipoxygenase in human platelets: an ESR study. . J. Agri. Food Chem. .2006

193. 2006 Chou, D.S.,Chan, C.H.,Hsiao, G.,Shen, M.Y.,Tsai, Y.J.,Chen, T.F., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory Mechanisms of low concentrations of oxidized low-density lipoprotein on platelet aggregation. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2006 ;(13):333-343

194. 2006 Hsiao, G.,Chen, Y.C.,Lin, J.H.,Lin, K.H.,Chou, D.S.,Lin, C.H., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory mechanisms of tetramethylpyrazine in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)-induced focal cerebral ischemia in rats. . Planta Medica .2006 ;(72):411-417

195. 2006 Lee, Y.M.,Lee, J.J.,Shen, M.Y.,Hsiao, G.,Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory mechanisms of activated matrix metalloproteinase-9 on platelet activation. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2006 ;(537):52-58

196. 2006 Chang, Y.,Hsiao, G.,Chen, S.H.,Chen, Y.C.,Lin, J.H.,Lin, K.H., Chou, D.S., Sheu, J.R.. Tetramethylpyrazine suppresse4s the HIF-1, TNF-, and active caspase-3 expression in middle cerebral artery occlusion-induced brain ischemia in rats. . Acta Pharmacol. Sinica .2006

197. 2005 Chang, Y.,Chen, T.L.,Sheu, J.R.,Chen, R.M.. Suppressive effects of ketamine on macrophage functions. . Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. .2005 ;(204):27-35

198. 2005 Hsiao, G.,Wany Y,Tzu NH,Fong TH,Shen MY,Lin KH, Chou DS, Sheu JR. Inhibitory effects of lycopene on in vitro platelet activation and in vivo prevention of thrombus formation. . J. Lab. Clin. Med. .2005 ;(146):216-226

199. 2005 Chou DS,Hsiao G,Shen MY,Tsai YJ,Chen TF,Sheu JR. ESR spin-trapping of a carbon-centered free radical from agonist-stimulated human platelets. . Free Rad. Biol. Med. .2005 ;(39):237-248

200. 2005 Hsiao G,Lin KH,Chang Y,Chen TL,Tzu NH,Chou DS, Sheu JR. Protective mechanisms of inosine in platelet activation and cerebral ischemic damage. . Arterioscl. Thromb. Vas. Biol. .2005 ;(25):1998-2004

201. 2005 Hsiao G,Chang CY,Shen MY,Chou DS,Tzeng SH,Chen TF, Sheu JR. Alpha-naphthoflavone, a potent antiplatelet flavonoid, is mediated through inhibition of phospholipase C activity and stimulation of cyclic GMP formation. . J. Agri. Food Chem. .2005 ;(53):5179-5186

202. 2005 Hsiao G,Chou PH,Shen MY,Chou DS,Lin CH,Sheu JR. C-Phycocyanin, a Very Potent and Novel Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor from Spirulina platensis. . J. Agri. Food Chem. .2005 ;(53):7734-7740

203. 2005 Chou DS,Chan CH,Hsiao G,Shen MY,Tsai YJ,Chen TF, Sheu JR. Inhibitory Mechanisms of Low Concentrations of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein on Platelet Aggregation. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2005

204. 2005 Hsiao G,Chen YC,Lin JH,Lin KH,Chou DS,Lin CH, Sheu JR. Inhibitory mechanisms of tetramethylpyrazine in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)-induced focal cerebral ischemia in rats. . Planta Medica (in press) .2005

205. 2004 Chou, D.S.,Hsiao, G.,Shen, M.Y.,Fong, T.H.,Lin, C.H.,Chen, T.F., Sheu, J.R.. Low Concentration of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Suppresses Platelet Reactivity In Vitro: an Intracellular Study. . Lipids .2004 ;(39):433-440

206. 2004 Hsiao, G.,Shen, M.Y.,Chou, D.S.,Lin, C.H.,Sheu, J.R.. The antiplatelet activity of magnesium sulfate involved suppression of protein kinase C and Na+/H+ exchanger. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2004 ;(11):19-26

207. 2004 Sheu, J.R.,Fong, T.H.,Liu, C.M.,Shen, M.Y.,Chen, T.L.,Chang, Y., Lu, M.S., Hsiao G.. The release and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in human platelets: regulation of platelet activation in vitro and in vivo studies. . Br. J. Pharmacol. .2004 ;(143):193-201

208. 2004 Sheu, J.R.,Hsiao G.,Chou, P.H.,Shen, M.Y.,Chou, D.S.. Mechanisms Involved in the Antiplatelet Activity of Rutin, a Glycoside of the Flavonol Quercetin, in Human Platelets. . J. Agri.Food Chem. .2004 ;(52):4414-4418

209. 2004 Chang, Y.,Chen, T.L.,Hsiao, G.,Shen, M.Y.,Lin, K.H.,Chou, D.S., Lin, C.H., Sheu, J.R.. The Antiplatelet activity of ketamine is mediated through suppression of phosphoinositide breakdown and an increase in cyclic GMP. . J. Biomed Sci. .2004

210. 2004 Hsiao, G.,Fong, T.H.,Tzu, N.H.,Lin, K.H.,Chou, D.S.,Sheu, J.R.. A potent antioxidant, lycopene, affords neuroprotection against microglia activation and focal cerebral ischemia in rats. . In ViVo .2004 ;(18):351-356

211. 2004 Chen, B.C.,Chang, Y.S.,Kang, J.C.,Hsu, M.J.,Sheu, J.R.,Chen, T.L., Teng, C.M., Lin, C.H.. Peptidoglycan induces nuclear factor-kB activation and cyclooxygenase-2 expression via Ras, Raf-1, and ERK in RAW 264.7 macrophages. . J. Biol Chem. .2004 ;(279):20889-20897

212. 2004 Hsiao G,Huang, H.Y,Fong, T.H.,Shen, M.Y.,Lin, C.H.,Teng, C.M., Sheu, J.R.. Inhibitory mechanisms of PMC and YC-1 in the induction of iNOS expression by lipoteichoic acid in RAW 264.7 macrophages. . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2004 ;(67):1411-1419

213. 2004 Hsiao, G.,Shen, M.I.,Chou, D.S.,Chang, Y.,Lee, L.W.,Lin, C.H., Sheu, J.R.. Mechanisms of antiplatelet and antithrombotic activity of midazolam in in vitro and in vivo studies. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2004 ;(487):159-166

214. 2003 Sheu, J.R., Hsiao, G., Shen, M.Y., Lee, Y.M., Yen, M.H.. Antithrombotic effects of magnesium sulfate in in vivo experiments. . Int. J. Hematol. .2003 ;(77):414-419

215. 2003 Chuang, W.J., Wu, C.H., Huang, H.N., Wu, C.H., Hsiao, G., Lin, C.H., Sheu, J.R.. Triflavin, an Arg-Gly-Asp-containing disintegrin, binds effectively to resting and activated aIIbb3 integrin in human platelets. . Thromb. Res. .2003 ;(109):37-46

216. 2003 Hsiao, G., Shen, M.Y., Fang, C.L., Chou, D.S., Lin, C.H., Sheu, J.R.. Morphine-potentiated platelet aggregation in in vivo and platelet plug formation in in vivo experiments. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2003 ;(10):11-20

217. 2003 Hsiao, G., Shen, M.Y., Lin, K.H., Lan, M.H., Wu, L.Y., Chou, D.S., Lin, C.H., Sheu, J.R.. Antioxidative and hepatoprotective effects of Antrodia Camphorata Extract. . J. Agri.Food Chem. .2003 ;(51):3302-3308

218. 2003 Chen, R.M., Wu, C.H., Chang, H.C., Wu, G. J., Lin, Y.L., Sheu, J.R., Chen, D.L.. Propofol suppresses macrophage functions and modulates mitochondrial membrane potential and cellular adenosine triphosphate synthesis. . Anesthesiology .2003 ;(98):1178-1185

219. 2003 Wu, C.J., Sheu, J.R., Chen H.H., Shyur, S.D., Chen, P.G., Chen, Y.J.. Anti-leukemic immunity against U937 cells in uremic patients. . Neoplasma .2003 ;(50):54-59

220. 2003 Wang, T.M., Chiang, C.E., Sheu, J.R., Tsou, C.H., Chang, H. M., Luk, H.N.. Homogenous distribution of fast response action potentials in canine pulmonary vein sleeves: a contradictory report. . Int. J. Cardiol. .2003 ;(89):187-195

221. 2003 Hsaio G, Shen MY, Chang WC, Cheng YW, Pan SL, Kuo YH, *Sheu JR. A novel antioxidant, octyl caffeate, suppressed LPS/IFN-g-induced iNOS gene expression in rat aortic smooth muscle cells. . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2003 ;(65):1383-1392

222. 2003 Lee YM,Hsiao G,Chang JW,Sheu JR,Yeh MH. Scoparone inhibits tissue factor expression in lipopolysaccharide-activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2003 ;(10):518-525

223. 2003 Sheu JR,Hsiao G,Shen MY,Wang Y,Lin KH,Lin CH, Chou DS. Inhibitory mechanisms of metallothionein on platelet aggregation in in vitro and platelet plug formation in in vivo experiments. . Exp. Biol. Med. .2003 ;(228):1321-1328

224. 2003 Hsaio G,Shen MY,Chou CY,Tzu NH,Lin CH,Chou DS, Sheu JR. Inhibitory activities of kinetin in free radical formation of activated platelets in vitro and thrombus formation in vivo. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2003 ;(456):281-287

225. 2003 Kuo CS,Chiang LL,Lee CN,Yu MT,Pei KZ,Lee HM, Lee WS, Sheu JR, Lin CH. Induction of inducible nitrin oxide synthase in RAW 264.7 macrophages by lipoteichoic acid derived from Staphylococcus aureus: involvement of protein kinase C- and nuclear factor-kB-dependent mechanisms. . J. Biomed. .2003 ;(10):136-145

226. 2003 Kuo, C.S., Chiang, L.L., Lee, C.N., Yu, M.T., Pei, K.Z., Lee, H.M., Lee, W.S., Sheu, J.R., Lin, C.H.. Induction of inducible nitrin oxide synthase in RAW 264.7 macrophages by lipoteichoic acid derived from Staphylococcus aureus: involvement of protein kinase C- and nuclear factor-kB-dependent mechanisms. . J. Biomed. Sci. .2003 ;(10):136-145

227. 2003 78. Sheu, J.R., Hsiao, G., Shen, M.Y., Chou, C.Y., Lin, C.H., Chen, T.O., Chou, D.S.. Inhibitory mechanisms of kinetin, a plant growth-promoting hormone, in platelet aggregation. . Platelets .2003 ;(14):189-196

228. 2002 Chang MS, Lee WS, Teng CM, Lee HM, Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Lin CH. YC-1 increases cyclo-oxygenase-2 expression through protein kinase G- and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent pathways in A549 cells. . Br. J. Pharmacol. .2002 ;(136):558-576

229. 2002 Hsiao G, Lee JJ, Chou DS, Fong TH, Shen MY, Lin CH, Sheu JR. Platonin, a photosensitizing dye, improves circulatory failure and mortality in rat models of endotoxaemia. . Biol. Pharmaceut. Bullet. .2002 ;(25):995-999

230. 2002 Lin CH, Kuan IH, Wang CH, Lee HM, Lee WS, Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Wu CH, Kuo HP. Lipoteichoic acid-induced cyclooxygenase-2 express in human pulmonary epithelial cells requires activation of p44/42 and p38 MAPK signal pathways. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2002 ;(450):1-9

231. 2002 Ching CE, Luk HN, Wang TM, Sheu JR, Ding PYA. Genistein and tyrphostin AG 556 block the action potential shortening in septic shock. . Chin. Med. J. .2002 ;(65):570-579

232. 2002 Sheu JR, Yeh GC, Fang CL, Lin CH, Hsiao G. Morphine potentiated agonist-induced platelet aggregation through a2-adrenoceptors in human platelets. . J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. .2002 ;(40):743-750

233. 2002 Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Shen MY, Fong TH, Chen YW, Lin CH, Chou DS. Mechanisms involved in the antiplatelet activity of magnesium in human platelets. . Br. J. Haematol. .2002 ;(119):1033-1041

234. 2002 Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Shen MY, Lin WY, Tzeng CR.. The hyperaggregability of platelets from normal pregnancy is mediated through thromboxane A2 and cyclic AMP pathways . Clin. Lab. Haematol. .2002 ;(24):121-129

235. 2002 Hsiao G, Yen MH, Lee YM, Sheu JR. Antithrombotic effect of PMC, a potent alpha-tocopherol analogue on platelet plug formation in vivo . Br. J. Haematol .2002 ;(117):699-704

236. 2002 Lee PY,Yeh HI,Hou CJY,Chou YS,Tsai CH,Sheu JR. Comparison of clinical features and outcome in massive and non-massive pulmonary embolism. . Acta Cardiol. Sin. .2002 ;(18):173-180

237. 2002 Lee YM, Chen HR, Hsiao G, Sheu JR, Wang JJ, Yen MH. Protective effects of melatonin on myocardical ischemia/reperfusion injury in vivo . J. Pinral Res .2002 ;(32):1-9

238. 2002 Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Luk HN, Chen YW, Chen TL, Lee LW, Lin CH, Chou DS.. Mechansims involved in the antiplatelet activity of midazolam in human platelets . Anesthesiology .2002 ;(96):651-8

239. 2002 Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Lin WY, Chen TF, Chien YY, Lin CH, Tzeng CR. Mechanisms involved in agonist-induced hyperaggregability of platelets from normal pregnancy . J. Biomed. Sci. .2002 ;(9):17-25

240. 2001 Hsiao G., Lin YH, Lin CH, Chou DS, Lin WC, Sheu JR. The protective effects of PMC against chronic carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in vivo . Biol. Pharmaceutical Bullet .2001 ;(24):1271-1276

241. 2001 Lin CH,Kuan IH,Lee HM,Lee WS,Sheu JR,Ho YS, Wang CH, Kuo HP. Induction of cyclooxygenase-2 protein by lipoteichoic acid from Staphylococcus aureus of in human pulmonary epithelial cells: involvement of a nuclear factor-kB-dependent pathway. . Br. J. Pharmacol. .2001 ;(134):543-552

242. 2001 Lee YM, Hsiao G, Chen HR, Chen YC, Sheu JR, Yen MH.. Magnolol reduces myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via neutrophil inhibition in rats . Eur. J. Pharmacol .2001 ;(422):159-167

243. 2001 Lin CH, Sheu SY, Lee HM, Ho YS, Lee WS, Ko WC, Sheu JR.. Involvement of protein kinsas C in IL-1b-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human pulmonary epithelial cells. . Mol. Pharmacol. .2001 ;(57):36-43

244. 2001 Wu CH, Chen YC, Hsiao G, Lin CH, Liu CM, Sheu JR.. Mechanisms involved in the inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia by abciximab in a rats model of balloon angioplasty. . Thromb. Res. .2001 ;(101):127-138

245. 2001 Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Lee YM, Yen MH.. Antithrombotic effects of tetramethylpyrazine in in vivo experiments. . Int. J. Hematol. (in press) .2001 ;(73):393-398

246. 2001 Sheu JR, Wu CH, CHen YC, Hsiao G, Lin CH.. Mechanisms involved in the inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia by triflavin in a rats model of balloon angioplasty. . J. Lab. Clin. Med. .2001 ;(137):270-278

247. 2000 Sheu JR, Kan YC, Hung WC, Lin CH, Yen MH.. Tetramethylpyrazine, a naturally occurring ecNO synthase activator in human platelets. . Life Sci. .2000 ;(67):937-947

248. 2000 Sheu JR, Hung WC, Wu CH, Lee YM, Yen MH. Antithrombotic effect of rutaecarpine, an alkaloid isolated from Evodia rutaecarpa on platelet plug formation in in vivo experiments. . Br. J. Haematol. .2000 ;(110):110-115

249. 2000 Sheu JR, Lee CR, Lin CH, Hsiao G, Ko WC, Chen YC, Yen MH.. Mechanisms involved in the antiplatelet activity of Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid in human platelets. . Thrombos. Haemostas. .2000 ;(83):777-784

250. 2000 Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Lee CR, Lee LW, Su CH, Lin CH.. Antiplatelet activity of Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid is mediated through a cyclic AMP pathway. . Thromb. Res. .2000 ;(99):249-258

251. 2000 Lee YM, Yen MH, Peng YY, Sheu JR, Chen YC, Chang MJ, Cheng CY.. The antihypertensive and cardioprotective effects of (-)-MJ-451, an ATP-sensitive K+ channel opener. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .2000 ;(397):151-160

252. 2000 Hsiao G, Teng CM, Sheu JR, Cheng YW, Lam KK, Lee YM, Yen MH.. Cinnamophilin as a novel antiperoxidative cytoprotectant and free radical scavenger. . Biochem. Biophys. Acta .2000 ;(25128):1-12

253. 1999 Sheu JR, Lee CR, Lin CC, Kan YC, Lin CH, Hung WC, Lee YM and Yen MH. The antiplatelet activity of pmc, a potent a-tocopherol analogue, is mediated through inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase. . Br. J. Pharmacol. .1999 ;(127):1206-1212

254. 1999 Sheu JR, Hung WC, Su CH, Lin CH, Lee LW, Lee YM and Yen MH. The antiplatelet activity of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide is mediated through a nitric oxide/cyclic GMP pathway. . Eur J Haematol .1999 ;(62):317-326

255. 1999 Lee LW, Peng HC, Ko WC, Hung WC, Su CH, Lin CH, Huang TF, Yen MH and Sheu JR. Triflavin potentiates the antiplatelet activity of platelet activating factor receptor antagonist on activated neutrophil-induced platelet aggregation. . Eur. J. Pharmacol. .1999 ;(364):239-246

256. 1999 Hung WC, Lee CR, Chen YC, Sung MY, Yeh MH and Sheu RJ. Effect of escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide on human platelets. . NTJM .1999 ;(1):47-54

257. 1999 Ko WC, Kuo SW, Sheu JR, Lin CH, Tzeng SH and Chen CM. Relaxant action mechanisms of quercetin 3,3',4',5,7-pentamethy1 enter in isolated guinea pig trachea. . NTJM .1999 ;(2):98-106

258. 1999 Ko WC, Kuo SW, Sheu JR, Lin CH, Tzeng SH and Chen CM. Relaxant effects of quercetin methyl ether derivatives in isolated guinea pig trachea and their structure-activity relationshios. . Planta Medica .1999 ;(65):273-275

259. 1999 Lin CH, Sheu SY, Lee HM, Ho YS, Lee WS, Ko WC and Sheu JR. Involvement of protein kinase C-g in IL-1b-induced cyclo-oxygenase-2 expression in human pulmonary epithelial cells. . Mol. Pharmacol. (accepted). .1999

260. 1999 Sheu JR, Hung WC, Wu CH, Ma MC, Kan YC, Lin CH, Lin MS, Luk HN and Yen MH. Reduction in lipopolysaccharide-induced thrombocytopenia by triflavin in a rat model of septicemia. . Circulation .1999 ;(22):3056-3062

261. 1999 Sheu JR, Lee CR, Hsiao G, Hung WC, Lee YM, Chen YC and Yen MH. Comparison of the relative activities of a-tocopherol and pmc on platelet aggregation and antioxidative activity. . Life Sci. .1999 ;(65):197-206

262. 1999 Lee YM, Peng YY, Sheu JR, Cheng CH, Yen MH.. The effect of a newly synthesized ATP-sensitive potassium channel opener, MJ-355, on blood pressure and myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. . Jpn. J. Pharmacol .1999 ;(81):185-193

263. 1999 Sheu JR. Pharmacological effects of rutaecarpine, an alkaloid isolated from Evodia rutaecarpa. . Cardiovasc. Drug Reviews .1999 ;(17):237-245

264. 1998 Sheu JR, Kan YC, Hung WC, Su CH, Lin CH, Lee YM and Yen MH. The antiplatelet activity of rutaecarpine, an alkaloid isolated from Evodia rutaecarpa, is mediated through inhibition of phospholipase C. . Thromb. Res. .1998 ;(92):53-64

265. 1998 Sheu JR, Lee YM, Lee LW, Luk HN and Yen MH. Inhibitory mechanisms of naloxone on human platelets. . Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. .1998 ;(25):585-591

266. 1998 Ko WC, Sheu JR, Tzeng SH and Chen CM. The selective antianginal effect without changing blood pressure of butylidenephthalide in conscious rats. . Planta Medica .1998 ;(64):195-290

267. 1998 Chen MJ, Lee YM, Sheu JR, Hu CT and Yen MH. ATP-sensitive potassium-channel-opening activity in the rat of CL-065, a 3-[(substituted-carbonyl)amino]-2H-1-benzopyran. . J. Pharma. Pharmacol. .1998 ;(50):1-8

268. 1998 Lin CH, Lee YM, Sheu JR, Cheng CY, Chang MJ and Yen MH. Pharmacological characteristics of MJ-451, a new benzopyran-dreived ATP-sensitive potassium channel opener, in guinea-pig isolated tracts. . Pharmacology .1998 ;(57):314-322

269. 1998 Ko WC, Charng CY, Sheu JR, Tzeng SH and Chen CM. Effect of butylidenephthalide on calcium mobilization in isolated rat aorta. . J. Pharm. Pharmacol. .1998 ;(50):1365-1369

270. 1997 Ko WC, Sheu JR, Leu YR, Tzeng SH and Chen CM. Stereoselectivity of butylidenephthalide on voltage-dependent calcium channels in isolated guinea-pig ileum. . J. Pharma. Pharmacol. .1997 ;(49):1121-1125

271. 1997 Sheu JR, Hung WC, Lee LW, Chang PT, Kan YC and Mao HY. Mechanism involved in the antiplatelet activity of naloxone in human platelets. . Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. .1997 ;(231):12-16

272. 1997 Sheu JR, Kan YC, Hung WC, Ko WC and Yen MH. Mechanisms involved in the antiplatelet activity of tetramethylpyrazine in human platelets. . Thromb. Res. .1997 ;(88):259-270

273. 1997 Sheu JR, Ko WC, Hung WC, Peng HC and Huang TF. Interaction of thrombin-activated platelets with extracellular matrices ( fibronectin and vitronectin): comparison of the activity of Arg-Gly-Asp-containing venom peptides and monoclonal antibodies against glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex. . J. Pharma. Pharmacol. .1997 ;(49):78-84

274. 1997 Yen MH, Liu YC, Hong HJ, Sheu JR and Wu CC. Role of nitric oxide in lipopolysaccharide-induced mortality from spontaneously hypertensive rats. . Life Sci. .1997 ;(60):1223-1230

275. 1997 Sheu JR, Yen MH, Hung WC, Lee YM, Su CH and Huang TF. Triflavin inhibits platelet-induced vasocontraction in deendothelialized aorta. Arterioscl. . Thromb. Vas. Biol. .1997 ;(17):3461-3468

276. 1997 Sheu JR, Yen MH, Kan YC, Hung WC, Chang PT and Luk HN. Inhibition of angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo: comparison of the relative activities of triflavin, an Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptide and anti-avb3 integrin monoclonal antibody. . Biochim. Biophys. Acta. .1997 ;(1336):445-454

277. 1996 Sheu JR, Hung WC, Lee YM and Yen MH. Mechanism of inhibition of platelet aggregation by rutaecarpine, an alkaloid isolated from evodia rutaecarpa. Eur. . J. Pharmacol. .1996 ;(318):469-475

278. 1996 Sheu JR, Lee YM, Peng IH and Yen MH. Effect of DC-015, a novel potent and selective a1-adrenoceptor antagonist on plasma lipid and vascular reactivity in hyperlipidemic rats. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. . Physiol. .1996 ;(23):207-213

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1. 2019 Joen-Rong Sheu. Molecular Pharmacology and Pathology of Strokes. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2019


113 銀杏素對抗人類血小板活化與細胞自噬的機轉探討及促進恢復老鼠血管血栓的效力評估: 研究NF-κB在調控integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out 及outside-in 訊息傳遞作用的重要性(3/3)

113 細胞膜連結支架蛋白Shank3在血小板活化, 細胞自噬以及在缺血性腦中風的病理及生理角色: glabridin抑制Shank3所調控訊息作用的機轉探討(2/3)

113 延攬詹景勛君參與「銀杏素對抗人類血小板活化與細胞自噬的機轉探討及促進恢復老鼠血管血栓的效力評估:研究 NF- κ B 在調控 integrin α IIb β 3 inside-out 及 outside-in 訊息傳遞作用的重要性」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「 博士級研究人員」資格補助 (NSTC 113-2811-B-038-038)

112 Ginkgetin抑制Shank3引起的血小板活化與自噬作用之機轉探討

112 缺血性中風新藥小分子GPVI受體拮抗劑多劑量投藥之神經保護療效評估計畫

112 銀杏素對抗人類血小板活化與細胞自噬的機轉探討及促進恢復老鼠血管血栓的效力評估: 研究NF-κB在調控integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out 及outside-in 訊息傳遞作用的重要性(2/3)

112 延攬夏志瑋君參與「銀杏素對抗人類血小板活化與細胞自噬的機轉探討及促進恢復老鼠血管血栓的效力評估: 研究NF-κB在調控integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out 及outside-in 訊息傳遞作用的重要性」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助(NSTC 112-2811-B-038-045)

112 延攬詹景勛君參與「銀杏素對抗人類血小板活化與細胞自噬的機轉探討及促進恢復老鼠血管血栓的效力評估: 研究NF-κB在調控integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out 及outside-in 訊息傳遞作用的重要性」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助(NSTC 112-2811-B-038-064)

112 細胞膜連結支架蛋白Shank3在血小板活化, 細胞自噬以及在缺血性腦中風的病理及生理角色: glabridin抑制Shank3所調控訊息作用的機轉探討(1/3)

111 探討Aldose reductase對腦血管退化之關鍵角色

111 缺血性中風新藥小分子GPVI受體拮抗劑臨床前毒理試驗研究計畫

111 銀杏素對抗人類血小板活化與細胞自噬的機轉探討及促進恢復老鼠血管血栓的效力評估: 研究NF-κB在調控integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out 及outside-in 訊息傳遞作用的重要性(1/3)

111 研究計畫延攬印度籍THANASEKARAN JAYAKUMAR KUMAR君參與「銀杏素對抗人類血小板活化與細胞自噬的機轉探討及促進恢復老鼠血管血栓的效力評估: 研究NF-κB在調控integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out 及outside-in 訊息傳遞作用的重要性」

111 (醫學科學研究所許準榕教授)延攬邱志瑋君參與「銀杏素對抗人類血小板活化與細胞自噬的機轉探討及促進恢復老鼠血管血栓的效力評估: 研究NF-κB在調控integrin αIIbβ3 inside-out 及outside-in 訊息傳遞作用的重要性」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助(NSTC 111-2811-B-038-031)

110 銀杏素抑制血小板活化的機轉探討

110 乳木果油發酵產物之毒性測試研究計畫

110 奈米化小分子膠原蛋白glycoprotein VI受體拮抗劑之急性缺血性中風新藥研發計畫

110 吳茱萸生物鹼rutaecarpine調控血小板活化及自噬作用的機轉探討以及在自體血栓塊引起腦中風鼠的活性評估: NF-kB在無核細胞中的角色(3/3)

110 「吳茱萸生物鹼rutaecarpine調控血小板活化及自噬作用的機轉探討以及在自體血栓塊引起腦中風鼠的活性評估: NF-kB在無核細胞中的角色

109 Morin hydrate對血小板自噬作用以及對血小板活化過程中NF-κB調控路徑的影響

109 膠原蛋白glycoprotein VI受體拮抗劑之小分子急性缺血性中風新藥研發計畫

109 吳茱萸生物鹼rutaecarpine調控血小板活化及自噬作用的機轉探討以及在自體血栓塊引起腦中風鼠的活性評估: NF-kB在無核細胞中的角色(2/3)

109 印度籍THANASEKARAN JAYAKUMAR君參與「吳茱萸生物鹼rutaecarpine調控血小板活化及自噬作用的機轉探討以及在自體血栓塊引起腦中風鼠的活性評估: NF-kB在無核細胞中的角色」

108 Rutaecarpine經由調控NF-κB路徑對血小板活化與細胞自噬的影響

108 和寶良方天然精油的活性測試與功效評估

108 急性缺血性中風新藥-Honokiol-P之臨床前試驗研究計畫

108 醫學科學研究所申請補助延攬科技人才印度籍THANASEKARAN JAYAKUMAR KUMAR先生參與「膠原蛋白受體glycoprotein VI所調控的血小板細胞自噬作用中aldose reductase和NF-κB的訊息傳遞作用:內生性GABA在此無核細胞中的調節作用(II)」研究計畫案,業經核定以「博士後研究」資格補助(MOST 108-2811-B-038-504)

108 膠原蛋白受體glycoprotein VI所調控的血小板細胞自噬作用中aldose reductase和NF-κB的訊息傳遞作用:內生性GABA在此無核細胞中的調節作用(II)(2/2)

108 吳茱萸生物鹼rutaecarpine調控血小板活化及自噬作用的機轉探討以及在自體血栓塊引起腦中風鼠的活性評估: NF-kB在無核細胞中的角色(1/3)

107 探討在自體凝血塊引起腦中風後加入hinokitiol的活性評估以及可能的相關機轉探討

107 急性缺血性中風新藥-Honokiol-P之臨床前動物藥效學研究(III)

107 膠原蛋白受體glycoprotein VI所調控的血小板細胞自噬作用中aldose reductase和NF-κB的訊息傳遞作用:內生性GABA在此無核細胞中的調節作用(II)(1/2)

107 補助延攬科技人才印度籍THANASEKARAN JAYAKUMAR先生參與「膠原蛋白受體glycoprotein VI所調控的血小板細胞自噬作用中aldose reductase和NF-κB的訊息傳遞作用:內生性GABA在此無核細胞中的調節作用(II)」研究計畫案,業經核定以「博士後研究」補助

107 醫學科學研究所博士生李姿穎君擬於107年9月13日至9月16日赴加拿大溫哥華參加第37屆世界血液學大會,依本部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議作業要點申請補助費用乙案

107 醫學科學研究所博士生夏志瑋君擬於108年1月7日至1月9日赴新加坡參加2019年第9屆生物科學、生物化學和生物資訊學國際研討會

106 Aldose reductase (AR)調控膠原蛋白GPVI及凝血酶PAR4所引起血小板活化的新角色:在無核細胞中所扮演的訊息傳遞機制

106 德林生技複方植物活性萃取物—芝甘茶之不易形成體脂肪保健功效評估研究計畫

106 急性缺血性中風新藥-Honokiol-P之臨床前動物藥效學研究(II)

106 膠原蛋白受體glycoprotein VI所調控的血小板細胞自噬作用中aldose reductase和NF-kB的訊息傳遞作用:內生性GABA在此無核細胞中的調節作用

105 發展Benzimidazole 衍生物成為一種新的抗血栓藥物: 化學結構-活性之相關性研究

105 德林生技―天然植物活性萃取物(健康堡壘#1195)預防缺血性腦中風之療效及相關活性實驗

105 急性缺血性中風新藥-Honokiol-P之臨床前動物藥效學研究

105 Aldose reductase (AR)調控膠原蛋白GPVI及凝血?PAR4所引起血小板活化及細胞凋亡的新角色: Arf-AR在無核細胞中所扮演的訊息傳遞機制 (II)(2/2)

105 Aldose reductase (AR)調控膠原蛋白GPVI及凝血?PAR4所引起血小板活化及細胞凋亡的新角色: Arf-AR在無核細胞中所扮演的訊息傳遞機制 (II)(2/2)

105 Aldose reductase (AR)調控膠原蛋白GPVI及凝血?PAR4所引起血小板活化及細胞凋亡的新角色: Arf-AR在無核細胞中所扮演的訊息傳遞機制 (II)-THANASEKARAN JAYAKUMAR

105 醫學科學研究所博士班研究生夏志瑄君擬於105年10月30日至105年11月3日赴美國波士頓(Boston,Massachuseetts)參加 第19屆國際血管生物學會議

104 探討純化的多醣體CME-1 在ex vivo 和 in vivo實驗中可經由刺激adenylate cyclase/cyclic AMP進而抑制血小板的活化

104 德林生技―健康堡壘(#970915)預防缺血性腦中風之療效及相關活性實驗

104 東生華製藥―DRUG X 活體抗血栓活性評估

104 新厚朴酚水溶性衍生物之抗血栓活性評估

104 新厚朴酚水溶性衍生物預防缺血性腦中風之療效評估

104 Aldose reductase (AR)調控膠原蛋白GPVI及凝血?PAR4所引起血小板活化及細胞凋亡的新角色: Arf-AR在無核細胞中所扮演的訊息傳遞機制 (II)(1/2)

104 Aldose reductase (AR)調控膠原蛋白GPVI及凝血酶PAR4所引起血小板活化及細胞凋亡的新角色: Arf-AR在無核細胞中所扮演的訊息傳遞機制 (II)(1/2)

104 Aldose reductase(AR)調控膠原蛋白GPVI及凝血PAR4所引起血小板活化及細胞凋亡的新角色:Arf-AR在無核細胞中所扮演的訊息傳遞機制

104 醫學科學研究所碩士班研究生黃莉婷君擬於105 年2 月17 日至105 年2 月20

104 醫學科學研究所博士班研究生李姿穎君擬於105 年2 月17 日至105 年2 月20 日赴德國明斯特(Muenster)參加第60 屆血栓與凝血研究年會

103 冬蟲夏草純化的新多醣體CME-1抑制巨噬細胞發炎反應的分子機轉探討

103 Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE)抑制血小板活化反應的機轉探討

103 Platonin生物活性分析研究計畫

103 Aldose reductase (AR)調控膠原蛋白GPVI及凝血酉每PAR4所引起血小板活化及細胞凋亡的新角色: Arf-AR在無核細胞中所扮演的訊息傳遞機制

103 建立評估藥物治療缺血性腦中風及促進神經再生創新技術平台之產學聯盟(1/3)

103 赴捷克布拉格參加2015年實驗生物學協會議

102 HMG CoA抑制劑simvastatin調控血小板活化之分子機轉探討

102 在實驗動物發炎模式下自由基所扮演的角色

102 gamma-Aminobutyric acid 調控血小板活化,細胞凋亡及自體吞噬作用的機轉探討: NF-kappaB在無核細胞中non-genomic功能的新角色(3/3)

102 GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID 調控血小板活化,細胞凋亡及自體吞噬作用的機轉探討:NF-KAPPA B在無核細胞中NON-GENOMIC功能的新角色(3-3)

102 gamma-Aminobutyric acid 調控血小板活化,細胞凋亡及自體吞噬作用的機轉探討: NF-kappaB在無核細胞中non-genomic功能的新角色-JAYAKUMAR(博)

102 蝦紅素(astaxanthin)對免疫調節作用之功效評估研究計畫

101 Caesalpinia sappan L.活性成分brazilin在血小板中作為collagen受體刺激劑之機轉探討

101 氧化壓力在實驗動物模式所引起之後天性淋巴水腫中所扮演的角色

101 桃仁承氣湯及三黃瀉心湯併用aspirin治療缺血後腦中風及降低神經行為缺陷之交互作用與引起胃出血、顱內出血和蜘蛛膜下腔出血之風險評估(2-2)

101 gamma-Aminobutyric acid 調控血小板活化,細胞凋亡及自體吞噬作用的機轉探討: NF-kappaB在無核細胞中non-genomic功能的新角色

101 新的alpha-tocopherol衍生物pentamethylchromane阻斷血管平滑肌細胞不正常增生的機制探討

100 新的NF-κB抑制劑andrographolide調控血小板活化之機轉探討: NF-κB在p38 MAPK-hydroxyl radical-ERK2路徑的調節角色

100 淋巴管內皮細胞粒腺體導致細胞死亡的關鍵角色探討

100 固態栽培樟芝子實體單獨或併用aspirin治療缺血後腦中風及降低神經行為缺陷之交互作用與引發出血性副作用之風險評估

100 固態栽培樟芝子實體單獨或併用aspirin治療缺血後腦中風及降低神經行為缺陷之交互作用與引發出血性副作用之風險評估

100 探討中藥複方(SCD)抑制黑色素瘤所誘導肺腫瘤之效果

100 桃仁承氣湯及三黃瀉心湯併用aspirin治療缺血後腦中風及降低神經行為缺陷之交互作用與引起胃出血、顱內出血和蜘蛛膜下腔出血之風險評估(2-1)

100 gamma-Aminobutyric acid 調控血小板活化,細胞凋亡及自體吞噬作用的機轉探討: NF-kappaB在無核細胞中non-genomic功能的新角色

99 探討肉蓯蓉萃取物成品與其純化物對血小板及活體血栓之作用與機制

99 桃紅四物湯併用血栓溶解劑(rt-PA)在大鼠自體凝血塊引發腦栓塞的實驗模式中,兩者之交互作用及降低蜘殊膜下腔出血的影響

99 血小板粒腺體參與調節細胞凋亡、壞死及自我吞噬的機轉探討

98 評估葛根素併用血栓溶解劑rt-PA在大鼠自體血塊引發腦血管梗塞的加成效應

98 淋巴管內皮細胞粒腺體參與調節細胞凋亡及壞死的機轉探討

98 中藥傳統方劑葛根湯主要活性成分-葛根素(puerarin)在體內抗血栓及體外抑制血小板凝集作用之機轉探討

98 淋巴管內皮細胞粒腺體參與調節LPS引起細胞自我吞噬的機轉探討

98 血小板粒腺體參與調節細胞凋亡、壞死及自我吞噬的機轉探討

98 Sesamol抑制軟骨細胞表現基質金屬蛋白酵素的機轉探討及評估其對超高份子聚乙烯磨屑引起活體軟骨破壞的療效

97 中藥傳統方劑桃紅四物湯預防缺血性腦中風之療效評估

97 評估血府逐瘀湯併用血栓溶解劑rt-PA在大鼠自體血塊引發腦血管梗塞的加成效應

96 氣球擴張術引起老鼠動脈血管內膜增生的研究:比較triflavin和抗alphavbeta3單源抗體的相對作用機轉及活性

96 穿心蓮及血府逐瘀湯對缺血性─再灌流引起之腦梗塞之療效評估

96 血小板粒腺體參與調節細胞凋亡、壞死及自我吞噬的機轉探討

96 穿心蓮之有效成分andrographolide改善氣球擴張術誘發血管內膜增生之研究:抑制PDGF-BB引發血管平滑肌細胞不正常增生及降低LPS/IFN-gamma發炎反應之分子機轉探討

95 Platonin抑制PDGF-BB刺激大鼠血管平滑肌細胞增生之分子機轉探討

95 Baicalein經由細胞作用產生氫氧自由基之機轉探討

95 葛根之活性成分Puerarin併用Clopidogrel對預防缺血性腦梗塞之研究

95 樣澱粉腦血管病變─Amyloid-beta調節血小板MAPKs相關蛋白磷酸化及引起基因轉殖鼠大腦缺血性傷害的機轉研究(1-2)

95 樣澱粉腦血管病變─Amyloid-beta調節血小板MAPKs相關蛋白磷酸化及引起基因轉殖鼠大腦缺血性傷害的機轉研究(2-2)

95 血小板細胞凋亡之分子機制研究: 比較不同活化劑之間的差異性(1-2)

95 血小板細胞凋亡之分子機制研究: 比較不同活化劑之間的差異性(2-2)

95 穿心蓮之活性成分andrographolide對中腦動脈阻塞引起腦部傷害之保護作用:抑制血小板凝集及嗜中性白血球活化之機轉探討

94 血小板附著到不同基質蛋白及內皮細胞的機轉探討(3/3)

94 血小板附著到不同基質蛋白及內皮細胞的機轉探討:比較含RGD的peptides及抗beta3 integrin抗體的相對抑制活性(3/3)

94 樣澱粉引發隻腦血管疾病--Amyloid-beta及其前驅物APP在離體及活體動物實驗中對血小板活化產生不同作用的機轉探討(3/3)

93 川芎之活性生物鹼tetramethylpyrazine併用aspirin對預防缺血性腦梗塞之研究

93 血小板附著到不同基質蛋白及內皮細胞的機轉探討:比較含RGD的peptides及抗beta3 integrin抗體的相對抑制活性(2/3)

93 樣澱粉引發隻腦血管疾病--Amyloid-beta及其前驅物APP在離體及活體動物實驗中對血小板活化產生不同作用的機轉探討(2/3)

93 全身麻醉劑ketamine抑制缺血性腦中風的作用機轉探討

92 探討lycopene的神經保護作用: 抑制小神經膠細胞活化及防止大鼠中腦動脈因局部缺血所造成的血管梗塞  

92 建立中草藥預防中風之動物模式研究

92 血小板附著到不同基質蛋白及內皮細胞的機轉探討:比較含RGD的peptides及抗beta3 integrin抗體的相對抑制活性(1/3)

92 樣澱粉引發隻腦血管疾病--Amyloid-beta及其前驅物APP在離體及活體動物實驗中對血小板活化產生不同作用的機轉探討(1/3)

92 全身麻醉劑Ketamine抑制血小板凝集反應的機轉探討

91 蕃茄紅素(lycopene)抑制血小板凝集反應的機轉探討及活體抗血栓作用的評估

91 Ketamine及GHB引起中樞小神經膠細胞發炎反應的相對活性及毒理機轉研究

91 全身性發炎反應症候群引起血小板及小神經膠細胞活化的機轉探討:評估抗氧化劑的治療效果(II)

90 巴西蘑菇萃取物免疫提昇及相關毒理實驗

90 全身性發炎反應症候群引起血小板及小神經膠細胞活化的機轉探討:評估高壓氧及抗氧化劑的治療效果

90 氣球擴張術引起老鼠動脈血管內膜增生的研究:比較 triflavin 和抗αvβ3單源抗體的相對作用機轉及活性(II)(2/2)

89 氣球擴張術引起老鼠動脈血管內膜增生的研究:比較 triflavin 和抗αvβ3單源抗體的相對作用機轉及活性(II)(1/2)

89 敗血症致病因和治療之研究-比較格蘭氏陰性及陽性菌毒素對刺激小神經膠細胞.白血球及血小版釋放CYTOKINES及NITRIC OXIDE的相對活性2/2

89 全身性鎮靜麻醉劑midazolam抗血小板凝集作用的機轉探討

88 氣球擴張術引起老鼠動脈血管內膜增生的研究:比較triflavin和抗αvβ3單源抗體的相對作用機轉及活性(I)(1/3)

88 敗血症致病因和治療之研究-比較格蘭氏陰性及陽性菌毒素對刺激小神經膠細胞.白血球及血小版釋放CYTOKINES及NITRI

88 吳茱萸活性物物鹼rutaecarpine活體抗血栓作用的評估