王莉萱(Wang, Li-Hsuan) 教授

現   職
臨床藥學學科 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學藥學研究所博士班 博士
私立臺北醫學院藥學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院藥學系 學士




2013/08/01 ~




臨床藥學 (Clinical pharmacy)
藥物治療學 (Drug therapy)



1. 2024 Lin G-L,Keller JJ,Wang L-H. Association between statin use and the incidence of clinically diagnosed osteoarthritis: A nationwide retrospective cohort study in Taiwan . Cartilage .2024

2. 2023 慢性病人服藥配合度行為相關因素之問卷調查研究 . 台灣家醫誌 .2023 ;(32 ):285-300

3. 2023 Wang A-Y,Lin G-L,Keller JJ,Wang L-H. Association between antihyperlipidemic agents and the risk of chronic periodontitis in patients with hyperlipidemia: A population-based retrospective cohort study in Taiwan . Journal of Periodontology .2023

4. 2023 Hsu S-H,Tang K-P,Lin C-H,Chen P-C,Wang L-H. Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Investigate Type 2 Diabetes Patients’ Intention to Receive Injection Therapy . Frontiers in Public Health .2023 ;(11):1066633

5. 2023 Lin G-L,Lin H-C,Lin H-L,Keller JJ,Wang L-H. Association Between Statin Use and the Risk of Gout in Patients with Hyperlipidemia: A Population-Based Cohort Study . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2023 ;(14):109699

6. 2023 Chen CH,Lin HC,Lin HL,Keller JJ,Wang L-H. Association between antihyperlipidemic agent use and age-related macular degeneration in patients with hyper-lipidemia. A population-based retrospective cohort study . Biomedicines .2023 ;(11):1508

7. 2022 Cheng HY,Lin HC,Lin HL,Uang YS,Keller JJ,Wang LH. Association between Nonselective Beta-Blocker Use and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Without Cirrhosis and Decompensation . Frontiers in pharmacology .2022 ;(12):805318

8. 2022 Kapelemera AM,Uang Y-S,Wang L-H,Wu T-Y,Lee F-Y,Tai L, Wang C-C, Lee CJ. Pharmacokinetic herb-drug interactions of Xiang-Sha-Liu-Jun-Zi-Tang and paclitaxel in male Sprague Dawley rats and its influence on enzyme kinetics in human liver microsomes . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2022 ;(Accept):1

9. 2022 Lin S-F,Lin H-C,Lee M-Y,Keller J J,Wang L-H. Association Between GnRH Analogue Use and Atopic Diseases in Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . Plos one .2022

10. 2022 Liu SD,Lin SJ,Ray CY,Lin FT ,Lin WC,Wang LH. Associations of warfarin use with risks of ischemic cerebro-vascular events and major bleeding in patients with hyperthy-roidism-related atrial fibrillation . Biomedicines .2022 ;(10):2670

11. 2021 Lin HC,Chen YY,Lin HL,Uang YS,Ho Y,Wang L-H. Association between acid-suppressive drug use and atopic dermatitis in patients with upper gastrointestinal diseases: a population-based retrospective cohort study . Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. .2021

12. 2021 Kuo P-I,Lin T-M,Chang Y-S,Hou T-Y,Hsu H-C,Lin S-H, Chen W-S, Lin Y-C, Wang L-H, Chang C-C, Chen J-H. Primary Sjogren syndrome increases the risk of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: A matched cohort study . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):1612

13. 2021 Lin HC,Huang KT,Lin HL,Uang YS,Ho Y,Keller JJ, Wang L-H. Use of Gastric Acid–Suppressive Agents Increases the Risk of Dementia in Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Disease: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . Plos one .2021

14. 2021 Lin SJ,Tai L ,Huang YJ,Uang YS,Ho Y,Hsu KY, Wang LH. Effect of catechin and commercial preparation of green tea essence on the pharmacokinetics of L-dopa in rabbits . Biomedical Chromatography .2021

15. 2020 Lin HC,Hsu HY,Lin HL,Uang YS,Ho Y,Wang L-H. Association between acid-suppressive agents use and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma . Dose-response .2020

16. 2020 Lei Y-F,Lin HC,Lin HL,Uang YS,Cheng HW,Wang L-H. Association between use of antihyperlipidemic agents and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with hyperlipidemia: a population-based retrospective cohort study . International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease .2020 ;(15):2573-2581

17. 2018 Kachingwea BH,Uang YS,Huang TJ,Wang LH,Lin SJ. Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for quantification of NC-8 in rat plasma and its application to pharmacokinetic studies . J Food Drug Anal. .2018 ;(26):401-408

18. 2018 Yua W-N,Wang L-H,Cheng H-W. Regulatory Analysis on the Medical Use of Ephedrine-related Products in Taiwan . J Food Drug Anal. .2018 ;(26):481-486

19. 2018 Kachingwe B. H.,Wang L-H,Uang Y-S,Huang T-J,Lin S-J. Dose-dependent pharmacokinetics and tentative identification of urine metabolites from an isosteviol derivative with anti-hepatitis B activity in rats. . Biomedical Chromatography .2018

20. 2018 Ho Y,Chen Y-F,Wang L-H,Hsu K-Y,Chin Y-T,Yang Y-Chen, Wang S-H, Chen Y-R, Shih Y-J, Liu LF, Whang-Peng Jacqueline , Tang H-Y, Lin H-Y, Liu H-L, Lin S-J. Inhibitory effect of Anoectochilus formosanus extract on hyperglycemia-related PD-L1 expression and cancer proliferation . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2018 ;(9):807

21. 2018 Chi YC,Chen JL,Wang LH,Chang K,Wu C.L.,Lin SY, Keller JJ, Bai CH. Increased risk of periodontitis among patients with Crohn’s disease. a population-based matched-cohort study. . Int J Colorectal Dis. .2018 ;(33):1437-1444

22. 2017 Lin HC,Daimon M,Wang CH,Ho Y,Uang YS,Chiang SJ, Wang LH. Allopurinol, Benzbromarone and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Gout Patients: a Population-Based Study . International Journal of Cardiology .2017 ;(233):85-90

23. 2016 Wang LH,Liu CK,Chen CH,Kao LT,Lin HC,Huang CY. No increased risk of coronary heart diseases for patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer in Chinese/Taiwanese men . Andrology .2016 ;(4):128-132

24. 2016 Lin HC,Hsiao YT,Lin HL,Uang YS,Cheng HW,Wang Y, Wang L-H. The Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors Decreases the Risk of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Disease. A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study. . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e4195-e4195

25. 2015 Chiang SJ,Daimon M,Wang L-H,Hung M-J,Chang NC,Lin HC. Association between mitral valve prolapse and open-angle glaucoma . Heart .2015 ;(101):609-615

26. 2015 Keller JJ,Wang J,Hwang YL,Chou CC,Wang L-H,Hsu JL, Bai CH, Chiou HY. Increased risk of stroke among patients with Crohn’s disease: a population-based matched cohort study . Int J Colorectal Dis .2015 ;(30):645-653

27. 2015 Chen C-H,Chung C-Y,Wang L-H,Lin Che,Lin H-L,Lin H-C. Risk of cancer among HIV-infected patients from a population-based nested case-control study: implications for cancer prevention . BMC Cancer .2015 ;(15):133-141

28. 2015 Huang CY,Chung SD,Kao LT,Lin HC,Wang LH. Statin Use Is Associated with Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis: A Population-Based Case-Control Study. . Urologia Internationalis .2015 ;(95):227-232

29. 2015 Lin H-C,Chang CC,Chiou CS,Lin HL,Wang L-H,Chang YS. Increased risk of acute pancreatitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based cohort study . Plos One .2015 ;(10):e01351

30. 2015 Chung S-D,Chen C-H,Hung S-H,Lin H-C,Wang L-H. A population-based study on the association between statin use and sudden sensorineural hearing loss . Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery .2015 ;(152):319-325

31. 2014 Lin H-C,Kachingwe BH,Lin H-L,Cheng HW,Uang Y-S,Wang L-H. Effects of Metformin’s Dose on Cancer Risk Reduction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Six-year Follow-up Study . Pharmacotherapy .2014 ;(34):36-45

32. 2014 Chung S-D,Liu S-P,Lin H-C,Wang L-H. Increased Risk of Pneumonia in Patients Receiving Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonists for Prostate Cancer. . Plos one .2014 ;(9):e10125

33. 2014 Hung S-H,Wang L-H,Lin H-C,Chung S-D. Association between statin use and Bell's palsy: A population-based study . Drug safety .2014 ;(37):735-742

34. 2014 Keller JJ,Hsu J-L,Lin S-M,Chou C-C,Wang L-H,Wang J, Bai C-H, Chiou H-Y. Increased risk of stroke among patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a population-based matched-cohort study . Rheumatology International (Clinical and Experimental Investigations) .2014 ;(34):255-263

35. 2014 Lin H-C,Hsu Y-T,Kachingwe BH,Hsu C-Y,Uang Y-S,Wang L-H. Dose effect of thiazolidinedione on cancer risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Taiwan: A six years population based cohort study . Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics .2014 ;(39):354-360

36. 2014 Lin H-C,Lin H-L,Wang L-H,Hsu C-Y,Hsueh Y-M. Outcome of nonadherence to antimicrobial treatment guidelines in ambulatory patients with acute cystitis: A nationwide population-based study . Internal Medicine .2014 ;(53):1933-1939

37. 2014 Keller JJ,Wang Jui,Huang Y-L,Chou C-C,Wang L-H,Hsu J-L, Bai C-H, Chiou H-Y. Increased risk of stroke among patients with ulcerative colitis: a population-based matched cohort study. . Int. J. Colorectal Dis .2014 ;(29):805-812

38. 2013 Chung S-D,Lin C-C,Wang L-H,Lin H-C,Kang J-H. Zolpidem use and the risk of injury: A population-based follow-up study . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(8):e67459

39. 2012 Yang L-M,Chang S-F,Lin W-K,Chou B-H,Wang L-H,Lin P-C, Lin S-J. Oxygenated compounds from the bioconversion of isostevic acid and their inhibition of TNF-alfa and COX-2 expressions in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells . Phytochemistry .2012 ;(75):90-98

40. 2012 Kachingwe BHK,Wang L-H,Cheng HW. Antiretroviral therapy outcomes in Malawi: Access, mortality and opportunistic infections . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2012 ;(4):235-238

41. 2011 Chen CH,Xirasagar S,Lin CC,Wang LH,Kou YR,Lin HC. Risk of adverse perinatal outcomes with antithyroid treatment during pregnancy: A nationwide population-based study . BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology .2011 ;(118):1365-1373

42. 2011 Chou BH,Yang LM,Chang SF,Hsu FL,Wang LH,Lin WK, Liu PC, Lin SJ. Transformation of isosteviol lactam by fungi and the suppressive effects of its transformed products on LPS-induced iNOS expression in macrophages . J Nat Prod .2011 ;(74):1379-1385

43. 2010 Wang LH,Hsu KY,Uang YS,Hsu FL,Yang LM,Lin SJ. Caffeic acid improves the bioavailability of L-dopa in rabbit plasma . Phytotherapy Research .2010 ;(24):852-858

44. 2010 Wang LH,Lin HC,Lin CC,Chen YH,Lin HC. Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes for Women Receiving Zolpidem during Pregnancy . Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics .2010 ;(88):369-374

45. 2009 Chou B-H,Yang L-M,Chang F-L,Hsu F-L,Lo C-H,Lin W-K, Wang L-H, Liu P-C, Lin S-J. Fungal transformation of isosteviol lactone and its biological evaluation for inhibiting the AP-1 transcription factor . Phytochemistry .2009 ;(70):759-764

46. 2008 Wang LH,Hsu KY,Hsu FL,Lin SJ. Simutaneous determination of caffeic acid , ferulic acid and isoferulic acid in rabbit plasma by high performance liquid chromatography . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2008 ;(16):34-40

47. 2008 Chang SF,Yang LM,Lo CH,Liaw JH,Wang LH,Lin SJ. Microbial transformation of isosteviol and bioactivities against the glucocorticoid/androgen response element . J Nat Prod .2008 ;(71):87-92

48. 2008 Wang LS,Hsu KY,Hsu FL,Lin SJ. A Dose-dependent Pharmacokinetic Study of Levodopa by Intramuscular Administration in Rabbits . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2008 ;(16):21-27

49. 2008 Wu TH,Chiu CC,Shen WW,Lin FW,Wang LH,Chen HY, Lu ML. Pharmacokinetics of olanzapine in Chinese male schizophrenic patients with various smoking behaviors . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .2008 ;(32):1889-1893

50. 2007 Hsu FL,Yang LM,Chang SF,Wang LH,Hsu CY,Liu PC, Lin SJ. Biotransformation of gallic acid by Beauveris sulfurescens ATCC 7159. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.():-. . Appl. Microbiol. Biotechn .2007 ;(74):659-666

51. 2001 Uang Y-S,Chen I-K,Wang L-H,Hsu K-Y. Determination of mephenoxalone in human plasma sample by high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection . Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Applications .2001 ;(759):91-97

1. 2024 Hsu Suhan,Wang L-H,Tang K-P. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices between pharmacists and nurses on dysphagia management in a regional hospital in northern Taiwan . European Society for Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) 2024 14th Annual Congress: from bench to bedside .2024

2. 2024 Wei Hsiaohan,Hsu Suhan,Wang L-H,Tang K-P. Predictors of nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices of dysphagia assessment in a regional hospital in Taiwan . European Society for Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) 2024 14th Annual Congress: from bench to bedside .2024

3. 2024 Hsu Suhan,Wei Hsiao-Han,Wang L-H,Tang K-P. Understanding the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pharmacists in dysphagia management in northern Taiwan. . The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation .2024

4. 2023 Wang W-J,Tang K-P,Wang L-H. Outcome assessment for faculty development to enhance knowledge about adverse drugs reaction . AMEE 2023 takes place from 26-30 August 2023 at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC), Glasgow, UK. .2023 ;(e-poster):6142

5. 2023 Hsu S-H,Tang K-P,Wang L-H. Developing Rubrics for Assessing Newly Drafted Patient Decision Aids . 2023 29th FAPA Congress .2023

6. 2023 Lin J-Y,Wang L-H,Weng S-E. Pharmaceutical Care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at a Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan . 2023 29th FAPA Congress .2023

7. 2023 Hsu S-H,Tang K-P,Wang L-H. An Item Analysis on Assessment Tool for Patient Decision Aids Development Workshop . 2023 29th FAPA Congress .2023

8. 2021 某區域教學醫院利用心理演劇(Psychodrama) 進行藥師全人教學訓練成果 . 第三屆臺灣藥學聯合學術研討會 .2021

9. 2021 以實證手法探討使用萬古黴素後監測藥物血漿濃度-時間面積對抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌感染症患者降低急性腎損傷之成效 . 台灣實證醫學學會(TEBMA) 2021學術年會 .2021

10. 2020 Polyphenolic compounds improve the bioavailability of L-dopa in rabbit plasma . 第二屆臺灣藥學聯合學術研討會 .2020

11. 2020 以實證方法建立兒癌病人由port-a人工血管抽取vancomycin藥物血中濃度正確抽血流程 . 台灣實證醫學學會(TEBMA) 2020學術年會 .2020

12. 2020 以實證方法設計oxaliplatin減敏療法以及評估其成效 . 台灣實證醫學學會(TEBMA) 2020學術年會 .2020

13. 2020 以實證手法探討藥師介入吸入劑衛教對慢性肺阻塞疾病之成效 . 台灣實證醫學學會(TEBMA) 2020學術年會 .2020

14. 2019 Liu S-D,Lee L-F,Wu C-Y,Wang L-H. Silymarin Use Reduces The Risk of Age-related Macular Degeneration in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease: A Pilot Study. . ACEP 2019 ISPE’s 12th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and 25th Japanese Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology joint meeting .2019

15. 2019 Cheng H-Y,Huang M-C,Wang L-H. Association between hepatitis B virus infection/anti-HBV agents and the risk of colorectal cancer. . ACEP 2019 ISPE’s 12th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and 25th Japanese Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology joint meeting .2019

16. 2018 Huang K-T,Wang L-H. Gastric acid-suppressive agents and the risk of dementia in patients with upper gastrointestinal diseases . 138th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan .2018

17. 2018 Lu H-H,Wang L-H. Effects of silymarin on cataract risk reduction in patients with chronic hepatic diseases. A population-based retrospective cohort study. . 2018 ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy .2018

18. 2016 Ku F-Y,Chang N-W,Lin H-C,Wang L-H. The impact of corticosteroid on castration-resistant prostate cancer : a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study . The 104th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association .2016

19. 2005 Tseng CC,Wang LH,Uang YS,Hsu J,Hsu KY. The pharmacokinetics of ribavirin in Taiwan . World congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2005 65th congress of FIP .2005


113 促進醫療人員對藥物警戒和藥物不良反應通報的專業知能

112 建立醫療專業人員之間的跨專業教育和協作_建構吞嚥困難患者之照護團隊

111 發展藥師繼續教育課程計劃-以轉化學習與高擬真情境模擬促進病患服藥順從性

110 計畫行為理論在決策輔助工具的做中學與藥師繼續教育

107 研析各國針對食品中塑膠微粒管理現況及風險評估之可行性研究

106 藥學系碩士班研究生黃冠慈君擬於107年3月25日至3月28日赴日本金澤參加日本藥學會第138年會,依本部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議作業要點申請補助費用乙案,核定補助如說明

102 103年度「藥品查驗登記審查準則編修」計畫採購案

98 管制藥品分級管理之探討:歐盟、澳洲、及臺灣的法規政策、量化評估、社會影響研究

88 以藥物動態學探討Caffeic acid 對Levodopa於家兔體內代謝的影響