李碧霞(Lee, Pi-Hsia) 教授

現   職
護理學系 副主任
護理學系 教授


學 歷

台灣師範大學衛生教育學系 博士
國立師範大學衛生教育研究所 碩士
私立輔仁大學圖書館學系 學士




2024/08/01 ~




學校衛生護理(school health nursing)
社區衛生護理(community of health nursing)



1. 2023 薛琇憶,李淑君,顏心彥,李佩宜,李碧霞. 高齡糖尿病病人自我管理及其相關因素研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2023 ;(25):34-45

2. 2023 Cheng Y ,Lai HR, Chen IH ,Chiu YL ,Lee PI ,Peters K, Lee PH. Willingness of end-stage renal disease patients to accept a kidney transplant and related factors . The Journal of Nursing Research .2023 ;(0):0-0

3. 2023 Yen HY ,Lee SC ,Lin CF ,Lai HR,Yamaguchi Y, Lee PH. Prevalence of sarcopenia and its association with diet and physical activity in older people with type 2 diabetes: A cross-sectional study . Nursing and Health Sciences .2023 ;(0):0-0

4. 2023 Lin YM ,Tzeng YL, Li CC ,Lee GT,Lee PH ,Chen SR, Kuo SY . Trajectories of sleep quality and depressive symptoms in women from pregnancy to postpartum 3 months: A prospective cohort study . Journal of Sleep Research .2023 ;(32):1-10

5. 2022 Fang JH,Chen IH ,Lai HR ,Lee PI,Miao NF,Kath P, Lee PH. Factors associated with nurses' willingness to handle abuse of older people . Nurse Education in Practice .2022 ;(0):0-0

6. 2022 Yamaguchi Y,Greiner C,Lee SC,Ryuno H ,Yen HY ,Lin CF, Lee TI, Lee PH. Lifestyle factors associated with muscle quality in community-dwelling older people with type 2 diabetes in Japan and Taiwan: a cross-sectional study . Psychogeriatrics .2022 ;(2022):1-7

7. 2022 Yen HY ,Lee SC ,Lin CF ,Lee TI ,Yamaguchi Y, Lee PH. Complication and comorbidity as influencing factors of health outcomes in older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus . Collegian .2022 ;(0):0-0

8. 2022 Lu YJ,Lai HR,Lin PC,Kuo SY ,Chen SR,Lee PH. Predicting exercise behaviors and intentions of Taiwanese urban high school students using the theory of planned behavior . Journal of Pediatric Nursing .2022 ;(62):e39-e44

9. 2022 Kuo TC ,Au HK ,Chen SR ,Chipojola R ,Lee GT ,Lee PH, Kuo SY. Effects of an integrated childbirth education programme to reduce fear of childbirth, anxiety, and depression, and improve dispositional mindfulness: A single-blind randomised controlled trial . Midwifery .2022 ;(113):1-10

10. 2022 陳虹奾,林寬佳,李碧霞. 校護職場疲勞、睡眠品質與工作滿意度之研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2022 ;(24):59-70

11. 2022 宣崇愛,李碧霞,胡益進,劉玉玲,苗迺芳. 戒菸門診個案電子煙使用意圖及相關影響因素研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2022 ;(24):22-34

12. 2021 Lee PH,Yeh TT ,Yen HY ,Hsu WL ,Chiu Valeria JY, Lee SC. Impacts of stroke and cognitive impairment on activities of daily living in the Taiwan longitudinal study on aging. . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):1-9

13. 2021 Lee YH,Lee PH,Lin LF ,Liao CD ,Liou TH ,Huang SW. Effects of progressive elastic band resistance exercise for aged osteosarcopenic adiposity women . Experimental Gerontology .2021 ;(147):1-7

14. 2021 Lin YM,Kuo SY,Chang YK,Lin PC,Lin YK,Lee PH, Lin PH, Chen SR . Parental educational intervention reduces screen time and improves sleep disturbances and attention problems in preschool children: a clustered randomized controlled study . Journal of Pediatric Nursing .2021 ;(56):e27-e34

15. 2021 Tseng YT,Chen IH,Lee PH,Lin PC. Effects of auricular acupressure on depression and anxiety in long-term care elder residents . Geriatric Nursing .2021 ;(42):205-212

16. 2020 Tseng JF,Chen SR,Au HK,Chipojola R, Lee GT,Lee PH, Shyu ML, Kuo SY. Effectiveness of an integrated breastfeeding education program to improve self-efficacy and exclusive breastfeeding rate: A single-blind, randomized controlled study. . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2020 ;(111):103770-0

17. 2020 Tou YH,Liu MF,Chen SR,Lee PH,Kuo LM, Lin PC. Investigating missed care by nursing aides in Taiwanese long-term care facilities. . Journal of Nursing Management .2020 ;(28):19180-1928

18. 2020 Chiu HT ,Tsai HW,Kuo KN ,Leung YM,Chang YM ,Lee PH, Hou WH . Exploring the determinants of health literacy among older adults: a cross-sectional survey. . Medicina .2020 ;(56):330

19. 2020 Hou WH,Lin PC,Lee PH,Wu JC,Tai TE,Chen SR. Effects of extracorporeal magnetic stimulation on urinary incontinence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2020 ;(76):2286-2298

20. 2020 Lee PI ,Lai HR ,Lin PC ,Kuo SY ,Lin YK ,Chen SR, Lee PH. Effects of a parenting sexual education program for immigrant parents: A cluster randomized trial. . Patient Education and Counseling .2020 ;(103):343-349

21. 2020 Lee PH ,Kuo SY ,Ou TS ,Lin YK ,Chi MJ ,Chen SR, Lin PC, Lai HR . Predicting exercise intention and behavior among Taiwanese children in a longitudinal sample. . Journal of Pediatric Nursing .2020 ;(51):e50-e56

22. 2020 探討基層護理人員參加臨床專業能力進階動機、壓力、滿意度與相關影響因素 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2020 ;(22):9-19

23. 2020 探討血液透析病患社會支持、自我照顧行為、生活品質現況及其影響因素 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2020 ;(22):33-46

24. 2019 醫院護理人員身體活動與生活品質之研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2019 ;(21):13-26

25. 2019 Lin PC ,Lee PH ,Tseng SJ ,Lin YM,Chen SR ,Hou WH. Effects of aromatherapy on sleep quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis. . Complementary Therapies in Medicine .2019 ;(45):156-166

26. 2019 Chen SH ,Lai HR ,Chen SR ,Lin PC ,Chou KR ,Lee PH. Validity and reliability of a Chinese-language instrument for continuous assessment of exercise stages of change in adults. . The Journal of Nursing Research .2019 ;(27):1-8

27. 2018 Liao CD,Lee PH,Hsiao DJ ,Huang SW ,Chen HC ,Tsauo JY, Liou TH. Effects of protein supplementation combined with exercise intervention on frailty indices, body composition, and physical function in prefrail or frail older adults. . Nutrients .2018 ;(10):1-30

28. 2018 Lai HR,Wu DM,Lee PH ,Jhang YS. Health literacy teaching beliefs, attitudes, efficacy, and intentions of middle school health and physical education teachers . Journal of School Health .2018 ;(88):350-358

29. 2018 蔡晏平,柯文欽,李碧霞,苗迺芳. 冠狀動脈心臟病住院病人戒菸行為相關因素之研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2018 ;(20):27-39

30. 2017 Lu SC ,Lee PH,Hsieh HL,Chuang YH. 血液透析患者動靜脈瘻管阻塞原因及預防與居家照護 . 台灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 .2017 ;(16):1-12

31. 2017 黃喬欣,林碧珠,張媚,李碧霞. 糖尿病患者自我照護行為及相關因素研究 . 護理雜誌 .2017 ;(64):61-69

32. 2017 孫東彥,林碧珠,李碧霞. 某高職學生流行性感冒預防行為及其相關因素研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2017 ;(19):35-45

33. 2017 陳玨如,郭淑瑜,李建南,鄧森文,李碧霞. 產後護理機構婦女產後憂鬱與睡眠品質之相關研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2017 ;(0)

34. 2017 Lee PH,Chuang YH,Chen SR,Fang CL,Lai HR,Lee PI. Perspectives of brisk walking among middle-aged and older persons in community: A qualitative study . Collegian .2017 ;(24):147-153

35. 2017 Hsu CC ,Chen SR ,Lee PH,Lin PC. The effect of music listening on pain, heart rate variability, and range of motion in older adults after a total knee replacement . Clinical Nursing Research .2017 ;(00):00-00

36. 2016 Chou YH,Lai HR,Lee PI,Lee PH. 臺北市規律運動肥胖學童的運動知覺 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2016 ;(18):45-57

37. 2016 王守訥,張佳琪,李碧霞. 失智患者進食困難探討 . 護理雜誌 .2016 ;(63):128-134

38. 2016 呂桂雲,李碧霞,張文英. 比較護理人員、醫師及其他醫事人員身體活動階段之差異 . 護理雜誌 .2016 ;(63):76-85

39. 2015 張莉娟,胡益進,蕭伃伶,李碧霞,苗迺芳. 新竹地區學校護理人員實務工作與幸福感之相關性研究 . 學校衛生 .2015 ;(66):23-44

40. 2015 Lai HR,Chou WL,Miao NF,Wu YP,Lee PH,Jwo JC. A comparison of actual and preferred classroom environment as perceived by middle school students. . Journal of School Health .2015 ;(85):388-397

41. 2014 賴香如,吳德敏,周維倫,李碧霞,卓俊辰. 國中健康與體育學習領域自尊教學指標之建構與國中教師及學者看法比較 . 學校衛生 .2014 ;(65):1-28

42. 2014 Lin PC,Kuo SY,Lee PH,Shen ZQ,Chen SR. Effects of internet addiction on heart rate variability in school-aged children. . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2014 ;(29):493-498

43. 2013 Huang HM,Chien LY,Yeh TC,Lee PH,Chang PC. Relationship between media viewing and obesity in school-aged children in Taipei, Taiwan. . Journal of Nursing Research .2013 ;(21):195-203

44. 2012 Kang CM,Chiu HT,Hu YC,Chen HL,Lee PH,Chang WY. Comparisons of self-ratings on managerial competencies, research capability, time management, executive power, workload and work stress among nurse administrators. . Journal of Nursing Management .2012 ;(20):938-947

45. 2011 Shen HC,Chiu HT,Lee PH,Hu YC,Chang WY. Hospital environment, nurse- physician relationships and quality of care: Questionaire survey . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2011 ;(67):349-358

46. 2010 Chen SS,Chen JC,Ng CJ,Chen PL,Lee PH,Chang WY. Factors that influence triage nurses' judgment accuracy in emergency departments. . Emergency Medicine Journal .2010 ;(27):451-455

47. 2010 賴香如,李碧霞,呂昌明,卓俊辰,溫婉玉,周維倫. 透過現職教師建構國中健康與體育學習領域之自尊教學指標 . 教育科學研究期刊 .2010 ;(55):127-154

48. 2010 吳玉萍,李碧霞,呂昌明,卓俊辰,賴香如,陳庭儀. 台灣地區國中生知覺班級社會環境與自尊之相關研究 . 學校衛生 .2010 ;(56):59-81

49. 2009 Lee PH,Chou YH,Lai HR. 運用跨理論模式於體重過重、肥胖學童運動行為之研究 . 醫護科技期刊 .2009 ;(11):71-86

50. 2009 Chu TS,Lee PH,Jeng C. 中年停経婦女的運動階段、知覺運動利益和障礙之探討 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2009 ;(11):7-18

51. 2009 Lai HR,Lu CM,Jho JC,Lee PH,Chou WL,Wen WY. The effects of a self-esteem program incorporated into health and physical education classes . Journal of Nursing Research .2009 ;(17):233-240

52. 2009 Ma JC,Lee PH,Yang YC,Chang WY. Predicting factors related to nurses' intention to leave, job satisfaction, and perception of quality of care in acute care hospitals. . Nursing Economics .2009 ;(27):178-202

53. 2009 Lee PH,Lai HR,Chou YH,Chang LI,Chang WY. Perceptions of exercise in obese school-aged children . Journal of Nursing Research .2009 ;(17):170-178

54. 2009 Chang WY,Ma JC,Chiu HT,Lin KC,Lee PH. Job satisfaction and perceptions of quality of patient care, collaboration and teamwork in acute care hospitals. . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2009 ;(65):1946-1955

55. 2008 Tsai PS,Lee PH,Wang MY. Demographics, training and practice patterns of practitioners of folk medicine in Taiwan: A survey of the Taipei metropolitan area . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine .2008 ;(14):1243-1248

56. 2008 Chang WT,Hsiao ST,Chang PC,Lee PH. Developing an e-learning education programmer for staff nurses: Processes and outcomes . Nurse Education Today .2008 ;(28):822-828

57. 2008 Lee PH,Chang LI,Ravens-Sieberer U. Psychometric evaluation of the Taiwanese version of the Kiddo-KINDL® generic children's health-related quality . Quality of Life Research .2008 ;(17):603-611

58. 2008 Wang MY,Tsai PS,Lee PH,Chang WY,Yang CM. The efficacy of reflexology: Systematic review . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2008 ;(62):512-520

59. 2008 Wang MY,Tsai PS,Lee PH,Chang WY,Yang CM. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of tuina for cervical spondylosis . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2008 ;(17):2531-2538

60. 2008 Lai HR,Wu DM,Lu CM,Jhuo JC,Lee PH,Wen WY,Yeh YH,Yu PH. 國中健體領域教師實施自尊與身體意象融入教學意圖之研究 . 健康促進與衛生教育學報 .2008 ;(29):73-98

61. 2008 Lee CM,Chang FC,Lai HR,Chiang JT,Lee PH,Chen WJ, Chang YC. 台北縣市高職學生開始使用成癮物質之危險與保護因子追蹤研究 . 臺灣公共衛生雜誌 .2008 ;(27):399-410

62. 2008 Kao HO,Chao YF,Ma HM,Lee PH,Chang SH,Chou TY. 影響呼吸器依賴病患家屬選擇呼吸照護病房因素之研究 . 醫護科技學刊 .2008 ;(10):170-184

63. 2007 Chen HC,Lee PH,Cheng TW,Lu CM,Huang SY. 屏東縣國中生運動行為之探討-跨理論模式的應用 . 國立臺灣體育學院學報 .2007 ;(20):79-101

64. 2007 Hwu YI,Lee PH,Chang M,Sun CC. 理人員的激勵與工作滿意度之相關性研究 . 長庚護理雜誌 .2007 ;(18):341-351

65. 2007 Lee PH,Chou YH,Lai HR. 肥胖學童對運動及提升運動的看法-以運動階段為準備期為例 . 衛生教育學報 .2007 ;(27):157-176

66. 2007 Yuan CF,Lu CM,Lee PH. 某醫校護理科學生每日吃早餐意圖及其相關因素之研究 . 學校衛生 .2007 ;(51):21-36

67. 2007 Chen CM,Lee PH,Cho YH,Kuo SF,Hsu YH. Avoidance of environmental tobacco smoke among pregnant Taiwanese women: Knowledge, self-efficacy and behavior. . Journal of Women’s Health .2007 ;(16):869-878

68. 2007 Tsai PS,Chang NC,Chang WY,Lee PH,Wang MY. Blood pressure biofeedback exerts intermediate-term effects on blood pressure and pressure reactivity in individuals with mild hypertension: A randomized controlled study. . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine .2007 ;(13):547-554

69. 2007 Lee PH,Wu DM,Lai HR,Chu NF. The impacts of a school-wide no smoking strategy and classroom-based smoking prevention curriculum on the smoking behavior of junior high school students . Addictive Behaviors .2007 ;(32):2099-2107

70. 2006 Lee PH,Chang WT,Liou TH,Chang PC. Stage of exercise and health-related quality of life among overweight and obese adults in Taiwan . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2006 ;(53):295-303

71. 2006 Chang FC,Lee CM,Lai HR,Chiang JT,Lee PH,Chen WJ. Social influences and self-efficacy as predictors of youth smoking initiation and cessation: A 3-year longitudinal study of vocational high school students in Taiwan . Addiction .2006 ;(101):1645-1655

72. 2006 Wang CH,Lee PH,Jeng C,Kao CC,Yang CY,Tsai JC. 護理人員疲倦/活力度、健康促進生活型態與健康相關生活品質之研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2006 ;(8):7-16

73. 2006 Lai HR,Lee PH,Wu DM,Chao KH,Lu CM,Jho JC, Tsai YH, Chen MC. 臺北市國中生自尊、身體意象與運動行為相關性研究 . 衛生教育學報 .2006 ;(25):73-104

74. 2006 Sun LJ,Chen CM,Lee PH,Huang LH. 影響公衛護士執行外籍配偶家庭計劃管理成效因素之探討--以苗栗縣為例 . 弘光學報 .2006 ;(49):91-100

75. 2005 李碧霞,張文,蔡仁貞,林美良,高靖秋,陳小蓮, 鄭綺. 護理人員體適能與健康相關生活品質之研究 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2005 ;(7):53-63

76. 2005 李碧霞,陳靜敏. 國小高年級學童身體意象、自尊及身體活動之研究 . 醫護科技學刊 .2005 ;(7):43-55

77. 2005 鍾宜君,賴香如,吳德敏,李碧霞,祝年豐,劉姿鈺, 李欣憶. 家長預防子女吸菸措施及相關因子探討~以宜蘭縣四所國中為例 . 師大學報︰教育類 .2005 ;(50):155-173

78. 2005 Lai HR,Wu DM,Lee PH,Chu NF,Chao KH. 高職無菸校園策略和預防吸菸教學介入之成效評估 . 衛生教育學報 .2005 ;(24):89-114

79. 2005 Tung CJ,Chen CM,Lee PH. A correlational study on health training program participation and influences upon communities volunteers in Taipei city . The Journal of Nursing Research .2005 ;(13):245-252

80. 2004 賴香如,吳德敏,李碧霞,祝年豐,劉姿鈺,鍾宜君、李欣憶、趙國欣. 中小學職員對無菸校園之看法與相關因素研究 . 學校衛生 .2004 ;(44):33-53

81. 2004 李碧霞,吳德敏,祝年豐,賴香如,趙國欣,李欣憶, 鍾宜君, 劉姿鈺. 宜蘭縣九所國、高中職學生吸菸行為之影響因素研究 . 衛生教育學報 .2004 ;(22):21-39

82. 2004 賴香如,吳德敏,邱詩揚,李碧霞,趙國欣,鍾宜君, 李欣憶, 劉姿鈺. 家長預防措施與子女菸害知識、反菸態度和吸菸行為研究 . 衛生教育學報 .2004 ;(22):41-62

83. 2003 呂昌明、郭曉文、王淑芳、林旭龍、李碧霞. 應用跨理論模式於學童母親運動行為之研究 . 衛生教育學報 .2003 ;(19):57-70

84. 2003 李碧霞,陳靜敏. 孕婦吸菸的危害及其防治 . 醫護教育學刊 .2003 ;(2):37-46

85. 2002 李景美、張鳳琴、賴香如、李碧霞、陳雯昭. 臺北縣市高職一年級學生成癮物質濫用之危險與保護因子研究 . 衛生教育學報 .2002 ;(17):73-88

86. 2001 陳靜敏、李碧霞、張淑卿、莊瑞菱. 社區健康意識量表之發展與測試 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2001 ;(3):77-87

87. 2000 賴香如、李碧霞、李景美、彭如瑩. 青少年藥物教育需求研究---以焦點團體為例 . 衛生教育學報 .2000 ;(13):165-188

88. 1999 李碧霞、陳靜敏. 臺北市二國小高年級學生脊柱側彎篩檢研究. . 中華衛誌 .1999 ;(18):303-312

89. 1999 李碧霞. 青少年藥物濫用問題與學校藥物教育之探討 . 學校衛生 .1999 ;(34):49-68

90. 1998 李碧霞. 臺北市某高中男生從事規律運動意圖和行為之研究. . 醫學研究 .1998 ;(18):390-399

91. 1998 李碧霞、陳靜敏. 脊柱側彎症 . 中華衛誌 .1998 ;(17):2-9

92. 1997 王秀春、林月玲、李碧霞. 台北市某市立醫院護理人員離職原因之探討. . 護理新象 .1997 ;(7):85-100

93. 1997 李碧霞. 民眾對台北市中山區衛生所業務的瞭解調查. . 醫學研究 .1997 ;(17):287-297

94. 1997 李碧霞. 衛生教育與健康相關生活品質之關係 . 衛生教育雜誌 .1997 ;(17):13-22

95. 1996 呂昌明、李碧霞、陳錫琦. 有捐血意圖卻未捐血者的信念探究. . 師大學報 .1996 ;(41):209-226

96. 1995 李碧霞、呂昌明. 孕產婦授乳意圖、行為及其影響因素之研究 . 護理研究 .1995 ;(3):278-290


111 以計畫行為理論預測長者接種新冠肺炎疫苗追加劑意圖之研究

109 糖尿病老人之肌少症盛行率、相關因素及健康促進方案研究(2/2)

108 糖尿病老人之肌少症盛行率、相關因素及健康促進方案研究(1/2)

105 實證、友善、自主暨成效導向之護理評估決策輔助系統之發展:以住院病人跌倒評估為例(3/3)

103 新住民親職性教育與夫妻性溝通之研究

103 新住民親職性教育與夫妻性溝通之研究(1042F307)

103 都會區學生運動意圖與行為之縱貫性研究

100 健走運動對於促進中老年人健康的影響-健走運動對社區中老年人功能性體適能、睡眠及生活品質之成效評價

99 健走運動對於促進中老年人健康的影響-健走運動對社區中老年人功能性體適能、睡眠及生活品質之成效評價

92 應用跨理論模式改變肥胖兒童運動行為之研究

91 過重、肥胖成人身體活動、健康體適能與生活品質之研究

90 運動階段、身體活動與健康相關生活品質之相關性研究

89 社區中老年人運動階段、身體活動及其影響因素之研究