林秀真(Lin, Hsiu-Chen) 副教授

現   職
小兒學科 副教授


學 歷

國立陽明大學學系後醫 學士
國立臺灣大學農學院 學士




2015/02/01 ~
2013/02/01 ~ 2015/01/31
2011/09/16 ~ 2017/07/31




Statistic analysis



1. 2023 Guan-Ling Lin ,Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Hsiu-Li Lin,Joseph Jordan Keller,Li-Hsuan Wang. Association Between Statin Use and the Risk of Gout in Patients with Hyperlipidemia A Population-Based Cohort Study . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2023

2. 2023 Yu‑Ming Zhang,Mei‑Fen Tsao,Ching‑Yu Chang,Kuan‑Ting Lin,Joseph Jordan Keller,Hsiu-Chen Lin. Rapid identification of carbapenem‑resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae based on matrix‑assisted laser desorption ionization time‑of‑flight mass spectrometry and an artificial neural network model . Journal of Biomedical Science .2023 ;(30)

3. 2023 Chun-Hao Chen ,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Hsiu-Li Lin ,Joseph Jordan Keller,Li-Hsuan Wang. Association between antihyperlipidemic agent use and age-related macular degeneration in patients with hyper-lipidemia. A population-based retrospective cohort study . Biomedicines .2023 ;(11):1508

4. 2023 Ryan Wing-Yuk Chan ,Yung-Hsiao Chiang,Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Chih-Yau Chang ,Yi-Syue Tsou. Postoperative 30-Day Comparative Complications of Multilevel Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion and Laminoplasty for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: An Evidence in Reaching Consensus . Diagnostics .2023 ;(13)

5. 2022 He-Yun Cheng,Hsiu C. Lin,Hsiu L. Lin ,Yow S. Uang,Joseph J. Keller ,Li H. Wang. Association Between Nonselective Beta-Blocker Use and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Without Cirrhosis and Decompensation . Fronerier i Pharmacology .2022 ;(12):00-00

6. 2022 Sheng-Feng Lin,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Mei-Yu Lee,Joseph Jordan Keller,Li-Hsuan Wang. Association between GnRH analogue use and atopic diseases in patients with prostate cancer: A population-based retrospective cohort study . Plos One .2022 ;(17):e0266771.

7. 2022 Ai-Ling Shen , Hsiu-Li Lin , Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Jane Chen-Jui Chao , Chien-Yeh Hsu ,Chung-Yu Chen. The effects of medications for treating COPD and allied conditions on stroke: a population-based cohort study . NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine .2022 ;(32):4-4

8. 2022 Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Yuan-Fu Tseng,Ai-Ling Shen , Jane Chen-Jui Chao ,Chien-Yeh Hsu ,Hsiu-Li Lin. Association of Angiotensin Receptor Blockers with Incident Parkinson Disease in Patients with Hypertension: A Retrospective Cohort Study . The American Journal of Medicine .2022 ;(135):1001-1007

9. 2022 Min-Lan Tsai ,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Chiung-Hui Yen,Jung-Tzu Ku ,Shian-Ying Sung,Hsi Chang. Increased Risk of Tourette Syndrome with Leukotriene Modifier Use in Children with Allergic Diseases and Asthma: A Nationwide Population-Based Study . Children (Basel) .2022 ;(9):1607-1607

10. 2021 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Yi-Yang Chen,Hsiu-Li Lin,Yow-Shieng Uang,Yi Ho,Li-Hsuan Wang. Association between acid-suppressive drug use and atopic dermatitis in patients with upper gastrointestinal diseases: A population-based retrospective cohort study . Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Theraprutics .2021 ;(00):1-8

11. 2021 Lei Yi-Fen,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Lin Hsiu-Li,Uang Yow-Sheng ,Cheng Hui-Wen ,Wang Li-Hsuan . Association Between Use of Antihyperlipidemic Agents and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Patients with Hyperlipidemia: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease .2021 ;(15):2573-2581

12. 2021 Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Kuan-Tzu Huang,Hsiu-Li Lin,Yow-Sheng Uang ,Yi Ho ,Joseph Jordan Keller, Li-Hsuan Wang. Use of gastric acid–suppressive agents increases the risk of dementia in patients with upper gastrointestinal disease: A population-based retrospective cohort study . Plos One .2021 ;(16(3))

13. 2021 Yuan-Fu Tseng,Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Jane Chen-Jui Chao,Chien-Yeh Hsu ,Hsiu-Li Lin . Calcium Channel blockers are associated with reduced risk of Parkinson’s disease in patients with hypertension: A population-based retrospective cohort study . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2021 ;(424):117412-117412

14. 2020 Hsiu C. Lin,,Huan Y. Hsu ,Hsiu L. Lin,Yow S. Uang ,Yi Ho,Li H. Wang. Association Between Acid-Suppressive Agents’ Use and Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Dose Response .2020 ;(18):1-8

15. 2019 Sheng-Feng Lin,Hao-En Teng,Hsiu-Chen Lin. Blood Urea Nitrogen Levels to Verify Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, as Derived from 2 Commonly Used Equations . Laboratory Medicine .2019 ;(50):1-8

16. 2018 Hsiu-Li Lina,Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Yuan-Fu Tseng,Jane Chen-Jui Chao, Chien-Yeh Hsu. Association of thiazolidinedione with a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease in a population with newlydiagnosed diabetes mellitus . Annals of Medicine .2018 ;(50):430-436

17. 2018 Chen MS ,Wang TJ ,Lin HC ,Thierry B. Four types of human platelet lysate, including one virally inactivated by solvent-detergent, can be used to propagate Wharton jelly mesenchymal stromal cells . New Biotechnology .2018 ;(S1871-6784(18))

18. 2017 Hsiu-Li Lin,Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Yuan-Fu Tseng,Shih-Chang Chen,Chien-Yeh Hsu. Risk of parkinsonism induced by flunarizine or cinnarizine: a population-based study . Eur J Clin Pharmacol .2017 ;(73):365-371

19. 2017 Ai-Ling Shen ,Hsiu-Li Lin,Hsiu-Chen Lin ,Yuan-Fu Tseng,Chien-Yeh Hsu,Che-Yi Chou. Increased Risk of Bullous Pemphigoid after First-Ever Stroke: A Population-Based Study . Neurodegener Dis .2017 ;(17):166-170

20. 2017 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Masao Daimon,Ching-HungWang,Yi Ho,Yow-Shieng Uang,Shuo-Ju Chiang, Li-HsuanWang. Allopurinol, benzbromarone and risk of coronary heart disease in gout patients: A population-based study . International Journal of Cardiology .2017 ;(233):85-90

21. 2017 Wang TJ,Chen MS,Chou ML, Lin HC,Seghatchian J,Burnouf T. Comparison of three human platelet lysates used as supplements for in vitro expansion of corneal endothelium cells . Transfusion and Apheresis Science .2017 ;(56):769-773

22. 2017 Yenni Gustiani Tarigan,Ruey-Yu Chen,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Chia-Yi Jung,Kraiwuth Kallawicha,Ta-Pang Chang, Po-Chen Hung, Chih-Yong Chen, Hsing Jasmine Chao. Fungal bioaerosol exposure and its effects on the health of mushroom and vegetable farm workers in Taiwan . Aerosol and Air Quality Research .2017 ;(17):2064-2075

23. 2016 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Yu-Ting Hsiao,Hsiu-Li Lin,Yow-Shieng Uang,Hui-Wen Cheng,Ying Wang, Li-Hsuan Wang. The Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors Decreases the Risk of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Disease. A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e4195-e4195

24. 2016 Chen, Hsiao-Chien,Cheng, Chung-Yi,Lin, Hsiu-Chen,Chen, Hsi-Hsien,Chen, Cheng-Hsien,Yang, Chih-Ping; Yang, Kai-Huei ; Lin, Chun-Mao; Lin, Tsung-Yao; Shih, Chwen-Ming; Liu, Yu-Chuan. Multi-Functions of Excited Gold Nanoparticles Decorated Artificial Kidney with Efficient Hemodialysis and Therapeutic Potential . ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces .2016 ;(8):19691-19700

25. 2016 Mei-Fen Tsao,Hui-Wen Chang,Chien-Hsi Chang,Chi-Hsuan Cheng,Hsiu-Chen Lin. Evaluation of Blood Glucose Monitoring System in Screening for Neonatal Hypoglycemia: Tighter Accuracy Standard . Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology .2016 ;(11):639--640

26. 2016 Mei-Fen Tsao,Hsiu-Chen Lin. Evaluation of Blood Glucose Monitoring System in Screening for Neonatal Hypoglycemia: Tighter Accuracy Standard . Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology .2016 ;(00):00-00

27. 2016 . .2016

28. 2016 Mei-Fen Tsao,Hui-Wen Chang,Chien-Hsi Chang,Chi-Hsuan Cheng,Chi-Hsuan Cheng. Evaluation of Blood Glucose Monitoring System in Screening for Neonatal Hypoglycemia: Tighter Accuracy Standard . Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology .2016

29. 2015 Shuo Ju Chiang,Masao Daimon,Li Hsuan Wang,Ming-Jui Hung,Nen Chung Chang,Hsiu Chen Lin. Association between mitral valve prolapse and open-angle glaucoma . Heart .2015 ;(101):609-615

30. 2015 Yuarn-Jang Lee,Jen-Zon Chen,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Hsin-Yi Liu,Shyr-Yi Lin,Hsien-Ho Lin, Chi-Tai Fang, Po-Ren Hsueh. Impact of active screening for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and decolonization on MRSA infections, mortality, and medical cost: a quasi-experimental study in surgical intensive care unit . Critical Care .2015 ;(19):143-152

31. 2015 Ai-Ling Shen,Hsiu-Li Lin,Yuan-Fu Tseng,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Chien-Yeh Hsu,Che-Yi Chou. Topiramate may not increase risk of urolithiasis-A nationwide population-based cohort study. . Seizure .2015 ;(29):86-89

32. 2015 Chang-Hua Chen,Chih-Yuan Chung,Li-Hsuan Wang,Che Lin,Hsiu-Li Lin,Hsiu-Chen Lin. Risk of cancer among HIV-infected patients from a population-based nested case-control study: implications for cancer prevention . BMC Cancer .2015 ;(15):133-133

33. 2015 Chi Ching Chang,Chi Sheng Chiou,Hsiu Li Lin,Li Hsuan Wang,Yu Sheng Chang,Hsiu-Chen Lin. Increased Risk of Acute Pancreatitis in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Population-Based Cohort Study . PLOS ONE .2015 ;(10):e01351-87

34. 2015 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Hui-Wen Chang,Shun-Hung Hsiao,Ming-Li Chou,Jerard Seghatchian,Thierry Burnouf. Platelet-derived microparticles trigger THP-1 monocytic cell aggregation and release of pro-coagulant tissue factor-expressing microparticles in vitro. . Transfusion and Apheresis Science .2015

35. 2014 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Yung-Kai Huang,Horng-Sheng Shiue,Liang-Sien Chen,Cheuk-Sing Choy,Shiau-Rung Huang a, Bor-Cheng Han a, Yu-Mei Hsueh. Arsenic methylation capacity and obesity are associated with insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2014 ;(74):60-67

36. 2014 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Hsiu-Li Lin,Li-HsuanWang,Chien-Yeh Hsu,Yu-Mei Hsueh. Outcome of Nonadherence to Antimicrobial Treatment Guidelines in Ambulatory Patients with Acute Cystitis:A Nationwide Population-based Study . Internal Medicine .2014 ;(53):1933-1939

37. 2014 Tseng TM,Chen PY,Tseng H,Lin HC,Chang CY,Hung SH. An unexpected route for otolaryngology bacterial contamination with a Venturi atomizer. . Rhinology .2014 ;(52):156-161

38. 2014 Chien LN,Lin HC,Shao YH,Chiou ST,Chiou HY. Risk of Autism Associated With General Anesthesia During Cesarean Delivery: A Population-Based Birth-Cohort Analysis . Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder .2014 ;(44):00-00

39. 2014 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Baxter H. Kachingwe,Hsiu-Li Lin,Hui-Wen Cheng,Yow-Shieng Uang,Li-Hsuan Wang. Effects of Metformin Dose on Cancer Risk Reduction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A 6-year Follow-up Study . Pharmacotherapy .2014 ;(34):36-45

40. 2014 Chih-Hung Chen,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Hsiu-Li Lin,Yi-Tsung Lin,Jung-Min Chou,Shih-Ping Hsu, Chang-Phone Fung. Proton pump inhibitor usage and the associated risk of pneumonia in chronic kidney disease patients . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection .2014 ;(47):00-00

41. 2014 Ta-Yu Huang,Hui-Wen Chang,Mei-Fen Tsao,Shu-Ming Chuang,Chih-Chin Ni,Jun-Wei Sue, Hsiu-Chen Lin, Cheng-Teng Hsu. Evaluation of accuracy of FAD-GDH- and mutant Q-GDH-based blood glucose monitors in multi-patient populations . Clinica Chimica Acta .2014 ;(433):28-33

42. 2014 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Hsu YT,B. H. Kachingwe,C. Y. Hsu,Y. S. Uang,L. H. Wang. Dose effect of thiazolidinedione on cancer risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: A six-year population-based cohort study . Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics .2014 ;(39):354-360

43. 2014 Hsiao-Chien Chen,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Hsi-Hsien Chen,Fu-Der Mai,Yu-Chuan Liu,Chun-Mao Lin, Chun-Chao Chang, Hui-Yen Tsai, Chih-Ping Yang. Innovative strategy with potential to increase hemodialysis efficiency and safety . SCIENTIFIC REPORTS .2014 ;(4):4425-4425

44. 2014 Lin, Hsiu-Li,Lin, Hsiu-Chen,Hsu, Chien-Yeh. Hip fracture after first-ever stroke: a population-based study . Acta Neurologica Scandinavica .2014 ;(0):00

45. 2013 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Li-An Lai,Jui-Yu Wu,Yih-Ming Su,Su-Ping Chang,Yu-Mei Hsueh. Risk factors for acquiring extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in geriatric patients with multiple comorbidities in respiratory care wards . Geriatrics and Gerontology International .2013 ;(13):663-671

46. 2012 Ming-Chieh Tsai,Jui-Yu Wu,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Tso-Hsiao Chen,Yu-Hui Hsieh,Wen- Yih Chen, Rong-Nan Huang and Tai-Chih Kuo. Use of a kinesin-cro Fusion Protein as the Nanoshuttle to Transport Specific DNA . Current Nanoscience .2012 ;(8):669-675

47. 2012 Wu JY,Chang MC,Chen CS,Lin HC,Tsai HP,Yang CC,Yang CH, Lin CM. Topoisomerase I Inhibitor Evodiamine Acts As an Antibacterial Agent against Drug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae . Planta Medica .2012 ;(78):1-3

48. 2012 Chien-Hsi Chang,Zhi-Xian Lai,Hsiu-Li Lin,Che-Chuan Yang,Hsin-Hsien Chen,......., Hsiu-Chen Lin. Use of immunomagnetic reduction for C-reactive protein assay in clinical samples . International Journal of Nanomedicine .2012 ;(7):4335-4340

49. 2012 Tai-Chih Kuo,Chung-Ho Wang,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Yuan-Hau Lin,Matthew Lin,Hsien-Shou Kuo. Assessment of Renal Function by the Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Human Blood Plasma . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):e32137

50. 2012 Chien-Feng Li,Meei-Fang Liu,Zhi-Yuan Shi,Po-Ren Hsueh,Shih-Ming Tsao, ....., Hsiu-Chen Lin, ... Changing trends in antimicrobial susceptibility of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates in Taiwan, 2006-2007 . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2012 ;(45):305-310

51. 2012 Su Chien-Tien,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Choy Cheuk-Sing,Huang Yung-Kai,Huan Shiau-Rung,Hsueh Yu-Mei. The Relationship between Obesity, Insulin and Arsenic Methylation Capability in Taiwan Adolescents . Science of the Total Environment .2012 ;(414):152-158

52. 2012 Jien-Wei Liu,Wen-Chien Ko,Cheng-Hua Huang,Chun-Hsing Liao,Chin-Te Lu,Yin-Ching Chuang, .....,Hsiu-Chen Lin, ...,Po-Ren Hsueh. Agreement Assessment of Tigecycline Susceptibilities Determined by the Disk Diffusion and Broth Microdilution Methods among Commonly Encountered Resistant Bacterial Isolates: Results from the Tigecycline In-vitro Surveillance in Taiwan [TIST] Study, 2008- . Antimicrobial agents and Chemotherapy .2012

53. 2011 Lin Hsiu-Li,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Lin Ching-Chun,Lin Herng-Ching. Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer among Patients with Biliary Tract Inflammation: A Five-year Follow-Up Study . International Journal of Cancer .2011 ;(128):447-452

54. 2011 Hsin-Yi Liu,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Yi-Chun Lin,Shao-Hua Yu,Wui-Hsiu Wu,Yuarn-Jang Lee. Antimicrobial susceptibilities of urinary extended spectrum beta-lactamase-producing E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae to fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin in a teaching hospital in Taiwan . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2011 ;(44):364-368

55. 2011 Chen Jen-Zon,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Lin Meei-Liang,Yu Shao-Hua Yu,Wu Chia-Hua,Hung-Tu Lin, Lee Yuarn-Jang. 主動鼻腔篩檢措施對加護病房感染率之影響 . 感染管制雜誌 .2011 ;(21):149-156

56. 2011 Lin Hui-Wen,Wang Kuo-Hsien,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Lin Herng-Ching. Increased Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Psoriasis: A Five-year Population-based Study in Taiwan. . Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology .2011 ;(64):495-501

57. 2011 Chung SD,Chen YK,Lin HC,Lin HC. Increased Risk of Stroke among Men with Erectile Dysfunction: A Nationwide Population-based Study. . Journal of Sexual Medicine .2011 ;(8):240-246

58. 2011 Yi-Fang Lin,Ruey Huei Yeh,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Gino K. Yang,Chyn-Yng Yang. Pricing policies for services by facilities with Weibull lifetimes . Service Industries Journal .2011 ;(1.071)

59. 2010 Lin YC,Lin HC,Lin HC. Doctor characteristics and prescribing antibiotics for urinary tract infections: the experience of an Asian country. . Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice .2010 ;(16):1221-1226

60. 2010 Wang LH,Lin HC,Lin CC,Chen YH,Lin HC. Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes for Women Receiving Zolpidem during Pregnancy . Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics .2010 ;(883):369-74

61. 2010 Lin HL,Lin CC,Lin YJ,Lin HC,Shih CM,Kuo TC. The determination of growth rates of micro organisms by using the optical density data of liquid cultures – a revisit with the relative density approach . Applied & Enviromental Microbiology. .2010 ;(76):1683-1685

62. 2010 Chen CY,Chen YH,Lin HC,Chen SF,Lin HC. .Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes for Women with Lupus Hospitalization during Pregnancy: A Nationwide Population-based Study. . Clinical and Experiemntal Rheumatology .2010 ;(28):49-55

63. 2010 Sheu JJ,Kang JH,Lin HC,Lin HC. Hyperthyroidism and Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults: A Five-year Follow-Up Study. . Stroke .2010 ;(41):961-966

64. 2010 Chang Chuen-Chau,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Lin Hui-Wen,Lin Herng-Ching. Anesthetic Management and Surgical Site Infections in Total Hip or Knee Replacement: A Population-based Study . Anesthesiology .2010 ;(113):279-284

65. 2010 Chen Yi-Hua,LIn Hsiu-Chen,Lin Herng-Ching. Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Women Affected by Herpangina . American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology .2010 ;(203):49.e1-49.e7

66. 2010 Chen Yi-Hua,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Lin Herng-Ching. Poor Clinical Outcomes among Pneumonia Patients with Schizophrenia. . Schizophrenia Bulletin .2010 ;(37):1088-1094

67. 2010 Lin Herng-Ching,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Chen Shu-Fen. Increased risk of low birthweight and small for gestational age infants among women with tuberculosis . BJOG .2010 ;(117):585-590

68. 2010 Herng-Ching Lin,Shu-Fen Chen,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Yi-Hua Chen. Increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with Rheumatoid Arthritis: a nationwidepopulation-based study . Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases .2010 ;(69):715-717

69. 2009 Yi-Hua Chen,Herng-Ching Lin,Shu-Fen Chen,Hsiu-Chen Lin. Increased Risk of Preterm Births among Women with Uterine Leiomyoma: A Nationwide Population-based Study Human Reproduction . Human Reproduction .2009 ;(24):3049-3056

70. 2009 Hsiu-Chen Lin,Ching-Chun Lin,Chin-Shyan Chen,Herng-Ching Lin. Seasonality of pneumonia admissions and its association with climate: an eight-year nationwide population-based study . Chronobiology International .2009 ;(26):1647-1659

71. 2009 Chen CH,Chen YH,Lin HC,Lin HC. Association between physician caseload and patient outcome for sepsis treatment. . Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology .2009 ;(30):556-562

72. 2009 Hsiu-Li Lin,Yi-Hua Chen,Hsiu-Chen Lin,Herng-Ching Lin. No increase in adverse pregnancy outcomes for women receiving antiepileptic drugs . Journal of Neurology .2009 ;(256):1742-1749

73. 2008 Lin HC,Tsai SH,Chen CS,Chang YC,Lee CM,Lai ZY, Lin CM. Structure-activity relationship of coumarin derivatives on xanthine oxidase-inhibiting and free radical-scavenging activities . Biochemical Pharmacology .2008 ;(75):1416-1425

74. 2008 Tsao Shih-Ming,Lin Hsiu-Chen,Lee Chun-Ming,Hsu Gwo-Jong,Chen Chih-Ming,Sun Wu, Liu Yung-Ching, Jang Tsrang-Neng, ...., Hsueh Po-Ren. Nationwide surveillance in Taiwan of the in-vitro activity of tigecycline against clinical isolates of Gram-positive cocci . International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents .2008 ;(32):S184-S187

75. 2008 Liu Jien-Wei,Wang Lih-Shinn,Cheng Yu-Jen,Hsu Gwo-Jong,Lu Po-Liang,Liu Yung-Ching, ...., Lin Hsiu-Chen, ....Hsueh Po-Ren. In-vitro activity of tigecycline against clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii in Taiwan . International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents .2008 ;(32):S188-S191

76. 2008 Liao Chun-Hsing,Kung Hsiang-Chi,Hsu Gwo-Jong,Lu Po-Liang,Liu Yung-Ching,Lee Chun-Ming, Sun Wu.,.... Lin Hsiu-Chen, ...Hsueh Po-Ren. In-vitro activity of tigecycline against clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii in Taiwan determined by the broth microdilution and disk diffusion methods . International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents .2008 ;(32):S192-S196

77. 2008 Lu Chin-Te,Chuang Yin-Ching,SunWu,Liu Yung-Ching,Cheng Yu-Jen,Lu Po-Liang, Chen Chih-Ming, ......, Lin Hsiu-Chen, ..., Hsueh Po-Ren. Nationwide surveillance in Taiwan of the in-vitro activity of tigecycline against clinical isolates of extended-spectrum b-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae . International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents .2008 ;(32):S!79-S183

78. 2007 Lou HY,Tsai PC,Chang CC,Lin YH,Liao CW,Kao TC, Lin HC, Lee WC, Fan CK. A case of human diphyllobothriasis in northern Taiwan after eating raw fish fillets . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection .2007 ;(40):452-456

79. 2007 Lin HC,Xirasagar S,Lin HC,Hwang YT. Does Physicians' Case Volume Impact Inpatient Care Costs for Pneumonia Cases? . Journal of General Internal Medicine .2007 ;(23):304-309

80. 2003 Wu CH, Chang CH, Lin CH, Chen CM, Lin CH, Lee HM. Role of protein kinase C in BSA-AGE- mediated inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in RAW 264.7 macrophage. . Biochemical Pharmacology .2003 ;(66):203-212

81. 2002 Monto Ho, FY Chang, HC Yin, RJ Ben,... HC Lin, ...JT Wang. Antibiotic Usage in Community-Acquired Infections in Hospitas in Taiwan . Journal of Formasan Medical Association .2002 ;(101):34-42

82. 2000 Chen CM, Yu KY, Lin HC, Yeh GC, Hsu HH. Thymus size and its relationship to perinatal events . Acta Paediatrica .2000 ;(89):975-978

83. 2000 Hsiu-chen Lin, Han-Hsing Deng, Hsun-Hui Hsu. prophylactic Effect of Acetominophen on Adverse Reactions in Infants after DTP Vaccination . New Taipei Journal of Medicine .2000 ;(2):131-136

84. 1999 Lin HC, Wang CC, Yu CM and Chu ML. Prevalence of antimicrobial resistance among clinical isolates of haemophilus influenzae in Taiwan. . J. Formos. Med. Assoc. .1999 ;(98):319-325

85. 1997 Lin HC, Wang CC, Yu CM and Chu ML. Use of southern hybirdization to detect the Haemophilus influenzae β-lactamase Gene. . J. Infect. Dis. Soc. ROC. .1997 ;(8):16-20


110 快速偵測具carbapenem抗藥性之綠膿桿菌: 一個透過機器學習方法以MALDI- TOF光譜資料預測抗生素敏感試驗結果的跨領域研究

99 應用蛋白質動力素分子馬達之主動運輸來發展慢性疾病的超靈敏生醫檢測法

98 各級醫療機構院內感染之趨勢分析系統及院內感染細菌抗藥性研究