邱泓文(Chiu, Hung-Wen) 教授

現   職
醫學資訊研究所 教授


學 歷

國立陽明醫學院醫學工程研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學電機工程學系 學士




2019/08/01 ~
2019/05/27 ~ 2020/07/31
2015/02/01 ~
2011/05/01 ~ 2015/04/30




心率變異性分析 heart rate variability analysis
醫學工程 medical engineering
生醫信號處理 biomedical signal processing
生物資訊 bioinformatics
醫學影像處理 medical image processing
醫學資訊 medical informatics



1. 2023 Lin IC,Chang SC,Huang YJ,Kuo TBJ,Chiu HW. Distinguishing different types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children using artificial neural network with clinical intelligent test . Frontiers in Psychology .2023 ;(13):1067771-1067771

2. 2023 Lee KY,Liu CC,Chen DY,Weng CL,Chiu HW, ,Chiang CH. Automatic detection and vascular territory classification of hyperacute staged ischemic stroke on diffusion weighted image using convolutional neural networks . Sci Rep .2023 ;(13):404

3. 2023 Huang ST,Liu LR,Chiu HW, Huang MY,Tsai MF. Deep convolutional neural network for rib fracture recognition on chest radiographs . Front Med (Lausanne) .2023 ;(10):1178798-1178798

4. 2023 Hsiao CC,Cheng CG,Chen CC,Chiu HW,Lin HC,Cheng CA. Semantic Visualization in Functional Recovery Prediction of Intravenous Thrombolysis following Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients by Using Biostatistics: An Exploratory Study. . J Pers Med. .2023 ;(13):624

5. 2023 Huang ST ,Chu YC,Liu LR,Yao WT,Chen YF, Yu CM, Yu CM, Tung KY, Chiu HW, Tsai MF. Deep Learning-Based Clinical Wound Image Analysis Using a Mask R-CNN Architecture . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2023 ;(43):417-426

6. 2022 Tseng CH,Chen RJ,Tsai SY,Wu TR, Tsaur WJ,Chiu HW, Yang CY, Lo YS.. Exploring the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Catalyst for Behavior Change Among Patient Health Record App Users in Taiwan: Development and Usability Study. . J Med Internet Res .2022 ;(24):e33399-e33399

7. 2022 Lee YL,Lee HA,Hsu CY, Kung HH,Chiu HW. SEMRES - A Triple Security Protected Blockchain Based Medical Record Exchange Structure . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2022 ;(215):106595-106595

8. 2022 Liu LR,Chiu HW, Huang MY,Huang ST,Tsai MF,Chang CY, Chang KS. Using Artificial Intelligence to Establish Chest X-Ray Image Recognition Model to Assist Crucial Diagnosis in Elder Patients With Dyspnea . Front Med (Lausanne) .2022 ;(9):893208-893208

9. 2022 Liu W,Liu J,Peng T,Wang G,Balas VE,Geman O, Chiu HW. Prediction of Parkinson’s disease based on artificial neural networks using speech datasets . Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing .2022 ;(in press):online-online

10. 2021 Lee YL,Lee HA,Hsu CY,Hung HH,Chiu HW. Implement an International Interoperable PHR by FHIR—A Taiwan Innovative Application . Sustainability .2021 ;(13):198

11. 2021 Chung CC,Chiu WT,Huang YH,Chan L,Hong CT,Chiu HW. Identifying prognostic factors and developing accurate outcome predictions for in-hospital cardiac arrest by using artificial neural networks . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2021 ;(425):117445

12. 2021 Chung CC,Bamodu OA,Hong CT,Chan L,Chiu HW. Application of machine learning-based models to boost the predictive power of the SPAN index . International Journal of Neuroscience .2021 ;(3):1-11

13. 2021 Chiang CH,Weng CL, Chiu HW.,Chiu HW. Automatic classification of medical image modality and anatomical location using convolutional neural network. . PLoS One .2021 ;(16):e0253205

14. 2021 Li HC,Pan TL,Lee MH,Chiu HW. Make Patient Consultation Warmer: A Clinical Application for Speech Emotion Recognition . Appl. Sci. .2021 ;(11):4782

15. 2021 Kuo YY,Huang ST,Chiu HW. Applying artificial neural network for early detection of sepsis with intentionally preserved highly missing real-world data for simulating clinical situation. . BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. .2021 ;(21):290-301

16. 2021 Chung CC,Chan L,Chen JH,Bamodu OA,Chiu HW,Hong CT. Plasma extracellular vesicles tau and β-amyloid as biomarkers of cognitive dysfunction of Parkinson's disease. . FASEB J. .2021 ;(35):e21895

17. 2021 Chiu WT,Chung CC,,Huang CH,Chien YS,Hsu CH,Wu CH, Wang CH, Chiu HW, Chan L.. Predicting the survivals and favorable neurologic outcomes after targeted temperature management by artificial neural networks. . J Formos Med Assoc .2021 ;(121):490-499

18. 2020 Chung Chen Chih,Hong Chien Tai,Huang Yao Hsien,Su Emily Chia Yu,Chan Lung,Hu Chaur Jong,Chiu Hung Wen. Predicting major neurologic improvement and long-term outcome after thrombolysis using artificial neural networks . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2020 ;(410):Epub-Epub

19. 2020 Chen-Chih Chung,You-Chia Chen,Chien-Tai Hong,Nai-Fang Chi,Chaur-Jong Hu,Han-Hwa Hu, Lung Chan, Hung-Wen Chiu. Artificial neural network-based analysis of the safety and efficacy of thrombolysis for ischemic stroke in older adults in Taiwan . Neurology Asia .2020 ;(25):109-117

20. 2020 Ching-Chun Lin,Herng-Ching Lin ,Hung-Wen Chiu. Increase Risk of Dementia in Patients With Sudden Hearing Loss: A Population-Based Cohort Study With 7-Year Follow-Up in Taiwan . Otol Neurotol . .2020 ;(41):1334-1340

21. 2020 Chung CC,Chan L,Bamodu OA,Hong CT,Chiu HW. Artificial neural network based prediction of postthrombolysis intracerebral hemorrhage and death . Scientific Reports .2020 ;(10):20501-20501

22. 2019 Lin CC, Lin HC,Chiu HW. Association Between Psoriasis and Dementia: A Population-Based Case-Control Study . Am J Clin Dermatol .2019 ;(20):457-463

23. 2018 Chiu HW ,Li YC . Improving healthcare management with data science . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(154):A1-A1

24. 2018 Chiu HW ,Li YC . Toward precise and preventive healthcare with computational tools . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(153):A1-A1

25. 2018 Yang HY,Huang JH,Chiu HW,Lin YK,Hsu CY,Chen YJ. Vitamin D and bisphosphonates therapies for osteoporosis are associated with different risks of atrial fibrillation in women: A nationwide population-based analysis. . Medicine .2018 ;(97):e12947

26. 2017 Cheng CA,, ,, ,., Cheng CG,Lee JT, Lin HC,Cheng CC, Chiu HW. An Analysis of Long-Term Ischemic Stroke Risk in Survivors of Septicemia. . J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. .2017 ;(26):2893-2900

27. 2017 Chua CS,Bai CH,Shiao CY,Hsu CY,Cheng CW,Yang KC, Chiu HW, Hsu JL.. Negative correlation of cortical thickness with the severity and duration of abdominal pain in Asian women with irritable bowel syndrome. . PLoS One. .2017 ;(12):e0183960-e0183960

28. 2017 Cheng CA,Cheng CG,Chu H,Lin HC, Chung CH,Chiu HW, Chien WC. Risk reduction of long-term major adverse cardiovascular events after endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy in palmar hyperhidrosis . Clin Auton Res .2017 ;(27):393-400

29. 2017 Chua CS,Huang SY,Cheng CW,Bai CH, Hsu CY,Chiu HW, Hsu JL. Fatty acid components in Asian female patients with irritable bowel syndrome . Medicine .2017 ;(96):e9094

30. 2017 Cheng CA,Lee JT,Lin HC,Lin HC,Chung CH,Lin FH, Tsao CH, Wu YF, Chien WC, Chiu HW.. Pregnancy increases stroke risk up to 1 year postpartum and reduces long-term risk. . QJM .2017 ;(110):355-260

31. 2017 Wu CF,Wu YJ,Liang PC,Wu CH,Peng SF,Chiu HW. Disease-free survival assessment by artificial neural networks for hepatocellular carcinoma patients after radiofrequency ablation. . J Formos Med Assoc .2017 ;(116):765-773

32. 2017 Hung FH,Chiu HW. Cancer subtype prediction from a pathway-level perspective by using a support vector machine based on integrated gene expression and protein network. . Comput Methods Programs Biomed. .2017 ;(141):27-34

33. 2017 Cheng CA,Cheng CG,Lin HC,Lee JT,Lin HC,Cheng CC, Chien WC, Chiu HW. New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation Related Ischemic Stroke Occurring after Hospital Discharge in Septicemia Survivors. . QJM .2017 ;(110):453-457

34. 2017 Rau HH,Wu YS,Chu CM,Wang FC,Hsu MH,Chang CW, Chen KH, Lee YL, Kao S, Chiu YL, Wen HC, Fuad A, Hsu CY, Chiu HW. Importance-Performance Analysis of Personal Health Record in Taiwan:A Web-Based Survey . JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH .2017 ;(19):e131-e131

35. 2016 Cheng CA,Chien WC,Hsu CY,Lin HC,Chiu HW. Risk analysis of carotid stent from a population-based database in Taiwan . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e4747

36. 2016 Chiu HW,Iqbal U,Li YC. Using classification methodology to improve biomedical decision making . computer methods and programs in biomedicine .2016 ;(137):A1-A2

37. 2015 Chang CM,Chiu HW,Shih CY,Huang SJ. 運用地圖化個案管理系統於社區醫院居家訪視之研究 . 醫務管理期刊 .2015 ;(16):125-140

38. 2015 Kuo HJ,Chiu HW,Lee CN,Chen TT,Chang CC,Bien MY. Improvement in the Prediction of Ventilator Weaning Outcomes by an Artificial Neural Network in a Medical ICU. . Respir Care .2015 ;(60):1560-1569

39. 2015 Chen CC,Chen CJ,Wu D,Chi NF,Chen PC,Liao YP, Chiu HW, Hu CJ.. BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Functional MRI During n-Back Working Memory Tasks. . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e1586

40. 2015 Hung FH,Chiu HW. Differentiating disease subtypes by using pathway patterns constructed from gene expressions and protein networks. . Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc .2015

41. 2015 Chen YC,Chang YC,Ke WC,Chiu HW. Cancer adjuvant chemotherapy strategic classification by artificial neural network with gene expression data: An example for non-small cell lung cancer. . J Biomed Inform .2015 ;(56):1-7

42. 2015 Chen CC,Hsu CY,Chiu HW,Hu CJ,Lee TC. Frequency power and coherence of electroencephalography are correlated with the severity of Alzheimer's disease: A multicenter analysis in Taiwan. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2015 ;(114):729-735

43. 2014 Chen YC,Ke WC,Chiu HW. Risk classification of cancer survival using ANN with gene expression data from multiple laboratories . Comput Biol Med .2014 ;(48):1-7

44. 2014 Hung FH,Chiu HW,Chang YC. Revealing pathway maps of renal cell carcinoma by gene expression change. . Comput Biol Med .2014 ;(51):111-121

45. 2014 Cheng CA,Lin YC,Chiu HW. Prediction of the prognosis of ischemic stroke patients after intravenous thrombolysis using artificial neural networks. . Stud Health Technol Inform .2014 ;(202):115-118

46. 2014 Wang H,Chiu HW,Liaw SK,Fan CC. Saturable absorber–based single-longitudinal mode tunable fiber laser using a Faraday rotator mirror as the rear cavity end . Opt. Eng. .2014 ;(53):116108

47. 2013 Cheng CH,Cheng SC,Chiu HW. 應用類神經網路預測鼻咽癌病人之五年存活狀態 . 放射治療與腫瘤學雜誌 .2013 ;(20):191-197

48. 2013 Chen HJ,Chiu HW,Liaw WJ. 以類神經網路模式輔助外科重症病人預測死亡機率 . Taiwan Crit. Care Med .2013 ;(14):1-7

49. 2013 Wang TN,Cheng CH,Chiu HW. Predicting post-treatment survivability of patients with breast cancer using Artificial Neural Network methods . EMBC 2013 proceedings .2013

50. 2013 Chen CJ,Chen CC,Wu D,Chi NF,Chen PC,Liao YP, Chiu HW, Hu CJ.. Effects of the Apolipoprotein E {varepsilon}4 Allele on Functional MRI during n-Back Working Memory Tasks in Healthy Middle-Aged Adults. . AJNR Am J Neuroradiol .2013 ;(34):1197-1202

51. 2013 Lin CC,Hu CC,Ho JD,Chiu HW,Lin HC. Obstructive sleep apnea and increased risk of glaucoma: a population-based matched-cohort study. . Ophthalmology .2013 ;(120):1559-1564

52. 2013 Tai YM,Gau CS,Gau SS,Chiu HW. Prediction of ADHD to Anxiety Disorders: An 11-Year National Insurance Data Analysis in Taiwan. . J Atten Disord. .2013 ;(17):660-669

53. 2012 Chen SR,Chiu HW,Lee YJ,Sheen TC,Jeng C. Impact of Pubertal Development and Physical Activity on Heart Rate Variability in Overweight and Obese Children in Taiwan. . J Sch Nurs .2012 ;(28):284-290

54. 2012 Hsu WY,Li YC,Hsu CY,Liu CT,Chiu HW. Application of multiscale amplitude modulation features and fuzzy C-means to brain-computer interface . Clin EEG Neurosci .2012 ;(43):32-38

55. 2012 Tseng KJ,Liou TH,Chiu HW. Development of a Computer-Aided Clinical Patient Education System to Provide Appropriate Individual Nursing Care for Psychiatric Patients . J Med Syst .2012 ;(36):1373-1379

56. 2011 Lin CS,Chang CC,Chiu JS,Lee YW,Mok MS,Chiu HW, Li YC. Application of an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Postinduction Hypotension During General Anesthesia . Med Decis Making .2011 ;(31):308-314

57. 2011 陳彥臣,Chen YC,Lin WD,Hsiao CD,邱泓文,Ho JM. Bio301: AWeb-Based EST Annotation Pipeline That Facilitates Functional Comparison Studies . ISRN Bioinformatics .2011 ;(2012)

58. 2011 Chen IJ,Hsieh YJ,Chiu HW. G - asthma:智慧型手機應用於氣喘預防監控系統 . 醫療資訊雜誌 .2011 ;(20):15-26

59. 2011 Chen CM,Hsu CY,Chiu HW,Bai CH,Wu PH. 以類神經網路及分類迴歸樹輔助肝癌病患預測存活情形 . 台灣公共衛生雜誌 .2011 ;(30):481-493

60. 2011 Chi WC,Chiu HW,Chen CA. 迷走神經性昏厥之早期診斷-利用類神經網路建立輔助診斷預測模型系統 . 醫療資訊雜誌 .2011 ;(20):13-24

61. 2010 Su CY,Li CH,Hsu CY,Chiu HW. 建構急診小兒科常用藥物劑量決策支援系統促進用藥安全 . 醫療資訊雜誌 .2010 ;(19):1-18

62. 2010 Chen JL,Shiau YH,Tseng YJ,Chiu HW,Hsiao TC,Wessel N, Kurths J, Chu WC. Concurrent sympathetic activation and vagal withdrawal in hyperthyroidism: Evidence from detrended fluctuation analysis of heart rate variability . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications .2010 ;(389):1861-1868

63. 2010 Lee CH,Wang JY,Huang KL,Chiu HW,Fei TC,Chen TS, Chang H. Unreliability of Pulse Contour-Derived Cardiac Output in Piglets Simulating Acute Hemorrhagic Shock and Rapid Volume Expansion . Journal of Trauma .2010 ;(68):1357-1361

64. 2010 Hsu CY,Chen YC,Luo RC,Rau HH,Fan CT,Hsiao BS, Chiu HW. A Resource-Sharing Platform for Trading Biomedical Intellectual Property . IT Professional .2010 ;(12):42-49

65. 2010 Chen YC,Yang WW,Lee TC,Chiu HW. Predicting Cancer Survival Time Using an Artificial Neural Network with Gene Expression Data . Ming-Chuan Health Tech Journal (MC Health Tech J) .2010 ;(01):e7

66. 2010 Sun LM,Chiu HW,Chuang CY,Liu L. A prediction model based on an artificial intelligence system for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea . Sleep Breath .2010 ;(epub)

67. 2010 Chen YC,Lee TC,Ke WC,Chiu HW. A smart -phone based real-time heart rate monitoring during cycling . Journal of ehealth technology and application .2010 ;(8):16-18

68. 2010 Lee CH,Wang JY,Wu YK,Chiu HW,Lan CC,Chang H, Chen CY. Pulse Pressure Power Spectrum Predicts Volume Responsiveness in Shock Patients without Sedation . shock .2010 ;(33):454-459

69. 2010 Lin CC,Bai YM,Chen JY,Hwang TJ,Chen TT,Li YC, Chiu HW. Easy and Low-Cost Identification of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients Treated with Second-Generation Antipsychotics: Artificial Neural Network and Logistic Regression Models . J Clin Psychiat .2010 ;(71):225-234

70. 2009 Hsu PW,Lin TH,Chang HH,Chen YT,Tseng YJ,Hsiao CH, Chan CT, Chiu HW, Chen PC, Chu WC. Simulations and experiments for optimal deployment of an RFID-based location-aware system . Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing .2009

71. 2009 Lin HT,Hsu JL,Hsiao BS,Chiu HW. Assessment of Insomnia Based on EEG and Heart Rate Variability Analysis . The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics .2009 ;(18):1-12

72. 2009 Chen YC,Yang WW,Chiu HW. Artificial Neural Network Prediction for Cancer Survival Time by Gene Expression Data . Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering .2009

73. 2009 Hung FH,Lin CY,Chen YC,Chiu HW. An Information System to Prevent Adverse Frug-Food Interactions . 醫療資訊雜誌 .2009 ;(18):39-49

74. 2009 Tai YM,Chiu HW. Comorbidity study of ADHD: Applying association rule mining (ARM) to National Health Insurance Database of Taiwan . Int J Med Inform .2009 ;(78):e75-e83

75. 2008 Tai YM,Chiu HW. Artificial Neural Network Analysis on Suicide and Self-Harm History of Taiwanese Soldiers . Innovative Compuing, Information and Control .2008 ;(2):8005-8008

76. 2008 Lin CC,Wang YC,Chen JY,Bai YM,Lai IC,Chen TT, Chiu HW, Li YC. Artificial neural network prediction of clozapine response with combined pharmacogenetic and clinical data . computer methods and programs in biomedicine .2008 ;(91):91-99

77. 2008 Lin CS,Chiu JS,Hsieh MH,Mok MS,Li YC,Chiu HW. Predicting hypotensive episodes during spinal anesthesia with the application of artificial neural networks . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2008 ;(92):193-197

78. 2008 Chiu HW,Hung FH. Association rulemining from yeast protein inetraction to assist protein-protein interaction prediction . International journal of biomedical soft computing and human sciences .2008 ;(13):3-6

79. 2008 Sung TY,Hung FH,Chiu HW. Implementation of an integrated drug information system for inpatients to reduce medication errors in administrating stage . EMBS 2008. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE .2008

80. 2008 Chen SR,Lee YJ,Chiu HW,Jeng C. Impact of physical activity on heart rate variability in children with type 1 diabetes . Childs Nerv Syst. .2008 ;(24):741-747

81. 2008 Hung FH,Chiu HW. Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction based on Association Rules of Protein Functional Regions . Innovative Compuing, Information and Control .2008 ;(2):8001-8004

82. 2007 Jin-Long Chen,Yin-Jiun Tseng,Hung-Wen Chiu,Tzu-Chien Hsiao,Woei-Chyn Chu. Nonlinear analysis of heart rate dynamics in hyperthyroidism . Physiol. Meas .2007 ;(28):427-437

83. 2007 chen SR,Lee YJ,Chiu HW,Jeng C. Impact of Glycemic Control, Disease Duration, and Exercise on Heart Rate Variability in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus . J Formos Med Assoc .2007 ;(106):935-942

84. 2007 Sung TY,Lin YM,Chu WC,Chiu HW. 針對護理人員應用於住院病患給藥之輔助性用藥安全資訊模組 . 慈濟叢刊- 電子優質健康照護 .2007

85. 2007 Lin CY,Lee CC,Chiu HW. 支援減重行為療法之營養資訊平台 . 慈濟叢刊- 電子優質健康照護 .2007

86. 2007 Wu CY,Chiu HW. A Semi-Automatic QT Interval Measurement Based on Digital Filters . Computers in Cardiology .2007 ;(33):317-320

87. 2007 Chen cc,Chiu HW,Hsu CY. 建立以腦波為基礎的阿茲海默病評估模式 . The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics .2007 ;(16):43-52

88. 2006 Chen SR,Chen WT,Chiu HW,Jeng C. 氣喘兒童休息及活動狀態下的心率變異度 . 台灣醫學 .2006 ;(10):20-27

89. 2006 Hu CM,Chen YH,Chiu HW,Hsu CY,Tsai WC,Huang CY. 以數位遊戲為基礎之醫學教育輔助系統 . 醫療資訊雜誌 .2006 ;(15):55-69

90. 2006 Yen YT,Chen B,Chiu HW,Li YC,Hsu CY. Developing a NLP and IR-Based Algorithm for Analyzing Gene-disease Relationship . Methods of Information in Medicine .2006 ;(45):321-329

91. 2006 Chen JL,Chiu HW,Tseng YJ,Chu WC. Hyperthyroidism is characterized by both increased sympathetic and decreased vagal modulation of heart rate: evidence from spectral analysis of heart rate variability . Clinical Endocrinology .2006 ;(64):611-616

92. 2006 Liou TH,Chen CH,Hsu CY,Chou P,Chiu HW. A pilot study of videoconferencing for an Internet-based weight loss programme forobese adults in Taiwan . Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare .2006 ;(12):370-373

93. 2005 Lin WC,Chiu HW,Hsu CY. Discovering EEG Signals Response to Musical Signal Stimuli by Time-frequency analysis and Independent Component Analysis . Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Bio Proc .2005 ;(7):2765-2768

94. 2005 Chiu HW,Hsu CY. Applying Independent Component Analysis to Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Variations . Computers in Cardiology .2005 ;(32):579-582

95. 2005 Lin CC,Li YC,Bai YM,Chen JY,Hsu CY,Wang CH, Chiu HW, Wan HT. The evaluation of Game-based e-learning for medical education: a preliminary survey . AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2005 .2005

96. 2005 林光中,劉燦宏,孫郁文,林佳儀,邱泓文. 遠距醫療及遠距教學的應用 — 網路減重計劃之初探 . 醫療資訊雜誌 .2005 ;(14):27-40

97. 2005 林威志,邱安煒,徐建業,邱泓文. 聆聽音樂時腦波及心率變異性之變化 . 醫療資訊雜誌 .2005 ;(14):27-36

98. 2004 Chiu HW. The Interaction of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Variations for AV Dissociation Illustrated by a Closed-Loop Heart Rate Control Model . Computers in Cardiology .2004 ;(31):493-496

99. 2003 Chiu HW, Wang TH, Huang LC, Tso HW and Kao T. The influence of mean heart rate on measures of heart rate variability as markers of autonomic function: a model study . Medical Engineering & Physics .2003 ;(25):475-481

100. 2003 Chiu HW,Lin LS,Kuo MC,Chiang HS,Hsu CY. Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis to Assess the Effect of Music Therapy on Anxiety Reduction of Patients. . Computers in Cardiology .2003 ;(30):469-472

101. 2002 Tsai AC, Chiu HW. Relationship between heart rate variability and electrolyte concentration in chronic renal failure patients under hemodialysis . International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism .2002 ;(4):307-308

102. 2002 Lin CS, Li YC, Mok MS, Wu CC, Chiu HW, Lin YH.. Neural Network Modeling to Predict the Hypnotic Effect of Propofol Bolus Induction. . Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Symposium Supplement .2002

103. 2001 Chiu HW, Kao T, Hsiao HC, Kong CW. Cardiac aliasing in atrial rate variation response to fixed-rate ventricular pacing . Computer in Cardiology 2001 .2001 ;(28):505-508

104. 2001 Hung-Wen Chiu and Tsair Kao. A Mathematical Model for Autonomic Control of Heart Rate Variation . IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine Magazine .2001 ;(20):69-76

105. 2000 Kao T, Hsiao HC, Chiu HW, Kong CW. The relationship of late potentials to assessment of heart rate variability in post-infarction patients . International Journal of Cardiology .2000 ;(74):207-214

106. 2000 Chiu HW, Kao T. Mathematical Explanations for Alterations of Heart-Rate Variability after Autonomic Blockade and during Exercise . Computers in Cardiology 2000 .2000 ;(27):457-460

107. 1999 Chiu HW, Kao T, Hsiao HC, Kong CW. Atrail Rate Variations in Atrioventricular Block Patients: Influences Of Ventricular Rate and Atrioventricular delay . Computers in Cardiology 1999 .1999

108. 1998 Hsiao HC, Chiu HW, Lee SC, Kao T, Chang HY and Kong CW. Esophageal PP intervals for analysis of short-term heart rate variability in patients with atrioventricular block before and after insertion of a temporary ventricular inhibited pacemaker . International Journal of Cardiology .1998 ;(64):271-276

109. 1997 Hsiao HC, Chiu HW, Lee SC, Kao T, Chang HY and Kong CW. Heart rate variability in patients with atrioventricular block . Chnese Medical Journal .1997 ;(60):81-85

1. 2023 Huang ST,Liu LR,Tsai MF, Huang MY,Chiu HW. Developing a Deep Learning Model Using Transfer Learning from EfficientNet-b3 to Detect Knee Fracture on X-ray Images . ICMHI 2023 ACM proceedings .2023

2. 2022 Peng ZF,Chiu HW. Applying FHIR in Remote Consultation in Dermatology: Interoperability of Information for Digital Dermatoscope . Proceeding of ICMHI 2022 .2022

3. 2022 Zhu YZ ,Chiu HW,Tsai MF. Using mask regional convolution neural network (Mask-RCNN) for clinical wound image segmentation and diagnosis . Proceeding of APAMI 2022 .2022

4. 2019 Chiu Hung Wen ,Huang Yu Ting ,Cheng Chun An . Using artificial neural network to predict functional recovery of patients treated by intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke . IFMBE Proceedings .2019 ;(68):331-334

5. 2017 Chen CA,Chiu HW. An artificial neural network model for the evaluation of carotid artery stenting prognosis using a national-wide database. . Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc .2017

6. 2016 Her HL,Chiu HW. Using Time-Frequency Features to Recognize Abnormal Heart Sounds . Computers in Cardiology proceeding .2016

7. 2016 Hung FH,Chiu HW. A Cancer Subtypes Classifier Based on SVM from Pathway-Level View . JCMIT 2016論文集 .2016

8. 2016 Guo SY,Chang CF,Tai CH,Chiu HW,Tang ST. Integration of Mobile Phone and Networking Technology for Parkinson’s Disease in Dysphagia and Dysarthria . The 5th International Congress on Engineering and Information (ICEAI 2016)論文集 .2016

9. 2015 Hsiao PM,Lee JT,Chiu HW. 利用多項變數分析腦中風危險因子、睡眠呼吸中止及神經學超音波檢查預測缺血性腦中風再發生率 . JCMIT2015論文集 .2015

10. 2015 Guo SY,Chiu HW,Chang CF,Tang ST. 帕金森氏症病人家輔助言語復健系統 . JCMIT2015論文集 .2015

11. 2014 Hung FH,Chiu HW. The Progress of Prostate Cancer in Pathway Level Explored by Protein Network with Gene Expression . Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2014) .2014

12. 2014 Hung FH,Chiu HW. Potential Activated Pathways Related to Progress of Bladder Cancer Explored by Protein Networks with Gene Expression Changes . IFMBE Proceedings .2014 ;(45):605-608

13. 2012 Hsu YT,Sun CH,Chiu HW. 以癌症症狀評估與控制為基礎之遠距安寧療護系統 . JCMIT 2012 proceeding .2012

14. 2012 Cheng CH,Chiu HW. 應用類神經網路模型預測乳癌病人經治療後之存活率-以北部某區域醫院為例 . JCMIT 2012 proceeding .2012

15. 2012 Chien CL,Chiu HW,Hsu CY. 使用類神經網路模型預測髖關節骨折後死亡率 . JCMIT 2012 proceeding .2012

16. 2012 Chen HJ,Chiu HW. 應用類神經網路模式輔助預測重症病人之死亡 . JCMIT 2012 proceeding .2012

17. 2012 Ke WC,Hsieh YC,Chen YC,Lin ET,Chiu HW. Trend analysis and future development of taiwan electronic medical records. . Stud Health Technol Inform .2012 ;(180):1230-1232

18. 2012 Hung FH,Chiu HW. Inferring Potential Pathway on Protein-Protein Network with Gene Expression Change . iCBBE 2012 proceedings .2012

19. 2011 Hung FH,Chiu HW. A Tool for Analyzing Difference of Gene Expression in a Pathway . IFBME proceedings .2011 ;(37):129-132

20. 2011 Chiu HW,Chen IJ,Hsieh YJ,Lee TC. G-asthma: A Smart Phone-based Asthma Management System for Taiwanese . IFMBE proceedings .2011 ;(37):898-901

21. 2011 Shen MC,Tsai YT,Lin YC,Yen CC,Tsai CS,Chiu HW. 利用臨床數據預測冠狀動脈繞道手術術後心房顫動發生 . JCMIT 2011 proceedings .2011

22. 2011 Kuo HJ,Bien MY,Chiu HW. 運用類神經網路提升呼吸器脫離預測率 . Jcmit 2011 proceedings .2011

23. 2011 Sun CH,Hsieh YJ,Chiu HW. 整合升糖指數及運動管理之糖尿病隨身照護系統 . Jcmit 2011 proceedings .2011

24. 2011 Chou SY,Liu L,Chiu HW. 建構鴉片類藥物濫用替代療法之個案管理模式 . Jcmit 2011 Proceedings .2011

25. 2011 Sun CH,Chao WN,Chiu HW. 以品質管理為基礎之智慧型手機用藥提醒系統- 以高血壓用藥為例 . Jcmit 2011 Proceedings .2011

26. 2011 Chen CM,Hsu CY,Chiu HW,Rau HH. Prediction of Survival in Patients with Liver Cancer using Artificial Neural Networks and Classification and Regression Trees . 2011 Seventh International Conference on Natural Computation .2011

27. 2010 Chao WN,Su CY,Chiu HW. 建構藥師端用藥安全警示系統 . JCMIT 2010 proceedings .2010

28. 2010 Hsieh YJ,Chen IJ,Chiu HW. G - asthma 智慧型手機應用於氣喘預防監控系統 . JCMIT 2010 proceedings .2010

29. 2010 Lee TC,Chiu HW. Frequency-domain Heart Rate Variability Analysis Performed by Digital Filters . Computing in Cardiology 2010 .2010 ;(37):589-592

30. 2010 Cheng CA,Lee JT,Chiu HW. Modifications of Autonomic Activity and Baroreceptor Response during Tilt-induced Vasovagal Syncope . Computing in Cardiology 2010 .2010 ;(37):943-946

31. 2010 Hung FH,Chiu HW. Pathway-based Microarray Data Analysis for Cancer Research . proceedings of BIOCOMP 2010 .2010

32. 2009 饒孝先,蔡昆原,邱泓文,徐建業. 利用類神經網路預測糖尿病發生情形 . JCMIT 2009 proceeding .2009

33. 2009 蘇群堯,李俊賢,邱泓文. 急診小兒科常用藥物劑量計算輔助系統 . JCMIT 2009 proceeding .2009

34. 2009 Hung FH,Sung HC,Chiu HW. A Drug-Safety Information System for Computerized Drug Deliver Cart . APAMI 2009 proceeding .2009

35. 2009 Chen IJ,Chiu HW. A Review for Information Systems to Support Outpatient Asthma Health Management . APAMI 2009 proceeding. .2009

36. 2008 Lin CC,Li YC,Chiu HW,Chen SY. Genetic Prediction of Clozapine Response by Artificial Neural Network . 21st International Congress ofthe European Federation for Medical Informatics MIE 2008 .2008

37. 2008 林賢怡,李建志,邱泓文. 隨手可得之飲食營養資訊系統設計 . 2008數位生活科技研討會 .2008

38. 2008 王建堯,林賢怡,邱泓文. 以行動技術運用於即時查詢之飲食營養資訊系統 . JCMIT 2008 proceeding .2008

39. 2008 林慧慈,徐榮隆,蕭百勝,邱泓文. 失眠的腦波與心率變異性 . JCMIT 2008 proceeding .2008

40. 2008 洪蜚鴻,林卓儀,邱泓文. 線上用藥與飲食不良反應查詢系統 . JCMIT 2008 proceeding .2008

41. 2008 曾冠叡,邱泓文. 整合性臨床護理指導內容之電腦輔助系統初探-以精神科為例 . JCMIT 2008 proceeding .2008

42. 2007 Hung FH,Chiu HW. Evaluation and Development of Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction System Based on Association Rule . Proc. of the 3rd WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2007 .2007

43. 2007 Sung TYL,Hunag CL,Chu WC,Chiu HW. Patient-Safety Improving Medication Information System for Care Workers in Taiwan . Conference Proceedings of 12th World Congress on Health Informatics (Medinfo 2007) .2007

44. 2007 Tseng KJ,Chiu HW. 電腦輔助臨床護理衛教內容之建立 . Proceeding of International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007 .2007

45. 2007 Lin HY,Li CC,Chiu HW. 隨手可得之飲食營養資訊系統設計 . Proceeding of International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007 .2007

46. 2007 Chiu HW,Lin YM,Sung TY. Improving patient safety through e-medication process reengineering: constructing an e-medication drug information and fault-proofing system . Journal of medical and biological Engineering .2007 ;(27):s22

47. 2007 Chiu Hw,Chen CC,Hung FH,Hsu CY. Application of EEG analysis for early diagnosis and prognostic assessment of Alzheimer's disease . Journal of medical and biological Engineering .2007 ;(27):s88

48. 2006 Hung FH,Chiu HW. 使用電腦運算技術揭露蛋白質交互作用 . 第五屆亞太HL7健康資訊交換標準研討會 .2006

49. 2006 Hung FH,Chiu HW. Computational Methods to Uncover the Protein-protein Interactions . APAMI 2006 Proceedings .2006

50. 2006 Chang WY,Lin WC,Hsu CY,Chiu HW. 類神經網路分類音樂刺激下腦波分析之研究 . MIST 2006 .2006

51. 2005 陳彥臣,李元綺,邱泓文. a web-based system for gene identifier exchange among databases to support gene expression annotation . 2005 Bioinformatics in Taiwan .2005

52. 2004 陳鷹皓,邱泓文,徐建業,蔡文傑,黃芷瑩,胡秋明. 輔助醫學教育之網路遊戲設計--以為生物免疫學為例 . 2004數位生活與網際網路科技研討會 .2004

53. 2004 楊繼盛,徐建業,邱泓文,許居誠. 乳房攝影品質控制之評估與必要性 . 2004年國際醫學資訊研討會論文集 .2004

54. 2004 陳宇瑄,陳彥臣,李元綺,邱泓文. Determination of Common Cancer-Related Genes Using Microarray Data . 2004年國際醫學資訊研討會論文集 .2004

55. 2004 陳彥臣,陳宇瑄,邱泓文,李元綺. PIMA:建立一個cDNA微陣列和寡核酸微陣列的整合平台網站 . 2004年國際醫學資訊研討會論文集 .2004

56. 2003 Shih CL,Chiu HW. Automatic spot detection of cDNA microarray images using mathematical morphology methods . IEEE EMBS Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2003 .2003

57. 2002 史巧菱,邱泓文. 二維凝膠電泳之影像處理分割技術應用探討 . 2002年生物醫學工程科技研討會 .2002

58. 2002 Chang CY, Yang DY, Chiu HW. Web-based and PDA-based chemical hazard query system for chemical incidents . MIST 2002 proceedings .2002

59. 2001 呂克偉, 邱泓文. 無線應用協定於災難醫療資訊傳輸之應用 . 中華民國九十年生物醫學工程科技研討會論文集 .2001

60. 2001 陳怡文, 邱泓文, 劉立. 醫院策略聯盟主管資訊系統之建構 . 中華民國九十年生物醫學工程科技研討會論文集 .2001

61. 2001 江慶仁, 邱泓文. 醫院資訊系統整合提昇醫療品質與管理之研究 . 中華民國九十年生物醫學工程科技研討會論文集 .2001

62. 2001 Yeh Chi -Yuan (葉啟源) , Chiu Hung-Wen (邱泓文). Photon Knife Therapy( PKT ) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma . 中華民國九十年生物醫學工程科技研討會論文集 .2001

63. 2001 黃仁貴, 邱泓文. 應用資料探勘技術探討住院病患之臨床路徑 . 中華民國九十年生物醫學工程科技研討會論文集 .2001

64. 2001 徐子玲,邱泓文,吳聖良. 特定醫療事件資訊收集系統之研究 -- 以原住民事故傷害為例 . 中華民國九十年生物醫學工程科技研討會論文集 .2001

65. 1999 Chiu HW, Kao T. Heart Rate Variation Analysis from a Mathematical Model of Sinoatrial Node . 4th Asia-Pacific Conf. on Medical and Biological Engineering .1999

66. 1998 邱泓文,高材. 心率變異性受自主神經調變之竇房結數學模型 . 中華醫學工程學會1998年會 .1998

67. 1997 Chiu HW, Kao T. A Mathematical Model of Sinus Node and Heart Rate Variability Analysis . the third IFAC Symposium .1997

68. 1997 Chiu HW, Lee SC, Kao T. Automatic Detection of Atrial Activities by Esophageal Lead . Annals of Biomed. Eng. .1997

69. 1997 邱泓文,高材. 心率受自主神經控制之數學模型 . 中華醫學工程學會1997年會 .1997

1. 2007 張顯洋,邱泓文. 等譯著 -第21章人因科技界面 . .健康資訊管理:利用科技來改變健康照護 HOMSON.. .2007

2. 2006 李友專,邱泓文. 等著 第8章 醫療訊號處理,設計及評估, 第32章 生物資訊 . 醫學資訊管理學 , 偉華書局有限公司 .2006

3. 2002 李友專,邱泓文. 等譯 , 簡明醫學資訊學 . 合記圖書出版社, Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, and Springer .2002


113 開發用於胸部X光影像之肋骨骨折偵測之區域卷積網路模型並利用真實世界資料進行可行性評估

112 嬰兒動作偵測與胎兒超音波影像自動分類研究計畫

112 以人工智慧判別糖尿病足傷口影像評估其伴隨周邊血管疾病的風險

112 「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」第四十六屆IEEE 醫學與生物學工程學會國際年會-(研究生:醫學資訊研究所博士班朱昱璋君)

111 利用YOLO檢測和分類顯微影像中的白血球細胞型態

111 2023 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2023)(出席人員:醫學資訊研究所邱泓文教授)

110 運用人工智慧協助臨床胸部X光肋骨骨折偵測

110 研究生出席「國際醫學與健康資訊學會」-彭子芳

109 以機器學習辨識兒童注意力不足及注意力不足過動症

108 109年度「人工智慧產業關鍵技術拔尖計畫(3/4)」-「結合小樣本學習之乳房病變辨識技術」

108 以FHIR架構建置齒顎矯正科之個案管理系統

108 建構AI精準醫療生殖醫學生態圈-醫院臨床導入驗證之專業諮詢

107 HeartIO可行性評估研究計畫

107 應用深度學習技術於胚胎品質與懷孕身理數值評估研究計畫

107 使用光電容積描記(PPG)信號進行非侵入性血壓估算

106 乳房病變醫療影像人工智慧偵測暨辨識技術

106 107年6月赴捷克布拉格參加2018 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

105 利用健保資料庫建構評估頸動脈支架術預後的模型並以臨床資料驗證

104 藉由量化癌症狀態路徑變動來建立以支持向量機為基礎的癌症轉移預測模組

104 郭欣怡君擬於105年5月10日至105年5月12日赴日本大阪(Osaka)參加工程資訊國際研討會

103 建立基於蛋白質網路與基因表現改變的癌症進程模型並應用於癌症亞型之分類

103 測試用

102 運用癌症基因表現建構癌症相關生物路徑

102 運用癌症基因表現建構癌症相關生物路徑

100 巴金森氏病之嗅覺腦波頻譜分析及嗅覺誘發電位研究

100 利用蛋白質交互作用及基因表現的資料探勘開發生物路徑網路建構系統

99 利用蛋白質交互作用及基因表現的資料探勘開發生物路徑網路建構系統

98 抗凝血劑用藥之研究

98 巴金森氏病失智症之腦波分析

98 結合檢驗資訊之智慧型用藥安全警示系統建構

98 利用蛋白質交互作用及基因表現的資料探勘開發生物路徑網路建構系統

98 開發睡眠之腦電波活動與自律神經調節分析方法

96 改善病人用藥安全之e化醫護流程再造─e化藥物資訊數位內容與用藥稽核系統(子計畫三)(2-3)

96 改善病人用藥安全之e化醫護流程再造-e化藥物資訊數位內容與用藥稽核系統(子計畫三)(3/3)

95 以磁振造影全自動精確量測腹部臟腔及皮下脂肪量

95 應用腦波分析於阿茲海默症病患之早期診斷及治療評估

95 改善病人用藥安全之e化醫護流程再造─e化藥物資訊數位內容與用藥稽核系統(子計畫三)(1-3)

94 建構聆聽音樂之腦波分析模式

93 分析音樂治療中音樂特性與生理信號之關聯性

93 減重知識管理與減重病人之遠距教育

92 以網際網路為基礎之減重成效評估介面  

92 聆聽音樂時生理信號之變化分析

91 接受手術病人麻醉前音樂治療之心率變異性與腦波研究初探

90 慢性腎衰竭病人接受血液透析治療時心率變異性之研究