戴裕庭(Tai, Yu-Ting) 副教授

現   職
麻醉學科 副教授


學 歷

國立成功大學學士後醫學系 學士
國立臺灣海洋大學水產食品科學系 學士











1. 2020 Yeh Poh Shiow,Chen Jui Tai,Cherng Yih Giun,Yang Shun Tai,Tai Yu Ting,Chen Ruei Ming,Yeh Poh Shiow,Chen Jui Tai,Cherng Yih Giun,Yang Shun Tai,Tai Yu Ting,Chen Ruei Ming. Methylpiperidinopyrazole attenuates estrogen-induced mitochondrial energy production and subsequent osteoblast maturation via an estrogen receptor alpha-dependent mechanism . Molecules .2020 ;(25)

2. 2019 Ching-Lung Ko,Jui-An Lin,Kung-Yen Chen,An-Chih Hsu,Shu-Yu Wu,Yu-Ting Tai, Ko-Huan Lin, Wei-Chen Chung, Min-Hui Li. Netrin-1 Dampens Hypobaric Hypoxia-induced Lung Injury in Mice Netrin-1 in Hypoxia-induced Lung Injury . High Altitude Medicine & Biology .2019

3. 2019 An-Chih Hsu,Yu-Ting Tai,Ko-Huan Lin,Han-Yun Yao,Han-Liang Chiang,Bing-Ying Ho, Sheng-Feng Yang, Jui-An Lin, Ching-Lung Ko. Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block in Adults: a Comprehensive Review Based on a . Journal of Anesthesia .2019

4. 2018 Jui-An Lin,Ko-Huan Lin,An-Chih Hsu,Yu-Ting Tai. Modified half-the-air technique for continuous pressure monitoring during lumbar plexus block. . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY .2018

5. 2018 Lin PI,Tai YT,Chan WP,Lin YL,Liao MH,Chen RM. Estrogen/ERα signaling axis participates in osteoblast maturation via upregulating chromosomal and mitochondrial complex gene expressions. . Oncotarget .2018 ;(9):1169-1186

6. 2018 Chen KY,Lin JA,Yao HY,Hsu AC,Tai YT,Chen JT, Hsieh MC, Shen TL, Hsu RY, Wu HT, Wang GH, Ho BY, Chen YP. Arctigenin protects against steatosis in WRL68 hepatocytes through activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B and AMP-activated protein kinase pathways. . NUTRITION RESEARCH .2018 ;(52):87-97

7. 2018 Chio CC,Tai YT, Mohanraj M,Liu SH,Yang ST,Chen RM. Honokiol enhances temozolomide-induced apoptotic insults to malignant glioma cells via an intrinsic mitochondrion-dependent pathway. . Phytomedicine .2018 ;(49):41-51

8. 2018 Lin JA,Lin KH,Hsu AC,Tai YT. Modified half-the-air technique for continuous pressure monitoring during lumbar plexus block . Eur J Anaesth .2018 ;(35):803-805

9. 2017 Ye, Jing-Jhao,Chuang, Chiung-Cheng,Tai, Yu-Ting,Lee, Kuan-Ting,Hung, Kuo-Sheng. Use of Heart Rate Variability and Photoplethysmograph-Derived Parameters as Assessment Signals of Radiofrequency Therapy Efficacy for Chronic Pain . Pain Pract .2017 ;(17):879-885

10. 2017 Tsai HC,Yoshida T,Chuang TY,Yang SF,Chang CC,Yao HY, Tai YT, Lin JA, Chen KY. Transversus Abdominis Plane Block: An Updated Review of Anatomy and Techniques. . BioMed Research International .2017 ;(2017)

11. 2016 Chen, Jui-Tai,Lin, Yi-Ling,Chen, Ta-Liang,Tai, Yu-Ting,Chen, Cheng-Yu,Chen, Ruei-Ming. Ketamine alleviates bradykinin-induced disruption of the mouse cerebrovascular endothelial cell-constructed tight junction barrier via a calcium-mediated redistribution of occludin polymerization. . Toxicology .2016

12. 2015 Lu HF,Hung KS,Hsu YW,Tai YT,Huang LS,Wang YJ, Wong HS, Hsu YH, Chang WC. Association Study between the FTCDNL1 (FONG) and Susceptibility to Osteoporosis. . PLoS One .2015 ;(10)

13. 2015 Chuang CC,Ye JJ,Lin WC,Lee KT,Tai YT. Photoplethysmography variability as an alternative approach to obtain heart rate variability information in chronic pain patient . Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing .2015 ;(29):801-806

14. 2015 Tai YT,Lin YL,Chang CC,Cherng YG,Don MJ,Chen RM. Ring-oxidative biotransformation and drug interactions of propofol in the livers of rats . BioMed Research International .2015 ;(2015):1-11

15. 2015 Lin JA,Chuang TY,Yao HY,Yang SF,Tai YT. Ultrasound standard of peripheral nerve block for shoulder arthroscopy: a single-penetration double-injectionapproach targeting the superior trunk and supraclavicular nerve in the lateral decubitus position . British journal of anaesthesia .2015 ;(115):932-934

16. 2014 Chang HC,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Lin JW,Liu SH,Chen TL,Chen RM. Resveratrol attenuates high-fat diet-induced disruption of the blood-brain barrier and protects brain neurons from apoptotic insults . Journal of agricultural and food chemistry .2014 ;(62):3466-3475

17. 2014 Tai YT,Lee WY,Lee FP,Lin TJ,Shih CL,Wang JY, Chiu WT, Hung KS. Low dose of valproate improves motor function after traumatic brain injury . BioMed Research International .2014 ;(2014):1-8

18. 2014 Liao MH,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Liu SH,Chang YA,Lin PI, Chen RM. Genistein induces oestrogen receptor-α gene expression in osteoblasts through the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases/NF-κB/activator protein-1 and promotes cell mineralization . British Journal of Nutrition .2014 ;(111):55-63

19. 2013 Wu TT,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Chen TG,Lin CJ,Chen TL, Chang HC, Chen RM. GATA-2 transduces LPS-induced il-1β gene expression in macrophages via a toll-like receptor 4/MD88/MAPK-dependent mechanism . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):1-10

20. 2013 Chen RM,Tai YT,Chen TG,Lin TH,Chang HC,Chen TL, Wu GJ. Propofol protects against nitrosative stress-induced apoptotic insults to cerebrovascular endothelial cells via an intrinsic mitochondrial mechanism . Surgery .2013 ;(154):58-68

21. 2013 Liao AHW,Hsieh MC,Lu CY,Tai YT,Chen TG,Chen KY. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome as a Rare Cause of Reversible Postoperative Quadriplegia . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2013 ;(5):233-234

22. 2012 Wu MT,Wu TY,Tai YT,Chen HY,Kuo LN. A Pharmacist-initiated Project to Reduce Meperidine Use in Surgical Patients . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2012 ;(4):245-248

23. 2012 Liu FL,Chuang CY,Tai YT,Tang HL,Chen TG,Chen TL, Chen RM. Lipoteichoic acid induces surfactant protein-A biosynthesis in human alveolar type II epithelial cells through activating the MEK1/2-ERK1/2-NF-κB pathway . Respiratory Research .2012 ;(13)

24. 2012 Liu FL,Chuang CY,Tai YT,Tang HL,Chen TG,Chen TL, Chen RM. Lipoteichoic acid induces surfactant protein-A biosynthesis in human alveolar type II epithelial cells through activating the MEK1/2-ERK1/2-NF-kappaB pathway. . Respiratory Research .2012 ;(13):88

25. 2011 Chuang CY,Chen TL,Cherng YG,Tai YT,Chen TG,Chen RM. Lipopolysaccharide induces apoptotic insults to human alveolar epithelial A549 cells through reactive oxygen species-mediated activation of an intrinsic mitochondrion-dependent pathway. . Arch Toxicol .2011 ;(85):209-218

26. 2011 Chuang CY,Chen TG,Tai YT,Chen TL,Lin YH,Tsai CH. Toll-like receptor 2-mediated sequential activation of MyD88 and MAPKs contributes to lipopolysaccharide-induced sp-a gene expression in human alveolar epithelial cells. . Immunobiology .2011 ;(50):1-10

27. 2011 Chang HC,Chen TG,Tai YT,Chen TL,Chiu WT,Chen RM. Resveratrol attenuates oxidized LDL-evoked Lox-1 signaling and consequently protects against apoptotic insults to cerebrovascular endothelial cells. . J Cereb Blood Flow & Metabolism .2011 ;(31):842-854

28. 2011 Hsu CK,Liao MH,Tai YT,Liu SH,Ou KL,Fang HW, Lee IJ, Chen RM. Nanoparticles prepared from the water extract of Gusuibu (Drynaria fortunei J. Sm.) protects osteoblasts against insults and promotes cell maturation. . International Journal of Nanomedicine .2011 ;(6):1405-1413

29. 2010 Chao-Jen Lee,Yu-Ting Tai,Yi-Ling Lin,Ruei-Ming Chen. MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF PROPOFOL-INVOLVED SUPPRESSION OF . SHOCK .2010 ;(33):93-100

30. 2010 Huai-Chia Chang,Ke-Hsun Lin,Yu-Ting Tai,Juei-Tai Chen,Ruei-Ming Chen. LIPOTEICHOIC ACIDYINDUCED TNF-! AND IL-6 GENE EXPRESSIONS AND . SHOCK .2010 ;(33):485-492

31. 2010 Chen HC,Tai YT,Wang IJ,Kung WM,Lin JW,Hung KS, Chiu WT, Lin TJ. Treatment of Chronic Discogenic Pain by Utilizing Both Nucleoplasty and Epidural Neuroplasty — One Year Follow-Up. . Formos Journal of Surgery .2010 ;(43):120-128

32. 2009 Li Wei,Kung Shing Lee,Man Kit Siu,Yu Ting Tai,Jai Wei Lin,Kuo Sheng Hung, Wen Ta Chiu, I Jen Wang, Tien Jen Lin. Outcomes of Epidural Neuroplasty to Treat Lumbar Discogenic Pain-One-Year Follow-Up. . Chinese J. Pain .2009 ;(19):8-16

33. 2007 Chen TG,Chen TL,Chang HC,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Chang YT, Chen RM:. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein induces apoptotic insults to mouse cerebral endothelial cells via a Bax-mitochondria-caspase protease pathway. . Toxicology Applied Pharmacology .2007 ;(219):42-53

34. 2007 Tai YT,Cherng YG,Chang CC,Hwang YP,Chen JT,Chen RM. Pretreatment with low nitric oxide protects from high nitric oxide-induced apoptotic insults through regulation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase/c-jun-mediated Bcl-2 gene expression and protein translocation. . Journal of Orthopaedic Research .2007 ;(25):625-635

35. 2005 Chen RM,Chen TL,Lin YL,Chen TG,,Tai YT. Ketamine reduces nitric oxide biosynthesis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells through downregulating endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression and intracellular calcium levels. . Critical Care Medicine .2005 ;(33):1044-1049

36. 2005 Ho WP,Chen TL,Chiu WT,Tai YT,Chen RM. Nitroc oxidae induces osteoblast apoptosis through a mitochondria-dependent pathway. . Annals New York Academy of Sciences .2005 ;(1042):460-470

37. 2005 Wu GJ,Tai YT,Chen TL,Lin LL,Ueng YF,Chen RM. Propofol specifically inhibits mitochondrial membrane potential but not complex I NADH dehydrogenase activity, thus reducing cellular ATP biosynthesis and migration of macrophages. . Annals New York Academy of Sciences .2005 ;(1042):168-172

38. 2003 Chen RM,Wu GJ,Tai YT,Sun WZ,Lin YL,Chen TL. Propofol reduces nitric oxide biosynthesis in lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages by downregulating the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase. . Archives of Toxicology .2003 ;(77):418-423

39. 2003 Chen TL,Hou WY,Tai YT. The contemporary undergraduate education of anesthesia in Taiwan. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica .2003 ;(41):163-164

40. 2000 Chen TL, Chang HC, Chen TG, Tai YT and Chen RM.. Modulation of cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases in streptozotocin-induced diabetic hamster: I. Effects of propofol to defluorination and cytochrome P-450 activies . Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica .2000 ;(38):15-21

41. 2000 Chen TL, Wu CH, Chen TG, Tai YT, Chang HC, Lin CJ.. Effects of propofol on functional activies of hepatic and extrahepatic conjungation enzyme systems. . British Journal of Anaesthesia .2000 ;(84):771-776

42. 2000 Chen TL, Chen TG, Tai YT, Chang HC, Chen RM, Lin CJ and Ueng TH. Propofol inhibits renal cytochrome P450 activity and enflurane defluorination in vitro in hamsters. . Canadian Journal of Anesthesia .2000 ;(47):680-686

43. 2000 Wu CC, Chang HC, Wu GJ, Chen TG, Tai YT, Chen TL. Considerations of drug interactions in intensive care unit. . Taiwan Critical Care Medicine .2000 ;(2):300-311

44. 2000 Tai YT, Wu CC, Wu GJ, Chang HC, Chen TG, Chen RM and Chen TL. Study of propofol in bovine aortic endothelium: I. Inhibitory effect on bradykinin-induced intracellular calcium immobilization. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica .2000 ;(38):181-186

45. 2000 Chen TG, Tai YT, Chang HC, Hong CT, Chen RM and Chen TL.. Modulation of cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases in streptozotocin-induced diabetic hamster: II. Reverse role of insulin in P450 activity and defluorination. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica .2000 ;(38):65-72

46. 1999 Chang HC, Chermg YG, Lee TS, Lin CJ, Tai YT, Chen TG and Chen TL.. HELLP sydrome with antepartum pulmonary edema - a case report. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica .1999 ;(37):41-44

47. 1998 Chen TL, Yang SF, Chang HC, Tai YT, Li NL and Lin CJ.. Comparative of hemodynamics and recovery of sevoflurane and isoflurane anesthesia in Chinese adult patients. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica .1998 ;(36):31-36

48. 1997 Lin PL, Liu CC, Fan SZ, Chao A, Shin SC and Tai YT.. Comparison of neuromuscular action of recuronium, a new steroidal non-depolarizing agent, with vecuronium. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica .1997 ;(35):127-131

49. 1997 Wen YR, Ho WY, Sun WZ, Or CH, Yeh M, Yao WC and Tai YT.. Thromboelastrographic study of thrombosis in the implantable central venous access device. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica .1997 ;(35):223-228


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99 Propofol在脂磷壁酸所活化巨噬細胞中調控一氧化氮生合成作用之分子機轉研究

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