謝敏雄(Hsieh, Ming-Hsiung) 教授

現   職
內科學科 教授
臺北心臟醫學研究中心 副主任


學 歷

私立高雄醫學院醫學系 學士




2022/08/01 ~
2007/08/01 ~







1. 2023 Chin CG,Hsieh YC,Lin WS,Lin YJ,Chiou CW,Lin TH, Huang CL, Hung Y, Lin YK, Chang SL, Yeh TC, Lee HC, Lai WT, Hsieh MH.. An open-label randomized non-inferior study of generic-name and brand-name of propafenone for rhythm control in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2023 ;(86):472-478

2. 2022 Chin CG,Chen WT,Lin YK,Chung CC,Hsieh MH. Electrocardiographic abnormalities in a patient with pre-excitation and acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and ablation. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2022 ;(85):804-807

3. 2022 Huang JH,Yeh JS,Lin YK,Hsieh MH. Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Happened Within 2 Hours after First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine . Acta Cardiol Sin .2022 ;(38):417-420

4. 2022 Chin CG,Elimam AM,Lin FJ,Chen YC,Lin YK,Lu YY, Higa S, Chen SA, Hsieh MH*, Chen YJ*. Effects of Adrenomedullin on Atrial Electrophysiology and Pulmonary Vein Arrhythmogenesis. . Int J Mol Sci. .2022 ;(23):14064

5. 2022 Chen PT,Hsieh MH,Ko SC,Wang TJ. Efficacy of a Health Belief Model-Based Intervention for Anticoagulant Adherence in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . Res Theory Nurs Pract. .2022 ;(36):221-238

6. 2021 Pan CH,Chien SC,Chen CJ,Shih CM,Hsieh MH,Huang CY, Bi WF, Chan CS, Kao YT, Hsiao CY, Chiang SJ, Chiang KH, Huang JH, Liu YR, Luo JD, Huang HY, Wu CH.. Circulating level of microRNA-142-5p is a potential biomarker for predicting in-stent restenosis: a case-control study. . BMC Cardiovasc Disord. .2021 ;(21):77

7. 2021 Li YH,Hsieh IC,Ueng KC,Wang YC,Cheng SM,Wu CK, Wu CJ, Hsieh MH, Jen HL, Chang CJ, Chen YH. Antithrombotic Treatment of Stable Coronary Artery Disease. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2021 ;(37):574-579

8. 2020 Jang JP,Lin HT,Chen YJ,Hsieh MH,Huang YC. Role of Remote Monitoring in Detection of Atrial Arrhythmia, Stroke Reduction, and Use of Anticoagulation Therapy - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . Circ J. .2020 ;(84):1922-1930

9. 2020 Chin CG,Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ,Chen SA. Factor Xa Inhibitor, Rivaroxaban, Regulates the Burden of Atrial Fibrillation and Ventricular Premature Captures. . Am J Ther. .2020 ;(27):e558-e561

10. 2020 Lin JL,Wu TJ,Chen CP,Hsu JC,Ueng KC,Kuo JY, Chen MC, Yeh KH, Chang KC, Lu YY, Shyu KG, Wen MS, Chen SA, Hsieh MH, Tseng WK, Feng AN, Yang TY, Ko WC, Cheng CW, Liu JC, Lai WT.. Observational study of dronedarone in Taiwanese patients with atrial fibrillation. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2020 ;(119):59-68

11. 2020 Kao YT,Hsieh YC,Hsu CY,Huang CY,Hsieh MH,Lin YK, Yeh JS.. Comparison of the TIMI, GRACE, PAMI and CADILLAC risk scores for prediction of long-term cardiovascular outcomes in Taiwanese diabetic patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: From the registry of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology. . PLoS One. .2020 ;(15):e0229186

12. 2020 Chin CG,Chung FP,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Lo LW,Hu YF, Tuan TC, Chao TF, Liao JN, Lin CY, Chang TY, Vicera JJB, Chen CC, Chuang CM, Cheng WH, Liu SH, Hsieh MH. Extremely late recurrences (≥3 years) of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia: Electrophysiological characteristics of the index and repeat ablation procedures. . Int J Cardiol. .2020 ;(305):70-75

13. 2020 Chin CG,Chung FP,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Lo LW,Hu YF, Tuan TC, Chao TF, Liao JN, Lin CY, Chang TY, Wu CI, Liu CM, Vicera JJB, Chen CC, Chuang CM, Chen YJ, Hsieh MH*, Chen SA.. The Application of Novel Segmentation Software to Create Left Atrial Geometry for Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: The Implication of Spatial Resolution. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2020 ;(83):830-837

14. 2020 Chen CW,Hsieh YC,Hsieh MH,Lin YK,Huang CY,Yeh JS. Predictive Power of In-Hospital and Long-Term Mortality of the GRACE, TIMI, Revised CADILLAC and PAMI Score in NSTEMI Patients with Diabetes - Data from TSOC ACS-DM Registry. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2020 ;(36):595-602

15. 2020 Wang CA,Hsieh YC,Huang CY,Liu JC,Hsieh MH,Lin YK, Yeh JS. Comparison between ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in long term outcomes of Taiwanese diabetic subjects with acute coronary syndrome undergoing successful revascularization: From TSOC ACS-DM registry. . Medicine .2020 ;(99):e19969

16. 2019 Chen WT,Hsieh MH. Physician's hand on the international normalized ratio level of vitamin K antagonist. . J Arrhythm. .2019 ;(35):602-603

17. 2019 Chen PT,Wang TJ,Hsieh MH,Liu JC,Liu CY,Wang KY,Laio WC.. Anticoagulation adherence and its associated factors in patients with atrial fibrillation: a cross-sectional study. . BMJ Open. .2019 ;(9):e029974

18. 2019 Tam WC,Hsieh MH,Yeh JS. Echocardiographic Measurement of Epicardial Fat Thickness. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2019 ;(35):546-547

19. 2019 Wang WH,Chen YC,Hsieh MH. Acute Myocardial Infarction Involving Left Main Artery in a Patient with Antiphospholipid Syndrome. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2019 ;(35):655-658

20. 2018 The prevalence and characteristics of coexisted atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia and idiopathic left fascicular ventricular tachycardia. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2018 ;(29):1096-1103

21. 2018 Huang JH,Lin YK ,Chung CC ,Hsieh MH ,Chiu WC,Chen YJ.. Factors That Determine the Prothrombin Time in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Receiving Rivaroxaban. . Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. .2018

22. 2018 Chao TF ,Liu CJ ,Tuan TC ,Chen TJ ,Hsieh MH ,Lip GYH, Chen SA. . Lifetime Risks, Projected Numbers, and Adverse Outcomes in Asian Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: A Report From the Taiwan Nationwide AF Cohort Study . Chest .2018 ;(153):453-466

23. 2017 Huang JH ,Lin YK ,Hsieh MH ,Chen SA ,Chiu WC ,Chen YJ.. Modulation of Autonomic Nervous Activity in the Termination of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation . PACE - Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology .2017 ;(40):401-408

24. 2017 Huang SY ,Chen YC ,Kao YH ,Hsieh MH ,Lin YK ,Chen SA, Chen YJ.. Redox and activation of protein kinase A dysregulates calcium homeostasis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes of chronic kidney disease . Journal of the American Heart Association .2017 ;(6):e005701

25. 2017 Tam WK,Hsu HC,Hsieh MH,Yeh JS,Tam WC. Association of Anti-Ro/Sjögren's syndrome type A Antibodies and Complete Atrioventricular Block in an Adult With Sjögren's Syndrome. . Arch Rheumatol. .2017 ;(33):225-229

26. 2017 Liao YC,Chung FP,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Lo LW,Hu YF, Tuan TC, Chao TF, Liao JN, Lin CY, Chang YT, Hsieh MH*, Chen SA.. The application of signal average ECG in the prediction of recurrences after catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy. . Int J Cardiol. .2017 ;(236):168-173

27. 2016 Wang MY,Chang NC,Hsieh MH,Su CT,Liu JC,Shyu YK, Tsai PS.. Effect of Feedback Signal on Blood Pressure Self-regulation Capability in Individuals With Prehypertension or Stage I Hypertension: A Randomized Controlled Study. . J Cardiovasc Nurs. .2016 ;(31):166-172

28. 2016 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chiu WC,Chen YJ. Age and thyroid hormone replacement delays the recovery from amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism. . Int J Cardiol. .2016 ;(202):561-563

29. 2016 Huang SY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsieh MH,Chen YA,Chen WP, Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ.. Renal failure induces atrial arrhythmogenesis from discrepant electrophysiological remodeling and calcium regulation in pulmonary veins, sinoatrial node, and atria. . Int J Cardiol. .2016 ;(202):846-857

30. 2016 Chuang CY,Chang TI,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Yeh JS. Type A intramural hematoma and hemopericardium secondary to penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer. . Intern Emerg Med. .2016 ;(11):155-156

31. 2016 Chao TF,Liu CJ,Tuan TC,Wang KL,Lin YJ,Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Chen TJ, Chiang CE, Hsieh MH*, Lip GY, Chen SA.. Impact on outcomes of changing treatment guideline recommendations for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: A nationwide cohort study. . Mayo Clin Proc. .2016 ;(91):567-574

32. 2016 Huang JH ,Lin YK ,Hsieh MH ,Chiu WC ,Chen YJ . Age and thyroid hormone replacement delays the recovery from amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism . International Journal of Cardiology .2016 ;(202):561-563

33. 2016 Lee P ,Liu JC ,Hsieh MH ,Hao WR ,Tseng YT , Liu SH, Lin YK, Sung LC, Huang JH, Yang HY, Ye JS, Zheng HS, Hsu MH, Syed-Abdul S, Lu R, Nguyen PA, Iqbal U, Huang CW, Jian WS, Li YC.. Cloud-based BP system integrated with CPOE improves self-management of the hypertensive patients: A randomized controlled trial . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(132):105-113

34. 2016 Tam WC ,Lin YK ,Chan WP ,Huang JH ,Hsieh MH ,Chen SA, Chen YJ.. Pericardial fat is associated with the risk of ventricular arrhythmia in asian patients . Circulation Journal .2016 ;(80):1726-1733

35. 2016 Tsai CC ,Hsieh MH ,Yang HY ,Chan P ,Jeng C . Predictors of coronary artery disease in middle-aged Taiwanese women at premenopause, postmenopause and after undergoing hysterectomy . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2016 ;(25):2438-2449

36. 2016 Tam WC ,Hsieh MH ,Lin YK ,Yeh JS . Silent and malignant early repolarization syndrome mimicking hyper-acute ST elevation myocardial infarction . Acta Cardiologica Sinica .2016 ;(32):506-510

37. 2016 Chuang CY ,Chang TI ,Lin YK ,Hsieh MH ,Yeh JS . Type A intramural hematoma and hemopericardium secondary to penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer . Internal and Emergency Medicine .2016 ;(11):155-156

38. 2016 Huang SY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsieh MH,Lin YK,Chung CC, Lee TI, Tsai WC, Chen SA, Chen YJ.. Fibroblast growth factor 23 dysregulates late sodium current and calcium homeostasis with enhanced arrhythmogenesis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes. . Oncotarget. .2016 ;(7):69231-69242

39. 2015 Chuang CY ,Chen YC ,Cheng HS ,Hsieh MH . Congenital anomaly of single dominant right coronary artery with hypoplastic left coronary artery . Acta Cardiologica Sinica .2015 ;(31):557-559

40. 2015 Tam WC ,Cheng HS ,Chung CC ,Hsieh MH . Right ventricle mass induced coronary artery steal phenomenon: A rare clinical manifestation on one leiomyosarcoma patient . Acta Cardiologica Sinica .2015 ;(31):464-467

41. 2015 Chen WT,Chen YC,Hsieh MH,Huang SY,Kao YH,Chen YA, Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ.. The uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate increases pulmonary vein and atrial arrhythmogenesis. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2015 ;(26):203-210

42. 2015 Kao YT,Wang ST,Shih CM,Lin FY,Tsao NW,Chiang KH, Chan CS, Lin YC, Hung MY, Hsieh MH, Shyu KG, Chen JW, Chang NC, Yeh JS, Huang CY. Arterial Stiffness Index and Coronary Artery Plaques in Patients with Subclinical Coronary Atherosclerosis . Acta Cardiol Sin .2015 ;(31):59-65

43. 2015 Tam WC,Cheng HS,Chung CC,Hsieh MH. Right Ventricle Mass Induced Coronary Artery Steal Phenomenon: A Rare Clinical Manifestation on One Leiomyosarcoma Patient. . Acta Cardiol Sin .2015 ;(31):464-467

44. 2015 Chuang CY,Chen YC,Cheng HS,Hsieh MH. Congenital Anomaly of Single Dominant Right Coronary Artery with Hypoplastic Left Coronary Artery. . Acta Cardiol Sin .2015 ;(31):557-559

45. 2014 Chen WT,Chang SL,Lin YJ,Lo LW,Hu YF,Chao TF, Chung FP, Liao JN, Huang YC, Hsieh MH, Lin YK, Chen YJ, Chen SA, Tsao HM.. The impact of anatomical remodeling of the left atrium and pulmonary vein on the recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation. . Int J Cardiol. .2014 ;(176):1173-1175

46. 2014 Chao TF,Huang YC,Liu CJ,Chen SJ,Wang KL,Lin YJ, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Tuan TC, Chen TJ, Hsieh MH, Lip GY, Chen SA.. Acute myocardial infarction in patients with atrial fibrillation with a CHA2DS2-VASc score of 0 or 1: a nationwide cohort study. . Heart Rhythm. .2014 ;(11):1941-1947

47. 2014 Chao TF,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Lo LW,Hu YF,Tuan TC, Liao JN, Chung FP, Hsieh MH, Chen SA.. R2CHADS2 Score and Thromboembolic Events After Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation in Comparison With the CHA2DS2-VASc Score. . Can J Cardiol. .2014 ;(30):405-412

48. 2014 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Non-standard dose dronedarone in treating atrial fibrillation patients. . Int J Cardiol. .2014 ;(172):e214-216

49. 2014 Tam WC,Cheng HS,Li SJ,Hsieh MH. Recurrent Complication of Simple and Superficial Pacemaker Pocket Infection Caused by Staphylococcus lugdunensis . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2014 ;(6):149-150

50. 2014 Chuang CY,Cheng HS,Kao PF,Hsieh MH. Brugada Syndrome in a Patient with Complete Right Bundle Branch Block . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine .2014 ;(6):66-67

51. 2014 Cheng HS,Chen WT,Huang JH,Hsieh MH. Occurrence of atrioventricular block during supraventricular tachycardia: what is its possible mechanism . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2014 ;(77):108-111

52. 2014 Chen YC,Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Gender modulates the aging effects on different patterns of early repolarization. . Heart Vessels .2014 ;(29):249-255

53. 2014 Huang JH ,Lin YK ,Hsieh MH ,Chen SA ,Chen YJ . Non-standard dose dronedarone in treating atrial fibrillation patients . International Journal of Cardiology .2014 ;(172):e214-216

54. 2013 Lin YJ,Chao TF,Tsao HM,Chang SL,Lo LW,Chiang CE, Hu YF, Hsu PF, Chuang SY, Li CH, Chung FP, Chen YY, Wu TJ, Hsieh MH, Chen SA.. Successful catheter ablation reduces the risk of cardiovascular events in atrial fibrillation patients with CHA2DS2-VASc risk score of 1 and higher. . Europace .2013 ;(15):676-684

55. 2013 Chang HY,Lo LW,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Hu YF,Li CH, Chao TF, Chung FP, Ha TL, Singhal R, Chong E, Yin WH, Tsao HM, Hsieh MH, Chen SA.. Long-Term Outcome of Catheter Ablation in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Originating from Nonpulmonary Vein Ectopy. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2013 ;(24):250-258

56. 2013 Chen WT,Cheng HS,Huang JH,Hsieh MH. Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia with QRS Duration Alternans, Electrical Alternans, and Pulsus Alternans but without Cycle Length Alternans. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2013 ;(29):192-195

57. 2013 Hsieh MH,Lin YJ,Wang HH,Lo LW,Chang SL,Yan YL, Chou TY, Chen SA, Yeh HI.. Functional characterization of atrial electrograms in a pacing-induced heart failure model of atrial fibrillation: importance of regional atrial connexin40 remodeling. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2013 ;(24):573-582

58. 2013 Wang CA,Chen WT,Huang JH,Lin YC,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Different coronary artery calcium scores with discrepant progression risks. . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(168):4308-4310

59. 2013 Tsai CC,Hsieh MH,Li AH,Chen PL,Jeng C. Dietary supplementation and engaging in physical activity as predictors of coronary artery disease among middle-aged women. . J Clin Nurs .2013 ;(22):2487-2498

60. 2013 Huang CJ,Hsieh MH,Hou WH,Liu JC,Jeng C,Tsai PS. Depression, antidepressants, and the risk of coronary heart disease: A population-based cohort study. . Int J Cardiol. .2013 ;(168):4711-4716

61. 2013 Chao TF,Lu TM,Lin YJ,Tsao HM,Chang SL,Lo LW, Hu YF, Tuan TC, Hsieh MH, Chen SA. Plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine and adverse events in patients with atrial fibrillation referred for coronary angiogram. . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e71675

62. 2013 Chao TF,Hung CL,Tsao HM,Lin YJ,Yun CH,Lai YH, Chang SL, Lo LW, Hu YF, Tuan TC, Chang HY, Kuo JY, Yeh HI, Wu TJ, Hsieh MH, Yu WC, Chen SA. Epicardial adipose tissue thickness and ablation outcome of atrial fibrillation. . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e74926

63. 2013 Wang CA,Chen WT,Cheng HS,Chung CC,Chen YJ,Hsieh MH. Thyroid Storm and Incidental Anterior Mediastinal Teratoma: Coincidence or Correlation? . Acta Cardiol Sin .2013 ;(29):467-470

64. 2013 Chen YC,Chung CC,Kao PF,Hsiung Hsieh M. A Lethal Complication after Coronary Angiography in a Patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome . Acta Cardiol Sin .2013 ;(29):281-284

65. 2013 Huang JH,Cheng HS,Chung CC,Hsieh MH. Comparisons of clinical efficacy and safety between the brand- and generic-name fenofibrate in patients with hypertriglyceridemia . J Exp Clin Med .2013 ;(5):138-138

66. 2012 Chen WT,Lin CH,Hsieh MH,Huang CY,Yeh JS. Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy Caused by Heat Stroke. . Ann Emerg Med. .2012 ;(60):63-66

67. 2012 Chen WT,Huang JH,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ.. Extremely high coronary artery calcium score is associated with a high cancer incidence. . Int J Cardiol. .2012 ;(155):474-475

68. 2012 Tsao NW,Shih CM,Yeh JS,Kao YT,Hsieh MH,Ou KL, Chen JW, Shyu KG, Weng ZC, Chang NC, Lin FY, Huang CY.. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation-assisted primary percutaneous coronary intervention may improve survival of patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by profound cardiogenic shock. . J Crit Care. .2012 ;(275):e1-e11

69. 2011 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Thyroxine monotherapy without amiodarone enhances atrial fibrillation recurrences in amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism. . Int J Cardiol .2011 ;(152):277-278

70. 2010 Tseng YT,Hao WR,Liu JC,Hsieh MH*. Propofol Infusion Syndrome Leads to Severe Right Heart Injury and Lethal Arrhythmias. . J Exp Clin Med. .2010 ;(2):192-195

71. 2009 Lin YJ,Higa S,Tai CT,Chang SL,Lee KT,Lo LW, Ishigaki S, Tuan TC, Wongcharoen W, Hu YF, Hsieh MH, Tsao HM, Chen SA.. Role of the right atrial substrate in different types of atrial arrhythmias. . Heart Rhythm .2009 ;(6):592-598

72. 2008 Lo LW,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Wongcharoen W,Hsieh MH, Tuan TC, Udyavar AR, Hu YF, Chen YJ. Characteristics and outcome in patients receiving multiple (more than two) catheter ablation procedures for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2008 ;(19):150-156

73. 2008 Chang SL,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Lo LW,Tuan TC,Udyavar AR, Tsao HM, Hsieh MH, Hu YF, Chiang SJ. Electrophysiological characteristics and catheter ablation in patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2008 ;(19):367-373

74. 2008 Udyavar AR,Chang SL,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Lo LW,Tuan TC, Tsao HM, Hsieh MH, Hu YF, Chiang SJ,. The important role of pulmonary vein carina ablation as an adjunct to circumferential pulmonary vein isolation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2008 ;(19):593-598

75. 2008 Pan NH,Yang HY,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Coronary calcium score from multislice computed tomography correlates with QT dispersion and left ventricular wall thickness. . Heart Vessels. .2008 ;(23):155-160

76. 2008 Hu YF,Hsieh MH,Chen SA. Foramen Ovale: An Alternative for Left Atrial Access? . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2008 ;(19):1242-1244

77. 2007 You CC,Tseng YT,Hsieh MH. An epsilon wave in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia . Int J Cardiol .2007 ;(10):e63-64

78. 2007 Chang SL,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Ong MG,Wongcharoen W,Lo LW, Chang SH, Hsieh MH, Chen SA.. The Electroanatomic Characteristics of the Cavotricuspid Isthmus: Implications for the Catheter Ablation of Atrial Flutter. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2007 ;(18):18-22

79. 2007 Chang SH,Tsao HM,Wu MH,Tai CT,Chang SL,Wongcharoen W, Lin YJ, Lo LW, Hsieh MH, Sheu MH.... Morphological Changes of the Left Atrial Appendage After Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2007 ;(18):47-52

80. 2007 Lo LW,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Wongcharoen W,Chang SH, Hsieh MH, Tuan TC, Udyavar AR, Chen YJ,. Progressive remodeling of the atrial substrate--a novel finding from consecutive voltage mapping in patients with recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2007 ;(18):258-265

81. 2007 Hsieh MH,Chen SA. Introduction to catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: an overview. . Heart Rhythm .2007 ;(4):S40-43

82. 2007 Hsieh MH,Chen SA. Is it necessary to routinely perform isolation of the superior vena cava in every atrial fibrillation patient? . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2007 ;(18):1267-1268

83. 2007 You CC,Tseng YT,Hsieh MH. An epsilon wave in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia. . Int J Cardiol. .2007 ;(119):e63-e64

84. 2007 Ong MG,Lee PC,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ, Lee KT, Tsao HM, Kuo JY, Chang SL, Chen S. The electrophysiologic characteristics of atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia with eccentric retrograde activation. . Int J Cardiol .2007 ;(120):115-122

85. 2007 Chang SL,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Wongcharoen W,Lo LW,Tuan TC, Udyavar AR, Chang SH, Tsao HM, Hsieh MH,. The efficacy of inducibility and circumferential ablation with pulmonary vein isolation in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2007 ;(18):607-611

86. 2007 Lo LW,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Chang SL,Wongcharoen W,Hsieh MH, Tuan TC, Udyavar AR, Hu YF, Chen YJ. Mechanisms of Recurrent Atrial Fibrillation: Comparisons Between Segmental Ostial Versus Circumferential Pulmonary Vein Isolation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2007 ;(18):803-807

87. 2007 Chang SL,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Wongcharoen W,Lo LW,Lee KT, Chang SH, Tuan TC, Chen YJ, Hsieh MH. The role of left atrial muscular bundles in catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. . J Am Coll Cardiol. .2007 ;(50):964-973

88. 2007 Chang SL,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Wongcharoen W,Lo LW,Tuan TC, Udyavar AR, Chang SH, Tsao HM, Hsieh MH. Biatrial Substrate Properties in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2007 ;(18):1134-1139

89. 2006 Lin YJ,Tai CT,Kao T,Tso HW,Higa S,Tsao HM, Chang SL, Hsieh MH, Chen SA. Frequency Analysis in Different Types of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation . Journal of the American College of Cardiology .2006 ;(47):1401-1407

90. 2006 Hsieh MH,Tai CT,Lee SH,Lin YK,Tsao, HM,Chang SL, Lin YJ, Wongchaoen W, Lee KT, Chen SA. The Different Mechanisms Between Late and Very Late Recurrences of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing a Repeated Catheter Ablation . Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology .2006 ;(17):231-235

91. 2006 Kuo YC,Tseng YT,Lee TI,Hsieh MH. Chronic bifascicular block with intermittent complete atrioventricular block induced by hyperthyroidism. . Int J Cardiol. .2006 ;(110):407-410

92. 2006 Hsieh MH,Chen SA. Do Not Forget the Mechanisms and Ablation Techniques of Atrial Fibrillation Beyond the Pulmonary Veins. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2006 ;(17):825-826

93. 2006 Lee PC,Hwang B,Tai CT,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ,Chiang CE, Chen SA.. The electrophysiological characteristics in patients with ventricular stimulation inducible fast-slow form atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. . Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. .2006 ;(29):1105-1111

94. 2005 Tsao HM,Wu MH,Huang BH,Lee SH,Lee KT,Tai CT, Lin YK, Hsieh MH, Kuo JY, Lei MH, Chen SA.. Morphologic remodeling of pulmonary veins and left atrium after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: insight from long-term follow-up of three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2005 ;(16):7-12

95. 2005 Lee SH,Tai CT,Lee PC,Chiang CE,Cheng JJ,Ueng KC, Chen YJ, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Chiou CW, Yu. Electrophysiological characteristics of junctional rhythm during ablation of the slow pathway in different types of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. . Pacing Clin Electrophysiol .2005 ;(28):111-118

96. 2005 Lin YJ,Tai CT,Huang JL,Lee KT,Lee PC,Hsieh MH, Lee SH, Higa S, Yuniadi Y, Liu TY, Chen. Characterization of right atrial substrate in patients with supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2005 ;(16):173-180

97. 2005 Lin SJ,Chow JM,Hsieh MH,Chan P. Recurrent coronary spasm with complete atrioventricular block in a patient with refractory acute myelocytic leukemia. . Int J Cardiol. .2005 ;(99):361-363

98. 2005 Chang SL,Lee SH,Tai CT,Chiang CE,Cheng JJ,Lin YJ, Hsieh MH, Lee KT, Tsao HM, Kuo JY, Chen YJ. Electrocardiographic and electrophysiologic characteristics of midseptal accessory pathways. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2005 ;(16):237-243

99. 2005 Huang BH,Wu MH,Tsao HM,Tai CT,Lee KT,Lin YJ, Hsieh MH, Lee SH, Chen YJ, Kuo JY, Chen SA. Morphology of the thoracic veins and left atrium in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation initiated by superior caval vein ectopy. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2005 ;(16):411-417

100. 2005 Hsieh MH,Tai CT,Lee SH,Tsao HM,Lin YK,Huang JL, Chen YJ, Kuo JY, Tuan TC, Chen SA. Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation versus atrioventricular junction ablation plus pacing therapy for elderly patients with medically refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2005 ;(16):457-461

101. 2005 Lin YJ,Tai CT,Kao T,Tso HW,Huang JL,Huang BH, Liu TY, Lee PC, Hsieh MH, Chen SA.. Electrophysiological characteristics and catheter ablation in patients with paroxysmal right atrial fibrillation. . Circulation .2005 ;(112):1692-1700

102. 2005 Lee SH,Tai CT,Hsieh MH,Tsao HM,Lin YJ,Chang SL, Huang JL, Lee KT, Chen YJ, Chen SA.. Predictors of non-pulmonary vein ectopic beats initiating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation implication for catheter ablation. . J Am Coll Cardiol. .2005 ;(46):1054-1059

103. 2005 Lee PC,Tai CT,Hwang B,Hsieh MH,Tsai CF,Chiang CE, Yu WC, Taso HM, Lee KT, Yuniadi Y. The electrophysiologic characteristics in patients with only ventricular-pacing inducible slow-fast form atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. . J Interv Card Electrophysiol. .2005 ;(14):153-157

104. 2004 Lee SH,Tai CT,Hsieh MH,Tsai CF,Lin YK,Tsao HM, Yu WC, Huang JL, Ueng KC, Cheng JJ, Chen. Predictors of early and late recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Interv Card Electrophysiol. .2004 ;(10):221-226

105. 2004 Hsieh MH,Tai CT,Chan P,Chen SA. Spontaneous transition from atrial fibrillation to typical atrial flutter during catheter ablation of the pulmonary vein. . J Interv Card Electrophysiol. .2004 ;(10):289-291

106. 2004 Hsieh MH,Tai CT,Chiang CE,Tsai CF,Chen YJ,Chan P, Kuo YC, Lee SH, Ueng KC, Chen SA.. Double atrial potentials recorded in the coronary sinus in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: a possible mechanism of induced atrial fibrillation. . J Interv Card Electrophysiol. .2004 ;(11):97-103

107. 2004 Lin YJ,Tai CT,Liu TY,Higa S,Lee PC,Huang JL, Yuniadi Y, Huang BH, Lee KT, Hsieh MH. Electrophysiological mechanisms and catheter ablation of complex atrial arrhythmias from crista terminalis. . Pacing Clin Electrophysiol .2004 ;(27):1231-1239

108. 2004 Higa S,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Liu TY,Lee PC,Huang JL, Yuniadi Y, Huang BH, Hsieh MH, Lee SH, K. Mechanism of adenosine-induced termination of focal atrial tachycardia . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2004 ;(15):1387-1393

109. 2004 Higa S,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Liu TY,Lee PC,Huang JL, Hsieh MH, Yuniadi Y, Huang BH, Lee SH. Focal atrial tachycardia: new insight from noncontact mapping and catheter ablation. . Circulation .2004 ;(109):84-91

110. 2003 Hsieh MH,Chan P,Sue YM,Liu JC,Liang TH,Huang TY, Tomlinson B, Chow MS, Kao PF, Chen YJ.. Efficacy and tolerability of oral stevioside in patients with mild essential hypertension: a two-year, randomized, placebo-controlled study. . Clinical Therapeutics .2003 ;(25):2797-2808

111. 2003 Hsieh MH, Cheng CY, Chan P, Tai CT, Chen SA. Monophasic action potential-like electrocardiogram simulating acute myocardial infarction. . J Interv Card Electrophysiol .2003 ;(8):41-44

112. 2003 Kuo JY, Tai CT, Tsao HM, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Lin WS, Lin YK, Ding YA, Hou CJ, Tsai CH, Chen SA.. P wave polarities of an arrhythmogenic focus in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation originating from superior vena cava or right superior pulmonary vein. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2003 ;(14):350-357

113. 2003 Wu CC, Hsieh MH, Tai CT, Chiang CE, Yu WC, Lin YK, Tsao HM, Ding PY, Chen SA.. Utility of patient-activated cardiac event recorders in the detection of cardiac arrhythmias. . J Interv Card Electrophysiol .2003 ;(8):117-120

114. 2003 Liu TY, Tai CT, Lee PC, Hsieh MH, Higa S, Ding YA, Chen SA.. Novel concept of atrial tachyarrhythmias originating from the superior vena cava: insight from noncontact mapping. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2003 ;(14):533-539

115. 2003 Lin WS, Tai CT, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Lin YK, Tsao HM, Huang JL, Yu WC, Yang SP, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA. Catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation initiated by non-pulmonary vein ectopy. . Circulation .2003 ;(107):3176-3183

116. 2003 Hsieh MH, Tai CT, Tsai CF, Lin WS, Lin YK, Tsao HM, Huang JL, Ueng KC, Yu WC, Chan P, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Clinical outcome of very late recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2003 ;(14):598-601

117. 2003 Kuo JY, Tai CT, Chiang CE, Yu WC, Huang JL, Hsieh MH, Jia-Yin Hou C, Tsai CH, Ding YA, Chen SA.. Is the Fascicle of Left Bundle Branch Involved in the Reentrant Circuit of Verapamil-Sensitive Idiopathic Left Ventricular Tachycardia? . Pacing Clin Electrophysiol .2003 ;(26):1986-1992

118. 2003 Tuan TC,Tai CT,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Tsai CF,Ding YA, Chen SA. Use of fluoroscopic views for detecting Marshall's vein in patients with cardiac arrhythmias. . Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology .2003 ;(9):327-331

119. 2003 Tsai JC,Wang WH,Chan P,Lin LJ,Wang CH,Tomlinson B, Hsieh MH, Yang HY, Liu JC. The beneficial effects of Tai Chi Chuan on blood pressure and lipid prolife and anxiety status in a randomized controlled trial. . Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine .2003 ;(9):747-754

120. 2002 Tai CT, Huang JL, Lin YK, Hsieh MH, Lee PC, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Noncontact three-dimensional mapping and ablation of upper loop re-entry originating in the right atrium. . J Am Coll Cardiol .2002 ;(40):746-753

121. 2002 Tsai JC, Chan P, Wang CH, Jeng C, Hsieh MH, Kao PF, Chen YJ, Liu JC.. The effects of exercise training on walking function and perception of health status in elderly patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease. . J Intern Med. .2002 ;(252):448-455

122. 2002 Hsieh MH, Tai CT, Chiang CE, Tsai CF, Yu WC, Chen YJ, Ding YA, Chen SA.. Recurrent atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus: a very long-term follow-up of 333 patients. . J Interv Card Electrophysiol .2002 ;(7):225-231

123. 2002 Chen SA, Tai CT, Hsieh MH.. Catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation-target the initiators. . Korean J Cardiovasc Dis .2002 ;(11):10-16

124. 2001 Kao JY, Tai CT, Chiang CE, Yu WC, Chen YJ, Tsai CF, Hsieh MH, Chen CC, Lin WS, Lin YK, Tsao HM, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Mechanisms of transition between double paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2001 ;(12):1339-1345

125. 2001 Tsao HM, Wu MH, Yu WC, Tai CT, Lin YK, Hsieh MH, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA. Role of right middle pulmoanry vein in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2001 ;(12):1353-1357

126. 2001 Lu TM, Tai CT, Hsieh MH, Tsai CE, Lin YK, Yu WC, Tsao MH, Lee SH, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Electrophysiologic characteristics in initiation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation from a focal area. . J Am Coll Cardiol .2001 ;(37):1658-1664

127. 2001 Yu WC, Hsu TL, Tai CT, Tsai CF, Lin YK, Lee SH, Yu WC, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Acquired pulmonary vein stnosis after radiofrequeny catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibriilation . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2001 ;(12):887-892

128. 2001 Tai CT, Tsai CF, Hsieh MH, Lin WS, Lin YK, Lee SH, Yu WC, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Effects of cavotricuspid isthmus ablation on atrioventricular node electrophysiology in patients with typical atrial flutter. . Circulation .2001 ;(104):1501-1505

129. 2001 Hsieh MH, Tai CT, Tsai CF, Yu WC, Lin WS, Huang JL, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Mechanism of spontaneous transition from typical atrial flutter to atrial fibrillation: role of ectopic atrial fibrillation foci. . Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology .2001 ;(24):46-52

130. 2000 Lin WS, Prakash VS, Tai CT, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Yu WC, Lin YK, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Pulmonary vein morphology in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in ectopic beats originating from the pulmonary veins: implications for catheter ablation . Circulation .2000 ;(21):1274-1281

131. 2000 Hsieh MH, Tai CT, Tsai CF, Yu WC, Lee SH, Lin YK, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Pulmonary vein electrogram characteristics in patients with focal sources of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology .2000 ;(11):953-959

132. 2000 Tsai CF, Chen SA, Tai CT, Chiang CE, Yu WC, Chen YJ, Feng AN, Hsieh MH, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Impact of transisthmus linear ablation of typical atrial flutter on coronary sinus activation time. . Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. .2000 ;(23):63-73

133. 2000 Chen SA, Tai CT, Tsai CF, Hsieh MH, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation initiated by pulmonary vein ectopic beats. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2000 ;(11):218-227

134. 2000 Yu WC, Tsai CF, Hsieh MH, Chen CC, Tai CT, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Prevention of the initiation of atrial fibrillation: mechanism and efficacy of different atril pacing modes. . Pacing Clin Electrophysiol .2000 ;(23):373-379

135. 2000 Chen YJ, Tai CT, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Lin WS, Chen SA.. Dependence of electrogram duration in right posteroseptal atrium and atrium-pulmonary vein junction on pacing site: mechanism and implications regarding atrioventricualr nodal reentrant tachycardia and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. .2000 ;(11):506-515

136. 2000 Tsai CF, Tai CT, Hsieh MH, Lin WS, Yu WC, Ueng KC, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Initiation of atrial fibrillation by ectopic beats originating from the superior vena cava: electrophysiological characteristics and results of radiofrequency ablation. . Circulation .2000 ;(102):67-74

137. 2000 Lee SH, Tai CT, Lin WS, Tsai CF, Hsieh MH, Yu WC, Lin YK, Chen CC, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Predicting the arrhythmogenic foci of atrial fibrillation before and atrial transseptal procedure: implication for cathter ablation. . J Cardiovascular Electrophysiol .2000 ;(11):744-749

138. 2000 Chen SA, Tai CT, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Lin YK, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation initiated by spontaneous ectopic beats. . Curr Cardiol Res. .2000 ;(2):322-328

139. 2000 Tai CT, Chiou CW, Wen ZC, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Lin WS, Chen CC, Lin YK, Yu WC, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Effect of phenylephrine on focal atrial fibrillation originating in the pulmonary veins and superior vein cava . J Am Coll Cardiol .2000 ;(36):788-793

140. 2000 Tai CT, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Lin YK, Yu WC, Lee SH, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Differentiating the ligment of Marshall from the pulmonary vein musculature potentials in patients with paroxyamal atrial fibrillation: electrophysiological characteristics and results of radiofrequent ablation. . Pacing Clin Electrophysiol .2000 ;(23):1493-1501

141. 2000 Chen CC, Tai CT, Chiang CE, Yu WC, Lee SH, Chen YJ, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Lee KW, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Atrial tachycardias originating from the atrial septum: electrophysiologic characteristics and radiofrequency ablation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2000 ;(11):744-749

142. 2000 Lee PC, Tai CT, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Chen SA.. Double potentials in the right superior pulmonary vein. . PACE .2000 ;(23):1561-1563

143. 2000 Chang CJ, Chen SA, Tai CT, Yu WC, Chen YJ, Tsai CF, Hsieh MH, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Ventricular tachycardia in a patient with primary hyperparathyroidism. . PACE .2000 ;(23):534-537

144. 1999 Tsai CF, Chen SA, Tai CT, Chiou CW, Prakash VS, Yu WC, Hsieh MH, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Bezold-Jarisch-like reflex during radiofrequency ablation of the pulmonary vein tissue in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .1999 ;(10):27-35

145. 1999 Hsieh MH, Chen SA, Tai CT, Tsai CF, Prakash VS, Yu WC, Liu CC, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Double multielectrode mapping catheters facilitate radiofrequency catheter ablation of focal atrial fibrillation originating from pulmonary veins. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .1999 ;(10):136-144

146. 1999 Chen SA, Tai CT, Yu WC, Chen YJ, Tsai CF, Hsieh MH, Chen CC, Prakash VS, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Right atrial focal atrial fibrillation: electrophysiologic characteristics and radiofrequency catheter ablation . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .1999 ;(10):328-335

147. 1999 Chen YJ, Lee SH, Hsieh MH, Hsiao CJ, Yu WC, Chiou CW, Chen SA.. Effects of 17beta-estradiol on tachycardia-induced changes of atrial refractoriness and cisapride-induce ventricualr arrhythmia. . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .1999 ;(10):587-598

148. 1999 Tsai CF, Tai CT, Yu WC, Chen YJ, Hsieh MH, Chiang CE, Ding YA, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Is 8-mm more effective than 4-mm tip electrode for ablation of typical atrial flutter. . Circulation .1999 ;(100):768-771

149. 1999 Lee SH, Tai CT, Yu WC, Chen YJ, Hsieh MH, Tsai CF, Chang MS, Chen SA.. Effects of radiofrequency catheter ablation on quality of life in patients with atrial flutter. . Am J Cardiol. .1999 ;(84):278-283

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151. 1999 Chen SA, Hsieh MH, Tai CT, Tsai CF, Prakash VS, Yu WC, Hsu TL, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Initiation of atrial fibrillation by ectopic beats originating from the pulmonary veins: electrophysiological characteristics, pharmacological response, and effects of radiofrequency ablation. . Circulation .1999 ;(100):1879-1886

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1. 2022 Fui-Jun Yee,Chye Gen Chin,Tsing-Yih Ou,Ying-Shih Su,Wen-Sen Lee,Jong-Shiuan Yeh, Ming-Hsiung Hsieh. The Arrhythmic Events and Short-term Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 Infection in Taiwan . Journal of arrhythmia .2022

2. 2022 Jie-Ywi Ong,Chye-Gen Chin,Wei-Ta Chen,Jong-Shiuan Yeh,Yung-Kuo Lin,Ming-Hsiung Hsieh. The Long-term Renal Outcomes of Taiwan Atrial Fibrillation Patients Underwent Novel Oral Anticoagulants Therapy . Journal of arrhythmia .2022

3. 2006 Kuo JY,Tai CT,Chiang CE,Hsieh MH,Lee SH,Tsao HM, Chen SA.. Patterns of Interatrial Conduction and P Wave Polarities Were Different Between Atrial Tachyarrhythmias from Superior Vena Cava and Clockwise Atrial Flutter? . NASPE .2006

4. 2006 Hsieh MH. Catheter ablation is the preferred first-line therapy for the rhythm control in patients with atrial fibrillation. . TSOC, Spring meeting .2006

5. 2006 Liu TY,Hsieh MH,Yeh HI,Chen SA. Heterogeneous distribution of atrial gap junction protein in chronic AV block dogs. . 9th TTS joint conference of arrhythmia .2006

6. 2006 Chang SL,Tai CT,Lin YJ,Wongcharoen W,Lo LW,Lee KT, Chang SH, Chen YJ, Hsieh MH, Tsao HM, Wu M. The role of left atrial muscular bundles in catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. . 9th TTS joint conference of arrhythmia .2006

7. 2006 Liu TY,Hsieh MH,Yeh HI,Chen SA. Heterogeneous distribution of atrial gap junctions in dogs with chronic AV block. . APAFS .2006

8. 2005 Hsieh MH,Tai CT,Chan P,Kong CW,Chen SA. Is catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation better than atrioventricular junction ablation plus pacing therapy for elderly patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation? Insight from a very long-term (52 months) follow-up. . .2005

9. 2005 Hsieh MH,Lin YJ,Tai CT,Chen YJ,Chang SL,Tsao HM, Ong GY, Chan P, Chen SA.. The main causes of failed transseptal catheterization during catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. . .2005

10. 2005 Hsieh MH,Tai CT,Chen YJ,Chen SA. The novel electrophysiological mechanisms of very late recurrence of atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. . .2005

11. 2005 Hsieh MH,Tai CT,Chen YJ,Chen SA. The site with the highest dominant frequency is correlated with the arrhythmogenic thoracic vein in spontaneous transition between typical atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation. . .2005

12. 2005 Hsieh MH,Lin YJ,Tai CT,Chen YJ,Chen SA. An unusual substrate and trigger for double tachycardias: a high incidence of fast-slow AV nodal reentrant tachycardia and superior vena cava atrial fibrillation. . .2005

13. 2005 Hsieh MH,Liu TY,Tai CT,Chiang CE,Yu WC,Chen SA. Ablation of cavotricuspid isthmus in patients with accessory pathway or slow AV nodal pathway mediated reentrant tachycardia cannot decrease the late occurrence of atrial fibrillation. . .2005

1. 2010 Hu YF,Hsieh MH,Chen SA. Challenging transseptal catheterization. . Transseptal Catheterization and Interventions .2010

2. 2002 Hsieh MH, Chen SA.. Catheter ablation of focal atrial tachycardia. . Catheter ablation of arrhythmias .2002

3. 2001 Chen SA, Tai CT, Tsai CF, Hsieh MH, Ding YA, Chang MS.. Mapping techniques in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation originating from the pulmonary veins. . Progress in Catheter Ablation .2001


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