陳杰峰(Chen, Chieh-Feng) 教授

現   職
公共衛生學科 教授
考科藍臺灣研究中心 主任


學 歷

台北醫學大學醫學科學研究所博士班 博士
美國約翰霍普金斯大學公共衛生學系 碩士
私立中國醫藥學院醫學系 學士




2021/02/01 ~
2021/01/01 ~
2021/01/01 ~
2020/01/01 ~
2018/04/01 ~
2017/02/01 ~
2016/02/01 ~
2015/07/24 ~
2015/07/24 ~ 2017/01/31
2011/12/02 ~ 2015/08/15
2007/08/01 ~




實證醫學 (evidence-based medicine)



1. 2024 Kang YN,Chen C,Lin TJ. Further Studies are Needed for Testing the Effects of Topical Conditioned Medium of Stem Cells in Facial Skin Nonsurgical Resurfacing Modalities for Antiaging . Aesthetic Plast Surg .2024

2. 2024 Chien WY,Huang HM,Kang YN,Chen KH,Chen C. Stem Cell-Derived Conditioned Medium for Alopecia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery .2024 ;(88):182-192

3. 2024 Hoang KD,Chen JH,Huang TW,Kang YN,Chen C. Oral aspirin for preventing colorectal adenoma recurrence: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Plos One .2024

4. 2024 Su Y,Sun CY,Chiu WK,Kang YN,Chen C. Patient Decision Aids for Breast Cancer Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Plast Reconstr Surg. .2024

5. 2024 Chen TM,Wang CH,Chuang CC,Chen CF,Cheng NC. Introduction of 2024 JTSPS for APS Supplement . Ann Plast Surg .2024 ;(92)

6. 2024 Shih MY,Hsu HW,Chen SY,Su MJ,Lo WC,Chen C. Effectiveness of air filters in allergic rhinitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Indoor Air .2024

7. 2024 Li MY,Chien WY,Kang YN,Chen C. Efficacy and Safety of Fillers for the Treatment of Nasolabial Folds: A Network meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Aesthetic Plast Surg .2024

8. 2024 Tung KM,Su Y,Kang YN,Hou WH,Hoang KD,Chen KH, Chen C. Effects of mindfulness-based preoperative intervention for patients undergoing elective surgery: A meta-analysis . J Psychosom Res .2024 ;(181)

9. 2024 Lee CC,Chen YW,Kang YN,Chen JH,Chen C,Lu CY, Huang TW, Gautama MSN. Efficacy of natural products in preventing oral mucositis resulting from cancer therapies: A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Crit Rev Oncol Hematol .2024

10. 2024 Wu TJ,Huang YL,Kang YN,Chen KH,Chen C. Comparing Energy-Based Devices for Striae Improvement: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Dermatol Surg .2024

11. 2024 Yeo YH,Kang YN,Chen C,Lee TY,Yeh CC,Huang TW, Wu CY. Liver resection had better disease-free survival rates compared with radiofrequency ablation in hepatocellular carcinoma: A meta-analysis based on randomized clinical trials . Int J Surg .2024

12. 2024 Lin SJ,Sun CY,Chen DN,Kang YN,Lai NM,Chen KH, Chen C. Perioperative application of chatbots: a systematic review and meta-analysis . BMJ Health Care Inform .2024 ;(31)

13. 2024 Wu, CY,Lin, LY,Lee, TY,Hsu, YC,Yeh, CC,Chen, C, Kang, YN, & Huang, TW. Clinical guidelines for early hepatocellular carcinoma treatment options: a systematic review and bibliometric analysis . International journal of surgery (London, England) .2024

14. 2024 Chiang KJ,Wang YT,Kang E,Wu YC,Huang CU,Lin XY, Tsai FC, Tsai CS, Chen YH, Wang FY, Chen C, Chiu WK, Wang HJ, Chang SC. Is Prompt Hyperbaric Oxygen Adjunctive Therapy Able to Reduce Mortality and Amputation in Management of Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infection? . Surg Infect (Larchmt) .2024

15. 2023 Chen IC,Huang YL,Kang YN,Chiu WK,Wang HJ,Chen C. Endovascular Occlusive or Sclerosing Agent Monotherapy for Varicose Veins: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Angiology .2023

16. 2023 Wang TK,Chen CH,Chiu WK,Ni CH,Wang CY,Chen KH, Chen C. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Colorectal Incisions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials . International Wound Journal .2023

17. 2023 Chiu HC,Ada L,Cherng RJ,Chen C. Asymmetry in sensory-motor function between the lower limbs in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: An observational study . Chin J Physiol .2023 ;(66):345-350

18. 2023 Huang CY,Chang CW,Lee SL,Chen C,Chen JH,Wang HJ, Chiu WK. The change of clinical features and surgical outcomes in patients with pressure injury during the COVID-19 pandemic. . Int Wound J .2023 ;(20):971-980

19. 2023 Chien WY,Huang YL,Chiu WK,Kang YN,Chen C. Tissue Sealants for Facial Rhytidectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med .2023 ;(25):90-96

20. 2023 Lin TJ,Huang YL,Kang YN,Chen C. Effectiveness of Topical Conditioned Medium of Stem Cells in Facial Skin Nonsurgical Resurfacing Modalities for Antiaging: Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Aesthetic Plastic Surgery .2023 ;(47):799-807

21. 2023 Chen Y,Tsai CH,Bae TH,Huang CY,Chen C,Kang YN, Chiu WK. Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin Injection on Bruxism: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Aesthetic Plast Surg .2023 ;(47):775-790

22. 2023 Chiu HC,Ada L,Cherng RJ,Chen C. Relative contribution of sensory and motor impairments to mobility limitations in children with cerebral palsy: an observational study . Sci Rep. .2023 ;(13):3229

23. 2023 Li MY,Huang YL,Chen JH,Kang YN,Chen C. Effectiveness and Safety of Energy-Based Devices for Acne Scars: A Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med .2023

24. 2023 Chi KY,Li MY,Chen C,Kang E. Ten circumstances and solutions for finding the sample mean and standard deviation for meta-analysis . Syst Rev .2023

25. 2023 Nguyen QT,Yeh ML,Ngo LTH,Chen C. Translating and Validating the Vietnamese Version of the Health Sciences Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2023 ;(20):5323

26. 2023 Kei KF,Chen C,Kang YN. Further Studies are Still Needed to Test Whether Fat Grafting Reduce Postmastectomy Pain . Aesthetic Plast Surg .2023

27. 2023 Pu SY,Huang YL,Pu CM,Kang YN,Hoang KD,Chen KH, Chen C. Effects of Oral Collagen for Skin Anti-Aging: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Nutrients .2023 ;(15):2080

28. 2023 Wang HJ,Chuang CC,Chen SG,Chen C,Cheng NC. Introduction of 2023 JTSPS for APS Supplement . Annals of plastic surgery .2023 ;(90)

29. 2023 Wu TJ,Huang YL,Kang YN,Chiu WK,Chen JH,Chen C. Comparing the efficacy of different steroids for rhinoplasty: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg .2023 ;(3):121-131

30. 2023 Kao YC,Lin DZ,Kang YN,Chang CJ,Chiu WK, Chen C. Efficacy of Laser in Hair Removal: A Network Meta-analysis . J Cosmet Laser Ther .2023

31. 2023 Chen IC,Kang YN,Wang HJ,Chiu WK,Chen C. Local Anesthesia for Postoperative Pain Control in Breast Augmentation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Aesthetic Plast Surg .2023 ;(47):140-141

32. 2022 Wang HJ,Chuang CC,Chen SG,Cheng NC,Chen C. Introduction to the 2022 Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery Issue of Annals of Plastic Surgery . Ann Plast Surg .2022 ;(88):S1-S3

33. 2022 Lu DE,,Cheng SW,Lin YS,Tu MW,Lee CH,Chen C, Chen KH. Combination of radiofrequency ablation and percutaneous ethanol injection versus radiofrequency ablation alone for hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Ann Hepatol .2022

34. 2022 Cheng SH,Chen C,Chu WC,Kang YN. Comment on: "Effect of vitamin D monotherapy on indices of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis" by Prokopidis et al . J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle .2022 ;(13):2581-2583

35. 2022 Liu HM, Wu TJ,Liou CM,Chiu WK,Kang YN,Chen C. Patient Comfort with Various Local Infiltration Anesthetics for Minor Oculoplastic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis . J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg .2022 ;(S1748-6815):00391-6

36. 2022 Huang IC,,Chang TS,Chen C, ,Sung JY. Effect of Vortioxetine on Cognitive Impairment in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Int J Neuropsychopharmacol .2022 ;(pyac054)

37. 2022 Chen IC,Kang YN,Wang HJ,Chiu WK,Chen C. The Efficacy of Local Anesthesia for Postoperative Pain Control in Breast Augmentation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Aesthetic Plast Surg .2022 ;(46):1106-1115

38. 2022 Shen YC,Chiu WK,Kang YN,Chen C. Microneedling Monotherapy for Acne Scar: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Aesthetic Plast Surg .2022 ;(46):1913-1922

39. 2022 Chen CC,Ko Y,Chen CH,Hung YJ,Wei TE,Chang TH, Ke SS, Kuo KN, Chen C. RElationship between Metformin use and lactic Acidosis In advanced chronic kidNey Disease: The REMIND-TMU study: Metformin-Associated Lactic Acidosis in Advanced CKD . Am J Med Sci .2022

40. 2022 Shih MY,Chen C. Letter to the Editor with Reference to "The Efficacy and Safety of Topical β-Blockers in Treating Infantile Hemangiomas: A Meta-Analysis Including 11 Randomized Controlled Trials" . Dermatology .2022

41. 2022 Chen, I. C.,Kang, Y. N.,Wang, H. J.,Chiu, W. K.,Chen, C.. Letter: Local Anesthesia for Postoperative Pain Control in Breast Augmentation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Aesthetic plastic surgery .2022

42. 2022 Li MY,Chiu WK,Wang HJ,Chen IF,Chen JH,Chang TP, Ko Y, Chen C. Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection on Scars: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Plast Reconstr Surg .2022

43. 2022 Yeh Y,Chen C,Ko Y. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of trastuzumab emtansine in women with HER2-positive locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis . J Cancer Res Ther .2022 ;(18):1061-1072

44. 2022 Wu YS,Chen C,Wang LC,Jian LS,Ko Y. Talent cultivation in health technology assessment: an expert survey . BMC Med Educ .2022 ;(22):157-162

45. 2022 Wu TJ,Chen KH,Chiu WK,Lee CL,Wang HJ,Kang YN, Chen C. Optimal timing and effect of music therapy in patients with burn injuries: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Burns .2022 ;(48):1069-1078

46. 2021 Kao YC,Lin DZ,Lee SL,Chen C,Wang HJ,Chiu WK. Assisted therapy with platelet-rich plasma for burn patients: A meta-analysis and systematic review . Burns .2021 ;(47):1012-23

47. 2021 Lin DZ,Kao YC,Chen C,Wang HJ,Chiu WK. Negative pressure wound therapy for burn patients: A meta-analysis and systematic review . Int Wound J .2021 ;(18):112-23

48. 2021 Liu HM,Chen JH,Chen C,Liou CM. Prophylactic antiemetic effects of dexamethasone versus 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in ear surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Int J Clin Pharm .2021

49. 2021 Su PY,Lee YH,Kuo LN,Chen YC,Chen C,Kang YN, Chang EH. Efficacy of AST-120 for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Front Pharmacol .2021 ;(12)

50. 2021 Cheng SH,Chen KH,Chen C,Chu WC,Kang YN. The Optimal Strategy of Vitamin D for Sarcpenia: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Nutrients .2021 ;(13)

51. 2021 Szu LT,Chou PY,Lin PH,Chen C,Lin WL,Chen KH. Comparison of maternal and fetal outcomes between delayed and immediate pushing in the second stage of vaginal delivery: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Arch Gynecol Obstet .2021 ;(303):481-4

52. 2021 Chiang KJ,Chiu LC,Kang YN,Chen C. Autologous Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Lower Extremity Wounds: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Cells .2021 ;(10)

53. 2021 Chen KH,Kuo KN,Chen C. Less is More: An Introduction of Choosing Wisely Concept . Journal of Healthcare Quality .2021 ;(15):11-15

54. 2021 Chen C,Kuo KN,Chen KH. The Trend and Implementation of Choosing Wisely . Journal of Healthcare Quality .2021 ;(15):16-19

55. 2021 Wang HJ,Chuang CC,Chen SG,Cheng NC,Chen C. Introduction of 2021 Journal of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery for Annals of Plastic Surgery Supplement . Ann Plast Surg .2021 ;(86):S1-S2

56. 2020 Wang YH, Chen C,Lin YK,Chiang C,Tzao C,Yen Y. Predicting malignancy: subsolid nodules detected on LDCT in a surgical cohort of East Asian patients . J Thorac Dis .2020 ;(12):4315-4326

57. 2020 Lin WL,Szu LT,Chou PY,Hsu CS,Chen C,Liang SJ, Chen KH. Does hyoscine N-butylbromide shorten the active phase in labor? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . J Obstet Gynaecol Res .2020

58. 2020 Chiang FW,Chang JL,Hsu SC,Hsu KY,Chu KC,Huang CJ, Bai CH, Chen C, Hsu CW, Hsu YP. Dexmedetomidine use in pediatric strabismus surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis . PLoS One .2020 ;(15)

59. 2020 Chiu WK,Chou CY,Chen SG,Chen C,Wang HJ,Yang TF. Is sequential free flap safe in oral cancer reconstruction in the same patient? An outcome and complication analysis. . Jpn J Clin Oncol .2020 ;(50):152-158

60. 2020 Chen C,Loh EW,Kuo KN,Tam KW. The Times they Are a-Changin' - Healthcare 4.0 Is Coming! . J Med Syst .2020 ;(44):40-40

61. 2020 Chang YC,Wang HJ ,Chen C. Late Result of Dorsal Pedal Artery Bypass in a Diabetic Patient with Severe Ischemic Heel Gangrene: A Case Report. . Adaptive Medicine .2020 ;(12):11-15

62. 2020 Li MY,Chen JH,Chen C,Kang YN. Association between Egg Consumption and Cholesterol Concentration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Nutrients .2020

63. 2020 Lee SL,Chiu WK,Li SJ,Wang HJ,Chen C. Salvage of Long Segment Artery Defect of Lower Limb by Long Segment Vein Graft Associated with a Polytetrafluoroethylene Graft Conduit Protection - A Case Report . The Journal of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery .2020

64. 2020 Cheng SH,Kuo YJ,Chen C,Kang YN. Effects of teriparatide and bisphosphonate on spinal fusion procedure: A systematic review and network meta-analysis . PLoS One .2020 ;(15)

65. 2020 Hsieh CW,Chen C,Su HC,Chen KH. Exploring the efficacy of using hypertonic saline for nebulizing treatment in children with bronchiolitis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . BMC Pediatric .2020 ;(20)

66. 2020 Lai YH,Huang YC,Huang LT,Chen RM,Chen C. Cervical Noninvasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Migraine and Cluster Headache: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Neuromodulation .2020 ;(23)

67. 2020 Lai YH,Huang YC,Huang LT,Chen RM,Chen C. Cervical Noninvasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Migraine and Cluster Headache: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Neuromodulation .2020 ;(23):721-731

68. 2020 Chiu WK,Yang TF,Wang HJ,Chen C. Assessment of Outcomes of a Metatarsal Bone Ostectomy for Chronic Plantar Ulcers: A Preliminary Study . Ann Plast Surg .2020 ;(84):S112-S115

69. 2019 Chang YH,Chen C,Chen SH,Shen YC,Kuo YT. Effectiveness of corticosteroids versus adrenocorticotropic hormone for infantile spasms: a systematic review and meta-analysis. . Ann Clin Transl Neurol .2019

70. 2019 Lin YS,Chen MJ,Lin WC,Wang YH,Chen C. Letter: should we delay surgery, or stop anti-TNF therapy prior to elective surgical procedures in Crohn's disease patients receiving anti-TNF agents? . Aliment Pharmacol Ther .2019 ;(50):970-971

71. 2019 Hsu YP,Hsu CW,Chen C. Response to "Systemic Bevacizumab for Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: Considerations from Observational Studies" . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2019 ;(160):369-370

72. 2019 Ou-Yang C,Wulandari CP,Iqbal M,Wang HC,Chen C. Extracting Production Rules for Cerebrovascular Examination Dataset through Mining of Non-Anomalous Association Rules . Appl. Sci. .2019 ;(9):4962-4985

73. 2019 Chi PW,Hsieh KY,Chen KY,Hsu CW,Bai CH,Chen C, Hsu YP. Intranasal lidocaine for acute migraine: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . PLoS One .2019 ;(14)

74. 2019 Wang MH,Chen C,Yeh ML,Lin JG. Using Traditional Chinese Medicine to Relieve Asthma Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . The American Journal of Chinese Medicine .2019 ;(47):1659-1674

75. 2019 Hsu YP,Hsu CW,Bai CH,Cheng SW,Chen C. Medical Treatment for Epistaxis in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Meta-analysis. . Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg .2019 ;(160):22-35

76. 2019 Lin YS,Cheng SW,Wang YH,Chen KH,Fang CJ,Chen C. Systematic review with meta-analysis: risk of post-operative complications associated with pre-operative exposure to anti-tumour necrosis factor agents for Crohn's disease. . Aliment Pharmacol Ther .2019

77. 2019 Chu KCW,Huang WC,Bai CH,Chen C,Hsu YP. Comments on: "Effectiveness of honey dressing in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: A systematic review and meta-analysis" . Complement Ther Clin Pract. .2019 ;(S1744-3881):30151-3

78. 2019 Hsu YP,Hsu CW,Chu KCW,Huang WC,Bai CH,Huang CJ, Cheng SW, Chen JH, Chen C. Efficacy and safety of femoral nerve block for the positioning of femur fracture patients before a spinal block - A systematic review and meta-analysis. . PLoS One .2019 ;(14):e0216337-e0216337

79. 2019 Chi PW,Hsieh KY,Tsai CW,Hsu CW,Bai CH,Chen C, Hsu YP. Intranasal lidocaine for acute migraine: A protocol for the systematic review of randomized clinical trials. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2019 ;(98):e15699-e15699

80. 2019 Chu KC,Huang CJ,Hsu CW. Safety and efficacy of clonidine on postoperative vomiting and pain in pediatric ophthalmic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Paediatr Anaesth .2019 ;(29):1011-1023-1023

81. 2019 Lin YS,Chen MJ,Lin WC,Wang YH,Chen C. Letter: pre-operative anti-TNF therapy in Crohn's disease is not associated with increased complications following elective surgery. Authors' reply. . Aliment Pharmacol Ther .2019 ;(50):469-470

82. 2019 Lin YS,Lin WC,Chen MJ, Wang YH,Chen C. Letter: when to withhold anti-TNF agents prior to abdominal surgery in patients with Crohn's disease-the jury might still be out . Aliment Pharmacol Ther .2019 ;(50):465-466

83. 2019 Chiu HC,Ada L,Chen C. Changes in Walking Performance between Childhood and Adulthood in Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review . Dev Neurorehabil .2019

84. 2019 Liu JY,Chen C,Bai CH. Elective Neck Dissection Versus Observation in Early-Stage (cT1/T2N0) Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma . laryngoscope investigative otolaryngology .2019

85. 2019 Hsieh TS,Chiu WK,Yang TF,Wang HJ,Chen C. A Meta-Analysis of the Evidence for Assisted Therapy with Platelet-Rich Plasma for Atrophic Acne Scars. . Aesthetic Plastic Surgery .2019

86. 2019 Yanga YH,Wen YC,Chen KC,Chen C. Ultrasound-guided versus fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis . World Journal of Urology .2019

87. 2019 Chao CH,Huang TW,Chen C,Chen KH. Choosing Wisely in Cancer Nursing: Literature Review . Yuan-Yuan Nursing .2019 ;(13):5-12

88. 2018 Chen C. 由國際明智選擇(Choosing Wisely)發展趨勢談相關政策推動建議 . 期刊/會議論文集名稱: .2018 ;(12):52-7

89. 2018 Huang YJ,Lin GH,Lu WS,Tam KW,Chen CF,Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Validation of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire in Women With Breast Cancer. . Cancer Nursing .2018 ;(41):E40-E48

90. 2018 Liu JW,Chen C,Loh EW,Chu CC,Wang MY,Ouyang HJ, Chang YT, Zhuang WZ, Chou CW, Huang DJ, Lee CH, Yen Y, Tam KW. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors for advanced or metastatic thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Curr Med Res Opin .2018 ;(34):795-803

91. 2018 Chen C,Tam KW,Kuo KN. Choosing wisely in health care . J Formos Med Assoc. .2018 ;(117):754-755

92. 2018 Hsu YP,Hsu CW,Bai CH,Cheng SW,Chen KC,Chen C. Silodosin versus tamsulosin for medical expulsive treatment of ureteral stones: a systematic review and meta-analysis . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0203035-e0203035

93. 2018 Hsu YP,Hsu CW,Bai CH,Cheng SW,Chen C. Fascia iliaca compartment block versus intravenous analgesic for positioning of femur fracture patients before a spinal block: A PRISMA-compliant meta-analysis. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2018 ;(97)

94. 2018 Ou-Yang C,Wulandari CP,Hariadi RAR,Wang HC,Chen C. Applying sequential pattern mining to investigate cerebrovascular health outpatients' re-visit patterns. . PeerJ .2018 ;(6):e5183-e5183

95. 2018 Chen C,Tam KW,Kuo KN. Choosing Wisely in Health Care. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2018 ;(9):754-757

96. 2018 Ou-Yang C,Handaruputri TL,Wang HC,Chen C. Investigating the Association between Chronic Kidney Disease and Ischaemic Stroke from a Health Examination Database . Sci Rep. .2018 ;(8):10903-10903

97. 2018 Yang YH, Wen YC,Chen KC,Chen C. Ultrasound-guided versus fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. . World J Urol .2018

98. 2018 Liu HM,Bai CH,Liou CM,Chiou HY,Chen C. Central Corneal Thickness of Healthy Lowlanders at High Altitude: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . Curr Eye Res .2018 ;(43):460-465

99. 2017 Chen C,Tsai LT,Lin CF, Huang CC,Chang YT,Chen RY, Lyu SY. Factors influencing interest in recreational sports participation and its rural-urban disparity . Plos One .2017 ;(12):e0178052-e0178052

100. 2017 Liu JW,Chen C,Loh EW,Chu CC,Wang MY,Ouyang HJ, Chang YT, Zhuang WZ, Chou CW, Huang DJ, Lee CH, Yen Y, Tam KW. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors for advanced or metastatic thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Curr Med Res Opin .2017 ;(34):795-9803

101. 2017 Chiu WK,Chen CF,Li CC,Huang CY,Chang CW,Wang HJ. A Holistic Approach to Manage Pressure Ulcers . The Journal of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery .2017 ;(26):176-183

102. 2017 Chang CW,Chang YC,Chen C,Wang HJ. Open Foot/Toe Amputation and Hydrocolloid Dressing as Wound Management in Patients with Infected PAOD and Diabetic Foot-Long-term Follow-up . The Journal of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery .2017 ;(26):156-163

103. 2017 Chen Y,Yang K,Marusic A,Qaseem A,Meerpohl JJ,Flottorp S, Akl EA, Schunemann HJ, Chan ES, Yngve FY, Ahmed F, Barber S, Chen C, Zhang M, et al. A reporting tool for practice guidelines in healthcare: the RIGHT Statement. . Annals of Internal Medicine .2017 ;(166):128-32

104. 2017 Wang HJ,Wei LG,Wang CH,Cheng YC,Chang JL,Tsou TL, Ku CH, Li CC, Chiu WK, Chen CF.. A New Form of Artificial Skin to Promote Permanent Wound Coverage: A Preliminary Report . Ann Plast Surg .2017 ;(78):S148-S152

105. 2017 Wei LG,Chen CF,Wang CH,Cheng YC,Li CC,Chiu WK, Wang HJ.. 500-Gray γ-Irradiation May Increase Adhesion Strength of Lyophilized Cadaveric Split-Thickness Skin Graft to Wound Bed. . Ann Plast Surg. .2017 ;(78):S135-S138

106. 2017 Chen C,Lin CF,Chen CC,Chiug SF,Shih FY,Lyu SY, Lee MB. Potential media influence on the high incidence of medical disputes from the perspective of plastic surgeons . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2017 ;(116):634-641

107. 2017 Chen KH,Tam KW,Chen IF,Huang SK,Tzeng PC,Wang HJ, Chen CC. A systematic review of comparative studies of CO2anderbium:YAG lasers in resurfacing facial rhytides (wrinkles) . J Cosmet Laser Ther .2017 ;(19):199-204

108. 2016 Weng YH,Chen C,Tam KW,Yang CY,Chiu YW. Preference of Online Database Access for Medical Students: A Before-and-After Survey of Evidence-Based Medicine Course. 20(3):176-185 . J Med Education .2016 ;(20):176-185

109. 2016 Murakami R,Chen C,Lyu SY,Lin CE,Tzeng PC,Wang TF, Chang JC, Ying-Hua Shieh YH, Chen IF, Huang S, Lin HW. Lovastatin Lowers the Risk of Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Study Using Logistic Regression With a Random Effects Model . SpringerPlus .2016 ;(5)

110. 2016 Liu HM,Chiang IJ,Kuo KN,Liou CM,Chen C. The effect of acetazolamide on sleep apnea at high altitude: a systematic review and meta-analysis. . Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease .2016

111. 2016 Chen L,Chen C,Yen Y,Tam KW. Chemotherapy for advanced biliary tract carcinoma: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e4584

112. 2016 Huang TW,Kuo KN,Chen KH,Chen C,Hou WH,Lee WH, Chao TY, Tsai JT, Su CM, Huang MT, Tam KW. Recommendation for axillary lymph node dissection in women with early breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials using the GRADE system. . Int J Surg .2016 ;(34):73-80

113. 2016 Huang TW,Kuo KN,Chen KH,Chen C,Hou WH,Lee WH, Chao TY, Tsai JT, Su CM, Huang MT, Tam KW. Recommendation for axillary lymph node dissection in women with early breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials using the GRADE system . Int J Surg .2016 ;(34):73-80

114. 2016 Yang YT,Tai CJ,Chen C,Wu HC,Mikhaylichenko N,Chiu HT, Chen YY, Hsu YE. Highly Diverse Efficacy of Salvage Treatment Regimens for Relapsed or Refractory Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma: A Systematic Review . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e0161811-e0161811

115. 2016 Weng YH,Chen C,Chen KH,Kuo KN,Yang CY,Chiu YW. Dissemination of Evidence-Based Practice into Directors of Nursing by an Outreach Campaign in Taiwan . J Contin Educ Nurs. .2016 ;(47):181-188

116. 2016 Wei LG,Chen CF,Hwang CY,Chang CW,Chiu WK,Li CC,Wang HJ. Safe Finger Tourniquet-Ideas . Ann Plast Surg .2016 ;(76):S130-S132

117. 2016 Wu MS,Chen KH,Chen IF,Huang SK,Tzeng PC,Yeh ML, Lee FP, Lin JG, Chen C.. The Efficacy of Acupuncture in Post-Operative Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e01503

118. 2016 Chen C,Chen KS. 基於實證之臨床處置 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2016 ;(10):18-25

119. 2016 Chen KS,Kao CC,Chen C. [Evidence-Based Knowledge Translation: From Scientific Evidence to Clinical Nursing Practice] . Hu Li Za Zhi .2016 ;(63):5-11

120. 2016 劉縈縈,楊南屏,李淑杏,陳杰峰,余光輝,賴慧仙、李孟智. 實證醫學教育訓練對醫院醫事人員實證醫學能力之成效評估 . 醫學與健康期刊 .2016 ;(5):31-43

121. 2016 Hsu CC,Chang CK,Chen C,Wang HJ,Chen WY,Lee LM, Wen YC. Madelung Disease with Scrotal Involvement ── A Case Report and Review of the Literature . The Journal of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery .2016 ;(25):170-178

122. 2015 Chen PC,Chuang CH,Tu YK,Bai CH,Chen C,Liaw MY. Erratum to: A Bayesian network meta-analysis: Comparing the clinical effectiveness of local corticosteroid injections using different treatment strategies for carpal tunnel syndrome . BMC Musculoskelet Disord .2015 ;(16):394

123. 2015 Lai HH,Chang CA,Li CR,Chen C,Yu KH,Lee MC. 衛生福利部所屬醫院醫事人員實證醫學的能力與態度調查 . 醫學與健康期刊 .2015 ;(4):45-56

124. 2015 Weng YH,Chen C,Kuo KN,Yang CY,Lo HL,Chen KH, Chiu YW.. Implementation of evidence-based practice in relation to a clinical nursing ladder system: a national survey in taiwan. . Worldviews Evid Based Nurs .2015 ;(12):22-30

125. 2015 Lyu SY,Chiu SF,Tsai ST,Tsai FC,Keller JJ,Chen C,Lee MB. Incidence of medical disputes and trends in criminal versus civil medical litigation in Taiwan. . Journal of Medical Education .2015 ;(19):11-20

126. 2015 Chen PC,Chuang CH,Tu YK,Bai CH,Chen C,Liao MY. A Bayesian network meta-analysis: Comparing the clinical effectiveness of local corticosteroid injections using different treatment strategies for carpal tunnel syndrome . BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders .2015 ;(16):363

127. 2015 Lee P,Chen C,Wan HT,Jian WS,Hsu MH,Syed-Abdul S, Huang CW, Huang YC, Lin YT, Chen TJ, Wu YH, Li YC. iSlide: a 'big picture' interactive teledermatopathology e-learning system.. 2015 Mar;172(3):692-9. . Br J Dermatol .2015 ;(172):692-699

128. 2014 Chen JK,Chen C,Liu Sarah HE,Tzeng PC,Glasziou PP. Effectiveness of Pediatric Asthma Clinical Pathways: a Narrative Systematic Review . J Asthma .2014 ;(51):480-492

129. 2014 Chen KH,Tzeng PC,Chen TH,Kuo KN,Liu HE,Chen C. Develop a Self-Evaluation Questionnaire for Evidence-Based Practice Education . American Journal of Educational Research .2014 ;(2):740-744

130. 2014 Chen KS,Chen C,Tzeng PC,Liu HE. The Learning Effectiveness of Structured Assessment Stations with Immediate Feedback in Evidence-Based Practice Education . American Journal of Educational Research .2014 ;(2):691-697

131. 2014 Chen KH,Chen TH,Liu HE,Kao CC,Chen C,Ou TY, Tseng PC, Kuo KN, Lee WS. Bundle Care for Preventing Ventilator-associated Pneumonia at a Medical Center: A Preliminary Report . J Exp Clin Med .2014 ;(6):157-160

132. 2014 Chen JK,Chen C,Liu Sarah HE,Tzeng PC,Glasziou PP. Effectiveness of Pediatric Asthma Clinical Pathways: a Narrative Systematic Review . J Asthma .2014 ;(51):480-492

133. 2014 Lee P,Chen C,Wan HT,Jian WS,Hsu MH,Syed-Abdul S, Huang CW, Huang YC, Lin YT, Chen TJ, Wu YH, Li YC. iSlide – An Interactive Teledermatopathology e-Learning System with “Big Picture” . British Journal of Dermatology .2014 ;(172)

134. 2014 Chen C,Hou WH,Chan ESY,Yeh ML,Lo HLD. Phototherapy for Treating Pressure Ulcers . Cochrane Database Systematic Review .2014 ;(7):1-42

135. 2014 Chen C. [Glocalization: the outlook for Taiwan evidence based health care] . Hu Li Za Zhi .2014 ;(61):12-16

136. 2014 Chen C,Hsieh SC,Teng NC,Kao CK,Lee SY,Lin CK, Yang JC. Radiopacity and Cytotoxicity of Portland Cement Containing Zirconia Doped Bismuth Oxide Radiopacifiers. . Journal of Endodontics .2014 ;(40):251-254

137. 2014 Weng YH,Kuo KN,Chen C,Yang CY,Lo HL,Chiu YW. Profile of evidence-based practice among respiratory therapists in Taiwan . Respir Care .2014 ;(59):281-287

138. 2014 Chen C,Huang CY,Wang HJ,Chen CI,Lin HW. Stroke after burn: Population data analysis . BURNS .2014 ;(40):230-234

139. 2013 Ni CH,Hou WH,Kao CC,Chang ML,Yu LF,Wu CC, Chen C. The anxiolytic effect of aromatherapy on patients awaiting ambulatory surgery: a randomized controlled trial . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2013

140. 2013 Weng YH,Kuo KN,Yang CY,Lo HL,Chen C,Chiu YW. Implementation of evidence-based practice across medical, nursing, pharmacological and allied health professionals in a nationwide hospital setting. . Implementation Science .2013 ;(24):112

141. 2013 Weng YH,Kuo NK,Yang CY,Liao HH,Chen C,Lo HL,Lee WC,Chiu YW. Effectiveness of national evidence-based medicine competition in Taiwan . BMC Medical Education .2013 ;(13):66

142. 2013 Weng YH,Kuo KN,Yang CY,Lo HL,Shih YH,Chen C, Chiu YW. Increasing utilization of Internet-based resources following efforts to promote evidence-based medicine: a national study in Taiwan . BMC Med Inform Decis Mak .2013 ;(13):4

143. 2013 Chen KH,Chen C,Tzeng PC. 較早篩檢,並不一定真的比較好 . 台灣實證醫學會刊 .2013 ;(4):4-10

144. 2013 Chen C. 皮膚腫瘤檢體直徑之爭議 . 醫療爭議審議報導系列 .2013

145. 2013 臺灣實證醫學教學之推廣策略與執行成效 . 醫學與健康期刊 .2013 ;(2):1-11

146. 2012 Chen KH,Kao CC,Liu HE,Chiu WT,Kuo KN,Chen C. Using AGREE to Appraise Nursing Clinical Practice Guidelines in Taiwan and to Compare Them to International Studies . J Exp Clin Med .2012 ;(4):58-61

147. 2012 Syed-Abdul S,Scholl J,Chen C,Santos MD,Jian WS,Liou DM, Li YC. Telemedicine Utilization to Support the Management of the Burns Treatment Involving Patient Pathways in Both Developed and Developing Countries: A Case Study. . J Burn Care Res .2012 ;(33):e207-e212

148. 2011 Chen C,LO HL,Kuo KN,Tam KW. 實證醫學於臨床之發展與應用 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2011 ;(5):20-25

149. 2011 Lo HL,Kuo KN,Chen C,Chiu YW. 實證臨床指引發展方法的國際趨勢與變革 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2011 ;(5):26-33

150. 2011 Chen KH,Chen C,Kuo KN,Tzeng PC,Chien LT,Liu HE. Cochrane Database utilization analysis: a 10 year trend of one medical center in Taiwan. Abstracts of the 19th Cochrane Colloquium . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2011 ;(51):P1A27

151. 2011 Chen C,Chen KH,Kuo KN,Tzeng PC,Chien LT,Lo HL,Tam KW. Utilization analysis of Chinese abstract of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in three university hospitals . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Supplement 2011:57 P1A41 .2011 ;(57):P1A41

152. 2011 Tam K,Tsai L,Kuo KN,Chen C,Lo HL. Review or original article? The manuscript category of systematic review and meta-analysis in high-impact biomedical journals . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2011 ;(68):P1B71

153. 2011 Chen CF,Chen K,Hsu CY,Li YC. Developing guideline-based decision support systems using protégé and jess . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2011 ;(102):288-294

154. 2010 Chen CF,Chen K,Hsu CY,Chiu WT,Li YC. A guideline-based decision support for pharmacological treatment can improve the quality of hyperlipidemia management . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2010 ;(97):280-285

155. 2010 Chen CF,Lo HL,Tzeng PC,Chiu YW,Chiu WT,Kuo KN. Comparison of the Increasing Number of Published Systematic Reviews in Selected Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region . J Exp Clin Med .2010 ;(2):79-86

156. 2010 Kuo KN,Lo HL,Chen CF. Compatibility of AGREE and clinical experts review in guideline appraisal . Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery .2010 ;(143):22

157. 2010 Chen KH,Kao CC,Liu HE,Chiu WT,Kuo KN,Chen CF. Development and appraisal nursing clinical practice guidelines in Taiwan . Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery .2010 ;(143):89-90

158. 2009 Liao KH,Chan CK,Chan HC,Chang KC,Chen CF,Chen TY,Chou CW,Chung WY,Chiang YH,Hong KS,Hsiao SH,Hsu YH,Huang HL,Huang SC,Hung CC,Kun SS,et al.. Clinical practice guidelines in severe traumatic brain injury in Taiwan . Surgical Neurology .2009 ;(72):66-74

159. 2009 Chen CF,Ko CC. 從實證醫學談品質創新 . 醫療爭議審議報導 .2009

160. 2009 Kuo YT,Chen CF. 實證醫學文獻搜尋 . 醫療爭議審議報導 .2009 ;(系列39):13-16

161. 2009 羅恆廉,陳杰峰,邱亞文,郭耿南. 實證醫學與考科藍系統性回顧之發展近況 . 醫療爭議審議報導 .2009 ;(系列40):20-28

162. 2009 Kuo YT,Chen CF. 實證醫學文獻搜尋 . 醫療爭議審議報導 .2009 ;(系列39):13-16

163. 2009 Lo HL,Chen CF,Chiu YW,Kuo KN. 實證醫學與考科藍系統性回顧之發展近況 . 醫療爭議審議報導 .2009 ;(系列40):20-28

164. 2008 Wang TF,Wen HC,Chen CF,Lee PL. 闌尾、痔瘡及腹腔鏡膽囊切除術病患住院日適當性之研究 . 病歷管理 .2008 ;(7):65-74

165. 2008 Chen CF,Chen C,Chiu WT. 品質確保與個案管理:糖尿病足症 . 台灣醫學 .2008 ;(12):209-215

166. 2008 Kuo IT,Chen CF,Kuo KN. 盤尼西林皮膚敏感試驗的實證醫學分析 . 台灣醫學 .2008 ;(12):351-354

167. 2008 Lo HL,Chiu YW,Kuo KN,Shen WH,Yang PM,Chen CF,Hsiao SY,. 實證醫學操作應用常見問題探討-分析2007年實證醫學文獻查證應用競賽資料 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2008 ;(2):89-93

168. 2008 Chen CF,Chiu WT. 實證醫學之知識轉譯地圖 . 台灣醫學 .2008 ;(12):455-460

169. 2008 Chen CF,Chiu WT. AGREE臨床指引之評估工具 . 台灣醫學 .2008 ;(12):584-590

170. 2008 Wu MS,Chen CF,Chiu WT. 從實證醫學討論Ursodeoxycholic Acid使用於慢性肝病之爭議 . 台灣醫學 .2008 ;(12):101-106

171. 2008 Chen CF,Chiu WT. 醫療爭議之處置 . 台灣醫學 .2008 ;(12):97-100

172. 2008 Kuo YT,Chen CF. 發展遲緩兒早期評估臨床檢查之實證醫學分析 . 台灣醫學 .2008 ;(12):698-703

173. 2008 Chen C. Clinical Practice Guidelines and Appraisal Tool . Evidence Counts (台灣實證醫學學會會刊) .2008 ;(1):12-18

174. 2008 Chang CW,Chen C,Wu HH. Necrotizing Fasciitis . Journal of Medical Sciences .2008 ;(28):175-178

175. 2007 Chen CF,Fang CL,Lau KW,Chang VC,Wang HJ. Malignant Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath in the Hand-A Case Report . 中華民國整形外科醫學會雜誌 .2007 ;(16):343-350

176. 2007 Chen CF,Tzeng PC,Chiu WT. IOM五大核心能力-基於實證醫學的專業執行 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2007 ;(1):32-40

177. 2007 Chen CF,Lo TY,Chiu WT. 從實證醫學觀點探討痔瘡結紮之爭議 . 台灣醫學 .2007 ;(11):84-90

178. 2007 Chen CF,Tseng PC,Chiu WT. 基於實證醫學的專業執行 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2007 ;(1):32-40

179. 2007 Wu MS,Chen CF,Tseng PC,Lian GS,Wen ML,Chiu WT. 以團體觀摩競賽提昇實證醫學的教學成效 . 台灣醫學 .2007 ;(11):425-430

180. 2007 Chen CF,Wang TF,Lo TY,Chiu WT. 實證診療指引評估工具與AGREE . 台灣醫學 .2007 ;(11):306-311

181. 2007 Kuo YT,Chen CF,Chiu WT. 以鎮靜劑在小兒加護病房之使用 . 台灣醫學 .2007 ;(11):564-571

182. 2006 Chen K,Chen CH,Chang SY,Chen C,Li YC. A Rapid Development Environment for Synthesizing Guideline-Based Decision Support Systems . First International Multi-Symposiums on Computer and Computational Sciences .2006 ;(2):548-554

183. 2005 Chao KC,Chen CF,Hsieh SC,Fang CL,Lao WT,Chan WP. MRI of epithelioid sarcoma of the thigh . Clin Imaging .2005 ;(29):60-63

184. 2005 Wen HC,Chen C,Chie WC,Kao SY. 急性醫院入院適當性工具AEP於國內應用之初探 . 台灣公共衛生雜誌 .2005 ;(24):103-113

185. 2005 溫信財,陳杰峰,季瑋珠,高森永. 急性醫院入院適當性工具AEP於國內應用之初探 . 台灣公共衛生雜誌 .2005 ;(24):103-113

186. 2005 Chen CI,Liu CY,Li YC,Chao CC,,Liu CT,Chen C, Kuan CF. Pervasive Observation Medicine: The Application of RFID to Improve Patient Safety in Observation Unit of Hospital Emergency Department . Stud Health Technol Inform .2005 ;(116):311-5

187. 2005 Chen CF,Jack Li. Voice from a neighbor village . BMJ .2005

188. 2004 陳杰峰,蔡宛真,邱文達. 實證醫學於健康照護之應用 . 台灣醫學 .2004 ;(8):235-240

189. 2004 Chen CI,Liu CT,Chen C,Li YC,Chao CC. Medical Errors in Taiwan: Incidence, aetiology and proposed solutions . The Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare .2004 ;(2):11-18

190. 2002 Lau KW, Wang CY, Chen CF.. Gramcko’s Triangular Flap for Separation of Syndactyly with Terminal Bone Bridge. . 中華民國重建整形外科醫學會雜誌 .2002 ;(11):298-303

191. 1998 陳杰峰. Distal Digit Replantation with an Efferent AV Anastomosis for Absent Venous Drainage . 中華民國重建整形外科醫學會雜誌 .1998 ;(7):240-248

1. 2020 Huang Tsai-Wei,Tam Ka-Wai,Chen Chiehfeng. Comparison of the attention of reporting guidelines and trial registration in nursing journals in recent seven years . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2020

2. 2020 Chen Kee-Hsin,Chen Chiehfeng,Tam Ka-Wai,Huang Tsai-Wei,Kuo Ken N.. Assessing the Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) development in Taiwan using the AGREE II instrument . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2020

3. 2016 Chang YT,Chen C,Tsai LT,Yang CC,Lin CF,Lo FE, Lyu SY. Correlates of recreational sports participation in Taiwan.48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference (APACPH),2016 Sep, Tokyo. . .2016

4. 2016 Lyu SY,Lin CF,Chen C,Yang CC,Chang YT. Public Fear and Risk Perception during the 2015 Dengue Fever Outbreak in Taiwan. 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference (APACPH),2016 Sep, Tokyo. . .2016

5. 2014 Chen C. Effectiveness of Competition Activities in Strengthening Learning of Evidence-Based healthcare . International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare (Paris) .2014

6. 2011 Chen KH,Kao CC,Chen CF,Tai CY,Su HC,Szu LT,Chou PY, Liu HE. Clinical practice guidelines for children with fever in Taiwan . GIN .2011

7. 2011 Tseng PC,Chen KH,Lo HL,Chen CF. 台灣實證照護知識、態度、技能量表(Taiwan Evidence-Based Practice–Knowledge,Attitude, Practice Questionnaire, TEBP-KAPQ)發展及初步信效度檢測 . 台灣實證醫學學會2011學術年會 .2011

8. 2011 Chiu YW,Weng YH,Lo HL,Shih YH,Chen CF,Kuo KN. Diffusion of evidence-based practice into health professionals of regional hospitals by a nationwide outreach program in Taiwan . GIN .2011

9. 2011 Chen K. H.,Chen Chiehfeng,Kuo Ken N.,Tseng PC,Chien L.-T.,Liu HE. Cochrane Database utilization analysis: a 10 year trend of one medical center in Taiwan . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2011

10. 2011 Tam Ka-Wai,Tsai L,Kuo Ken N.,Chen Chiehfeng,Lo H. L.. Review or original article? The manuscript category of systematic review and meta-analysis in high-impact biomedical journals . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2011

11. 2011 Chen Chiehfeng,Chen K. H.,Kuo Ken N.,Tseng PC,Chien L.-T.,Lo H. L.,Tam Ka-Wai. Utilization analysis of Chinese abstract of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in three university hospitals . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2011

12. 2010 Lo Heng-Lien,Chen Chiehfeng ,Tzeng Pei-Chuan ,Chiu Ya-Wen (Betty) ,Chiu Wen-Ta ,Shih Ya-Hui . The urgent needs for building the capability of systematic reviews in the Asia Pacific countries . Cochrane Database Syst Rev .2010

13. 2010 Chiu Ya-Wen (Betty) ,Shih Ya-Hui ,Weng Yi-Hao ,Lo Heng-Lien ,Chen Chiehfeng . Improvement in adopting evidence-based medicine – a cross-sectional study . Cochrane Database Syst Rev .2010

14. 2007 Liang YH,Chen CF. Faculty Development Program for Teaching Professionalism – A Pilot Study . 4th APMEC 2007 Feb. Singapore .2007

15. 2005 Chen CF. EBM-CPG Education in Taiwan . Asia Pacific Conference on EBM-CPG .2005

16. 2005 Chen CF,Chen K,Chen CH,Tsai W,Li YC. Synthesizing Guideline-Based Decision Support Systems Using Protégé and Jess . Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan (MIST 2005)(the Best Paper) .2005

17. 2003 Chen CF, Li YC, Hao TH, Chen CI, Chen SY, Fu CJ, Chao CC, Yang HY, Chan P. CAGES – a Computer Assisted Guideline Enhancement System . Proc of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2003 .2003

18. 2003 郝德慧、李友專、陳杰峰、陳正怡、傅仲蓉、謝森松、顏永泰、王博彥. 建構病患安全資訊中心之藍圖:以台北醫學大學‧市立萬芳醫院為例 . Proc. of Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan .2003

1. 2021 Ch.18 實證知識轉譯與臨床照護 . Evidence Based Nursing .2021

2. 2019 低效益醫療評估研究-改善政策之探討 . 財團法人國家衛生研究院 .2019

3. 2018 緒論及國際現況 . 醫療資源使用之效益評估-低效益醫療之探討 .2018

4. 2012 Kuo KN,Chen C,Lo HL,Hao TH. Chapter 2. Methodology . Taiwan osteoporosis practice guidelines .2012

5. 2011 Kuo KN,Chen C,Lo HL,Hao TH. 方法學 . 骨質疏鬆症臨床治療指引 (ISBN:978-986-02-9829-1) .2011

6. 2007 Chen CF,Wang TF. 實證醫學:醫療照護決策 . .2007

7. 2007 Chen CF,Wang TF. 實證醫學:臨床實踐與教學指引 . .2007

8. 2004 陳杰峰, 吳碧娟. 認識實證醫學 . 實證醫學-臨床流行病學方法之應用 .2004

9. 2004 邱文達, 陳杰峰. 國內外實證醫學發展歷程及機構介紹 . 實證醫學-臨床流行病學方法之應用 .2004

10. 2004 張錦梅, 陳杰峰. 實證醫學文獻檢索及網立應用 . 實證醫學-臨床流行病學方法之應用 .2004

11. 2004 陳杰峰,邱文達. 以實證為基礎促進病人安全 . 病人安全理論與實務 .2004

12. 2003 陳杰峰, 張錦梅, 陳新源, 李友專, 邱文達. 實證醫學中心建立與醫療品質改善之應用 . 醫院品質實務管理 .2003


113 探索醫療明智選擇之障礙與突破策略(3/3)

112 113年度「優化國內乳房植入物病患登錄制度計畫」

112 探索醫療明智選擇之障礙與突破策略(2/3)

111 112年度「強化國內醫療器材病患登錄制度建置之研究」計畫分項一:乳房植入物

111 探索醫療明智選擇之障礙與突破策略(1/3)

110 111年度「完善國內醫療器材病患登錄制度建置之研究」計畫分項一:乳房植入物

109 110年度「精進國內醫療器材病患登錄制度建置之研究」計畫

109 建置醫療衛生福利生技期刊資源資料庫以推動實證醫學及知識轉譯計畫

108 109年度「國內醫療器材病患登錄制度建置研究」計畫

108 建置醫療衛生福利生技期刊資源資料庫以推動實證醫學及知識轉譯

108 醫學文獻評讀工具工作坊

107 醫學系陳杰峰教授申請邀請Cochrane Singapore Shih-Yen Chan副教授,於107年12月03日至107年12月10日止來台訪問一案

107 腦部血管檢查資料集生產規則擷取與專家系統之構建

107 推動全國實證醫學普及科技知識及建置醫療衛生福利生技期刊共享資源計畫

106 推動全國實證醫學普及科技知識及建置醫療衛生福利生技期刊共享資源計畫

105 醫學系陳杰峰副教授向本部申請邀請Chinese Cochrane Center Joey Sum-Wing Kwong副教授

105 運用巢狀基因演算法於腦部健檢民眾回診關聯規則模式之探討

105 建置醫療衛生福利生技期刊共享資源及推動全國實證醫學普及科技知識計畫

104 貴機構醫學系陳杰峰助理教授向本部申請邀請The University of Sydney Louise Ada教授,於105年06月06日至105年07月05日來台訪問乙案,本部同意補助其在台生活費及來回機票費

104 民眾對於休閒治療的認知以及休閒運動行為

104 建置醫療衛生福利生技期刊共享資源及推動全國實證醫學普及科技知識計畫

103 推動與建置全國實證醫學科技交流及電子資源知識共享環境計畫

102 國際實證健康照護學會2014學術年會

100 評估及發展實證醫學教育模式

95 實證診療指引結合醫令系統之應用研究