簡怡雯(Chien, Yi-Wen ) 教授

現   職
保健營養學系 教授


學 歷

美國阿拉巴馬州立大學營養科學研究所 博士
美國阿拉巴馬州立農工大學臨床營養 碩士
私立臺北醫學院保健營養學系 學士




2017/06/01 ~




臨床營養(clinical nutrition)
營養生化(nutritional biochemistry)
社區營養(community nutrition)
營養評估(nutrition assessment)
細胞培養(cell culture)



1. 2024 Chen C-K , Lee Y-S ,Kong Z-L ,Chien Y-W. Amorphous calcium carbonate from plants can promote bone growth in growing rats. . Biology .2024

2. 2023 L-W,Y-W. Effects of melatonin supplementation on lipid metabolism and body fat accumulation in ovariectomized rats. . Nutrients .2023

3. 2021 Effects of gynura bicolor on glycemic control and antioxidant ability in prediabetes. . Appl. Sci. .2021

4. 2021 Yeh J-H,Tung Y-T,Yeh Y-S, Chien Y-W*. Effects of dietary fatty acid composition on lipid metabolism and body fat accumulation in ovariectomized rats. . Nutrients .2021

5. 2020 The effect of an online sugar fact intervention: change of mothers with young children. . Nutrients .2020

6. 2020 Food Addiction Modulated Direct and Indirect Path with BMI and Perceived Stress in Taiwan Young Adults. . Nutrients .2020

7. 2020 Effects of Melatonin on Lipid Metabolism and Circulating Irisin in Sprague-Dawley Rats with Diet-induced Obesity. . Molecules .2020

8. 2020 Tung YT,Pan CH,Chien YW,Huang HY. Edible mushrooms: Novel medicinal agents to combat metabolic syndrome. . Current Pharmaceutical Design .2020 ;(12):1-12

9. 2019 Marketing Strategy, Serving Size, and Nutrition Information of Popular Children’s Food Packages in Taiwan . Nutrients .2019 ;(11):11-174

10. 2019 Yang T-H,Y C Chen,Ou T-H,Chien Y-W. Dietary Supplement of Tomato Can Accelerate Urinary aMT6s Level and Improve Sleep Quality in Obese Postmenopausal Women. . Clinical Nutrition .2019

11. 2019 Ou T-H,Tung Y-T,Yang T-H,Chien Y-W. Melatonin improves fatty liver syndrome by inhibiting the lipogenesis pathway in hamsters with high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia. . Nutrients .2019

12. 2019 Tung Y-T,Hsu Y-J,Chien Y-W,Huang C-C,Huang W-C,Chiu W-C. Tea seed oil prevents obesity, reduces physical fatigue, and improves exercise performance in high-fat-diet-induced obese ovariectomized mice. . Molecules .2019

13. 2018 A moderate interleukin-6 reduction, not a moderate weight reduction, improves the serum iron status in diet-induced weight loss with fish oil supplementation. . Molecular Nutrition & Food Research .2018

14. 2018 Medium-chain triglycerides lower blood lipids and body weight in streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes rats. . Nutrients .2018

15. 2018 Effects of fish oil on lipid metabolism and its molecular biological regulators in chronic ethanol-fed rats. . Nutrients .2018

16. 2018 Taiwanese green propolis ethanol extract delays the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus in rats treated with streptozotocin/high fat diet. . Nutrients .2018

17. 2018 Influence of mothers’ nutrition knowledge and attitudes on their purchase intention for infant cereal with no added sugar claim. . Nutrients .2018

18. 2018 Comprehensive determinants of growth trajectories and body composition in school children: A longitudinal cohort study. . Obesity Research & Clinical Practice .2018

19. 2018 Supplementation comprising dietary fish oil with all-trans retinoic acid decreased blood lipids and fat accumulation in C57BL/6J mice . Journal of functional foods .2018

20. 2018 Chen P-C ,Chien Y-W,Yang S-C. The alteration of gut microbiota in newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients. . Nutrition .2018

21. 2018 Lin C-Y,Su C-T,Lo C-C,Chien Y-W. Herbal formula tablet supplementation lowers body fat but has no effects on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level. . Obesity Research .2018 ;(5):5-10

22. 2017 Lo C-C, Lin S-H,Chang J-S,Chien Y-W*. Effects of Melatonin on Glucose Homeostasis, Antioxidant Ability, and Adipokine Secretion in ICR Mice with NA/STZ-Induced Hyperglycemia. . Nutrients .2017

23. 2017 Yang S-C,Lin S-H,Chang J-S,Chien Y-W. High Fat Diet with a High Monounsaturated Fatty Acid and Polyunsaturated/Saturated Fatty Acid Ratio Suppresses Body Fat Accumulation and Weight Gain in Obese Hamsters . Nutrients .2017

24. 2017 Chien Y-W,Chen Y-L,Peng H-C,Pai M-H,Wang H-Y,Chuang H-L, Yang S-C. Different dietary proportion of fish oil regulated the inflammatory factors but didn’t change the intestinal tight junction ZO-1 expression in ethanol-fed rats. . Mediators of Inflammation .2017

25. 2017 Sabrina N,Bai C-H,Chang C-C,Chien Y-W,Chen J-R,Chang J-S. Ferritin ratio predicts healthy body composition and reduced risk of severe fatty liver in young adult women. . Nutrientw .2017

26. 2017 Chen L-H,ChienY-W,Liang C-T,Chan C-H,Fan M-H,Huang H-Y. Green tea extract induces genes related to browning of white adipose tissue and limits weight-gain in high energy diet-fed rat. . Food & Nutrition Research .2017

27. 2017 Liao H,Chou L-M,Chien Y-W,Wu C-H,Chang J-S,Lin C-I, Lin S-H. Grape powder consumption affects the expression of neurodegeneration-related brain proteins in rats chronically fed a high-fructose–high-fat diet. . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2017 ;(43):132-140

28. 2017 Fan H-Y, Lee YL,Yang S-H,Chien Y-W ,Chao C-J,Chen Y-C. Comprehensive determinants of growth trajectories and body composition in school children: A longitudinal cohort study. . Obesity Research & Clinical Practice .2017 ;(701):11-11

29. 2016 Lin S-H,Chou L-M,Chien Y-W,Chang J-S,Lin C-I. Prebiotic effects of xylooligosaccharides on the improvement of microbiota balance in human subjects. . Gastroenterology Research and Practice .2016

30. 2016 Chien Y-W,Chen Y-L,Peng H-C,Hu J-T,Yang S-S,Yang S-C. Impaired homocysteine metabolism in patients with alcoholic liver disease in Taiwan. . Alcohol .2016

31. 2016 Yang J-H,Chang J-S,Chen C-L,Yeh C-L,Chien Y-W. Effects of different amounts and types of dietary fatty acids on the body weight, fat accumulation, and lipid metabolism in hamsters . Nutrition .2016 ;(32):601-608

32. 2016 Chen Y-L,Liao F-,Lin S-H,Chien Y-W. Prebiotic formula improves gastrointestinal bacterial flora in children. . Gastroenterology Research and Practice .2016

33. 2015 Liou T-H,Kao H-W,Hsueh Y-C,Chien Y-W. Effects of soybean/brown rice consumption on body fat and blood lipids in overweight postmenopausal women. . International Journal of Food & Nutritional Science .2015

34. 2015 Chen Y-L,Chen Y-C,Chang J-S,Lin J C,Chien Y-W. Daily calcium intervention for a weight-loss program resulted in more significant decreases in body weight, BMI, body fat mass, and body fat percentage. . obesity research .2015 ;(2):73-80

35. 2015 Liu L-Y,Liu C-L,Chen Y-W,Chien Y-W. Effects on the oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein and antioxidant activities of Tai-long-57 sweet potato vines . Journal of the biomass energy society of China .2015 ;(34):1-9

36. 2015 Liu C-Y,Hsu Y-J,Chien Y-W,Cha T-L,Tsao C-W. ietary resistant meltodextrin ameliorates testicular function and spermatogenesis in streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetic rats. . Andrologia .2015

37. 2015 Yang J-H,Chang J-S,Chen C-L,Yeh C-L,Chien Y-W. Effects of different amounts and types of dietary fatty acids on the body weight, fat accumulation, and lipid metabolism in hamsters. . Nutrition .2015

38. 2013 Chang JS,Chang CC,Chien Y-W,Lin SH,Tsai CS,Bai CH, Chao KC. Association between interleukin 1b and interleukin 10 concentrations: a cross-sectional study in young adolescents in Taiwan. . BMC pediatrics .2013 ;(13):123-129

39. 2012 Yang HY,Lin HS,Chao JC,Chien Y-W,Peng HC,Chen JR. Effects of soy protein on alcoholic liver disease in rats undergoing ethanol withdrawal. . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2012 ;(22):122-129

40. 2012 Chen Y-C,Chien Y-W,Chang P-J,Hsieh W-S,Chen P-C. Probiotic supplement use among young children in Taiwan: A prospective cohort study . PLoS ONE .2012 ;(7):e43885

41. 2012 Teng H-W, Chien Y-W,Hsu M-I,Chen C-I. The relationship between carotid intima-media thickness and endogenous androgens in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome in Taiwan. . Gynecological Endocrinology .2012

42. 2011 Yang HY,Lin HS,Chao JCJ,Chien YW,Peng HC,Chen JR. Effects of soy protein on alcoholic liver disease in rats undergoing ethanol withdrawal. . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2011 ;(22):122-129

43. 2011 Shieh MJ,Shang HF,Liao FH,Zhu JS,Chien YW. Lactobacillus fermentum improved intestinal bacteria flora by reducing Clostridium perfringens. . e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism .2011 ;(6):59-63

44. 2010 Liu LY,Chang LY,Chou SS,Chien Y-W. Studies on the antioxidant components and activities of the methanol extracts of commercially grown Hemerocallis fulva L (daylily) in Taiwan . Journal Food Biochemistry .2010 ;(34):90-104

45. 2010 Liao FH,Liou TH,Shieh MJ,Chien YW. Effects of Different Ratios of Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids to Saturated Fatty Acids on Regulating Body Fat Deposition in Hamsters . Nutrition .2010 ;(26):811-817

46. 2010 Liao F-H,Liou T-H,Chiu WC,Shieh M-J,Chien Y-W. Differential effects of high MUFA with high or low P/S ratio (Polyunsaturated to Saturated Fatty Acids) on improving hepatic lipolytic enzymes and mediating PPARgamma related with lipoprotein lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase of white adipose tissue in . Internation journal of obesity .2010 ;(5):1-10

47. 2010 Tsai CY,Chen YH,Chien YW,Huang WH,Lin SH. Effect of soy saponin on the growth of human colon cancer cells. . World Journal of Gastroenterolgy .2010 ;(16):3371-3376

48. 2009 Chiu WC,Wang YC,Chien YW,Hou YC,Hu YM,Yeh SL. Effects of dietary fish oil supplementation on cellular adhesion molecule expression and tissue myeloperoxidase activity in hypercholesterolemic mice with sepsis. . J Nutr Biochem .2009 ;(20):254-260

49. 2009 Yang HT,Chien YW,Tsen JH,Chang CC,Chang JH,Huang SY. Taurine Supplementation Improves the Utilization of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids in Rats Continually Administrated Alcohol. . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2009 ;(20):132-139

50. 2008 Pai MH,Chien YW,Tsai YH,Hu YM,Yeh SL. Glutamine reduces the expression of leukocyte integrins leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 and macrophage antigen-1 in mice exposed to arsenic. . Nutrition Research .2008 ;(28):544-549

51. 2007 Liao F-H,Shieh M,Yang S-C,Lin S-H,Chien Y-W. Effectiveness of a soy-based compared with a traditional low-calorie diet on weight loss and lipid levels in overweight adults. . Nutrition .2007 ;(23):551-556

52. 2007 Hu SP,Chiang TY,Yeh SL,Chien Y-W. Comparisons of attitudes and practices between obese and normal -weight women in Taiwan. . Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition .2007 ;(16):568-572

53. 2007 Liao FH,Shieh MJ,Chang NC,Chien YW. Chitosan suplementation lowers serum lipids and maintains normal calcium, magnesium, and iron status in hyperlipidemic patients . Nutrition research .2007 ;(27):146-151

54. 2007 Lin Y-J,,Chien Y-W,Yang S-H,Cheng H-H. Fruits and stir-fried vegetables increase plasma carotenoids in young adults. . Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition .2007 ;(17)

55. 2007 Chien Y-W,Liao FH,Shieh M-J,Jiang T-S. Evaluation of nattokinase combined red yeast supplementation on blood lipid profiles. . Nutrition Science Journal .2007 ;(32):74-82

56. 2006 Yang SH,Yang H,Shieh MJ,Chien YW. Comparison with the methods for measuring body fat and investigation of interrelationships between anthropometry and body fat in adults . Nutrition Science Journal .2006 ;(31):32-39

57. 2005 Chang P-L,Blair H C,Zhao X,Chien Y-W,Chen D-T,Tilden A B, Chang Z, Cao X, Faye-Petersen O M, Hic. Comparison of Fetal and Adult Marrow Stromal Cells in Osteogenesis with and without Glucocorticoids . Connective Tissue Research .2005

58. 2004 Huang M-C,Shieh M-J,Liao F-H,Chen C-F,Liu H C,Chien Y-W*. Effects of serum leptin on effectiveness of weight loss. . Nutr. Sci. J. .2004 ;(29):168-175

59. 2004 Chien Y-W,Liao F-H,Chen S-J,Chen Y-F,Chen C-F,Shieh M-J. Effectiveness of weight loss by using yogurt commercial meals. . Nutr. Sci. J. .2004 ;(29):222-229

60. 2004 Chien Y-W,Chen Y-F,Shih C-M,Chien P-J,Yang S-C,Shieh M-J. Assess of the Changes of Immune Function on Obese After Using Oat Weight-Loss Meals. . Nutr. Sci. J. .2004 ;(29):230-236

61. 2003 Chien Y-W, Liao F-H, Chen C-M, Chan Y-M, Chen H M, Chang C-H, Shieh M-J. Effect of soy protein formula on the nutritional status of post-operative and long-term bedridden patients. . Nutr. Sci. J. .2003 ;(28):11-17

62. 2003 Shieh M-J, Liao F-H, Lin S-H, Chen C-F, Hsu C-H, Chung M-Y, Chien Y-W. Calcium Bioavailability in Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Lactate Supplements. . Nutr. Sci. J. .2003 ;(28):34-40

63. 2003 Chien Y-W, Liao F-H, Huang M-C, Shieh M-J. Evaluations of protein efficiency ratio of weight-loss meal replacement. . Nutr. Sci. J. .2003 ;(28):123-128

64. 2003 Chien Y-W, Huang M-C, Liao F-H, Chen C-C, Shieh M-J. The new model for assessing nutritional status in hospital in-patients. . Nutr. Sci. J. .2003 ;(28)

65. 2003 Lin Y-J,Cheng H-H,Huang M-C,Chien Y-W. Plasma carotenoid concentrations in college students and middle age adults of Taipei city. . Nutr. Sci. J. .2003 ;(28):191-199

66. 2002 Lin S-H, Peng H-C, and Chien Y-W. The Contents and Distributions of Major Isoflavones in Commercial Soy Products. . Nutr Sci J .2002 ;(27):139-146

67. 2002 Chien Y-W, Huang M-C, Liao F-H, Chen C-F, Shieh M-J. Evaluation of the Commercial Packages on Effectiveness Weight Loss. . Nutr Sci J .2002 ;(27):239-246

1. 2016 Liao F-H,Yang J-H,Yeh C-L,Chien Y-W. Effects of high MUFAs with a high polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio on body fat accumulation and lipid metabolism in hamsters with diet-induced obesity. . EMBO / EMBL Symposium: Innate Immunity in Host-Pathogen Interactions. .2016

2. 2016 Chen P-R,Yu Y-T,Chien K-L,Shih C-Y,Hwang J-J,Chan D-C, Chien Y-W. Sodium intake in rural population with metabolic syndrome in northern Taiwan . 24th International health promoting hospitals and health services conference .2016

3. 2016 Yu Y-T,Chen P-R,Cheng C-P,Chien Y-W. Effects of modified-mediterranean dietary education on risk factors of metabolic syndrome in rural population. . Taipei Medical University teachers and students joint research symposium .2016

4. 2016 Lin C-Y,,Chien Y-W. Effects of low-calorie different weight-loss products and weight loss frequency on satiety and effectiveness of weight loss . Taipei Medical University teachers and students joint research symposium .2016

5. 2016 Chiang P-C,Lo C-C,Lin C-Y,Liao F-H,Chien Y-W. Effects of melatonin on lipid metabolism and circulating irisin in diet-induced obese Sprague-Dawley rats . aipei Medical University teachers and students joint research symposium .2016

6. 2016 Lung M-C,Chiang P-C,Lin C-Y,Lo C-C,Chian C-Y,Tsai H-H, Su C-T, Chien Y-W. The effect of different amount of anthocyanin juice on skin moisture and collagen fibers . aipei Medical University teachers and students joint research symposium .2016

7. 2016 Yu Y-T,Chen P-R,Cheng C-P,Chien Y-W. ffects of modified-mediterranean dietary education on risk factors of metabolic Syndrome in rural population . annual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society, Taipei .2016

8. 2016 Lin C-Y,,Chien Y-W. Effects of low-calorie different weight-loss products and weight loss frequency on satiety and effectiveness of weight loss . annual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society .2016

9. 2016 Chiang P-C,Chien Y-W. Effects of melatonin on lipid metabolism and circulating irisin in diet-induced obese Sprague-Dawley rats . annual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society .2016

10. 2016 Chiang P-C,Lo C-C,Lin C-Y,Chien Y-W. Effects of melatonin on lipid metabolism and circulating irisin in diet-induced obese Sprague-Dawley rats . Experimental Biology 2016 conference meeting .2016

11. 2016 Chien Y-W. Health foods and weight management . The 89th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society .2016

12. 2016 ChangY-C,Chiang P-C,Yu S-C,Chien Y-W. Comparison of the efficacy of different therapies for knee osteoarthritis . aipei Medical University teachers and students joint research symposium .2016

13. 2015 ChangY-C,Chiang P-C,Yu S-C,Chien Y-W. Comparison of the efficacy of different therapies for knee osteoarthritis . annual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society, Tainan .2015

14. 2015 Yu S-C,Chien Y-W. Effects of hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) on UVA-induced damage in HaCaT keratinocytes . annual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society, Tainan .2015

15. 2015 Chiang P-C,Tsai H-H,HsuY-T,Lee Y-H,Lo C-C,Lin C-Y, Chien Y-W. The effect of yerba mate extract on weight control . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity .2015

16. 2015 Lin C-Y,Tsai H-H,Hsu Y-T,Lee Y-H,Lo C-C,Chiang P-C, Chien Y-W. Evaluation of low-calorie meal replacement products on effectiveness of weight loss . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity .2015

17. 2015 Kao H-N,Liou T-H,Hsiao T-Y,Chiu Y-C,Chien Y-W,Lin M-S, Lin C-Y and Chen M-S. pplication of mobile software "LINE" and telephone counseling on weight control in Taiwan . APHA 143th annual meeting, Chicago .2015

18. 2015 Yu S-C,Chiang P-C,Lin C-Y,Chien Y-W. Effects of hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) on UVA-induced damage in HaCaT keratinocytes . International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition, London .2015

19. 2015 Yu S-C,Chiang P-C,Lin C-Y,Chien Y-W. Effects of hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) on UVA-induced damage in HaCaT keratinocytes . aipei Medical University teachers and students joint research symposium .2015

20. 2014 Lim S-Y,Chiang P-C,Lin C-Y,Yu S-C,ChienY-W. Effects of different ratio of P/S ratio and monounsaturated fatty acids on adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity .2014

21. 2014 Chen C-Y,Chang P-C,Hsia C-H,Lim S-Y,Yu S-C,ChienY-W. The effect of tomato on body fat and lipid profile in overweight postmenopausal women . 6th Asian Congress of Dietetics (ACD ) .2014

22. 2014 Chen C-Y,ChienY. The effect of tomato on body fat and lipid profile in overweight postmenopausal women . annual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society .2014

23. 2014 Lim S-Y,,ChienY-W. Effects of different ratio of P/S ratio and monounsaturated fatty acids on adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells . nnual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society .2014

24. 2014 Hsia C-H,ChienY-W. he effect of gynura bicolor on blood glucose control in prediabetes . annual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society .2014

25. 2013 Yang J-H,Hsia C-H,Chen C-Y,Lim S-Y,Chien Y-W. Effects of different amounts and types of dietary fatty acids on body weight, fat accumulation and lipid metabolism in diet-induced obese hamsters . The IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition, Granada, Spain .2013

26. 2013 Liao H,Lee K-T,Chien Y-W,Lin S-H. ffects of oriental plum extract on the cognitive function and the cerebral neurodegeneration-related protein expressions in diet induced Type 2 diabetic rats . The IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition, Granada, Spain .2013

27. 2013 Yang J-H,,Hsia C-H,Chen C-Y,Lim S-Y,Chien Y-W. Effects of different amounts and types of dietary fatty acids on body weight, fat accumulation and lipid metabolism in hamsters . Experimental Biology 2013 conference meeting, Boston, USA .2013

28. 2013 Yang J-H,,Hsia C-H,Chen C-Y,Lim S-Y,Chien Y-W. Effects of different amounts and types of dietary fatty acids on body weight, fat accumulation and lipid metabolism in hamsters . Experimental Biology 2013 conference meeting, Boston, USA .2013

29. 2013 Kao H-N,Yang J-H,Hsia C-H,Chen C-Y,Lim S-Y,ChienY-W. The effect of high protein diet on weight reduction and maintenance in overweight adults . Experimental Biology 2013 conference meeting, Boston .2013

30. 2013 Chiang P-C,Yang J-H,Chen P-T,Chiu W-C,Chien Y-W. The effects of high fiber noodle on metabolic syndrome . Experimental Biology 2013 conference meeting, Boston, USA .2013

31. 2013 Liao H,Lee K-T,Chien Y-W,Lin S-H. Effects of oriental plum extract on the cognitive function and the cerebral neurodegeneration-related protein expressions in Type 2 diabetic rats . Experimental Biology 2013 conference meeting, Boston, USA .2013

32. 2012 Kao H-N,Liou T-H,Chien Y-W. Effects of health promotion by nutrition and exercise intervention on obese subjects. . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity .2012

33. 2012 Yang J-H,Hsia C-H,Chen C-Y,Lim S-Y,Chien Y-W. Effects of different amounts and types of dietary fatty acids on body weight, fat accumulation and lipid metabolism in hamsters. . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity .2012

34. 2012 Chiang P-C,Yang J-H,Chen P-T,Chiu W-C,Chien Y-W. The effect of high fiber noodle on glycometabolism and body weight in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity .2012

35. 2012 Chiang P-C,Yang J-H,Chen P-T,Chiu W-C,Chien Y-W. The Effect of High Fiber Noodle on Lipid Metabolism in Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemic Hamster. . Taipei Medical University .2012

36. 2012 Chen P-T,Chiang P-C,Yang J-H,Chien Y-W. Effects of different dosage of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) at high-fat levels on fat accumulation in mice . Taipei Medical University .2012

37. 2012 Liao F-H,Shieh M,Chien Y-W. oles of dietary linolenic acid on lipid metabolism in diet-induced obese hamsters. . The 80th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress (EAS) Milan, Italy .2012

38. 2012 Chen P-T,Chien Y-W. Effects of different dosage of dietary conjugated linoleic acid at high-fat levels on fat accumulation in mice. . The annual conference in the Taiwan Nutrition Society, Tainan .2012

39. 2012 Liou T-H,Lin C-Y,Chien Y-W,Chiou S-T. Nation-wide supportive system for weight control via phone call center. . The 20th international conference on health promoting hospitals & health services. .2012

40. 2011 Chen P-T,Kao H-W,Hsueh Y-C,Chien Y-W. Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplementation on fat accumulation in mice. . .2011

41. 2011 Sung W-C,Wang H-C,Shieh M-J,Chien Y-W. Confocal microscopy analysis of UVA-induced skin aging in human fibroblasts Hs68 cells: New approach to identify anti-photoaging agent in cosmetic nutrition. . .2011

42. 2011 Hsueh Y-C,Kao HW,Liao H,Wen C-Y,Chen P-T,Yu W-T, Chien YW. Isoflavones supplement effects body composition, glucose metabolism and blood lipid profile in premenopausal overweight women. . The 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition .2011

43. 2011 Kao H-W,Hsueh Y-C,Liao H,Wen C-Y,Chen P-T,Yu W-T, Chien YW. Effects of soybean brown rice on body fat and metabolic profiles in postmenopausal women. . .2011

44. 2009 Lin J-C,Huang M-H,Liao F-H,Kuo P-H,Chien Y-W,Shieh M-J. Effectiveness of weight loss and fat accumulation by using MS drinks . .2009

45. 2009 Huang L-W,Lin S-H,Chien Y-W. The study of fried garlic oil on lipid metabolism, antioxidative and antithrombotic properties in hamsters. . .2009

46. 2008 Huang M-H,Chen BC,Chen P-T,Liao F-H,Kuo P-H,Chien Y-W, Shieh M-J. Effectiveness of weight loss and fat accumulation by using milk contained conjugated linoleic acid . .2008

47. 2008 Huang M-H,Chen P-T,Chen BC,Liao F-H,Kuo P-H,Chien Y-W, Shieh M-J. Effectiveness of weight loss and fat accumulation by using yogurt contained conjugated linoleic acid . .2008

48. 2008 Kau H-N,Chien Y-W,Liou T-H. he seasonal effect on weight loss in hospital weight control program . .2008

49. 2008 Kuo P-H,Chien Y-W. Effects of sesamin on fat accumulation and lipid metabolism in obese Sprague-Dawley rats. . .2008

50. 2007 Liao F-H,Chien Y-W,Shieh M-J. Effects of monounsaturated fatty acids on accumulation of body fat in Golden Syrian hamster . .2007

51. 2007 Liao F-H,Chien Y-W,Shieh M-J. Effects of unsaturated fatty acids on the accumulation of body fat in Golden Syrian hamster. . .2007

52. 2007 Sung M-H,Shieh M-J,Chien Y-W. The effects of medium-chain oil on lipid metabolism in type 2 diabetes mellitus rats. . .2007

53. 2006 Chien Y-W,,Lui K-N,Liao F-H,Shieh M-J. Studies of PPARδ expression in fish oil and 9-cis retinoic acid induction . EB2006#4038 .2006

54. 2006 Chien Y-W,Chen Y-F,Shieh M-J. The delay tumorgenesis of soy isoflavones on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthrancene (DMBA) induced mammary tumors in female rats with or without ovariectomization . EB2006#3073 .2006 ;(San Fr)

55. 2006 Sung M-H,Liao F-H,Kuo B-X,Chien Y-W,Shieh M-J. Effects of new dietary oil containing MCT on deposit of body fat. . he annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity, Taipei, Taiwan .2006

56. 2006 Liao F-H,Sung M-H,Chien Y-W,Shieh M-J. Effects of high catechins green tea drinks on deposit of body fat. . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity, Taipei, Taiwan (Poster) .2006

57. 2006 Cheng H-C,Liao F-H,Chien Y-W,Shieh M-J. The effects of adiponectin level on effectiveness of weight loss and weight regain. . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity, Taipei, Taiwan (Poster) .2006

58. 2005 Liao F-H,Shieh M-J,Wang Y,Liu H-C,Chien Y-W. Differential effects of serum leptin, ghrelin and adiponectin levels on obese after weight loss . The 3rd Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity, T2-PT-009, Taiwan (Poster) .2005

59. 2005 Chien Y-W,Yang S-C,Liao F-H,Lin S-H,Shieh M-J. Consumption of a Soy-based Low-caloric Diet Produces Effective Weight Loss with Greater Health Benefits . The 3rd Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity, T2-PT-003, Taiwan (Poster) .2005

60. 2005 Chen C-C,Shieh M-J,Chien Y-W. The Correlation of Diet, Body Composition, and Serum Leptin Levels in Girls with Central Precocious Puberty . The 3rd Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity, T1-PT-011, Taiwan (Poster) .2005

61. 2005 Chien Y-W,Chen Y-F,Shih C-M,Chien P-J,Yang S-C,Shieh M-J. Assess of the Changes of Immune Function on Obese after Using Oat Weight-Loss Meals . The 3rd Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity, T4-PT-001, Taiwan (Poster) .2005

62. 2005 Huang M-C,Shieh M-J,Liao F-H,Chen C-F,Liu HC,Chien Y-W. Effects of Serum Leptin on Effectiveness of Weight Loss . The 3rd Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity, T4-PT-002, Taiwan (Poster) .2005

63. 2005 Chien Y-W,Liao F-H,Chen S-J,Chen Y-C,Chen C-F,Shieh M-J. Effectiveness of Weight Loss by Using Yogurt Commercial Meals . The 3rd Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity, T4-PT-003, Taiwan (Poster) .2005

64. 2005 Chien Y-W,Liao F-H,Yang S-C,Shieh M-J. Using soy-based low calorie diet is more healthy benefit on weight loss effectiveness . EB2005#1216, San Diego, USA. (Poster) .2005

65. 2005 Chien Y-W,Chen Y-F,Shieh M-J. Delay tumorgenesis of soy isoflavones on DMBA induced mammary tumors in female rats . EB2005#7448, San Diego, USA. (Poster) .2005

66. 2005 Chien Y-W,Shang H-F,Shieh M-J,Zhu J-S. Lactobacillus fermentum PCC (ProBio PCC) Improves Intestinal Bacteria Flora . EB2005#7567, San Diego, USA. (Poster) .2005

67. 2004 Yi-Wen Chien,Fang-Hsuean Liao,Suh-Ching Yang,Ming-Jer Shieh. Using Soy-based low calorie diet is more healthy benefit on weight loss effectiveness. . The annual conference in the Chinese Taipei Association for the study of obesity, Taipei, Taiwan .2004

68. 2004 蔡安瑩,簡怡雯,謝明哲. b胡蘿蔔素對DMBA誘發老鼠乳腺腫瘤之預防效應。 . 中華民國營養學會第三十屆年會,台中,台灣,(Oral preserntation)。 .2004

69. 2004 陳佳君,簡怡雯. 中樞性早發青春期女生的飲食、體組成及血中瘦體素濃度之相關聯性。 . 中華民國營養學會第三十屆年會,台中,台灣,(Oral preserntation C04)。 .2004

70. 2004 郭瑋綺,胡雪萍,簡怡雯. 大豆異黃酮素對於老鼠造骨細胞增生的影響。 . 中華民國營養學會第三十屆年會,台中,台灣,(Oral preserntation B07)。 .2004

71. 2004 簡怡雯,廖芳瑄,陳佳君,楊素卿,楊淑惠,謝明哲. 以測量體脂肪變化來評估及改善減重成效。 . 中華民國營養學會第三十屆年會,台中,台灣,(Poster BP029) .2004

72. 2004 簡怡雯,廖芳瑄,陳孝君,陳怡坊,陳佳君,蔡安瑩,陳金發,謝明哲. 優格代餐在減重計畫上的應用。 . 中華民國營養學會第三十屆年會,台中,台灣,(Poster BP030) .2004

73. 2004 簡怡雯,陳怡坊,施純明,簡珮如,陳佳君,楊素卿,謝明哲. 使用代餐減重與肥胖患者免疫功能之相關探討 . 中華民國營養學會第三十屆年會,台中,台灣,(Poster BP031) .2004

74. 2003 Chien Y-W,Huang M-C,Liu HC,Shieh M-J. Effects of low caloric diet on plasma leptin concentrations in obese. . The FASEB Journal. .2003

75. 2003 Chien Y-W,Huang M-C,Chen C-F,Shieh M-J. Evaluation of using commercial package on effectiveness of weight loss in long-term follow-up program. . IX Asian Congress of Nutrition PFC14-74. .2003 ;(PFC):17-75

76. 2003 Liao F-H,Chang N-C,Chen C-F,Shieh M-J,Chien Y-W. Effect of dietary chitosan supplementation on the blood lipids profile and minerals status in hyperlipidemia patients. . IX Asian Congress of Nutrition PFC14-118. .2003

77. 2003 Lee C-J,Chien Y-W,Yang S-H,Chen P-Y. The effects of low protein formula supplement on chronic renal failure. . IX Asian Congress of Nutrition PFC12-27. .2003

78. 2002 簡怡雯、陳巧明、陳晏明、陳湘湄、張鑑熹、謝明哲. 補充高蛋白對手術後、長期臥床病人的營養狀況之影響 . 中華民國營養學會第二十八屆年會年會 #B04 .2002

79. 2002 簡怡雯、黃美智、廖芳瑄、陳金發、謝明哲. 以商業減重代餐輔助減重計畫之成效評估 . 中華民國營養學會第二十八屆年會年會 #B22 .2002

80. 2002 簡怡雯、廖芳瑄、黃美智、陳金發、謝明哲. 添加幾丁聚醣對倉鼠血脂值降低的影響 . 中華民國營養學會第二十八屆年會年會 #A09 .2002

81. 2002 簡怡雯、林士祥、陳金發、許重輝、鐘美玉、謝明哲. 不同來源鈣片的鈣質生物利用率 . 中華民國營養學會第二十八屆年會年會 #C23 .2002

82. 2002 李青蓉、楊淑惠、林秀真、陳培源、謝明哲、簡怡雯. 飲食中補充低蛋白配方對慢性腎衰竭病患之影響 . 中華民國營養學會第二十八屆年會年 B9 .2002

83. 2002 簡怡雯、陳巧明、陳晏明、陳湘湄、張鑑熹、謝明哲. 補充高蛋白對手術後、長期臥床病人的營養狀況之影響 . 臺北醫學大學九十學年度師生聯合學術發表會#B29 .2002

84. 2002 簡怡雯、黃美智、廖芳瑄、陳金發、謝明哲. 以商業減重代餐輔助減重計畫之成效評估 . 臺北醫學大學九十學年度師生聯合學術發表會#B27 .2002

85. 2002 簡怡雯、廖芳瑄、黃美智、陳金發、謝明哲. 添加幾丁聚醣對倉鼠血脂值降低的影響 . 臺北醫學大學九十學年度師生聯合學術發表會#B28 .2002

86. 2002 簡怡雯、林士祥、陳金發、許重輝、鐘美玉、謝明哲. 不同來源鈣片的鈣質生物利用率 . 臺北醫學大學九十學年度師生聯合學術發表會#B30 .2002

87. 2002 李青蓉、楊淑惠、林秀真、陳培源、謝明哲、簡怡雯. 飲食中補充低蛋白配方對慢性腎衰竭病患之影響 . 臺北醫學大學九十學年度師生聯合學術發表會#B31 .2002

88. 2001 Chien Y.W., Lin S.H. and Shieh M.J.. Calcium bioavailability and absorption. . The FASEB Journal .2001

89. 2001 Chien Y.W., Lin S.H. and Shieh M.J.. Effects of different calcium supplements on calcium bioavailability . The 17th internation Conference of nutrition. .2001

90. 2001 Sun W.C., Chien Y.W., Lin S.H. and Lee H.R.. Combination of energy-restricted diets, Qi-Kong exercise and behavior modification on the weight management for the disabled. . The conference in the Malaysia Association of study fro obesity. .2001

91. 2001 Sun W.C., Chien Y.W., Lin S.H. and Lee H.R.. Combination of energy-restricted diets, Qi-Kong exercise and behavior modification on the weight management for the disabled. . The annual conference in the Taiwan Association of study for obesity. .2001

92. 2000 Chien Y.W., Lin S.H., and Shieh M.J.. Calcium bioavailability and absorption: a clinical trial. . The ICSN 2000 .2000

93. 1997 Chien Y.W., Chang P.L. and Prince C.W.. Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells +/- calcitriol treatment do not secrete osteopontin. . The FASEB Journal .1997

94. 1996 Venable D.Y., Chien Y.W., Chang P.L. and Prince C.W.. Isolation of phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated osteopontin by immobilized metal (Fe+3) affinity chromatography. . The FASEB Journal .1996 ;(10)

95. 1996 Chien Y.W., Chang P.L. and Prince C.W.. Effects of calcitriol and its analog on osteoblast-like cells. . The FASEB Journal .1996 ;(10)

1. 2022 膳食療養學 . 膳食療養學 .2022

2. 2018 Chien Y-W. 營養學 . 華格那企業有限公司 .2018

3. 2018 Chien Y-W. 團體膳食設計與管理 . 華格那企業有限公司 .2018

4. 2016 簡怡雯. 營養生化學 . 華格那企業有限公司 .2016

5. 2015 簡怡雯. 公共衛生營養學 . 華杏出版股份有限公司 .2015

6. 2012 簡怡雯,吳志忠,張菡馨,吳幸娟,陳紀采,李淑玲等. 營養學 . 華格那企業有限公司 .2012

7. 2011 Chien YW. 新編體重控制學 . .2011

8. 2011 Chien YW. 團體膳食設計與管理 . .2011

9. 2006 簡怡雯,李千毅. 營養治療的處方百科 . .2006

10. 2006 簡怡雯. 生命期營養 . .2006

11. 2006 簡怡雯. 膳食療養學 . .2006

12. 2004 簡怡雯,張祺禎,黃正仁. 跨時代青春&健康 . 高球族出版社 .2004

13. 2003 簡怡雯等. 營養生化學 . .2003

14. 2002 簡怡雯、楊素卿、謝明哲等. 營養學字詞精要 . .2002

15. 2001 簡怡雯. 飲食方法對體重控制成效之影響 . 國家衛生研究院論壇 .2001

16. 2001 簡怡雯等. 嬰幼兒養育講座 . .2001

17. 2000 簡怡雯. 米食之營養保健與疾病促進文獻彙編 . 農委會文獻彙編 .2000


112 VITABOX®葡萄糖胺薑黃複合物之緩解膝蓋疼痛及發炎功能評估試驗

112 飲食中不同油脂比例加上補充褪黑激素可有效調控停經前後之脂質代謝和身體組成

111 DENSITY之骨成長保健功效研究計畫

111 VITABOX® Free From Lutein Pro改善視力功能評估試驗研究計畫

111 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:保健營養學系碩士班許齡文君)

110 大研葉黃素產品改善視力功能評估研究計畫

110 預倍葉黃素改善視力功能評估試驗研究計畫

110 褪黑激素可提升不同脂肪酸比例對停經後脂質代謝與身體組成的影響

109 109年「職場健康飲食及身體活動問卷暨方案設計」

108 天義非晶鈣之骨質保健功效評估 研究計畫

107 探討飲食中油脂組成和褪黑激素或番茄對停經後大鼠與肥胖婦女脂質代謝與體脂蓄積的影響

104 醫卡低周波、合利他命、貼布與按摩器對緩解腰背痠痛之功效

104 褪黑激素對脂質代謝的影響

103 比較花青素含量高低之蔬果汁對皮膚含水量與彈性的影響

103 104年6月赴英國倫敦(LONDON)參加第17屆食物科學與營養國際會議-余思潔

103 評估船井低熱量代餐配方食品減重之功效

103 評估被熱超纖微脂配方錠體重控制之功效

102 紅花黃素抗光老化、抑制黑色素生成及經皮傳輸之功效性評估

102 紅花黃素抗光老化、抑制黑色素生成及經皮傳輸之功效性評估

101 飲食中脂肪酸組成與總量對肥胖老鼠體脂形成之研究

100 重複性經顱磁電刺激對肥胖患者飲食渴求行為之改變

100 飲食中脂肪酸組成與總量對肥胖老鼠體脂形成之研究

99 健康食品保健功效成分符合性之研究-分項計畫三:『護肝功能』保健功效健康食品功效符合性之調查研究

99 優樂適U-LP200低蛋白營養配方蛋白質品質之評估

99 飲食中脂肪酸組成與總量對肥胖老鼠體脂形成之研究

98 飲食中脂肪酸比例對體脂肪囤積之研究

91 黃豆異黃酮素對造骨細胞增生的影響

90 血中瘦體素濃度對減重成效的影響