林家瑋(Lin, Jia-Wei) 教授

現   職
外科學科 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
台灣大學EMBA 碩士
私立臺北醫學院臨床醫學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2019/12/01 ~ 2023/09/30
2017/08/01 ~ 2023/08/31
2016/02/01 ~
2013/02/01 ~
2009/06/01 ~ 2011/07/31







1. 2021 Epidemiologic Study of Enterobius vermicularis Infection among Schoolchildren in the Republic of Marshall Islands . Journal of Tropical Medicine .2021

2. 2021 Worsening of Dizziness Impairment Is Associated with Bone Marrow Kinase on Chromosome X Level in Patients after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury . J Neurotrauma .2021

3. 2021 Attenuation of Heat-Induced Hypothalamic Ischemia, Inflammation, and Damage by Hyperbaric Oxygen in Rats . J Neurotrauma .2021

4. 2020 su YK, Lin JW,Shih JW,Chuang HY,Fong IH,Yeh CT,Lin CM. Targeting BC200/miR218-5p Signaling Axis for Overcoming Temozolomide Resistance and Suppressing Glioma Stemness . cells .2020 ;(9):1859-1879

5. 2019 Fan CK,Chuang TW,Huang YC, Yin AW, Chou CM,Hsu SL, Wang YT, Wu MS, Lin JW, Briand K, Tu CY.. Enterobius vermicularis infection: prevalence and risk factors among preschool children in kindergarten in the capital area, Republic of the Marshall Islands. . BMC Infect Dis. .2019

6. 2017 Tsai YC,Kuo CY,Lin JW,Yang ST,Lai SC,Tsai JT. Gamma Knife Perfexion® radiosurgery and endo diode laser thermotherapy for choroidal melanoma with technical analysis: A case report. . Oncol Lett. .2017

7. 2017 Cheng HW, Lo WL,Kuo CY,Su YK,Tsai JT,Lin JW, Wang YJ, Pan DH.. Forward treatment planning techniques to reduce the normalization effect in Gamma Knife radiosurgery. . J Appl Clin Med Phys. .2017

8. 2017 Liao CW,Chuang TW,Huang YC,Chou CM,Chiang CL,Lee FP, Hsu YT, Lin JW, Briand K, Tu CY, Fan CK.. Intestinal parasitic infections: Current prevalence and risk factors among schoolchildren in capital area of the Republic of Marshall Islands. . Acta Trop .2017

9. 2017 Chen YJ,Chen KW,Shih YL,Su FY,Lin YP,Meng FC, Lin F, Yu YS, Han CL, Wang CH, Lin JW, Hsieh TY, Li YH, Lin GM.. Chronic hepatitis B, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and physical fitness of military males: CHIEF study. . World J Gastroenterol. .2017

10. 2016 Kuo CY,Chiou HY,Lin JW,Tsai SH,Lin MR,Chiang YH, Lin CM, Chu SF, Liou TH, Chiu WT. . Characteristics and clinical outcomes of head-injured cyclists with and without helmets in urban and rural areas of Taiwan: A 15-year study. . Traffic Inj Prev. .2016

11. 2016 Wu CW,Huang SW,Lin JW,Liou TH,Chou LC,Lin HW.. Risk of stroke among patients with cerebral palsy: a population-based cohort study. . Dev Med Child Neurol. .2016

12. 2016 Wu CW, ,Huang SW, ,Lin JW, ,Liou TH, ,Chou LC, ,Lin HW. Risk of stroke among patients with cerebral palsy: a population-based cohort study . Dev Med Child Neurol. .2016 ;(05):1-12

13. 2016 Chen MY,Lin JW,Zhu HP,Zhang B, Jiang GY,Yan PJ, Cai XJ.. Covered Stents versus Uncovered Stents for Unresectable Malignant Biliary Strictures: A Meta-Analysis. . Biomed Res Int. .2016 ;(4):1-9

14. 2015 Huang SW,Lin JW,Liou TH,Lin HW. Cohort study evaluating the risk of hip fracture among patients with dementia in Taiwan. . Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. .2015

15. 2015 Li-Jen Chen,Meng-Fu Cheng,Po-Ming Ku,Happy Cheng,Jia-Wei Lin. Rosiglitazone increases cerebral klotho expression to reverse baroreflex in type 1-like diabetic rats. . BioMed Research International. .2015 ;(2014)

16. 2015 Chien-Min Lin,Ming-Chin Lin,Sheng-Jean Huang,Cheng-Kuei Chang,Dan-Ping Chao,Tai-Ngar Lui, Hsin-I Ma,Ming-Ying Liu, Wen-Yuh Chung,Yang-HsinShih, Shin-Han Tsai, Lin JW,etl. A Prospective Randomized Study of Brain Tissue Oxygen Pressure-Guided Management in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. . BioMed Research International .2015 ;(2015):1-8

17. 2015 Chen KY,Tsai TY,Chang CF,Tsai YR,Ou JC,Ma HP, Tsai SH, Chiu WT, Lin JW, Liao KH, Lin CM, etl. Worsening of dizziness impairment is associated with BMX level in patients after mild traumatic brain injury . J Neurotrauma .2015 ;(MAR)

18. 2015 Zhang K,Lin JW,Chiu WT,Yen Y. Response to Trevisson et al. . Genet Med .2015 ;((4):):313-4

19. 2015 Chien LN,Ostrom QT,Gittleman H,Lin JW,Sloan AE,Barnett GH, Elder JB, McPherson C, Warnick R,etl. International Differences in Treatment and Clinical Outcomes for High Grade Glioma. . PLoS One. .2015 ;(10):e01296

20. 2015 Lin CM,Tsai JT,Chang CK,Cheng JT,Lin JW. Development of telmisartan in the therapy of spinal cord injury: pre-clinical study in rats. . Drug Des Devel Ther. .2015 ;(14;):4709--17

21. 2015 Sung CW,Chen KY,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Ou JC,Lee HC, Tsai SH, Lin JW, Yang CM, Tsai YR, Liao KH, etl. Heart rate variability and serum level of insulin-like growth factor-1 are correlated with symptoms of emotional disorders in patients suffering a mild traumatic brain injury. . Clin Neurophysiol. .2015 ;((15)):00757-9

22. 2015 Chang CK,Lin CM,Chang CP,Hsu YC,Lin MT,Lin JW. Protecting against ischemic stroke in rats by HSP 20-mediated exercise. . Eur J Clin Invest. . .2015 ;(Oct):10.111

23. 2015 Sung CW,Lee HC,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Chu SF,Ou JC, Tsai SH, Liao KH, Lin CM, Lin JW, Chen GS, etl. Early dysautonomia detected by heart rate variability predicts late depression in female patients following mild traumatic brain injury. . Psychophysiology. .2015 ;(Nov):10.111

24. 2015 Chia-Ying Kuo,Hung-Yi Chiou,Jia-Wei Lin,Shin-Han Tsai,Yung-Hsiao Chiang,Chien-Min Lin, Wen-Ta Chiu.. Seatbelt use and traumatic brain injury in Taiwan: a 16 year study. . Iranian Journal of Public Health. .2015 ;(0):0-0

25. 2015 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chang FH, Chiu WT, Lin JW, Liou TH. . Functioning and disability analysis by using WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in older adults Taiwanese patients with dementia. . Disabil Rehabil. .2015

26. 2015 Sung CW,Lee HC,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Chu SF,Ou JC, Tsai SH, Liao KH, Lin CM, Lin JW, Chen GS, Li WJ, Wang JY.. Early dysautonomia detected by heart rate variability predicts late depression in female patients following mild traumatic brain injury. . Psychophysiology. .2015

27. 2015 Protecting against ischaemic stroke in rats by heat shock protein 20-mediated exercise. . Eur J Clin Invest. .2015

28. 2015 Lin CM,Lin MC,Huang SJ,Chang CK,Chao DP,Lui TN, Ma HI, Liu MY, Chung WY, Shih YH, Tsai SH, Chiou HY, Lin MR, Jen SL, Wei L, Wu CC, Lin EY, Liao KH, Chiang YH, Chiu WT, Lin JW.. A Prospective Randomized Study of Brain Tissue Oxygen Pressure-Guided Management in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. . Biomed Res Int. .2015

29. 2015 Sung CW,Chen KY,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Ou JC,Lee HC, Tsai SH, Lin JW, Yang CM, Tsai YR, Liao KH, Chen GS, Li WJ, Wang JY. . Heart rate variability and serum level of insulin-like growth factor-1 are correlated with symptoms of emotional disorders in patients suffering a mild traumatic brain injury. . Clin Neurophysiol. .2015

30. 2015 Lin CM,Tsai JT,Chang CK,Cheng JT,Lin JW.. Development of telmisartan in the therapy of spinal cord injury: pre-clinical study in rats. . Drug Des Devel Ther. .2015

31. 2015 Chien LN,Ostrom QT,Gittleman H,Lin JW,Sloan AE,Barnett GH, Elder JB, McPherson C, Warnick R, Chiang YH, Lin CM, Rogers LR, Chiou HY, Barnholtz-Sloan JS.. International Differences in Treatment and Clinical Outcomes for High Grade Glioma. . PLoS One. .2015

32. 2015 Seatbelt Use and Traumatic Brain Injury in Taiwan: A 16-Year Study. . Iran J Public Health. .2015

33. 2015 Liu KH,Yang ST,Lin YK,Lin JW,Lee YH,Wang JY, Hu CJ, Lin EY, Chen SM, Then CK, Shen SC.. Fluoxetine, an antidepressant, suppresses glioblastoma by evoking AMPAR-mediated calcium-dependent apoptosis. . Oncotarget. .2015

34. 2014 ShihWei Huang,JiaWei Lin,WeiTe Wang,ChinWen Wu,TsanHon Liou,HuiWen Lin.. Hyperthyroidism is a Risk Factor for Developing Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder: A Nationwide Longitudinal Population-Based Study . . Scientific Report .2014 ;(0):0-0

35. 2014 Yang ST,Lin JW,Chiu BY,Hsu YC,Chang CP,Chang CK. Astragaloside improves outcomes of traumatic brain injury in rats by reducing microglia activation . Am J Chin Med .2014 ;((6):):1357-70

36. 2014 Tsai JT,Lin JW,Lin CM,Chen YH,Ma HI,Jen YM, Chen YH, and Ju DT. Clinical Evaluation of CyberKnife in the Treatment of Vestibular Schwannomas Volume. . BioMed Research International .2014

37. 2014 Lin JW,Cherng YG,Chen LJ,Niu HS,Chang CK,Niu CS. Ginseng is useful to enhance cardiac contractility in animals. . BioMed Research International .2014

38. 2014 Chen LJ,Cheng MF,Ku PM,Chen H,Lin JW. Rosiglitazone increases cerebral klotho expression to reverse baroreflex in type 1-like diabetic rats. . BioMed Research International .2014

39. 2014 Lin JW,Cherng YG,Chen LJ,Niu HS,Chang CK,Niu CS. Clinical Evaluation of CyberKnife in the Treatment of Vestibular Schwannomas Volume. . BioMed Research International .2014

40. 2014 Chang CY,Lui TN,Lin JW,Lin YL,Hsing CH,Wang JJ, Chen RM. Roles of microRNA-1 in hypoxia-induced apoptotic insults to neural cells . Archives of Toxicology (accepted) .2014

41. 2014 Tsai CC,Chan P,Chen LJ,Chang CK,Liu Z,Lin JW. Merit of ginseng in the treatment of heart failure in type 1-like diabetic rats. BioMed Research International . Biomed Res Int .2014 ;(2014):E1-E8

42. 2014 Lin JW,Tsai CC,Chen LJ,Niu HS,Chang CK,Niu CS4. Characterization of musclin as a new target for treatment of hypertension. . Biomed Res Int .2014 ;(2014):1-7

43. 2014 Lin JW,Cherng YG,Chen LJ,Niu HS,Chang CK,Niu CS. Ginseng is useful to enhance cardiac contractility in animals . Biomed Res Int .2014 ;(2014):1-9

44. 2014 Zhang K,Lin JW,Wang J,Wu X,Gao H,Hsieh YC, Hwu P, Liu YR, Su L, Chiou HY, etc.. A germline missense mutation in COQ6 is associated with susceptibility to familial schwannomatosis. . Genet Med .2014 ;(16):787-792

45. 2014 Keqiang Zhang,Jia-Wei Lin,Jinhui Wang,Xiwei Wu,Hanlin Gao,Hsieh YC, Hwu P, Liu YR, Su L, Chiou HY , Wang D, Yuan YC, Jacqueline Whang-Peng, Chiu WT, Yen Y. A germline missense mutation in COQ6 associated with susceptibility to a familial schwannomatosis. . Genetics in Medicine. .2014 ;(16):787-792

46. 2014 Cheng-Chia Tsai,Paul Chan,Li-Jen Chen,Chen Kuei Chang,Zhongmin Liu,Jia-Wei Lin. Merit of ginseng in the treatment of heart failure in type 1-like diabetic rats. . BioMed Research International .2014 ;(2014)

47. 2014 Jia-Wei Lin,Cheng-Chia Tsai,Li-Jen Chen,Ho-Shan Niu,Chen Kuei Chang,Chiang-Shan Niu. Characterization of musclin as new target for treatment of hypertension. . BioMed Research International .2014 ;(2014)

48. 2013 Lin YL,Chang HC,Chen TL,Chang JH,Chiu WT,Lin JW, Chen RM. Resveratrol protects against oxidized LDL-induced breakage of the blood-brain barrier by lessening disruption of tight junctions and apoptotic insults to mouse cerebrovascular endothelial cells. . J Nutr. .2013 ;(140):2187-2192

49. 2012 Kung WM,Hung KS,Chiu WT,Tsai SH,Lin JW,Wang YC, Lin MS. Quantitative assessment of impaired postevacuation brain re-expansion in bilateral chronic subdural haematoma: possible mechanism of the higher recurrence rate. . injury .2012 ;(43):598-602

50. 2012 Jia-Wei Lin,Juei-Tai Chen,Chung-Ye Hong,Yi-Ling Lin,Kuan-Ting Wang,Chih-Jung Yao, Gi-Ming Lai, and Ruei-Ming Chen. Honokiol traverses the blood-brain barrier and induces apoptosis of neuroblastoma cells via an intrinsic bax-mitochondrion-cytochrome c-caspase protease pathway . Neuro-Oncology .2012 ;(14):302-314

51. 2012 Chio CC,Lin JW,Cheng HA,Chiu WT,Wang YH,Wang JJ, Hsing CH, Chen RM. MicroRNA-210 targets antiapoptotic Bcl-2 expression . Arch Toxicol .2012

52. 2011 Lin MS,Sun YY,Chiu WT,Hung CC,Chang CY,Shie FS, Tsai SH, Lin JW, Hung KS, Lee YH. Curcumin attenuates the expression and secretion of RANTES after spinal cord injury in vivo and lipopolysaccharide-induced astrocyte reactivation in vitro. . J Neurotrauma. .2011 ;(28):1259-1269

53. 2011 Huang YC,Wei KC,Chang CH,Yang JT,Ho JT,Shen CC, Su CF, Cho DY, Ma HI, Lin JW, Lee EJ, Wu JJ, Tsai MD, Chang CK, Howng SL, Chang CN.. A retrospective survey of patients with malignant gliomas treated in the neuro-oncological care system under the Universal National Health Insurance program in Taiwan. . J Clin Neurosci .2011 ;(18):784-788

54. 2011 Lin MS,Hung KS,Chiu WT,Sun YY,Tsai SH,Lin JW, Lee YH. Curcumin enhances neuronal survival in N-methyl-d-aspartic acid toxicity by inducing RANTES expression in astrocytes via PI-3K and MAPK signaling pathways. . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. .2011 ;(35):931-938

55. 2011 Woon-Man Kung,Shin-Han Tsai,Wen-Ta Chiu,Kuo-Sheng Hung,Shin-Ping Wang,Jia-Wei Lin, Muh-Shi Lin. Correlation between Glasgow coma score components and survival in patients with traumatic brain injury . Injury .2011 ;(42):940-944

56. 2011 Chao HH,Liu JC,Hong HJ,Lin JW,Chen CH,Cheng TH. L-carnitine reduces doxorubicin-induced apoptosis through a prostacyclin-mediated pathway in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. . Int J Cardiol. .2011 ;(146):145-152

57. 2011 Lin MS,Sun YY,Chiu WT,Hung CC,Chang CY,Shie FS, Tsai SH, Lin JW, Hung KS, Lee YH.. Curcumin attenuates the expression and secretion of RANTES after spinal cord injury in vivo and lipopolysaccharide-induced astrocyte reactivation in vitro. . J Neurotrauma .2011

58. 2011 Wang K Pi-Chieh,Liang-Ming Lee,Tien-Jen Lin,Shyr-Ming Sheen-Chen,Jia-Wei Lin,Wen-Ta Chiu, Chien-Che Wang, Kuo-Sheng Hung. Gene Transfer of IGF1 Attenuates Hepatocellular Apoptosis After Bile Duct Ligation. . J Surg Res. .2011 ;(167):237-244

59. 2010 Tzu-Hurng Cheng,Jia-Wei Lin,Hung-Hsin Chao,Yen-Ling Chen,Cheng-Hsien Chen,Paul Chan. Uric acid activates extracellular signal-regulated kinases and thereafter endothelin-1 expression in rat cardiac fibroblasts. . Int J Cardiol. 2010 Feb 18; 139(1): 42-49. (SCI) .2010 ;(139):42-49

60. 2010 Chio CC,,Lin JW,,Chang MW,,Wang CC,,Kuo JR,,Yang CZ, Chang CP. Therapeutic evaluation of etanercept in a model of traumatic brain injury. . J Neurochem. 2010 Nov;115(4):921-9. .2010 ;(115):921-929

61. 2010 Tai PA,,Chang CK,,Niu KC,,Lin MT,,Chiu WT,,Lin JW.. Attenuation of Heat-induced Hypothalamic Ischemia, Inflammation, and Damage by Hyperbaric Oxygen in Rats. . J Neurotrauma. 2010 Jun 25. [Epub ahead of print] .2010 ;(inpres):inpres-inpres

62. 2010 Tai PA,Chang CK,Niu KC,Lin MT,Chiu WT,Lin JW. Reduction of ischemic and oxidative damage to the hypothalamus by hyperbaric oxygen in heatstroke mice. . Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology. 2010﹝in press﹞ .2010 ;(2010):609526

63. 2010 Chiu WT,Liao KH,Shigemori M,Cho KS,Jiang JY,Lin JW. Novel consensus of management guidelines for severe traumatic brain injury in Asia. . J Neurotrauma .2010 ;(27):775-776

64. 2010 Chiu WT,Chiang YH,Hung KS,Tsai SH,Lin JW. The injury epidemiology transition in South Asia. . Injury. 2010 Jul;41(7):1064-5. (Letter) (SCI) .2010 ;(41):1064-1065

65. 2010 Chao HH,Chen CH,Liu JC,Lin JW,Wong KL,Cheng TH. L-Carnitine attenuates angiotensin II-induced proliferation of cardiac fibroblasts: role of NADPH oxidase inhibition and decreased sphingosine-1-phosphate generation. . J Nutr Biochem. .2010 ;(21):580-588

66. 2010 Chio CC,Lin JW,Chang MW,Wang CC,Kuo JR,Yang CZ, Chang CP. Neurocytoprotective effects of the bioactive constituents of Pueraria thomsonii in 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-treated nerve growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells. . Phytochemistry. .2010 ;(71):2147-2156

67. 2010 Hsieh CT,Tsai JT,Chang LP,Lin JW,Chang SD,Ju DT. Peritumoral edema after stereotactic radiosurgery for meningioma. . J Clin Neurosci .2010 ;(17):529-531

68. 2010 Chiu WT,Liao KH,Shigemori M,Cho KS,Jiang JY,Lin JW. Novel consensus of management guidelines for severe traumatic brain injury in Asia. . J Neurotrauma. .2010 ;(27):775-776

69. 2009 Jia-Wei Lin,Chwen-Ming Shih,Yen-Chou Chen,Chien-Min Lin,Jo-Ting Tsai,Yung-Hsiao Chiang, Kuo-Sheng Hung, Yi-Shian Yeh, Li Wei, Wen-Ta Chiu, Liang-Yo Yang. Biochemical Alteration in CSF Precedes Behavioral Deficits in Parkinsonian Rats Induced by 6-OHDA . Surg Neurol .2009 ;(72):55-65

70. 2009 Liao KH,Chang CK,Chang HC,Chang KC,Chen CF,Chen TY, Chou CW, Chung WY, Chiang YH, Hong KS, Hsiao SH, Hsu YH, Huang HL, Huang SC, Hung CC, Kung. Clinical practice guidelines in severe traumatic brain injury in Taiwan . Surg Neurol .2009 ;(72):66-73

71. 2009 Jia-Wei Lin,Chwen-Ming Shih,Yen-Chou Chen,Chien-Min Lin,Jo-Ting Tsai,Yung-Hsiao Chiang, Kuo-Sheng Hung, Yi-Shian Yeh, Li Wei, Wen-Ta Chiu, Liang-Yo Yang. Biochemical Alteration in CSF Precedes Behavioral Deficits in Parkinsonian Rats Induced by 6-OHDA. . Surg Neurol .2009 ;(72):55-65

72. 2009 Chien-Min Lin,Jia-Wei Lin,Li Wei,Yi-Shian Yeh,Yung-Hsiao Chiang,Kuo-Sheng Hung, Liang-Yo Yang, Wen-Ta Chiu. Hyaluronic acid inhibits the glial scar formation after brain damage with Q1 3 tissue loss in rats. . Surg Neurol .2009 ;(72):50-54

73. 2009 Liao KH,Chang CK,Chang HC,Chang KC,Chen CF,Chen TY, Chou CW, Chung WY, Chiang YH, Hong KS, Hsiao SH, Hsu YH, Huang HL, Huang SC, Hung CC, Kung. Clinical practice guidelines in severe traumatic brain injury in Taiwan. . Surg Neurol (2009);72 Suppl 2:S66-73; discussion S73-4. (SCI) .2009 ;(72):66-73

74. 2009 Tsai JT,Lin JW,Chiu WT,Chu WC. Assessment of image-guided CyberKnife(@) radiosurgery for metastatic spine tumors. . J Neurooncol .2009 ;(94):119-127

75. 2009 Chien-Sung Tsai,Shih-Hurng Loh,Ju-Chi Liu,Jia-Wei Lin,Yen-Ling Chen,Cheng-Hsien Chen, Tzu-Hurng Cheng. Urotensin II-induced endothelin-1 expression and cell proliferation via epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation in rat aortic smooth muscle cells . Atherosclerosis .2009 ;(206):86-94

76. 2009 Tsai JT,Lin JW,Chiu WT,Chu WC. Assessment of image-guided CyberKnife(@) radiosurgery for metastatic spine tumors . J Neurooncol(2009) 94(1):119-27. (SCI) .2009 ;(94):119-127

77. 2009 Huan-Chieh Chen,Yu-Ting Tai,I-Jen Wang,Woon-Man Kung,Jia-Wei Lin,Kuo-Sheng Hung, Wen-Ta Chiu, Tien-Jen Lin. Treatment of Chronic Discogenic Pain by Utilizing Both Nucleoplasty and Epidural Neuroplasty – One Year Follow-Up . Formosan Journal of Surgery (2009 In Press) .2009

78. 2009 Li Wei,Kung-Shing Lee,Man-Kit Siu,Yu-Ting Tai,Jia-Wei Lin,Kuo-Sheng Hung , Wen-Ta Chiu , I-JenWang, Tien-Jen Lin. Outcomes of Epidural Neuroplasty to Treat Lumbar Discogenic Pain- One-Year Follow-Up . Chinese J. Pain .2009 ;(19):8-16

79. 2009 Chiu WT,Chiang YH,Hung KS,Tsai SH,Lin JW. The injury epidemiology transition in South Asia. . Injury.Nov 2. [Epub ahead of print](Letter) .2009

80. 2009 Tzu-Hurng Cheng,Jeremy J-W Chen,Neng-Lang Shih,Jia-Wei Lin,Ju-Chi Liu,Yen-Ling Chen. Mechanical stretch induces endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene expression in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. . Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and physiology.2009(36):559-566. .2009 ;(36):559-566

81. 2008 Chi-Sheng Chiou,Jia-Wei Lin,Pai-Feng Kao,Ju-Chi Liu,Tzu-Hurng Cheng,Paul Chan. Effects of Hesperidin on cyclic strain-induced endothelin-1 release in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. . Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology .2008 ;(35):938-943

82. 2008 Lin JW,Lin CM,Lee LM,Hung KS,Chen WY,Wei, L Ko CP, Su YK,Chiu WT. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on patients with traumatic brain injury . Acta Neurochir Suppl .2008 ;(101):145-149

83. 2008 Lin JW,Lin CM,Tsai JT,Hung KS,Hung CC,Chiu WT. Neurotrauma research in Taiwan . Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;101:113-7 .2008 ;(101):113-117

84. 2008 Lin JW,Tsai JT,Lin CM,Lee LM,Hung KS,Huang SJ, Hsiao SH, Chung WY, Tsai MD, Hsia CC, Hung CC, Chiu WT. Evaluation of optimal cerebral perfusion pressure in severe traumatic brain injury . Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;101:131-6 .2008 ;(101):131-136

85. 2008 Ju DT,Lin JW,Lin MS,Lee LM,Tseng HM,Wei CP, Yen CH, Hung CC, Hung KS, Lin CM, Lin TJ, Chiu WT, Tsai JT. Hypofractionated CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuromas with and without association to neurofibromatosis Type 2 . Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;101:169-73. .2008 ;(101):169-173

86. 2008 Lin CM,Lin JW,Tsai JT,Ko CP,Hung KS,Hung CC, Su YK, Wei L, Chiu WT, Lee LM.. Intracranial pressure fluctuation during hemodialysis in renal failure patients with intracranial hemorrhage. . Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;101:141-4. .2008 ;(101):141-144

87. 2008 CS Chiou,JW Lin,PF Kao,JC Liu,JC Liu,P Chan. Effects of hesperidin on cyclic strain-induced endothelin-1 release in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. . Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology(2008) 35(8):938-43. .2008 ;(35):938-943

88. 2008 Ju DT,Lin JW,Lin MS,Lee LM,Tseng HM,Wei CP, Yen CH, Hung CC, Hung KS, Lin CM, Lin TJ, Chiu WT, Tsai JT. Hypofractionated CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuromas with and without association to neurofibromatosis Type 2 . Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;101:169-73. .2008 ;(101):169-173

89. 2008 Lin CM,Lin JW,Tsai JT,Ko CP,Hung KS,Hung CC, Su YK, Wei L, Chiu WT, Lee LM. Intracranial pressure fluctuation during hemodialysis in renal failure patients with intracranial hemorrhage. . Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;101:141-4. .2008 ;(101):141-144

90. 2008 Lin J W,Tsai JT,Lin CM,Hung KS,Hung CC,Chiu WT. Neurotrauma research in Taiwan . Acta Neurochir .2008

91. 2008 Lin J. W.,Tsai J. T.,Lin C. M.,Lee5 L. M.,Hung K. S.,Huang SJ, Hsiao SH, Chung WY, Tsai MD, Hsia CC,. Evaluation of optimal cerebral perfusion pressure in severe traumatic brain injury . Acta Neurochir .2008

92. 2008 Lin CM,Lin JW,Tsai JT,Ko CP,Hung KS,Hung CC, Su YK, Wei L, Chiu WT,Lee LM. Intracranial pressure fluctuation during hemodialysis in renal failure patients with intracranial hemorrhage . Acta Neurochir .2008

93. 2008 Ju DT,Lin JW,Lin MS,Lee LM,Tseng HM,Wei CP,Yen CH, Hung CFC,HungKS, Lin CM, Lin TJ,Ch. Hypofractionated CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuromas with and without association to neurofibromatosis Type 2 . Acta Neurochir .2008

94. 2008 Hsu YC,Lee DC,Chen SL,Liao WC,Lin JW,Wen-Ta Chiu, Ing-Ming Chiu. The Brain-specific 1B Promoter of FGF1 Gene Facilitates the Isolation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells with Self-Renewal and Multipotent Capacities(in press) . Developmental Dynamics .2008 ;(00):00-00

95. 2008 Hung-Hsing Chao,Ju-Chi Liu,Jia-Wei Lin,Cheng-Hsien Chen,Chieh-His Wu,Tzu-Hurng Cheng. Uric acid stimulates endothelin-1 gene expression associated with NADPH oxidase in human aortic smooth muscle cells. . Acta Pharmacol Sin .2008 ;(29):1301-1312

96. 2008 Chien-Che Wang,Jia-Wei Lin,Liang-Ming Lee,Chien-Min Lin,Wen-Ta Chiu,Hsin-Te Pai,Kuo-Sheng Hung. alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Gene Transfer Attenuates Inflammation after Bile Duct Ligation in the Rat. . Dig Dis Sci. 2008 Feb;53(2):556-63 .2008 ;(53):556-563

97. 2007 Hong HJ,Liu JC,Lin JW,Chen YL,Chiu WT,Wu CH, Shyu KG, Cheng TH. Leptin stimulates endothelin-1 expression via extracellular signal-regulated kinase by epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation in rat aortic smooth muscle cells . Eur J Pharmacol .2007 ;(573):49-54

98. 2007 Chiu WT,Huang SJ,Tsai SH,Lin JW,Tsai MD,Lin TJ, William C.W. Huang. The impact of time, legislation, and geography on the epidemiology of traumatic brain injury . J Clin Neurosci. .2007 ;(14):903-905

99. 2007 Wang CC,Lin JW,Lee LM,Lin CM,Chiu WT,Pai HT,Hung KS. alpha-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Gene Transfer Attenuates Inflammation after Bile Duct Ligation in the Rat . Dig Dis Sci .2007

100. 2007 Hung KS,Tsai SH,Lee TC,Lin JW,Chang CK,Chiu WT. Gene transfer of IGF1 provides neuroprotection after spinal cord injury in rats . J Neurosurg Spine .2007 ;(6):35-46

101. 2006 Lin JW,Lin MS,Lin CM,Tseng CH,Tsai SH,Kan IH, Chiu WT. Idiopathic syringomyelia: case report and review of the literature. . Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2006;99:117-20. .2006 ;(99):117-120

102. 2006 Lin JW,Lin MS,Lin CM,Tseng CH,Tsai SH,Kan IH, Chiu WT. Idiopathic syringomyelia: case report and review of the literature . Acta Neurochir .2006

103. 2006 Jia-Wei Lin,Shih-Han Tsai,Wan-Chen Tsai,Wen-Ta Chiu,Shu-Fen Chu,Chien-Min Lin, Che-Ming Yang, Ching-Chang Hung. Survey of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in Taiwan . Surgical Neurology .2006 ;(66):20-25

104. 2006 JIA-WEI LIN,CHIEN-MIN LIN,WEN-TA CHIU,CHIEN-CHUNG YANG,CHIEN-CHUNG CHEN,SHENG-YAHG LEE, JEN-CHANG YANG.. Clinical experience of bioresorbable plates in skull flap fixation . J Dent Sci .2006 ;(1)

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113 探討HMGB1及RAGE促發炎因子在惡性神經膠質瘤之交互作用及其作為新穎標靶治療的潛力

111 探討血清外泌體內BCYRN1誘導嘌呤體新合成作為膠質母細胞瘤精準治療之可行性

110 競爭性內源RNA-BC200調控網絡誘導腦瘤中嘌呤體形成之分子機制與臨床意義

103 台北醫學大學/美國國家衛生研究院腦傷害的新診斷和新治療的國際合作研究案,-GIP在細胞及輕度腦外傷動物模式中之神經滋養及神經保護的角色探討(3/3)

103 GIP在細胞及輕度腦外傷動物模式中之神經滋養及神經保護的角色探討(3/3)(相對補助)

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