陳中明(Chen, Chung-Ming) 教授

現   職
小兒學科 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學醫學研究所博士班 博士
私立臺北醫學院醫學系 學士




2020/08/01 ~ 2021/07/31
2007/08/01 ~




小兒科 (Pediatrics)
新生兒科 (Neonatology)
兒童胸腔科 (Pulmology)



1. 2024 Yuliana ME,Chou HC,Su EC ,Chuang HC,Huang LT ,Chen CM. Uteroplacental insufficiency decreases leptin expression and impairs lung development in growth-restricted newborn rats. . Pediatric Research .2024 ;(95):1503-1509

2. 2023 Chen CM. Effects of uteroplacental insufficiency on cardiac development in growth-restricted newborn rats. . J Dev Orig Health Dis .2023 ;(14):272-278

3. 2023 Wang HC ,Chou HC ,Chen CM. Molecular mechanisms of hyperoxia-induced neonatal intestinal injury. . Int J Mol Sci .2023 ;(24):4366

4. 2023 Ho SY ,Yuliana ME,Chou HC,Chen CM. Intrauterine growth restriction alters kidney metabolism at the end of nephrogenesis. . Nutr Metab (Lond) .2023 ;(20):1-11

5. 2023 Chen CM ,Yang YC.S.H ,Chou HC ,Shan Lin. Intranasal administration of Lactobacillus johnsonii attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by modulating gut microbiota in neonatal mice. . J Biomed Sci .2023 ;(30):1-13

6. 2023 Wang HC ,Chou HC,Chen CM. Molecular mechanisms of hyperoxia-induced neonatal intestinal injury. . Int J Mol Sci .2023 ;(24):1-12

7. 2023 Chung YL,Laiman V,Tsao PN ,Chen CM ,Heriyanto DS,Chung KF, Chuang KJ, Chuang HC. Diesel exhaust particles inhibit lung branching morphogenesis via the YAP/TAZ pathway. . Sci Total Environ .2023 ;(861):1-12

8. 2023 Ko HS ,Laiman V ,Tsao PN ,Chen CM ,Chuang HC. Alteration in branching morphogenesis via YAP/TAZ in fibroblasts of fetal lungs in an LPS-induced inflammation model. . Mol Med .2023 ;(29):1-13

9. 2022 Huang LT,Chou HC ,Chen CM. Inhibition of FABP4 attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury and fibrosis via inhibiting TGF-ꞵ signaling in neonatal rats. . J Cell Physiol .2022 ;(237):1509-1520

10. 2022 Chou HC,Chen CM. Hyperoxia induces ferroptosis and impairs lung development in neonatal mice. . Antioxidants .2022 ;(11):1-11

11. 2022 Chen IT,Huang LT,Chen CC,*Chen CM. Molecular mechanisms underlying hyperoxia-induced lung fibrosis . Pediatr Neonatol .2022 ;(63):109-116

12. 2022 Huang LT,Chen CM. Kidney injuries and evolution of chronic kidney diseases due to neonatal hyperoxia exposure based on animal studies. . Int J Mol Sci .2022 ;(23):1-14

13. 2022 Chen CM,Houng JY, Ko TL,Juan SH,Chou HC. Sigesbeckia orientalis extract ameliorates the experimental diabetic nephropathy by downregulating the inflammatory and oxidative stress signaling pathways . vid Based Complement Alternat Med .2022

14. 2022 Yang YSH,Chou HC,Liu YR ,Chen CM. Uteroplacental insufficiency causes microbiota disruption and lung development impairment in growth-restricted newborn rats . Nutrients .2022 ;(14):1-13

15. 2022 Yuliana ME,Huang ZH ,Chou HC,Chen CM. Effects of uteroplacental insufficiency on growth-restricted rats with altered lung development: A metabolomic analysis . Front Pediatr .2022 ;(10):1-14

16. 2022 Chou HC,Chen CM. Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by inhibiting ferroptosis in newborn rats. . Antioxidants .2022 ;(11):1-11

17. 2021 Chen CM,Hwang J,Chou HC. Immunization with anti-Tn immunogen in maternal rats protects against hyperoxia-induced kidney injury in newborn offspring. . Pediatr Res .2021 ;(89):476-482

18. 2021 Huang LT,Chou HC,Chen CM. TRIM72 mediates lung epithelial cell death upon hyperoxia exposure. . J Chin Med Assoc .2021 ;(84):79-86

19. 2021 Tsai CY,Chou HC,Chen CM. Perinatal nicotine exposure alters lung development and induces HMGB1-RAGE expression in neonatal mice . Birth Defects Res .2021 ;(113):570-578

20. 2021 Lo YC,Chen KY,Chou HC ,Lin IH,Chen CM. Neonatal hyperoxia induces gut dysbiosis and behavioral changes in adolescent mice. . J Chin Med Assoc .2021 ;(84):290-298

21. 2021 Chou HC ,Chang CH ,Chen CH ,Lin W,Chen CM. Consecutive daily administration of intratracheal surfactant and human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal rats. . Stem Cell Res Ther .2021 ;(12):1-11

22. 2021 Chen CM,Chou HC ,Yang YSH. Maternal antibiotic treatment disrupts the intestinal microbiota and intestinal development in neonatal mice. . Front Microbiol .2021 ;(12):1-9

23. 2021 Chen CM,Chou HC,Yang YSH,Su EC,Liu YR. Predicting hyperoxia-induced lung injury from associated intestinal and lung dysbiosis in neonatal mice. . Neonatology .2021 ;(118):163-173

24. 2021 Chen CM,Yang YSH,Chou HC. Maternal antibiotic exposure disrupts microbiota and exacerbates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal mice. . Pediatr Res .2021 ;(89):1-8

25. 2021 Chow JC,Chou HC,Hwang J ,Chen CM. Anti-Tn monoclonal antibody ameliorates hyperoxia-induced kidney injury by suppressing oxidative stress and inflammation in neonatal mice . Mediat Inflamm .2021 ;(2021):1-7

26. 2021 Huang LT,Chou HC, Chen CM. Roxadustat attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by upregulating proangiogenic factors in newborn mice . Pediatr Neonatol .2021 ;(62):369-378

27. 2020 Chen CM,Chen YJ ,Huang ZH. Intratracheal instillation of stem cells in term neonatal rats. . J Vis Exp .2020 ;(159):1-5

28. 2020 Chen CM,Hwang J,Chou HC, Chen C. Anti-Tn monoclonal antibody attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation in neonatal mice. . Front Pharmacol .2020 ;(11):1-8

29. 2020 Chou HC,Chen CM. Human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuate established hyperoxia-induced lung injury in newborn rats. . Pediatr Neonatol .2020 ;(61):498-505

30. 2020 Jiang JS,Chou HC,Chen CM. Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by inhibitingoxidative stress in newborn rats. . Free Radical Bio Med .2020 ;(150):23-29

31. 2020 Chou HC,Chen CM. Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced intestinal injury through inhibition of NF-κB activity in newborn rats. . Exp Mol Pathol .2020 ;(113):1-8

32. 2019 Chen CM,Hwang J,Chou HC. Maternal Tn immunization attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal rats through suppression of oxidative stress and inflammation. . Front Immunol .2019 ;(10):681

33. 2019 Chung-Ming Chen,,Chien-Hsiang Chang,Chih-Hua Chao,Mei-Hui Wang,Tsu-Fu Yeh. Biophysical and chemical stability of surfactant/budesonide and the pulmonary distribution following intra-tracheal administration . Drug Deliv .2019 ;(26):604-611

34. 2019 Chen CM,Chou HS. Maternal inflammation exacerbates neonatal hyperoxia induced kidney injury in rat offspring. . Pediatr Res .2019 ;(86):174-180

35. 2019 Lin SC,Chou HC,Chen CM,Chiang BL. Anti–thymic stromal lymphopoietin antibody suppresses airway remodeling in asthma through reduction of MMP and CTGF. . Pediatr Res .2019 ;(86):181-187

36. 2019 Chou HC,Chen CM. Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced kidney injury in newborn rats. . Renal Failure .2019 ;(41):733-741

37. 2019 Wu CS,Chou HC,Huang LT,Lin CM,Lin YK,Chen CM. High amplitude bubble continuous positive airway pressure decreases lung injury in rats with ventilator-induced lung injury. . J Chin Med Assoc .2019 ;(82):795-801

38. 2018 陳中明,黃昭蓮,周琇珠,夏和雄. Tn (N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-O-serine/threonine) immunization protects against hyperoxia-induced lung injury in adult mice through inhibition of the nuclear factor kappa B activity. . Int Immunopharmacol .2018 ;(59):261-268

39. 2018 Chen CM,Juan SH,Pai MH,Chou HC. Hyperglycemia induces epithelial–mesenchymal transition in the lungs of experimental diabetes mellitus. . Acta Histochem .2018 ;(120):525-533

40. 2018 Chen CM,Chou HC. Human mesenchymal stem cells attenuate hyperoxia-induced lung injury through inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in newborn rats. . Am J Transl Res .2018 ;(10):2628-2635

41. 2018 Chen CM,Juan SH ,Chou HC. Hyperglycemia activates the renin-angiotensin system and induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition in streptozotocin-induced diabetic kidneys. . J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst .2018 ;(19):1470320318803009

42. 2017 Randomized Trial to Compare Renal Function and Ductal Response between Indomethacin and Ibuprofen Treatment in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants . Neonatology .2017 ;(111):195-202

43. 2017 CTGF upregulation correlates with MMP-9 level in airway remodeling in a murine model of asthma . Archives of Medical Science .2017 ;(13):670-676

44. 2017 Neonatal hyperoxia disrupts the intestinal barrier and impairs intestinal function in rats . Experimental and Molecular Pathology .2017 ;(102):415-421

45. 2017 Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation in Hyperoxia-Exposed Newborn Rat Lung . Lung .2017

46. 2017 Human mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate experimental pulmonary hypertension induced by maternal inflammation and neonatal hyperoxia in rats . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):82366-82375

47. 2017 Chen CM,Chou HC,Lin W,Tseng C. Surfactant effects on the viability and function of human mesenchymal stem cells: In vitro and in vivo assessment . Stem Cell Research and Therapy .2017 ;(8):180-189

48. 2017 Pulmonary Hypoplasia Induced by Oligohydramnios: Findings from Animal Models and a Population-Based Study . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2017 ;(58):3-7

49. 2016 Uteroplacental Insufficiency Alters the Retinoid Pathway and Lung Development in Newborn Rats . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2016 ;(57):508-514

50. 2016 Yeh TF,Chen CM,Wu SY,Husan Z,Li TC,Hsieh WS, Tsai CH, Lin HC.. Intra-tracheal administration of budesonide/surfactant to prevent bronchopulmonary dysplasia . Am J Respir Crit Care Med .2016 ;(193):86-95

51. 2016 Wu CS,Chou HC,Huang LT,Lin YK,Chen CM.. Bubble CPAP support after discontinuation of mechanical ventilation protects rat lungs with ventilator-induced lung injury . Respiration .2016 ;(91):171-173

52. 2016 Chen YJ,Chen CM,Wang C,Chou HC. Microcomputed tomography assessment of lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in rat . Exp Lung Res .2016 ;(42):103-109

53. 2016 Chou HC,Li YT,Chen CM. Human mesenchymal stem cells attenuate experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia induced by perinatal inflammation and hyperoxia . Am J Transl Res .2016 ;(8):342-353

54. 2016 Chen CM,Chou HC. Hyperoxia disrupts the intestinal barrier in newborn rats. . Exp Mol Pathol .2016 ;(104):44-49

55. 2016 Chou HC,Li YT,Lin W,,Chen CM. Human mesenchymal stem cells attenuate pulmonary hypertension induced by prenatal lipopolysaccharide treatment in rats. . Clin Exp Pharmacol P .2016 ;(43):906-914

56. 2015 Chen CM,Chou HC,Huang LT. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation induces kidney injury and fibrosis in rat offspring. . Pediatr Res .2015 ;(77):56-63

57. 2015 Huang LT,Yeh TF,Kuo YL,Chen PC,Chen CM. Effect of surfactant and budesonide on pulmonary distribution of fluorescent dye in mice. . Pediatr Neonatol .2015 ;(56):19-24

58. 2015 Jiang JS,Chou HC,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Neonatal hyperoxia exposure induces kidney fibrosis in rats. . Pediatr Neonatol .2015 ;(56):235-241

59. 2015 Chen CM,Chou HC,Huang LT. Maternal nicotine exposure induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition in rat offspring lungs. . Neonatology .2015 ;(108):179-187

60. 2015 Chen YJ,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Effect of breastfeeding frequency on hyperbilirubinemia in breastfed term neonate. . Pediatr Int .2015 ;(57):1121-1125

61. 2014 Su CL,Chou HC,Huang LT,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Combined effects of maternal inflammation and neonatal hyperoxia on lung fibrosis and RAGE expression in newborn rats. . Pediatr Res .2014 ;(75):273-280

62. 2014 Chien LN,Chiou HY,Wang CW,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Oligohydramnios increases the risk of respiratory hospitalization in childhood: a population-based study. . Pediatr Res .2014 ;(75):576-581

63. 2014 Huang LT,Lin CH,Chou HC,Chen CM. Ibuprofen protects ventilator-induced lung injury by downregulating Rho-kinase activity in rats. . Biomed Res Int .2014 ;(2014):1-11

64. 2014 Huang LT,Chou HC,Lin CM,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Maternal nicotine exposure exacerbates neonatal hyperoxia-induced lung fibrosis in rats. . Neonatology .2014 ;(106):94-101

65. 2014 Chou HC,Chen CM. Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation induces cardiac remodeling in rat offspring. . Reprod Toxicol .2014 ;(50):4-10

66. 2013 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF,Yeh TF. Effects of maternal retinoic acid administration on lung angiogenesis in oligohydramnios-exposed fetal rats. . Pediatr Neonatol .2013 ;(54):88-94

67. 2013 Huang LT,Ho MY,Chen CM. A neonate with Bordetella pertussis pneumonia presenting with cough and cyanosis. . J Pediatr Respir Dis .2013 ;(9):87-90

68. 2013 Chou HC,Huang LT,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632 attenuates pulmonary hypertension in hyperoxia-exposed newborn rats. . Acta Pharmacol Sin .2013 ;(34):1310-1316

69. 2013 Huang LT,Chou H,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Neonatal hyperoxia induces pulmonary hypertension and Rho-kinase expression in rats. . Pediatr Respir Dis .2013 ;(9):59-64

70. 2013 Chang CL,Lu HK,Ou KL,Su PY,Chen CM. Fractographic analysis of fractured dental implant component. . J Dent Sci .2013 ;(8):8-14

71. 2013 Chen YJ,Ruan XL,Chen CM. Peritonsillar abscess presenting as a mass shadow on lateral neck radiograph: a case report. . Asian Case Reports in Pediatrics .2013 ;(1):20-22

72. 2012 Chou HC,Lang YD,Wang LF,Wu TY,Hsieh YF,Chen CM. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist attenuates lung fibrosis in hyperoxia-exposed newborn rats. . J Pharmacol Exp Ther .2012 ;(340):1-7

73. 2012 Jiang JS,Lang YD,Chou HC,Shih CM,Wu MY,Chen CM, Wang LF. Activation of the renin-angiotensin system in hyperoxia-induced lung fibrosis in neonatal rats. . Neonatology .2012 ;(101):47-54

74. 2012 Jiunn-Song Jiang,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Tsu-Fu Yeh,Chung-Ming Chen. Maternal nicotine effects on vascular endothelial growth factor expression and morphometry in rat lungs . Early Human Development .2012 ;(88):525-529

75. 2012 Chen YJ,Chen WC,Chen CM. Risk factors for hyperbilirubinemia in breastfed term neonates. . Eur J Pediatr .2012 ;(171):167-171

76. 2012 Gupta S,Prasanth K,Chen CM,Yeh TF. Postnatal corticosteroids for prevention and treatment of chronic lung disease in the preterm newborn. . Int J Pediatr .2012

77. 2012 Chen YJ,Chen WC,Chen CM. Reply to the correspondence letter: Hyperbilirubinemia in breastfed term neonates. . Eur J Pediatr .2012 ;(171):875

78. 2012 Huang LT,Chou HC,Wang LF,Chen CM. Tissue plasminogen activator attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in rats. . Acta Pharmacol Sin .2012 ;(33):991-997

79. 2012 Wu SY,Chen CM,Kuo YT,Yeh TF. Budesonide therapy in preterm infants to prevent bronchopulmonary dysplasia. . Neoreviews .2012 ;(13):e467-e475

80. 2012 Yang C,Chen CM. Effects of post-discharge telephone calls on the rate of emergency department visits in paediatric patients. . J Paediatr Child Health .2012 ;(48):931-935

81. 2011 Chen CM,Wang LF,Cheng KT. Maternal baicalin treatment increases fetal lung surfactant phospholipids in rats . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2011 ;(doi10.):1-5

82. 2011 Chen WC,Lee FP,Lee CM,Chen CM. Esophageal foreign body: A case report. . J Exp Clin Med .2011 ;(3):99-100

83. 2011 Chen CM,Wu MY,Chou HC,Lang YD,Wang LF. Downregulation of caveolin-1 in a murine model of acute allergic airway disease. . Pediatr Neonatol .2011 ;(52):5-10

84. 2011 Chen CM,Wang LF. Activated protein C decreased alveolar protein leakage in an animal model of ventilator-induced lung injury. . J Pediatr Respir Dis .2011 ;(6):109-115

85. 2011 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Mechanism of oligohydramnios-induced pulmonary hypoplasia. . J Exp Clin Med .2011 ;(2):104-110

86. 2011 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Effects of oligohydramnios on lung growth in fetal rats. . J Pediatr Pulmonol .2011

87. 2010 Lang YD,Chang SF,Wang LF,Chen CM. Chymase mediates paraquat-induced collagen production in human lung fibroblasts. . Toxicol Lett .2010 ;(193):19-25

88. 2010 Tung JN,Lang YD,Wang LF,Chen CM. araquat increases connective tissue growth factor and collagen expression via angiotensin signaling pathway in human lung fibroblasts. . Toxicol in Vitro .2010 ;(24):803-808

89. 2010 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Effects of oligohydramnios on lung growth in fetal rats. . J Pediatr Pulmonol .2010

90. 2010 Lang YD,Hung CL,Wu TY,Wang LF,Chen CM. The renin-angiotensin system mediates hyperoxia-induced collagen production in human lung fibroblasts . Free Radical Biology & Medicine .2010 ;(49):88-95

91. 2010 Jiang JS,Chou HC,Wang LF,Lang YD,Chen CM. Effects of activated protein C on ventilator-induced lung injury in rats. . Respiration .2010 ;(80):246-253

92. 2010 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Mechanism of oligohydramnios-induced pulmonary hypoplasia. . J Exp Clin Med .2010 ;(2):104-110

93. 2009 Chung-Ming Chen,Hsiu-Chu Chou. Effects of Maternal Undernutrition on Glomerular Ultrastructure in Rat Offspring. . Pediatr Neonatol .2009 ;(50):50-53

94. 2008 Wang KY,Tsai LW,Chen CM. Tissue plasminogen activator therapy for renal venous thrombosis. . Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. .2008 ;(93):F397-F398

95. 2008 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF,Lang YD. Captopril decreases plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in rats with ventilator-induced lung injury. . Crit Care Med .2008 ;(36):1880-1885

96. 2008 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF,Lang YD. Experimental oligohydramnios decreases collagen in hypoplastic fetal rat lungs. . Exp Biol Med .2008 ;(233):1334-1340

97. 2008 Chou HC,Wang LF,Lu KS,Chen CM. Effects of maternal undernutrition on renal angiotensin II and chymase in hypertensive offspring. . Acta Histochem .2008 ;(110):497-504

98. 2007 Jiang JS,Wang LF,Chou HC,Chen CM. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in rats . J Appl Physiol .2007 ;(102):2098-2103

99. 2007 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF,Lang YD,Yeh Cy. Retinoic acid fails to reverse oligohydramnios-induced pulmonary hypoplasia in fetal rats. . Pediatr Res .2007 ;(62):553-558

100. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Jiang JS,Lin CH,Chuang WC. Ventilation-induced lung injury increases lung angiotensin II in rats. . J Pediatr Pulmonol .2007 ;(5):122-128

101. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Lang YD. Effects of maternal undernutrition on lung growth and insulin-like growth factor system expression in rat offspring. . Acta Paediatr Tw .2007 ;(48):62-67

102. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Upregulation of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Fibrosis . Pediatr Res (in press) .2007

103. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF. High-dose vascular endothelial growth factor increases surfactant protein gene expressions in preterm rat lung . Early Hum Dev .2007 ;(83):581-584

104. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Lang YD. Oligohydramnios Decreases Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Expression in Fetal Rat Lungs . Neonatology (in press) .2007

105. 2005 Chen CM,Wang LF,Yeh TF. Effects of maternal nicotine exposure on lung surfactant system in rats. . Pediatr Pulmonol .2005 ;(39):97-102

106. 2005 Chen CM,Chou HC,Hsu HH,Wang LF. Transforming growth factor-beta 1 upregulation is independent of angiotensin in paraquat-induced lung fibrosis . Toxicology .2005 ;(216):181-187

107. 2005 Chen CM,Wang LF,Shen EY. Maternal acupuncture effects on surfactant and antioxidant enzymes in preterm rat lungs . Acta Paediatr Tw .2005 ;(46):206-211

108. 2005 Liu PM,Chen CM. Central to peripheral temperature differences in full-term neonates delivered vaginally and by cesarean section during the first two hours of life . Clinical Neonatology .2005 ;(12):53-56

109. 2005 Chen CM. 動物模式評估肺表面張力素及類固醇對巴拉刈急性肺傷害的治療效果 . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會雜誌 .2005 ;(5):29-32

110. 2004 Chen CM,Wang LF,Cheng KT,Hsu HH,Gau B,Su B. Effects of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata extract and glucocorticoid on lung maturation in preterm rats. . Phytomedicine .2004 ;(11):509-515

111. 2004 Chen CM,Wang LF,Su B. Effects of maternal undernutrition during late gestation on the pulmonary surfactant system and morphology in rats. . Pediatr Res .2004 ;(56):329-335

112. 2003 Chen CM, Wang LF, Su B, Hsu HH.. Methylprednisolone effects on oxygenation and histology in a rat model of acute lung injury. . Pul Pharmacol Ther .2003 ;(16):215-220

113. 2003 Chen CM, Su B.. Surfactant and partial liquid ventilation effects on oxygenation and histology in paraquat-induced rat lung injury. . N Taipei J Med .2003 ;(5):48-55

114. 2003 Cheng KT, Huang YC, Lin YS, Su B, Chen CM.. Effects of baicalin on the gene expression of surfactant protein A (SP-A) in lung adenocarcinoma cell line H441. . Planta Med .2003 ;(69):300-304

115. 2003 Chen CM,Wanf LF,Su B. Maternal nicotine effects on lung collagen gene expression In newborn rats. . Acta Paediatr Tw .2003 ;(44):327-331

116. 2002 Chen CM, Su B, Hsu CC, Wang LF.. Methylprednisolone does not enhance the surfactant effect in paraquat-induced lung injury . Intensive Care Med .2002 ;(28):1138-1144

117. 2002 Chen CM, Liu SH, Lai CC, Hwang CC, Hsu HH.. Changing position does not improve the efficacy of conventional phototherapy. . Acta Paediatr Tw .2002 ;(43):255-258

118. 2001 Chung-Ming Chen. The pathology and pathophysiology of paraquat-induced lung injury . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會會刊 .2001 ;(2):3-8

119. 2001 Chen CM, Fan CL, Chang CH. Surfactant and corticosteroid effects on lung function in a rat model of acute lung injury . Crit Care Med .2001 ;(29):2169-2175

120. 2000 Chen CM, Yu KY, Lin HC, Yeh GC, Hsu HH. Thymus size and its relationship to perinatal events . Acta Paediatrica .2000 ;(89):975-978

121. 2000 Chen CM, Lua AC. Lung toxicity of paraquat in the rat . Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A .2000 ;(59):477-487

122. 1998 Chen CM and Huang CK. Neonatal vital statistics and transport in Hualien county. . Clinical Neonatology. .1998 ;(5):10-13

123. 1996 Chen CM, Chu SY and Wei TC. Risk factors for preterm delivery in hualien: view from a regional hospital. . Clinical Neonatology. .1996 ;(3):1-5

124. 1996 Chen CM. Use of older red blood cells in low birth weight infants. . Tzu Chi Med.J. .1996 ;(8):13-19

1. 2023 Yuliana ME ,Chou HC,Chen CM. Leptin is a promising biomarker in growth-restricted rats with altered lung development. . 臺灣新生兒科醫學會第十五屆第三次會員大會暨第三十三次學術討論會 .2023

2. 2023 Chen CM ,Yang YC ,Chou HC. Intranasal administration of Lactobacillus johnsonii improves lung development by modulating microbiota in hyperoxia-exposed neonatal mice. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第254屆學術演講會 .2023

3. 2023 Huang LT,Chou HC,Chen CM. The role of TXNDC5 in hyperoxia-induced pulmonary fibrosis. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第254屆學術演講會 .2023

4. 2023 Ho SY,Yang YC ,Chou HC ,Chen CM. Maternal Lactobacillus johnsonii supplementation alleviates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by modulating gut microbiota and reducing lung inflammation in neonatal mice. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第256屆學術演講會 .2023

5. 2022 Chen CM,Chou HC. Hyperoxia induces ferroptosis and impairs lung development in neonatal mice . 臺灣兒科醫學會第250屆學術演講會 .2022

6. 2022 Chen CMY,Yang YC ,Chou HC. Uteroplacental insufficiency disrupts microbiota and impairs lung development in growth restricted newborn rats . 臺灣兒科醫學會第250屆學術演講會 .2022

7. 2022 Huang LT ,Chou HC,Chen CM. The role of hypoxia induced factor-1α on hyperoxia induced kidney injury in neonatal mice . 臺灣兒科醫學會第250屆學術演講會 .2022

8. 2022 Ho SY ,Yuliana ME ,Chou HC,Chen CM. Metabolomics analysis of the kidney in intrauterine growth restriction rats induced by uteroplacental insufficiency. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第252屆學術演講會 .2022

9. 2021 Chen CM. Consecutive daily administration of intratracheal surfactant and human mesenchymal stem cells attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal rats. . The 65th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Neonatal Health and Development. May 7-8, 2021. .2021

10. 2021 Chen CM,Yang YC ,Chou HC. Maternal antibiotic exposure disrupts microbiota and exacerbates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal mice. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第246屆學術演講會 .2021

11. 2020 Chen CM ,Chou HC ,Yang YC ,Su CY. Predicting hyperoxia-induced lung injury based on associated intestinal and lung dysbiosis in neonatal mice. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第244屆學術演講會 .2020

12. 2020 Huang LT ,Chou HC ,Chen CM. Roxadustat attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury by upregulating vascular endothelial growth factor in newborn mice . 臺灣兒科醫學會第244屆學術演講會 .2020

13. 2020 Huang LT ,Chen CM ,Chou HC. TRIM72 mediates lung epithelial cell death upon hyperoxia exposure. . 臺灣新生兒科醫學會第十四屆第三次會員大會暨第三十次學術討論會 .2020

14. 2019 Chen CM ,Lo YC ,Chen KY ,Chou HC ,Lin IH. Neonatal hyperoxia induces gut dysbiosis and behavioral changes in mice. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第240屆學術演講會 .2019

15. 2019 陳中明,黃昭蓮,周綉珠. Maternal Tn immunization attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in neonatal rats through suppression of oxidative stress and inflammation. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第238屆學術演講會 .2019

16. 2019 陳中明,周綉珠. Cathelicidin attenuates hyperoxia-induced intestinal injury through inhibition of NF-κB activity in newborn rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第238屆學術演講會 .2019

17. 2019 吳君山,陳中明. High amplitude bubble continuous positive airway pressure presents better lung protection than high flow nasal cannula in rats with acute lung injury. . 中華民國兒童胸腔暨重症醫學會第八屆第一次會員大會暨學術討論會 .2019

18. 2018 Chen CM,Chou HC. Human mesenchymal stem cells attenuate hyperoxia-induced lung injury via inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in newborn rats. . Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting, May 5-8, 2018; Toronto, Canada. .2018

19. 2017 In vitro and in vivo assessment of surfactant effects on the viability and function of human mesenchymal stem cells. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第226屆學術演講會 .2017

20. 2017 Comparison of the efficacy of using various surfactant preparations as vehicle for glucocorticoid delivery in the lung–An in vitro study. . Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting .2017

21. 2017 In vitro and in vivo assessment of surfactant effects on the viability and function of human mesenchymal stem cells. . Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting .2017

22. 2017 The influence of bubble CPAP with various amplitudes on respiratory support and lung protective effect in rats with ventilator-induced lung injury. . 灣兒科醫學會第226屆學術演講會 .2017

23. 2017 Human mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate experimental pulmonary hypertension in rats. . 臺灣新生兒科醫學會第十三屆第三次會員大會暨第二十七次學術討論會 .2017

24. 2017 Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in hyperoxia-exposed newborn rat lung. . 臺灣新生兒科醫學會第十三屆第三次會員大會暨第二十七次學術討論會 .2017

25. 2016 Hyperoxia induces intestinal barrier disruption in newborn rat. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第226屆學術演講會 .2016

26. 2015 Microcomputed tomography assessment of lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in rat. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第224屆學術演講會 .2015

27. 2015 Maternal nicotine exposure induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition in rat offspring lungs. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第224屆學術演講會 .2015

28. 2015 Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation induces cardiac remodeling in rat offspring. . ediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting (PAS) .2015

29. 2015 CTGF upregulation correlates with MMP-9 level in airway remodeling in a murine of asthma. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第222屆學術演講會 .2015

30. 2015 Uteroplacental insufficiency alters retinoid pathway and lung development in newborn rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第222屆學術演講會 .2015

31. 2015 Maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation induces cardiac remodeling in rat offspring. . 臺灣新生兒科醫學會第十三屆第一次會員大會暨學術討論會 .2015

32. 2015 Effects of human mesenchymal stem cells on lung development in an experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia. . 臺灣新生兒科醫學會第十三屆第一次會員大會暨學術討論會 .2015

33. 2014 Wu CS,Chen CM. Nitric oxide synthase 3 is attenuated in rat with ventilator-induced lung injury on bubble CPAP. . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第屆第一次學術討論會 .2014

34. 2014 Chen CM,Chou HC,Yeh TF. Neonatal hyperoxia exposure induces kidney fibrosis in rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第218屆學術演講會 .2014

35. 2014 Chen CM,Huang LT,Wang M,Yeh TF. Surfactant supplemented with budesonide for prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia-biophysical and chemical Stability of surfactant/budesonide mixture . The 5th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies .2014

36. 2014 Chou HS,Pai MH,Chen CM. Morphological changes in the lung of the diabetic gerbils . The International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference .2014

37. 2013 Chen CM,Florens A,Wu SY,Yeh TF. Pharmacological closure of patent ductus arteriosus in extreme low birth weight infants: A comparison of the efficacy and side effects between indomethacin and ibuprofen . 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting (PAS) .2013

38. 2013 Chen CM,Chien LN,Chiou HY,Wang CW,Yeh TF. Oligohydramnios increases the risk of respiratory hospitalization in childhood: A population-based study . 2013 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting (PAS) .2013

39. 2013 Chen CM,Chou HC,Huang LT,Yeh TF. Effects of prenatal nicotine and postnatal hyperoxia on lung development in rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第214屆學術演講會 .2013 ;(54)

40. 2013 Huang LT,Chou H,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Combined Effects of Maternal Inflammation and Neonatal Hyperoxia on Lung Fibrosis and RAGE Expression in Newborn Rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第216屆學術演講會 .2013 ;(54):173

41. 2012 Chen CM,Chien LN,Chiou HY,Wang CW,Yeh TF. Oligohydramnios increases risk of respiratory hospitalization in childhood: a population-based cohort study. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第212屆學術演講會 .2012 ;(53):170-171

42. 2012 Huang LT,Wu TY,Yeh TF,Chen CM. Surfactant plus budesonide enhance pulmonary distribution of fluorescent dye in mice. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第210屆學術演講會 .2012 ;(53):95-95

43. 2012 Chen CM,Yeh TF,Chou HC,Huang LT. Neonatal hyperoxia induces pulmonary hypertension and Rho-kinase expression in rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第212屆學術演講會 .2012 ;(53):200-200

44. 2011 Chen YJ,Chen WC,Chen CM. Risk factors for hyperbilirubinemia in breastfed term neonates . 臺灣兒科醫學會第206屆學術演講會 .2011

45. 2011 Huang LT,Chou HC,Wang LF,Chen CM. Effects of ibuprofen on ventilator-induced lung injury in rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第206屆學術演講會 .2011

46. 2011 Chen CM,Chou HC,Wang LF,Yeh TF. Effects of maternal retinoic acid administration on lung angiogenesis in oligohydramnios-exposed fetal rats . 臺灣兒科醫學會第208屆學術演講會 .2011 ;(52):174-174

47. 2010 Chen CM,Lang YD,Chou HC,Wang LF. Role of renin-angiotensin system in a rat model of neonatal chronic lung disease . The 6th Congress of Asian Society for Pediatric Research .2010

48. 2010 Chen CM,Wu MY,Chou HC,Lang YD,Wang LF. own-Regulation of Caveolin-1 in a Murine Model of Acute Allergic Airway Disease . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第五屆第一次學術討論會 .2010

49. 2010 Chen CM,Lang YD,Wang LF,Yeh TF. The Renin−Angiotensin System Mediates Hyperoxia−Induced Collagen Production in Human Lung Fibroblasts . 2010 Pediatric Academic Societies' Annual Meeting (PAS) .2010

50. 2009 Chung-Ming Chen,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Leng-Fang Wang,Yaw-Dong Lang. Effects of Activated Protein C on Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury in Rats. . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一九八屆學術演講會 .2009

51. 2008 Chen CM,Wang LF,Lang YD. Chymase mediates paraquat-induced collagen expression in human lung fibroblasts . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第四屆第二次學術討論會 .2008

52. 2008 Chung-Ming Chen,Hsiu-Chu Chou,Leng-Fang Wang. Maternal undernutrition up-regulates renal angiotensin II and chymase expression in hypertensive offspring . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一九四屆學術演講會 .2008

53. 2008 Chen CM,Wang LF,Lang YD. Activation of Renin-Angiotensin System in Hyperoxia-Exposed Lung Fibroblast . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一九六屆學術演講會 .2008

54. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Lang YD. Effects of Maternal Undernutrition on Expression of the Lung Insulin-Like Growth Factor System in Rat Offspring . 中華民國新生兒科醫學會第九屆第一次學術討論會 .2007

55. 2007 Chen CM,HC Chou,LF Wang,YD LAng. Maternal retinoic acid treatment fails to reverse oligohydramnios-induced pulmonary hypoplasia in rats . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一九十屆學術演講會 .2007

56. 2007 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC. Captopril decreased plasminogen activator inhibitor activity in rats with ventilator-induced lung injury . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第四屆第一次學術討論會 .2007

57. 2006 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC,Jiang JS. Hypercapnic acidosis attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in rats . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第三屆第三次學術討論會 .2006

58. 2005 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC. Transforming growth factor upegulation is independent of angiotensin in paraquat induced lung fibrosis . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會第三屆第二次學術討論會 .2005

59. 2005 Chen CM,Wang LF. Effects of vascular endothelial growth factor on pulmonary surfactant system in preterm rats . 中華民國新生兒科醫學會第八屆第一次學術討論會 .2005

60. 2005 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC. Platelet-derived growth factor and its receptor mRNA expressions are decreased in hypoplastic fetal rat lung due to oligohydramnios . 臺灣兒科醫學會第一八四屆學術演講會 .2005 ;(46):202-202

61. 2004 Chen CM,Wang LF,Su B. Effects of meternal undernutrition during late gestation on the surfactant system and morphometry in rats . Acta Paediatr Tw .2004 ;(45):169

62. 2004 Chen CM,Chou HC. Morphometruc analysis of the effects of maternal undernutrition on glomerular structure in rat offspring . Acta Paediatr Tw .2004 ;(45):169

63. 2004 Chen CM,Wang LF,Su B. Maternal nicotine effects on vascular endothelial growth factor in postnatal rat lungs . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會學術研討會 .2004

64. 2002 Chen CM, Su B, Wang LF, Hsu HH.. Methylprednisolone does not improve oxygenation or survival in paraquat-induced lung injury . Acta Paediatr Tw .2002 ;(43):274-275

65. 2001 陳中明 方嘉郎 張鑑溪. Surfactant and corticosteroid effects on lung function in a rat model of paraquat-induced lung injury . 中華民國兒童胸腔醫學會學術研討會 .2001

66. 2001 Chung-Ming Chen,Leng-Fung Wang,Cheng-Chen Hsu,Borcherng Su,and Kur-Ta Cheng. Effects of baicalin on lung maturation in preterm rats . Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica .2001 ;(42):219-220

67. 2000 劉思慧 陳中明 史健生 賴建丞 黃健吉. Effect of postural change on the serum bilirubin kinetics in phototherapy . 台灣兒科醫學會雜誌 .2000 ;(41):228-229

1. 2012 Gupta S,Prasanth K,Chen CM,Yeh TF. Postnatal corticosteroids for prevention and treatment of chronic lung disease in the preterm newborn. . Int J Pediatr .2012 ;(2012):1-12

2. 2012 Wu SY,Gupta S,Chen CM,Yeh TF. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Lung Diseases - Selected State of the Art Reviews . .2012

3. 2011 Chen CM,Wang LF,Chou HC. Effects of Maternal Undernutrition on Lung Growth and Development in the Offspring . Undernutrition: Effects, Causes and Management. .2011


113 母鼠柴油廢氣顆粒暴露透過調節新生大鼠的腸道微生物群損害肺部發育(1/2)

112 探討微生物群在子宮內生長遲緩大鼠和早產兒肺發育的角色(2/2)

112 貴機構依本會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:國際醫學研究博士學位學程博士班Merryl Esther Yuliana君)

112 貴機構依本會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:臨床醫學研究所博士班何昇遠君),業經核定,請查照辦理。

111 探討微生物群在子宮內生長遲緩大鼠和早產兒肺發育的角色(1/2)

111 European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) Congress & MasterCourse 2023(研究生:國際醫學研究博士學位學程博士班Merryl Esther Yuliana君)

110 探討益生菌對新生仔鼠高氧誘導肺損傷的作用及其機制

110 探討益生菌對新生仔鼠高氧誘導肺損傷的作用及其機制

110 後生元和益生菌透過抑制炎症和調節免疫力減輕新生小鼠高氧誘導的肺損傷

109 抗Tn單株抗體透過抑制氧化應激和炎症反應減輕新生仔鼠高氧誘導的腎臟損傷

109 高氧誘導的肺損傷由新生小鼠的肺和腸道微生物群相介導

108 周產期尼古丁暴露對小鼠後代肺發育的影響

108 探討人類間質幹細胞於高氧誘導初生大鼠肺損傷模型之療效研究計畫

108 研究Tn抗原免疫對新生仔鼠高氧導致肺損傷的影響及機制(2/2)

107 研究Tn抗原免疫對新生仔鼠高氧導致肺損傷的影響及機制(1/2)

107 Cathelicidin通過抑制氧化應激減輕新生仔鼠高氧誘導的肺損傷

106 Tn抗原免疫透過抑制核因子訊息路徑保護成年小鼠和新生仔鼠抵抗高氧誘導的肺損傷

105 子宮胎盤功能不全及高氧對子代仔鼠肺臟發育和表觀遺傳學改變的影響(3/3)

105 子宮胎盤功能不全及高氧對子代仔鼠肺臟發育和表觀遺傳學改變的影響(3/3)

104 實驗探討人類臍帶間質幹細胞對實驗性慢性肺病變的治療效果

104 子宮胎盤功能不全及高氧對子代仔鼠肺臟發育和表觀遺傳學改變的影響(2/3)

104 子宮胎盤功能不全及高氧對子代仔鼠肺臟發育和表觀遺傳學改變的影響(2/3)

103 子宮胎盤機能不全及出生後高氧暴露對新生幼鼠肺臟發育的影響

103 子計畫二:實驗探討人類胎盤間質幹細胞對早產兒腦傷及慢性肺病變和腦瘤幹細胞的治療效果

103 子宮胎盤功能不全及高氧對子代仔鼠肺臟發育和表觀遺傳學改變的影響(1/3)

103 子宮胎盤功能不全及高氧對子代仔鼠肺臟發育和表觀遺傳學改變的影響(1/3)

102 絨毛羊膜腔炎及出生後高氧對仔鼠肺臟的影響(3/3)

102 絨毛羊膜腔炎及出生後高氧對仔鼠肺臟的影響(3-3)

102 周產期尼古丁及新生兒高氧暴露對仔鼠心臟及腎臟的影響

101 絨毛羊膜腔炎及出生後高氧對仔鼠肺臟的影響

100 應母親請求剖腹產和陰道生產出生的新生兒其出生後的生理適應性

100 絨毛羊膜腔炎及出生後高氧對仔鼠肺臟的影響

99 腎素-血管收縮素系統在高氧導致肺纖維變性的角色

98 Analysis of signaling pathway and treatment in hyperoxia-induced lung fibrosis

98 腎素-血管收縮素系統在高氧導致肺纖維變性的角色

98 二氫比啶誘發牙齦組織過度增生細胞之膠原蛋白過度製造的訊息傳遞

96 腎素-血管收縮素系統在高氧導致肺纖維變性的角色

96 活化蛋白質C對老鼠呼吸器導致之肺損傷的作用

95 羊水過少對胎鼠肺臟生長因子、細胞外基質及訊息傳遞的作用(2-2)

94 羊水過少對胎鼠肺臟生長因子、細胞外基質及訊息傳遞的作用

93 針灸對早產動物肺臟成熟的作用及機轉之探討(2/2)

92 針灸對早產動物肺臟成熟的作用及機轉之探討(1/2)

92 母鼠懷孕末期營養不足對仔鼠肺表面素系統及肺型態的作用

91 胎盤生長遲緩對新生老鼠肺臟發育的作用?

91 母體尼古丁治療對新生老鼠肺臟發育的作用

90 產前金線連和皮質類固醇對早產老鼠肺臟成熟的作用

88 外來肺表面素和皮質類固醇在老鼠模式急性呼吸窘迫症候群的作用

88 肺表面素和皮質類固醇治療在老鼠模式的急性呼吸窘迫症候群的作用