陳淑華(Chen, Seu-Hwa) 副教授

現   職
解剖學暨細胞生物學科 副教授


學 歷

臺灣大學解剖暨細胞生物學研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學解剖學研究所 碩士
私立中山醫學院營養學系 學士











1. 2024 Chun-Ta Huang,Li-Kai Wang,June-Horng Lue,Seu-Hwa Chen,Yi-Ju Tsai. Lactobacillus Plantarum intake mitigates neuropathic pain behavior via enhancing macrophage M2 polarization in a rat model of peripheral neuropathy . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2024 ;(175):1-12

2. 2023 Huang CT,Chen PH,Chen SH,Lue JH,Tsai YJ. Curcumin promotes microglial M2 polarization and suppresses chronic constriction: Injury-induced neuropathic pain in a rat model of peripheral neuropathy . Nutrition .2023 ;(109)

3. 2023 Faradina, A.,Tung, Y. T.,Chen, S. H.,Liao, Y. C., Chou, M. J.,Teng, I. C. Lin, W. L. Wang, C. C. Sheu, M. T. Chou, P. Y. Shih, C. K. Skalny, A. V. Tinkov, A. A. Chang, J. S.. Djulis Hull Enhances the Efficacy of Ferric Citrate Supplementation via Restoring Normal Iron Efflux through the IL-6-Hepcidin-Ferroportin Pathway in High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obese Rats . J Agric Food Chem .2023 ;(71):16691-16701

4. 2022 Trang Thi-Huynh Le, Chia-Ling Hsieh , I-Hsuan Lin , Cheng-Ying Chu,Anh Duy Do, Seu-Hwa Chen, Katsumi Shigemura, Koichi Kitagawa, Masato Fujisawa, Ming-Che Liu, Kuan-Chou Chen, Shian-Ying Sung. The ADAM9/UBN2/AKR1C3 Axis Promotes Resistance to Androgen-Deprivation in Prostate Cancer . American Journal of Cancer Research .2022 ;(12):176-197

5. 2021 Faradina A,Tseng SH,Tung TH,Huang SY,Lee YC,Skalny AV, Tinkov AA, Chen SH, Chuang YK, Chang JS. High-dose ferric citrate supplementation attenuates omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis via downregulating delta 5 and 6 desaturases in rats with high-fat diet-induced obesity. . Food Funct .2021 ;(12):11819-11828

6. 2021 Kao YJ,Chen SH,Lu CF,Hsieh BY,Chen CY,Chang YC, Huang CC. Early neuroimaging and ultrastructural correlates of injury outcome after neonatal hypoxic-ischaemia. . Brain Commun. .2021 ;(3):0-0

7. 2020 Seu-Hwa Chen,Kuo-Ching Yuan,Yu-Chieh Lee,Chun-Kuang Shih,Sung-Hui Tseng,Alexey A. Tinkov, Anatoly V. Skalny, Jung-Su Chang. Iron and Advanced Glycation End Products: Iron's Emerging Role in Androgen Deficiency in Obesity . antioxidants .2020 ;(9):1-19

8. 2020 Huang CT,Chen SH,Chang CF,Lin SC,Lue JH,Tsai YJ. Melatonin reduces neuropathic pain behavior and glial activation through MT2 melatonin receptor modulation in a rat model of lysophosphatidylcholine-induced demyelination neuropathy. . Neurochemistry International .2020 ;(140):1-15

9. 2019 Chi-Ming Lee,Jiahn-Haur Liao,Seu-Hwa Chen,Chiao-Han Yen,Yu-Chieh Lee,Shih-Hao Huang, Sheng-Tung Huang, Chun-Mao Lin, Vincent HS Chang. Fluorine-Modified Rutaecarpine Exerts Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibition and Anti-inflammatory Effects in Lungs . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2019 ;(0):0-0

10. 2019 Adi Lukas Kurniawan,Yu-Chieh Lee,Chun-Kuang Shih,Rong-Hong Hsieh,Seu-Hwa Chen,Jung-Su Chang. Alteration in iron efflux affects male sex hormone testosterone biosynthesis in a diet-induced obese rat model . Food & Function .2019 ;(0):1-11

11. 2018 Chang TY ,Liu KL ,Chang CS,Su CT, Chen SH,Lee YC, Chang JS. Ferric Citrate Supplementation Reduces Red Blood Cell Aggregation and Improves CD163+ Macrophage-Mediated Hemoglobin Metabolism in a Rat Model of High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obesity . Molecular Nutrition & Food Research .2018 ;(62):1-11

12. 2018 Chen SH,Lue JH,Hsiao YJ,Lai SM,Wang HY,Lin CT, Chen YC, Tsai YJ. Elevated galanin receptor type 2 primarily contributes to mechanical hypersensitivity after median nerve injury . PLOS ONE .2018 ;(13):1-16

13. 2018 Huang CT,Chen SH,Lin SC,Chen WT,Lue JH,Tsai YJ. Erythropoietin reduces nerve demyelination, neuropathic pain behavior and microglial MAPKs activation through erythropoietin receptors on schwann cells in a rat model of peripheral neuropathy . GLIA .2018 ;(0):2299-2315

14. 2017 Chao KC,Chen SH,Chang CC,Lee YC,Wang CM,Chang JS. Effects of ferric citrate supplementation on advanced glycation end products in a rat model of streptozotocin/nicotinamide-induced diabetes . Molecular Nutrition & Food Research .2017 ;(61):1-12

15. 2016 Huang CT,Chen SH,Lue JH,Chang CF,Wen WH,Tsai YJ. Neurosteroid Allopregnanolone Suppresses Median Nerve Injury-induced Mechanical Hypersensitivity and Glial Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase Activation through gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptor Modulation in the Rat Cuneate Nucleus . Anesthesiology .2016 ;(125):1202-1218

16. 2013 Wang HY,Tsai YJ,Chen SH,Lin CT,Lue JH. Lysophosphatidylcholine causes neuropathic pain via the increase of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the dorsal root ganglion and cuneate nucleus . Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior .2013 ;(106):47-56

17. 2012 Wang HY,Tsai YJ,Chen SH,Lin CT,Lue JH. Nitric Oxide Implicates c-Fos Expression in the Cuneate Nucleus Following Electrical Stimulation of the Transected Median Nerve . Neurochemical research .2012 ;(37):84-95

18. 2012 Chi-Te Lin,Yi-Ju Tsai,Hsin-Ying Wang,Seu-Hwa Chen,Tzu-Yu Lin,June-Horng Lue. Pre-Emptive Treatment of Lidocaine Attenuates Neuropathic Pain and Reduces Pain-Related Biochemical Markers in the Rat Cuneate Nucleus in Median Nerve Chronic Constriction Injury Model . Anesthesiology Research and Practice .2012 ;(2012):921405-921405

19. 2012 Seu-Hwa Chen,Yi-Ju Tsai,Hsin-Ying Wang,Chi-Te Lin,Shin-Fang Li,June-Horng Lue. Decreases of glycine receptor expression induced by median nerve injury in the rat cuneate nucleus contribute to NPY release and c-Fos expression . Life Science .2012 ;(90):278-288

20. 2012 Chen SH,Tsai YJ,Lin CT,Wang HY,Li SF,Lue JH. Changes in GABA and GABAB Receptor Expressions are Involved in Neuropathy in the Rat Cuneate Nucleus Following Median Nerve Transection . Synapse .2012 ;(66):561-572

21. 2010 Chi-Te Lin,Yi-Ju Tsai,Seu-Hwa Chen,Hsin-Ying Wang,Lung-Huang Lin,June-Horng Lue. Early expression of injury-induced neuropeptide Y in primary sensory neurons . Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy .2010 ;(40):102-111

22. 2009 Chen YJ,HuangWP,Yang YC,Lin CP,Chen SH,Hsu ML, Tseng YJ, Shieh HR, Chen YY, Lee JJ. Platonin induces autophagy-associated cell death in human . Autophagy .2009 ;(5):173-184

23. 2009 Tsai YJ,Lin CT,Huang CT,Wang HY,Tien LT,Chen SH, Lue JH. Neuropeptide Y modulates c-Fos protein expression in the cuneate nucleus and contributes to mechanical hypersensitivity following rat median nerve injury . Journal of Neurotrauma: .2009 ;(26):1609-1621

24. 2009 Chi-Te Lin,Hsin-Ying Wang,Yi-Ju Tsai,Chun-Ta Huang,Seu-Hwa Chen,June-Horng Lue. Pre-treatment with lidocaine suppresses ectopic discharges and attenuates neuropeptide Y and c-Fos expressions in the rat cuneate nucleus following median nerve transection . Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy .2009 ;(38):47-56

25. 2007 Chang Y,Hsiao G,Chen SH,Chen YC,Lin JH,Lin KH , Chou DS, Sheu JR. Tetramethylpyrazine suppresses HIF-1α, TNF-α, and activated caspase-3 expression in middle cerebral artery occlusion-induced brain ischemia in rats . Acta Pharmacologica Sinica .2007 ;(28):327-333

26. 2003 Chuang WJ, Wu CH, Huang HN, Chen SH, Hsiao G, Lin CH, Sheu JR. Comparison of the binding character of triflavin on resting and activatedαⅡbβ3 integrin in human p;atelets by electron microscopy . Thrombosis Research .2003 ;(109):37-46

27. 2001 JH Lue, SH Chen, JY Shieh and CY Wen. Afferent synaptic contacts on glycine-immunoreactive neurons in the rat cuneate nucleus . Synapse .2001 ;(41):139-149

28. 2000 Lue JH, Shieh JY, Wen CY and Chen SH. Cuneothalamic relay neurons are postsynaptic to glycine-immunoreactive terminals in the rat cuneate nucleus . Synapse .2000 ;(37):222-231

29. 1997 Lue JH, Shieh WF, Chen SH, Shien JY and Wen CY. Morphometric study of glycine-immunoreactive neurons and terminals in the rat cuneate nucleus. . J. Anat. .1997 ;(191):375-385


110 電子書於熟齡族群醫學教育推廣之成效評估—以肝臟為例

102 TMU102-AE1-B05

94 Inosine 抑制血小板凝集之機轉探討與保護缺血性腦受損之作用

92 在大白鼠楔狀神經核中甘胺酸受體特性及分布之研究

91 利用電子顯微鏡分析triflavin結合到未活化及活化血小板αIIbβ3 integrin 受體上的差異性