馮琮涵(Fong, Tsorng-Harn) 教授

現   職
解剖學暨細胞生物學科 教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學解剖學研究所 博士
國立成功大學生物學系 學士




2012/02/01 ~ 2018/07/31
2007/08/01 ~
1999/08/01 ~ 2014/07/31




細胞培養與免疫細胞化學染色(cell culture and immunocytochemistry)
組織切片染色技術(histological technique)
電子顯微鏡技術(electron microscopic technique)
電泳與蛋白質分析(electrophoresis and protein analysis)



1. 2023 Yu-Tang Tung,Ya-Ling Chen,Tzu-Yu Fan,Tsorng-Harn Fong,Wan-Chun Chiu. Effects of dietary adjustment of n-3: n-6 fatty-acid ratio to 1:2 on anti-inflammatory and insulin-signaling pathways in ovariectomized mice with high fat diet-induced obesity . Heliyon .2023 ;(9):e20451

2. 2022 Nguyen Thi Thu Trang,Wan-Chun Chiu,Yu-Ting Feng,Shu-Lin Hsieh,Do Dinh Tung,Jungshan Chang, Tsorng-Harn Fong. Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Inhibits Basal Lipolysis by Activating PPAR-Gamma and Increasing Lipid Droplet-Associated Perilipin in Mature Rat Adipocytes . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2022

3. 2021 Tsui L,Fong TH. Cobalt Chloride Induces Macrophage Foam Cell Formation: A Chemical Hypoxia Model for Anti-Atherosclerotic Drug Screening . Assay Drug Dev Technol .2021 ;(19):38-45

4. 2021 Wang TC,Chen WT,Kang YN,Lin CW,Cheng CY,Suk FM, Chen HY, Hsu CW, Fong TH, Huang WC.. Why do pre-clinical medical students learn ultrasound? Exploring learning motivation through ERG theory . BMC Med Educ .2021 ;(21):438

5. 2021 Huang WC,Liu JC,Hsia CW,Fong TH,Hsia CH,Tran OT, Velusamy M, Yang CH, Sheu JR.. Pterostilbene, a Dimethylether Analogue of Resveratrol, Possesses High Potency in the Prevention of Platelet Activation in Humans and the Reduction of Vascular Thrombosis in Mice . J Agric Food Chem .2021 ;(69):4697-4707

6. 2021 Jayakumar T,Hou SM,Chang CC,Fong TH,Hsia CW,Chen YJ, Huang WC, Saravanabhavan P, Manubolu M, Sheu JR, Hsia CH.. Columbianadin Dampens In Vitro Inflammatory Actions and Inhibits Liver Injury via Inhibition of NF-κB/MAPKs: Impacts on ∙ OH Radicals and HO-1 Expression . Antioxidants (Basel) .2021 ;(10):553

7. 2021 Chin HY,Peng CW,Wu MP,Chen CH,Feng YT,Fong TH.. Attachment of the levator ani muscle extends to the superior ramus of the pubic bone through electrophysiological and anatomical examinations . Sci Rep .2021 ;(11):9483

8. 2020 Chiu HY,Kang YN,Wang WL,Tong YS,Chang SW,Fong TH*, Wei PL*. Gender differences in the acquisition of suturing skills with the da Vinci surgical system. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2020 ;(119):462-470

9. 2020 Shih CM,Hsieh CK,Huang CY,Huang CY,Wang KH,Fong TH, Trang NTT, Liu KT, Lee AW. Lycopene Inhibit IMQ-Induced Psoriasis-Like Inflammation by Inhibiting ICAM-1 Production in Mice . Polymers (Basel) .2020 ;(12):1521

10. 2020 Jayakumar T,Huang HC,Hsia CW,Fong TH,Khamrang T,Velusamy M, Manubolu M, Sheu JR, Hsia CH.. Ruthenium derivatives attenuate LPS-induced inflammatory responses and liver injury via suppressing NF-κB signaling and free radical production . Bioorg Chem .2020 ;(96):103639

11. 2020 Nguyen TTT,Chang J,Chen WA,Chen CC,Chen HM,Chang CC* and Fong TH*. A Novel Microchip Technique for Quickly Identifying Nanogranules in an Aqueous Solution by Transmission Electron Microscopy: Imaging of Platelet Granules . Applied Sciences-BASEL .2020 ;(10):4946

12. 2020 Lee CH*,Hung PF,Liu KJ,Chung HL,Yang WC,Hsu KC, Fong TH, Lo HJ, Chen YP, Yang JR and Yen CY. LDOC1 Suppresses Microbe-Induced Production of IL-1β in Human Normal and Cancerous Oral Cells through the PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β Axis . Cancers .2020 ;(12):3148

13. 2018 Tsai JN,Sun CY,Ding YJ,Wang YH,Lo KC,Wen CC, Lin JW, Chang CF, Hsu LS, Chen HM, Fong TH*, Chen YH*.. Embryonic exposure to 4-methylimidazole leads to zebrafish myofibril misalignment . Environmental Toxicology .2018 ;(33):1321-1328

14. 2018 Shih CM,Huang CY,Huang CY,Wang KH,Wei PL,Chang YJ, Fong TH, Pan JL, Lee AW.. A dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor promotes wound healing in normoglycemic mice by modulating keratinocyte activity. . Experimental Dermatology .2018 ;(27):1134-1141

15. 2018 Hsu CC,Fong TH,Chang HM,Su B,Chi CP,Kan NW, Hsu MC. Low Second-To-Fourth Digit Ratio Has High Explosive Power? A Prepubertal Study. . Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research .2018 ;(32):2091-2095

16. 2018 Wu MP,Chang NC,Chung CL,Chiu WC,Hsu CC,Chen HM, Sheu JR, Jayakumar T, Chou DS*, Fong TH*. Analysis of Titin in Red and White Muscles: Crucial Role on Muscle Contractions Using a Fish Model . BioMed Research International .2018

17. 2016 Tsui L,Chang SF,Huang HP,Fong TH*,Wang IJ*. YC-1 induces lipid droplet formation in RAW264.7 marcophages . J Biomed Sci. .2016 ;(23):2

18. 2015 Wei JH,Chang NC,Chen SP,Geraldine P,Jayakumar T*,Fong TH*. Comparative decline of the protein profiles of nebulin in response to denervation in skeletal muscle . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .2015 ;(466):95-102

19. 2015 Huang CH,Jayakumar T,Chang CC,Fong TH,Lu SH,Thomas PA, Choy CS, Sheu JR. Hinokitiol Exerts Anticancer Activity through Downregulation . Molecules .2015 ;(20):17720-17734

20. 2015 Chang WJ,Pan YH,Tzeng JJ,Wu TL,Fong TH,Feng SW, Huang HM. Development and testing of X-ray imaging-enhanced poly-L-lactide bone screws . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e014

21. 2015 Wu HR,Fong TH,Chen SL,Wei JC,Wang IJ,Wen CC, Chang CY, Chen XG, Chen WY, Chen HM, Horng IL, Chen YH. Perturbation of cytosolic calcium by 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate and caffeine affects zebrafish myofibril alignment . Journal of Applied Toxicology .2015 ;(35):287-294

22. 2015 Hsu CC,Su B,Kan NW,Lai SL,Fong TH,Chi CP, Chang CC, Hsu MC. Elite Collegiate Tennis Athletes Have Lower 2D: 4D Ratios than Those of Nonathlete Controls. . Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research .2015 ;(29):822-825

23. 2015 Lai WY,Huang YC,Chang WJ,Wang HT,Fong TH,Lin CT, Huang HM*. Static magnetic field attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced multiple organ failure: a histopathologic study in mice. . International Journal of Radiation Biology. .2015 ;(91):135-141

24. 2014 Yen TL,Ong ET,Lin KH,Jayakumar T,Lin SC,Fong TH*, Sheu JR*. Potential advantages of Chinese medicine Taohong Siwu Decoction combined with tissue-plasminogen activator for alleviating middle cerebral artery occlusion-induced embolic stroke in rats. . Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine .2014

25. 2014 Lin KH,Lu WJ,Wang SH,Fong TH,Chou DS,Chang CC, Chang NC, Chiang YC, Huang SY, Sheu JR*.. Characteristics of endogenous γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in human platelets: functional studies of a novel collagen glycoprotein VI inhibitor. . J Mol Med (Berl). .2014 ;(92):603-614

26. 2014 Lee YT,Fong TH,Chen HM,Chang CY,Wang YH,Chern CY, Chen YH.. Toxicity assessments of chalcone and some synthetic chalcone analogues in a zebrafish model. . Molecules. .2014 ;(19):641-650

27. 2013 Liao CK,Tsai FC,Fong TH,Hu CM,Wei PL,Su CH. Damage from periorbital ageing to the multilayered structures and resilience of the skin in Chinese population. . Int J Exp Pathol. .2013 ;(94):188-194

28. 2013 Tsui Leo,Fong TH*,Wang IJ*. The effect of 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzylindazole (YC-1) on cell viability under hypoxia . Molecular Vision .2013 ;(19):2260-2273

29. 2013 Jayakumar T,Hsu WH,Yen TL,Luo JY,Kuo YC,Fong TH*, Sheu JR*. Hinokitiol, a Natural Tropolone Derivative Offers Neuroprotection from Thromboembolic Stroke in Vivo. . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2013 ;(2013):1-8

30. 2013 Chang NC,Lin ACM,Hsu CC,Liu JS,Tsui L,Chen CY, Jayakumar T, Fong TH*. Okadaic acid, a bioactive fatty acid from Halichondria okadai, stimulates lipolysis in rat adipocytes: the pivotal role of perilipin translocation . Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine .2013

31. 2013 Liao CK,Tsai FC*,Fong TH,Huang CJ,Shen TC,Ku YH, Su CH*. Dynamic analysis of modified transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty based on biochemical and biophysical principles . Annals of Plastic Surgery .2013 ;(71):634-638

32. 2012 Tsui L,Fong TH*,Wang IJ*. YC-1 targeting of hypoxia inducible factor-1α reduces RGC-5 cell viability and inhibits cell proliferation . Molecular vision .2012 ;(18):1594-1603

33. 2012 Chin CH,Tsai FC,Chen SP,Wang KC,Chang CC,Pai MH, Fong TH*. YC-1, a potent antithrombotic agent, induces lipolysis through the PKA pathway in rat visceral fat cells . European Journal of Pharmacology .2012 ;(689):1-7

34. 2012 Chen HC,Fong TH,Hsu PW,Chiu WT. Multifaceted effects of rapamycin on functional recovery after spinal cord injury in rat through autophagy promotion, anti-inflammation, and neuroprotection . Journal of Surgical Research .2012 ;(179):e203-e210

35. 2012 Chen HC,Fong TH,Lee AW,Chiu WT*. Autophagy is activated in injured neurons and inhibited by methylprednisolone after experimental spinal cord injury . Spine .2012 ;(37):470-475

36. 2011 Lu WJ,Lee JJ,Chou DS,Jarakumar T,Fong TH,Hsiao G, Sheu JR. A novel role of andrographolide, an NF-kappa B inhibitor, on inhibition of platelet activation: the pivotal mechanisms . J Mol Med .2011 ;(89):1261-1273

37. 2011 Chang CY,Lee YH,Jiang-Shieh YF,Chien HF,Pai MH,Chen HM, Fong TH, Wu CH. Novel distribution of cluster of differentiation 200 adhesion molecule in glial cells of the peripheral nervous system of rats and its modulation after nerve injury . Neuroscience .2011 ;(183):32-46

38. 2011 Chin CH,Hwang TL,Chang CC,Liu CL,Lee JJ,Leo T, Chen JS, Fong TH*. YC-1 inhibits lipid droplet accumulation and induces lipolysis in lipid-laden RAW264.7 macrophages . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2011 ;(19):437-444

39. 2010 Chen TL,Wu GJ,Hsu CS,Fong TH,Chen RM. Nitrosative stress induces osteoblast apoptosis through downregulating MAPK-mediated NFkappaB/AP-1 activation and subsequent Bcl-X(L) expression . Chem-Biol. Interact. .2010 ;(184):359-365

40. 2010 Tsai FC,Liao CK,Fong TH,Lin JY,Wu ST. Analysis of nasal periosteum and nasofrontal suture with clinical implications for dorsal nasal augmentation . Plast Reconstr Surg .2010 ;(126):1037-1047

41. 2010 Lee AW,Chen TL,Shih CM,Huang CY,Tsao NW,Chang YH*, Fong TH*, Lin FY*.. Ursolic Acid Induces Allograft Inflammatory Factor-1 Expression via a Nitric Oxide-Related Mechanism and Increases Neovascularization. . J Agric Food Chem .2010 ;(58):12941-12949

42. 2010 Chang CC,Lu WJ,Chiang CW,Jayakumar T,Ong ET,Hsiao G, Fong TH, Chou DS, Sheu JR*. Potent antiplatelet activity of sesamol in an in vitro and in vivo model: pivotal roles of cyclic AMP and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. . J Nutr Biochem. .2010 ;(21):1214-1221

43. 2010 Fong TH,Wong CH,Lin JY,Liao CK,Ho LY,Tsai FC*. Correction of Asymmetric Calf Hypertrophy with Differential Selective Neurectomy . Aesthetic Plastic Surgery .2010 ;(34):335-339

44. 2009 Lin KH,Chang HC,Lu WJ,Jayakumar T,Chou HC,Fong TH, Hsiao G, Sheu JR. Comparison of the relative activities of inducing platelet apoptosis stimulated by various platelet-activating agents. . Platelets .2009 ;(20):575-581

45. 2008 Jeng JY,Yeh TS,Lee JW,Lin SH,Fong TH,Hsieh RH. Maintenance of mitochondrial DNA copy number and expression are essential for preservation of mitochondrial function and cell death . J Cell Biochem .2008 ;(103):347-357

46. 2008 Shen MY,Hsiao G,Fong TH,Chen HM,Chou DS,Lin CH, Sheu JR, Hsu CY. Amyloid beta peptide-activated signal pathways in human platelets . European Journal of Pharmacology .2008 ;(588):259-266

47. 2008 Shen MY,Hsiao G,Fong TH,Chou DS,Sheu JR. Expression of amyloid beta peptide in human platelets: Pivotal role of phospholipase Cgamma2-protein kinase C pathway in platelet activation . Pharmacological Research .2008 ;(57):151-158

48. 2008 Tsai FC,Mardini S,Fong TH,Kang JH,Chou CM. Selevtive neurectomy of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles for calf hypertrophy: an anatomc study and 700 clinical cases . Plast Reconstr Surg .2008 ;(122):178-187

49. 2007 Shen MY,Hsiao G,Liu CL,Fong TH,Lin KH,Chou DS, Sheu JR. Inhibitory mechanisms of reveratrol in platelet activation: pivotal roles of p38 MAPK and NO/cyclic GMP . British Journal of Haematology .2007 ;(139):475-485

50. 2007 Hsiao G,Lee JJ,Lin KH,Shen CH,Fong TH,Chou DS, Sheu JR. Characterization of a novel and potent collagen antagonist, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, in human platelets: in vitro and in vivo studies . Cardiovascular Research .2007 ;(75):782-792

51. 2005 Hsiao, G,Wany Y,Tzu NH,Fong TH,Shen MY,Lin KH, Chou DS, Sheu JR. Inhibitory effects of lycopene on in vitro platelet activation and in vivo prevention of thrombus formation . J. Lab. Clin. Med .2005 ;(146):216-226

52. 2005 Chen SP,Sheu JR,Lin ACM,Hsiao G,Fong TH. Decline in titin content in rat skeletal muscle after denervation . Muscle & Nerve .2005 ;(32):798-807

53. 2005 Hsieh CH,Wang CJ,Hsu GL,Chen SC,Ling PY,Wang T, Fong TH, Tseng GF. Penile veins play a pivotal role in erection: the haemodynamic evidence . International journal of andrology .2005 ;(28):88-92

54. 2005 Chen SP,Sheu JR,Lai CY,Lin TY,Hsiao G,Fong TH. Detection of myofibrillar proteins using a step gradient minigel with an ambiguus interface . Analytical Biochemistry .2005 ;(338):270-277

55. 2004 Chou DS,Hsiao G,Shen MY,Fong TH,Lin CH,Chen TF, Sheu JR. Low concentration of oxidized low density lipoprotein suppresses platelet reactivity in vitro: an intracellular study. . Lipids .2004 ;(39):433-440

56. 2004 Sheu JR,Fong TH,Liu CM,Shen MY,Chen TL,Chang Y, Lu MS, Hsiao G. Expression of matrix meyalloproteinase-9 in human platelets: regulation of platelet activation in in vitro and in vivo studies . British Journal of Pharmacology .2004 ;(143):193-201

57. 2004 Hsiao G,Huang HY,Fong TH,Shen MY,Lin CH,Teng CM, Sheu JR. Inhiitory mechanisms of YC-1 and PMC in the induction of iNOS expression by lipoteichoic acid in RAW 264.7 marcophages . Biochemical Pharmacology .2004 ;(67):1411-1419

58. 2004 Hsu GL,Hsieh CH,Wen HS,Hsu WL,Wu CH,Fong TH, 「Chen SC, Tseng GF」. Anatomy of the human penis: the relationship of the architecture between skeketal and smooth muscles . Journal of andrology .2004 ;(25):426-431

59. 2004 Hsiao G,Fong TH,Tzu NH,Lin KH,Chou DS,Sheu JR. A potent antioxidant, lycopene, affords neuroprotection against microglia activation and focal cerebral ischemia in rats . in vivo .2004 ;(18):351-356

60. 2002 Fong TH, Yang CC, Greenberg AS and Wang SM. Immunocytochemical studies on lipid droplet-surface proteins in adrenal cells . J. Cell. Biochem. .2002 ;(86):432-439

61. 2002 Hsiao G, Lee JJ, Chou DS, Fong TH, Shen MY, Lin CH and Sheu JR. Platonin, a photosensitizing dye, improves circulatory failure and mortality in rat models of endotoxemia . Biol. Pharm. Bull. .2002 ;(25):995-999

62. 2002 Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Shen MY, Fong TH, Chen YW, Lin CH, Chou DS. Mechanisms involved in the antiplatelet activity of magnesium in human platelets . British J. Haematol. .2002 ;(119):1033-1041

63. 2001 Fong TH, Wu CH, Liao EW, Chang CY, Pai MH, Chiou RJ and Lee AW. Association of globular beta-actin with intracellular lipid droplets in rat adrenocortical cells and adipocytes . Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. .2001 ;(289):1168-1174

64. 1997 Tsai KL, Wang SM, Chen CC, Fong TH and Wu LM. Mechanism of oxidative stress-induced intracellular acidosis in rat cerebellar astrocytes and C6 glioma cells. . Journal of Physiology .1997 ;(502):161-175

65. 1997 Fong TH and Wang SM. Dissection of the signaling mechanism for capsule detachment of lipid droplets in rat adrenocortical cells. . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .1997 ;(65):67-74

66. 1997 Wang SM, Chen JS, Fong TH, Hsu SY and Lim SS. Characterization of a novel filament system in goldfish xanthophores. . Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton .1997 ;(36):216-227

67. 1997 Wang SM, Fong TH, Hsu SY, Chien CL and Wu JC. Reorganization of a novel vimentin-associated protein in 3T3-L1 cells during adipose conversion. . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .1997 ;(67):84-91

68. 1996 Wang SM, Chen JS, Fong TH and Wu JC. Immunocytochemical demonstration of a new vimentin-associated protein in 3T3 fibroblasts. . Histochemical Journal .1996 ;(28):469-476

69. 1996 Fong TH, Wang SM and Lin HS. Immunocytochemical demonstration of a lipid droplet-specific capsule in cultured leydig cells of the golden hamsters. . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .1996 ;(63):366-373

70. 1995 Wang SM and Fong TH. A lipid droplet-specific capsule is present in rat adrenal cells: evidence from a monoclonal antibody . Biochemical and biophysical research communications .1995 ;(217):81-88


110 探討以機器模擬胚胎心跳脈動性的敲擊震動對傷口癒合過程中血管新生之影響

110 研究生出席-「美國糖尿病協會第 82 屆科學會議」-nguyenthithutrang

98 探討CAPE抑制血小板誘發去內皮血管收縮之機制

95 探討截斷神經引發肌肉萎縮時巨型蛋白質降解的機轉以及藥物clenbuterol抑制肌肉萎縮的作用

94 探討藥物 YC-1 誘導脂肪細胞進行脂解作用之機轉