沈芯伃(Shen, Sin Yu) 教授

現   職
國際醫學研究博士學位學程 主任
國際醫學研究碩士學位學程 主任
教務處 副教務長
醫學科學研究所 教授
醫學院皮膚與化妝品研究中心 主任


學 歷

國立臺灣大學毒理學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學毒理學研究所 碩士
私立臺北醫學院保健營養學系 學士




2024/02/01 ~
2020/04/27 ~
2020/04/27 ~
2019/05/03 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2016/08/01 ~
2015/08/16 ~ 2019/05/02
2011/02/01 ~ 2012/03/31
2010/05/01 ~ 2011/01/31
2010/03/01 ~ 2015/08/15
2009/09/01 ~




細胞生物學 (Cell Biology)
皮膚科學 (skin science)



1. 2024 MH Liao,YK Lin,FY Gau,CC Tseng,DC Wu,CT Hs,u,KG Chung, RC Li, CJ Hu, CK Then, SCShen. Antidepressant sertraline increases thioflavin-S and Congo red deposition in APPswePSEN1dE9 transgenic mice . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2024 ;(8)

2. 2023 Ko CM,Then CK,Kuo YM,Lin YK,Shen SC. Far-Infrared Ameliorates Pb-Induced Renal Toxicity via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel-Mediated Calcium Influx . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2023 ;(24):1-17

3. 2023 Hsu TW,Su YH,Chen HA,Liao PH,Shen SC,Tsai KY, Wang TH, Chen A, Huang CY, Shibu MA, Wang WY, Shen SC. Galectin-1-mediated MET/AXL signaling enhances sorafenib resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma by escaping ferroptosis . Aging (Albany NY) .2023 ;(15):6503-6525

4. 2022 Md Misbah,Manoj Kumar,Kuen-Huar Lee,Shing-Chuan Shen. Identification of Novel miRNAs, Targeting Genes, Signaling Pathway, and the Small Molecule for Overcoming Oxaliplatin Resistance of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer . BioMed Research International .2022 ;(2022):1-20

5. 2021 Shih YH,Liu Donald ,Chen YC,Liao MH,Lee WR,Shen SC. Activation of Deoxyribonuclease I by Nicotinamide as a New Strategy to Attenuate Tetracycline-Resistant Biofilms of Cutibacterium acnes . Pharmaceutics .2021 ;(13):819-834

6. 2019 Liu KH,Lee WR,Hsieh YJ,Chou CL,Jiang MC,Shen SC. Differential expression of PTEN and PDCD4 tumor suppressors in melanoma and microRNA-21-positive melanoma cells and squamous carcinoma cells . Dermatologica Sinica .2019 ;(37):19-27

7. 2019 Nguyen HD,Liao YC,Ho YS,Chen LC,Chang HW,Cheng TC, Liu D TC, Liu D, Lee WR, Shen SC, Wu CH, Tu SH.. The α9 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Mediates Nicotine-Induced PD-L1 Expression and Regulates Melanoma Cell Proliferation and Migration. . cancers .2019 ;(11):1991

8. 2018 Ching‐Yu Lin,Shun‐Tai Yang,Shing‐Chuan Shen,Yi‐Chen Hsieh,Fei‐Ting Hsu,Cheng‐Yu Chen,Yung‐Hsiao Chiang, Jian‐Ying Chuang, Kai‐Yun Chen, Tsung‐I Hsu , Wan‐Chong Leong, Yu‐Kai Su, Wei‐Lun Lo, Yi‐Shian Yeh, Yudha Nur Patria , Hsiu‐Ming Shih, Che‐Chang Chang ,Szu‐Yi Chou. Serum amyloid A1 in combination with integrin αVβ3 increases glioblastoma cells mobility and progression . Molecular Oncology .2018 ;(12):756-771

9. 2018 Lee WR,Shen SC,Sung CT,Liu PY,Fang JY. Is the Fractional Laser Still Effective in Assisting Cutaneous Macromolecule Delivery in Barrier-Deficient Skin? Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis as the Disease Models . Download PDF Pharmaceutical Research .2018 ;(35):128

10. 2018 Chang SP,Huang HM,Shen SC,Lee WR,Chen YC. Nilotinib induction of melanogenesis via reactive oxygen species-dependent JNK activation in B16F0 mouse melanoma cells . Experimental Dermatology .2018 ;(27):1388-1394

11. 2018 Liu KH,Tsai YT,Chin SY, Lee WR, Chen YC, Shen SC. Hypoxia Stimulates the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Lung Cancer Cells Through Accumulation of Nuclear β-Catenin . Anticancer Research .2018 ;(38):6299-6308

12. 2017 Then CK, Liu KH,Liao MH,Chung KH,Wang JY,Shen SC. Antidepressants, sertraline and paroxetine, increase calcium influx and induce mitochondrial damage-mediated apoptosis of astrocytes . ONCOTARGET .2017 ;(.8):.115490-.115502

13. 2017 WR Lee,SC Shen,Aljuffali IA,YK Lin,CW Huang,JYFang. Non-ablative fractional laser assists cutaneous delivery of small- and macro-molecules with minimal bacterial infection risk. . Eur J Pharm Sci .2017 ;(92):1-10

14. 2017 Chee-Kin Then,Nai-Fang Chi,Kuo-Hsuan Chung,Lynn Kuo,Kao-Hui Liu,Chaur-Jong Hu, Shing-Chuan Shen, Yen-Kuang Lin. Risk analysis of use of different classes of antidepressants on subsequent dementia: A nationwide cohort study in Taiwan . PLOS One .2017 ;(12):e01751

15. 2016 Lee WR,Shen SC,Aljuffali IA,Lin YK,Huang CW,Fang JY. Non-ablative fractional laser assists cutaneous delivery of small- and macro-molecules with minimal bacterial infection risk. . European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences .2016 ;(92):1-10

16. 2016 Lee WR,Shen SC,Wu PR,Chou CL,Shih YH,Yeh CM. CSE1L Links cAMP/PKA and Ras/ERK pathways and regulates the expressions and phosphorylations of ERK1/2, CREB, and MITF in melanoma cells. . Molecular Carcinogenesis .2016 ;(55):1542-1552

17. 2015 Chin SY,Wu PR,Shih YH,Yeh CM,Lee WR,Shen SC. High expression of cytoplasmic phosphorylated CSE1L in malignant melanoma but not in benign nevi: phosphorylated CSE1L for the discrimination between melanoma and benign nevi. . Intermational Journal of Clinical Experimental Pathology .2015 ;(8):1393-1401

18. 2015 Lee WR,Shen SC,Shih YH,Chou CL,Tseng JT,Chin SY, Liu KH, Chen YC, Jiang MC. Early decline in serum phospho-CSE1L levels in vemurafenib/sunitinib-treated melanoma and sorafenib/lapatinib-treated colorectal tumor xenografts . J Transl Med .2015 ;(13):191-202

19. 2015 Lee WR,Shen SC,Wu PR,Chou CL,Shih YH,Yeh CM, Yeh KT, Jiang MC. CSE1L Links cAMP/PKA and Ras/ERK pathways and regulates the expressions and phosphorylations of ERK1/2, CREB, and MITF in melanoma cells . Mol Carcinog .2015

20. 2015 Lee WR,Shen SC,Sun CK,Aljuffali I,Suen SY,Lin YK, Wang JJ, Fang JY.(. Fractional Thermolysis by Bipolar Radiofrequency Facilitates Cutaneous Delivery of Peptide and siRNA with Minor Loss of Barrier Function. . Pharm Res .2015 ;(32):1704-1713

21. 2015 Kao-Hui Liu,Shun-Tai Yang,Yen-Kuang Lin,Jia-Wei Lin,Yi-Hsuan Lee,Jia- Yi Wang, Chaur-Jong Hu, En-Yuan Lin, Shu-Mei Chen, Chee-Kin Then and Shing-Chuan Shen. Fluoxetine, an antidepressant, suppresses glioblastoma by evoking AMPAR-mediated calcium-dependent apoptosis . . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):5088-5101

22. 2014 Chien CC,Wu MS,Shen SC,Ko CH,Chen CH,Yang LL, Chen YC.. Activation of JNK contributes to evodiamine-induced apoptosis and G2/M arrest in human colorectal carcinoma cells: a structure-activity study of evodiamine. . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):99729-99729

23. 2014 Yang LY,Shen SC,Cheng KT,Subbaraju GV,Chien CC,Chen YC.. Hispolon inhibition of inflammatory apoptosis through reduction of iNOS/NO production via HO-1 induction in macrophages . J Ethnopharmacol. .2014 ;(156):61-72

24. 2014 Lee WR,Shen SC,Aljuffali IA,Li YC,Fang JY. Erbium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser irradiation ameliorates skin permeation and follicular delivery of antialopecia drugs. . J Pharm Sci. .2014 ;(103):3542-3552

25. 2014 Lee WR,Shen SC,Sun CK,Aljuffali IA,Suen SY,Lin YK, Wang JJ, Fang JY.. Fractional Thermolysis by Bipolar Radiofrequency Facilitates Cutaneous Delivery of Peptide and siRNA with Minor Loss of Barrier Function. . Pharm Res .2014 ;(0):1-10

26. 2014 Lee WR,Shen SC,Aljuffali IA,Li YC,Fang JY. Impact of Different Vehicles for Laser-Assisted Drug Permeation via Skin: Full-Surface versus Fractional Ablation. Pharm Res. 2013 Sep 11. . Pharm Res. .2014 ;(31):382-393

27. 2014 Lee WR,Shen SC,Chen WY,Aljuffali IA,Suen SY,Fang JY.. Noninvasive delivery of siRNA and plasmid DNA into skin by fractional ablation: Erbium:YAG laser versus CO2 laser. . Eur J Pharm Biopharm .2014 ;(86):315-323

28. 2014 Shen SC,Wu MS,Lin HY,Yang LY,Chen YH,Chen YC. Reactive Oxygen Species-Dependent Nitric Oxide Production in Reciprocal Interactions of Glioma and Microglial Cells. . J Cell Physiol. .2014 ;(229):2015-2026

29. 2013 Tsai HH,Lee WR,Wang PH,Cheng K,Chen YC,Shen SC. Propionibacterium acnes-induced iNOS and COX-2 protein expression via ROS-dependent NF-κB and AP-1 activation in macrophages . J Dermatol Sci. .2013 ;(69):122-131

30. 2013 Wu MS,Lien GS,Shen SC,Yang LY,Chen YC.. HSP90 Inhibitors, Geldanamycin and Radicicol, Enhance Fisetin-Induced Cytotoxicity via Induction of Apoptosis in Human Colonic Cancer Cells. . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. .2013

31. 2013 Jiang MC,Yeh CM,Tai CJ,Chen HC,Lin SH,Su TC, Shen SC, Lee WR, Liao CF, Li LT, Lee CH, Chen YC, Yeh KT, Chang CC.. CSE1L modulates Ras-induced cancer cell invasion: correlation of K-Ras mutation and CSE1L expression in colorectal cancer progression. . Am J Surg. 2013 Sep;206(3):418-27. .2013 ;(206):418-427

32. 2013 Chien CC,Wu MS,Shen SC,Yang LY,Wu WS,Chen YC.. Arachidonic acid enhances TPA-induced differentiation in human leukemia HL-60 cells via reactive oxygen species-dependent ERK activation. . Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. .2013 ;(88):289-298

33. 2013 Tai CJ,Su TC,Jiang MC,Chen HC,Shen SC,Lee WR, Liao CF, Chen YC, Lin SH, Li LT, Shen KH, Yeh CM, Yeh KT, Lee CH, Shih HY, Chang CC.. Correlations between cytoplasmic CSE1L in neoplastic colorectal glands and depth of tumor penetration and cancer stage. . J Transl Med. .2013

34. 2013 Wu MS,Lien GS,Shen SC,Yang LY,Chen YC. N-acetyl-L-cysteine enhances fisetin-induced cytotoxicity via induction of ROS-independent apoptosis in human colonic cancer cells. Mol Carcinog. 2013 Sep 9. doi: 10.1002/mc.22053 . Mol Carcinog. .2013

35. 2012 Chien CC,Shen SC,Yang LY,Chen YC. Prostaglandins as negative regulators against lipopolysaccharide, lipoteichoic acid, and peptidoglycan-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase/nitric oxide production through reactive oxygen species-dependent heme oxygenase 1 expression in macrophages. . Shock. .2012 ;(38):549-558

36. 2012 Lee WR,Shen SC,Al-Suwayeh SA,Yang HH,,Li YC,Fang JY. Skin Permeation of Small-Molecule Drugs, Macromolecules, and Nanoparticles Mediated by a Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser: The Role of Hair Follicles. . Pharm Res. .2012

37. 2012 Tai CJ,Liao CF,Su TC,Shen KH,Chang CC,Lin SH, Yeh CM, Shen SC, Lee WR, Chiou JF, Lin CH, Chen YC, Shih HY, Yeh KT, Jiang MC.. Presence of CSE1L protein in urine of patients with urinary bladder urothelial carcinomas. . Int J Biol Markers. .2012 ;(27):280-4

38. 2012 Liao CF,Lin SH,Chen HC,Tai CJ,Chang CC,Li LT, Yeh KT, Chen YC, Hsu TH, Shen SC, Lee WR, Chiou JF, Luo SF, Jiang MC.. CSE1L, a novel microvesicle membrane protein, mediates Ras-triggered microvesicle generation and metastasis of tumor cells. . MOL Med. .2012 ;(18):1269-1280

39. 2012 Chien CC,Ko CH,Shen SC,Yang LY,Chen YC. The role of COX-2/PGE2 in gossypol-induced apoptosis of colorectal carcinoma cells . J Cell Physiol. .2012 ;(227):3128-3137

40. 2012 Lee WR,Shen SC,Al-Suwayeh SA,Li YC,Fang JY.. Erbium:YAG laser resurfacing increases skin permeability and the risk of excessive absorption of antibiotics and sunscreens: the influence of skin recovery on drug absorption. . Toxicol Lett. .2012 ;(211):150-8

41. 2012 Shing-Chuan Shen,Woan-Rouh Lee,Liang-Yo Yang,Hsiou-Hsin Tsai,Ling-Ling Yang,Yen-Chou Chen. Quercetin enhancement of arsenic-induced apoptosis via stimulating ROS-dependent p53 protein ubiquitination in human HaCaT keratinocytes. . Exp Dermatol. .2012 ;(21):370-375

42. 2012 Woan-Ruoh Lee,Shing-Chuan Shen,Saleh A. Al-Suwayeh,Yi-Ching Li,Jia-You Fang∗. Erbium:YAG laser resurfacing increases skin permeability and the risk of excessive absorption of antibiotics and sunscreens: The influence of skin recovery on drug absorption. . Toxicology Letters .2012 ;(211):150-158

43. 2011 Wu J,Chien CC,Yang LY,Huang GC,Cheng MC,,Lin CT, Shen SC, Chen YC.. Vitamin K3-2,3-epoxide induction of apoptosis with activation of ROS-dependent ERK and JNK protein phosphorylation in human glioma cells. . Chem Biol Interact. .2011 ;(193):3-11

44. 2011 WEN-TA CHIU,SHING-CHUAN SHEN,LIANG-YO YANG,JYH-MING CHOW,CHIN-YEN WU,YEN-CHOU CHEN. Inhibition of HSP90-Dependent Telomerase Activity in Amyloid b-Induced Apoptosis of Cerebral Endothelial Cells . J Cell Physiol .2011 ;(226):2041-2051

45. 2011 Woan-Ruoh Lee,Shing-Chuan Shen,Saleh A. Al-Suwayeh,Hung-Hsu Yang,Cheng-Yin Yuan,Jia-You Fang. Laser-assisted topical drug delivery by using a low-fluence fractional laser: Imiquimod and macromolecules. . J. Control Release .2011 ;(153):240-248

46. 2010 Woan-Ruoh Lee,Shing-Chuan Shen,Man-Hui Pai,Hung-Hsu Yang,Cheng-Yin Yuan,Jia-You Fang. Fractional laser as a tool to enhance the skin permeation of 5- aminolevulinic acid with minimal skin disruption: a comparison of conventional erbium: YAG laser. . Journal of Controlled Release .2010 ;(145):124-133

47. 2010 Lin CW,Shen SC,Chien CC,Yang LY,Shia LT,Chen YC. 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate-Induced Invasion/Migration of Glioblastoma CellsThrough Activating PKCa/ERK/NF-kB-dependent MMP-9 Expression . J. Cell. Physiol .2010 ;(225):472-481

48. 2010 Lin CW,Shen SC,Ko CH,Lin MW,Lin HY,Chen YC. Reciprocal activation of macrophages and breast carcinoma cells by nitric oxide and colony-stimulating factor-1. . Carcinogenesis .2010 ;(31):2039-2048

49. 2010 Chiu WT,Shen SC,Chow JM,Lin CW,Shia LT,Chen YC. Contribution of reactive oxygen species to migration/invasion of human glioblastoma cells U87 via ERK-dependent COX-2/PGE(2) activation . Neurobiol Dis. .2010 ;(37):118-129

50. 2009 Hui-Yi Lin#,Shing-Chuan Shen#,Cheng-Wei Lin,Ming-Shun Wu,Yen-Chou Chen. Cobalt protoporphyrin inhibition of lipopolysaccharide or lipoteichoic acid-induced nitric oxide production via blocking c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation and nitric oxide enzyme activity . Chemico-Biological Interactions .2009 ;(180):202-210

51. 2009 Chow JM,Lin HY,Shen SC,Wu MS,Lin CW,Chiu WT, Lin CH, Chen YC*. Zinc protoporphyrin inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-, lipoteichoic acid-, and peptidoglycan-induced nitric oxide production through stimulating iNOS protein ubiquitination . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. .2009 ;(237):357-365

52. 2009 Lee WR,Shen SC,Zhuo RZ,Wang KC,Fang JY. Enhancement of topical small interfering RNA delivery and expression by low-fluence erbium:YAG laser pretreatment of skin . Hum Gene Ther. .2009 ;(20):580-588

53. 2008 Chow JM,Huang GC,Lin HY,Shen SC,Yang LY,Chen YC. Cytotoxic effects of metal protoporphyrins in glioblastoma cells: Roles of albumin, reactive oxygen species, and heme oxygenase-1177):97-107. . (in process)Toxicol Lett .2008 ;(177):97-107

54. 2008 Bray SJ,Takada S,Harrison E,Shen SC,Ferguson-Smith AC. The atypical mammalian ligand Delta-like homologue 1 (Dlk1) can regulate Notch signalling in Drosophila . BMC Dev Biol .2008 ;(8)

55. 2008 Shen SC,Yang LY,Lin HY,Wu CY,Su TH,Chen YC. Reactive oxygen species-dependent HSP90 protein cleavage participates in arsenical As(+3)- and MMA(+3)-induced apoptosis through inhibition of telomerase activity via JNK activation . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2008 ;(229):239-251

56. 2008 Chow JM,Huang GC,Shen SC,Wu CY,Lin CW,Chen YC. Differential apoptotic effect of wogonin and nor-wogonin via stimulation of ROS production in human leukemia cells. . J Cell Biochem .2008 ;(103):1394-1404

57. 2008 Lin CW,Shen SC,Hou WC,Yang LY,Chen YC*. Heme oxygenase-1 inhibits breast cancer invasion via suppressing the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 . Mol Cancer Ther. .2008 ;(7):1195-1206

58. 2008 Lin CW,Hou WC,Shen SC,Juan SH,Ko CH,Chen YC*. Quercetin inhibition of tumor invasion via suppressing PKC/ERK/AP-1-dependent matrix metalloproteinase-9 activation in breast carcinoma cells. . Carcinogenesis .2008 ;(29):1807-1815

59. 2008 Lee WR,Shen SC,Fang CL,Zhuo RZ,Fang JY*. Topical delivery of methotrexate via skin pretreated with physical enhancement techniques: low-fluence erbium:YAG laser and electroporation. . Lasers Surg Med. .2008 ;(40):468-76

60. 2007 Huang GC,Chow JM,Shen SC,Yang LY,Lin CW,Chen YC. Wogonin but not Nor-wogonin inhibits lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid-induced iNOS gene expression and NO production in macrophages. . International Immunopharmacology .2007 ;(7):1054-63

61. 2007 Ko CH,Shen SC,Yang LY,Lin CW,Chen YC. Gossypol reduction of tumor growth through ROS-dependent mitochondria pathway in human colorectal carcinoma cells. . International Journal of Cancer .2007 ;(121):1670-9

62. 2007 Lee WR,Shen SC,Fang CL,Liu CR,Fang JY. Skin pretreatment with an Er:YAG laser promotes the transdermal delivery of three narcotic analgesics. . Lasers in medical science .2007 ;(22):271-8

63. 2007 Lin HY,Shen SC,Lin CW,Yang LY,Chen YC. Baicalein inhibition of hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis via ROS-dependent heme oxygenase 1 gene expression. . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research .2007 ;(1733):1073-86

64. 2007 Lin CW,Yang LY,Shen SC,Chen YC. IGF-I plus E2 induces proliferation via activation of ROS-dependent ERKs and JNKs in human breast carcinoma cells. .(212):666-674. . J Cell Physiol .2007 ;(212):666-674

65. 2006 Tsai HH,Chen YC,Lee WR,Hu CH,Hakozaki T,Yoshii T, Shen SC. Inhibition of inflammatory nitric oxide production and epidermis damages by Saccharomycopsis Ferment Filtrate . J Dermatol Sci. .2006 ;(42):249-257

66. 2006 Chow JM,Shen SC,Wu CY,Chen YC. 12-o-Tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate prevents baicalein-induced apoptosis via activation of protein kinase C and JNKs in human leukemia cells . Apoptosis .2006 ;(11):1999-2011

67. 2006 Lee WR,Shen SC,Liu CR,Fang CL,Hu CH,Fang JY. Erbium:YAG laser-mediated oligonucleotide and DNA delivery via the skin: an animal study . J Control Release .2006 ;(115):344-353

68. 2006 Chen YC,Chow JM,Lin CW,Wu CY,Shen SC. Baicalein inhibition of oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis via modulation of ERKs activation and induction of HO-1 gene expression in rat glioma cells C6 . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2006 ;(216):263-273

69. 2006 Shen SC,Lin CW,Lee HM,Chien LL,Chen YC. Lipopolysaccharide plus 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate induction of migration and invasion of glioma cells in vitro and in vivo: Differential inhibitory effects of flavonoids. . Neuroscience .2006 ;(140):477-489

70. 2006 Shen SC,Lee WR,,Fang YP,Hu CH,Fang JY. In vitro percutaneous absorption and in vivo protoporphyrin IX accumulation in skin and tumors after topical 5-aminolevulinic acid application with enhancement using an erbium:YAG laser . J Pharm Sci. .2006 ;(95):929-38

71. 2006 Fang JY,Lee WR,Shen SC,Huang YL. Effect of liposome encapsulation of tea catechins on their accumulation in basal cell carcinomas. . J Dermatol Sci. .2006 ;(42):101-109

72. 2005 Chen YC,Shen SC,Tsai SH. Prostaglandin D(2) and J(2) induce apoptosis in human leukemia cells via activation of the caspase 3 cascade and production of reactive oxygen species. . Biochim Biophys Acta (Mol Cell Res) .2005 ;(1743):291-304

73. 2005 Ko CH,Shen SC,Lee TJ,Chen YC. Myricetin inhibits matrix metalloproteinase 2 protein expression and enzyme activity in colorectal carcinoma cells. . Mol Cancer Ther. .2005 ;(4):281-290

74. 2005 Ko CH,Shen SC,Hsu CS,Chen YC. Mitochondrial-dependent, reactive oxygen species-independent apoptosis by myricetin: roles of protein kinase C, cytochrome c, and caspase cascade . Biochemical Pharmacology .2005 ;(69):913-27

75. 2005 Chow JM,Shen SC,Huan SK,Lin HY,Chen YC.. Quercetin, but not rutin and quercitrin, prevention of H2O2-induced apoptosis via anti-oxidant activity and heme oxygenase 1 gene expression in macrophages. . Biochem Pharmacol .2005 ;(69):1839-1851

76. 2005 Lin HY,Shen SC,Chen YC. Anti-inflammatory effect of heme oxygenase 1: Glycosylation and nitric oxide inhibition in macrophages. J. Cell. Physiol. . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2005 ;(202):579-590

77. 2004 Yeh TS,Hsieh RH,Shen SC,Wang SH,Tseng MJ,Shih CM,Shih CM. Nuclear bII–tubulin associates with the activated Notch receptor to modulate Notch signaling . Cancer Res .2004 ;(64):8334-8340

78. 2004 Shen SC,Ko CH,Hsu KC,Chen YC. 3-OH flavone inhibition of epidermal growth factor-induced proliferaton through blocking prostaglandin E2 production. . International Journal of Cancer .2004 ;(108):502-510

79. 2004 Chen TJ,Shen SC,Lin HY,Chien LL,Chen YC. Lipopolysaccharide enhancement of 12-ο-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate-mediated transformation in rat glioma C6, accompanied by induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase . Toxicol Lett .2004 ;(147):1-13

80. 2004 Ko CH,Shen SC,Chen YC. Hydroxylation at c4’or c6 is essential for apoptosis-inducing activity of flavanone through activation of the caspase 3 cascade and production of reactive oxygen species. . Free Rad Biol Med .2004 ;(36):897-910

81. 2004 Shen SC,Ko CH,Tseng SW,Chen YC. Structurally-related anti-tumor effects of flavanones in vitro and in vivo: involvement of caspase 3 activation, p21 gene expression and reactive oxygen species production. . Toxicol App Pharmacol .2004 ;(197):84-95

82. 2004 Chen YC,Shen SC,Tsai SH. Prostaglandin D(2) and J(2) induce apoptosis in human leukemia cells via activation of the caspase 3 cascade and production of reactive oxygen species. . Biochim Biophys Acta .2004 ;(1743):291-304

83. 2004 Chen YC,Shen SC.,Chow JM,Ko CH,Tseng SW. Flavone inhibition of tumor growth via apoptosis in vitro and in vivo . International Journal of Oncology .2004 ;(25):661-70

84. 2004 Fang JY,Lee WR,Shen SC,Wang HY,Fang CL,Hu CH. Transdermal delivery of macromolecules by erbium:YAG laser . Journal of Controlled Release .2004 ;(100):75-85

85. 2004 Chen YC,,Shen SC,Lin HY,Tsai SH,Lee TJF. Nicotine enhancement of lipopolysaccharide/interferon-g-induced cytotoxicity with elevating nitric oxide production . Toxicol Lett .2004 ;(153):191-200

86. 2004 Fang JY,Lee WR,Shen SC,Fang YP,Hu CH. Enhancement of topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid delivery by erbium:YAG laser and microdermabrasion: a comparison with iontophoresis and electroporation . British Journal of Dermatology .2004 ;(151):132-40

87. 2004 Chen YC,Shen SC,Chow JM,,Ko CH,Tseng SW. Flavone inhibition of tumor growth via apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. . Int J Oncol. .2004 ;(25):661-670

88. 2003 Shen SC, Chen YC, Hsu FL ,Lee WR. Differential Apoptosis-Inducing Effect of Quercetin and its Glycosides in Human Promyeloleukemic HL-60 Cells by Alternative activation of Caspase 3 Cascade . J. Cell. Biochem. .2003 ;(89):1044-1055

89. 2003 Lin HY, Uan SH, Shen SC, Hsu FL, Chen YC. Inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production by flavonoids in RAW264.7 macrophages . Biochem Pharmacol. .2003

90. 2003 Chen YC, Shen SC, Lin HY. Rutinoside at C7 attenuates the apoptosis-inducing activity of flavonoids. . Biochem Pharmacol .2003 ;(66):1139-1150

91. 2003 Lee WR, Shen SC, Wang KH, Hu CH, Fangz JY. Lasers and Microdermabrasion Enhance and Control Topical Delivery of Vitamin C. . J Invest Dermatol. .2003 ;(121):1118-1125

92. 2002 Lee WR, Shen SC, Wang KH, Hu CH, Fang JY*. The Effect of laser treatment on skin to enhance and control transdermal delivery of 5-fluorouracil. . J. Pharm. Sci. .2002 ;(91):1613-1626

93. 2002 Chen YC, Shen SC, Lee WR, Hsu FL, Lin HY, Ko CH, Tseng SW. Emodin induces apoptosis in human promyeloleukemic HL-60 cells accompanied by activation of caspase 3 cascade but independent of reactive oxygen species production. . Biochem Pharmacol .2002 ;(64):1713-1724

94. 2002 Shen SC,Takasli Y,Chen YC,Tsai CH,Hu CH,Lee WR. Reduciton of DNA damage by nicotinamide after reactive oxygen species treatment. . IFSCC .2002 ;(5):3-6

95. 2002 Ko CH, Shen SC, Lin HY, Hou WC, Lee WR, Yang LL, Chen YC.. Flavanones Structure Related Inhibition on TPA-Induced Tumor Promotion Through Suppression of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Protein Kinases: Involvement of Prostaglandin E2 in Anti-Promotive Process. . J Cell Physiol. .2002 ;(193):93-102

96. 2002 Chen YC*, Shen SC, Lee WR, Lin HY, Ko CH, Shih CM. Wogonin and fisetin induction of apoptosis through activation of caspase 3 cascade and alternative expression of p21 protein in hepatocellular carcinoma cells SK-HEP-1. . Arch Toxicology .2002 ;(76):351-359

97. 2002 Lee WR, Shen SC, Lin HY, Hou WC, Yang LL, Chen YC*. Wogonin and fisetin induce apoptosis in human promyeloleukemic cells, accompanied by a decrease of reactive oxygen species, and activation of caspase 3 and Ca2+-dependent endonucleas. . Biochemical Pharmacology 2002 .2002 ;(63):225-236

98. 2002 Chen YC, Shen SC, Lee WR, Lin HY Lin, Ko CH, Lee TJF.. Nitric Oxide and Prostaglandin E2 Participate in Lipopolysaccharide/Interferon g Induced Heme Oxygenase 1 And Prevent RAW264.7 Macrophages from UV-Irradiation Induced Cell Death. . J Cell Biochem .2002 ;(86):331-339

99. 2002 Shen SC, Lee WR, Lin HY, Huang HC, Ko CH, Yang LL, Chen YC.. In vitro and in vivo inhibitory activities of rutin, wogonin, and quercetin on lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 production. . Eur J Pharmacol. .2002 ;(446):187-194

100. 2001 Lee WR, Shen SC, Lai HH, Hu CH, Fang JY. Transdermal drug delivery enhanced and controlled by erbium: YAG laser: a comparative study of lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs. . Journal of Controlled Release .2001 ;(75):155-166

101. 2001 陳彥州, 林慧宜, 柯景懷, 沈杏娟. 天然多酚類化合物之抗發炎、抗癌及誘導腦血管舒張之活性研究 . 生命科學簡訊 .2001 ;(15)

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112 從mRNA及蛋白質層面闡釋Dicer的修飾及其調控機制對乳癌細胞轉移之機轉研究和臨床意義

112 「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:醫學科學研究所博士班徐同緯君)

112 「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:醫學科學研究所博士班李沛儒君)

111 研究乳癌細胞中Dicer的轉譯後修飾影響癌細胞轉移與N6-甲基腺苷修飾 及調控嗜中性白血球的分子意義

109 蔬菜青粉改善體味功效評估

109 以腸腦軸觀點探討TLR4受體與短鏈脂肪酸對阿茲海默症之影響

108 醫學科學研究所博士生徐同緯君擬於108年9月26日至9月28日赴日本京都參加第78屆日本癌症年會研討會,依本部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議作業要點申請補助費用乙案

107 評估 SSRI 抗憂鬱藥物 sertraline 及 paroxetine 對正常與阿茲海默症高危險群老年人的影響

107 麩氨酸接受器作為復發型腦癌藥物標靶之研究: 病源性腫瘤動物模式研究(3/3)

106 麩氨酸接受器作為復發型腦癌藥物標靶之研究: 病源性腫瘤動物模式研究(2/3)

105 麩氨酸接受器作為復發型腦癌藥物標靶之研究: 病源性腫瘤動物模式研究(1/3)

105 麩氨酸接受器作為復發型腦癌藥物標靶之研究: 病源性腫瘤動物模式研究(1/3)

105 醫學科學研究所博士班研究生鄧志堅君擬於106年4月26日至4月29日赴日本大阪(Osaka)參加第32屆阿茲海默症國際研討會

104 帝盟多合併抗憂鬱藥毒殺腦癌幹細胞機轉與臨床應用潛力評估

103 探討SSRI抗憂鬱藥與GABAAR促進劑抑制惡性神經膠質瘤侵略機轉

102 百憂解及相關藥物應用於治療腦部惡性腫瘤之研究

102 百憂解及相關藥物應用於治療腦部惡性腫瘤之研究

101 選擇性血清素回收抑制劑抗憂鬱藥對腦部惡性膠質瘤之影響

100 「彈力肌密功效評估」

100 市售洗面乳對痤瘡患者皮膚情況之影響評估
Kao Corporation

100 微小核醣核酸在皮膚傷口癒合過程角色之探討

99 微小核醣核酸在皮膚傷口癒合過程角色之探討

98 微小核醣核酸在皮膚傷口癒合過程角色之探討

94 探討原血紅加氧酵素在砷化物引起的傷口癒合遲緩過程所扮演的角色

93 原血紅加氧酵素(HO-1)在砷誘導皮膚癌形成之角色與機轉探討(2/2)

93 蛋白質晶片與質譜儀技術探討早期診斷口腔鱗狀細胞癌的腫瘤標記

92 雌性素與其結抗劑tamoxifen對子宮頸癌與卵巢癌細胞增生之機轉研究  

92 原血紅加氧酵素(HO-1)在砷誘導皮膚癌形成之角色與機轉探討(1/2)

91 介白質6號促進蟹足腫細胞增生機轉探討: MAPKs訊息活化與PGE2在增生機轉中之角色

90 結構相似多酚類化合物對EGF誘導訊息活化之影響

89 菸鹼酸niacin之抗發炎功效評估

89 結構相似多酚類化合物對EGF誘導訊息活化之影響

88 AS2O3對人類皮膚癌細胞所引發之細胞凋亡作用機制之探討